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Olwethu Shezi

Research methods

Displaced identities
A change in the sense of place, a case study of hijacked buildings Mahatma Gandhi Rd and
Anton Lembede Street Durban
Background: ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Problem statement ................................................................................................................................. 3
Relevance of the study............................................................................................................................ 3
Primary research question ...................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Theories .................................................................................................................................................. 4
The theory of place attachement ....................................................................................................... 4
Article 1- Place attachment and place identity (2011) .................................................................. 4
Article 2- Decoding dispossession: Eviction and urban regeneration in Johannesburg's dark
buildings. (2016).............................................................................................................................. 5
Theory of social-economic factors driving displacement ................................................................... 5
Article 1- The City Otherwise: The deferred Emergency of Occupation in inner-city
Johannesburg. (2020) .................................................................................................................... 5
Article 2- Assessing the impacts of urban decay on residential land uses the case of Durban
South Beach, South Africa. (2017) .................................................................................................. 5
Research paradigm ................................................................................................................................. 6
INTERPRETIVISM ................................................................................................................................. 6
 Population study .......................................................................................................................... 6
 Characteristics of population study ............................................................................................. 6
 Accessible population................................................................................................................... 6
 Data collection method ................................................................................................................ 6
 Sampling method ......................................................................................................................... 6
Ethical considerations ............................................................................................................................. 6
References: ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Displaced identities
A change in the sense of place, a case study of hijacked buildings Mahatma Gandhi Rd and
Anton Lembede Street Durban

1. Urban decay
2. Crime and safety
3. Immigration
4. Pollution
Over the progression of the years, South Africa has seen an increase in the number of people living in
cities. This phenomenon has led to limited space in cities especially in the CBD available to
accommodate this influx of people. Hence why the issue of hijacked buildings has been a
sought after solution among the people. Hijacked buildings refer to buildings that have been
abandoned or vacant and have therefore been illegally occupied by certain individuals or groups.
Various tactics are applied to achieve this, including violence or threats sent toward the legal owners,
or in some instances, fraudulent title deeds will be produced to lure tenants. In the context of the
Durban CBD, the rising issue of hijacked buildings has seen an increase in various degrading factors
toward the city's overall appeal (Makhaye 2023). This can be seen especially in Mahatma Gandhi Rd
and Antone Lembede St, which have seen an increase in issues such as crime, urban decay, pollution,
and the overall increase in population Density.

Problem statement
The city of Durban particularly, the CBD is challenged with the problem of multiple vacant or
unmaintained buildings. These in return tend to be a target of being hijacked or illegally taken over by
certain groups or individuals. Hijacked buildings are the cause of various issues, such as urban decay,
pollution, crime, and safety. This problem affects many people such as residents and businesses
nearby, it also causes major problems for the city as it affects its overall appeal. The are many
interventions that could be made to solve this problem, this can include regular audits by the city to
make sure buildings are not illegally occupied and are well-maintained. The need for shelter is also a
major cause of this, so proper placement of people could also help solve this problem of hijacked

Relevance of the study

The research will tackle the underlying issues that affect the overall urban planning and management
of the city. It will also focus on the root cause of existing problems that affect the city of Durban

Primary research question

What are the underlying factors contributing to the prevalence of hijacked buildings along Mahatma
Gandhi Rd and Anton Lembede Street in Durban, and how do these buildings impact the city
economically, socially, and in terms of public safety? Furthermore, what strategies and interventions
does the city employ to address the issue of hijacked buildings in these areas?
1. What are the main causes of hijacked buildings in Mahatma Ghandi Rd and Anton Lembede street
2. How is the city affected by the existence of these hijacked buildings?
3. How does the city deal with the problem of hijacked building?

1. The theory of place attachment,

Is where the residents of an area do not feel attached or lose their sense of belonging to an area where
new changes happen to their familiar spaces, leading to identity crises. This theory suggests that
people over time develop emotional bonds to specific areas based on their personal experiences,
memories, or connections with these places. If these places change or in the context of my research
topic some buildings or spaces are hijacked and taken over it can disrupt people's attachment or
identities. This theory is relevant or can be applied to help me understand how the displacement of
residents due to the hijacking of buildings can affect people's sense of belonging. This does not only
displace people physically but can also affect their social networks and sense of community.
Additionally, when these buildings are hijacked they can be used for illegal activities or can be
neglected, meaning the deterioration of the buildings can also make the residents lose their sense of
belonging. To address this problem urban planners can develop strategies that prioritize community
engagement as it can help residents strengthen their sense of attachment and give them the power to
reclaim their spaces
2. The theory of social-economic factors driving displacement,
This theory looks at how economic forces and inequalities have an effect to the displacement of
residents and the community from their homes and surrounding area. One key factor of this theory is
gentrification where rich people or businesses invest in the area leading to the rise of property values
and rent. As a result, the people who live in these areas especially if they come from poor
backgrounds can no longer afford to live in these areas. In the context of hijacked buildings, the
neglect and deterioration of these buildings can attract investors who want to purchase them at lower
prices, In return displacing the current residents who can no longer afford to stay due to the rise in
rent. Also the case of Mahatma Gandhi rd and Anton Lembede Street the hijacked buildings can be a
target for redevelopment driven by the Municipality as an effort to attract investment and tourism into
the city. However, these projects can sometimes disregard the needs of the existing residents leading
to their displacement. Additionally, other socio economic factors like lack of access to employment
opportunities and social services, can contribute to displacement. The residents who are facing these
problems can be forced to relocate away from the CBD, leading to their displacement and also
causing the buildings they lived in to be hijacked or taken over as the are fewer people staying in them

The theory of place attachement

Article 1- Place attachment and place identity (2011)
This article provides important information on how the theory of place attachment and its
significance into how people interact with the built environment. In the context of hijacked buildings
in Mahtma Gandhi Rd and Antone lembede Street in South Beach Durban, the article critically
analyses many factors. One is Culture and place attachement, which is very crucial in shaping peoples
relationship with their surrounding areas. This means that the impact of these hijacked buildings
causes the cultural significance to change. This change in the cultural landscape may influence the
emotional bond people may have with these places important factor mentioned by the article is place
satisfaction, it is stated that if people are satisfied with a place they may have a strong attachment to it.
For example, if a building that has been hijacked which was formerly used as a local pub, when this
phenomenon happens it may operate for some other use leading to the people who used to go there
dissatisfied with the new change. So in the case of my research problem if an area changes in its
physical condition people it may affect people’s satisfaction with the place influencing their
satisfaction to the place.

Article 2- Decoding dispossession: Eviction and urban regeneration in Johannesburg's dark

buildings. (2016)
This article provides significant information on the experiences of the people who are living in these
hijacked buildings. Its main focus is on how the people who live in hijacked buildings are forcefully
evicted and forced to lose the attachment to the place that some have called home for many years. The
article portrays the story of foreign Nationals particularly Zimbabweans who live in these buildings
and have grown attached to them, we can see this because some of them are blind but can navigate
around the perimeters of the buildings freely. As the government initiates these forced removals these
people will therefore lose their sense of attachment to their homes.

Theory of social-economic factors driving displacement

Article 1- The City Otherwise: The deferred Emergency of Occupation in inner-city
Johannesburg. (2020)
This article provides many explanations as to how socio-economic factors play a role in displacement,
this is because this theory focuses on the economic constraints and affordability issues in terms of
housing which forces people to look for alternative housing options. In the case of Durban South
Beach the lack of affordable housing forces South Africans and foreign nationals towards occupying
hijacked buildings for shelter. The article reflects on the structural inequality issues of South Africa
such as housing shortages, inadequate urban policies, and economic disparities that further reinforce
displacement. Despite the inclusion of legal protections in place, the residents who live in these
hijacked buildings are challenged with forced evictions, police raids, and deportation. When these
people are evicted they are mostly left with nowhere to go so they end up on the street or take over
another building as their last hope for survival. This process leads to a high rate of homelessness in
the city. Furthermore, the article highlights how the occupation of these buildings serves as a visible
manifestation of the complex interplay between socio-economic issues, the government, and housing
security in South Africa as a whole. The government and the municipality is therefore meant to take
charge of this situation whilst also working to prioritize the rights of the people involved.

Article 2- Assessing the impacts of urban decay on residential land uses the case of Durban
South Beach, South Africa. (2017)
This article explains how the process of urban decay in Durban South beach occurs which is one of
the main factors that lead to buildings in the area to be hijacked. The readings stipulates how it is
mostly people who cannot afford decent housing who are living in these buildings and how the
economy of the country plays a huge role in this dilemma. In return thy struggle with service delivery
issues such as water and electricity as these are monitored by the city. Also these buildings are mostly
ran by gangs with illegal operations leading to them being unattractive to potential investors who can
be willing to take them over and do the necessary maintenance. In return, these buildings remain in a
state of deterioration without the legal owners taking accountability for them. This phenomenon is
also the leading cause of high inequality rates in cities as they create slums where only marginalized
individuals live.
Research paradigm
Interpretivism is a well-known research paradigm that has been for a long time to understand more
about various social phenomena. This paradigm focuses more on the perspective of the individuals
involved and aims to interpret that to fit into the kind of research that is been conducted. By focusing
on the perspective of individuals it dives deep into the complexities of human behaviour using
qualitative research methods. In the context of hijacked buildings in South Beach Durban, the
interpretive approach will help me to understand the perspective of all the stakeholders involved or
affected by these hijacked buildings. This would also include the observations of the physical space or
area and the analysis of written documents, media files and other official reports to help provide more
insight into what exactly is happening in these hijacked buildings.

 Population study
The population study will constitute of buildings that are located in the city of Durban particularly
South Beach Durban.

 Characteristics of population study

The characteristics of these buildings will be those that are situates along Mahatma Gandhi street and
Anton lembede street , however the buildings have to be experiencing at least 50% decay, are poorly
maintained and are evident of illegal activities for them to be part of the population study.

 Accessible population
The accessible population will be buildings which have families residing in them for me to be able to
have some sort of access to them.

 Data collection method

The population sample will be contacted via face to face visits or meetups. This will allow me to
have direct access and be able to conduct interviews, which will have ready set questions and will
allow for a more personalized form of data collection.

 Sampling method
The sampling method will be non-Probability sampling. A convenience method of sampling will
allow me to sample data from building which are safe for me to do so. Another method can be
snowballing which will allow me to access a broader population sample.

Ethical considerations

The research will be conducted in a way that protects the confidentiality of all the parties involved.
This is done in order to gain the trust of the people I interview, which will also help me in getting the
relevant information that I need.


The participants of my research will have the choice to be anonymous, this means that I will not
mention or disclose their names in any way if they choose to remain anonymous.
Makhaye, C. 2023. Durban’s hijacked and ‘problem buildings’ in spotlight as communities fear repeat
of Joburg inferno. Dailly Maverick, 23 September. Available:
spotlight-as-communities-fear-repeat-of-joburg-inferno/ (Accessed 9 March 2024)

Najafi, M. and Shariff, M.K.B.M., 2011. The concept of place and sense of place in architectural
studies. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(8), pp.1054- 1060.

Ndlebe, T.A. 2017. Assessing the impacts of urban decay on the residential land-uses: The case of
Durban South Beach, South Africa (Doctoral dissertation). Available:


Wilhelm-Solomon, M. 2020. The city otherwise: The deferred emergency of occupation in inner-city
Johannesburg. Cultural Anthropology, 35(3), pp.404-434, Available:


Wilhelm‐Solomon, Matthew. 2016."Decoding dispossession: Eviction and urban regeneration in

Johannesburg's dark buildings." Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 37, no. 3 : 378-

395. Available:
m%2F%26output%3Dcite%26scirp%3D0%26hl%3Den .

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