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Cheesy Baked Egg Toast


(I am a compensated Great Day Farms ambassador.)

Eggs and toast are such a

perfect breakfast staple. They’re our default, our ‘go-to’ breakfast, especially if you’re like me and love a good
runny egg with a little buttered toast to mop it up with. Mmm! But I wasn’t always a runny egg fan. In fact, I
preferred scrambled as a child, especially with cheese. Cheesy scrambled eggs were my thing, man. Until that
one fateful day, a line cook made me an “over easy” egg sandwich for breakfast. From that day forward, “over
easy” eggs were my jam.

I try to add a little cheese to my kids’ egg breakfasts whenever I can, because it tastes good and I recall my
fondness for cheesy eggs as a child. One morning recently, it hit me, since now all my kids love “over easy”
eggs, too, why not try making this cheesy baked egg toast? Why not make a portable yet flavorful breakfast for
them like this? Isn’t it so pretty? It tastes just as good as it looks. Full recipe ingredients can be found on
the Great Day Farms website, but I illustrated with pictures how I made it below:
On a plate, press your spoon into the bread, making a rectangle, as demonstrated below. I prefer using a
pointy-tipped iced tea spoon, because it makes great corners, but if you don’t have one, a butter knife will do.
Using salt and pepper, season your bread. (We use fresh-ground.)

Crack an egg into the bread rectangle carefully, trying hard not to break the yolk. (Don’t worry, this rectangle
will fit the egg nicely.)
Season the top of the egg.

Gently spread butter around the edges being careful not to touch the raw egg.
Sprinkle your shredded cheese around the edges onto the butter.
Place your cheesy egg bread onto your baking plate or into your covered medium skillet (whichever you
choose), and cook for about ten minutes, watching carefully to ensure it doesn’t burn and that the egg is
cooked. You can choose to add a little more cheese again at the end before serving, if you’d like.
Will you just LOOK at THAT!?
That baked on cheese, that beautifully seasoned egg.
Eat it with a knife and fork or pick it up like a regular piece of toast, just be sure to savor every bite.

Now that you see how to make this glorious Cheesy Baked Egg Toast, be sure to check out the full recipe on
the Great Day Farms website.

And if you LOVE tasty egg recipes, check some of these out!

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