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Invoice number 9B092643-0004

Date of issue April 9, 2024
Date due April 9, 2024
Figma AU ARN 3000 3243 3146

Figma, Inc. Bill to Ship to

760 Market Street alex.marsh's team alex.marsh's team
Floor 10 54 Cheriton street 54 Cheriton street
San Francisco, California 94102 Perth Western Australia 6000 Perth Western Australia 6000
United States Australia Australia
+1 415-890-5404

$20.00 USD due April 9, 2024

Pay online

Description Qty Unit price Amount

Professional FigJam seats (monthly) 1 $5.00 $5.00

Apr 9 – May 9, 2024

Professional Figma design seats (monthly) 1 $15.00 $15.00

Apr 9 – May 9, 2024

Subtotal $20.00

Total excluding tax $20.00

Tax (0% on $20.00) $0.00

Total $20.00

Amount due $20.00 USD

Tax to be paid on reverse charge basis

9B092643-0004 · $20.00 USD due April 9, 2024 Page 1 of 1

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