Assignment 1 ODE&PDEs

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Asignment 1: ODE and PDEs

African institute for Mathematical Sciences, Senegal

Academic year: 2023-2024

Exercise 1
1-) Determine the basic properties of the following differential equation and solve
the the equation : y 0 = y 2 (1 + t2 ), y(0) = 1.
2-) Let us consider the following differential equation :

t2 y 00 − t(t + 2)y 0 + (t + 2)y = 0. (1)

(a) Show that les functions y1 (t) = t and y2 (t) = tet are two solutions linearly
independant of (1).
(b) Shwo that the function f (t) = Ay1 (t) + By2 (t) is a solution of (1), where
A and B are constants.

Exercise 2 Find the general solution of

1-) 3∂x u − 2∂y u + u = x.
2-) y∂x u − x∂y u = 0.

Exercise 3 Write the conservation law form ∂t u + ∂x φ = 0, by finding the flux

function of
1-) ∂t u + c∂x u = 0.
2-) ∂t u + u2 ∂x u + ∂xxx u = 0.

Exercise 4 Solve the following

1-) ∂t u + 4∂x u = 0, u(x, 0) = 1+x2
2-) y∂x u + x∂y u = 0, u(0, y) = e−y .

Exercise 5 Let us consider the following two equations with initial condition u(x, 0) =
i) ∂t u + u∂x u = 0, |x| < ∞, t > 0.
ii) ∂t u + u2 ∂x u = 0, |x| < ∞, t > 0.
1-) Find the plot of characteristics.
2-) Analytically, determine the breaking time.
3-) Plot the solution u(x, t) at times before and after breaking time.

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