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English in real life

Unit 1

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

Direction : Choose the best answer.
1. What’s your name?
a. I’m twelve.
b. My name is Jonas.
c. Nice to meet you.
d. I’m fine. Thanks.

2. What’s your address?

a. Wednesday.
b. I’m a nurse.
c. 18 years old.
d. 96 Moo 7, Muang, Chiangmai.

3. When is your birthday?

a. 20 years old.
b. temple.
c. May 29th,1975.
d. Sukhothai hospital.

4. How old are you?

a. 30 students.
b. I’m fine. Thanks.
c. see you again.
d. forty years old.

5. Where are you from?

a. Thailand.
b. Japanese.
c. Go shopping.
d. Supermarket.

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

Directions: Complete the personal information form .

Last Name: Kim

Second Name: Seon
First Name: -ho

Address ................6................
Grade Three School.........8............
Date of Birth May 8, 1986
Telephone Number..........9.......

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

6. Address..............................
a. 23/17 Ban Klang Wiang, Wiang Sa-Na Noi Road, Nan
b. Wiang Sa –Na Noi, Nan
c. Wiang Sa – Na Noi Road, Nan
d. Ban Klang Wiang, Nan

7. Nationality................................
a. Thailand b. Korean
c. Thai boy d. Korea
8. School..................................
a. Na-Detch KUKI-MIYA
b. Maruphong Road
c. Datdaruni School
d. Bangpakong, Nan

9. Telephone Number............................
a. 10200
b. 17.00
c. 23/17
d. 054-781546

10. Hobbies...............................
a. Swimming and Cycling
b. To swim and to cycle
c. Swim and cycle
d. Swimming and cycle

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

การสนทนาภาษาอังกฤษ มักจะเริม ่ ต้นด้วยการถาม ชื่อ – นามสกุล
อายุ วันเกิด น้าหนัก ส่วนสูง สัญชาติ สถานภาพ ทีอ่ ยู่อ่ ืนๆ และเรื่องครอบครัว
ซึ่งประโยคเหล่านีล้ ้วนแต่มีความจาเป็ นในชีวิตประจาวันอย่างมาก เช่นหาก
เราต้องการรู้จักใครคนใด คนหนึ่ง ซึ่งต้องการทราบถึงข้อมูลส่วนตัวของเขา
เราก็สามารถใช้ประโยคเหล่านีใ้ นการถามได้

A: What is your name?

B: My name is Linda.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m 14 years old
A: What’s your birthday?
B: I was born in May 2, 2004.
A: Where are you from?
B: I am from Seoul,South Korea.
A: How tall are you?
B: I’m 155 centimeters tall.
A: How much do you weigh?
B: I weigh 50 kilograms.
A: Do you have best friend?
B: Yes, I do.
A: How many people are there in your family?
B: There are four people in my family.
A: What does your father do?
B: My father is a policeman.
A: What does your mother do?
B: My mother is a nurse.
A: Free time, she likes to do?
B: I like to Facebook and YouTube

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

การถามชื่อ - นามสกลุ

Giving Personal
What’s your name?
My name is …(ชื่อ)… /I am...(ชื่อ)
Who are you?

What’s your nickname? My nickname is ……(ชื่อเล่น ……)

What’s your first name? My first name is ……(ชื่อ ..………)

What’s your last name?
My last name is .…(นามสกุล)….
Is your name …(ชื่อ ) … ?
Yes, I am.
Are you …(ชื่อ …)?

How do you spell that?

It’s Jackson Wang. W-A-N-G
Could you spell that for me?

Asking Personal Giving Personal
Information Information
How old are you?
I’m …(อายุ)……. years old.
What’s your age?

Giving Personal
My birthday is …(วันที่)…….
What’s your birthday?
I was born in ..…(ประเทศ ) … ..
What’s your date of birth?
I was born on …(วัน..)ปี เกิด/เดือน/
When were you born?
I was born at …..(สถานที่ .…)

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

การถามน้าหนัก ส่วนสูง
Asking Personal Giving Personal
Information Information
How tall are you? I’m ..(ส่ วนสู ง)..centimeters tall.
How much do you weigh? I weigh …(น้าหนัก)… kilograms.

Asking Personal สัญชาติ Giving Personal
Information Information
Where are you (come) from? I come from …… (ประเทศ)………
What is your nationality? I’m …….(สัญชาติ)………

สถานภาพ Giving Personal
Asking Personal Information
Information Yes, I’m married. (แต่งงานแล้ว)
No, I’m single. (ยังโสด)
Are you
married? I’m divorced. (หย่า)
I’m widowed. (เป็ นหม้าย)

่ ยู่
Asking Personal Giving Personal
Information Information
Where do you live?
I live in …(ที่อยู)
่ ......
Where is your hometown?
My hometown is(บ้านเกิด)......
Where are you staying now?
I’m staying at (ที่อยู) ่ ......
Where’s your house?
My hourse is at (ที่อยู) ่ ......
What’s your address?
My address is (ที่อยู) ่ ......
May I have your address?
Could you tell/give me your address?

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง


Asking Personal Giving Personal

Information Information

How many people are there in your family?

- There are (จานวนสมาชิกในครอบครัว)people in my family.

How many brothers/sisters do you have?

- I have…(จานวนพี่นอ้ ง)….brothers/sisters.

Do you have any brothers and sisters?

- I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

*Does your father/mother work?

*What does your father/mother do?
*Tell me about your parents.
*What do they do?
- My father was a soldier but he is retired.
- He/She is a……(อาชีพ)……..

Do you live with your parents now?

- I live with…..…(อาศัยอยูก่ บั ใคร)………………

Are your parents still living?

- My father died many years ago.
- My mother is fine

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

Worksheet 1

Personal Data

Name : ………………………………………………………………………………….

My nickname : …………………………………………………………………..

Age : ……………………………………………………………………………………

Birthday : ……………………………………………………………………………

Weight : ………………………………………………………………………………

Height : ……………………………………………………………………………….

Nationality: …………………………………………………………………………

Occupation: ……………………………………………………………………….

Hometowns: ………………………………………………………………………

Brothers/sisters: ………………………………………………………………..

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

Worksheet 2
Direction : Complete the sentences with the correct
form of used to and the verbs in the box.

live old favorite ambition name

from address free time nationality phone number

1. What’s your ____________________?

My name is Anna.

2. Where do you_________________?
I live in Bangkok .

3. Where are you_________________?

I am from Thailand.

4. What’s your __________________?

My phone number is 089-5646240.

5. What do you do in your _____________?

I like to read cartoon book.

6. How______________ are you ?

I am 15 years old.

7. What’s your _____________?

My address is 64 Chachoengsao District.

8. What’s your _____________color?

My favorite color is pink.

9. What’s your ______________ ?

I’m Thai.

10. What is your _____________?

I want to be a policeman.
English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง
Worksheet 3
Direction : Read the following passage and complete
the card.


Adam Smith is a student. He is from England. He is

English. He is nineteen years old. He has blond hair
and blue eyes. He is interested in many kinds of
music such as rock , pop , classic. He wants to be
an engineer in the future. His favorite food is


Name: ………………………………......

Surname: ………………………………..

Sex: ………………………………………

Nationality: ………………………………

Age: …………………………………………………...

Colour: eyes………………………………………


Interests: …………………………………………...

Ambition: …………………………………………..

Food: …………………………………………………

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

Worksheet 4
Direction : Read the following passage and complete
the card.


Adam Smith is a student. He is from England. He is

English. He is nineteen years old. He has blond hair
and blue eyes. He is interested in many kinds of
music such as rock , pop , classic. He wants to be
an engineer in the future. His favorite food is


Name: ………………………………......

Surname: ………………………………..

Sex: ………………………………………

Nationality: ………………………………

Age: …………………………………………………...

Colour: eyes………………………………………


Interests: …………………………………………...

Ambition: …………………………………………..

Food: …………………………………………………

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

Worksheet 5
Let’s meet
My name is Mathew but everybody calls me Matt. My last name is Clapton.
I was born in Boston USA, on November 12th, 1995. I am 21 years old. I am
a tall, slim guy with blond hair and brown eyes. I live with my parents and my
siblings. Currently, we live in New York, on 25 Bedford Street. My father’s
name is George. He is 46 years old. My mother’s name is Lisa. She is 43 years
old. My sister is Danna and my brother is Tom. Danna is 19 years old and Tom
is 16 years old. We have a pet. Its name is Luna. My favorite color is blue.
In my free time I like going to the movies, reading and walking.
Sometimes, I also like to visit my relatives and my friends.
My telephone number is 550-1267. I study Engineering and
Technology at Columbia University. It is a great place to study.
My favorite kind of music is pop and my favorite
type of movie is horror. I am not very interested in dancing,
and I don’t like to play tennis either. I prefer playing
the guitar and I love playing soccer on weekends.

A. Answer the following questions according B. Create questions paying attention to

to the text. the answer.

1. How do people call Mathew? 1._____________________________________

________________________________________ - His name is Mathew.

2. Where was he born? 2._____________________________________

________________________________________ - He was born on November 12th, 1995.
3. What does he look like? 3.______________________________________
________________________________________ - He lives with his parents and his siblings.
4. What does he like to do in his free time? 4.______________________________________
- He is 21 years old.
5. What are his siblings’ names?
- He studies Engineering and Technology.
6. Where does he study?
- His favorite kind of music is Pop.
7. Is he interested in dancing?
- Yes, he likes to play the guitar.
8. Does he like to play tennis?
- Yes, he loves to play soccer.
9. What does his telephone number? 9.______________________________________
________________________________________ - He study at Columbia University.

10. What does his favorite movie? 10.______________________________________

_________________________________________ - He favorite color is blue.

English in real life ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริง

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