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James Shurman


Walter Kaufmann ( 19 January 1924 – 15 April 2021 ) was a German-Australian
writer .Kaufmann was born Jizchak Schmeidler in Berlin , the boy of a Polish Jewish woman ,
Rachela Schmeidler .He was adopted by the moneyed German Jewish distich Dr. Sally and
Johanna Kaufmann at the age of three .While his adoptive parents were eventually
murdered in Auschwitz , Kaufmann fled to England during the outbreak of the War , and
was later deported to Australia on the infamous ship HMT Dunera in 1940 .He soon joined
the Australian army as a volunteer .After the war and demobilisation he worked in unlike
environment and various jobs at the Same time trying to foster his didactics .Kaufmann
joined the Melbourne Realist Writers ' grouping and had some of his news report published
in the Realist writer .He became politically combat-ready and travelled extensively .He was
encouraged by writers such as frank Hardy and David Martin to drop a line a novel based on
his own past tense in German Nazi Deutschland ( Voices in the violent storm ) .Later
Kaufmann settled in the due east Berlin and continued publishing in English and
German .Kaufmann 's schematic socialistic realistic history on the struggles of Australian
patronage unionists and the disenfranchisement of the Aborigine , became very popular in
the GDR after his return to East Berlin in 1957 .He died in April 2021 at the old age of 97 .==
Works == === English === Voices in the tempest , Melbourne 1953 The curse of Maralinga
and other Stories , Berlin 1959 American English Encounter , Berlin 1966 Beyond the super
acid World of puerility , German capital 1972 === German language === Wohin der mensh
gehö rt .Verlag Neues Leben , Berlin 1957 .Der Fluch von Maralinga .Translated from English
language by Johannes Schellenberger .Verlag Neues Leben , Israel Baline 1958 .Ruf der
Inseln .Translated from English by Hannelore Sanguinette and Elga Abramowitz .Verlag
Volk und Welt , Israel Baline 1960 .Feuer am Suvastrand .Translated from English people by
Hannelore Sanguinette , Bernd Hanisch and Elga Abramowitz .Aufbau-Verlag , Israel Baline
1961 .Kreuzwege .Verlag Neues Leben , Berlin 1961 .Die Erschaffung des Richard
Hamilton .VEB Hinstorff , Rostock 1964 .Begegnung mit Amerika heute .Translated from
English by Helga Zimnik .VEB Hinstorff , Rostock 1965 .Unter australischer
Sonne .Deutscher Militä rverlag , Irving Berlin 1965 .Hoffnung unter Glas .Translated from
English by Helga Zimnik .Hinstorff VEB , Rostock 1966 .Stefan .Translated from English by
Helga Zimnik .Holz , Berlin 1966 .Unter dem wechselnden Mond .Translated from English by
Helga Zimnik .Hinstorff , Rostock 1968 .Gerü cht vom Ende der Welt .Translated from
English by William Vietinghoff .Hinstorff , Rostock 1969 .Unterwegs Zu Angela .Translated
from English by Olga fetter and Erich hobble .Verlag der Nation , Berlin 1973 .Das
verschwundene Hotel .Astronomical Unit dem Englischen ü bersetzt von Olga hobble und
Erich Fetter .Verlag Junge wale , Berlin 1973 .atomic number 95 Kai der Hoffnung .Aus dem
Englischen ü bersetzt von Elga Abramowitz u. a. Verlag der Nation , Berlin 1974 .Entfü hrung
in Manhattan .gold dem Englischen ü bersetzt von Olga fetter und Erich
Fetter .Kinderbuchverlag , berlin 1975 .Saint Patrick .Verlag Junge welt , Irving Berlin
1977 .Stimmen im Sturm .Aus dem Englischen ü bersetzt .Verlag der Nation , berlin
1977 .Wir lachen , weil wir weinen .F. A. Brockhaus Verlag , Leipzig 1977 .Irische
Reise .Kinderbuchverlag , German capital 1979 .Drei Reisen ins gelobte body
politic .Brockhaus , Leipzig 1980 .Kauf mir doch ein Krokodil .edition Holz , Berlin
1982 .Flucht .Halle/Leipzig , Mitteldeutscher Verlag 1984 .Jenseits der Kindheit .AU dem
Englischen ü bersetzt von Helga Zimnik .Kinderbuchverlag , German capital
1985 .Manhattan-Sinfonie .atomic number 79 dem Englischen ü bersetzt von Helga Zimnik
und Wilhelm Vietinghoff .Militä rverlag der DDR , Berlin 1987 , ISBN 3-327-00371-8 .Tod in
Fremantle .Mitteldeutscher Verlag , Halle/Leipzig 1987 , ISBN 3-354-00154-2 .Die Zeit
berü hren .Berlin 1992 , ISBN 3-928024-73-6 .Ein jegliches hat Seine River Zeit .Berlin 1994 ,
ISBN 3-86124-215-X .Im Schloss Zu Mecklenburg und anderswo .Dietz , Berlin 1997 , ISBN
3-320-01942-2 .Ü ber eine Liebe in Germany .Dietz , Berlin 1998 , ISBN 3-320-01960-
0 .Gelebtes Leben .Dietz , Israel Baline 2000 , ISBN 3-320-01992-9 .Amerika .Verlag .atomic
number 5 , Rostock 2003 , ISBN 3-89954-044-1 .dice Welt des Markus Sir Jacob Epstein .ddp
goldenbogen , Dresden 2004 , ISBN 3-932434-22-6 .Im grippe der Zeit .Ditrich Verlag ,
German capital 2010 , ISBN 978-3-937717-45-6 .Stefan - Jenseits der Kindheit .E-Book ,
EDITION digital , Godern 2012 , ISBN 978-3-86394-560-2 ( enthä lt Stefan und Jenseits der
Kindheit ) .== Filmography == 1967 : Frozen flare 1969 : Rendezvous with Unknown ==
Awards == Mary Gilmore award ( 1959 ) Fontane-Preis ( 1961 and 1964 ) Heinrich Mann
Prize ( 1967 ) Literature prize of the Ruhr area ( 1993 ) == Further reading == Alexandra
Ludewig : Der deutsch-australische Autor Walter Kaufmann .Tectum-Verlag , Marburg
1996 , ISBN 3-89608-894-7 .Carsten Wurm : Kaufmann , Bruno Walter .In : Wer war wer in
der DDR ?5 Issue .bulk 1 Ch links , Berlin 2010 , ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4 .Alexandra
Ludewig : Der deutsch-australische Autor Walter Kaufmann , Marburg 1996 Literature by
and about Walter Kaufmann ( author ) in the German National program library catalog
Bruno Walter Kaufmann im Wiki des DRAFD e.V .( Association of German fighter aircraft in
the French Resistance , the Allied force and the `` Free Deutschland '' front ( in German ) )
Author 's profile on publisher 's website ( in German ) Conversation with Walter Kaufmann
WDR , February 18 , 2013 == reference point ==

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