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Date and Time:

Grade Level Leaming Areas: 10 English

First Quarter: Wask 1, Day 3


A. Content Standards

The leaner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts and how to use strategies in linking Information, repairing,
enhancing communication public speaking emphasis makers in persuasive texts, different forms of
modals,reflexive and intensive pronouns

B. Performance Standards

The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of techniques and devices.

Learning Competencies/Objectives:

•Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme. (EN10T-la-14.2:

•determine the effect of textual aids like advanced organizers, titles, nonlinear illustrations, etc. on the
understanding of a text (EN10RC-la-2.15.2:)

II. Content:

•explaining elements to a selection.

•determining the effect of textual aids.

III.Learning Resources

A. References

Teachers guide pages:

Celebrating diversity through word literature page 6-8

Learner's material stages:

Celebrating diversity through word literaturepp 10-18,Learning plan Gr8 , pp 164-168

Textbook pages:

Additional materials from learning resource (LR) Portal

Other learning resources:

Determine the affect of the advani organ net on the understanding of all

Code ach


Explaining wametocion



A. warences 1. Teacher's Builde Pages

Celebrating Diversty Though World Lee. 6-8

Celen Diversity Thisugh World Literature: pp 10-10 Leaming Plan Grs, p. 164 166

2 Leamer's Matorials Pages

3. Textbook Pages

teaching purposes only Not for sale

Additional Materas from Learning Resource (LR) portal

D.Other Learning Resources

Learmer's Matera, Leaming Plan grit, copes of the sost, manita paper, pemer pan, chalk, stop and

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