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gavah panca pavitrani: the cows deliver five products and all of them are pure and uncontaminated.

The five products received from the cow are milk, ghee, yogurt, cow dung and urine

Cow’s milk is considered the most miraculous food which helps in developing the finer tissues of the
brain that helps in understanding the higher purposes of life. It helps one understand the intricacies
of transcendental knowledge. Milk can be transformed into yogurt, curd, butter, ghee and by
combining the milk and milk products with grains; hundreds of palatable dishes can be prepared.
The ghee or clarified butter is used not only for preparing delicacies but also for the sacrificial
performances. A patient who is suffering from a disorder of the bowels due to overindulgence in
milk products is cured by another milk product, namely curds. Even the urine and stool of cows have
medicinal value. Cow dung contains all antiseptic properties and is considered a purifying agent. Cow
dung can also be dried and used as fuel. The cow urine and dung are used even for bathing the

Cow dung as fertilizer

nd here’s a natural fertilizer and pesticide the cows and bulls can help produce. Take a liter of cow
urine and a liter of dung, mix them in a bucket with 350 grams of jagri (raw sugar) or molasses. Let
the mixture sit in a bucket for a week. This makes an excellent fertilizer. If you filter it and mix it with
ten parts of water, you can spray it on plants as a pesticide.

Cow dung is high in organic materials and rich in nutrients. It contains about 3 percent nitrogen, 2
percent phosphorus, and 1 percent potassium (3-2-1 NPK)

By mixing this cow manure compost into the soil, you can improve its moisture-holding capacity. This
allows you to water less frequently, as the roots of plants can use the additional water and nutrients
whenever needed. Additionally, it will improve aeration

Composted cow manure also contains beneficial bacteria, which convert nutrients into easily
accessible forms so they can be slowly released without burning tender plant roots.

Cow milk contains “complete” proteins, which means that they are directly useful to our body, both
in the production of energy as well as in growth and natural development. [8] As children, it is very
important to drink milk on a regular basis

Milk is about more than just calcium and protein; antioxidant compounds like vitamin E, selenium
and zinc can also be found in milk and can seek out dangerous free radicals throughout the body and
boost immunity

Wherever there is a cow, there is influence of all heavenly constellations; blessings of all gods. Cow is
the only divine living being that has aSurya Ketu Nadi (vein connected to sun) passing through her
backbone. Therefore the cow's milk, butter and ghee have golden hue. This is because Surya ketu
Nadi, on interaction with solar rays produces gold salts in her blood. These salts are present in the
cow's milk and cow's other bodily fluids which miraculously cures many diseases.

India has approximately 30 crore cattle. Using their dung to produce bio gas, we can save 6.0 crore
ton of firewood every year. This would arrest deforestation to that extent.

Most of the mental retardation and depression are due to eating of beef i.e. cow meat

Cow, in India, provides us with the entire requirement for our farming activities in Agriculture. It
helps us in transportation of our goods, works in our agricultural lands. It gives us the medicine; it
saves the crop from pest, insect and fungi. In many rural areas, cow is also kept as pet providing with

Benefits of cow dung and urine:

Organic fertilizers- For soil enrichment




Biogas- Fuel for cooking and to produce electricity

Anti-bacterial property- Used to protect walls and floors of houses in the villages.

Chhatrapati shivaji Maharj is also known as ‘ Go-Bramhin pratipalak’ as cow and bramhin protector.

Cow Milk: Indian Cow milk contains A2 type protein making it superior to exotic breeds. Due
to this desi cow milk is in high demand and fetches good money to farmers. Milk products like ghee,
paneer, butter, curd, etc. also fetch good amount to the farmers

2. Cow Dung: Compost & fertilizers made from cow dung are organic, natural & cheap
(Close to Zero investment) sources to increase yield for farmers. Farmers can save money by
developing a Gobar Gas Plant. They can earn money by suppling cow dung cakes, another product in
high demand in urban areas

3. Cow Urine: Cow urine is like Amrit for farmers. Farmers can sell cow urine to many
Ayurvedic companies where it is extensively used for manufacturing of medicines. They can achieve
close to zero spend by using insect repellent produced with cow urine

4. Farming: Cow based organic farming produces healthy and tasty crops all around the
year. Farmers can save money by employing oxen of Indian breed as they have high working capacity
for longer hours in all climatic conditions. Farmers need not invest in tractors or other machines
5. Medicines: Medicines prepared from cow based products are excellent alternatives to
costly chemical based products floated in market by big companies. Farmers can limit their spend by
producing these medicines at almost zero cost at home.

6. Ecological Balance: Cow based farming maintains ecological balance beautifully. The
fertility of soil increases with the use of cow based products. This makes it possible for farmers to
take multiple crops in a year and earn more profits

Indian soil is one of the most fertile soils in the world as it has high content of microbes,
which are sustained through usage of dung compost. Cow dung compost is used in India for ages to
enhance natural health of soil. Soil food web feeds on this compost and promotes natural growth of
essential microbes. The long lasting effect of adding compost is that it creates nutrients rich soil
essential for growth of plants.

While compost is used to increase natural health of soil, fertilizers are externally added to
soil to act like growth boosters for plants. Fertilizers are full of nutrients that are essential for growth
of plants. Fertilizer specifically targets the needs of plant and thus enables their fast growth. They
remove the deficiencies and enrich plants with nutrients like potassium, magnesium, calcium &

Overuse of chemical fertilizers have disturbed the microbial flora of soil. While chemical
fertilizers enhance the growth of plants they do not feed the soil food web. This eventually
deteriorated the soil health as microbes starved to death.

Overuse of chemical fertilizers have resulted in polluting the surrounding environment.

Chemicals unabsorbed by plants remain in soil and are washed during rains. They are mixed in
nearby lake or pond with the stream of water. The chemicals contaminate the water and settle in
water body as they cannot be consumed by the creatures

Cost Effective: Cow dung fertilizer is a very cheap & effective alternative to chemical
fertilizers for farmers

Natural & Organic: Nutrients provided by cow dung fertilizers are 100% natural & organic
substances. This does not cause any harm to humans
Improves Soil Health: cow manure not only boosts plant growth but it also maintains the soil

Safe for Environment: Ingredients of cow manure are consumable by plants & water
creatures, making it safe for environment

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