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Tristan Davis

Italics = why I chose quote

Letters to a Young Artist

1. Discipline. Every artist she knows is disciplined. You need to make whatever it is that

makes you an artist into an obsession. Don’t stop. The title artist is different from

“Doctor”. P8 I chose this because I think it does take a lot of self discipline in order to

earn the title of an artists. And it’s something I try and strive to be able to confidently

call myself someday

2. Presence. Being aware. It can be magical. There is a myth to it. Finding the light and

being a part of it. It is not artificial. Authenticity. p. 11-21 presence is a mystical thing to

me and recently I’ve been trying so hard to have a presence of mind. I try to make a

conscience effort to be as authentic as I can (or make less of an effort depending how you

look at it) and not to get caught up in the blur of talking with people and not really

listening or putting on an act.

3. Artists are students of the human condition. As artists we should want to do “bigger

operations” p. 23 i started out as a performer with really vain and superficial intentions.

And now I believe wholeheartedly this is true and I am a constant observer of the human


4. Ideas are a dime a dozen and to make them real requires a persistent and consistent

application of energy toward that idea. P 30 persistence is key. Akira Kurosawa said as

well that you must have the persistence and the patience to write one word at a time. A

lot of people just want to get to the end of a project

5. You will always have to deal with “The Man” unless you are “The Man”. Crucial to

know who “The Man” is in your situation. “The Man” has the power p.38-42 whether

you like it or not, in the society we’ve built there is no going around having to deal with

« the man » this is an important and sobering lesson

6. Sometimes visualizing what you are setting out to do can help you with procrastination.

It’s power can be awe inspiring and crippling. P.47-48 it’s easy to lose sight of a vision

so whatever you can do not to abandon it is beneficial

7. In order to keep trust alive we must start by making ourselves trustworthy. Being a grown

up has NOTHING to do with age. P 49-50 training your mind is important and if you

don’t want to become an ignorant adult than it’s important not to have the mindset that

wisdom runs parallel with age.

8. Humans know how to survive through watching and studying culture. P53 the study of

different cultures and human behavior is an important thing that many people in this

world don’t realize, actor or not

9. I think of the scene of her snapping green beans and underneath her veil of obedience

having the feeling that what she was doing was ridiculous. It is. It is unnatural. I like the

way she explained her she used her job to finance doing her art and travel. 60-62 many

times do I have the thought that the oppressing society we live in is depressing and

ridiculous, it was atleast good to see that Anna was able to atleast use it to her

advantage at the beginning of her career

10. To develop a voice you must first develop an ear / everyone is making a mark of some

kind 96 I will never ever (ever) be the wisest person, so it makes sense that if I ever
hoped to achieve anything at all I would have to listen to others whether that is by

actually listening to someone speak or reading a book etc

11. Body language matters p.103 something many Americans forget, myself included. People

notice body language and it also changes the quality of your work. It’s a direct reflection

of your attitude

12. Looking for the questions artist is dealing with and the way he deals with them. P.113

this is an interesting way of looking at art and also a demonstration of how it can be

subjective to each individual. Engaging art asks these questions

13. Have enough confidence to know you’re not wasting your time but then uncertainty can

prevail (and that’s okay!)p 114 if you’re not truly determined, you’re just wasting your

time half doing something, especially if you’re going to give up. I actually chose this

because I ask myself this when I’m studying Japanese and the answer I give myself is

« no » I’m not wasting my time

14. Picasso never doubted he couldn’t draw as well as he wanted to draw. P117 having

confidence in your craftsmanship and the ability to aim for and hit your mark. Making

your best work. I’d love to be able to feel this way

15. Abstract paintings are things you can’t see an they approach feelings P.117 abstract art

can be that shortcut to the truth and I find it very engaging and inspiring in all of its


16. Discipline, mental stamina, and patience p. 125 discipline again. All of these qualities I

think go forgotten at times with actors rushing by to find work. These qualities I think are

what make work authentic

17. Art is more economical than reality and has a concept while life does not p. 126 it’s

fascinating to me what a playwright can do with just a few actors and props and a few

acts. Finding that nugget, or Essence of human life is something I admire in art

18. A mans work is nothing but his slow trek to rediscover, though the détours of art, the two

or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened (Camus) p137 I

think I felt this before I even read it but it took Camus to actually put it I to words for me.

I long for these images.

19. Actors must experience, absorb, accept, feel, and transmit all aspects of the human

condition. P 138 all the qualities that make a great actor and what everyone should strive

for. It would me be great if other people that weren’t actors cultivated this too.

20. Acting is magic because in fact you are a stranger to a stranger and in a brief amount of

time you make yourself familiar. P.140 I feel an incredible closeness or at least a stange

feeling sometimes after seeing a performance. It’s a bit why meeting your idols can be

hard. It’s an odd one sided relationship where the spectator feels like they’ve gotten to

know the performer. I think this phenomenon is incredible and bizarre.

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