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Rizwan, Babar
WORLD 6 Biden’s son convicted on all charges in gun case
JUNE, 2024 alive
220 FILS
ISSUE NO.9954 Mohammad Rizwan
WHATSAPP and Babar Azam star
3844 4692 in seven-wicket win
FACEBOOK over Canada to keep
/nobmedia T20 World Cup hopes
MAIL alive | P12

Jeremy Renner recalls being told he wouldn’t run again 8 CELEBS

BUSINESS 5 GPIC wins award in chemical sector at annual RoSPA awards

Royal leadership
greets Russia Bahrain welcomes UN resolution on Gaza
and Philippines TDT | Manama turn of civilians to their homes, fairs expressed its appreciation a permanent ceasefire, a com-
TDT | Manama and the safe distribution of hu- for the US efforts in submitting plete withdrawal of Israeli forc-

H is Majesty King Hamad

bin Isa Al Khalifa and
T he Kingdom of Bahrain wel-
comed the United Nations
Security Council resolution call-
manitarian aid.
A statement issued by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs said
and adopting this draft resolu-
tion based on the initiative of the
US President Joe Biden.
es from the Gaza Strip, a launch
of a major reconstruction plan,
and supporting just and compre-
His Royal Highness Prince ing for an immediate, full and the resolution was an important The ministry called upon the hensive peace negotiations to
Salman bin Hamad Al Khal- complete ceasefire in the Gaza step towards addressing the cat- international community to en- establish an independent Pales-
ifa, the Crown Prince and Strip, the release of hostages and astrophic humanitarian situa- eight-month war. sure the implementation of this tinian state, with East Jerusalem
Prime Minister, sent cables exchange of prisoners, the re- tion and to end the devastating The Ministry of Foreign Af- resolution in its three phases; as its capital.
of congratulations to Rus-
sian President Vladimir Pu-
tin on his country’s National

‘Give more for Gaza’

HM the King praised the
historical Bahraini-Russian
relations and their develop-
ment in various domains,
wishing Russia further pro-
gress and prosperity.
HRH Prince Salman sent a
similar cable to Prime Min-
ister Mikhail Mishustin. US promises over $400 million in new aid to ease Palestinians’ suffering
HM King Hamad and His
Royal Highness sent cables
of congratulations to Phil-
ippine President Ferdinand
R. Marcos on his country’s
Independence Day today.
• ‘Complete halt’ to
aggression: Hamas

• Immediate truce
push intensifies
Malawi’s vice
AFP | Sweimeh, Jordan
president killed
in plane crash
AFP | Lilongwe, Malawi T he US yesterday promised
more than $400 million
in new aid for the Pales-
tinians at an emergency summit

M alawi’s Vice Presi-

dent Saulos Chilima
was killed in a plane crash,
in Jordan, where world leaders
backed a US push for a ceasefire
as the only ultimate solution to
the nation’s president said help war-ravaged Gaza.
yesterday, after searchers Meanwhile, Hamas gave its
located the wreckage of the official response to the latest
aircraft in a mist-shrouded truce proposal for Gaza yes-
forest. terday, calling for a “complete
The military plane car- halt” to Israeli “aggression” as
rying Chilima, 51, and nine fighting raged in the Palestinian
others disappeared on Mon- territory.
day, after it failed to land in “The response prioritises the
the northern city of Mzuzu interests of our Palestinian peo-
due to bad weather and was ple and emphasises the neces-
Palestinian men walk along a narrow street past destroyed buildings in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip. (AFP)
told to return to the capital, sity of a complete halt to the
Lilongwe. ongoing aggression on Gaza,” support for Israel, Blinken noted everyone — to step up. And for beyond anything in my years as
Hamas said in a statement. that a UN appeal for the Palestin- those who have already giv- secretary-general,” he said.
Jordan and Egypt called the ians was only one-third funded, en and given generously, give
urgent talks on the Dead Sea as “It is time for with a shortfall of some $2.3 more,” he said. Aid contribution
everyone — everyone billion.
UN rejects ‘spy aid groups warned conditions
were worse than ever in Gaza, — to step up. And
He called on countries to press
Hamas to accept the ceasefire
The US pledge has brought its
aid contribution to $674 million
‘Little or nothing’
network’ claims with virtually the whole popu-
lation of more than two million
for those who have
already given and
proposal laid out on May 31 by
“Some who have expressed President Joe Biden, saying that
since the October 7 attack by
Hamas opened the war.
AFP | Geneva people relying on sporadic aid great concern over the suffer- Israeli Prime Minister Benja- Blinken did not specify how
given generously,
deliveries. give more.” ing of the Palestinian people in min Netanyahu assured him of the US would deliver the assis-

T he UN rights chief yes-

terday demanded that
Yemen’s Houthi rebels “im-
US Secretary of State Antony
Blinken, on a new trip across
the region as he seeks to press a
Gaza, including countries with support.
the capacity to give a lot, have UN chief Antonio Guterres
provided very little or nothing also supported the US-led pro-
tance, but Washington has fo-
cused on the World Food Pro-
gramme and private aid groups.
mediately and uncondition- ceasefire proposal between Is- at all,” Blinken said, likely re- posal, telling the conference, The US is the largest donor to
ally” release detained UN rael and Hamas, promised $404 ferring to US adversaries China “The horror must stop.” the Palestinians. It also provides
staff and other aid workers, million for food, drinking water, the Palestinians. and Russia. “The speed and scale of the Israel with $3.8 billion in annual
flatly rejecting allegations health supplies and other aid to Hitting back at critics of US “It is time for everyone — carnage and killing in Gaza is military aid.
that they were part of a spy
The Houthis on Monday Singapore Airlines compensation offer
said the people they arrest-

$10,000 each for passengers hurt by turbulence

ed last week were part of a
US-Israeli spy network, add-
ing that those held worked
under “the cover of interna-
tional organisations and UN AFP | Singapore A 73-year-old British man gers and 18 crew to Bangkok, incident. sessed as having sustained seri-
agencies”. died and several other passen- where the injured were taken to “For those who sustained ous injuries, requiring long-term

220 fils (includes VAT)

S ingapore Airlines (SIA) said
yesterday it had offered
$10,000 in compensation to
gers and crew onboard flight
SQ 321 from London suffered
skull, brain and spine injuries
more serious injuries... we
have invited them to discuss
a compensation offer to meet
medical care, and requesting fi-
nancial assistance are offered an
advance payment of US$25,000
passengers who suffered minor during the terrifying high-alti- In a statement yesterday, SIA each of their specific circum- to address their immediate
injuries on a flight hit by ex- tude ordeal. said it had sent out emails of- stances when they feel well needs.
treme turbulence last month and The pilots diverted the Sin- fering US$10,000 in compen- and ready to do so,” the airline “This will be part of the final
will discuss higher payouts with gapore-bound Boeing 777- sation to passengers who sus- said. compensation that these passen-
those more badly hurt. 300 ER carrying 211 passen- tained minor injuries during the “Passengers medically as- gers will receive.”


Groundbreaking moment
Supreme Council of Health Chairman lays foundation stone for RCSI Medical University of Bahrain’s new academic building
TDT | Manama

T he Chairman of the Su-

preme Council of Health,
His Excellency Lieuten-
ant General Dr Shaikh Moham-
med bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, laid
the foundation stone for the new
academic building of the Royal
College of Surgeons in Ireland
(RCSI) - Medical University of
Bahrain, which was held under
the patronage of His Royal High-
ness Prince Salman bin Hamad
Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince
and Prime Minister, and in the
presence of several dignitaries.
The event coincided with the H.E. Lieutenant General Dr Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa is briefed Professor Sameer Otoom, President of RCSI, and Mr Ghazi Abdulla Nass, Executive Director, Nass Corporation B.S.C., sign
celebrations of the Silver Jubilee about the project the contract for the construction of the new building. (Pictures By Ashen Tharaka)
of His Majesty King Hamad bin
Isa Al Khalifa’s ascension to the tional process and developing its ject, Professor Otoom highlight- usable area by 140%, and fea- ther progress and opportunities al Highness Prince Salman bin
throne, marking 25 years of His outcomes. ed, “For 20 years, RCSI Medi- ture six areas of development: to develop programmes which Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown
Majesty’s reign and on behalf of cal University of Bahrain has Teaching, Clinical Simulation, cater to the needs of the national Prince and Prime Minister, for
HRH Prince Salman. Gratitude been committed to educating Research, Student Experience, and regional markets and are in his patronage of the ceremony
On this occasion, Professor Prof Otoom expressed his and developing healthcare lead- Conferring Ceremony & Events line with our Mission to ‘Edu- to lay the foundation stone for
Sameer Otoom, President of gratitude to His Royal Highness ers in Bahrain and the Middle and Office Space. cate, Nurture and Innovate for the New Academic Building of
RCSI Medical University of Bah- for his patronage of the ceremo- East. Prof Otoom added, “This the Benefit of Human Health’.” RCSI Medical University of Bah-
rain, affirmed the unwavering ny and expressed his apprecia- Today, we are taking a leap project aligns with our Green rain. We also thank RCSI Medical
support of HM the King and HRH tion to Dr Shaikh Mohammed forward with the commissioning Campus initiative by enhancing Royal patronage University of Bahrain for this col-
the Crown Prince and Prime bin Abdulla for attending the of an expansion project span- operational efficiency and en- Mr Ghazi Abdulla Nass, Exec- laboration opportunity to build
Minister to continue strength- ceremony. ning over 7,912 sqm, which will vironmental stewardship and utive Director, Nass Corporation together a vision for the future
ening and enriching the educa- Giving an overview of the pro- increase the University’s net providing a springboard for fur- B.S.C., stated: “We thank His Roy- for the Bahraini youth.”

Philippine Ambassador pays tribute to nation’s heroes

TDT | Manama amidst great challenges and ad- Bahrain have been character- Filipino community
versity,” the Ambassador stated. ized by friendship, respect, and Addressing the Filipino com-

T he Republic of the Phil-

ippines will celebrate the
126th Anniversary of the Procla-
She expressed pride in the
Philippines’ rich history as a sov-
ereign state and its active role in
“We remember our
nation’s heroes and
Since establishing formal rela-
tions in 1978, the two countries
munity in Bahrain, Ambassador
Jalando-On Louis wished them
a meaningful and successful
mation of Philippine Independ- the international community. the valiant men have partnered in advancing mu- commemoration of Philippine
ence today. “We have been at the fore- and women who tual interests through bilateral co- Independence.
The Ambassador of the Phil- front, either as a lead or a pro- operation in various fields, includ- “May we take heed of the re-
ippines to the Kingdom of ponent, in the global discourse
fought for freedom ing trade, culture, arts, skills train- minder that it is only in unity
Bahrain, Her Excellency Anne supporting peace and security; for the Philippines, ing, people-to-people exchanges, and solidarity as a community
Jalando-On Louis, highlighted social and gender equity; migra- unwavering in migration, and employment. and as a nation that we will be
the significance of this occasion, tion; climate change; and oth- their spirit and The Ambassador extended able to achieve our collective
marking the birth of the Filipino er global issues,” Ambassador resilience amidst gratitude to His Majesty King goals and safeguard our interests
nation on June 12, 1898, when Jalando-On Louis remarked. great challenges and Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, His in the true bayanihan spirit,” she
General Emilio Aguinaldo first She also emphasised the Phil- adversity.” Royal Highness Prince Salman urged.
unfurled the Philippine flag in ippines’ commitment to demo- bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, She concluded her message
Kawit, Cavite. cratic ideals, universal human - HER EXCELLENCY ANNE JALANDO-ON the Crown Prince and Prime with a heartfelt, “Maligayang
“We remember our nation’s rights, justice, the rule of law, and PINES TO THE KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN Minister, and the government Araw ng Kasarinlan! Mabuhay
heroes and the valiant men and the values of freedom and sover- and people of Bahrain for their ang Pilipinas! Mabuhay ang Pili-
women who fought for freedom eignty as Asia’s earliest modern support and contributions, pino! (Happy independence day!
for the Philippines, unwaver- democracy and republic. strong ties with Bahrain, Ambas- “The Philippines’ longstanding which have further strength- Long live the Philippines! Long
ing in their spirit and resilience Highlighting the Philippines’ sador Jalando-On Louis noted, relations with the Kingdom of ened bilateral ties. live Filipinos!”

‘Filipiniana Rondalla’ brings Filipino community kicks off

Filipino music to Bahrain Independence Day celebrations
TDT | Manama

T he Philippine Embassy, in
collaboration with the Phil-
ippine National Commission
for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
and in partnership with Gulf
Air, is bringing the Philippine
cultural group, “Filipiniana
Rondalla”, to the Kingdom of
Bahrain for a number of per- Philippine Ambassador, Her Excellency Anne Jalando-on Louis, with Embassy officers and staff
formances. TDT | Manama do-on Louis. She praised their overwhelm-
It is part of the Embassy’s The Filipiniana Rondalla will serenade the Kingdom An atmosphere brimming ing participation in the offerto-
commemorative activities for
the 126th Anniversary of the
Proclamation of Philippine In-
the Embassy at Spanish word ronda, meaning
This cultural project of the
Rondalla is an ensemble of
T he Filipino community in with patriotism and unity en- ry, highlighting the collective
Bahrain commenced today’s veloped the gathering as hun- effort and unity that make such
celebration of the 126th anniver- dreds of Filipinos residing in celebrations meaningful.
dependence today. Philippine Embassy is also sup- stringed instruments that are sary of the proclamation of Phil- Bahrain came together to cele- With sincere appreciation,
The Filipiniana Rondalla will ported by Global Travel & Tours played with a plectrum or pick. ippine Independence Day along brate the momentous occasion. Ambassador Jalando-on Louis
perform at the Dana Mall on 13 WLL. The instruments used are with Migrants Day celebration In her inspiring message, extended her gratitude to the
June 2024 at 6pm, in conjunc- The Filipiniana Rondalla made of native wood and played with a special mass officiated by Ambassador Jalando-on Louis Sacred Heart Catholic church for
tion with Lulu Hypermarket’s was formally launched in 2002 with a tortoise-shell plectrum. Fr. Anthony Almazan at the Sa- underscored the significance dedicating the Tagalog mass and
Pinoy Week. They will also and aims to promote and pre- This form of music originated cred Heart Church in Manama. of independence and acknowl- providing a space for prayers and
stage a concert at the Cultural serve Philippine culture and in Spain and became a popular The event was led by Philip- edged the presence and active protection for the country and its
Hall on 14 June 2024 from 4 to arts through rondalla music. folk music in the Philippines pine Ambassador to Bahrain, response of the Filipino com- people during this celebration of
6pm. For inquiries, please email The word “rondalla” is from the starting in the 19th century. Her Excellency Anne Jalan- munity, leaders, and volunteers. independence.


Drugs in children’s
Appeals begin Security guard
for 22 ‘money assaulted by
launderers’ drunk hotel guest
TDT | Manama

‘shampoo bottles’
T he High Appeals Court
commenced hearing of
the appeals of 22 individuals
• Victim suffers
permanent injury
convicted of money laun-
dering funds derived from TDT | Manama
a drug trafficking operation
worth BD8 million.
Among the 22 defend-
ants are two Bahrainis and
A security guard at a ho-
tel was assaulted by a
drunk guest, resulting in a
20 Asians. They were sen- High Appeals Court upholds 10-year jail sentence for university student permanent injury.
tenced to five years in pris- The incident occurred
on each, fined BD100,000 accused of importing illegal substance when the security guard, on
and ordered to forfeit over duty at the main entrance,
TDT | Manama
BD11.7 million in assets. The denied entry to a 36-year-
foreign nationals will also be old Gulf national who was
deported from Bahrain after
serving their sentences.
The case unfolded fol-
lowing a report received
from the National Centre
T he High Appeals Court
upheld the conviction of
a university student ac-
cused of importing a controlled
substance disguised in chil- KNOW WHAT
heavily intoxicated.
This angered the guest,
who immediately ap-
proached the security guard
and punched him several
for Financial Investigations, dren’s shampoo bottles. times in the face, focusing
which detailed the investi- The Appeals Court confirmed on the nose and right eye.
gation into the defendants’ the defendant’s 10 years in pris- Hearing the commo -
receipt and subsequent on and fined him BD5,000. The liquid inside these tion, the hotel receptionist
laundering of money ob- The defendant attempted to bottles was a drug used rushed to the entrance and
tained through drug traf- import the illicit substance with in electronic shisha de- witnessed the assault. The
ficking. the assistance of an accomplice an X-ray machine and upon ex- importing drugs from an Asian receptionist intervened, and
The accused allegedly fun- abroad, using three bottles of amination, found three bottles country with the intention of vices, which the defend- the security guard, over-
neled the illicit funds through children’s shampoo. of children’s shampoo contain- trafficking and personal use. ant intended to sell for whelmed by pain, fell to the
their bank accounts and fur- It was later discovered that ing liquid substances inside the The investigations also re- BD10 per shisha head. ground.
ther converted them into dig- the liquid inside these bottles package, suspected to be drugs. vealed that the defendant had Hotel security personnel
ital currencies using peer- was a drug used in electronic sent a sum of BD1,300 to an uni- country by sending bank trans- were alerted and contacted
to-peer (P2P) digital trading shisha devices, which the de- Inspection dentified individual in the Asian fers. emergency services. The
platforms, all in an attempt to fendant intended to sell for BD10 The officer confiscated the country he imported the drugs He would then receive the injured security guard was
obfuscate the money’s origin per shisha head. package and handed it over to from, in exchange for receiving drugs in the form of mailed rushed to the hospital for
and provide it with a veneer The details of the case trace the Anti-Narcotics Directorate the confiscated 600 milliliters parcels, which he would fur- medical attention.
of legitimacy. back to when a customs officer, for further inspection. of the illicit substance. ther process by filling them into A forensic report revealed
Promptly upon receiving while inspecting incoming par- Upon examination by the shisha heads for subsequent sale that the victim suffered a
the report, the prosecution cels at the mail inspection de- directorate, it was confirmed Interrogations at a price of BD10 per head. deviated nasal septum due
initiated a thorough inves- partment in preparation for en- that the seized liquid was a con- During the interrogations The Public Prosecution to a partial blockage of the
tigation, undertaking meas- try into the Kingdom of Bahrain, trolled substance, specifically conducted by the Public Prose- charged the 23-year-old defend- nasal airway, requiring sur-
ures to uncover and freeze became suspicious of a package cannabis. cution, the defendant confessed ant with unauthorised drug im- gical intervention to cor-
the accounts belonging to arriving from an Asian country. Subsequent investigations re- to drug use and admitted to im- portation, as it was conducted rect. This injury had an es-
the accused. The officer passed it through vealed that the defendant was porting drugs from an Asian outside the legal framework. timated severity of 5%.

NHRA shuts down unlicensed Northern Municipality

to double trash bag
multi-specialty health centre dispensers for residents
edged the
Mohammed Darwish Judicial officers at the Au- services without the sanction directives and enforced the malfunctions
TDT | Manama thority closed the centre, which of the Authority administrative closure of the that can oc-
had initially been licensed as a Furthermore, the institution centre. This action aims to pro- cur with these

T he National Health Regula-

tory Authority (NHRA) has
closed down a health institution
multi-specialty centre but lat-
er had its licence cancelled for
failing to meet the Authority’s
engaged in misleading the pub-
lic through publications and
advertisements, falsely por-
tect the health and safety of its
visitors and maintain the quality
of healthcare services, pending
machines due
to their reli-
ance on Wi-Fi
operating as a multi-specialty requirements. traying itself as licensed by the the conclusion of the requisite connectivity.
centre, despite its licence having The infractions cited by the Authority. legal proceedings. H o w e v e r,
previously been revoked. Authority against this institu- The Authority’s scrutiny also The NHRA has urged the pub- she assured
This action was part of the tion are manifold: revealed the institution’s ac- lic to report any violations re- residents that
Authority’s ongoing campaigns - Operating and overseeing ceptance of patients in the ab- lated to health institutions or the company
to ensure health institutions a healthcare facility without a sence of appropriately licensed their employees by contacting re s p o n s i b l e
meet required standards and valid licence, notwithstanding medical staff and the utilisation the hotline number 17113265 for the ma-
provide quality and efficient the cancellation of its previous of certain medical equipment or submitting complaints chines con-
healthcare services to the pub- licence and a formal notice to past its expiration date. through the National Sugges- ducts daily
lic, safeguarding their health cease operations In light of these breaches, the tions and Complaints System maintenance
and safety. - Administering healthcare judicial officers issued formal (Tawasul). and refills the
bag bundles
Trash bag-dispensing machine A l Fa d a l a

Upgrade universities’ programmes

that residents facing difficul-

• Eco-friendly ties in obtaining bags from the

machines can visit any of the

for labour market needs: MP Al Sayed

initiative aims to four municipal headquarters
improve waste during designated hours to
management collect them directly.
She reiterated the munici-
are equipped with the necessary She highlighted the crucial pality’s commitment to serving

TDT | Manama
Bid to secure skills and knowledge to secure role universities play in prepar- citizens and residents and en-
employment and contribute to ing graduates for the workforce suring their satisfaction. This

TDT | Manama
the nation’s development.
While extending her congrat-
ulations to students and educa-
and the need for them to adapt
to the changing needs of the
T he Northern Municipality
aims to double the num-
ber of trash bag-dispensing
initiative demonstrates the
Northern Municipality’s on-
going efforts to enhance waste
tors for a successful academic MP Al Sayed urged universi- machines in the region to im- management infrastructure

M P Jaleela Al Sayed em-

phasised the urgent need
for national universities in the
year, MP Al Sayed commended
the dedication of the Ministry
of Education and its staff, as
ties to collaborate with indus-
try leaders and stakeholders to
identify emerging trends and
prove waste management and
convenience for residents.
Currently, there are ma-
and provide convenient solu-
tions for residents.
By increasing the number
Kingdom of Bahrain to prior- well as the leadership of the adapt their curriculum accord- chines with a capacity of 350 of dispensing machines and
itise updating and developing Minister, His Excellency Dr. ingly. This, she believes, will bundles of bags, and residents ensuring their efficient oper-
their programmes to meet the Mohamed bin Mubarak Juma, bridge the gap between aca- can use any available machine ation, the municipality aims
evolving demands of the labour for their efforts in supporting demic knowledge and practical in their vicinity. to promote responsible waste
market. the educational process and application, preparing students Director General of the disposal and maintain a clean
This, she stressed, will en- achieving positive outcomes for the realities of the modern N o r t h e r n M u n i c i p a l i t y, and healthy environment for
sure that graduating students for students. MP Jaleela Al Sayed workforce. Lamees Al Fadala, acknowl- the community.


Unesco recognition
Award Ceremony
held at NMS-Bahrain
TDT | Manama

Northern Municipal Council endorses proposal to expedite move for

N ew Millennium School,
Bahrain, in its extreme
glory and grandeur, held the
Achievement and Scholar
Barbar Temples’ World Heritage status Award Ceremony on 2 June KNOW WHAT
TDT | Manama
The ceremony was held to
felicitate the meritorious stu-

T he Northern Munici- dents from Grades KG I to VII A total of 490 students

pal Council endorsed a (‪2023-24‪ session), who have from Grades KG I to VII
proposal to expedite the excelled in scholastic terrains. (‪2023-24‪ session)
study of procedures for includ- The event commenced with
ing the Barbar Temples on the the lighting of the divine lamp were felicitated and
Unesco World Heritage List. by the esteemed Chief guest awarded with achieve-
This initiative aims to high- Ms. Geetha Pillai, Managing ments and scholar
light the importance of pre- Director, Knowledge Manage- certificates during the
serving Bahrain’s cultural and ment Group and the Guest of
historical heritage, emphasising Honour, Mr Ganesh Pillai, Di- colourful ceremony.
the historical and cultural sig- rector RP Group, followed by
nificance of the Barbar Temples, Barbar Temples reveal Bahrain’s rich prehistoric culture and religious practices humbly invoking the blessings
and enhancing their potential of the almighty. Success
for cultural and heritage tour- The Head Boy and Vice
ism. Head Girl (Junior Students’ Principal, Dr Arun Kuumar
The proposal also addresses Council) welcomed the hon- Sharma, the architect of the
concerns about the site’s neglect ourable chief guest, the guest overall achievements of NMS
and the risk of damage or theft of Honour, other dignitaries Bahrain, stressed on the im-
of its historical artifacts, as evi- and the parents. portance of sustained effort
denced by the recent theft of an A melodious welcome song, and holistic development that
ancient vessel. the classical and contempo- ultimately translates into suc-
This came as the Council rary dance presentations along cess.
unanimously approved several with the award ceremony in- He also motivated the stu-
proposals during its meeting fused a soothing touch in the dents to continue working
Northern Municipal Council meeting in progress
on Monday. These proposals ambience. 490 students in all hard towards attainment of
address heritage preservation, spaces, promote social interac- Waqf in Hamad Town. install external emergency stairs were felicitated with achieve- their goals for a bright future.
public amenities, and safety en- tion, and contribute to achiev- This initiative aims to en- for each floor. This measure aims ments and scholar certificates. He requested the parents and
hancements within the North- ing sustainable development hance the availability of reli- to prevent electrical hazards and Honouring the awardees, the teachers to be the role
ern Governorate. goals. gious facilities and strengthen explosions that could lead to The Chief Guest for the func- models for children.
The Council approved the al- Islamic values within the com- fires and loss of life. tion Ms. Geetha Pillai appre- The ceremony culminated
location and registration of land Land for mosque munity. The external emergency stairs ciated the meticulous efforts on an overwhelming note with
for the construction of a public Additionally, it approved the Meanwhile, the Council grant- will serve as an escape route in of outstanding students and a formal vote of thanks deliv-
park in Hamad Town. allocation and registration of ed permission to owners of case of emergencies, protecting teachers, which has always ered by the Vice Head Boy and
This project aims to provide land for the construction of a apartment buildings to relocate residents from injuries and safe- yielded the best results in the Vice ahead Girl of the Junior
residents with access to green mosque affiliated with Sunni water heaters to rooftops and guarding lives. island. Students’ Council.

BKS commemorates Raghu’s first death anniversary

TDT | Manama
Treasurer Mr Devadas Kun- Thomas, the Ladies Wing Pres-
nath shared sentiments of loss, ident, highlighted Mr. Raghu’s

T he Bahrain Keraleeya Sa-

majam (BKS) held a remem-
brance meeting at its premises
describing Mr. Raghu as a belov-
ed friend whose absence is very
much felt by the BKS community.
caring nature and his advocacy
for the welfare of women in so-
ciety, underscoring his commit-
on June 10 to commemorate the ment to inclusivity and commu-
first death anniversary of Mr. Bilateral relations nity well-being. Mr Manikantan,
M P Raghu, a former General Other members, including Mr Sathyan Perambra, Mr. Sree-
Secretary of BKS. Mr. Veeramani and Mr. Praveen hari G Pillai were remembered
The event was attended by Nair, reflected on Mr. Raghu’s Mr M P Raghu.
several members of the Execu- dedicated efforts in serving the T h e re m e m b ra n c e m e e t
tive Committee and many BKS Bahrain Keraleeya Samajam officials and members attend the event Malayali community and his role served as a poignant reminder
members, who gathered to hon- Varghese Karakkal, the General as a lovable and humanitarian absence continues to be deeply in strengthening relations be- of Mr. Raghu’s lasting impact
our the memory of their depart- Secretary, spoke fondly about leader. felt, leaving a void that remains tween the Kingdom of Bahrain and the profound loss felt by all
ed leader. the contributions of Mr. Raghu, Mr. Dileesh, the Acting Presi- unfilled within the organization and India. who knew him within the BKS
During the meeting, Mr. highlighting his personal traits dent, expressed that Mr. Raghu’s and Malayali Diaspora. Additionally, Ms. Mohini community.

Al Noor International School holds graduation ceremony MP hails students as

Bahrain ‘future leaders’
TDT | Manama

H er Excellency MP Dr. Mar-

yam Al-Dhaen extended
heartfelt congratulations to all
outstanding students for the
2023/2024 academic year, em-
phasising their role as future
Graduating students of the CBSE section leaders in building a prosper-
Ashen Tharaka of India to the Kingdom of Bah- ous nation.
TDT | Manama rain, who served as the Chief MP Al-Dhaen highlighted
Guest for the evening. the significant advancements H.E. MP Dr. Maryam Al-Dhaen

T he Al Noor Internation-
al School, Bahrain, held a
grand graduation ceremony yes-
Dr. Muhammad Mashood, the
School Director, addressed the
graduating students, emphasis-
in Bahrain’s educational sec-
tor, supported by His Majesty
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
the efforts of the Minister of
Education, H.E. Dr. Moham-
terday at the Convention Hall of ing the importance of focusing and His Royal Highness Prince med bin Mubarak Juma, and
the Golden Tulip Hotel. on innovation and technolo- Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, all ministry employees for
The ceremony marked a mo- gy in the ever-evolving world, the Crown Prince and Prime their dedication to educational
mentous occasion for students while leveraging the knowledge Minister. excellence
of the CBSE section, celebrating they’ve garnered at Al Noor. S h e p r a i s e d B a h r a i n ’s The legislator stressed that
the graduating classes of AISSCE Ambassador Jacob highlight- achievements in providing investing in students’ educa-
(Grade XII) and AISSE (Grade X) ed the significance of preserving quality education, enhancing tion is an investment in hu-
for the academic year 2023-2024. culture and heritage, not just educational infrastructure, man capital, fostering a crea-
The event was graced by the for personal growth but also for and meeting international ed- tive generation that will drive
esteemed presence of H.E. Vi- Indian Ambassador, H.E. Vinod K. Dr. Muhammad Mashood addresses the fostering stronger Bahrain-In- ucational standards. national achievements across
nod K. Jacob, the Ambassador Jacob, is Chief Guest of the event gathering dia bonds. Dr. Al-Dhaen commended various sectors.

LuLu Financial Holdings celebrates milestone with 350th global customer engagement center
ration taking place on the eve of our journey of growth and in-
• Omnichannel
Strategy Drives
the Philippines Independence
Day lent added significance to
the occasion, with the company
novation,” said Adeeb Ahamed,
Managing Director of LuLu Fi-
nancial Holdings. “Our growth
Rapid Expansion and dedicating the milestone cere- is a clear indicator that our ap-
Digital Growth mony to the Filipino community. proach is resonating with cus-
“It is a pleasure to be part of tomers. We remain committed
TDT | Dubai the inauguration of LuLu Fi- to innovation and excellence,
nancial Exchange’s 350th global providing our customers with
customer engagement center reliable and convenient financial

L uLu Financial Holdings,

a leading global financial
services provider, opened
its 350th global customer en-
gagement center in Dubai on
here in Dubai, particularly as
it coincides with the eve of the
Philippines Independence Day,”
said H.E Alfonso Ferdinand A.
Ver. “This event not only marks
Since its inception in 2009,
LuLu Financial Holdings has
expanded to a global presence
with operations in over 10 coun-
Tuesday. a significant milestone for tries. The company is now at the
This milestone highlights the LuLu Financial Holdings but forefront of the digital transfor-
company's rapid growth and the also underscores the enduring mation of the financial servic-
success of its omnichannel strat- and growing bond between the es sector through its offerings
egy, which seamlessly integrates company and the Filipino com- such as the LuLu Money App,
physical and digital platforms to Inauguration of 350th global customer engagement centre in Dubai munity.” the company’s flagship digital
offer an exceptional cross-bor- center was also the 135th under The 350th global customer en- Ferdinand A. Ver, the Ambassa- "The inauguration of our payments solution, which has
der payment experience. The LuLu Exchange, the company’s gagement center at SATWA, Du- dor of the Republic of the Phil- 350th branch in Dubai repre- consistently been ranked among
new customer engagement UAE division. bai was inaugurated by Alfonso ippines to the UAE. The inaugu- sents a significant milestone in the top remittance apps in UAE.

GPIC wins award in chemical BBK launches educational loans for

sector at annual RoSPA awards students in collaboration with BUB
TDT | Manama

I n recognition of its outstand-

ing role in the field of occu-
pational safety and high-quality
health practices and standards,
the Royal Society for the Pre-
vention of Accidents “RoSPA”
in the United Kingdom award-
ed this year’s Chemical Sector
Safety Award to Gulf Petro-
chemical Industries Company
(GPIC). Participants during a group photo opportunity following the deal signing
Yasser Abdulrahim Alab-
basi, Chief Executive Officer, TDT | Manama program will also include life cedures.”
expressed his delight, adding insurance coverage. Dr. Ebrahim Janahi Presi-
that GPIC works hard for full
compliance with occupation-
al health and safety standards
The award ceremony B BK the leading retail and
commercial bank in Bah-
rain, and the British Universi-
On this occasion, Ahmed
Taqi General Manager of Retail
Banking, said: “This initiative
dent of the British University
of Bahrain (BUB) commented:
“This exceptional initiative will
and principles throughout its great pride in the professional practices. ty of Bahrain (BUB), have an- will provide crucial financial empower the next generation to
operations, which has created workforce who continue out- The Royal Society for the Pre- nounced a partnership aimed support, ensuring that students pursue higher education and at-
a distinguished reputation and perform in the field of health vention of Accidents (RoSPA) at improving financial accessi- can either embark on their ed- tain leadership positions, driv-
enabled it to maintain a zero and safety, he said that the Ro- announced during the event bility for BUB students. ucational journey or complete ing the Kingdom’s continued
‘Lost Time Accidents’ ( LTA ) SPA Award is global affirmation that His Majesty King Charles The Bank will provide loans their studies at the university growth and prosperity.”
record. health and safety excellence. It III is the charity’s new patron to BUB students with compet- with ease. We understand the This loan programme offers
He continued that this award underpins GPIC’s reputation as following a review of more itive interest rates, waived ad- financial challenges that stu- convenient terms and flexible
is a new addition to GPIC’s his- RoSPA is world renowned for 1,000-royal patronages since ministrative fees, expedited ap- dents may face and are commit- repayment options, ensuring a
tory of local, regional and global monitoring the application of the King ascended to the throne proval processes, and flexible ted to offering flexible payment smooth and stress-free academ-
safety awards, expressing his occupational safety and health in 2022. repayment options. The loan solutions and streamlined pro- ic journey.

Al Baraka Islamic Bank names winner of April Startup Genome and Tamkeen launch world’s
Grand Prize of $120,000 Monthly Salary most comprehensive research on startups
TDT | Manama — measures long-term trends
over the most significant per-

T he 2024 Global Startup

Ecosystem Report (GSER)
by Startup Genome and the
formance factors
● Top 15 MENA Eco-
system in Affordable Talent —
Global Entrepreneurship Net- measures the ability to hire tech
work launched yesterday at talent
London Tech Week. ● The Fintech, Cyber-
Mazin Dhaif The GSER, powered by the security, and AI, Big Data, &
world’s most quality-controlled Analytics sectors are highlight-
TDT | Manama dataset on startup ecosystems, ed for their density of talent,
analyzes data from over 4.5 support resources, and startup

A l Baraka Islamic Bank (AIB),

one of the leading Bahraini
financial institutions in the field
million companies across 300+
entrepreneurial innovation
of exits and startup valuations.
● Top 10 MENA Ecosys-
“Bahrain continues to bol-
ster its positioning as a lead-
of Islamic banking, announced It provides compelling new tem in Performance — meas- ing startup hub in the region.
Mrs. Ameena Saad Bukhammas insights and deep knowledge ures the size and performance The Kingdom has taken large
as the winner of the alBarakat about startup trends around of an ecosystem based on the strides in fostering a support-
Account Grand Prize for the the world and ranks the top accumulated tech startup value ive startup ecosystem, while
month of April 2024, which is Honouring the winner 30 and 10 runner-up global created from exits and funding also championing innovation
a monthly salary of $10,000 for ecosystems, emerging ecosys- ● Top 10 MENA Ecosys- by enabling skill development
one year corresponding to a Bank’s valued customers is a akat 2024. This year’s scheme tems, and an expanded regional tem in Bang for Buck — meas- and providing access to funding
total of $120,000. monthly salary prize of $10,000, provides our customers with ranking. ures the amount of runway tech for entrepreneurs,” shares Mrs.
In appreciation of the Bank’s for a total of $120,000 in July, greater opportunities to win Tamkeen and Startup Ge- startups acquire, on average, Alya Alaali Chief Strategy &
customers withholding alBar- in addition to the alBarakat generous cash prizes, as part of nome have teamed up to spot- from a VC round Data Analytics Officer.
akat accounts, the Bank has Grand Prize which $750,000 our efforts to create an excep- light Bahrain’s entrepreneurial ● Top 15 MENA Ecosys- The Report is driven by a
doubled its Grand Prizes in its for 3 winners in the month of tional banking experience that ecosystem in the #GSER2024 - tem in Knowledge — measures consortium of representatives
revamped version for 2024. August. enriches their lives and assists ● The ecosystem cre- innovation through research from 40+ countries and looks
Where in addition to the Mr. Mazin Dhaif, the Bank’s them in facilitating their affairs ated $1.2 billion in Ecosystem and patent activity at the current state of startup
monthly salaries for a full year Chief Retail Officer, congratu- and achieving their dreams.” Value from Jul 01, 2021 to Dec ● Top 15 MENA Ecosys- activity and related investment,
worth $10,000 US dollars, the lated the April’s Prize winner Al Barakat account offers 31, 2023, representing 40% tem in Funding — measures providing insights and guidance
scheme will also include 5 and stated: “We would like to customers many opportuni- compound annual growth com- innovation through early-stage to public and private leaders on
Grand Prizes worth a quarter extend our heartfelt congratu- ties to win amazing cash prizes pared to Jul 01, 2019 to Dec 31, funding and investor’s activi- how to foster thriving startup
of a million US dollars for each lations to Ameena Bukhammas throughout their investment 2021 time period. Ecosystem ty communities — the #1 engine
winner and her family on winning the period, by depositing a mini- Value is a measure of economic ● Top 15 MENA Ecosys- of job creation and economic
Moreover, awaiting the first monthly salary of alBar- mum of BD50 or USD135. impact, calculated as the value tem in Talent & Experience growth.
1381 1830 1931 1942
OF THE ARE BORN AND THE DAY YOU FIND Peasants’ Re- Beginning of the French coloni- Al Capone is Anne Frank gets her diary as a
DAY HISTORY volt: in England, zation of Algeria: 34,000 French indicted on 5,000 birthday present in Amsterdam
OUT WHY rebels arrive at soldiers land 27 kilometers west of counts of prohibi-
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024 MARK TWAIN Blackheath Algiers, at Sidi Ferruch tion and perjury

News in brief
u K-pop megastars
Seventeen will become UNESCO
Ozone-harming gas declining
faster than expected: study
Biden's son convicted on Apple partners with OpenAI as it
unveils ‘Apple Intelligence’ TOP

all charges in gun case 4

“goodwill ambassadors” from June 26,
the United Nations body announced AFP | Cupertino, United States
on Tuesday. “Seventeen and UNESCO AFP | Paris, France integrate ChatGPT into their de-
share the same commitment to journal Nature Climate Change, vices later this year! Think you
empowering young people to drive
change and address the challenges of
S cientists said yesterday that
examined levels of these pollut-
ants in the atmosphere by using A pple on Monday unveiled
“Apple Intelligence,” its
will really like it,” posted the
company’s chief Sam Altman
K-Pop stars international efforts to pro- data from the Advanced Global suite of new AI features for its on social media.

our century,” said Audrey Azoulay,
director-general of the UN Educational, tect the ozone layer had been a Atmospheric Gases Experiment The 54-year-old son of coveted devices -- and a part- Apple Intelligence will also
Scientific and Cultural Organisation in a Seventeen to “huge global success” after re- and US National Atmospheric
President Joe Biden was
nership with OpenAI -- as it
be added to a new version of
vealing that damaging gases in and Oceanic Administration. seeks to catch up to rivals rac- the i OS 18 operating system,
statement. “They also inspire and support
young people around the world with their
become UNESCO the atmosphere were declining CFCs can last in the atmos- convicted on all three of ing ahead on adopting the white similarly unveiled Monday at
music and positive energy,” she added. ambassadors faster than expected. phere for hundreds of years, the counts facing him hot technology. The big challenge for Ap- the week-long conference.
Seventeen, the 13-strong South Korean band Th e Montreal Protoc ol while HCFCs have a lifespan of For months, pressure has ple has been how to infuse But Tesla and SpaceX ty-
founded in 2015, were second only to Taylor Swift for global revenue last year, signed in 1987 aimed to phase about two decades, Western AFP | Wilmington, United States been on Apple to persuade ChatGPT-style AI -- which coon Elon Musk lashed out
according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI). out ozone-depleting substances
found primarily in refrigera- Representative picture
said.estimated it could take four
decades before the ozone layer
doubters on its AI strategy, af-
ter Microsoft and Google rolled
voraciously feeds off data at the partnership, saying the
threat to data security will I t is high time for a
ceasefire in Gaza along

China u China yesterday announced the first
tion, air conditioning and aer- thor, Luke Western from the would recover to levels before jury found Hunter Biden out products in rapid-fire suc-
-- into its products without make him ban iPhones at his with the unconditional
astronaut candidates from its special administrative
osol sprays. UK’s University of Bristol, told the hole was first detected in guilty yesterday of federal cession. weakening its heavily companies. release of all hostages. I
regions of Macau and Hong Kong, with the latter calling promoted user privacy
first astronaut A new study has found that AFP. the 1980s. gun charges in a historic But this latest move will take “Apple has no clue what’s welcome the peace initi-
it a “glorious page” in the city’s history. Beijing has
candidates from invested billions of dollars in its military-run space atmospheric levels of hydro- The most harmful CFCs were Both CFC s and HCFC s are first criminal prosecution of the the experience of Apple prod- and security, according to actually going on once they ative recently outlined by
Hong Kong, programme as it pursues ambitious plans for a manned
chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), phased out by 2010 in the ef- also powerful greenhouse gas- child of a sitting US president. ucts “to new heights,” chief analysts. hand your data over to OpenAI. @POTUS. Joe Biden and
harmful gases responsible for fort to protect the ozone layer es, meaning their decline also The 54-year-old son of Presi- (L-R) US First Lady Jill Biden, Hunter Biden and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, leave executive Tim Cook said as he They’re selling you down the urge everyone to seize
Macau lunar landing by 2030. The China Manned Space Agency
holes in the ozone layer, peaked -- the shield that protects life aids in the fight against global dent Joe Biden was convicted on the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Wilmington, Delaware opened an annual Worldwide river,” Musk said in a post on this opportunity and re-
said Tuesday that a payload specialist from Hong Kong
in 2021 -- five years ahead of on Earth from harmful levels warming. all three of the counts facing him, Developers Conference at the social media. spect their obligations
and another from Macau were among 10 candidates
projections. of ultraviolet rays from the Sun. CFCs can last in the atmos- CNN and other US media reported. presidential nominee in Novem- won't comment on pending fed- tech giant’s headquarters in the Musk is building his own ri- under international hu-
for the country’s fourth batch of astronauts. Hong Kong
“This has been a huge glob- The HCFC chemicals that re- phere for hundreds of years, Hunter Biden was accused of ber. eral cases, but as a Dad, I have Silicon Valley city of Cupertino, val to OpenAI, xAI, and is suing manitarian law.
leader John Lee called it “a glorious page in Hong Kong’s
al success. We’re seeing that placed them are expected to be while HCFCs have a lifespan of lying about his illegal drug use The jury met for about three boundless love for my son, confi- California. the company that he helped @antonioguterres
things are going in the right eliminated by 2040. about two decades, Western when he bought a handgun in hours over two days before reach- dence in him, and respect for his To help towards that end, Ap- found in 2015.
u Cases of dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases are rising direction,” the study’s lead au- This study, published in the said. 2018, a felony. ing a guilty verdict. strength," Biden said in an earlier ple has partnered with OpenAI, Apple said Siri, its voice assis-
significantly in Europe as climate change creates warmer conditions that help
invasive mosquitos spread, the EU’s health agency warned on Tuesday. In 2023,
130 locally acquired cases of dengue were reported in the region comprising the
The verdict comes as his father
is seeking reelection and on a day
when the president is scheduled
Hunter Biden did not take the
stand during the one-week trial
held in the Biden hometown of
The proceedings, along with
another case in which Hunter
which ushered in a new era
for generative artificial intelli-
gence in 2022 with the arrival
tant, will also get an AI infused
upgrade and now will appear as
OpenAI was “very happy to a pulsating light on the edge of
European Union (EU) plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and
Norway (EEA), compared to 71 in 2022. This was a
Nearly 400mln India-US partnership will to give a speech about gun vio-
Wilmington, Delaware.
First Lady Jill Biden attended
Biden faces tax evasion charges
in California, have complicated
of ChatGPT. be partnering with Apple to your home screen.
“significant increase” from the 2010-2021 period,
when the number for the entire period was 73, diseases rising in young kids continue to be force for global It also comes less than two several days of the trial. The pres- Democrats' efforts to keep the
weeks after the conviction on ident did not, but said he and Jill election focus on Trump, the first
the Stockholm-based European Centre for Disease Europe: EU agency violently good: PM Modi on receiving business fraud charges of Don- were "proud" of their son. former president ever to be con- Assange’s UK appeal Israel lawmakers revive bill on
Prevention and Control (ECDC) said. Imported cases
disciplined at call from Biden
ald Trump, the likely Republican "As the President, I don't and victed of a crime. against US extradition
ultra-Orthodox conscription I
were also on the rise, with 1,572 cases in 2022 and 4,900 in 2023, “the highest n ten days from now,
number” since the start of EU monitoring in 2008.
home: UNICEF to begin on July 9 the world will mark
Japan u Japanese biochemist Akira Endo, who London, United Kingdom AFP | Jerusalem, Undefined up hundreds of thousands of the 10th International
biochemist who AFP | United Nations, United
discovered cholesterol-lowering statins, has died
States Suspect arrested over stabbing of four Americans in China reservists, sending the flash- Day of Yoga, celebrating
discovered statins, aged 90, his former student and colleague said
Akira Endo, dies yesterday. Statins, which can prevent heart attacks
AFP | Beijing, China W ikiLeaks founder Ju-
lian Assange’s appeal I sraeli lawmakers voted yes-
terday to revive a bill that
point issue of exemptions from
mandatory military service
a timeless practice that
celebrates oneness and
or strokes, are among the most commonly prescribed
drugs worldwide. Keiji Hasumi, a professor who was a long-time associate of
Endo, said the scientist had died on June 5. “His work was truly great. Statins
N early 400 million chil-
dren under the age of
five -- roughly 60 percent C hinese police said yesterday
they have arrested a suspect
against a UK court ruling
that approved his extradi-
tion to the United States
would increase the conscrip-
tion of ultra-Orthodox Jewish
men only gradually, despite
back to the top of the political
Lawmakers voted 63 to 57 to
harmony. Yoga has tran-
scended cultural and ge-
ographical boundaries,
didn’t exist before Endo,” Hasumi told AFP. “It has the same value and impact as in that age group globally -- over the stabbing of four Amer- to face trial for breaking objections from the defence revive the bill, which would set uniting millions across
the discovery of penicillin.” experience violent physical ican college teachers at a public national security laws will minister and criticism it falls yearly benchmarks for increas- the globe in the pursuit
or psychological discipline park in the country's northeast. begin on July 9, a judicial short of the army's needs. ing the number of ultra-Or- of holistic well-being.
CURIOSER & CURIOSER at home, from spanking to Beijing described the attack spokesman said Tuesday. The move by Prime Minister thodox Jewish men serving @narendramodi
insults, the UN Children’s that took place on Monday as Assange, 52, won his bid Benjamin Netanyahu's govern- in the military after it passed
Rare elephant twins born in Fund ( UNICEF ) said late an "isolated" incident, while the to challenge the ruling last ing coalition comes after the a preliminary reading in the
dramatic birth in Thailand Monday.
The new UNICEF esti-
White House said it was "deeply
concerned" by the stabbing.
month, and the two-day
hearing will now take place
Gaza war forced Israel to call Knesset in 2022. 03
mates reflect data from 100 The four victims were on an at the High Court in London
countries collected from academic exchange and worked next month.
2010 to 2023, and covers as instructors at Iowa's Cornell The Australian publisher Greece finds ‘unique’ Minoan hilltop
both “physical punishment” College, which said they were is wanted by Washington
and “psychological aggres- wounded in a "serious incident". Four American educators from Iowa’s Cornell College were injured in a stabbing for publishing hundreds of complex near new Crete airport
sion.” Police said they had arrested a attack in a public park in northeast China’s Jilin province thousands of secret US doc-
For UNICEF , psycho -
logical abuse can include
55-year-old man after the attack
at a public park in Jilin province.
ers" had been attacked.
"All the wounded were taken
way," Lin said.
"China... will continue to take
uments from 2010 as head
of the whistle-blowing web-
T he Olympic Games
are a showcase of the
world’s finest athletes
screaming at a child, or call- US President Joe Biden, PM Narendra Modi (File Photo) Chinese state-media Xinhua to hospital... and received prop- relevant measures to effectively site WikiLeaks
demonstrating what the
ing them “stupid” or “lazy,” reported that a Chinese national er treatment. None of them are protect the safety of all foreign-
ANI | New Delhi human body is capable
while physical abuse in- their victory in the 2024 Lok was also wounded while "trying in danger of losing their life," ers in China," he said, adding the
of. But you don’t have to
cludes shaking, hitting or Sabha elections. He noted that to stop the attack". spokesman Lin Jian told report- country is considered one of the
be an Olympian to #Be-
spanking a child, or any
action intended to cause
physical pain or discomfort,
P rime Minister Narendra
Modi held a telephonic
conversation with US Presi-
the friendship between In-
dia and the US is only growing.
In a post on X, Biden stat-
"The suspect, named Mr Cui,
was arrested the same day (as the
attack)," local police said.
ers at the foreign ministry's reg-
ular afternoon press conference.
"The police preliminarily
safest in the world.
"This isolated case will not af-
fect the normal development of
49 migrants dead
after boat sinks off
Active. @WHO is proud
to partner again with the
@Olympics through the
Newborn elephant twins, a female (L) and a male (C), stand next to their without injury.
Of those nearly 400 mil-
dent Joe Biden on Wednesday.
PM Modi said that he "deeply
ed, "Congratulations to Prime
Minister Narendra Modi and
Beijing confirmed earlier on
Tuesday that "four foreign teach-
judged that the case was isolated.
Further investigation is under-
China-US people-to-people ex-
Yemen: UN agency #LetsMove campaign, to
mother Jamjuree at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal in
AFP | Dubai, United Arab inspire people of all ages
Ayutthaya lion children, about 330 values his warm words of fe- the National Democratic Al-
Emirates to be more physically ac-
AFP | Ayutthaya, Thailand to prevent the mother from at- million of them experience licitations and his appreciation liance on their victory, and
tive and healthy.
tacking her newborn, and took physical punishment, the for the Indian democracy." the nearly 650 million voters

n elephant in Thailand a blow to his ankle in return.
has delivered a rare set “The mother attacked the
UN agency said.
And even if more and
PM Modi noted that the
partnership between India and
in this historic election. The
friendship between our na-
Oldest privately owned book sells for £3mn at UK sale boat carrying more
than 200 migrants sank
AFP | London, United Kingdom
of twins in a dramatic birth baby because she had never
that left a carer injured after had twins before –- it’s very
more countries are banning
corporal punishment of
the US will continue to be a
"force for global good for the
tions is only growing as we
unlock a shared future of un-
off Yemen, leaving at least
49 dead, mostly women and 04
he tried to rescue one of the rare,” said Michelle Reedy, the
newborns. director of the Elephant Stay
The 36-year-old Asian ele- organisation, which allows vis-
children, nearly 500 million
children under the age of
five are not legal-
benefit of humanity."
In a post on X, PM Modi
stated, "Happy to receive call
limited potential."
US Secretary of State Antony
Blinken also congratulated PM
T he world's oldest book in a
private collection, and one
of the earliest books in existence,
children, in the latest disas-
ter on the perilous migra-
tion route from Africa, a UN The monumental Minoan building atop a hill on Crete in Kastelia
phant named Jamjuree gave iting tourists to ride, feed and ly protect- e d from my friend President @ Modi and NDA on their victo- sold at auction in London on agency said yesterday. AFP | Athens, Greece
birth to an 80-kilogramme bathe elephants at the Royal against JoeBiden. Deeply value his ry in the Lok Sabha elections. Tuesday for more than £3 million. “At least 49 migrants have Minister Lina Mendoni said,
(176-pound) male at the Ayut- Kraal centre.
thaya Elephant Palace and “The mahouts who are the
s u c h
warm words of felicitations
and his appreciation for the In-
Blinken said that the US looks
forward to advancing the
The Crosby-Schoyen Codex
was previously owned by the
died and 140 others remain
missing after a boat” car- G reece’s culture ministry with the ministry statement
yesterday said archaeolo- adding that it is the “first of its
Royal Kraal north of Bangkok carers of the elephants jumped
on Friday night. in there trying to get the baby
But when a second, 60-kilo- away so that she didn’t kill it,”
es. dian democracy. Conveyed
that India-US Comprehensive
Global Partnership is poised to
partnership between the two
"Congratulations to @nar-
Norwegian businessman and rare
book collector Martin Schoyen,
and contains the earliest complete
rying 260 people capsized
off the southern province
of Shabwah on Monday,
gists had discovered a “unique” kind” found on Crete.
monumental Minoan building The circular stone building,
atop a hill on Crete overlook- about 1,800 square metres
Y ou will always be bet-
ter at spending your
own money than the gov-
gramme female calf emerged Reedy told AFP. witness many new landmarks endramodi and the National copies of two texts from the Bible A view of The Crosby-Schoyen Codex the International Organi- ing the island’s planned new (19,300 square feet) in size, ernment is.
18 minutes later, the mother Jamjuree has now accepted in the years to come. Our part- Democratic Alliance on their -- the book of Jonah and Peter's The codex was discovered berg Bible, which dates from the zation for Migration (IOM) international airport. contains eight “nearly laby- @RishiSunak
went into a frenzy and at- her calves, who are so small nership will continue to be a victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha first epistle. by Egyptian farmers in the 1450s.Written in Coptic script on said. The ministry in a statement rinthine” rings connected via
tacked her new arrival. that a special platform has force for global good for the general elections. The US looks Bidding for the text at Chris- 1950s. double-sided papyrus leaves now It said 31 women and six said the building had been small openings, it said. The
“We heard somebody shout been built to help them reach benefit of humanity." forward to advancing our part- tie's auction house started at £1.7 It was originally copied by a preserved between plexiglass children were among those found on a hill at Kasteli, near- intended use of the complex
‘there is another baby being up to suckle. Earlier in the day, US Presi- nership with the Indian gov- million for a mix of enthusiastic monk in what is now Egypt plates, the ancient biblical text confirmed dead, adding that ly 500 metres (1640 feet) high, is still unknown, and may have Disclaimer: (Views expressed
born!’” said veterinarian Lard- They are also being given dent Joe Biden took to social ernment and commends the online and in-person bidders. around the fourth century AD, represents advances in written 115 Somali nationals and 145 that was previously earmarked served a ritual purpose, but by columnists are personal and
thongtare Meepan. supplemental pumped milk media platform X to congratu- estimated 650 million voters It sold for £3,065,000 making it at least 1,600 years old technology at a time when sin- Ethiopians were initially on for the new airport radar. saw its main activity between need not necessarily reflect our
An elephant keeper, also by syringe, said Lardthongtare. late PM Modi and the National who exercised their right to ($3,898,000) including taxes to and far older than more renowned gle-sided scrolls were more com- board the vessel before it “It is a unique discovery of 3,700 and 4,000 years ago, the editorial stance)
known as a mahout, moved in Democratic Alliance (NDA) on vote," Blinken posted on X. an anonymous phone bidder. ancient texts such as the Guten- monplace. sank. particular interest,” Culture ministry said.


Jeremy Renner recalls being told he wouldn’t run again Sofia Vergara
planning to get
Celebretainment | Los Angeles run again.
Jeremy, 53, told PEOPLE: “For
gress helps us build hope. That’s
the easy one.
He subsequently wrote on Ins-
tagram: “Morning workouts, reso-
‘every’ plastic
surgery op going
J eremy Renner was told he
wouldn’t run again after
his snowplow accident.
me, it meant so much because to
go from a wheelchair and limping
around with the cane and [being]
“Failures don’t feel like they do,
but they also really fuel hope be-
cause you could get progress out
lutions all changed this particular
new years …. Spawned from trage-
dy for my entire family, and quick-
The Hollywood star was told you’re never going to walk of failures. You can’t really keep ly focused into uniting actionable
seriously injured in the right again and you’re never going progressing without failing. You love [heart emoji] I want to thank
accident in January 2023 to run again, it was pretty hopeful got to have both. You have to fail EVERYONE for their messages and
- but Jeremy has man- for me.” to succeed.” thoughtfulness for my family and
aged to defy expecta- The movie star remembers be- Jeremy was injured when he I …. Much love and appreciation
tions by learning to ing hugely encouraged by his early tried to remove a stranded family to you all. These 30 plus broken
walk and progress. member’s car from the snow near bones will mend , grow strong-
Jeremy said: “You got something his home. er, just like the love and bond
on your side. When you get hope, The ‘Hurt Locker’ star broke with family and friends deep- Sofia Vergara
hope is a powerful ally. A lot of more than 30 bones in the acci- ens . Love and blessings to you Celebretainment | Los
things help us build hope, and pro- dent. all. (sic)” Angeles
Jeremy Renner

Jake Gyllenhaal insists being S ofia Vergara is planning

to do undergo “every”
plastic surgery procedure.
legally blind has helped his acting The ‘Modern Family ’
Celebretainment | Los Angeles the test. Jennifer Aniston ‘never imagined’ actress, 51, who has been
open about wanting to try

Friends would be such a success

He chiselled down his body everything she can to halt

J ake Gyllenhaal insists be- to five per cent body fat for the
ing legally blind has been part – and endured a staph in-
“advantageous” to his career. fection from pressing his hand Celebretainment | Los Angeles Show’ star recalled that on the
the ageing process, made
the admission in an inter-
view with Allure.
The ‘Donnie Darko’ actor, down on a bunch of broken day the first episode premiered, She told the magazine:
43, has 20/1250 vision and has glass after shooting a fight
been wearing intensive cor- scene in the flick.
rective lenses since he was six But Jake admitted he is pre-
J ennifer Aniston “never imagined”
‘Friends’ would be such a success.
The 55-year-old actress found interna-
she and Matthew went to play
a prank on their co-star Lisa,
who was getting her hair
“I feel like you have to take
advantage of everything
that is out there. I
years old after being born with pared for this philosophy of tional fame when she starred as waitress coloured in a nearby sa- mean, if you care
a lazy eye, which naturally re- taking on extreme challenges Rachel Green on the NBC sitcom alongside lon. about ageing.
solved. to eventually backfire. Lisa Kudrow, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc, She said: “Matthew “Nothing
He told The Hollywood Re- He added: “There are mov- David Schwimmer, and the late Matthew Perry and I were having wrong if you don’t
porter about being classified ies I’ve made that people have Perry - who died in October 2023 at the age of lunch somewhere, and care about it. It’s
as legally sightless: “I like to said to me, ‘Man, intense. That 54 - in the 1990s and admitted that she is still we knew Lisa [Kud- not the end of the
think it’s advantageous. I’ve was great. It was tough.’ in touch with her co-stars but was surprised row] was getting her world. But if you
never known anything else. “And there have been many that the show has lived on in popularity to this hair coloured. do, now there’s
“When I can’t see in the different times where day. “So we ran into the so much stuff out
morning, before I put on I ’ m l i k e , ‘ Wa i t , Speaking during an interview with ‘Abbott hair salon, and I snuck there.”
my glasses, it’s a place what ’s it like to Elementary’ star Quinta Brunson for Variety’s up — she was in the Mo t h e r- o f - o n e
where I can be with make a movie and ‘Actors on Actors’ series, she said: “The fact sink — and I took the Sofia – who had
myself.” be like, ‘That was that it’s had this long, wonderful life and it still nozzle from the guy her son Manolo, 32,
Jake told how he re- just fun?’ means a lot to people is one of the greatest gifts that was supposed to with her first hus-
moved his contacts for a “‘Road House’ I think all five of us — all six of us — we never be doing it and just band Joe Gonzalez
scene in his 2015 boxing was definitely could imagine. started washing her – also admitted her
drama ‘Southpaw’ in which that.” “And we see each other. I talked on FaceTime hair. It definitely flew hectic work sched-
police told his charac- with Court[eney Cox] last night for an hour, out of control, and ule has halted her
ter Billy ‘The Great’ and Lisa and the boys, and we just have a really that was unfortunate. plans to go under the
Hope his wife — it’s a family forever.” But the excitement knife.
is dead as he ‘Friends’ - which is now available to stream we had, it feels like
said the move on Netflix - ran for 10 seasons from 1994 until yesterday.”
forced himself 2004 and generated almost $1.5 billion in rev-
to appear as if enue, and ‘The Morning Jennifer Aniston
he was listening
“more closely”
to the cops.
Jake also re-
Hugh Grant finds watching himself on screen ‘horrifying’
vealed he has Celebretainment | Los Angeles “But genuinely watching myself on something to do with me
been actively screen is horrifying to me.” getting older I think. But
seeking projects
that “freak me
out a bit”.
H ugh Grant refuses to watch him-
self on screen.
The ‘Bridget Jones’ star, 63, admits
Elsewhere, the ‘Notting Hill’ star
admitted he loves the “shocking
vanity and narcissism” that comes
we all love a baddie, not
just actors. Audiences
like baddies. Girls like
He said: “The it’s “horrifying” whenever he acci- with playing the bad guy, and the fact baddies.”
feeling I want to dentally lands on a channel playing women love a “baddie”. The ‘Unfrosted’ star -
have is, ‘Can I do it?’ one of his movies. He said: “I never used to think I who played the thieving
That it’s going to ask He told WHO magazine: “If some- would but now I do, yes. Oompa Lumpa in ‘Won-
of me things that I don’t thing I am in comes on, I change the “Being a baddie suits me better I ka’ - believes he would
know about myself yet.” channel. think. It’s closer to me. Also, the layers still be in advertising
Jake’s last role as bouncer “It gives me absolutely no pleasure of duplicity that come with playing a if he didn’t become a
and MMA fighter Elwood what’s so ever to watch myself. baddie suits acting because acting is Hollywood star.
Dalton in his remake of the “Maybe accidentally late at night in all about covering things up. He said: “Before act-
cult Patrick Swayze favour- a drunken moment when I’m channel “I enjoy that kind of shocking van- ing, I was in advertis-
ite ‘Road House’ put him to hopping. ity and narcissism in a character. It’s ing.
Jake Gyllenhaal Hugh Grant

Yesterday’s solution 1- Navy builder; 7- Laugh syllable; 10- Fast fliers; 14- Wyoming range; 15- ... ___ mouse?;
16- Diamond cover; 17- To-do list; 18- Louis XIV, e.g.; 19- Caesar’s wings; 20- Characteristic Yesterday’s solution
of reporters; 23- Nudge; 26- Occupational suffix; 27- Bird homes; 28- Andean country;
29- Make another point; 30- Bell and Barker; 31- Appeared; 33- Attach by stitches; 34- Call
___ day; 37- Dash lengths; 38- “You’ve got mail” co.; 39- 401(k) alternative; 40- Grads-to-
be; 41- Watched the kids; 42- Hydrocarbon ending; 43- Puzzling; 45- Capp and Capone;
46- Heavens; 47- Bread spread; 48- New Zealand aboriginal; 51- Canonized Mlle.; 52- Not
concealed; 53- Loving; 56- Separate by a sieve; 57- Annoy; 58- Skylighted lobby; 62- Nabisco
cookie; 63- Shoe width; 64- Go to bed; 65- Roman emperor; 66- Georgia, once: Abbr.;
67- Nosy

1- RR stop; 2- Hosp. readout; 3- Grazed; 4- French hello; 5- Equip; 6- Son of Isaac and
Rebekah; 7- Like bulls and rams; 8- Bellowing; 9- Complain; 10- Equilibria; 11- Smelling ___;
12- Characteristic; 13- Glasses, briefly; 21- Conundrum; 22- Sort of; 23- Sporting blades; 24-
How to play Helping theorem; 25- French port; 29- Ages; 30- Joyous; 32- Irish tongue; 33- Make queasy;
Place a number in the empty boxes in such 34- Pineapple fiber; 35- Judge, e.g.; 36- Horse race venue in England; 44- Indigence; 45-
a way that each row across, each column Playground retort; 46- Fireman; 48- Person who dresses stones; 49- Ablaze; 50- Proposal;
down and each 9-box square contains all 51- Fathers; 52- Aquatic mammal; 54- Connections; 55- Over-50 org.; 59- Second sequel tag;
of the numbers from one to nine. 60- Samovar; 61- “Little Women” sister;
09 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024

NANDANA JEWELLERY DESIGNING NOVELTY PAPER AND PLASTIC W.L.L has a W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of PRIVATE LIMITED W.L.L has a vacancy for contact 17270140 or
AVAILABLE COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can the occupation of MARKETING AND PUBLIC AL JABERIYA FUTURE STVLL WORKSHOP
occupation of DESIGNER(JEWELLERY), suitably qualified applicants can contact contact 34210051 or MJAMILGONDAL256@ RELATIONS OFFICER, suitably qualified has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
Secure Me W.L.L has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact 36245572 or TAHER57661@HOTMAIL.COM GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33799005 or FARZAD@ suitably qualified applicants can contact
qualified applicants can contact 17749697 or COM PART has a vacancy for the occupation of vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, NBA CARS PAINTING AND BODY REPAIR COM LEUPARZ COLLECTION ABAYA SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of PAINTER, NASS CONTRACTING COMPANY (W.L.L)
MCDONALDS W.L.L. has a vacancy for the has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 38202030 or Muna7137@GMAIL.COM 33206015 or ZEESHAN.IBRAHIM1971@ suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of DIESEL
occupation of DRIVER(MOTOR-CYCLE), DESIGNER(FASHION), suitably qualified INTEGRATED FACILITY MANAGEMENT GMAIL.COM 33775772 or ALI.FARDAN.50@GMAIL.COM MECHANIC, suitably qualified applicants can
suitably qualified applicants can contact applicants can contact 33096097 or W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of FAME STAR BAKERY W.L.L has a vacancy for DRESS POINT TRADING CO. W.L.L has contact 39470985 or
17220000 or AMAL.ALMOUSAWI@FAKHRO. LEUPARZCOLLECTION1@GMAIL.COM CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can the occupation of BAKER(GENERAL), suitably a vacancy for the occupation of CASHIER, Al Sahel Resort B.S.C. (Closed) has a
COM PET PARADISE W.L.L has a vacancy for contact 17400407 or proffice@almoayyedcg. qualified applicants can contact 66908918 or suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, suitably
ALMOAYYED CONTRACTING GROUP the occupation of GROOM, suitably qualified com 33334052 or YARAGROUP2005@GMAIL. qualified applicants can contact 17561327 or
W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 36460082 or TOM_ AL MOAYYED LANDSCAPES AND DARMAN FURNITURE WORKSHOP W.L.L COM
PAINTER, suitably qualified applicants can IYPE@HOTMAIL.COM SWIMMING POOLS has a vacancy for the has a vacancy for the occupation of DRIVER, BABE BAPPU SWAG W.L.L has a vacancy HRDCO W.L.L has a vacancy for the
contact 17400407 or proffice@almoayyedcg. H&A AUTO SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of SALESMAN(FABRICS), occupation of SR TECHNICIAN, suitably
com for the occupation of WORKER, suitably applicants can contact 39770606 or proffice@ 35012715 or DARMAN.CARGO@YAHOO. suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 13303353 or
MC 6 CONSTRUCTION W.L.L has qualified applicants can contact 34567895 or COM 36737316 or JAGGALAKHU911@GMAIL. AHUBAIL@BAREEQ.COM.BH
a vacancy for the occupation of HELLO_STAR16@HOTMAIL.COM KARTEC SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy TAIBA SQUARE CONTRACTING Bahraini COM THREE THREADS BOUTIQUE has a vacancy
EMPLOYEE(OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY), NEON BURGER has a vacancy for the for the occupation of WELDER, suitably Partnership Co has a vacancy for the AFRILINK CONSULTANCY W.L.L has a for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably
suitably qualified applicants can contact occupation of COOK(ASSISTANT), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17823236 or occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, qualified applicants can contact 39451811 or
17402050 or qualified applicants can contact 33733123 or KHALIDAR@KAR-GROUP.COM qualified applicants can contact 33371333 or suitably qualified applicants can contact THREETHREADSBOUTIQUE@GMAIL.COM
a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY CARRY FRESH MARKET. W.L.L has a LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of JANNATHUL KHULOOD SWEETS has a BATSCO CO.W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably applicants can contact 33038990 or NAEEM.
contact 17822202 or suitably qualified applicants can contact contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 33644886 or BAJWA1@GMAIL.COM
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of COM A - KARIM ALJAHROMI CONTRACTING COM ALMOAYYED INTERIORS has a vacancy for PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy
CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can SAHAB GEE SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the SPARK FRESH IN MARKET W.L.L has a the occupation of PAINTER, suitably qualified for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
contact 17400407 or proffice@almoayyedcg. for the occupation of BARBER, suitably occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, applicants can contact 17400407 or proffice@ qualified applicants can contact 36428158 or
com qualified applicants can contact 36569522 or applicants can contact 17831000 or akjcont@ suitably qualified applicants can contact LEVISH820@GMAIL.COM
the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably EJAZ CARGO HANDLING W.L.L has a ALMOAYYED INTERIORS has a vacancy for BLUE SKY AVIATION SERVICES W.L.L has COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 17262998 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, the occupation of PAINTER, suitably qualified a vacancy for the occupation of GENARAL occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 37055137 or
SSALEH@AMERICANA-FOOD.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact applicants can contact 17400407 or proffice@ MANAGER(OPERATION AFFAIRS), suitably applicants can contact 17831000 or akjcont@ AM.786.BH@GMAIL.COM
NEW ISLAND CONTRACTING W.L.L has 35142724 or EJAZRANA009@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 39557333 or BASPATTI MARKETING & PROMOTION
a vacancy for the occupation of STEEL FIVE STAR SUPPORT SERVICES COMPANY BATSCO CO.W.L.L has a vacancy for the SHANAVAS.SOOPY@EXEC-LIFESTYLE. YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
FABRICATOR, suitably qualified applicants can W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably COM LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
contact 39287383 or WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can qualified applicants can contact 33644886 or HUSAIN HAMAD SHOWAITER SWEETS has LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 35605503 or FSNOW160@GMAIL.
NESTO HYPERMARKET W.L.L has a vacancy contact 36943477 or SA6176893@GMAIL. hr@BATSCO.NET a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ COM
for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably COM INTEGRATED FACILITY MANAGEMENT suitably qualified applicants can contact GMAIL.COM NASS CONTRACTING COMPANY (W.L.L)
qualified applicants can contact 17227206 or JARI PACKAGING INDUSTRIES W.L.L has W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of 33330002 or ALKHOOKH@HOTMAIL.COM BAHRAIN SERVICES & MAINTENANCE has a vacancy for the occupation of DIESEL
WESTERNBAHRAIN2021@GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of MACHINE CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can HABEER BUILDING MATERIALS W.L.L has COMPANY B.S.C. (CLOSED) has a vacancy MECHANIC, suitably qualified applicants can
AL ROMANSIAH RESTAURANTS OPERATOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17400407 or proffice@almoayyedcg. a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, for the occupation of WORKER, suitably contact 39470985 or
MANAGEMENT COMAPANY has a vacancy contact 35628359 or JARIPACKAGINGS@ com suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 17727676 or ART TECH FOR MACHINE REPAIR W.L.L
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably GMAIL.COM ABDULRAHMAN EBRAHIM ALMOOSA 66352569 or SHAHIDPARAMMEL9895@ has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
qualified applicants can contact 33347547 or VANDANA GOLD WORK W.L.L has a vacancy CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation GMAIL.COM NASS CONTRACTING COMPANY (W.L.L) suitably qualified applicants can contact
M.ALMOALLEM@ALROMANSIAH.COM for the occupation of JEWELRY GOLDSMITH of MASON, suitably qualified applicants can NOON INTERIOR DESIGN has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY 38803567 or AYMANALSHAERB63@GMAIL.
FEDORA CONTRACTING CO WLL has a (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can contact 17531235 or GALIBALMOOSA@ for the occupation of ASSISTANT GENERAL DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can COM
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, contact 38854051 or VANDANASONI14@ YAHOO.COM MANAGER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39470985 or SEVEN HORSES INTERNATIONAL W.L.L
suitably qualified applicants can contact YAHOO.COM Al fateh cleaning and Maintenance contact 38000449 or HI@MOSHARIF.COM SHUTDOWN MAINTENANCE SERVICES has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
33871955 or TORINO STEAK HOUSE W.L.L has a vacancy Company w.l.l has a vacancy for the ARCADIA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION has a W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of suitably qualified applicants can contact
SHYAM GARAGE W.L.L has a vacancy for the for the occupation of CLEANER, suitably occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can 34035539 or SUKHDEVSE@GMAIL.COM
occupation of WORKER (CAR ELECTRICAL qualified applicants can contact 17001918 or applicants can contact 17830078 or kanakaraj. qualified applicants can contact 36778383 or contact 17742961 or SMSWLL@BATELCO. IP MAGIX CAR ACCESSORIE W.L.L has
WORKSHOP), suitably qualified applicants FITNESS.MADAN@YAHOO.COM ALZAYED2010@HOTMAIL.COM COM.BH a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
can contact 36497664 or OPINDARSAH66@ AL ARIF CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L has SHAN CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy DUST TO SHINE W.L.L has a vacancy COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact
GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, for the occupation of WORKER, suitably for the occupation of WORKER, suitably occupation of STEEL FABRICATOR, suitably 33777279 or SUNGARDBH@GMAIL.COM
MUHAMMAD KASHIF MUHAMMAD ASLAM suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 39810659 or qualified applicants can contact 38831980 or qualified applicants can contact 17773006 or MUHAMMAD ATIF RAJPOOT
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of 38038442 or AH7951291@GMAIL.COM ZOHAIBKHALID447@GMAIL.COM AURELIEN.CHAUSSY@VINCI-ENERGIES. CONSULTANCY W.L.L has a vacancy
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can CHEF ALWAFI RESTAURANT2 has a vacancy ALNOSAIF MARBLE AND GRANITE BUTT G MAINTENANCE SERVICES W.L.L COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
contact 33122110 or ABUBAKARRAZA2020@ for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, GULF FENCING & SPECIALIST SURFACING qualified applicants can contact 33416255 or
GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 33360267 or occupation of OPERATOR(CONTROL suitably qualified applicants can contact EST. has a vacancy for the occupation of ATIFRAJPOOT3557@GMAIL.COM
BAHRAIN BAY PLASTIC W.L.L has a BOTALAAL882@GMAIL.COM CENTRE), suitably qualified applicants can 35490909 or RASHIDARSHAD1155@GMAIL. WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can AHMED MANSOOR ALAALI has a vacancy
vacancy for the occupation of ENGINEER- MAYOR OF QENA CONTRACTING contact 17340340 or JAFFAR.ALNOSAIF@ COM contact 17591197 or for the occupation of MACHINE OPERATOR,
ELECTRICAL-(GENERAL), suitably qualified COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the GMAIL.COM MITSUBISHI POWER BAHRAIN BRANCH RAMSIS ENGINEERING CO. W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact
applicants can contact 33203666 or ARIZONA. occupation of WORKER(CONSTRUCTION). Hidd pride food stuff has a vacancy BRANCH OF A FOREIGN COMPANY has a vacancy for the occupation of MECHANICAL 36881555 or
GARDENS.BH@GMAIL.COM GENERAL, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN HELPER, suitably qualified applicants can GULF HOTELS GROUP - GULF HOTEL has
TRYJENX CONSTRUCTION FLOATING contact 37722742 or qualified applicants can contact 33582891 or ADVISOR, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17830801 or a vacancy for the occupation of ASSISTANT
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of KINGS DENTAL CENTER W.L.L has a ALMALKIASU@GMAIL.COM contact 17503109 ONYX GATE CONTRACTING has a vacancy MANAGER, suitably qualified applicants
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of SPECIALISED ROAST W.L.L has a vacancy for the AHMED.BK SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably can contact 17713000 or hussain.almajed@
contact 33092719 or SUFYAN20BG@GMAIL. DENTIST, suitably qualified applicants can occupation of COFFEE SERVER, suitably for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33967781 or
COM contact 32221495 or HR@kingsdentalcenter. qualified applicants can contact 39406006 or qualified applicants can contact 37016655 or A.ALI ESSA ALDAAYSI CO. W.L.L has
SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the L.A.P CONSULTANCY CO W.L.L has a MODERN STYLE SALON W.L.L has a AL SAYED SALOON FOR MENS HAIRCUT occupation of HEAVY DRIVER, suitably REPRESENTATIVE, suitably qualified
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified vacancy for the occupation of ACCOUNTANTS, vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, has a vacancy for the occupation of HAIR qualified applicants can contact 66699991 or applicants can contact 33661030 or hr@
applicants can contact 35619326 or suitably qualified applicants can contact suitably qualified applicants can contact DRESSER, suitably qualified applicants can ARROWEXPRESS.BH@GMAIL.COM
RAJA KAIF INTERIOR DECORATION CHEZ SOPHIE W.L.L has a vacancy for the COURIERX W.L.L has a vacancy for the COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably vacancy for the occupation of WAITER, suitably
SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably occupation of DRIVER, suitably qualified SUPER TRUCK STORE W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 36484758 or qualified applicants can contact 39992285 or
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 17442887 or applicants can contact 38870666 or HAMAD@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ATTAU3421@GMAIL.COM SAEEDRADHI52@GMAIL.COM
applicants can contact 36737500 or JAS7112@GMAIL.COM COURIERX.COM qualified applicants can contact 37774590 or NASS CONTRACTING COMPANY (W.L.L) MANNAI TRADING & CONTRACTING W.L.L
SALMANMISAH70@GMAIL.COM ARCADIA BUILDING CONSTRUCTION has a SEVEN HORSES INTERNATIONAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of DIESEL has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON,
ANADRYL COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, VACANZA BAHRAIN W.L.L has a vacancy MECHANIC, suitably qualified applicants can suitably qualified applicants can contact
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 36778383 or suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT, contact 39470985 or 17729935 or AHMED@PANORAMABH.COM
qualified applicants can contact 39800443 or ALZAYED2010@HOTMAIL.COM 34035539 or SUKHDEVSE@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact FLORIDA GULF CONSTRUCTION has a Mechanical Contracting & Services
HHAP65004@GMAIL.COM SHAHIN SECOND HAND FURNITURE HONEST HANDS AIR CONDITIONING 13304041 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, Company W.L.L has a vacancy for the
MILKD STATION CAFE W.L.L has a vacancy AND ELECTRONICS has a vacancy for BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has ERUM ACCOUNTING SERVICES AND suitably qualified applicants can contact occupation of SUPERVISOR (SITE), suitably
for the occupation of WAITER, suitably the occupation of WORKER, suitably a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, CONSULTANCY W.L.L. has a vacancy for 33323995 or qualified applicants can contact 36937988 or
qualified applicants can contact 34133533 or qualified applicants can contact 35301525 or suitably qualified applicants can contact the occupation of ACCOUNTANTS, suitably ANASIA TRADING CO. LTD - BAHRAIN MCSC@MCSCWLL.COM
DALJAIRAN@GMAIL.COM RMINHAS560@GMAIL.COM 38474127 or TAMERBAHAAR@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 66336588 or has a vacancy for the occupation of SIYANA INDUSTRIAL SERVICES & SIAM
ELECTRONICAL REPAIRING W.L.L has for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably PROMOTION BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP DOCTOR SCRAP TRADING W.L.L has a applicants can contact 77082100 or INFO@ COMPANY has a vacancy for the occupation
a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, qualified applicants can contact 66993322 or COMPANY has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, ANASIABAHRAIN.COM of WELDER, suitably qualified applicants can
suitably qualified applicants can contact occupation of DRIVER, suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can contact PARS PALACE LUBRICANTS CO. W.L.L. has contact 17552722 or SIAM7373@BATELCO.
32125238 or RASHIDJUTT02600260@ MR. WHITE LAUNDRY has a vacancy applicants can contact 34002030 or 33393081 or DOCTORSCRAPTRADING@ a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, COM.BH
GMAIL.COM for the occupation of LAUNDERER/ BAHRAINBLOCKBUSTER@GMAIL.COM GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact NASS CONTRACTING COMPANY
CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation applicants can contact 36801111 or AYSHA. DECORATION CO W.L.L has a vacancy W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of COM of AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICIAN, suitably
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can ALMUTAWA@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can S M D S SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 39470985 or
contact 33414013 or m.fazain4550@gmail. FUTURE LINK CONSULTANCY W.L.L qualified applicants can contact 39054185 or contact 37218937 or AHMMEDMOSTAK123@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
com has a vacancy for the occupation of LEGAL THREEKINGSPAZAWAY@GMAIL.COM GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 38181800 or KOOHEJI CONTRACTORS W.L.L has a
OLIVES MINI MARKET W.L.L has a vacancy CONSELLOR, suitably qualified applicants can I N MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY W.L.L PAK ALARAB CARGO HANDLING vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
for the occupation of WORKER(SALES), contact 36553881 or AGAMEAT@HOTMAIL. has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has WALEED ALKABAH RESTAURANT has suitably qualified applicants can contact
suitably qualified applicants can contact COM suitably qualified applicants can contact a vacancy for the occupation of OFFICE a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, 17786500 or
34458239 or S4SANEEJ.KFUPM@GMAIL.COM DREAM TRIM HAIRDRESSER AND GENTS 33499136 or BILALEBAAD3@GMAIL.COM ASSISTANT, suitably qualified applicants can suitably qualified applicants can contact MEDIA EXPRESS Fixing and Removing
CREATIVE CORNER CONTRACTING SALOON has a vacancy for the occupation NOOR HUSSAIN CARGO HANDLING W.L.L contact 34305662 or MOHAMMAD.AZSCW@ 39988654 or WALEEDALKABAA@GMAIL. of Advertisement Boards has a vacancy for
has a vacancy for the occupation of AIR- of BARBER, suitably qualified applicants can has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, GMAIL.COM COM the occupation of CARPENTER, suitably
CONDITIONING TECHNICIAN, suitably contact 33572515 or CHAMPIONYOUSHA2@ suitably qualified applicants can contact PROSIGNS ADVERTISING W.L.L has a Ideal Solutions W.L.L. has a vacancy for qualified applicants can contact 66774444 or
qualified applicants can contact 33990663 or GMAIL.COM 33747288 or NOORHUSSAINBH12@GMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, the occupation of ACCOUNTANTS, suitably
BH.CREATIVE.CORNER@GMAIL.COM FARAH SMITHERY AND WELDING has Sky Shaheen Trading has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 33233353 or JOZ CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy
LALA AHD BEAUTY LOUNGE has a vacancy a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 32137528 or KHIZAR.SARDAR@HOTMAIL. MALMOGHERI@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 33348055 or COM AL JAZEERA SECURITY CO. W.L.L has qualified applicants can contact 39999887 or
qualified applicants can contact 17345569 or 33454044 or YASSERMARHOIN@GMAIL. SKYSHAHEEN.TRADING2020@GMAIL.COM THARANGAM RESTAURANT W.L.L a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY JOZGROUP@BATELCO.COM.BH
YAMAMAHOUSE1@GMAIL.COM COM MILKD STATION CAFE W.L.L has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can MUSKAN RESTAURANT has a vacancy for
CORDOBA CAR SERVICES has a vacancy A H SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy for the for the occupation of WAITER, suitably COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified contact 17822202 or the occupation of GENERAL MANAGER,
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably occupation of MANAGER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 34133533 or applicants can contact 39499976 or EAGLE FOR SAFE AND SECURITY W.L.L suitably qualified applicants can contact
qualified applicants can contact 35528116 or applicants can contact 33059022 or MUX. DALJAIRAN@GMAIL.COM MUJEEBFIJU@GMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY 17776960 or SEDHICONT@GMAIL.COM
10 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024

VACANCIES AVAILABLE contact 33306469 or CHIRIVELLAHARIKZ@ CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 37722884 or GOVERNMENT@MRE. UNDERTAKER, suitably qualified applicants
GMAIL.COM of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can CO can contact 17250627 or KAMESHKI@
KPMG/FAKHRO. has a vacancy for the W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of YAHOO.COM GMAIL.COM COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the AIN AL NOOR TRADING COMPANY
occupation of ASSISTANT MANAGER, suitably WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can AL FARHAN PLASTIC INDUSTRY W.L.L has OZONE MEDICAL CENTER . W.L.L has a occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation
qualified applicants can contact 17224807 or contact 33881562 or NASIRMUKARAM@ a vacancy for the occupation of MACHINE vacancy for the occupation of OFFICE BOY applicants can contact 17831000 or akjcont@ of SALESMAN, suitably qualified GMAIL.COM OPERATOR, suitably qualified applicants can / FARRASH, suitably qualified applicants can applicants can contact 39405889 or
vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of GMAIL.COM a vacancy for the occupation of MANAGER, ALDALEEM CONTRACTING W.L.L. has
suitably qualified applicants can contact CASHIER, suitably qualified applicants can BAHRAIN WORLD FOR ANIMALS has a CALM ZONE THAI MASSAGE CENTER suitably qualified applicants can contact a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
17785335 or HAMED_996@HOTMAIL.COM contact 17227206 or GEEPASBAHRAIN@ vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation 17562286 or suitably qualified applicants can contact
ALHANAFI CLEANING CO. W.L.L. has a GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact of RECEPTION CLERK, suitably qualified ALMANNAI TRADING & INVESTMENT has 17252256 or ALDALEEM@HOTMAIL.COM
vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER RED LIGHT SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy 17793390 or ZUHRAAHMED60@ICLOUD.COM applicants can contact 17347368 or a vacancy for the occupation of ALUMINIUM BOGARI DENTA DERMA CENTER W.L.L
(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably SEA BIRD MECHANICAL AND MARINE MDRAMEEM3532@GMAIL.COM TECHNICIAN (GENERAL), suitably qualified has a vacancy for the occupation of MEDICAL
contact 39904366 or qualified applicants can contact 33087278 or CONTRACTING W.L.L has a vacancy for the RIFE USA WLL has a vacancy for applicants can contact 36999266 or DM@ CONSULTANT, suitably qualified applicants
BOORI LAUNDRY has a vacancy for the HAIDERALI7286983@GMAIL.COM occupation of MECHANICAL FITTER, suitably the occupation of ADMINISTRATIVE can contact 17300033 or DRRIMBOGARI@
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified UNION WOOD WORKS has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 17273133 or COORDINATOR, suitably qualified applicants ALRIZWAN BUTT CONSULTANCY GMAIL.COM
applicants can contact 39466771 or HMK. for the occupation of PAINTER, suitably SIAM7373@BATELCO.COM.BH can contact 17720256 or INFO@RIFE-USA. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of Twigs flower and chocolates has a vacancy
ALBOURI@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 17500331 or MAJESTIC TAILORING has a vacancy COM WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably
AL-NAMAL MECHANICAL CONTRACTING ABDULHU@BATELCO.COM.BH for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably TAKHAR CONSTRUCTION W.L.L has contact 33571560 or JASBIRSNGH.FF1@ qualified applicants can contact 33989859 or
CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation CINDERELLA CLEANING AND qualified applicants can contact 17331456 or a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY GMAIL.COM TWIGS.FLOWERS@HOTMAIL.COM
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can CONTRACTING has a vacancy for the MAJESTICTAILORING@GMAIL.COM EQUIPMENT OPERATOR, suitably qualified EMRIN GENERAL TRADING W.L.L has a DHA COMPUTER SERVICES W.L.L has a
contact 17251444 or occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified ALAALI CONTRACTING has a vacancy for applicants can contact 34342928 or vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN,
KUBRA ALQASEER ATILIH has a vacancy for applicants can contact 13102828 or attar88@ the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified MH2990M@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact suitably qualified applicants can contact
the occupation of TAILOR(LADIES), suitably applicants can contact 17566444 or alaalico@ ALMUNEER JEWELLERY DESIGN 33446722 or SOOSAIGLANY@GMAIL.COM 34567895 or ABEERRAJPUT1@GMAIL.COM
qualified applicants can contact 66600016 or FERNIAS TRADING has a vacancy for W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of MEWA SERVICES CO W.L.L has a vacancy KC SOUTH INDIAN RESTAURANT
KUBRAQSR@HOTMAIL.COM the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably MCDONALDMS has a vacancy for the WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of
AL HILAL CONSTRUCTION CO has a qualified applicants can contact 37274009 or occupation of SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT, contact 33022044 or MEMYSELFA_A@ qualified applicants can contact 33003714 or COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified
vacancy for the occupation of OFFICE RINCHUP02@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact YAHOO.COM AYAASERVICES.BH@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 39013222 or KHAILD.
ASSISTANT, suitably qualified applicants can BUSALMAN UPHOLSTERY has a vacancy for 17220000 or HR@FAKHRO.COM SHAWARMINATOR RESTAURANT has a HSB BAHRAIN W.L.L has a vacancy for the BN.NASER@GMAIL.COM
contact 38700027 or the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified ABDULAZIZ ALSAYED TRADING & vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, occupation of KITCHEN WORKER, suitably COMBITEC PROPERTIES W.L.L
BAITH AL FALAFEL has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 39690977 or J44101@ CONTRACTING W.L.L. has a vacancy for suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 33287666 or has a vacancy for the occupation
occupation of SANDWICHES MAKER, suitably HOTMAIL.COM the occupation of LABOURER, suitably 33450050 or SUKHESHR@GMAIL.COM of WORKER, suitably qualified
qualified applicants can contact 39840990 or CASTILLO FURNITURE & DECOR has a qualified applicants can contact 33747598 or SALEEM JANAHI WELDING WORKSHOP MCCS INTERNATIONAL SDN.BHD. applicants can contact 17731025 or
HAIF-H22@HOTMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of QUANTITY AHMEDALSAYED88@HOTMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of - BRANCH OFFICE FOR A FOREIGN COMBITECPROPERTIES2020@GMAIL.
PHYSIOCARE PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTER SURVAIR, suitably qualified applicants can ABDULHADI ALAFOO WLL has WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can COMPANY has a vacancy for the COM
has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 36300033 or a vacancy for the occupation of contact 36581119 or SJANAHI41@GMAIL. occupation of TECHNICIAN(MECHANICAL AL FAALAH ALBAYDHA BEAUTY SALON
ADMINISTRATOR, suitably qualified applicants Tea Point cafeteria has a vacancy for CARPENTER(CONSTRUCTION), suitably COM ENGINEERING).GENERAL, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of
can contact 17602060 or ALI_KADHIM@ the occupation of WORKER(JUICE & qualified applicants can contact 17874756 or 668 CAFE has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 34587139 or BEAUTICIAN, suitably qualified applicants
HOTMAIL.COM SANDWICHES), suitably qualified applicants of WAITER, suitably qualified applicants can can contact 66736666 or SAHIL_MECH@
AL TA’ADUL LOGISTICS SERVICES CO. can contact 38884380 or taher.abdulaziz@ POWER CARGO W.L.L has a vacancy contact 33113352 or 668.BHR@GMAIL.COM City Point Hotel W.L.L has a vacancy for YAHOO.COM
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of for the occupation of MECHANIC, suitably RUBY STAR MARKET W.L.L has a vacancy the occupation of DRIVER, suitably qualified FAWRI TRAVEL CO W.L.L has a vacancy
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can BASIL PIZZA has a vacancy for the qualified applicants can contact 39000770 or for the occupation of WORKER, suitably applicants can contact 17500794 or ayman@ for the occupation of SALES EXECUTIVE
contact 17785646 or MOHAMEDAKBAR@ occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably KBUHASAN79@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 39462260 or REPRESENTATIVE, suitably qualified
LIVE.COM qualified applicants can contact 33347787 or Al fateh cleaning and Maintenance AHUJAIRI@HOTMAIL.COM SHERY ROSE AND CHOCOLATE has a applicants can contact 17771710 or
NASS CONTRACTING COMPANY (W.L.L) 3L17ASSAN92@GMAIL.COM Company w.l.l has a vacancy for the Start management consulting w.l.l has vacancy for the occupation of FLORIST/ FAWRIBH@GMAIL.COM
has a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY AL ANOOD CAR UPHOLSTERY has a occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified a vacancy for the occupation of SALES FLOWER SETTER, suitably qualified HAPPY LAND MOBILES ACCESSORIES
DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, applicants can contact 17830078 or kanakaraj. EXCUTIVE, suitably qualified applicants applicants can contact 33676669 or W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation
contact 39470985 or suitably qualified applicants can contact can contact 39350005 or STARTMC.CO@ SHARIFAABDUL07@YAHOO.COM of SALESMAN, suitably qualified
EST. has a vacancy for the occupation of WAHRAN RESTARANT has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER FIVE STAR TAILORING BAHRAINI vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY HAPPYLANDBAHRAIN@GMAIL.COM
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy GUARD, suitably qualified applicants COMILLA ZAKIR TRADING CENTER
contact 17591197 or qualified applicants can contact 33080006 or contact 17382228 or MUSTAFA@ELITEFMC. for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably can contact 17404949 or SECURITY@ W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
ABDULHADI ALAFOO WLL has a vacancy for S.BUALLAY71@GMAIL.COM COM qualified applicants can contact 39273180 or MANGUARD.COM.BH WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
applicants can contact 17874756 or alafoo@ vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, SHAT ALARAB / 9879 ) has a vacancy HAMAD SHOWAITER SWEETS CO vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of SEAMAN, suitably W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation suitably qualified applicants can contact STRIGHT STREET GARAGE has a vacancy
Uco Engineering W.L.L has a vacancy 17166111 or qualified applicants can contact 39604828 or of SALESMAN, suitably qualified 36094012 or for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably
for the occupation of LABOURER, suitably KPMG ADVISORY W.L.L has a vacancy for the ALJAUNED@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33149271 or PAN ARAB COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 37799574 or
qualified applicants can contact 36216664 or occupation of ASSISTANT MANAGER, suitably ARYAN EXTREME AUTO SPARE PARTS has HAMEEDKEYAMPARAMPIL@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably MLY833061@GMAIL.COM
hA - KARIM ALJAHROMI CONTRACTING qualified applicants can contact 17224807 or a vacancy for the occupation of MECHANIC, SUN STAR PHONES W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 17514166 or NEW LINE RADIATOR SERVICES AND
COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably METAL WORKSHOP W.L.L has a vacancy
occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified Moonz sweets has a vacancy for the 36061229 or AHMEDARYAN79@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 17250392 or SHABEBA CONTRACTING has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
applicants can contact 17831000 or akjcont@ occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified Tahama gents salon has a vacancy for the SINGAPOREBAHRAIN@GMAIL.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39806220 or applicants can contact 17820977 or ALMNL@ occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified Premium Air Conditioning and qualified applicants can contact 36626451 or NLTRADING2021@GMAIL.COM
SEVENTIES KARAK has a vacancy for the HOTMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33773417 or Refrigeration Services W.L.L has a vacancy SHABEBACO@HOTMAIL.COM RGC CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy
occupation of SANDWICHES MAKER, suitably WALTTEN GENERAL TRADING has a for the occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably HUSSAIN AMER BUILDING for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 17578287 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, PAK STAR MOTORCYCLE SPARE PARTS qualified applicants can contact 39542518 or CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy for the qualified applicants can contact 33993551 or
KARAK1977.BAHRAIN@GMIAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, PREMIUM@BATELCO.COM.BH occupation of MASON, suitably qualified ABDULAALDANOOQ@GMAIL.COM
ABDULAZIZ ALSAYED TRADING & 39681440 or AL_AMEERA25@HOTMAIL. suitably qualified applicants can contact TIJAAN DENTAL CENTER W.L.L has a applicants can contact 39804488 or BIRDS OASIS FOR BIRDS AND PETS
CONTRACTING W.L.L. has a vacancy for COM 33569519 or NAQASHMALIK65@GMAIL. vacancy for the occupation of CUSTOMER HUSAINAMER.CONTR@GMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of SALES
the occupation of LABOURER, suitably Ankara Gents Salon has a vacancy for the COM SERVICES COORDINATOR, suitably SECURE SERVICES LIMITED W.L.L WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
qualified applicants can contact 33747598 or occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified PEREIRA PLACEMENT W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 38490009 or has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 17240009 or ABSHER.BH@GMAIL.
AHMEDALSAYED88@HOTMAIL.COM applicants can contact 39605262 or JASSIM. for the occupation of WORKER(SALES), DENTEST79@HOTMAIL.COM SECURITY GUARD, suitably qualified COM
MACDONALD has a vacancy for the ABDULAAL@BH.GT.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact AMASI LAUNDRY W.L.L has a vacancy applicants can contact 17797998 or Carl@ AALI BAKER has a vacancy for the
occupation of RESTAURANT MANAGER, THE CAVE ELECTRICAL has a vacancy for 36455530 or for the occupation of WORKER, suitably SECURESERVICES.BH occupation of BREAD BAKER, suitably
suitably qualified applicants can contact the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified Feryal tailoring has a vacancy for the qualified applicants can contact 35114403 or WOX TRAVEL & TOUR W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 32188893 or
39468818 or applicants can contact 39477776 or ABU. occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified DPASIF@LIVE.COM for the occupation of TRAVEL TICKET FARE ABUYOUSIFAMA@GMAIL.COM
JAHECON W.L.L has a vacancy for the FIRAAAS@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 36352227 or MARIAM. CHICKET W.L.L has a vacancy for the CLERK, suitably qualified applicants can AOUDALZAIN FOR INCENSE AND
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified ALERTIYAH SALON has a vacancy for the ICICI@GMAIL.COM occupation of WAITER, suitably qualified contact 33311971 or WOXTOUR19@GMAIL. PERFUME has a vacancy for the occupation
applicants can contact 17244111 or occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified RAJPOT BAKERY has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 35029762 or COM of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants
JAHECON@BATELCO.COM.BH applicants can contact 33312203 or ALTAMIES. occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified DPASIF@YAHOO.COM BEST CHOICE FURNISHING CO. can contact 33584859 or LAYLA.FAISALL@
POULLAIDES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ARTS@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 39888023 or White Beauty Salon has a vacancy for the W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation GMAIL.COM
W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of CANBOLAT GENTS SALON has a vacancy CHSHAFIQ581@GMAIL.COM occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified of ACCOUNTANT(GENERAL), suitably FAST WAY MAINTENANCE SERVICES
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of HAIR DRESSER, suitably AREENA CONTRACTOR GROUP CO. W.L.L applicants can contact 33303197 or qualified applicants can contact 33600506 or CO BAHRAINI PARTNERSHIP COMPANY
contact 39093137 or PCCBAH@BATELCO. qualified applicants can contact 37777701 or has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, MUGHALN565@GMAIL.COM HANEEFALANFAL@GMAIL.COM has a vacancy for the occupation of
COM.BH BOSSCO99@GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact AAFI PUBLIC SERVICE W.L.L has a GOLDEN INTERFACE FOR TRADING OFFICE ASSISTANT, suitably qualified
ALAALI CONTRACTING has a vacancy for SABIRA MOHAMED SHOES AND BAGS 17245222 or ALANSARI@AREENAGROUP. vacancy for the occupation of OFFICER, EST has a vacancy for the occupation applicants can contact 36345062 or
the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified SALES AND REPAIRING has a vacancy COM suitably qualified applicants can contact of ACCOUNTANTS, suitably qualified BALJINDERGULF1981@GMAIL.COM
applicants can contact 17566444 or alaalico@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably MC 6 CONSTRUCTION W.L.L has a 36545401 or JINNA1234@GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 33082121 or KKC INDUSTRY W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 33990774 or vacancy for the occupation of PLANT / UNIT THE NAIL HUT W.L.L has a vacancy for ABDULRQEEB2006@YAHOO.COM for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
FLORIDA GULF CONSTRUCTION has a SABIRABH@GMAIL.COM OPERATOR, suitably qualified applicants can the occupation of RECEPTIONIST, suitably CREPICO CREPE,COFFEE & MORE qualified applicants can contact 39413666 or
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, SIXPENCE HR SOLUTIONS W.L.L contact 17402050 or qualified applicants can contact 17400812 or has a vacancy for the occupation of GARYXU@KKCIND.COM
suitably qualified applicants can contact has a vacancy for the occupation of HUSSAIN ALOWAINATI SHADE FACTORY RAMRAJ007@HOTMAIL.COM WORKER(JUICE & SANDWICHES), suitably ELECTRONIC CLICKS CO W.L.L
33323995 or ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of Samorn Trading W.L.L has a vacancy for qualified applicants can contact 33393733 or has a vacancy for the occupation of
INTEGRATED FACILITY MANAGEMENT qualified applicants can contact 13600014 or ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, suitably the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably CREPICOBH@ICLOUD.COM PROGRAMMER(COMPUTER), suitably
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of qualified applicants can contact 37700066 or qualified applicants can contact 17366009 or Artinity for decor designs BAHRAINI qualified applicants can contact 34000327 or
CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can AL HANEEN PALACE ELECTRICARL TEMS KSULTAN71@GMAIL.COM PARTNERSHIP CO. has a vacancy for the
contact 17400407 or proffice@almoayyedcg. has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, A - KARIM ALJAHROMI CONTRACTING GONDAL INTERIOR DECORATION CO occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified UBAIDA BABY SHOP W.L.L has a vacancy
com suitably qualified applicants can contact COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 39922208 or FATIMA. for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably
INTEGRATED FACILITY MANAGEMENT 39211511 or ALIHH8@HOTMAIL.COM occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can NASAAR@GMAIL.COM qualified applicants can contact 39346954 or
W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of NASS COMMERCIAL has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 17831000 or akjcont@ contact 36475004 or TASIBGONDAL700@ Polyplast Gulf Traders W.L.L has a vacancy SIDDEEK.P@GMAIL.COM
CLEANER, suitably qualified applicants can occupation of SUPERVISOR SALES, suitably GMAIL.COM for the occupation of SALES MANAGER, AL HOOR CAR ACCESSORIES has a
contact 17400407 or proffice@almoayyedcg. qualified applicants can contact 39470985 or AHMED MOHAMMED JASSIM MCSIX FOR RECRUITING MANPOWER suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
com CONSTRUCTION CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of 34676920 or suitably qualified applicants can contact
MAQ Marine Services has a vacancy KALTHAM ZUHAIR ALKOOHEJI ATTORNEY for the occupation of WORKER, suitably OPERATOR (FORKLIFT), suitably qualified ABAYAAT ZAHRAT AL MUHARRAQ has 33360852 or HRHUSSAIN90@GMAIL.COM
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably AT LAW AND LEGAL CONSULTANT has qualified applicants can contact 17784584 or applicants can contact 17402050 or dheya@ a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, TALAL MARKETS W.L.L has a vacancy
qualified applicants can contact 36266658 or a vacancy for the occupation of LEGAL HR@AMJASSIM.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably
MAQMARINE@GMAIL.COM CONSELLOR, suitably qualified applicants UNIQUE FACILITY SERVICES W.L.L has AREENA CONTRACTOR GROUP CO. 39692931 or AZAMZAKARIA@YAHOO.COM qualified applicants can contact 34369200 or
MEKANO FOUR CONTRACTING W.L.L has can contact 36111118 or KALTHAM@ a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation BEUREX TRADING COMPANY W.L.L has a TALALMARKET.BAH@TALALGROUPINTL.COM
a vacancy for the occupation of DRAFTSMAN, ALKOOHEJILAWFIRM.COM (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants vacancy for the occupation of ELECTRICAL A - KARIM ALJAHROMI CONTRACTING
suitably qualified applicants can contact NOOR ALKHALEEJ ADVERTISING AND contact 33306469 or CHIRIVELLAHARIKZ@ can contact 17245222 or ALANSARI@ SUPERVISOR, suitably qualified applicants COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the
17682977 or ADMIN@MK4-BSS.COM PROMOTION has a vacancy for the occupation GMAIL.COM AREENAGROUP.COM can contact 39711077 or OPERATIONS@ occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified
Seven Energy W.L.L has a vacancy for the of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can SAVANT SYSTEMS OTHER BUSINESS JIVAN CONTRACTING CO W.L.L has a BEUREXTRADING.COM applicants can contact 17831000 or akjcont@
occupation of ROOM ATTENDANT, suitably contact 39556601 or SUPPORT SERVICES W.L.L has a vacancy vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, RABNAWAZ INTERIOR DECORATOR CO.
qualified applicants can contact 17500791 or QUEBEC TOWN CONSTRUCTION has a for the occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT, suitably qualified applicants can contact W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of Security Solutions Co. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably suitably qualified applicants can contact 34377617 or WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
UNIQUE FACILITY SERVICES W.L.L has qualified applicants can contact 39755200 or 36657757 or MUHAMMADSAIF3581@ Security Solutions Co. W.L.L. has a contact 34024036 or RABN948@GMAIL.COM GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can
a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER GMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY MINI MAX W.L.L has a vacancy for the contact 37722884 or GOVERNMENT@
(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can POPULAR AUTO SPARE AND A C PARTS NEW SHELLAR INTERIOR DECORATION GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can occupation of CLEANING SERVICES MRE.CO


Bahrain1’s Kris Thorne takes pro mod Bahrain-UAE clash: An example

of football brotherhood
win at Thunder Valley Nationals
first place among 23 competi-
• Victory comes
after a post-race
tors, Thorne’s performance was
exemplary, affirming his posi-
tion at the top of the Pro Mod
disqualification of ladder.
rival JR Gray for a Despite Thorne’s success, his
technical infraction Bahrain1 Racing teammates -
Justin Bond, Khaled Al Ba-
looshi, and Jordan Lazic -
Hussain Almaskati faced early exits in the elim-
TDT | Manama inations.
Bond was defeated by Action from a previous match
I n a dramatic turn of events
at the NHRA Thunder Valley
Nationals, Bahrain1 Racing’s
Thielen, Al Balooshi fell to
Billy Banaka, and Lazic lost
to Dymtry Samorukov.
Hussain Almaskati
TDT | Manama
petitive nature of the match,
Talajic emphasized the spirit
Kris Thorne clinched the Pro The NHRA Thunder Valley of brotherhood between the
Mod title at Bristol Dragway.
The race, part of the Super
Grip series, saw Thorne initially
Nationals is a key fixture in the
2024 NHRA season, a highly
competitive series running from
I n a pre-game Press confer- two countries, underscoring
ence in Dubai, Bahrain’s the desire to enjoy the game
head coach, Dragan Talajic, and play attractive football.
Bahrain1’s Kris Thorne in action
finish as runner-up to JR Gray. March to November. emphasized the significance
However, a post-race inspection sentative and president of the 5.820 seconds at 248.29mph This event was the fifth in a of the upcoming match against Player’s Perspective
led to Gray’s disqualification Supreme Council for Environ- versus Gonzalez’s 5.826 seconds series of ten for Pro Mod racers, the UAE. He sees it as a valua- Bahrain’s star winger, Ali
due to a technical infraction, ment. at 247.66mph. Gray had secured with upcoming competitions ble opportunity for his team Madan, who plies his trade
sending Thorne to victory. In the decisive race, Thorne his final spot by defeating Mike scheduled in Virginia, Indianap- to gauge their readiness for with Ajman Club in the UAE,
This win marked Thorne’s posted an elapsed time of 5.937 Thielen. olis, North Carolina, Illinois, and the third round of continen- echoed Talajic’s sentiments.
first of the season and his sev- seconds at a speed of 203.55mph. Nevada. tal qualification for the FIFA He anticipates a challenging
enth career victory, bringing a Gray, before his disqualification, Path to Victory Thorne’s victory not only un- World Cup 2026. encounter against familiar op-
prestigious accolade to Bahrain1 had a time of 5.812 seconds at Thorne’s journey through the derscores his skill and resilience Despite both teams already ponents but wishes luck to all
Racing, which is under the pa- 247.61mph. elimination rounds saw him de- but also highlights the competi- securing their spots in the next involved.
tronage of Shaikh Abdulla bin Thorne’s path to the final in- feat Rickie Smith in the initial tive spirit and technical prowess stage of World Cup qualifiers UAE head coach, Paulo Ben-
Hamad Al Khalifa, His Majesty cluded a semi-final win against stage and Ken Quartuccio in of Bahrain1 Racing on the NHRA and the AFC Asian Cup 2027, to, emphasized the importance
King Hamad’s Personal Repre- Jose Gonzalez, with times of the quarter-finals. Qualifying in circuit. Talajic stressed the importance of continued development and
of going all out for victory, es- improvement, viewing every
pecially against a formidable match as an opportunity to
opponent like the UAE.. enhance the team’s style and
‘My body is not ready’ says Zverev Talajic highlighted the qual- strategy.
ity of the UAE team, acknowl- Despite already qualifying
as he withdraws from Stuttgart edging their skill and prowess for the next stage, Bento em-
on the field. However, he ex- phasized the need for a strong
AFP | Stuttgart “I have played a lot of tennis in the pressed his team’s determina- performance to achieve their
last few weeks and reached the final tion to secure a win while also goals and maintain their posi-

A lexander Zverev withdrew from

the Stuttgart Open yesterday,
with the Roland Garros runner-up
in Paris, where I played five tough
sets,” Zverev said in a statement.
“I feel that my body is not ready to
aiming to showcase their best tion among the elite teams in
performance. Despite the com- the qualifiers.

citing fatigue after his French Open go from clay to grass now.”
final. Zverev last competed in Stuttgart
The ATP number four was top
seed at the German event which
in 2019, losing his opening match to
Dustin Brown.
Marco Baroni succeeds Tudor as Lazio coach
marks the start of the grass sea- Zverev was replaced in the Stutt- AFP | Rome Serie A club said yesterday.
son transition prior to Wimbledon, gart draw by French veteran Rich- The 60-year-old will take
which begins on July 1.
The German lost the Paris final af-
ter over four hours on court against
ard Gasquet, who will play Brandon
Nakashima after the American beat
compatriot Christopher Eubanks
L azio appointed former
Hellas Verona coach Mar-
co Baroni as their new manag-
charge from July 1, and the
club say he has signed a mul-
ti-year contract without any
Alexander Zverev reacts during a match (file photo) Carlos Alcaraz on Sunday. 7-6 (7/4), 6-4 yesterday. er to replace Igor Tudor, the further details.

China squeeze into next World Cup

qualifying stage, Thai heartbreak
Despite loss to South Korea, China qualifies for Asian World Cup qualifying third round
vancing out of Group F, with they had to do,” said the coach.

• Thailand misses
out despite 3-1 win BETTER
Thom Haye and Rizky Ridho “But the final round coming
the goal-scoring heroes in front up will be a completely different
of a raucous crowd of 64,000 in level from the second round.”
over Singapore Jakarta. North Korea thrashed Myan-

• Indonesia celebrates
mar 4-1 in Vientiane, the cap-
KNOW Five-star Japan ital of Laos, to leapfrog Syria
historic qualification Elsewhere, coach Hajime and join Japan in moving out of
Moriyasu warned Japan that Group B.
with 2-0 win over the third qualifying round will In Group D, Malaysia defeat-
Philippines China and Thailand be “a completely different lev- ed Taiwan 3-1 at home but it is
finished with the el” after thrashing Syria 5-0 to unlikely to be enough, unless
AFP | Hong Kong same points and goal go through with a 100 percent Kyrgyzstan lose to Oman later
difference, but China record. by seven goals.
advanced due to a Moriyasu’s side completed the In a dead rubber in Group I,

C hina squeezed into the

third round of Asian qual-
ifying for the 2026 World
Cup despite a 1-0 defeat at South
Korea yesterday, with Indonesia South Korean skipper Son Heung-min and China’s Xie Wenneng vie for the ball
superior head-to-head
a superior head-to-head record.
Same of the Thai players were
second qualifying stage on maxi- Australia thrashed Palestine 5-0
mum points with 24 goals scored in Perth with Portsmouth’s Kus-
and none conceded after an easy ini Yengi scoring twice, one from
win in Hiroshima. the spot. Both sides were already
Japan are looking to qualify into the next phase.
also progressing on a night of The damaging loss left China’s Bangkok to leapfrog China into in tears at the end. for their eighth straight World Like Japan, Australia had
drama. World Cup hopes hanging by a second place in Group C of the In contrast to the crushing Cup when the tournament takes maximum points in the second
Paris Saint-Germain’s Lee thread, but Thailand failed to second qualifying phase, but the disappointment in Bangkok, In- place in the United States, Cana- phase and did not concede a goal
Kang-in scored just after the take advantage as their dreams Thais could only win 3-1. donesia celebrated reaching the da and Mexico. in six games. Eighteen teams
hour in Seoul for South Korea, of progressing fell agonisingly China and Thailand finished third qualifying round for the “We were facing a team that will contest the third qualifying
who were already into the next short. with the same number of points first time with a 2-0 home vic- had to win, and the players got round in Asia, when there will be
qualifying phase as group win- They needed to beat basement and same goal difference, but tory over the Philippines. the result by working hard to direct spots for the World Cup
ners. side Singapore by three goals in the Chinese went through with Indonesia joined Iraq in ad- prepare, doing the things that up for grabs.


Rizwan, Babar keep Pakistan alive

Mohammad Rizwan and Babar Azam star in seven-wicket win over Canada to keep T20 World Cup hopes alive
old opener made 52 off 44 balls

•Rizwan scores 53*,

Babar adds 33 runs
Pakistan 107 for 3 (Rizwan 53*,
with four boundaries and four
sixes before he was eventually
out in the 14th over with the

• Pakistan chases
Babar 33, Heyliger 2-18) beat Can- score on 73-6, clean-bowled by
ada 106 for 7 (Johnson 52, Amir Naseem Shah.
2-13, Rauf 2-26) by seven wickets KNOW WHAT
107 with 15 balls left Johnson was the only batsman
in the top six to reach double

Amir and Rauf lead
bowling attack
the same Nassau County Inter-
national Stadium where they
came up short against India may
Pakistan needs one
figures as Pakistan’s seamers
took wickets on a regular basis.
Mohammad Amir clean-
more win and favora-
still not be enough to secure a bowled Navneet Dhaliwal (four)
AFP | New York place in the second round Super ble results in other with a 141 km/h delivery which
Eights. matches to advance to sliced through the defences of

M ohammad Rizwan and Pakistan have two points with the Super Eights stage the opener.
captain Babar Azam one game left while India and Shaheen recovered from con-
starred as Pakistan the United States both have four prized wicket of Babar, both men ceding 10 runs off his first over
stayed alive at the T20 World points from two wins apiece and caught behind. to get rid of Pargat Singh (two)
Cup with a seven-wicket win remain favourites to progress to Earlier, Pakistan restricted before Nicholas Kirton (one)
Babar Azam plays a shot
over Canada yesterday. the next stage. Canada to 106-7 despite opener was run out by a superb throw
Knowing defeat would con- feated on 53 off 53 balls with two two Group A fixtures. Despite the loss, Canada, with Aaron Johnson hitting his sixth by Imad Wasim.
demn them to a shock first round fours and a six for his 29th T20 A stunning super-over humil- two points from three games, international fifty. Haris Rauf sent back Shreyas
exit, Rizwan and Babar put on a international half-century while iation at the hands of the United are still in the hunt for a Super Johnson demonstrated his Movva (two) -- for his 100th
match-winning second-wicket Babar made 33 off as many balls States was followed by a six-run Eights spot. attacking intent from the start, wicket in the format -- and
partnership of 63 as Pakistan with one four and a six. loss to bitter rivals India in a Dilon Heyliger took two of cracking successive boundaries Ravinderpal Singh (nought)
reached their target of 107 with The victory came after the game where they failed to chase the Pakistan wickets to fall, dis- off the first two balls he faced in the space of three balls as
15 balls to spare. 2009 champions and runners-up down a modest 120-run target. missing recalled opener Saim from Shaheen Shah Afridi. Canada reached 55-5 after 10
Opener Rizwan finished unde- in 2022 had lost both their first However, yesterday’s win at Ayub for six and claiming the The Jamaican born 33-year- overs.

Murray suffers early exit from Wimbledon warm-up in Stuttgart Osaka downs fourth seed
AFP | Stuttgart
in Wimbledon warm-up
A ndy Murray made a disap-
pointing start to his Wim-
bledon warm-up campaign on
yesterday, losing 6-3, 6-4 to
Marcos Giron in the Stuttgart KNOW WHAT
Open first round.
The former world number
one, a Stuttgart finalist two
years ago, had spent time in Murray will hope to
Brivtain training on grass after revive his grass game
his first round Roland Garros at Queen’s Club, Lon-
defeat to Stan Wawrinka last don, his final tune-up
month. before what is almost
But that preparation did not certain to be the last
pay off at the Weissenhof Club,
whose courts are curated under Wimbledon of his
guidance from All England Club career Naomi Osaka in action
Andy Murray in action (file photo) AFP | Rosmalen
Murray will hope to revive Top 120 ranking as a result of “I grew up watching Andy, it’s Jack Draper will line up as
his grass game at Queen’s Club,
London, his final tune-up before
what is almost certain to be the
his defeat.
In the opening set, Murray
volleyed into the net from close
an honour to be on the court
with him,” Giron, 30, said.
“I’m grateful to beat him and
Giron’s second-round oppo-
nent. The Briton beat the 54th-
ranked American in the Austral-
J apanese star Naomi Osaka
got her grass court season
off to an impressive start yes-
I think it’s maybe four
or five years since I last
last Wimbledon of his career. range to trail 4-2 with Giron happy with the win. I was ex- ian Open first round in January terday, with a straight-sets win played on grass but
The 2013 and 2016 Wimble- closing out the set three games cited to get a grass lesson from over five sets. over fourth seed Elise Mertens I’m super excited to
don champion went down in 75 later. him. Murray was beaten in the in the second round of the be here. I don’t really
minutes, with Giron winning The 37-year-old won the first “It’s unreal what he’s done in 2022 Stuttgart final by Matteo Libema Open. have much experience
his first match here after a pair six points of the second set but his career, to play him on grass Berrettini, who advanced earli- Four-time Grand Slam
of first-round defeats. was unable to keep up the mo- is unbelievable - I’m pumped er 7-6 (10/8), 5-7, 7-5 over Roman champion Osaka dominated
on grass but to be able
The Scot will drop out of the mentum. with the win.” Safiullin. from the start, breaking the to close it out in two
Belgian twice in the first set is something I’m very
and staying solid on her own happy about
serve to take it 6-2.
Lewandowski to miss Poland’s Euro 2024 opener with injury
The second set was more
closely fought, going with narda Pera from the United
AFP | Warsaw The absence of the former serve until the 10th game. States or Suzan Lamens from
Borussia Dortmund and Bayern A lucky net cord and two the Netherlands.

P oland captain Robert Le-

wandowski will miss his
country’s Euro 2024 opener this
Munich player adds to the inju-
ry worries for Probierz.
Hellas Verona attacker Karol
powerful groundstrokes gave
Osaka two match points and
she needed only one, taking
Osaka appeared relaxed,
dancing along with the music
at changeovers and appearing
weekend with a thigh injury, Swiderski sustained an ankle in- the second set 6-4. to share a joke with her team
the Polish football federation’s jury while celebrating the open- “I think it’s maybe four or in the stands.
doctor said yesterday. ing goal against Turkey. five years since I last played “I tried to play every point
Lewandowski, 35, will be ab- Swiderski’s club team-mate, on grass but I’m super excited as well as I can and hopeful-
sent to face the Netherlands on defender Pawel Dawidowicz, to be here,” Osaka said after ly that will take me further
June 16 after suffering the injury strained his quadriceps during the match. and further. I guess I’m really
in Monday’s 2-1 win in a friendly the game. “I don’t really have much ex- happy... It was a really nice
against Turkey. “After treatment, both players perience on grass but to be able atmosphere,” she said.
Poland then play Austria on should return to full training to close it out in two is some- Playing in only her second
June 21 and the tournament’s within 3-4 days,” Jaroszewski. thing I’m very happy about,” Grand Slam since giving birth
joint favourites France four days Probierz will be without an- added the 26-year-old. to her daughter last July, Osaka
later. other striker for the tournament Osaka, now ranked 125th in was within a point of dethron-
“We are doing everything after Arkadiusz Milik suffered a the world, has never got past ing Iga Swiatek in the French
so that Robert can play in the Polan captain Robert Lewandowski sits on the pitch before leaving the game knee injury in the warmup vic- the third round at Wimble- Open second round. World
second match against Austria,” ter just 33 minutes on his 150th coach Michal Probierz had been tory against Ukraine on Friday. don, her four Grand Slam wins number one Swiatek went on
doctor Jacek Jaroszewski said international appearance as upbeat about Lewandowski’s The Italian club said Milik coming on hard courts in Mel- to win her third successive ti-
in a statement. Poland ended their Euro 2024 injury, saying he was “optimis- had undergone minor surgery, bourne and New York. tle at Roland Garros but Osaka
Barcelona forward Le- preparations with a victory. tic” and “there shouldn’t be a without stating the length of Her next opponent in s’Her- handed her the sternest test
wandowski was substituted af- Following the game, Poland problem”. his absence. togenbosch will be either Ber- she faced on the clay.

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