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Information Systems Infrastructure

Sai Bhargav Manne

Campbellsville University

Article Analysis and Journal 2


Coordination of personnel and assets across different time zones and geographical locations is

the most important aspect of running a networked organization. This is the most crucial stage. In

order to accomplish this goal, issues with communication must be handled, teamwork

encouraged, and a uniform culture kept throughout the company. Supervisors need to give

priority to virtual leadership in order to maintain remote workers' motivation and alignment with

the organization's goals. There is no other way to ensure it except this. As the organization

depends more and more on digital platforms and networked technologies, compliance, data

security, and privacy are becoming more crucial. For managers, adapting to rapidly evolving

technology trends and training staff to successfully traverse this environment are equally critical

issues (Dos-Santos, 2021).


Ensuring remote workers to collaborate is one of the main problems of running a networked

organization. Managers are confronted with the challenges of transparent and truthful

communication as companies depend more and more on technology to link distant employees. If

left undone, this might lead to miscommunication, a drop in output, and a collapse in


Another significant challenge is striking a balance between decentralized decision-making and

centralized control. The balancing act between team decision-making and centralized oversight

may be challenging for networked businesses. Deciding as a team might perhaps fix this

problem. Strike the correct balance to keep chaos and micromanagement at bay (Dos-Santos,


Complicating issues is the rapid and challenging pace of technological advancement. To succeed,

managers need to remain abreast of new changes and modify their approach accordingly. If this

isn't done, the business can end up with antiquated policies and practices, which would make it

less competitive.

The three most important management challenges in a distributed and networked business are

maintaining communication, managing the conflict between decentralization and centralization,

and staying current with technological advancements. Resolving these problems is essential for

the company to succeed in a world that is becoming more interconnected (Dos-Santos, 2021).


The corporate environment of today moves quickly, and networked firms are becoming

increasingly significant. These businesses are aware that in order to accomplish their goals,

collaboration and communication across teams and departments are necessary. Although

networked businesses offer numerous advantages, they also have administrative challenges that

must be solved if they are to be successful. The success of the company depends on resolving

these difficulties (Valdemarin, 2021).

In networked organizations, teams, departments, and even outside partner or supplier firms are

typical. To flourish, these companies collaborate. The intricacy of the issue may make it difficult

for managers to communicate with and collaborate with staff members. To accomplish

organizational objectives, managers have to make sure that every link in the network works

together. Neglecting this need might result in ineffectiveness, unnecessary endeavors, and

miscommunications among staff members. Supervisors need to make complex processes simpler

and explain staff members' responsibilities in the network. Managers ought to devise strategies to

achieve this (Valdemarin, 2021).

In a networked organization, efficient communication is crucial. To communicate knowledge

across domains, managers need to establish transparent and sincere channels of communication.

If communication channels are disrupted, important information might be misunderstood or lost.

This might lead to poor decision-making and general performance. In order to promote

transparent information sharing and instantaneous communication, managers had to give top

priority to the creation of workplace collaboration tools and platforms. Team members may stay

in sync with one another via frequent meetings and information exchange (Valdemarin, 2021).

Two of the most important administrative problems in a networked company are trust and

collaboration. Since employees from different parts of the network may not have the opportunity

to interact in person, it's critical to create a collaborative and trustworthy culture. To promote

collaboration, managers need to make investments in team-building activities, transparent

communication channels, and rewards. Managers need to lead by example, have trust in their

staff, and actively participate in team tasks.

In summary, managers in networked businesses find it difficult to resolve complexity, improve

communication, and foster employee trust and cooperation. The key components of effective

management strategies include process optimization, consistent communication channels, and

the development of a collaborative and trusting culture. In the current fast-paced corporate

environment, managers may ensure that their networked firm operates effectively and affordably

by addressing these issues head-on (Valdemarin, 2021).



Dos-Santos, S. M. (2021). Relationship between innovativeness and competitiveness in

networked organizations: a perspective from the electric and electronic industry in brazil.

Creativity and Innovation Management, 30(2), 248–267.

Valdemarin, S. (2021). The international development of network organizations:

the case of onlylyon. Management International, 25(Spécial), 39–39.

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