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Unit 2: Procedures: Working at the crime scene

Clase 3

Procedure at the crime scene

Eje temático: Presentación verbos modales

En inglés, llamamos verbos modales a las formas que necesitan de otro verbo para
completar la idea.
Por ejemplo: MUST, significa “DEBER”. Para que una oración sea coherente, siempre
que use este modal tengo que acompañarlo por otro que le da sentido.
You MUST STUDY hard Debé sestudiar mucho.
You MUST COMPLETEevery homework. Debés completer las actividades.

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística
Otros verbos modales que estudiaremos son: CAN, MAY, SHOULD; WILL, WOULD,
En este texto, nos enfocamos en “should” y “may”
a.- En el siguiente párrafo, buscar el significado de los verbos modales “should” y
Release the crime scene after the final survey. Crime scene release documentation
should include the time and date of release, to whom released, and by whom
released. Ensure that the evidence is collected according to legal requirements,
documented, and marked for identification. Consider the need for specialists such as
a blood-pattern analyst or a medical examiner to observe the scene before it is
released. Once the scene has been released, reentry may require a warrant. The
scene should be released only when all personnel are satisfied that the scene was
searched correctly and completely. Only the person in charge should release the

b.- Copiar el verbo que sigue a los modales y escribir la idea completa.
1.- should _________________ : ___________________________
2.- should _________________ : ___________________________
3.- may ___________________ : ____________________________

Actividad de investigación

Buscá en Google las medidas a tener en cuenta al investigar la escena del crimen.
Podés escribir en el buscador: “ Do´s and dont´s at the crime scene”
“What should an expert do at the crime scene?”
“Musts and mustn´ts at the crime scene”
Seguramente, encontrarás oraciones con los verbos modales.
Probás también buscando imágenes con estos verbos.

Vocabulario complementario

En la lista de la página siguiente, compará los usos de los verbos modales en los

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística
Prestá atención a los dos que estudiamos en esta clase: should y may.
Memorizá algún otro que creas de utilidad para explicar el procedimiento en escena de

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística
Unit 2 Working at the crime scene


I.- Actividad de comprensión gramatical: el uso de Voz Pasiva

a.- En la instrucción 10 y en el párrafo final, encontramos el uso de Voz Pasiva.

10. Release the scene after a final survey and an inventory of the evidence has been
made. The final survey is a review of all aspects of the search. Discuss the search
with all personnel. Ensure all documentation is correct and complete. Photograph
the scene showing the final condition. Ensure all evidence is secured. Ensure all
equipment is retrieved. Ensure hiding places or difficult access areas have not
been overlooked.
Release the crime scene after the final survey. Crime scene release documentation
should include the time and date of release, to whom released, and by whom released.
Ensure that the evidence is collected according to legal requirements, documented,
and marked for identification. Consider the need for specialists such as a blood-
pattern analyst or a medical examiner to observe the scene before it is released.
Once the scene has been released, reentry may require a warrant. The scene
should be released only when all personnel are satisfied that the scene was
searched correctly and completely. Only the person in charge should release the

La voz pasiva es una estructura gramatical muy utilizada en el idioma inglés. Se forma
de la siguiente manera:

Verbo to be (conjugado en cualquier tiempo o combinado con un verbo modal)

+ Pasado Participio.

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística
Ejemplo: “is secured”: “ESTÁ ASEGURADA / O”
En los párrafos citados, el participio pertenece a un verbo regular terminado en
“ed”. (Cuando se utilice en una oración un participio de verbo irregular, será
debidamente indicado con su traducción al español).
Para buscar el significado de los participios regulares en el diccionario, deberá quitar la
terminación “D” o “ED” a la palabra.

EXCEPCIÓN: satisfied : satisfy

b.- Completar el cuadro

Verbo Traducción Participio Traducción

make realizar made realizado /a


II.- Notas gramaticales: tiempos verbales del verbo “to be”

Presente: is (es- está)

are (son-están)

Pasado: was (era- fue- estaba)

were (eran- fueron- estaban)

Presente Perfecto : have been (han estado- sido)

has been (ha estado-sido)

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística
Recuerde: siempre tenga a disposición las notas gramaticales para evitar confusión
cuando lea un texto en inglés. No es necesario que memorice las reglas.

a.- Lea los fragmentos nuevamente. Transcriba ejemplos de voz pasiva sencillos con
“is” y “are”. Traduzca la estructura.
10. Release the scene after a final survey and an inventory of the evidence has been
made. The final survey is a review of all aspects of the search. Discuss the search
with all personnel. Ensure all documentation is correct and complete. Photograph
the scene showing the final condition. Ensure all evidence is secured. Ensure all
equipment is retrieved. Ensure hiding places or difficult access areas have not
been overlooked.

Release the crime scene after the final survey. Crime scene release documentation
should include the time and date of release, to whom released, and by whom released.
Ensure that the evidence is collected according to legal requirements, documented,
and marked for identification. Consider the need for specialists such as a blood-
pattern analyst or a medical examiner to observe the scene before it is released.
Once the scene has been released, reentry may require a warrant. The scene
should be released only when all personnel are satisfied that the scene was
searched correctly and completely. Only the person in charge should release the

b.- Escriba su versión de los ejemplos más complejos en voz pasiva.

b.1.- An inventory of the evidence has been made.

b.2.- Ensure hiding places or difficult access areas have not been overlooked.

b.3.- The scene was searched correctly.


b.4.- The scene has been released.


c.- ¿Qué estructura puede reemplazar a la voz pasiva en nuestro idioma?

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística
III.- Actividad de integración
a.- Comentar el texto completo con sus palabras teniendo en cuenta: estructuras
gramaticales estudiadas y vocabulario técnico. Seleccione las instrucciones que le
parecen más claras.

CSI Procedure:
“1. Take control: ensure the safety of personnel and safety in the place. Ensure that
personnel wear appropriate protective equipment and follow standard
recommendations to protect them from any health hazards that may be present with
blood or any other human body fluid.
2. Take an initial tour to conduct a preliminary survey, evaluate potential evidence
and prepare a narrative description.
3. Interview any witness, suspect, etc.
4. Coordinate any arrests with other officers.
5. Make sure there are sufficient supplies and equipment available to the staff.
6. Control access to the scene and designate an individual to register everyone at the
scene. Use crime scene tape or other control techniques.
7. Continuously reevaluate the efficiency of the search during the entire course of the
8. Describe the location of the command post, if necessary, and ensure the exchange of
information between the search and research personnel.
9. Determine the search patterns and make the appropriate assignments for team
10. Release the scene after a final survey and an inventory of the evidence has been
made. The final survey is a review of all aspects of the search. Discuss the search with
all personnel. Ensure all documentation is correct and complete. Photograph the
scene showing the final condition. Ensure all evidence is secured. Ensure all
equipment is retrieved. Ensure hiding places or difficult access areas have not been
Release the crime scene after the final survey. Crime scene release documentation
should include the time and date of release, to whom released, and by whom released.
Ensure that the evidence is collected according to legal requirements, documented,
and marked for identification. Consider the need for specialists such as a blood-
pattern analyst or a medical examiner to observe the scene before it is released. Once
the scene has been released, reentry may require a warrant. The scene should be
released only when all personnel are satisfied that the scene was searched correctly
and completely. Only the person in charge should release the scene”

Instituto Universitario de Seguridad
Licenciatura en Criminalística

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