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1 Quality and competitiveness (Competition)

—What is Quality?
“meeting the customer requirements”
—What is reliability?(Long term)
“It is the ability of product and service to continue to meet the customer
—Quality is meeting the customer requirements, and this is not
restricted to the functional characteristics of the product or services.

ISO 9001 : 2015 definition of Quality is :-

Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of
an object fulfills requirements.

Q. But What is an object ?

Ans. be anything.
for example :- Table, Burger, Train, Insurance, Car etc.

Q. And what is its characteristics ?

Ans. A characteristics is its feature, specification, size, visually ok, fit to
use or not.
for example :- color of car, use of car, feature of car(automatic), size etc.

Q. Finally what is requirement ?

Ans. A requirement is need or expectation.
If the requirement are not or partly fulfilled then the quality is not good
or even bad.
If the requirement are more then fulfilled then the quality is more than
good or excellent.

Definition of Quality by
Joseph M. Juran (known as Quality Guru)
Quality is fitness for use or purpose
Philips B Crosby
Quality is Conformance to requirements

Quality is also defined as excellence in the product or service that fulfills

or exceeds the expectations of the customer.

Though quality is an abstract perception,

it has a quantitative measure- Q= (P / E ) ,
where Q=quality,,
P= performance(as measured by the Mfgr.)
and E = expectations( of the customer).

Quality in all functions

—1. For an organization to be truly effective, each part of it must work
properly together.
—2. Errors have a way of multiplying.
3. —Business employs so many different specialist skills that everyone has
to rely (भरोसा) on the activities of others in doing their jobs.
4. —The commitment of all members of an organization is a requirement
of ‘company-wide quality improvement’.

Now my first Question is

—What is quality?
“meeting the customer requirements”
Its all customer requirements, or customer satisfaction.

Important point about Quality

Quality of a product is depend on quality of process, and process is the
combination of 4M,
So the Quality of 4M is good then Quality increase.
Process Quality is depend on 4M.
4M = Men, Method. Material, Machine.

Difference in Knowledge and skill ?

Knowledge is gain by theoretical and skill is gain by experience.
Now What is
Customer satisfaction
—1. Customer is the Boss or ’King’
—2. Customer dictates the market trends and direction
—3. Customer not only has needs to be supplied
(basic performance functions)
Also he ‘wants what he wants!’(additional features satisfy him and
influence his purchase decision)
—Hence the Suppliers and Manufacturers have to closely follow at the heel
of the customer.

Effects of poor Quality

1. Low customer satisfaction
2. Low productivity, sales & profit
3. Low morale (हौसला) of workforce
4. More re-work, material & labor costs
5. High inspection costs
6. Delay in shipping
7. High repair costs
8. Higher inventory costs
9. Greater waste of material

Benefits of Quality
1. Higher customer satisfaction
2. Reliable (Long term) products/services
3. Better efficiency of operations
4. More productivity & profit
5. Better morale (हौसला) of work force
6. Less wastage costs
7. Less Inspection costs
8. Improved process
9. More market share
10. Spread (फैलाना) of happiness & prosperity (समृदध
् ि).
11. Better quality of life for all.

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