Letter Request Sanchez

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6 August 2022


Clinical and Legal Education Program
DVOREF College of Law

Dear Atty. Abril,


I am a 3rd year law student enrolled at the Clinical and Legal Education Program (CLEP)
of the College. My schedule is provided hereunder:

 Week 2 & 3 (August 11&15) - IBP DVOREF

 Week 4 & 5 (August 23 & August 31) - IBP Price Mansion
 Week 6, 7, 8 (September 8, 12, & 20) - IBP Main

However, I will be on travel outside Leyte on August 11-15, 2022, hereby conflicting with
my duties on weeks 2 & 3. Hence, due to conflict of schedule, I cannot report for duty on
August 11, 2022 and August 15, 2022 at IBP DVOREF. In relation thereto, I
respectfully pray that I may be allowed to report on a different date to allow me to
complete my requirements.

Corollary, I have been informed by my colleagues in the persons of Mr. Kim Philipp
Dacuyan and Mr. Vernon Villafuerte that they are not enrolling for the CLEP this year for
personal reasons. Hence, if your office finds it meritorious, I pray that I be allowed to
report on August 9, 2022 at IBP Price in lieu of Mr. Dacuyan and on August 10,
2022 at IBP DVOREF in lieu of Mr. Villafuerte. At any rate, I am willing to be
rescheduled at any date that your office finds proper.

Hoping for a favorable response regarding this matter. Thank you for always catering
the needs of your students.

Very truly yours,

CLEP Intern

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