Autobiography Task Description

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⚫ Write your autobiography (your life so far)
⚫ Minimum 400 words; maximum 900 words

1. Make a mind map

Your Past
⚫ List down basic information about you – your name, birthday, birthplace, origin of your
name, family, etc.
⚫ How was your childhood? Was it a happy one? How were you as a child? What kind of
environment did you grow up in? Who have always been present as you grew up?
⚫ School. Which school did you go to? Favorite teacher? Friends? Activities? Clubs?
⚫ Experiences – funny, sad, embarrassing, scary, best *something that up until now you still
clearly remember or that has made a big impact on you
⚫ Who was the most influential person in your life?

Your Present
⚫ What are you like? What kind of personality do you have? What are your strengths and
⚫ What are you interested in? Current favorites/hobbies/activities?
⚫ School – friends, activities, subjects, teachers, etc.
⚫ What do you believe in? What is your motto?
⚫ What do you value most in life?

Your Future
⚫ What are your plans? Hopes? Dreams?
⚫ What do you want to be in the future?
⚫ What do you intend to do after high school?
⚫ What are you worried about?
⚫ What do you plan to improve/work on?

2. Write
Make the first draft of your autobiography. Make sure that it has a title, introduction, body and
MS 英語2αTT

Introduction. Start strong. You can start with something interesting about you and give an
overview about who you are (a general self-portrait): basic facts about your life (name,
birthplace, and a bit of your early year).

Body. You can have more than three paragraphs in your body. Write extensively about your life
so far – your past, present, and future. Add supporting information. Make sure to have a smooth
transition between every idea. Recall your transition words. Keep it clear and concise.

Conclusion. End strong. Make people remember who you are. Re-word your introduction. Add
some type of closure – summarize the lessons you have learned or the things that are important
to you. Tell us in brief who you are now and what you intend to be in the future.

3. Review and rewrite

⚫ Submit your draft in LoiloNote.
⚫ Forward it to your partner as well.
⚫ Your partner will review it using a rubric. She/He may also add her/his suggestions.
⚫ After your partner has reviewed it, revise it accordingly

4. Send the final draft to your teacher via LoiloNote.

USEFUL Expressions
My parents described me as a …
I remember a time when…
I had/have a strong interest in…
I put a lot of effort into…
I aspire/hope/dream/aim to…
I am/was passionate about…
From the early years of my life…
At school, I was interested in…
I have a problem with…
This led me to…
I know I will succeed thanks to…
I learned that …when…
I have discovered that one thing I can count on in this life is…
I finally realized what was important in life when…
I think the most important thing to remember in life is…

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