Legal Terms

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Questions related to legal terms are asked in Sentence Improvement

and One Word Substitution. Here I have tried to collect all such
questions asked from legal glossary to form questions based on the
pattern in which questions are asked in different competitive exams.

Eg. 1. He was hanged to death.

(A) hanged till death (B) No Improvement Answers
(C) hanged for death (D) Hung till death
2. The agreement is valid as our law has always
1. (A)
prohibited such a trade in India.
(A) invalid (B) null and void
2. (B)
(C) Illegitimate (D) Illicit
3. He refused having stolen my watch.
3. (A)
(A) denied (B) declined
(C) No Improvement (D) rebutted

1. Sentence is grammatically right. (वाक् व्याकर के अनुसार सह� है ।)

Eg:- (1) He bled to death. (अत्य�ध खुन बहने से वह मर गया।)
(2) He starved to death. (वह भूख से मर गया।)
(3) He was smothered to death. (साँस घ�ट कर उसे मार �दया गया।)
(4) He was strangled to death. (उसका गला घोट कर उसे मार �दया गया।)
(5) He was beaten to death. (पीट-पीट कर उसक� हत्य कर द� गई।)
(6) He was bludgeoned to death. (भार� वस्त से पीट कर उसक� हत्य कर द� गई।)
In the given sentence the judge has to be precise that the convict must
be hanged till the time he is dead so use of 'till' is necessary. (इस वाक् म�
जज को ये स्पष करना जरूर होता है �क दोषी को तब तक फाँसी पर लटकाया जाए जब तक �क वो
मर न जाए।)
2. Valid → वैध (having a legal force)
Invalid → अवैध (without a legal foundation)
Null and void → काननू ी रू से अमान् (amounting to
Illegitimate → नाजायज (औलाद/ माँग इत्या�)
3. Refused → मना करना
Deny → �कसी बात क� सच्चा का खंडन करना
Decline → अस्वीका करना, पतन होना
Rebut → �कसी बात क� सच्चा का खंडन सबत
ू स�हत करना

KD LIVE 513 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS

4. The marriage was void from the beginning. Answers
(A) Ab initio (B) since inception
(C) since its setting up (D) No Improvement 4. (A)
5. He ran with the loot
(A) fled away (B) absconded 5. (B)
(C) No Improvement (D) flee
6. He was booked for helping to suicide. 6. (A)
(A) abetment (B) assisting
(C) persuading (D) coaxing 7. (A)
7. The misuse of power is the root cause of corruption.
(A) abuse (B) No Improvement
(C) absence (D) loops


4. Ab initio means from the beginning. ('Ab initio' का अथर है ‘शुर से’)
5. Ran away = fled = absconded = भाग जाना/ फरार हो जाना
'fled away' is superfluous.
6. Abetment → The act of helping or encouraging someone to do
something wrong or illegal.
(�कसी अपराध के �लए उकसाना या उसम� सहयोग दे ना)
Assist → साथ दे ना/ सहयोग दे ना
Persuade/ Coax → राजी करना/ मनाना
7. Misuse → to use something in the wrong way. (दर ु ुपयो करना)
Abuse → to say rude things to someone (गाल� दे ना)
→ to use something in a bad or dishonest way. (अपने लाभ
के �लए गलत इस्तेमा करना)
Loop → a round-shaped thing (छल्ल)

8. His partner in crime has surrendered.

(A) accomplice (B) No Improvement
(C) friend (D) gang 8. (A)
9. The guilty was acquitted.
9. (C)
(A) convict (B) acquit
(C) accused (D) No Improvement 10. (C)
10. The case was given a date as the defence counsel was unwell.
11. (A)
(A) postponed (B) advanced
(C) adjourned (D) prepone
(E) called off (F) put off
11. The matters has been preponed from 30th July to 15th July.
(A) advanced (B) No Improvement
(C) postponed (D) called off

KD LIVE 514 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS


8. Accomplice → Partner in crime (गन ु ाह का साथी)

Gang → Group of criminals (गण ु ्ड का समहू )
→ Group of labourers (मजदरू ो का समह ू )
9. Guilty → दोषी
Convict → दोषी/ दोषी सा�बत होना
Acquit → जो बर� हो जाए/ बर� करना
Accused → A person who has been blamed for something wrong
10. Postpone → to put off (स्थ�ग करना)
Advance → to give a prior date (पहले क� ता�रख दे ना)
Call off → to cancel
11. Prepone is misunderstood as the antonym of postpone.
(Prepone को postpone का antonym मान �लया जाता है जो गलत है ।)
Although now prepone has come in dictionary due to repeated use yet it is
better to use antedate or advance.
(हालाँ�क बार-बार के प्रय से Prepone dictionary म� आ गया है ले�कन antedate या
advance शब् का प्रय बेहतर होता है ।)

12. The husband wanted to live with his wife and pleaded the Answers
court to restore his marriage rights.
(A) conjugal (B) No Improvement 12. (A)
(C) marital (D) matrimonial
13. His marriage life is at sixes and sevens. 13. (A)
(A) marital (B) conjugal
(C) No Improvement (D) Matrimonial 14. (A)
14. He was booked for adulteration as he had extra-marital affairs.
(A) adultery (B) No Improvement 15. (A)
(C) perjury (D) misconduct
15. His excuse of being out of India does not hold water.
(A) alibi (B) No Improvement
(C) absence (D) condone


12. Conjugal/ Marital / Matrimonial → Connected with marriage but usage is

Eg. Conjugal right, marital status or marital life and matrimonial home or
matrimonial advertisements.
13. See 12.
14. Adulteration → the action of making something poorer in quality by
adding something of poorer quality (�मलावट करना)
Adultery → extramarital affairs (�ववाहे त्त संबंध)
Perjury → the act of lying in the court (कोटर म� सपथ के तहत झूठ बोलना)
Misconduct → wrong doing (गलत कायर)

KD LIVE 515 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS

15. Excuse → reason given for certain behaviour (बहाना)
Alibi → a statement by someone that says that he is at a different
place at the time of crime. (अपराध के समय कह�ं और उपिस्थ होने
का कथन)
Condone → accept or agree to something that is considered wrong
(�कसी गलत कायर को स्वीका कर के माफ कर दे ना)
Quantum of punishment
→ the quantum of punishment is the calculation of how
much punishment should be given by the court. (न्यायाल
द्वार तय क� गयी सजा क� अव�ध)

16. Death resulting from burning a house is murder. Answers

(A) arson (B) No Improvement
(C) arsenal (D) inciting 16. (A)
17. _______ of contract is an offence.
(A) Breach (B) Breaking 17. (A)
(C) Disrespecting (D) Disregarding
18. Marrying twice is a punishable offence. 18. (A)
(A) bigamy (B) monogamy
(C) polygamy (D) No Improvement 19. (A)
19. A crime for which the police is empowered to arrest without a
warrant —
(A) Cognizable offence (B) Non cognizable offence
(C) Criminal offence (D) Anticipatory

16. Arson → the crime of setting things on fire (आगज़नी)
Arsenal → a collection of weapons (यद ु सामग् का भंडार)
Incite → to provoke (उकसाना)
17. Breach → to do something that goes against an
agreement, a law etc.
Disregard → to treat something as unimportant (उपे�ा करना)
18. Monogamy → practice of marrying once (एक �ववाह)
Bigamy → Practice of marrying twice (दो �ववाह)
Polygamy → practice of marrying many times (बहु �ववाह)
19. Cognizable offence → an offence in which a police officer has the
authority to make an arrest without a warrant
(वह अपराध िजसम� �बना वारं ट के पु�लस �गरफ्ता कर सकती
है ।)
Non-congnizable offence → an offence in which the police cannot arrest
the accused without a warrant (िजन अपराध� म�
�बना वारं ट के पु�लस �गरफ्ता नह�ं कर सकती।)
Anticipatory → of or relating to a prior action that takes into
account or forestalls a later action (अ�ग्)

KD LIVE 516 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS

20. To live together under the same roof 20 Cohabit
21. Compensation done with the sense of moral 21 Ex-gratia
obligation rather than because of any legal
compulsion 22 Posthumous
22. Born/awarded/occurring after the death of the 23 Amnesty
23. A blanket abolition of an offence 24 Accrue

24. Growing or adding to (such as interest) on a debt 25 Arrears

25. Payment due 26 Alien
26. New to a country or place


20. Co-habit → living together

Co → together
habitat → �नवास
21. Ex-gratia → given or done as a gift or favour not because there is a
legal duty but out of moral obligation (�कसी बै�धक बाध्यत के
�बना �दया जाने वाला मआ
ु वजा)
22. Posthumous → given to happening after somebody has died (मरणोपरांत)
23. Amnesty → a time when a government forgives political crime (सरकार
द्वार �दया गया �मादान)
24. Accrue → to increase over a period of time (व�ृ द होना)
25. Arrears → Money that somebody owes and that he/she should have
paid earlier (बकाया)
26. Alien → Belonging to another place or thing (अजनबी)

27. One who is unable to pay one’s debt 27 Bankrupt/ Insolvent

28. The act of leaving legacy/ property

28 Bequeath
after death

29. Without a will 29 Intestate

30. Infact/ in reality 30 De facto

31. Any judgement must be read in ——— 31 toto

32. In good faith 32 Bonafide

33. Statement (written/ oral) to defame a

33 • Libel (written),
person • Slander (oral)

KD LIVE 517 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS


27. Pauper → a very poor person (कंगाल)

Bankrupt/ Insolvent → Not having enough money to pay your debt
28. Bequeath → to arrange for something to be given to somebody
after death. (वसीयत म� दे ना)
29. Intestate → Without a will (�बना वसीयत के)
30. De facto → In reality (वास्त म� )
31. Toto → As a total or whole (सम्पूण)
32. Bonafide → Real or genuine (असल�, सच्च)
33. Libel → The act of printing a statement about somebody
that is not true and would give people a bad
opinion of him/ her (कुछ छपा हुआ �कसी को बदनाम करने
के �लए)
Slander → A spoken statement about someone that is not
true and is intended to defame someone (�कसी को
बदनाम करने के �लए कह� गयी बात)

34. Permanent residence 34 Domicile

35. Mercy killing 35 Euthanasia
36. Transfer of an accused from one country to 36 Extradition
37 Treason/ Sedition
37. Crime against one’s own country
38 Denizen
38. A person who lives in a particular place
39 Ex-parte
39. Done in the interest of only one side in a case
40. Officially accusing someone of a crime 40 Indict


34. Domicile → the place or country of residence which is legally or

officially recognized (�नवास स्था)
35. Euthanasia → mercy killing (दया मतृ ्य)
36. Extradition → The act of making someone return from another country
for trial (प्रत्य)
37. Treason → The criminal act of causing harm to your country (दे शद्र)
Sedition → Instigating people to act against the government (राजद्र)
38. Denizen → a person, animal or plant that lives or is found in a
particular place (�नवासी)
39. Ex-parte → In the interest of one side only (एकप�ीय / एकतरफा)
40. Indict → officially charge someone with a crime (अ�भयोग लगाना)

KD LIVE 518 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS

41. Place where arms are kept
41 Arsenal/ Armoury
42. Telling a lie under oath
43. Following/ watching someone in a threatening 42 Perjury
way is __________.
43 Stalking
44. Crime of living on the street and asking people
for money is __________. 44 Vagrancy
45. A piece of unclaimed property is ________. 45 Waif
46. a homeless child or person is ________.
46 Waif/ Foundling
47. Reading / using message / data without one’s
knowledge 47 Hacking
48. You __________ if you plan together to do some
48 hatch a conspiracy

41. Arsenal/Armoury → a collection of weapons such as guns and explosives
(यदु सामग् का भंडार)
42. Perjury → the act of telling a lie in the court or when under
oath (शपथ भंग या झठ ू � गवाह�)
43. Stalking → to follow a person over a period of time in a
frightening or annoying way (�कसी का ऐसे पीछा करना �क वह
डरे या परे शान हो जाये)
44. Vagrancy → the state of being homeless (बेघर होने क� अवस्थ)
45. Waif → anything found but not claimed (लावा�रस वस्,त जमीन
46. Waif/ foundling → a person especially a child who is homeless (बेघर बच्च)
47. Hacking → to use a computer to get information stored in some
other computer without permission (�बना अनम ु �त के �कसी
और कम्प्यू म� सं�चत सच ू ना प्रा करना)
48. Hatch conspiracy → to make a secret plan to do something that is usually
illegal or harmful (षड्यन करना)

49. The Judge ____________ the verdict in the open court.

49 pronounced
50. A legal document in which you state who shall
receive your property is __________.
50 Will
51. A process of settling a disagreement by keeping
people from both sides or an independent person to 51 Arbitration/Me
settle the matter is __________. diation
52. Payment made by husband/wife to his/her spouse 52 Alimony
after divorce is __________
53. Money given by a man to his wife for her own use/ 53 Pin money
money spent on inessentials is __________ 54 Legacy
54. The amount of money or property left to someone in
a will is __________

KD LIVE 519 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS


49. Pronounce the verdict → give a judgement (फैसला सुनाना)

50. Will → a legal document mentioning who will
inherit the legacy (वसीयत)
51. Arbitration/ Mediation → procedure in which a dispute is submitted
by agreement of the parties to one or more
impartial individuals (मध्यस्थ)
52. Alimony → money paid to wife/ husband after divorce
(तलाक के बाद हजार्न)
53. Pin money → a small sum of money for spending on
inessentiality (छोटे -मोटे खच� के �लए द� जाने वाले
54. Legacy → money or property that is given to
someone after a person dies (�वरासत)

KD LIVE 520 Class Notes : LEGAL TERMS

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