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There has been a sharp increase in the number of learners selling goods in the school premises.

This has greatly affected the learning process. The task is to research three
learners on how they balance their school work and whether they keep accounting records.

Task 1: Common products sold by learners at school and 5 transactions related to the products

Common products:

- Snacks (chips, candy, cookies)

- Beverages (soda, water, juice)
- Stationery (pens, pencils, notebooks)
- Phone accessories (earbuds, phone cases)
- Personal care items (hair clips, lip balm)


1. Learner A sells 5 packets of chips at $1 each, totaling $5.

2. Learner B purchased 10 pens at $0.50 each and sells them at $1 each.
3. Learner C sells 2 phone cases at $5 each.
4. Learner A buys 20 cookies at $0.25 each .
5. Learner B sells 1 notebook at $2
Interview guide

1. Do you keep track of your business finances? (Yes/No)

2. How do you balance school work and business activities?
3. Do you pay taxes on your earnings? (Yes/No)
4. How do you decide how much to charge for your products?
5. How has selling products at school affected your learning experience?

Task 3: Report on data gathered from the 3 learners

Report on data gathered

Learner A:

- Sells snacks and beverages

- Keeps basic accounting records
- Balances school work by prioritizing tasks and allocating specific times for business activities
- Faces challenges with competition from other learners
- Prices products based on market demand

Learner B
- Sells stationery and phone accessories
- Keeps detailed accounting records
- Balances school work by using free periods for business activities
- Plans to expand business by introducing new products
- Determines prices based on cost and profit margin
Learner C:

- Sells personal care items

- Does not keep accounting records
- Balances school work by setting aside dedicated time for studies
- Faces challenges with managing inventory
- Determines prices based on intuition

While selling products at school can provide learners with valuable entrepreneurial skills and
financial literacy, it can also distract from the primary focus of education. To strike a balance,
schools could consider implementing guidelines or regulations for learner businesses, such as
designating specific areas for sales, limiting business activities during school hours, encouraging
learners to keep accounting records, and providing resources for learners to develop their
entrepreneurial skills. This would ensure that learners can continue to develop their
entrepreneurial skills while maintaining their academic performance. It is recommended that
selling products at school be allowed, but with regulations and guidance to ensure a healthy
balance between entrepreneurship and education.

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