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American Flag

● Stars represent
the 50 states

● Stripes represent
the original 13
Where is the US Capitol ?
Major US Cities
Branches of Government and
Important Buildings
Government Buildings in DC
The Capitol
September 18, 1793

● Where laws are made

● Legislative Branch = Make

The White House

● Home and workplace of

President and their family

● The Executive Branch = Enforce


The President, VP, and Cabinet

● State Governors
(Mini Presidents)
First Current
President President
George (46th)
Washington Joe Biden
1789 - 1797 2020 - present


US Currency
Supreme Court
● Judicial Branch = interprets laws
● 9 Justices appointed by President and voted in
by Congress
Supreme Court
The US Constitution
● Designed to give government ● Written in 1787
power as well as individual ● Bill of Rights / FIrst 10
rights to citizens amendments
● Freedom of speech / religion,
right to bear arms, right to
Fair Trial etc…
Independence day
● The 4th of July

● Commemorates US
declaration of Independence
from England (1776)

● Fireworks & barbeques

US National Anthem
● 1814 Francis Scott Key

● War of 1812, Battle of Fort


● Sung before most sporting


● Stand, remove hats/caps,

place hand over heart
20 questions
1. How many Stars are on the American Flag ? How many stripes ?
2. What do the stars and stripes on the American Flag represent ?
3. Are all of the 50 US states touching one another ? (connected by one land mass)
4. What were the last 2 states to be added to the US ?
5. What is the name of the US Capitol city?
6. Does the US capitol belong to a state ?
7. How do you say Law in French ?
8. What building is used by congress to make laws ?
9. Where does the president live ?
10. Who was the first President of the United States ?
11. Who is the current President of The United States ?
12. What are the two main political parties of the United States ?
13. What color and animal are used to represent these two parties ?
14. Who is on the 1 dollar bill ?
15. Where do the 9 Justices of the Supreme court work ?
16. What day is Independence day in the US ?
17. What’s an event that is typical for Independence day ?
18. What was the author of the US National Anthem inspired by ?
19. At what kind of events is the National Anthem played/performed before ?
20. What are people expected to do when the Anthem is being played ?

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