Why Compose - Jetpack Compose - Android Developers

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Why adopt


Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It

simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android bringing your apps to
life with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs. It makes building
Android UI faster and easier. While creating Compose we worked with different
partners who experienced all of these benefits first hand and shared some of
their takeaways with us.

Less code
Writing less code affects all stages of development: as an author, you get to
focus on the problem at hand, with less to test and debug and with less
chances of bugs; as a reviewer or maintainer you have less code to read,
understand, review and maintain.

Compose allows you to do more with less code, compared to using the
Android View system: Buttons, lists or animation - whatever you need to build,
now there’s less code to write. Here’s what some of our partners say:

“For the same Button class it [the code] was 10x of magnitude smaller.”

“There’s also a significant reduction for any screen built with a

RecyclerView, which the majority of our screens are.” (Monzo)

“We were very pleased to see how few lines were required to create lists
or animations in our app. We’re writing fewer lines of code per-feature,
which allows us to focus more on delivering value to our customers.”
The code you’re writing is written only in Kotlin, rather than having it split
between Kotlin and XML: “It’s much easier to trace through code when it’s all
written in the same language and often the same file, rather than jumping
back and forth between Kotlin and XML” (Monzo)

Code written with Compose is simple and easy to maintain whatever you’re
building. “The layout system of Compose is conceptually simpler so it’s easier
to reason about. Reading the code for complicated components is easier as
well.” (Square)

Compose uses a declarative API, which means that all you need to do is
describe your UI - Compose takes care of the rest. The APIs are intuitive -
easy to discover and use: “Our theming layer is vastly more intuitive and
legible. We've been able to accomplish within a single Kotlin file what
otherwise extended across multiple XML files that were responsible for
attribute definitions and assignments via multiple layered theme overlays.”

With Compose, you build small, stateless components that are not tied to a
specific activity or fragment. That makes them easy to reuse and test: “We set
a goal for ourselves to deliver a new set of UI components that were stateless,
easy to use and maintain, and intuitive to implement/extend/customize.
Compose really provided a solid answer for us in this.” (Twitter)

In Compose, state is explicit and passed to the composable. That way there’s
one single source of truth for the state, making it encapsulated and
decoupled. Then, as app state changes, your UI automatically updates.
“There’s less to hold in your head while you’re reasoning about something and
less behavior that is outside of your control or poorly understood” (Cuvva)

Accelerate development
Compose is compatible with all your existing code: you can call Compose
code from Views and Views from Compose. Most common libraries like
Navigation, ViewModel and Kotlin coroutines work with Compose, so you can
start adopting when and where you want. “Interoperability was where we
started integrating Compose, and what we found was it 'just works'. We found
that we didn’t have to think about things like light and dark mode, and the
whole experience was incredibly seamless.” (Cuvva)

Using the full Android Studio support, with features like live previews, you get
to iterate and ship code faster: “Previews in Android Studio have been a big
time saver. Being able to build out multiple previews also saves us time. Often
we need to check a UI component in different states or with different settings
-- like error states, or with a different font size, etc. With the ability to create
multiple previews we can easily check this.” (Square)

Compose enables you to create beautiful apps with direct access to the
Android platform APIs and built-in support for Material Design, Dark theme,
animations, and more: “Compose has also solved more than declarative UI --
accessibility apis, layout, all kinds of stuff have been improved. There are
fewer steps between the thing you want to make and actually making it”

With Compose, bringing movement and life to your apps through animations is
quick and easy to implement: “animations are so easy to add in Compose that
there’s very little reason not to animate things like color/size/elevation
changes” (Monzo), “you can make animations without requiring anything
special -- it’s not different than showing a static screen” (Square).

Whether you’re building with Material Design or your own design system,
Compose gives you the flexibility to implement the design you want: “Having
Material Design separated from the foundation has been really useful to us as
we’re building our own design system that often requires differing design
requirements from Material.” (Square)

Check out the in-depth case studies to learn more about how Twitter
(https://developer.android.com/stories/apps/twitter-compose), Square
(https://developer.android.com/stories/apps/square-compose), Monzo
(https://developer.android.com/stories/apps/monzo-compose) and Cuvva
(https://developer.android.com/stories/apps/cuvva-compose) are using Compose.

Have your team get started with

adding Compose in your app

Try Compose now…

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Last updated 2024-03-25 UTC.

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