Research Draft (Ins)

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Research Question:
How do the unique environmental conditions and biodiversity of the tropical
rainforest biome contribute to its ecological importance, and what sustainability
practices are needed to protect this vital ecosystem from human threats?

Actions Plan

Day 1: Research the geography and climate of the Amazon rainforest: 1.5 hrs

 Sites: World Wildlife Fund, Rainforest Trust, National Geographic

 Look for information on location, size, rainfall, temperatures

Day 2: Investigate the biodiversity and ecosystems: 30 minutes

 Sites: Amazon Aid, Mongabay, Scientific American

 Explore Amazon plant and animal species, interdependencies

Day 3: Understand the ecological importance: 1 hr

 Sites: United Nations, World Resources Institute

 Research roles in carbon cycle, oxygen production, indigenous cultures

Day 4: Examine human threats: 50 minutes

 Sites: Greenpeace, Rainforest Alliance, news articles

 Look into deforestation, development, climate change impacts

Day 5: Find engaging visuals and videos: 30 minutes

 Search for high quality photos, videos, infographics

 Ensure visuals are properly cited

Day 6: Write first draft of magazine article: 2 hrs

 Craft an engaging intro to hook reader

 Organize information into sections with subheadings
 Watch total word count - aim for around 600 words

Day 7: Revise and edit article: 1.5 hrs

 Check for clear writing, proper citations
 Incorporate feedback from peers/teacher

Day 8: Format article with visuals: 45 minutes

 Insert images/graphics at relevant points

 Create bibliography in MLA format

Day 9: Write reflection on investigation process: 1 hours

 Evaluate addressing research question thoroughly

 Discuss challenges, areas for improvement
 Explain relevance to global context, skills developed

Day 10: Final proofreading and submission: 30 minutes

 Double check every aspect before submitting

 Turn in action plan, article, reflection by deadline

Reflection On This Magazine article

The investigation process went well, with the information gathered from reliable sources. I faced
the challenge of condensing the vast amount of information into a 600-word article while
maintaining the engaging tone. To improve the investigative method, I could have incorporated
more visuals, such as pictures, to support the content. This investigation helped me gain a better
understanding of the global context by exploring the Amazon rainforest's weather, geography,
and significance. I developed research skills, critical analysis, and effective communication
throughout the process. The learner profile attributes I developed during this investigation is
"Inquirer," as I demonstrated curiosity and an eagerness to learn through our research. Overall,
this investigation allowed me to delve into the wonders of the Amazon rainforest and highlighted
the importance of protecting this unique and biodiverse ecosystem

1. "Amazon Rainforest: Heart of South America." *Explore the Amazon*,
2. "The Geography of the Amazon Rainforest." *Amazon Wonders*,
3. "Climate and Seasons in the Amazon." *Rainforest Climate*,
4. "Biodiversity in the Amazon." *Amazon Biodiversity*,
5. "The Canopy and Its Layers." *Rainforest Layers*,
6. "Wildlife of the Amazon." *Amazon Wildlife*,
7. "The Amazon: Lungs of the Planet." *Environmental Significance*,
8. "Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon." *Amazon Tribes*,
9. "Threats to the Amazon Rainforest." *Rainforest Conservation*,
10. "Ways to Help Conserve the Amazon." *Conservation Strategies*,

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