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TOPIC 30. SYNONYMS - ANTONYMS PART 1. LISTS OF SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS, (Tw ddng nghia — Tir trai nghia) A WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS “T._[abandon bd roi fa discard, dispose of _ | keep 2. [abundant | doi dio ample, plentiful, rich scarce, insufficient 3._| accurate chinh xae. correct, right, precise, exact ‘wrong, inaccurate 4, [achieve dat duge accomplish, attain fail 5. [adequate | di sufficient, enough, ample insufficient, inadequate, sparce 6. | admit ‘thira nhdn confess deny 7._| admire ngwong mo respect, look up to detest, look down on 8. [advantage | Igi ich benefit disadvantage, drawback 9. | afraid es9, losg frightened, scared courageous, brave 10. | aim mye tiéu goal, purpose, objective, target 11. | amateur nghigp dur beginner, novice | professional 12. | amiable than thign friendly unfriendly, hostile 13. | alive song sét, ton tai__| live, living, animate dead 14. | allow cho phép permit forbid 15. | ancient 6 kinh [ old, historic modern 16. | apparent ro rang obvious, evident hidden, obscure 17. | arrive dén reach, come depart, leave“ 18. | arrogant kigu ngao haughty, stuck-up humble, modest 19. | artificial nhan tao, gid fake, synthetic real, authentic 20. | assure dim bao ‘guarantee 21. | attack tin cong assault, strike | defend 22. | authentic | that genuine, real, factual false, artificial 23. | awake tinh, thre sleepless asleep 24. | awful kinh king, dreadful, terrible, horrible pleasant 25. | Away ving mat absent present, available 26 | amaze surprise B WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1._| bad 101 16, xau terrible, awful, poor, hard good 2. | ban cim prohibit, forbit, outlaw allow, permit 3. | beautiful_—_| xinh, dep pretty, attractive, lovel ugly 4, | believe tin trong trust, accept disbelieve, distrust 5. | beneficial | co lpi helpful, useful, advantageous harmful, adverse 6. | blame 516i criticize praise 7._| big to, lon vast, large little, small 8._| boring chan, té nhat dull, tedious, repetitive interesting 9. | bottom day, cudi base, foundation top 10.| boundless | khong gidihan | unlimited limited 11. | brave ‘dung cim| courageous, bold, heroic cowardly. timid 12. | brief ngan gon short, concise long, 13. | broad mo rong widen, expansive narrow 14. | busy ban ron occupied, working free, idle, lazy ic WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS = 1. | calm binh tinh, yén ling _| quiet, tranquil, still excited, turbulent e | uge quét bang CamScanner : 2 3 4 eee / SIO e |e] capture bat gitr apprehend, seize, arrest free, realse ei care quan tam ‘concern, protection | neglect careful edn than cautious, watchful careless, reckless certain hie chin positive, sure, definite uncertain, unsure \ cold Tanh chilly, freezing warm - cheap re inexpensive, economical, | expensive, costly a] affordable, budget 8._| cheerful vui ve happy sad 9._| chief(ly) chinh mainly), primarily minor, secondary 10. | choose Tyra chon select, pick remove 11, | clean sach sé pure, hygienic dirty 12. [combine | két hop blend, unite, join separate 13. | complex phitc hop complicated, intricate simple 14. | competent __| cé nang lye capable, qualified incompetent 15. | confess thira nhin, thd 19 _[ admit, acknowledge deny 16. | constant(ly) | lién tue (khéng 46i)_| always, continually, fixed | changeable, variable 17. [contented | théa man, hai long _| satisfied, pleased dissatisfied, unhappy " 18. [courteous [lich sy, nha nbn | polite, civil rude 19. | conceal che phi cover, hide expose, reveal 20. | cozy dm cing comfortable, snug, homey | uncomfortable 21. | erowded | dong dic packed, crammed sparse 22. [cruel dic dc mean, heartless, ruthless _| kind, humane D WORD | MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. | danger moi nguy hiém harm safety 2. [damage | pha hi: destroy, harm, impair, devastate | improve, create 3:_| deep sau low shallow 4. | delicious | ngon yummy, tasty awful 3. despair | tuyét vong lose hope, lost heart hope 6._ [devoted | tan tim, hét long _| loving, affectionate, caring indifferent 7. khé hard eas 8. bign mat vanish appear 9. nghi ng dispute, query ‘trust 10. khé sunny, wet E WORD [MEANING [SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. | easy dé simple difficult, challenging, hard 2. [end két thiic conclude, finish start 3. [evaluate | dénh gid assess 4. [extra | thém, bd xung | additional 5. [expand _| méréng grow, extend, widen, broaden, lengthen | shrink, contract 6. | export __| xudt khdu import Fr WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. [faithful | trung thinh Toyal, devoted unfaithful, disloyal 2._| fair inh ding, cong bing, hgp ly | equal, reasonable unfair, unequal 3. | false sai, gid wrong, incorrect, untrue, | true, real, genuine fake, artificial, man-made 4,_| famous ndi tiéng well-known, renowned | unknown uge quét bang CamScanner j fashionable met trendy, stylish unfashionable, old- : 5 fashioned o._| fat béo overweight, chubby, obese_| thin, skinny 7._| fast nhanh, quick slow 8._| find tim thd discover lose -9._[fool(ish) | ngu ngde idiot wise 10. | forbid cam, prohibit, ban allow, permit, let 11. | fortunate may man lucky unfortunate, unlucky 12. [freedom | sy ty do liberty 13. | friend ban be mate, buddy, companion | enem; 14. | fresh tuoi, mdi, sach new, clean polluted, dirty, stale 15. | funny hai hude amusing, entertaining sad G WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS: 1. [gain 06 duge, dat drge | acquire, obtain lose 2. | gather ‘ty tap, thu thap | collect separate 3. [generous | hao phéng kind, considerate ‘mean 4, | giant khong 16 huge tin; 5. | glad vui mig happy, pleased, delighted, cheerful, joyful, | unhappy, sad, sorry merry 6. | good tot gidi excellent, great bad 7. | guide su huéng din | instruction 8. | guilty 06 t6i ashamed, at fault innocent H ‘WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. | have co ‘own, possess 2. | harmful 6 hai destructive, detrimental | harmless, safe 3. | healthy khde manh fine sick, unhealthy 4, [help gidp 46 support, assist 5. [high cao tall Tow, short 6. [hungry 461 starving full CLS MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS on ¥kién, quan diém | thought, notion, concept 12. loa, bo qua overlook, neglect pay attention ¢ 3. quan trong significant, crucial, vital, essential | trivial, unimportant 4, tré so sinh baby 1 5. gidng nha similar different ‘ 6. ting rise, raise, boost, grow decrease, reduce, decline 2: [identical t6t bung, helpful, generous, nice, caring cruel, unkind cL nN WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS we 1. | large lon. big, great, spacious small -) 2. [last cudi cing final, ultimate first A> 3. | lary Tudi biéng idle hard-working, diligent, a> industrious. -1- 4, [Tegal hop phap Tawful, valid illegal, unlawful 5. | limited gigi han restricted, narrow, searce unlimited = uge quét bang CamScanner 6. | long dai endless short, brief 7. [loud én do noisi quiet 8. | loyal trung thanh faithful, reliable disloyal 9. | lucky may man fortunate unlucky, unfortunate M,N WORD MEANING ‘SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. | major chinh main, chief, key minor 2. [maximum __| toi da intense, extreme minimum 3._| naughty nghjch nggm mischievous, bad, ‘good, 4 disobedient, rebellious obedient 5. | neat ngin nip tidy untidy, mess} 6. | natural ‘yr nhién, thién nhién | obvious, logical artificial, fake 7._| noisy 6n do loud, deafening quiet, silent 8. | Notice chit ¥ attention, observe, catch Ignore 9. | Mix trén lan, put together 10 | Necessary need unnecessary OP WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. | occur xay ra, diénra | happen, take place 2. [old cf, gi ancient, historic hew, young 3._| opportunity _| co hdi chance true, real, genuine _ 4. [obedient ngoan ngoan ood disobedient ~ 5. | optimistic [Tac quan positive, hopeful pessimistic _ 6. | pass vuot qua, 46 graduate. sail through fail ~ 77._[permanent _ | lau dai lasting, eternal ‘temporary _ 8._| plentiful doi dio abundant scarce 9._| polite lich sy courteous rude, impolite 10. nghéo, kém needy, disadvantaged, —_| rich, well-off, poor impoverished; bad, cheap_| wealthy, affluent, fine | praise Kkhen compliment criticize . | pretty xinh xan beautiful “ugly | private cd nn, riéng tr _| personal public |. | problem van dé issue . | pure tinh khiét clean impure, dirty, polluted WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS qalet vyén tinh, tram peaceful, silent, tranquil; | loud, busy, noisy, talkative reserved rapid nhanh quick, fast, speed slow rare hiém ‘unique, uncommon common real that enuine, true fake reject tir chdi, loai bo deny, refuse accept, approve rescue ciru song save respect kinh trong, t6n trong | honor, admire disrespect rich gidu c6 wealthy, well-off, affluent | poor, impoverished, needy, disadvantaged, 4.9. | risky gu Tinh ‘dangerous safe s WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS. uge quét bang CamScanner sack sa thai fire, dismiss hire, take on safe an toan secure dangerous, insecure, unsafe satisfied théa man contented, glad, pleased dissatisfied, disappointed save tiét kigm, ciru séng | economize, budget, rescue waste, spend i, [seared sg hai terrified, frightened, afraid, fearful [ brave i. [secondhand _| ci, dai qua sirdung_| old new 1, | shout Ta hét scream, yell whisper 3_[shy_ ngai embarrassed confident, sociable »._| sick ém ill healthy 10. | simple don gidn eas, hard, complicated 11. | single ‘age than individual, unmarried, divorced | married 12. | sincere chan thanh honest, wholehearted dishonest 13. | small ‘ho little, tin big 14. | special exceptional, unique ordinary 15. | spend pay, give, invest save 16. | strong powerful, healthy, good weak 17. | Success thanh cong, ‘Achievement Failure 18 | Serious nghiém trong slight c WORD MEANING SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 1. | tall a0 high short 2. | tame thuan ching wild 3._| touch dai, rin, khé firm, difficult tender, easy, soft 4. | true ding right, correct false 5. | trust tin, believe doubt, disbelieve | ULV, W, ¥ WORD MEANING SYNONYMS: ANTONYMS 1. | usual binh thuéng ‘common unusual, uncommon 2._| unlucky khéng may min | unfortunate lucky, fortunate 3. [unmarried | déc than single married 4. | valuable cé gi tri worthy,invaluable, priceless _ | worthless, valueless 5._| vacant trong ~ empty, occupied 6. | vanish bign mat disappear appear 7._| vast khong 16 huge, enormous tin 8._| walk di bd stroll 9. | wide rong broad narrow 10. [ win thing achieve lose PART 2. PRACTICE, | Set (bag tylas } A. SYNONYMS Exercise 1: Replace the underline word with suitable synonym from the box below and correct the form of them if necessary. guarantee | J complex pretty confess damage amusing deserted diverse happy arrested heartless simple lucky target additional T, Much of the land has now been abandoned in favour of more fertile areas to the south. | dp (? Iza) 2. Do you remember any funny stories about work? 3 3. She would be the first to admit that she is very difficult to work with. jljin (LBs one ,_4. Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe. oly 5. This achievement has assured her a place in the next round. ay Jam uge quét bang CamScanner

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