Does The Body Shape The Musical Mind

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Does the body shape

the musical mind?

Pierre Saint-Germier,
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,
Center for the Epistemology of Cognitive Science

So the basic question the cognitive scientist The hypothesis under investigation is that

Introduction has to answer is how metrical structures, so

defined, are to be assigned to a musical
bodily movements can help to disambiguate
the rhythm. Various experiments have been
Does it succeed?
surface. designed to test it.
The classical cognitivist picture of a symbol- At first glance, it looks like we have a
To answer this question Lerdahl and The first one (2005) was done with 7 month-
manipulating mind-brain has been powerful argument in favor of the ECP. In
Jackendoff distinguish two kinds of rules, old infants. The infants were divided into
challenged recently by the so called our interpretation of the facts provided by
well-formedness rules and preference rules. two groups. Those of the first group were
'embodied cognition program' (ECP). Philips-Silver and Trainor, it seems that
Rules of the first kind define the set of bounced up and down while held in the
bodily events do play a cognitive role:
According to the ECP, possible metric structures in the idiom arms of the experimenter on every second
had the body been moving differently, the
under investigation. When several well- beat. Those of the third group were
'to say that cognition is embodied means stimulus would not have been heard the
formed structures can equally be applied to bounced on every third beat. Thus, both
that it arises from bodily interactions with same way. If you don't take the body into
a musical surface, preference rules tell us groups heard the same stimulus, but had
the world' (Thelen, 2000, p. 4). account, then you miss a crucial part of
which structures are more likely to be different movement experiences.
the determinants of the cognitive
On this regard, the field of music cognition heard.
processing. So without changing the
is no exception. In reaction to highly
explanandum, the explanans must
intellectualist, rule-based approaches to
music perception (e.g. Lerdahl & The ECP Challenge include bodily events.

Jackendoff, 1983), a growing number of However, further studies par Trainor & al.
researchers have investigated the way (2009) show that bodily events are not
music perception relies on bodily activities In the cognitivist explanation, the body is mandatory for the effect. For the effect
(e.g. Leman, 2007) absent both from the explandum and the can be produced without any actual
explanans. The explanandum is described movement, but only with a direct galvanic
But it is not entirely clear how the ECP is
in terms of mental inference and the stimulation of the vestibular system. So
supposed to challenge the cognitivist view
explanans is constituted by rules. So there movement does not appear to be
of cognition. One major epistemological
are at least two ways for the embodied constitutive of the effect, but only causally
question is whether the ECP is meant to
cognition theorist to challenge the Figure 3. Infant being bounced in rhythm related to it, via the vestibular system.
complement classical cognitive science, or
cognitivist explanation: reject the initial
to replace it. Another concerns what Thus the argument is more an argument
description of the phenomenon in sole After training, preferences of the infants
exactly is meant by the terms 'embodied' in in favor of the cross-modal character of
terms of mental inference or reject the were tested for an accented version of the
'embodied cognition'. metrical structure perception, i.e.
explanation itself. auditory stimulus in duple form versus an
involving proprioception as well as
With these two questions in mind we shall accented version in triple form pattern.
In the first case, you can say that the target auditory perception, than an argument in
focus on the embodiment, if any, of metrical Infants controlled how long they listened to
phenomenon is not only something mental, favor of its embodiedness.
structure perception. each version of the rhythm in a head turn
but also, and perhaps foremost, something
preference procedure. Now infants chose to Moreover, these facts are entirely
that involves the body. But if you change
Metrical Structure: the explanandum along these lines, you
listen longer to the auditory test stimulus
with accented beats that matched the beats
compatible with a 'Brainbound' model of
cognition, that is a model according to
implicitly change your working definition of
The Classical Account what cognition is. So you presuppose what
on which they were bounced. Thus their which 'the non-neural body is just the
bouncing determined whether infants later sensor and effector system of the brain'
you want to show. A much stronger way of
preferred the auditory rhythm pattern (Clarke, 2008, p. xxvii).
One is said to understand a piece of music challenging the cognitivist is to take the
congruent with duple or triple form.
only if one is able to assign a structure to explanandum as she characterizes it and
this bit of music. This structure is not show that her explanation won’t work This effect was then showed to be
necessarily present in the physical signal, unless it refers to bodily events or independent from visual information, i.e. the References
so this assignment of structure has to be processes. effect is still observed when the infants are
attributed to a mental inference from the blindfolded. It was also shown that the Clark, 2008, Supersizing the Mind, Oxford:
A series of studies by Jessica Philips-Silver ●

signal. effect depends on the personal movement Oxford University Press.

and Laurel J. Trainor (2005, 2007, 2008)
of the infants. For the effect disappears if Gallagher, 2005, How The Body Shapes the
show that bodily events can help to

the infants don’t move but simply watch the Mind, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
disambiguate the perception of ambiguous
experimenter move every second or third ●
Leman, 2007, Embodied music cognition and
rhythmic patters.
beat. mediation technology, Cambridge MA: The MIT
If the following pattern is played with no
This effect was then (2007) generalized to Lerdahl and Jackendoff, 1983, A Generative
physical accent,

adults, using the same experiment, except Theory of Tonal Music, Cambridge MA: The MIT
Figure 1. Metrical Structure of the beginning of that instead of being bounced, the adults
the Mozart G Minor Symphony Phillips-Silver and Trainor, 2005, 'Feeling the
bounced themselves by bending their ●

Beat: Movement Influences Infant Rhythm

knees, imitating the experimenter. At test, Perception', Science, Vol. 308, p. 1430.
Lerdahl and Jackendoff (1983) provide a there are two possible ways for the hearer they identified as similar an auditory version ●
Phillips-Silver and Trainor, 2007, 'Hearing what
theory of metrical structure along the to understand its metrical structure, in duple of the rhythm pattern with accented strong the body feels: Auditory encoding and rhythmic
following lines. (fig. 2a) or in triple form (fig. 2b) beats that matched their previous bouncing movement', Cognition, Vol. 105, p. 533-546.

The basic ingredient of the metrical experience in comparison with a version in ●
Phillips-Silver and Trainor, 2008, 'Vestibular
structure is the beat. which the accents did not match. Similarly, influence on auditory metrical interpretation',
Brain and Cognition, Vol. 67, p. 94-102.

The beats have to be equally spaced. it was shown that the effect does not

Thelen, 2000, 'Grounded in the world:

However, a series of beats forms a depend on visual information but that bodily
Developmental origins of the embodied mind',
metrical structure only if there is a movement is critical. Infancy, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 3-28.
distinction between strong and weak ●
Trainor & al., 2009, 'The primal role of the
Figure 2a. Figure 2b.
beats. vestibular system in determining musical rhythm',
Cortex, Vol. 45, p. 35-43.

For beats to be strong or weak there
must exist a metrical hierarchy, that is
two or more levels of beats. This research was made with the financial support of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

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