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The examples given below clearly state that Article comes with Noun.
Eg. a
1. He is _______ good boy.

2. She is _______
× excellent. No Noun, No Article

3. She went for _______ walk/ ride/ drive/ stroll/ talk.
'a + verb' becomes
4. This degree is _______ must for this exam.
Here 'a + Modal' Noun

Comes before Noun (Noun के पहले अता है)

Indefinite Definite
A / An The
Means 'One' Can come with Countable as well as
Comes with Singular Countable Uncountable Noun.
Noun. (C.N. एवं U.N. दोनों के साथ अता है।)
(S.C.N. के साथ अता है।)
Comes with Nouns that have already
Do not come with Plural
been introduced.
Countable Noun and (जजन संज्ञा का पररचय जदया जा चुका है ईसके साथ
Uncountable Noun. 'the' अता है।)
(P.C.N. एवं U.N. के साथ नहीं अता है।)
Come with Nouns which are Comes with Nouns that are definite,
getting introduced. that can be visualised or pointed out.
(जजन संज्ञा का पररचय हो रहा है ईसके साथ (Noun के साथ होता है, जजसके तरफ हम आंजगत कर
अता है।) सकते हैं या जजसकी छजव जदमाग में बन चुकी है।)

Eg. 1. He is a singer.
2. They are a singers. [×]
3. She gave an advice. [×]
4. Once upon a time, there lived a king.
5. He is a very good dancer.

KD LIVE 326 Class Notes : ARTICLE

Use of 'A'/ 'An'
A With Consonant Sound Vowels a, e, i, o, u
An With Vowel Sound Vowels Sound 'ऄ' से 'औ' तक

Fill in the blanks with A/An

1. ________ orange 9. ________ year
2. ________ eagle 10. ________ MP 1. An 9. A
3. ________ umbrella 11. ________ DCP 2. An 10.An
3. An 11.A
4. ________ European 12. ________ ewe 4. A 12.A
5. ________ university 13. ________ honorary lecturers 5. A 13.×
6. ________ one-rupee coin 14. ________ honesty 6. A 14.×
7. ________ honest man 15. ________ police. 7. An 15.×
8. ________ ear 16. ________ x-ray machine. 8. An 16.An

Article Vis-a-Vis Adjective

1. Cowards die many a death, the brave dies but once.
2. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
3. The brave ________ rewarded. (be)
4. The higher you rise ________ you fall. (i) harder (ii) hard (ii) the harder.
5. The more electricity you use, ________ your bill will be. (high)
6. This is the best dish served here.
7. Revenge is best served cold.
8. He is the first choice of the organizers.
9. He stood first in class.
Questions 10 to 22 are based on 'few' and 'little':-
10. The doctor advised me to rest for ________ days.
11. The show was cancelled as ________ people turned up.
12. ____________ friends, whom I trusted, left me at the time of need.
13. Police must have ___________ sensitivity.
14. The doctors lost __________ hope, that they had, when they saw the victim.
15. __________ knowledge is a dangerous thing.
16. Could you give me __________ water?
17. He looked blank as he had _______ clue what was going on.
18. I have _________ money. I can't buy anything.
19. My teacher advised me to prepare ________ more chapters.
20. The lockdown was imposed strictly and _______ people were seen on roads.
21. ___________ books that I have are useful for competitive exams.
22. Very _______ books are available on statistics.
23. Ashoka, the great / The great Ashoka/ The Great Britain.
24. Kiran Bedi was _____ first IPS officer in India .
25. I have ________ two friends.
26. _____ two boys sitting there, are my brothers.
27. The ten first admissions will get 50% discount.
28. He is ____________ of the two dancers. (good)
29. She is _________ of the three singers. (good)

KD LIVE 327 Class Notes : ARTICLE


1. The brave (वीर लोग) is P.N. Change dies (S.V) into die (P.V).
2. The tough (मजबूत लोग) is P.N. Change gets (S.V) into get (P.V).
3. The brave (P.N) will take 'are' (P.V).
4. Ans. The harder. The higher the harder (Rule of parallelism) If actions
are directly or inversely proportional, Comparative Degree will
come in both the parts preceded by article 'the'.
5. Ans. the higher.
• Exception of (6 – 9): Article 'the' comes with Superlative Degree of Adjective
and does not come with Superlative Degree of Adverb.
10. a few 14. the little 18. little
11. few 15. A little 19. a few
12. The few 16. a little 20. few
13. a little 17. little 21. The few

Exception of 16 – 20

• A few संख्या में कम है लेजकन है।

Countable Noun • Few संख्या में ना के बराबर।

• The few जजतने हैं, सभी।

with • A little मात्रा में कम है लेजकन है।

Noun • Little मात्रा में ना के बराबर।

• The little जजतने है, सभी।

Explanations: 22. Very takes 'few' and little'.
23. Sometimes we use an Adjective to emphasise the importance a Noun. In
such a case we use 'the' with Proper Noun. The use of article 'the' makes
a noun important.
Answer - (24-26)
27. First ten
Adjective of Number पहले - ordinal
O C Order OC बाद में - cardinal
Ordinal Cardinal
Correct Order
First One 28. If ‘one’ is chosen out of two, use
Second Two Comparative Degree preceded by ‘the’.
Last, etc Four, etc 29. If ‘one’ is chosen out of more than ‘two’
The No Article use Superlative Degree preceded by

KD LIVE 328 Class Notes : ARTICLE

Article Vis-a-Vis Abstract and Material Noun

1. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

2. A beauty from South Africa broke all the stereotypes.
3. Love is eternal.
4. Do you deserve the love of your parents?
5. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
6. This alloy is made of half a gold and half a copper. (×)
This alloy is made of half gold and half copper. ()

Explanation of 1 – 6: Abstract Noun: that 4. The love of Definite

can felt but can't be touched. 5. 'A joy' here is not an abstract noun.
Eg: Beauty, Honesty, Joy, Sorrow. They Here 'a joy' refers to an object/ thing
do not take Article A/An. that gives you happiness.
1. Beauty सुंदरता (U.N) 6. Gold and copper are material Noun and
2. A beauty एक सुंदरी (S.C.N) cannot take Article A/An.
3. Love प्यार (U.N)
Structure generally seen. If Noun is followed by 'of', it is
The + Noun + of preceded by Article.

Article Vis-a-Vis Common Noun

1. A dog is a faithful animal. 10. The school is near a hospital.
2. A cow is a milch animal. 11. Let the father in you decide whether
3. The farmer had a dog. your father deserves this treatment.
4. A cow is grazing in the field. 12. A mother was born in her when she
5. Man is mortal. saw the baby.
6. A man is standing there. 13. When will father return?
7. Children should go to school. 14. Take me to the station.
8. He was arrested and sent to jail. 15. Take me to New Delhi railway
9. The jail is behind the school. station.
Explanation of 1 – 2: Here 'a dog' and 'a cow' refer to the whole species of dogs
and cows but they take singular verb.
Explanation of 3: Here 'a dog' means 'one dog' (एक कु त्ता)
Explanation of 4: Here 'a cow' means 'one cow' (एक गाय)
5. Man आन्सान
6. A man एक पुरूष
Explanation of 7 – 8: When 'school', 'jail', 'hospital' etc refer to their 'primary
purpose' (प्राथजमक ईद्देश्य), no article comes. Here in sentence 7, 'school' means
'education' and in sentence 8, 'jail' means 'imprisonment'.
Explanation of 9 & 10: When we refer to 'premises', 'building' or 'location' and
not the primary purpose, we use Article.
Explanation to 11: When we refer to the 'personality' (व्यजित्व) present inside a
parson, we use Article 'the'.
Explanation to 12: When the personality refered to is introduced i.e. seen for
the first time, we use Article 'A/An'.
KD LIVE 329 Class Notes : ARTICLE
Explanation to 13: We don't use any article with the names of close relations.
Explanation to 14: We use article 'the' with station, circus, theatre, cinema, bus
stand, bus terminal etc.
Explanation to 15: When a Proper Noun comes with station, circus etc, no
article comes. Eg:- Gemini Circus.

Article Vis-a-Vis Proper Noun

1. Ram was the king of Ayodhya. The

Proper Noun + noun+ of
2. Switzerland is a beautiful place. a/an
3. Shakespeare was a great dramatist.

We do not use any article with the name of any person or a place. (जकसी भी व्यजि
ऄथवा स्थान के नाम के साथ Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।)
4. He is the Ram of Modern India.
5. Kashmir is the Switzerland of India.
6. Kalidasa was the Shakespeare of India.
7. He is a Hitler.
8. America is a developed country.
9. The United States is a super power.
4, 5, 6, 7
If a person or place comes as an example because of a certain quality, we use
article with that proper Noun. (ऄगर जकसी गुण/दोष के कारण कोइ व्यजि ऄथवा स्थान ईदाहरण
स्वरूप प्रयुि हो, तो Article का प्रयोग होता।)
8, 9
If we use Union, United, Republic or Kingdom in the name of the place we
use article 'the'. (ऄगर स्थान के नाम में Union, United, Republic या Kingdom शब्द का
प्रयोग हो, तो Article 'the' का प्रयोग होगा।)
10. (i) The Ukraine (ii) The Netherlands
(iii) The Hague (iv) The Philippines
(v) The Sudan (vi) The Great Britain
With the names of place given above we use article 'the'. (ईपरोि स्थान के नाम के
साथ 'the' का प्रयोग होता अया है।)
• Now let us see use of Article with Natural things one by one. (ऄब प्राकृजतक
वस्तुओ ं के साथ Article का प्रयोग एक-एक कर के देख)ें -
1. Space
• Space (ऄंतररक्ष) — No article
Eg.: Astronauts go to space.
• Space (जगह) — Article — the
Eg.: Park your car in the space given to you.
2. Heavenly objects (भौगोजलक जपंड) — Article — The
Eg.: The Mars, The Sun.

KD LIVE 330 Class Notes : ARTICLE

• Article 'the' is used with the following Natural things Exceptions are also
mentioned. (जनम्नजलजखत प्राकृजतक चीजों के साथ Article 'the' अता है। ऄपवाद भी दे रखें हैं।)
3. The atmosphere
4. The environment
5. The ecosystem
6. The biosphere, the troposphere etc
7. Poles — The South pole, the North pole
8. The Equator
9. Hemispheres — The Northern hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere
10. Tropics — The Tropic of Cancer, The Tropic of Capricorn.
11. The Axis
12. Circles — The Arctic circle, The Antarctic Circle
13. Directions — The North, the South etc.
14. Water bodies
• Glaciers — The Siachen Glacier etc.
• Oceans — The Pacific Ocean etc.
• Seas — The Arabian Sea etc.
• Rivers — The Yamuna etc.
• Waterfalls — The Niagara Water Falls etc.
• Canals — The Suez Canal etc.
• Dams — The Sardar Sarovar Dam etc.
• Deltas — The Sundarban Delta etc.
• Lakes — No Article — Wular Lake etc.
15. Mountains • Ranges (the) Eg.: The Himalayas
• Peaks (No article) Eg.: Mount Everest
16. Plateau — The Chota Nagpur Plateau etc.
17. Hills (No article) — Malabar Hill etc.
18. Volcanoes (No article) — Mount Vesuvius etc.
19. Forests — The Amazon Rainforest etc.
20. Bay/ Gulf — The Bay of Bengal etc.
21. Islands (No article) — Sri Lanka
22. Group of Islands (द्वीप का समूह) — take Article 'the'
• The Lakshadweep. • The Andaman and Nicobar Islands
• The West Indies. • The Bahamas
• The Maldives
23. Deserts — The Sahara desert
24. Diseases (No Article) Eg.: Cancer, Diarrhoea.

Exception The Measles (खसरा), The Mumps (गलसुआ), The Rickets (सूखा रोग),
The Flu (फ्लू), The Plague (प्लेग).
25. Seasons — No Article unless followed by word 'season'. (ऄगर season शब्द का
प्रयोग नहीं होता है, तो कोइ Article नहीं अता है)
• Summer
• The summer season
• Winter
Note:- • The winter season
• Autumn
• The rainy season
• Spring
KD LIVE 331 Class Notes : ARTICLE
26. Winds — The Westerlies etc.
27. Continents — No Article
Eg.: Asia, Africa etc. Note:- The Indian subcontinent

Now see the use of Article with the following Man made things:-
1. Cups & Trophies — The World Cup, The Ranji Trophy etc.
2. Musical Instruments — The Flute, The Guitar etc.
3. Religious groups — The Hindus, The Muslims etc.
4. Temples — The Meenakshi Temple, The Lotus Temple etc.
5. Clubs — The lion's club, The Bachelors' etc.
6. Dynasties — The Mughal Dynasty, The Marathas Dynasty etc.
7. Artificial Satellites — The Mangalyan etc.
8. Armed Forces — The Navy, The Army etc.
9. Hotels — The Oberois etc.
10. Pillars of constitutions — The Executive, The Judiciary etc.
11. Constitutional posts — The Prime Minister, The President etc.
12. Castes as a whole — The Yadavs, The Jats etc.
13. Ships — The Titanic etc.
14. Political Parties — The Congress Party, The Samajwadi Party etc.
15. Statutes & Acts — The Hindu Marriage Act, The Indian Penal Code etc.
16. Dances — The Bharatnatyam, The Kathakali etc.
17. Unions — The United Nations, The Soviet Union etc.
18. Games (as organization) — The Olympics, the Common Wealth Games etc.
Names of Sports (No Article) — Football, Cricket.
19. Airways — The Jet Airways, The Air India etc.
Railways — The Rajdhani Express.
20. Banks — The Punjab National Bank, The Bank of India etc.
Note:- No article if name of a person comes with the name of the bank.
Eg. Lloyds Bank
21. Inventions — The Television, The Gramophone etc.
Note:- We are watching television. (Here we mean a programme so 'the' will
not come.)
22. Wars & Battles (युद्ध / लड़ाइ) — The Kalinga war, the World War etc.
23. Pilgrimage (तीथथ यात्रा ) — The Amarnath Yatra etc.
24. Empire (साम्राज्य) — The British Empire, The Mughal Empire etc.
25. Historical events (ऐजतहाजसक घटना) — The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (जनसंहार),
The Chauri Chaura incident etc.
26. Tribals (जनजाजत) — The Santhalis, The Boro etc.
27. Movements & Revolutions (क्ांजत) — The Quit India Movement, The French
Revolution etc.
28. Civilizations (सभ्यता) — The Indus valley civilization.
29. Religious books (धाजमथक ग्रंथ) — The Ramayana, The Quran etc.
Note:- No article if the name of a person comes with Religious books. (ऄगर धाजमथक
ग्रंथ के साथ व्यजि का नाम हो, तो Article का प्रयोग ना करें ।)
Eg. Valmiki's Ramayana

KD LIVE 332 Class Notes : ARTICLE

30. Monuments (ऐजतहाजसक आमारत) — The Taj Mahal, The Red Fort etc
Note:- No article is used if the monument is on the name of a person. (ऄगर आमारत
जकसी व्यजि के नाम पर हो, तो Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है)
Eg. Humayun’s Tomb
31. Newspapers — The Times of India etc.
32. Nationality (नागररकता) — The English, The French etc.
Note:- • The English speak English

Nationality Language
(Article –the) (No article)
33. Parts of Parliament — The Lok Sabha, The Legislative Assembly. (The word
Parliament does not take any Article)
34. Body parts — If a particular part is talked about we use Article 'A'/ 'An'/
'The' otherwise we don't use any Article. (ऄगर जकसी जनजित भाग का
ईल्लेख हो, तो Article 'A'/ 'An'/ The' का प्रयोग होगा वनाथ कोइ Article नहीं
(i) Eyes give us the sensation of sight. (No article)
(ii) He opened the left eye and moved a finger of his left hand.
35. Unit of measurement Article 'the'.
(i) Cloth is sold by the yard. (ii) Eggs are sold by the dozen.
36. With certain words (Normally/ सामान्यतः) —
• The whole ... Eg.: The whole world is suffering from Pandemic.
• Both the ... Eg.: Both the brothers are missing.
• All the ... Eg.: All the students are present.
• The same ... Eg.: He is the same boy who cheated us.

No Article comes with the following Nouns.

(जनम्नजलजखत Nouns के साथ Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता)

1. Subjects — Physics, Chemistry etc.

2. Roads — Mall Road
Exception:- The Grand Trunk road
3. Streets — Park Street
4. Festivals — Diwali
5. University — Oxford University
6. National Parks — Kaziranga National Park
7. Language — English
8. Acronyms — • If letters • If Pronounced
are pronounced as a word

Article 'the' comes No article comes


KD LIVE 333 Class Notes : ARTICLE

9. 'What kind of' takes no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What kind of bird the dodo is!
'What sort of takes' no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What sort of problem it is!
'What type of' takes no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What type of person he is!
'What variety of' takes no article, not even 'A/An', even if a singular noun
Eg.: What variety of rose it is!
Miscellaneous Answers
1. If 'bed' means 'Primary Purpose' (सोना),
1. Go to bed now.
no article comes.
2. Go to the bed and pick up the baby. 2. If we add article before 'bed', it means
3. This ship was at ______________. furniture.
(i) anchor 3. Ans (i) Here 'anchor' refers to its
(ii) the anchor primary purpose (लंगर डालना)
4. 'Go to sea' means 'to become a sailor'.
(iii) an anchor
5. Here 'go to the sea' means 'to go to sea
4. He went to sea. for some other purpose'.
5. He went to the sea.

Position of Article (A/An) in sentences

Examples Position
1. He is a very tall boy. a/an + Adv + Adj + S.N
2. He is such a tall boy. Such + a/an + adj + S.N
3. What an idiotic demand it was! What + a/an + Adj + S.N
4. How great a leader he is! How + adj + a/an + S.N
5. So nice a performance it was! So + Adj + a/an + S.N
6. Many a boy has come. Many a/an + S.N. + S.V
7. Many boys have come. Many + P.N + P.V
8. A great many leaders are here. A great/good many + P.N + P.V
A great many/ a good many means an extremely large number.
9. Too stupid an act it was! Too + adj + a/an + S.N
10. Why on earth would I do so?
In 'Why on earth', 'the' does not come before earth though all the heavenly
objects take Article 'the'. This is a phrase that is used to ask question with
anger, disgust or annoyance./ (यहााँ 'On earth' में 'Earth' के पहले 'the' का प्रयोग नहीं हु अ
हालााँजक भौगोजलक जपंड के साथ 'the' अता है 'On earth' एक phrase है जजसका प्रयोग हम ग़ुस्सा या
जचड़जचड़ापन में प्रयुि करते हैं।)
KD LIVE 334 Class Notes : ARTICLE

SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

1 In a hurry in haste हड़बड़ी में
2 In a nutshell very briefly संक्षेप में
Make a noise to create loud and unpleasant शोर करना
Within a stone's very near बहुत नजदीक
5 At a loss/ At sea confused उलझन में
6 Take a fancy to become fond of पसंद करना
7 Take a liking become fond of पसंद करना
8 Tell a lie make an untrue statement झूठ बोलना
9 Add fuel to the fire make a conflict more intense आग में घी डालना
10 Rule the roost in complete control of पूणण ननयंत्रण

resting place of birds

11 At the eleventh hour at the last moment आखरी क्षण में
12 Bolt from the blue a sudden and unexpected अचानक आई परे शानी
13 Break the ice to initiate conversation चुप्पी तोड़ना
14 Bury the hatchet to make peace दूश्मनी खत्म करना
15 Built castle in the air to plan something that is हवाई ककले बनाना
16 Catch a tartar to face a problem or an enemy दुश्मन या समस्या का
सामना करना
17 Chew the cud to ponder सोचना, मनन करना
18 Cry for the moon to want something impossible ऐसी चीज का मााँग करना
जो असंभव हो
19 Give a piece of mind to scold डााँटना
20 Have finger in the to have an interest in or be ककसी काम में शानमल
pie involved in होना या कदलचस्पी होना
21 Hit the nail on the to say or do something सही तरह से काम करना
head precisely right
22 Keep the ball to cause an activity to जारी रखना
rolling/ continue
Keep the pot boiling
23 Keep the wolf from to avoid starvation भुखमरी से बचना
the door
KD LIVE 335 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.

SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

24 Live in an ivory to live with no experience or जजदगी की वास्तनवक
tower knowledge of practical समस्याओं से अननभज्ञ
To see through rose problems of life जीवन जीना
Coloured glasses
25 Mad as a march hare. to be crazy सरकिरा
26 Make a mountain to be over-reactive नतल का ताड़ बनाना
out of a mole hill
27 Storm in a teacup. a small event that has been नतल का ताड़
28 In the nick of time. at the last moment ठीक समय पर
29 In the same boat in the same condition समान नस्थनत
30 Make hay while the to do something while ठीक समय पर कायण करना
sun shines conditions are good
To strike the iron
when it is hot
31 Nip in the bud to finish it when it start शुरूआत में ही कु चल देना
32 Pull the wool over to deceive धोखा देना
some one's eyes
33 Put the cart before to do something wrongly गलत तरीके से काम करना
the horse
34 Put the cat among to put an undesirable person ककसी समूह में ककसी
the pigeons among a group अवांछनीय व्यनि को
35 Rock the boat to cause imbalance संतुलन नबगाड़ना
36 Set the Thames on to do something amazing आश्चयणचककत काम करना
37 Snake in the grass an unknown enemy नछपा हुआ दुश्मन
38 In a rage in anger गुस्से में
39 Catch a cold to become ill with common जुकाम होना
40 Shake in the shoes to tremble with fear डर से कााँपना
41 Steal a march on to get an advantage over कोई काम पहले या ज्यादा
(someone) someone by acting before or अच्छे से कर के दूसरों के
better than they do आगे ननकल जाना, चुपके
से लाभ प्राप्त करना

KD LIVE 336 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.


SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

42 Stir/ lift a finger to do slightest effort थोड़ी सी भी कोनशश करना
43 Turn a deaf ear to refuse to listen अनसुना करना
44 Turn over a new leaf to change for better बुरे आचरण छोड़ कर
अच्छा होना
45 Under the nose of to happen in presence ठीक आाँखों के सामने होना
46 Under the thumb of in the control of के वश में होना
47 Weather the storm to face or confront समस्या से मुकाबला करना
48 With a grain of salt with some doubt शंका के साथ स्वीकार
49 By air/ car/ bus etc mode of transport यात्र के साधन (बस/कार
50 On foot/ shanks' walking पैदल
51 Sow/mare dragon's to do something that leads to भनवष्य के नलए परे शानी
teeth trouble इकट्टठा करना
52 Take heart to garner/ muster courage नहम्मत होना
53 Lose heart to be disappointed ननराश होना
54 Take to heart to be moved or upset बुरा मान जाना
55 Give ear/ lend ear to listen ध्यान से सुनना
56 At home comfortable आरामदायक
57 At sea confused उलझन में
58 Last but not least last but equally important आखरी परं तु ककसी से कम
59 To catch fire to start burning आग लगना
60 In hand in one's physical possession हाथ में
61 Set on fire aflame आग लगाना
62 In danger ............. खतरे में
63 At sunrise ............. सूयोदय
64 At sunset ............. सूयाणस्त
65 By mistake ............. गलती से
66 To set foot to arrive कदम रखना
67 Turn turtle to turn upside down उल्ट-पलट हो जाना
68 On duty, in doubt, ............. काम पर, शंका में, हड़ताल
on strike पर
KD LIVE 337 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.

SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

69 On demand when needed or desired मााँग पर
70 In demand greatly desired मााँग में
71 Weal and woe Joy and sorrow सुख और दुख
72 Ups and downs Success and failure सिलता और नविलता
73 Pros and cons Advantages and disadvantages लाभ-हानन
74 Sum and substance Meaning, gist or summary सारांश
75 Flesh and blood A human being with his natural मनुष्य (अपनी प्राकृ नतक
limitations खानमयों के साथ)
76 Fishes and loaves Materialistic gains/ Tangible सांसाररक लाभ
77 Hard and fast Strict सख्त
78 To and fro Backward and forward, in one आगे-पीछे
direction and then in the
opposite direction
79 Cut and dried Readymade बना-बनाया
80 Alpha and omega A to Z शुरू से अंत तक
81 All and sundry Everyone, without distinction सब, नबना ककसी भेद-भाव
82 Ins and outs Full detail नवस्तार में
83 Fire and sword Anger, rage and rife /to go on a क्रोध, व्याप्त गुस्सा
84 Fire and brimstone The torments (पीड़ा) suffered by नरक में पानपयों द्वारा
sinners (पापी) in hell सामना की जाने वाली
85 Far and wide In all directions सब कदशाओं में
86 Far and near From distant and near about दूर और पास से
87 Spic and span Neat and clean, immaculate साि सुथरा
88 On and on Continuously लगातार
89 Again and again Repeatedly बार-बार
90 Now and then Often/ occasionally जब-तब
91 Off and on Irregularly/sporadic/intermitte अननयनमत/नछटपुट/रह-रह
ntly कर
92 By Fits and starts Irregularly/sporadically/ अननयनमत/नछटपुट/रह-रह
intermittently कर

KD LIVE 338 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.


SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

93 Hand and glove working together especially बहुत करीब होना (कु छ गलत
to do something dishonest करने के नलए)
94 Heart and soul whole-heartedly, with पूरे कदल से, भनि के साथ
95 Wear and tear Damage क्षनत/टू ट-िू ट
96 Safe and sound Unhurt सुरनक्षत
97 Fair and square Honest, just and proper ईमानदार, उनचत
98 Hole and corner Being in a secret place or गुप्त जगह से ककया जाने वाला
conducted secretly
99 Under lock and key At a safe place सुरनक्षत जगह पर
100 Move heaven and To do one’s best, to leave no कोई कसर न छोड़ना
earth stone unturned
101 Carrot and stick A reward and punishment ईनाम और सजा नीनत
policy policy
102 Part and parcel Inseparable part अनवभाज्य अंग
103 Blow hot and cold Be unreliable अनवश्वसनीय
104 Play fast and loose To behave in a reckless or लापरवाह व्यवहार करना
irresponsible manner
105 Play ducks and Waste or squander बबाणद करना
106 By leaps and Very rapidly बहुत तेज
107 Null and void Ineffective अप्रभावी
108 Rank and file Ordinary people आम आदमी
109 Out and out Completely पूरी तरह
110 Far and away With much difference ज्यादा अंतर के साथ
111 Hunt high and low To look carefully in every हर संभव जगह पर ककसी
possible place for someone चीज या ककसी इं सान को
or something ढू ाँढना
112 In every nook and Everywhere हर जगह
113 Touch and go uncertain and with probably अनननश्चत एवं अनप्रय नतीजे से
bad result संभानवत
114 Day in and dayout For an indefinite number of लागातर कई कदनों के नलए
successive days

KD LIVE 339 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.


SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

1 In a hurry in haste हड़बड़ी म
2 In a nutshell very briefly सं ेप म
Make a noise to create loud and unpleasant शोर करना
Within a stone's very near ब त नजदीक
5 At a loss/ At sea confused उलझन म
6 Take a fancy to become fond of पसंद करना
7 Take a liking become fond of पसंद करना
8 Tell a lie make an untrue statement झूठ बोलना
9 Add fuel to the fire make a conflict more intense आग म घी डालना
10 Rule the roost in complete control of पूण िनयं ण

resting place of birds
11 At the eleventh hour at the last moment आखरी ण म
12 Bolt from the blue a sudden and unexpected अचानक आई परे शानी
13 Break the ice to initiate conversation चु पी तोड़ना
14 Bury the hatchet to make peace दू मनी ख म करना
15 Built castle in the air to plan something that is हवाई कले बनाना
16 Catch a tartar to face a problem or an enemy दु मन या सम या का
सामना करना
17 Chew the cud to ponder सोचना, मनन करना
18 Cry for the moon to want something impossible ऐसी चीज का माँग करना
जो असंभव हो
19 Give a piece of mind to scold डाँटना
20 Have finger in the to have an interest in or be कसी काम म शािमल
pie involved in होना या दलच पी होना
21 Hit the nail on the to say or do something सही तरह से काम करना
head precisely right
22 Keep the ball to cause an activity to जारी रखना
rolling/ continue
Keep the pot boiling
23 Keep the wolf from to avoid starvation भुखमरी से बचना
the door
KD LIVE 335 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.

SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

24 Live in an ivory to live with no experience or जंदगी क वा तिवक
tower knowledge of practical सम या से अनिभ
To see through rose problems of life जीवन जीना
Coloured glasses
25 Mad as a march hare. to be crazy सर फरा
26 Make a mountain to be over-reactive ितल का ताड़ बनाना
out of a mole hill
27 Storm in a teacup. a small event that has been ितल का ताड़
28 In the nick of time. at the last moment ठीक समय पर
29 In the same boat in the same condition समान ि थित
30 Make hay while the to do something while ठीक समय पर काय करना
sun shines conditions are good
To strike the iron
when it is hot
31 Nip in the bud to finish it when it start शु आत म ही कु चल देना
32 Pull the wool over to deceive धोखा देना
some one's eyes
33 Put the cart before to do something wrongly गलत तरीके से काम करना
the horse
34 Put the cat among to put an undesirable person कसी समूह म कसी
the pigeons among a group अवांछनीय ि को
35 Rock the boat to cause imbalance संतुलन िबगाड़ना
36 Set the Thames on to do something amazing आ यच कत काम करना
37 Snake in the grass an unknown enemy िछपा आ दु मन
38 In a rage in anger गु से म
39 Catch a cold to become ill with common जुकाम होना
40 Shake in the shoes to tremble with fear डर से काँपना
41 Steal a march on to get an advantage over कोई काम पहले या यादा
(someone) someone by acting before or अ छे से कर के दूसर के
better than they do आगे िनकल जाना, चुपके
से लाभ ा करना

KD LIVE 336 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.


SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

42 Stir/ lift a finger to do slightest effort थोड़ी सी भी कोिशश करना
43 Turn a deaf ear to refuse to listen अनसुना करना
44 Turn over a new leaf to change for better बुरे आचरण छोड़ कर
अ छा होना
45 Under the nose of to happen in presence ठीक आँख के सामने होना
46 Under the thumb of in the control of के वश म होना
47 Weather the storm to face or confront सम या से मुकाबला करना
48 With a grain of salt with some doubt शंका के साथ वीकार
49 By air/ car/ bus etc mode of transport या के साधन (बस/कार
इ या द)
50 On foot/ shanks' walking पैदल
51 Sow/mare dragon's to do something that leads to भिव य के िलए परे शानी
teeth trouble इक ठा करना
52 Take heart to garner/ muster courage िह मत होना
53 Lose heart to be disappointed िनराश होना
54 Take to heart to be moved or upset बुरा मान जाना
55 Give ear/ lend ear to listen यान से सुनना
56 At home comfortable आरामदायक
57 At sea confused उलझन म
58 Last but not least last but equally important आखरी परं तु कसी से कम
59 To catch fire to start burning आग लगना
60 In hand in one's physical possession हाथ म
61 Set on fire aflame आग लगाना
62 In danger ............. खतरे म
63 At sunrise ............. सूय दय
64 At sunset ............. सूया त
65 By mistake ............. गलती से
66 To set foot to arrive कदम रखना
67 Turn turtle to turn upside down उ ट-पलट हो जाना
68 On duty, in doubt, ............. काम पर, शंका म, हड़ताल
on strike पर
KD LIVE 337 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.

SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

69 On demand when needed or desired माँग पर
70 In demand greatly desired माँग म
71 Weal and woe Joy and sorrow सुख और दुख
72 Ups and downs Success and failure सफलता और िवफलता
73 Pros and cons Advantages and disadvantages लाभ-हािन
74 Sum and substance Meaning, gist or summary सारांश
75 Flesh and blood A human being with his natural मनु य (अपनी ाकृ ितक
limitations खािमय के साथ)
76 Fishes and loaves Materialistic gains/ Tangible सांसा रक लाभ
77 Hard and fast Strict स त
78 To and fro Backward and forward, in one आगे-पीछे
direction and then in the
opposite direction
79 Cut and dried Readymade बना-बनाया
80 Alpha and omega A to Z शु से अंत तक
81 All and sundry Everyone, without distinction सब, िबना कसी भेद-भाव
82 Ins and outs Full detail िव तार म
83 Fire and sword Anger, rage and rife /to go on a ोध, ा गु सा
84 Fire and brimstone The torments (पीड़ा) suffered by नरक म पािपय ारा
sinners (पापी) in hell सामना क जाने वाली
85 Far and wide In all directions सब दशा म
86 Far and near From distant and near about दूर और पास से
87 Spic and span Neat and clean, immaculate साफ सुथरा
88 On and on Continuously लगातार
89 Again and again Repeatedly बार-बार
90 Now and then Often/ occasionally जब-तब
91 Off and on Irregularly/sporadic/intermitte अिनयिमत/िछटपुट/रह-रह
ntly कर
92 By Fits and starts Irregularly/sporadically/ अिनयिमत/िछटपुट/रह-रह
intermittently कर

KD LIVE 338 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.


SL Idioms/ Phrases Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi

93 Hand and glove working together especially ब त करीब होना (कु छ गलत
to do something dishonest करने के िलए)
94 Heart and soul whole-heartedly, with पूरे दल से, भि के साथ
95 Wear and tear Damage ित/टू ट-फू ट
96 Safe and sound Unhurt सुरि त
97 Fair and square Honest, just and proper ईमानदार, उिचत
98 Hole and corner Being in a secret place or गु जगह से कया जाने वाला
conducted secretly
99 Under lock and key At a safe place सुरि त जगह पर
100 Move heaven and To do one’s best, to leave no कोई कसर न छोड़ना
earth stone unturned
101 Carrot and stick A reward and punishment ईनाम और सजा नीित
policy policy
102 Part and parcel Inseparable part अिवभा य अंग
103 Blow hot and cold Be unreliable अिव सनीय
104 Play fast and loose To behave in a reckless or लापरवाह वहार करना
irresponsible manner
105 Play ducks and Waste or squander बबाद करना
106 By leaps and Very rapidly ब त तेज
107 Null and void Ineffective अ भावी
108 Rank and file Ordinary people आम आदमी
109 Out and out Completely पूरी तरह
110 Far and away With much difference यादा अंतर के साथ
111 Hunt high and low To look carefully in every हर संभव जगह पर कसी
possible place for someone चीज या कसी इं सान को
or something ढू ँढना
112 In every nook and Everywhere हर जगह
113 Touch and go uncertain and with probably अिनि त एवं अि य नतीजे से
bad result संभािवत
114 Day in and dayout For an indefinite number of लागातर कई दन के िलए
successive days

KD LIVE 339 Class Notes : CONFUSING ADV./ ADJ.

PYQs :- 2023
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 2
Exam Date 03/08/2023 | Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

1. The sun / revolves / around / a earth.

(1) The sun
(2) revolves
(3) a earth
(4) around

Ans. (3) The article "a" should be replaced with "the" to specify the object for which
sentence is referring.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 3
Exam Date 04/08/2023 | Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

2. Poonam usually sits / in a first row in the / weekend conference /

hall every week.
(1) in a first row in the
(2) hall every week
(3) weekend conference
(4) Poonam usually sits

Ans. (1) To specify the position we have to use article ‘the’ before Ordinal number.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 4
Exam Date 07/08/2023 | Exam Time 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Next

3. A lot of adulterants / are chemicals that can lead / to an range of

health problems / in both children and adults.
(1) A lot of adulterants
(2) are chemical that can lead
(3) in both children and adult.
(4) to a range of health problems

Ans. (4) Use correct article ‘a’ in place of ‘an’ to make sentence grammatically correct.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 5
Exam Date 08/08/2023 | Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

4. I have read that / a Leaning Tower of Pisa is a / popular tourist

attraction / in the world.
(1) I have read that
(2) a Leaning Tower of Pisa is a
(3) popular tourist attraction
(4) in the world

Ans. (2) It should be "The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a" instead of "a Leaning Tower of
Pisa is a" to specify it.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 6
Exam Date 08/08/2023 | Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

5. Sita spotted golden deer and requested Rama to capture it.

(1) to capture it.
(2) Sita spotted golden
(3) deer and
(4) requested Rama

Ans. (2) It should be "a golden deer" or "the golden deer" to indicate a specific deer, not
just any golden deer.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 7
Exam Date 09/08/2023 | Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

6. Washington Irving’s writing career started at / the tender age of

nineteen when he joined / his brother Peter’s newspaper The
Morning Chronical / as journalist.
(1) his brother Peter’s newspaper The Morning Chronical
(2) Washington Irving’s writing career started at
(3) as journalist
(4) the tender age of nineteen when he joined

Ans. (3) The word "as" should be followed by an article, so "as journalist" should be
corrected to "as a journalist."
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 8
Exam Date 09/08/2023 | Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

7. Can you make / sure you have / a correct address / before you start
(1) Can you make
(2) sure you have
(3) a correct address
(4) before you start driving

Ans. (3) Use ‘the’ in place of ‘a’ as the referring to the specific address.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 9
Exam Date 10/08/2023 | Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

8. This region was struck by unusual wave of violence last year.

(1) was struck by unusual
(2) wave of violence
(3) This region
(4) last year.

Ans. (1) Use article "an" before "unusual" as it is necessary to properly modify and
describe the noun "wave."
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 10
Exam Date 10/08/2023 | Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

9. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify
the segment that contains a grammatical error.
Can you please / pass me a sweater? / It’s going to be / the cold day
(1) Can you please
(2) the cold day today
(3) It’s going to be
(4) pass me a sweater?

Ans. (2) Use article "a" in place of ‘the’ before "cold day" to indicate one of potentially
many cold days.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 11
Exam Date 10/08/2023 | Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

10. Can you please / open a door? / I can hear / somebody knocking.
(1) Can you please
(2) somebody knocking
(3) I can hear
(4) open a door?

Ans. (4) Use article ‘the’ in place of ‘a’ in which someone is knocking.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 12
Exam Date 10/08/2023 | Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

11. The English / often / fought / French.

(1) French
(2) often
(3) fought
(4) The English

Ans. (1) Use article "the" before "French" to specify that the English often fought against
the specific group of people known as the French.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 13
Exam Date 11/08/2023 | Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

12. Choose the sentence that contains an error.

(1) I need to buy an new iPhone.
(2) The cat sat on the windowsill
(3) She is the best singer in the choir.
(4) He is an artist who paints landscapes.

Ans. (1) Use article "a" because "new" begins with a consonant sound.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 14
Exam Date 11/08/2023 | Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

13. The man / is a / social animal.

(1) social animal
(2) The man
(3) No error
(4) is a

Ans. (2) Remove ‘the’ before "man" as it used in a general sense to refer to humanity as
a whole, and it should not be preceded by "The”.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 15
Exam Date 11/08/2023 | Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

14. Would you / like to / watch an movie / tonight at eight?

(1) watch an movie
(2) like to
(3) tonight at eight
(4) Would you

Ans. (1) use article ‘a’ in place of ‘an’ because "movie" begins with a consonant sound.
CHSL (TIER-I) -2023 16
Exam Date 17/08/2023 | Exam Time 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Next

15. A owl was / hooting throughout / the night.

(1) A owl was
(2) the night
(3) No error
(4) hooting throughout

Ans. (1) use article "An" in place of "A" because "owl" starts with a vowel sound.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 17
Exam Date 14/07/2023 || Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

16. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select
the option that contains an error
An lion is the most ferocious of all animals.
(1) ferocious of
(2) all animals.
(3) An lion
(4) is the most

Ans. (3) Since "lion" begins with a consonant sound, use indefinite article "a" instead of
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 18
Exam Date 17/07/2023 || Exam Time 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Next

17. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

A. It is a old uniform but a memorable thing for me.
B. It is old uniform but a memorable thing for me.
C. It is the old uniform but memorable thing for me.
D. It is an old uniform but a memorable thing for me.
(1) D
(2) C
(2) B
(4) A

Ans. (1) This sentence uses the correct articles ("an" and "a") and phrasing to describe
the uniform as old and memorable.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 19
Exam Date 18/07/2023 || Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

18. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

(1) The rider who met with a accident was not wearing a helmet,
the police said.
(2) The rider who met with an accident was not wearing an helmet,
the police said.
(3) A rider who met with the accident was not wearing the helmet,
an police said.
(4) The rider who met with the accident was not wearing a helmet,
the police said.

Ans. (4) This sentence uses the correct articles ("a" and "the") and word order to convey
the information clearly and grammatically.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 20
Exam Date 21/07/2023 || Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

19. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select
the option that contains an error.
He will return in a hour.
(1) return
(2) He will
(3) hour
(4) in a

Ans. (4) The correct form is "in an hour" because "hour" begins with a vowel sound.
Indefinite article "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 21
Exam Date 21/07/2023 || Exam Time 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM Next

20. Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select
the option that contains an error.
She was waiting for a opportunity to start her own business.
(1) own business
(2) to start her
(3) for a opportunity
(4) She was waiting

Ans. (3) The error is in the use of the indefinite article. Since "opportunity" starts with a
vowel sound, it should be "an opportunity" instead of "a opportunity."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 22
Exam Date 21/07/2023 || Exam Time 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Next

21. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

(1) The decision to change a hospital saved an life of the daughter
of the doctor.
(2) The decision to change the hospital saved the life of the
daughter of the doctor.
(3) The decision to change an hospital saved the life of the
daughter of the doctor.
(4) A decision to change a hospital saved the life of the daughter of
the doctor.

Ans. (2) This sentence uses the correct articles ("the" before "hospital" and "the" before
"life") and is grammatically correct.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 23
Exam Date 24/07/2023 || Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

22. The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify
the segment that contains a grammatical error.
Maruti likes / adventure / stories, especially / an adventures of
(1) stories, especially
(2) an adventures of Tarzan
(3) Maruti likes
(4) adventure

Ans. (2) The error in the original sentence is the use of "an adventures" instead of "the adventures."
Use "the adventures" because it refers to a specific set of adventures (those of Tarzan).
So, the correct form of sentence will be :
"Maruti likes adventure stories, especially the adventures of Tarzan."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 24
Exam Date 24/07/2023 || Exam Time 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM Next

23. A honourable person (A) / deserves respect (B) / from everybody

(1) B
(2) C
(3) No error
(4) A

Ans. (4) Use "An" in place of “A” because "honourable" begins with a vowel sound.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 25
Exam Date 24/07/2023 || Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

24. The historians / are a great / asset to the field of academia.

(1) field of academia
(2) are a great
(3) asset to the
(4) The historians

Ans. (4) Historians is not definite here therefore historians is not followed by definite
article ‘the’.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 26
Exam Date 25/07/2023 || Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

25. Anti-party activities / improved my relations /with an opposition.

(1) Anti-party activities
(2) No error
(3) Improved my relations
(4) With an opposition

Ans. (4) "Anti-party activities improved my relations with the opposition."

The error is the use of "an opposition”. Use "the opposition" to convey the
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 27
Exam Date 25/07/2023 || Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

26. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

A. As a nation, India is a united country and shall always remain so.
B. As nation, India is a united country and shall always remain so.
C. As the nation, India is a united country and shall always remain so.
D. As a nation, India is an united country and shall always remain so.
(1) A
(2) B
(3) D
(4) C

Ans. (1) The sentence correctly uses the article "a" before "nation" and "an" before
"united" to make sentence grammatically correct.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 28
Exam Date 26/07/2023 || Exam Time 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Next

27. She is in an hurry to meet her brother.

(1) to meet
(2) She is in
(3) her brother
(4) an hurry

Ans. (4) The error is the use of "an" before "hurry." The correct article in this context is
"a" because "hurry" begins with a consonant sound.
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 29
Exam Date 26/07/2023 || Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

28. You should / see a oculist; / your eyes look / worse today.
(1) your eyes look
(2) You should
(3) worse today
(4) see a oculist;

Ans. (4) Use "an oculist" because "oculist" begins with a vowel sound. Therefore, the
indefinite article "an" is used instead of "a."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 30
Exam Date 26/07/2023 || Exam Time 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Next

29. My mother is a honest and well known woman in the society.

(1) in the society
(2) My mother
(3) is a honest
(4) and well known woman

Ans. (3) Use "an honest" because "honest" begins with a vowel sound. Therefore, the
indefinite article "an" is used instead of "a."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 31
Date 26/07/2023 || Exam Time 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Next

30. Parts of the following sentence have been underlined and given as
options. Select the option that contains an error.

I love to read certain stories from a Mahabharata.

(1) certain
(2) to
(3) love
(4) a

Ans. (4) When referring to a specific epic or work, the definite article "the" is generally
used. Therefore, it should be "from the Mahabharata."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 32
Exam Date 27/07/2023 || Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

31. He is not rich (A) / so he cannot afford (B) / to buy a expensive car (C).
(1) C
(2) A
(3) No error
(4) B

Ans. (1) Use "an expensive" because "expensive" begins with a vowel sound. Therefore,
the indefinite article "an" is used instead of "a."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 33
Exam Date 19/07/2023 || Exam Time 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM Next

32. It was (A)/by a chance (B)/he saw a movie in a theatre (C).

(1) A
(2) C
(3) B
(4) No error

Ans. (3) The correct phrase is "by chance," without the article "a" before "chance."
So, correct formation of sentence will be :
"It was by chance that he saw a movie in a theatre."
CGL (TIER-I), 2023 34
Exam Date 14/07/2023 || Exam Time 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM Next

33. After knowing truth, / the jury took the right decision / in the case.
(1) The jury took the right decision
(2) In the case
(3) After knowing truth
(4) No error

Ans. (3) The correction involves adding the article "the" before "truth" to make the
sentence grammatically correct.
As the sentence is referring to the specific truth
CPO (TIER-1), 2023 35
Exam Date: 03/10/2023 (12:30 PM - 2:30 PM) Next

34. A Prime Minister of India / will address / the nation today / on the
occasion of Independence Day.
(1) the nation today
(2) on the occasion of Independence Day
(3) will address
(4) A Prime Minister of India

Ans : (4) Use "the" before "Prime Minister" to specify indicating a particular Prime
Minister rather than any Prime Minister.
CPO (TIER-1), 2023 36
Exam Date: 03/10/2023 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) Next

35. My apartment / in Delhi / is situated / on second floor.

(1) on second floor
(2) in Delhi
(3) My apartment
(4) is situated

Ans : (1) Add "the" before "second floor" to specify the exact place or location.
CPO (TIER-1), 2023 37
Exam Date: 04/10/2023 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) Next

36. We should / not make an noise / in the class.

(1) not make an noise
(2) in the class
(3) We should
(4) No error

Ans : (1) We should not make a noise in the class.

Using indefinite article "a" in this context implies that the speaker is advising
against creating any noise in the classroom.
CPO (TIER-1), 2023 38
Exam Date: 05/10/2023 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) Next

37. Roger went / to an United Kingdom / with his wife / to celebrate

(1) Roger went
(2) to celebrate Christmas
(3) to an United Kingdom
(4) with his wife

Ans : (3) If Union, United, Republic or Kingdom comes with the names of the country,
article ’the’ is used.
CPO (TIER-1), 2023 39
Exam Date: 05/10/2023 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) Next

38. I have a dog and a cow. / A dog is black / but the cow is / black and white.
(1) but the cow is
(2) A dog is black
(3) black and white
(4) I have a dog and a cow

Ans : (2) Use article ‘the’ in place of ‘a’ as he has a black colour dog.

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