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Calculus Teaching and Learning limiting processes, which intrinsically contain

changing quantities. The differential and integral
Ivy Kidron calculus is based upon the fundamental concept
Department of Applied Mathematics, Jerusalem of limit. The mathematical concept of limit is
College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel a particularly difficult notion, typical of the kind
of thought required in advanced mathematics.

Calculus key concepts; Intuitive representations;
Formal definitions; Intuition of infinity; Notion of Calculus Curriculum
limit; Cognitive difficulties; Theoretical dimen- There have been efforts in many parts of the world
sions; Epistemological dimension; Research in to reform the teaching of calculus. In France, the
teaching and learning calculus; Role of technol- syllabus changed in the 1960s and 1970s due to the
ogy; Visualization; Coordination between semi- influence of the Bourbaki group. The limit concept
otic registers; Role of historical perspective; with its rigorous basis has penetrated even into the
Sociocultural approach; Institutional approach; school curriculum: in 1972, the classical definition
Teaching practices; Role of the teacher; Transi- of the derivative in terms of the limit of a quotient
tion between secondary school and university of differences was introduced. Another change
occurred in the French calculus curriculum in
1982, this time influenced by the findings of math-
Definition: What Teaching and Learning ematics education research, and the curriculum
Calculus Is About? focused on more intuitive approaches. As
a result, the formalization of the limit has been
The differential and integral calculus is omitted at secondary school. This is the situation
considered as one of the greatest inventions in in most countries today: at high school level, there
mathematics. Calculus is taught at secondary is an effort to develop a first approach to calculus
school and at university. Learning calculus concepts without relying on formal definitions and
includes the analysis of problems of changes proofs. An intuitive and pragmatic approach to
and motion. Previous related concepts like the calculus at the high senior level at school
concept of a variable and the concept of function (age 16–18) precedes the formal approach intro-
are necessary for the understanding of calculus duced at university.
concepts. However, the learning of calculus At university level, calculus is among the more
includes new notions like the notion of limit and challenging topics faced by new undergraduates.

S. Lerman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4978-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
C 70 Calculus Teaching and Learning

In the United States, the calculus reform move- consider some facets of the dynamic interaction
ment took place during the late 1980s. The recom- between formal and intuitive representations as
mendation was that calculus courses should they were discussed in these early studies. We
address fewer topics in more depth, and students encounter the first expression of the dynamic
should learn through active engagement with interaction between intuition and formal reason-
the material. The standard course syllabus ing in the terms concept definition and concept
was revised, and new projects arose which image. For example, the intuitive thinking,
incorporated technology into instruction. the visual intuitions, and verbal descriptions of
In most countries, the transition towards more the limit concept that precede its definition are
formal approach that takes place at university is necessary for understanding the concept. How-
accompanied with conceptual difficulties. ever, research on learning calculus demonstrates
that there exists a gap between the mathematical
Early Research in Learning Calculus: The definition of the limit concept and the way one
Cognitive Difficulties perceives it. In this case, we may say that there is
The cognitive difficulties that accompany the a gap between the concept definition and the
learning of central notions like functions, limit, concept image (Tall and Vinner 1981; Vinner
tangent, derivative, and integral at the different 1983). Vinner also found that students’ intuitive
stages of mathematics education are well ideas of the tangent to a curve are in conflict
reported in the research literature on calculus with the formal definition. This observation
learning. These concepts are key concepts that might explain students’ conceptual difficulties
appear and reappear in different contexts in to visualize a tangent as the limiting case
calculus. The students meet some of these central of a secant.
topics at school, then the same topics appear Conceptual problems in learning calculus are
again, with a different degree of depth at univer- also related to infinite processes. Research dem-
sity. We might attribute the high school students’ onstrates that some of the cognitive difficulties
cognitive difficulties to the fact that the notions that accompany the understanding of the concept
were presented to them in an informal way. In of limit might be a consequence of the learners’
other words, we might expect that the difficulties intuition of infinity. Fischbein et al. (1979)
will disappear when the students will learn the observed that the natural concept of infinity is
formal definition of the concepts. Undergraduate the concept of potential infinity, for example,
mathematics education research suggests other- the non-limited possibility to increase an interval
wise. The cognitive difficulties that accompany or to divide it. The actual infinity, for example,
the key concepts in calculus are well described in the infinity of the number of points in a segment,
Sierpinska (1985); Davis and Vinner (1986); the infinity of real numbers as existing, as given
Cornu (1991); Williams (1991); Tall (1992), as is, according to Fischbein, more difficult to grasp
well as in the book Advanced mathematical think- and leads to contradictions. For example, “If
ing edited by Tall (1991). The main source of one has 1/3 it is easy to accept the equality
difficulty resides in the fact that many students’ 1/3 ¼ 0.33. . . The number 0.333. . .represents
intuitive ideas are in conflict with the formal a potential (or dynamic) infinity. On the other
definition of the calculus concepts like the notion hand, students questioned whether 0.333. . . is
of limit. equal to 1/3 or tends to 1/3 answer usually that
In these early researches on learning 0.333. . .tends to 1/3.”
calculus, the theoretical dimensions are essen- Among the theoretical constructs that accom-
tially cognitive and epistemological. The cogni- pany the early strands in research on learning
tive difficulties that accompany the learning of calculus, we mention the process-object duality.
the key concepts in calculus like the limit concept The lenses offered by this framework highlight
are inherent to the epistemological nature of students’ dynamic process view in relation to
the mathematics domain. In the following we concepts such as limit and infinite sums and
Calculus Teaching and Learning 71 C
help researchers to understand the cognitive a rapid succession of new ideas for use in
difficulties that accompany the learning of the calculus and its teaching. Calculus uses numeri-
limit concept. Gray and Tall (1994) introduced cal calculations, symbolic manipulations, and
the notion of procept, referring to the manner in graphical representations, and the introduction
which learners cope with symbols representing of technology in calculus allows these different
both mathematical processes and mathematical registers. Researches on the role of technology in
concepts. Function, derivative, integral, and the teaching and learning calculus are described, for C
fundamental limit notion are all examples of example, in Artigue (2006); Robert and Speer
procepts. The limit concept is a procept: the (2001), and in Ferrera et al. in the 2006 handbook
same notation represents both the process of of research on the psychology of mathematics
tending to the limit and also the value of the limit. education (pp. 256–266). In the study by Ferrera
et al., some researches that relate to using a CAS
Research and Alternative Approaches to towards the conceptualization of limit are
Teaching and Learning Calculus described. For example, Kidron and Zehavi use
Different directions of research were investigated symbolic computation and dynamic graphics to
in the last decades. The use of technology offered enhance students’ ability for passing from visual
a new mean in the effort to overcome some of the interpretation of the limit concept to formal
conceptual difficulties: the power of technology reasoning. In this research a sort of balance
is particularly important to facilitate students’ between the conception of an infinite sum as
work with epistemological double strands like a process and as an object was supported by the
discrete/continuous and finite/infinite. Visualiza- software. The research by Kidron as reported in
tion and especially dynamic graphics were also the study by Ferrera et al. (2006) describes some
used. Some researchers based their research on situations in which the combination of dynamic
the historical development of the calculus. Other graphics, algorithms, and historical perspective
researchers used additional theoretical lenses enabled students to improve their understanding
that include the sociocultural approach, the of concepts such as limit, convergence, and the
institutional approach, or the semiotic approach. quality of approximation. Most researches offer
In the following we relate to these different an analysis of teaching experiments that promote
directions of research. the conceptual understanding of key notions like
limits, derivatives, and integral. For example,
The Role of Technology in a research project by Artigue (2006), the
A key aspect of nearly all the reform projects has calculator was used towards conceptualization
been the use of graphics calculators, or computers of the notion of derivative. One of the aims of
with graphical software, to help students develop the project was to enable grade 11 students to
a better intuitive understanding. Since learning enter the interplay between local and global
calculus includes the analysis of changing points of view on functional objects.
quantities, technology has a crucial role in Thompson (1994) investigated the concept of
enabling dynamic graphical representations and rate of change and infinitesimal change which are
animations. Technology was first incorporated as central to understanding the fundamental theo-
support for visualization and coordination rem of calculus. Thompson’s study suggests that
between semiotic registers. The possibility of students’ difficulties with the theorem stem from
computer magnification of graphs allows the impoverished concepts of rate of change. In the
limiting process to be implicit in the computer last two decades, Thompson published several
magnification, rather than explicit in the limit studies which demonstrate that a reconstruction
concept. In his plenary paper, Dreyfus (1991) of the ideas of calculus is made possible by its
analyzed the powerful role for visual reasoning uses of computing technology. The concept of
in learning several mathematical concepts and accumulation is central to the idea of integration
processes. With the new technologies there was and therefore is at the core of understanding many
C 72 Calculus Teaching and Learning

ideas and applications in calculus. Thompson which the calculus concepts were developed and
et al. (2013) describe a course that approaches then defined, appropriate historically inspired
introductory calculus with the aim that students teaching sequences were elaborated.
build a reflexive relationship between concepts of Recent approaches in learning and teaching
accumulation and rate of change, symbolize that calculus refer to the social dimension like the
relationship, and then extend it. In a first phase, approach to teach calculus called “scientific
students develop accumulation functions from debate” which is based on a specific form of
rate of change functions. In the first phase, discussion among students regarding the validity
students “restore” the integral to the fundamental of theorems. The increasing influence taken by
theorem of calculus. In the second phase, students sociocultural and anthropological approaches
develop rate of change functions from accumula- towards learning processes is well expressed in
tion functions. The main idea is that accumulation research on learning and teaching calculus. Even
and rate of change are never treated separately: the construct concept image and concept defini-
the fundamental theorem of calculus is present tion, which was born in an era where the theories
all the time. Rate is an important, but difficult, of learning were essentially cognitive theories,
mathematical concept. Despite more than 20 years was revisited (Bingolbali and Monaghan 2008)
of research, especially with calculus students, diffi- and used in interpreting data in a sociocultural
culties are still reported with this concept. study. This was done in a research which inves-
Tall (2010) reflects on the ongoing develop- tigated students’ conceptual development of the
ment of the teaching and learning calculus since derivative with particular reference to rate of
his first thinking about the calculus 35 years ago. change and tangent aspects.
During these years, Tall’s research described In more recent studies, the role of different
how the computer can be used to show dynamic theoretical approaches in research on learning
visual graphics and to offer a remarkable power calculus is analyzed. Kidron (2008) describes
of numeric and symbolic computation. As a research process on the conceptualization of
a consequence of the cognitive difficulties that the notion of limit by means of the discrete
accompany the conceptual understanding of the continuous interplay. The paper reflects many
key notions in calculus, Tall’s quest is for years of research on the conceptualization of the
a “sensible approach” to the calculus which notion of limit, and the focus on the complemen-
builds on the evidence of our human senses and tary role of different theories reflects the
uses these insights as a meaningful basis for later evolution of this research.
development from calculus to analysis and even
to a logical approach in using infinitesimals. The Role of the Teacher
Reflecting on the many years in which reform of In the previous section, different educational
calculus teaching has been considered around the environments were described. Educational envi-
world and the different approaches and reform ronments depend on several factors, including
projects using technology, Tall points out that teaching practices. As mentioned by Artigue
what has occurred is largely a retention of tradi- (2001), reconstructions have been proved to play
tional calculus ideas now supported by dynamic a crucial role in calculus especially at the
graphics for illustration and symbolic manipula- secondary/tertiary transition. Some of these recon-
tion for computation. structions deal with mathematical objects already
familiar to students before the teaching of calculus
The Role of Historical Perspective and Other at university. In some cases, reconstructions
Approaches result from the fact that only some facets of
The idea to use a historical perspective in a mathematical concept can be introduced at the
approaching calculus was also demonstrated in first contact with it. The reconstruction cannot
other studies not necessarily in a technological result from a mere presentation of the theory and
environment. Taking into account the long way in formal definitions. Research shows that teaching
Calculus Teaching and Learning 73 C
practices underestimate the conceptual difficulties located in several countries (Brazil, Canada,
associated with this reconstruction and that teach- Denmark, France, Israel, Tunisia) and use different
ing cannot leave the responsibility for most of the frameworks. Some have shown that calculus
corresponding reorganization to students. conflicts that emerged from experiments with
Research shows that alternative strategies can first-year students could have their roots in
be developed fruitfully especially with the help of a limited understanding of the concept of
the technology but successful integration of function, as well as suggesting the need for C
technology at a large-scale level is still a major a more intensive exploration of the dynamical
problem (Artigue 2010). Technology cannot be nature of the differential calculus. Results of the
considered only as a kind of educational assistant. survey suggest that there is some room for
It was demonstrated how it deeply shapes what improvement in school preparation for university
we learn and the way we learn it. study of calculus.
Artigue points out the importance of the The transition to advanced calculus as taught
teacher’s dimension. Kendal and Stacey (2001) at the university level has been extensively inves-
describe teachers’ practices in technology-based tigated within the Francophone community, with
mathematics lessons. The integration of technol- the research developed displaying a diversity of
ogy into mathematics teachers’ classroom prac- approaches and themes but a shared vision of the
tices is a complex undertaking (Monaghan 2004; importance to be attached to epistemological and
Lagrange 2013). Monaghan wrote and cowrote mathematical analyses.
a number of papers in which teachers’ activities Analyzing the transition between the
in using technology in their calculus classrooms secondary school and the university, French
were analyzed but there were still difficulties that researchers reflect on approaches to teaching
the teachers had experienced in their practices and learning calculus in which the consideration
that were difficult to explain in a satisfactory of sociocultural and institutional practices plays
manner. Investigating the reasons for the discrep- an essential role. These approaches offer comple-
ancy between the potentialities of technology in mentary insights to the understanding of teaching
learning calculus and the actual uses in the class- and learning calculus. The theoretical influence
room, Lagrange (2013) searches for theoretical of the theory of didactic situations which led to
frameworks that could help to focus on the a long-term Francophone tradition of didactical
teacher using technology; the research on the engineering research has been designed in the last
role of the teacher strengthened the idea of decade to support this transition from secondary
a difficult integration in contrast with research calculus to university analysis.
centered on epistemological and cognitive aspects.
An activity theory framework seems helpful to New Directions of Research
give insight on how teachers’ activity and profes- New directions of research in teaching and learning
sional knowledge evolve during the use of technol- calculus were investigated in the last decades. We
ogy in teaching calculus. observe the need for additional theoretical lenses as
well as a need to link different theoretical frame-
The Transition Between Secondary and works in the research on learning and teaching
Tertiary Education calculus. In particular, we observe the need to add
A detailed analysis of the transition from additional theoretical dimensions, like the social
secondary calculus to university analysis is offered and cultural dimensions, to the epistemological
by Thomas et al. (2012). A number of researchers analyses that were done in the early research. In
have studied the problems of the learning of calcu- some cases, we notice the evolution of research
lus in the transition between secondary school and during many years with the same researchers
university. Some of these studies focus on the facing the challenging questions concerning the
specific topics of real numbers, functions, limits, cognitive difficulties in learning calculus. The
continuity, and sequences and series. They were questions are still challenging.
C 74 Calculus Teaching and Learning

The theoretical dimension is essential for a mathematical instrument. Springer, New York,
research on calculus teaching and learning, but pp 231–294
Artigue M (2010) The Future of Teaching and Learning
we should not neglect the practice. As pointed out Mathematics with Digital Technologies. In: Hoyles C,
by Robert and Speer (2001), there are some Lagrange JB (eds) Mathematics Education and
efforts towards a convergence of theory-driven Technology – Rethinking the Terrain. The 17th ICMI
and practice-driven researches. Further research Study. Springer, New York, pp 463–476
Bingolbali E, Monaghan J (2008) Concept image
on how to consider meaningfully theoretical and revisited. Educ Stud Math 68:19–35
pragmatic issues is indicated. Cornu B (1991) Limits. In: Tall D (ed) Advanced mathe-
As mentioned earlier, reconstructions have been matical thinking. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 153–166
proved to play a crucial role in calculus, essentially Davis RB, Vinner S (1986) The notion of limit: some
seemingly unavoidable misconception stages. J Math
these reconstructions that deal with mathematical Behav 5:281–303
objects already familiar to students before the Dreyfus T (1991) On the status of visual reasoning in
teaching of calculus. Further research should mathematics and mathematics education. In:
underline the important role of teaching practices Furinghetti F (ed) Proceedings of the 15th PME
international conference, Assisi, Italy, vol 1, pp 33–48
for such successful reorganization of previous Ferrera F, Pratt D, Robutti O (2006) The role and uses of
related concepts towards the learning of calculus. technologies for the teaching of algebra and calculus.
In: Gutiérrez A, Boero P (eds) Handbook of research
on the psychology of mathematics education. Sense,
Rotterdam, pp 237–273
Cross-References Fischbein E, Tirosh D, Hess P (1979) The intuition of
infinity. Educ Stud Math 10:3–40
▶ Actions, Processes, Objects, Schemas (APOS) Gray E, Tall D (1994) Duality, ambiguity and flexibility:
in Mathematics Education a proceptual view of simple arithmetic. J Res Math
Educ 25:116–140
▶ Algebra Teaching and Learning Kendal M, Stacey K (2001) The impact of teacher
▶ Anthropological Approaches in Mathematics privileging on learning differentiation with
Education, French Perspectives technology. Int J Comput Math Learn 6(2):143–165
▶ Concept Development in Mathematics Kidron I (2008) Abstraction and consolidation of the limit
procept by means of instrumented schemes: the
Education complementary role of three different frameworks.
▶ Epistemological Obstacles in Mathematics Educ Stud Math 69(3):197–216
Education Lagrange JB (2013) Anthropological approach and
▶ Intuition in Mathematics Education activity theory: culture, communities and institutions.
Int J Technol Math Educ 20(1):33–37
▶ Technology and Curricula in Mathematics Monaghan J (2004) Teachers’ activities in technology-
Education based mathematics lessons. Int J Comput Math Learn
▶ Technology Design in Mathematics Education 9:327–357
▶ Theories of Learning Mathematics Robert A, Speer N (2001) Research on the teaching and
learning of calculus. In: Holton D (ed) The teaching
▶ Visualization and Learning in Mathematics and learning of mathematics at university level. An
Education ICMI study. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 283–299
Sierpinska A (1985) Obstacles épistémologiques relatifs à
la notion de limite [Epistemological obstacles relating
to the concept of limit]. Rech Didact Math 6(1):5–67
References Tall D (ed) (1991) Advanced mathematical thinking.
Kluwer, Dordrecht
Artigue M (2001) What can we learn from educational Tall D (1992) The transition to advanced mathematical
research at the university level? In: Holton D (ed) The thinking: functions, limits, infinity and proof. In:
teaching and learning of mathematics at university Grouws DA (ed) Handbook of research on mathematics
level. An ICMI study. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 207–220 teaching and learning. Macmillan, New York,
Artigue M (2006) The integration of symbolic calculators pp 495–511
into secondary education: some lessons from Tall D (2010) A sensible approach to the calculus. In:
didactical engineering. In: Guin D, Ruthven K, Plenary at the national and international meeting on
Trouche L (eds) The didactical challenge of symbolic the teaching of calculus, 23–25th September 2010,
calculators: turning a computational device into Puebla
Collaborative Learning in Mathematics Education 75 C
Tall D, Vinner S (1981) Concept image and concept Three dimensions seem to define collaborative
definition in mathematics with particular reference learning (CL) and help distinguish among its
to limit and continuity. Educ Stud Math 12:
151–169 many different models: the structure of the
Thomas MOJ, De Freitas Druck I, Huillet D, Ju MK, CL environment (including assessments and
Nardi E, Rasmussen C, Xie J (2012) Key mathematical rewards), the teacher and student roles, and the
concepts in the transition from secondary to university. types of tasks.
In: Pre-proceedings of the 12th international congress
on mathematical education (ICME-12) Survey The CL structure defines how student groups C
Team 4, pp 90–136, Seoul. http://www.math.auck- are formed (usually by teacher assignment) and how group members are expected to interact.
Thompson PW (1994) Images of rate and operational Research generally recommends mixed ability
understanding of the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Educ Stud Math 26(2–3):229–274 grouping. Carefully designed assessment and
Thompson PW, Byerley C, & Hatfield N (2013) reward structures document student learning
A conceptual approach to calculus made possible and provide incentives for students to work
by technology. Computers in the Schools, 30: productively together. All models of CL
Vinner S (1983) Concept definition, concept image and involve group accountability, but some models
the notion of function. Int J Math Educ Sci Technol also include some individual rewards, while
14:239–305 others may pit groups against each other in
Williams S (1991) Models of limits held by college a competitive reward structure.
calculus students. J Res Math Educ 22(3):219–236
The teacher’s role is to determine the CL
structure and task, then serve as facilitator. In
some CL models, students are assigned specific
group roles (e.g., recorder, calculator); other
Collaborative Learning in models require students to tackle portions of the
Mathematics Education task independently, then pool their efforts toward
a common solution. Individual accountability
Paula Lahann and Diana V. Lambdin requires that each student be responsible not
School of Education, Indiana University, only for his/her own learning but also for sharing
Bloomington, IN, USA the burden for all group members’ learning.
CL tasks must be carefully chosen: amenable
to group work and designed so that success
Keywords depends on contributions from all group
members. Particular attention to task difficulty
Collaborative learning; Cooperative learning; ensures all students can engage at an appropriate
Project-based learning level.
CL is grounded in a social constructivist
Collaborative learning (CL) involves a team of model of learning (Yackel et al. 2011). Some
students who learn through working together CL models involve peer tutoring (e.g., Student
to share ideas, solve a problem, or accomplish Team Learning: Slavin 1994). In the more
a common goal. In mathematics education, CL’s common investigative CL models (e.g., Learning
popularity surged in the 1980s, but it has since Together: Johnson and Johnson 1998), the
continued to evolve (Artzt and Newman 1997; emphasis is on learning through problem solving,
Davidson 1990). The terms collaborative/cooper- but higher-order skills such as interpretation,
ative learning are often used interchangeably, synthesis, or investigation are also required.
although some claim the former requires Project-based learning (PBL) – a twenty-first-
giving students considerable autonomy (more century group-investigation CL model – involves
appropriate for older students), while the latter cross-disciplinary, multifaceted, open-ended
is more clearly orchestrated by the teacher tasks, usually set in a real-world context, with
(appropriate for all ages) (Panitz 1999). results presented via oral or written presentation.
C 76 Communities of Inquiry in Mathematics Teacher Education

PBL tasks often take several weeks because

students must grapple with defining, delimiting, Communities of Inquiry in
and planning the project; conducting research; Mathematics Teacher Education
and determining both the solution and how best
to present it (Buck Institute 2012). A stated Barbara Jaworski
PBL goal is to help students develop “twenty- Loughborough University, Loughborough,
first-century skills” relating to collaboration, Leicestershire, UK
time management, self-assessment, leadership,
and presentation concurrently with engaging
in critical thinking and mastering traditional Keywords
academic concepts and skills (e.g.,
mathematics). Mathematics teacher education; Community;
Research has found student learning is Inquiry
accelerated when students work collaboratively
on tasks that are well structured, carefully
implemented, and have individual accountability. Definition
There is also evidence that affective outcomes,
such as interest in school, respect for others, Mathematics teacher education (MTE) consists of
and self-esteem, are also positively impacted processes and practices through which teachers or
(Slavin 1992). student teachers learn to teach mathematics. It
involves as participants, primarily, student teachers,
teachers, and teacher educators; other stakeholders
such as school principals or policy officials with
References regulatory responsibilities can be involved to dif-
fering degrees. Thus a community in MTE consists
Artzt A, Newman CM (1997) How to use cooperative
of people who engage in these processes and prac-
learning in the mathematics class, 2nd edn.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, tices and who have perspectives and knowledge in
Reston what it means to learn and to educate in mathemat-
Buck Institute (n.d.). “What is PBL?” Project based ics and an interest in the outcomes of engagement.
learning for the 21st century.
An inquiry community, or community of inquiry, in
Accessed 24 July 2012
Davidson N (ed) (1990) Cooperative learning in mathe- MTE is a community which brings inquiry into
matics: a handbook for teachers. Addison-Wesley, practices of teacher education in mathematics –
Menlo Park where inquiry implies questioning and seeking
Johnson DW, Johnson R (1998) Learning together and
answers to questions, problem solving, exploring,
alone: cooperative, competitive, and individualistic
learning, 5th edn. Allyn and Bacon, Boston and investigating – and in which inquiry is the basis
Panitz T (1999) Collaborative versus cooperative of an epistemological stance on practice, leading to
learning: A comparison of the two concepts which “metaknowing” (Wells 1999; Jaworski 2006). The
will help us understand the underlying nature of
very nature of a “community” of inquiry rooted in
interactive learning. ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED448443 communities of practice (Wenger 1998) implies
Slavin R (1992) Research on cooperative learning: consensus a sociohistorical frame in which knowledge grows
and controversy. In: Goodsell AS, Maher MR, Tinto and learning takes place through participation and
V (eds) Collaborative learning: a sourcebook for higher
education. National Center on Postsecondary Teaching,
dialogue in social settings (Wells 1999).
Learning, Assessment, University Park
Slavin R (1994) Cooperative learning: theory,
research, and practice, 2nd edn. Allyn and Bacon, Characteristics
Yackel E, Gravemeijer K, Sfard A (eds) (2011) A journey
in mathematics education research: insights from the Rather than seeing knowledge as objective,
work of Paul Cobb. Springer, Dordrecht pre-given and immutable (an absolutist stance:
Communities of Inquiry in Mathematics Teacher Education 77 C
Ernest 1991) with learning as a gaining of such example, the design of inquiry-based mathemati-
knowledge and teaching as a conveyance of cal tasks for students – their critical attitude to their
knowledge from one who knows to one who practice generates new knowledge in practice
learns, an inquiry stance sees knowledge as and new practice-based understandings (Jaworski
fluid, flexible and fallible (Ernest 1991). These 2006).
positions apply to mathematical knowledge and In a community of practice, Wenger (1998)
to knowledge in teaching: teachers of mathemat- suggests that “belonging” to the community C
ics need both kinds of knowledge. Knowledge is involves “engagement,” “imagination,” and “align-
seen variously as formal and external, consisting ment.” Participants engage with the practice, use
of general theories and research-based findings imagination in weaving a personal trajectory in the
to be gained and put into practice; or as craft practice and align with norms and expectations
knowledge, intrinsic to the knower, often tacit, within the practice. The transformation of
and growing through action, engagement, and a community of practice to a community of
experience in practice; or yet again as growing inquiry requires participant to look critically at
through inquiry in practice so that the knower and their practices as they engage with them, to ques-
the knowledge are inseparable. Cochran-Smith tion what they do as they do it, and to explore new
and Lytle (1999) call these three ways of concep- elements of practice. Such inquiry-based forms of
tualizing knowledge as knowledge for teaching, engagement have been called “critical alignment”
in teaching, and of teaching. With regard (Jaworski 2006). Critical alignment is a necessity
to knowledge-of-teaching, they use the term for developing an inquiry way of being within
“inquiry as stance” to describe the positions a community of inquiry.
teachers take towards knowledge and its relation- Like teachers, teacher educators in mathe-
ships towards practice. This parallels the notion matics (sometimes called didacticians, due to
of “inquiry as a way of being” in which teachers their practices in relation to the didactics of
take on the mantle of inquiry as central to how mathematics) are participants in communities
they think, act, and develop in practice and of inquiry in which they too need to develop
encourage their students to do so as well knowledge in practice through inquiry. Their
(Jaworski 2006). practices are different from those of teachers,
An inquiry community in mathematics teacher but there are common layers of engagement in
education therefore involves teachers (including which teachers and teacher educators side by
student teachers who are considered as less expe- side explore practices in learning and teaching
rienced teachers) engaging together in inquiry into of mathematics in order to develop practice and
teaching processes to promote students’ learning generate new knowledge. Teacher educators
of mathematics and, moreover, involving students also have responsibilities in linking theoretical
in inquiry in mathematics. The main purpose of perspectives to development of practice and to
inquiry is to call into question aspects of a source engaging in research formally for generation of
(such as mathematics) which encourages a deeper academic knowledge. Thus it is possible to see
engagement as critical questioning takes place and three (nested) layers of inquiry community in
knowledge grows within the community. When generating new understandings of teaching to
the source is mathematics, inquiry in mathematics develop the learning of mathematics: inquiry
allows students to address mathematical questions by students into mathematics in the classroom,
in ways that seek out answers and lead to new inquiry by teachers into the processes and prac-
knowledge. Thus mathematics itself becomes tices of creating mathematical learning in class-
accessible, no longer perceived as only right or rooms, and inquiry by teacher educators into the
wrong, and its revealed fallibility is an encourage- processes by which teachers learn through
ment to the learner to explore further and under- inquiry and promote the mathematical learning
stand more deeply. Similarly as teachers explore of their students (Jaworski and Wood 2008)
into aspects of mathematics teaching – for (Fig. 1).
C 78 Communities of Practice in Mathematics Education

Communities of Inquiry
in Mathematics Teacher
Education, Fig. 1 Three
Didacticians inquiring with teachers
layers of inquiry in
to promote professional development...
mathematics teaching
Teachers engaging
in professional inquiry ...

Students engaging in
inquiry in mathematics
in the classroom

to learn more about creating mathematical

opportunities for students

and learn more about practical implications

and issues for mathematical

Communities of Practice
▶ Communities of Practice in Mathematics in Mathematics Education
▶ Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education Ellice A. Forman
▶ Mathematics Teacher Education Organization, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Curriculum, and Outcomes

Ethnomathematics; Informal learning; Situated
Cochran Smith M, Lytle SL (1999) Relationships cognition
of knowledge and practice: teacher learning in
communities’. In: Iran-Nejad A, Pearson PD (eds)
Review of research in education. American Educa-
tional Research Association, Washington, DC, Definition and Originators
pp 249–305
Ernest P (1991) The philosophy of mathematics educa-
Communities of practice (CoP) are an important
tion. Falmer Press, London
Jaworski B (2006) Theory and practice in mathematics component of an emerging social theory of
teaching development: critical inquiry as a mode of learning. Lave and Wenger (1991) originally
learning in teaching. J Math Teach Educ envisioned this social learning theory as a way
to deepen and extend the notion of situated
Jaworski B, Wood T (eds) (2008) The mathematics
teacher educator as a developing professional, vol 4, learning that occurs in traditional craft appren-
International handbook of mathematics teacher ticeships, contexts in which education occurs
education. Sense, Rotterdam, pp 335–361 outside of formal schools. Drawing upon
Wells G (1999) Dialogic inquiry. Cambridge University
evidence from ethnographic investigations of
Press, Cambridge
Wenger E (1998) Communities of practice. Cambridge apprenticeships in a range of settings (e.g., tailor-
University Press, Cambridge ing), they have frequently argued that it is
Communities of Practice in Mathematics Education 79 C
important to separate learning from formal school as well as social products (e.g., tools, language,
contexts to understand that most human activities laws) in order to help newcomers master the
involve some form of teaching and learning. important practices of their community. In
Wenger (1998) argued that CoP’s two compo- addition, social theories of learning are needed
nents (community and practice) are inherently to address some of the fundamental quandaries of
connected by three dimensions: “(1) mutual educational research and practice (Sfard 2008).
engagement; (2) a joint enterprise; (3) a shared These enduring dilemmas include the unwilling- C
repertoire” (p. 73). One important aim of a CoP is ness of some students to expend enough energy
the negotiation of meaning among participants. to master difficult mathematical concepts and
This is one way to differentiate groups of people the puzzling discrepancy in performance on in-
who live or work in the same location from other school and out-of-school mathematical problems.
groups who are actively involved in communi-
cating with each other about important issues and History of Use
working together towards common goals. Lave’s (1988, 2011) own empirical research
Another important aspect of CoP is that learning began with a focus on mathematical proficiency
may be demonstrated by changes in the personal in out-of-school settings (tailoring garments).
identities of the community members. Changes in She initially chose situated cognition tasks that
identity are accompanied by increasing participa- required mathematical computations so that she
tion in the valued practices of this particular could more easily compare them with school-like
CoP as newcomers become old-timers in the tasks. Similar work in ethnomathematics was
community. conducted by other colleagues for a range of
cultural activities (e.g., selling candy on the
street) (Nunes et al. 1993). One recurrent finding
Characteristics of this research has been that children, adoles-
cents, and adults can demonstrate higher levels of
How the Problem Was Identified and Why mathematical proficiency in their out-of-school
Social theories of learning have a long history in activities than in school, even when the
psychology (Cole 1996). Nevertheless, more actual mathematical computations are the same
experimental and reductionist theories were the (Forman 2003). Another finding was that social
predominant form of psychology until the late processes (e.g., guided participation) and cultural
twentieth century. The reemergence of social tools (e.g., currency) were important resources
theories of learning has occurred in numerous for people as they solved mathematical problems
places, such as discursive psychology (Harré outside of school (Saxe 1991). This research
and Gillett 1994), as well as in mathematics forces one to question the validity of formal
education (Lerman 2001; van Oers 2001). The assessments of mathematical proficiency and
reasons why we need a social learning theory in to wonder how mathematical concepts and
mathematics education have been outlined by procedures are developed in everyday contexts
Sfard (1998). She contrasted two key metaphors: of work and play. Many of these investigators
learning as acquisition versus learning as partic- began to question the basic assumptions of our
ipation. Most research conducted during the last individual learning theories and turn their
century in mathematics education used the acqui- attention to developing new social theories of
sition metaphor. In contrast, the participation learning, like those proposed by Lave, Wenger,
metaphor shifts the focus from individual owner- Saxe, and Sfard. It also led them to rely, to an
ship of skills or ideas to the notion that learners increasing degree on ethnographic studies of
are fundamentally social beings who live and everyday life (Lave 2011).
work as members of communities. Teaching When Lave and others began their research in
and learning within CoP depend upon social the early 1970s, it had limited impact on research
processes (collaboration or expert guidance) in schools. This has changed as mathematics
C 80 Communities of Practice in Mathematics Education

educators have begun to use this research to Perspectives on Issue in Different

improve school instruction, curriculum develop- Cultures/Places
ment, and teacher education (e.g., Nasir and The origin of CoP in ethnomathematics means
Cobb 2007). For example, Cobb and Hodge that the earliest research was conducted in
(2002) use the notion of CoP to propose that we cultural settings very different from those of
investigate at least two types of mathematical European or North American classrooms such
communities in our work: local (home, school, as Brazil, Liberia, Mexico, and Papua New
neighborhood) and broader (district, state, Guinea. In addition to a broad range of national
national, international). In the classroom, all of settings, this ethnographic work focused on the
these types of communities affect students’ mathematical reasoning that occurred in the daily
access to high levels of mathematical reasoning lives of poor and middle-class people who may or
and problem solving as well as their own sense of may not be enrolled in formal educational
identity as capable mathematical learners. Cobb institutions. After it began to be applied to school
and Hodge suggest that we try to understand and classrooms, many of its research sites were
acknowledge these discontinuities in students’ located in Europe or North America (e.g., Seeger
communities that can impact their motivation, et al. 1998). Thus, unlike many educational inno-
self-image, and school achievement. Building, vations, the study of CoP began in impoverished
in part, on the work of Luis Moll and his locations and later spread to wealthy settings. In
colleagues (Gonzalez et al. 2004), Cobb and addition, the methods of ethnography previously
Hodge recommend that teachers view their used to study the work and play lives of people in
students’ families and neighborhood communi- impoverished communities were then applied to
ties as sources of important funds of knowledge classrooms where experimental methods are
that can be accessed in school. By viewing home more often used (Lave 2011).
proficiencies in a positive light (as funds of
knowledge) instead of deficits (limited formal Gaps that Need to Be Filled
education), these educators propose that the In Wenger’s (1998) expanded formulation of
discontinuities between classroom and home CoP, he clarified its dynamic properties. Forms
CoP be minimized and destigmatized, making it of mutual engagement change over time within
easier for students to engage more fully in learn- any community. Collective goals evolve as dif-
ing about mathematics and other subjects. ferent interpretations clash and new understand-
Unfortunately, many students from impoverished ings are negotiated. As this occurs, new tools are
neighborhoods experience discontinuities between created and modified, new vocabulary developed,
their home and peer communities and those of and new routines and narratives invented. Only
schools. As a result, researchers such as Nasir recently have ethnographers like Lave and Saxe
(2007) have tried to forge new connections been able to take a long view of the CoP they
between students’ out-of-school lives (e.g., when originally studied in the 1970s and 1980s. As
they use mathematics to win at basketball) and the a result they have been able to deepen their
mathematics they are taught in school. One key theoretical positions and reconceptualize their
component of these connections is the need to methods. Clearly this is one area where the
engage students in the process of viewing them- theoretical formulations of CoP are ahead of the
selves as capable learners of mathematics and empirical results in mathematics classrooms.
establishing a new identity as successful mathe- Another area that has been growing in mathe-
matics problem solvers (Martin 2007). Finally, matics education is the study of identity in math-
Cobb and Hodge (2002) remind us that resolving ematics classrooms (e.g., Martin 2007). Although
the tensions between local communities of practice this work is also hampered by the limited time
for students may also involve acts of imagination span studied, early work suggests that repeated
when young people work towards a revised and experiences with different classroom CoP may
expanded identity for themselves in the future. result in negative or positive reactions to their
Communities of Practice in Mathematics Education 81 C
instructional experiences in mathematics by Harre R, Gillett G (1994) The discursive mind. Sage,
students (Boaler and Greeno 2000). The develop- London
Lampert M (1990) When the problem is not the question
ment of a person’s mathematical identity may and the solution is not the answer: mathematical
build slowly over time in homes, communities, knowing and teaching. Am Educ Res J 27:29–63
and schools through recurrent processes such as Lave J (1988) Cognition in practice: mind, mathematics
social positioning by parents, teachers, and peers and culture in everyday life. Cambridge University
Press, New York
(Yamakawa et al. 2009). Lave J (2011) Apprenticeship in critical ethnographic
Finally, an area of rich growth in mathematics practice. University of Chicago Press, Chicago
education is the attempt to align classroom com- Lave J, Wenger E (1991) Situated learning: legitimate
munities with those of professional mathemati- peripheral participation. Cambridge University Press,
New York
cians (Lampert 1990). For example, studies of Lerman S (2001) Cultural, discursive psychology:
argumentation and proof in K-12 classrooms a sociocultural approach to studying the teaching
indicate that even young children are capable of and learning of mathematics. Educ Stud Math
articulating their reasons for their mathematical 46(1–3):87–113
Martin DB (2007) Mathematics learning and participation
decisions and defending those positions when in the African American context: the co-construction
carefully guided by an experienced teacher of identity in two intersecting realms of experience. In:
(O’Connor 2001). In addition, current research Nasir NS, Cobb P (eds) Improving access to
in other content areas such as history or science mathematics: diversity and equity in the classroom.
Teachers College Press, New York, pp 146–158
shows that argumentation can be productively Nasir NS (2007) Identity, goals, and learning: the case of
fostered across the curriculum as well as in basketball mathematics. In: Nasir NS, Cobb P (eds)
different grades. Improving access to mathematics: diversity and equity
in the classroom. Teachers College Press, New York,
pp 132–145
Cross-References Nasir NS, Cobb P (eds) (2007) Improving access to
mathematics: diversity and equity in the classroom.
Teachers College Press, New York
▶ Ethnomathematics Nunes T, Schliemann AD, Carraher DW (1993) Street
▶ Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education mathematics and school mathematics. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge
O’Connor MC (2001) “Can any fraction be turned into
References a decimal?” A case study of a mathematical group
discussion. Educ Stud Math 46(1–3):143–185
Boaler J, Greeno JG (2000) Identity, agency, and knowing Saxe GB (1991) Culture and cognitive development.
in mathematics worlds. In: Boaler J (ed) Multiple Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale
perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning. Seeger F, Voigt J, Waschescio U (1998) The culture of the
Ablex, Westport, pp 171–200 mathematics classroom. Cambridge University Press,
Cobb P, Hodge LL (2002) A relational perspective on New York
issues of cultural diversity and equity as they play out Sfard A (1998) On two metaphors for learning and the
in the mathematics classroom. Math Think Learn dangers of choosing just one. Educ Res 27(2):4–13
4(2–3):249–284 Sfard A (2008) Thinking as communicating: human
Cole M (1996) Cultural psychology: a once and future development, the growth of discourse, and
discipline. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, mathematizing. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, MA New York
Forman EA (2003) A sociocultural approach to mathe- van Oers B (2001) Educational forms of initiation in
matics reform: speaking, inscribing, and doing mathe- mathematical culture. Educ Stud Math 46(1–3):59–85
matics within communities of practice. In: Kilpatrick Wenger E (1998) Communities of practice: learning,
J, Martin WG, Schifter D (eds) A research companion meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press,
to the principles and standards for school mathematics. New York
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, Yamakawa Y, Forman EA, Ansell E (2009) The role of
pp 333–352 positioning in constructing an identity in a third
Gonzalez N, Moll LC, Amanti C (eds) (2004) Funds of grade mathematics classroom. In: Kumpulainen K,
knowledge: theorizing practices in households, Hmelo-Silver CE, Cesar M (eds) Investigating class-
communities, and classrooms. Lawrence Erlbaum room interaction: methodologies in action. Sense,
Associates, Mahwah Rotterdam, pp 179–202
C 82 Communities of Practice in Mathematics Teacher Education

participants in social practices that shape

Communities of Practice in identities.
Mathematics Teacher Education To further analyze the concepts of identity and
community of practice, Wenger (1998) proposed
Merrilyn Goos a more elaborated social theory of learning that
School of Education, The University of integrates four components – meaning (learning
Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia as experience), practice (learning as doing), com-
munity (learning as belonging), and identity
(learning as becoming). Wenger explained that
Keywords communities of practice are everywhere – in
people’s workplaces, families, and leisure pur-
Mathematics teacher education; Communities of suits, as well as in educational institutions. Most
practice; Identity people belong to multiple communities of prac-
tice at any one time and will be members of
different communities throughout their lives.
Definition His theory has been applied to organizational
learning as well as learning in schools and other
Communities of practice in mathematics formal educational settings.
teacher education are informed by a theory of
learning as social participation, in which teacher
learning and development are conceptualized as Communities of Practice as a
increasing participation in social practices that Framework for Understanding
develop an identity as a teacher. Mathematics Teacher Learning
and Development

Background Social theories of learning are now well

established in research on mathematics educa-
The idea of learning in a community of practice tion. Lerman (2000) discussed the development
grew from Jean Lave’s and Etienne Wenger’s of “the social turn” in mathematics education
research on learning in apprenticeship contexts research and proposed that social theories
(Lave 1988; Lave and Wenger 1991). Drawing drawing on community of practice models
on their ethnographic observations of apprentices provide insights into the complexities of teacher
learning different trades, Lave and Wenger learning and development. From this perspective,
developed a theory of learning as social practice learning to teach involves developing an identity
to describe how novices come to participate in as a teacher through increasing participation in
the practices of a community. These researchers the practices of a professional community
introduced the term “legitimate peripheral (Lerman 2001). At the time of publication of
participation” to explain how apprentices, as Lerman’s (2001) review chapter on research
newcomers, are gradually included in the com- perspectives on mathematics teacher education,
munity through modified forms of participation there were few studies drawing on Lave’s and
that are accessible to potential members working Wenger’s ideas. Reviewing the same field
alongside master practitioners. Although social 5 years later, Llinares and Krainer (2006)
practice theory aimed to offer a perspective on noted increasing interest in using the idea of
learning in out-of-school settings, Lave (1996) a community of practice to conceptualize
afterwards argued that apprenticeship research learning to teach mathematics. Such studies can
also has implications for both learning and teach- be classified along several dimensions, according
ing in schools and for students and teachers as to their focus on:
Communities of Practice in Mathematics Teacher Education 83 C
1. Preservice teacher education or the different contexts in which prospective and
professional learning and development of beginning teachers’ learning occurs – the univer-
practicing teachers sity teacher education program, the practicum,
2. Face-to-face or online interaction (or a and the early years of professional experience
combination of both) (Llinares and Krainer 2006). One of the more
3. Questions about how a community of common discontinuities is evident in the diffi-
practice is formed and sustained compared culty many beginning teachers experience in sus- C
with questions about the effectiveness of taining the innovative practices they learn about
communities of practice in promoting teacher in their university courses. This observation can
learning be explained by acknowledging that prospective
Research has been informed by the two key and beginning teachers participate in separate
conceptual strands of Wenger’s (1998) social communities – one based in the university and
practice theory. One of these strands is related the other in school – which often have different
to the idea of learning as increasing participation regimes of accountability that regulate what
in socially situated practices and the other to counts as “good teaching.”
learning as developing an identity in the context Researchers have also investigated how partici-
of a community of practice. pation in online communities of practice supports
the learning of prospective and practicing teachers
Learning as Participation in Practices of mathematics, and insights into principles
With regard to participation in practices, Wenger informing the design of such communities are
describes three dimensions that give coherence to beginning to emerge (Goos and Geiger 2012).
communities of practice: mutual engagement of Some caution is needed in interpreting the findings
participants, negotiation of a joint enterprise, and of these studies, since few present evidence that a
development of a shared repertoire of resources community of practice has actually been formed:
for creating meaning. Mutuality of engagement for example, by analyzing the extent of mutual
need not require homogeneity, since productive engagement, how a joint enterprise is negotiated,
relationships arise from diversity and these may and whether a shared repertoire of meaning-making
involve tensions, disagreements, and conflicts. resources is developed by participants (Goos and
Participants negotiate a joint enterprise, finding Bennison 2008). Nevertheless, studies of online
ways to do things together that coordinate communities of practice demonstrate that technol-
their complementary expertise. This negotiation ogy-mediated collaboration does more than simply
gives rise to regimes of mutual accountability increase the amount of knowledge produced by
that regulate participation, whereby members teachers; it also leads to qualitatively different
work out who is responsible for what and to forms of knowledge and different relationships
whom, what is important and what can safely between participants.
be ignored, and how to act and speak appro-
priately. The joint enterprise is linked to the Learning as Developing an Identity
larger social system in which the community With regard to identity development, Wenger
is nested. Such communities have a common wrote of different modes of belonging to
cultural and historical heritage, and it is a community of practice through engagement,
through the sharing and reconstruction of this imagination, and alignment. Beyond actually
repertoire of resources that individuals come engaging in practice, people can extrapolate
to define their relationships with each other in from their experience to imagine new possibili-
the context of the community. ties for the self and the social world. Alignment,
This aspect of Wenger’s theory has been used the third mode of belonging, refers to coordinat-
to investigate discontinuities that may be experi- ing one’s practices to contribute to the larger
enced in learning to teach mathematics in the enterprise or social system. Alignment can
C 84 Communities of Practice in Mathematics Teacher Education

amplify the effects of a practice and increase the to understand the role of teacher educators in
scale of belonging experienced by community shaping teachers’ learning.
members, but it can also reinforce normative
expectations of practice that leave people
powerless to negotiate identities. Cross-References
Research into teacher identity development in
communities of practice is perhaps less advanced ▶ Communities of Inquiry in Mathematics
than studies that analyze evidence of changing Teacher Education
participation in the practices of a community. ▶ Communities of Practice in Mathematics
This may be due to a lack of well-developed Education
theories of identity that can inform research ▶ Mathematics Teacher as Learner
designs and provide convincing evidence ▶ Mathematics Teacher Identity
that identities have changed. Jaworski’s (2006) ▶ Professional Learning Communities in
work on identity formation in mathematics Mathematics Education
teacher education proposes a conceptual shift
from learning within a community of practice
to forming a community of inquiry. The References
distinguishing characteristic of a community of
inquiry is reflexivity, in that participants critically Goos M, Bennison A (2008) Developing a communal
reflect on the activities of the community in identity as beginning teachers of mathematics:
developing and reconstructing their practice. emergence of an online community of practice.
J Math Teach Educ 11(1):41–60
This requires a mode of belonging that Jaworski Goos M, Geiger V (2012) Connecting social perspectives
calls “critical alignment” – adopting a critically on mathematics teacher education in online
questioning stance in order to avoid perpetuating environments. ZDM Int J Math Educ 44:705–715
undesirable normative states of activity. Graven M, Lerman S (2003) Book review of Wenger
E (1998) Communities of practice: learning, meaning
and identity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
UK. J Math Teach Educ 6:185–194
Issues for Future Research Jaworski B (2006) Theory and practice in mathematics
teaching development: critical inquiry as a mode of
learning in teaching. J Math Teach Educ 9:187–211
Elements of Wenger’s social practice theory Lave J (1988) Cognition in practice. Cambridge
resonate with current ways of understanding University Press, New York
teachers’ learning, and this may explain why Lave J (1996) Teaching, as learning, in practice. Mind
his ideas have been taken up so readily by Cult Act 3(3):149–164
Lave J, Wenger E (1991) Situated learning: legitimate
researchers in mathematics teacher education. peripheral participation. Cambridge University Press,
Nevertheless, the notion of situated learning in New York
a community of practice composed of experts and Lerman S (2000) The social turn in mathematics education
novices was not originally focused on school research. In: Boaler J (ed) Multiple perspectives on
mathematics teaching and learning. Ablex, Westport,
classrooms, nor on pedagogy, and so caution is pp 19–44
needed in applying this perspective on learning as Lerman S (2001) A review of research perspectives on
an informal and tacit process to learning in formal mathematics teacher education. In: Lin F-L, Cooney T
education settings, including preservice and (eds) Making sense of mathematics teacher education:
past, present and future. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 33–52
in-service teacher education (Graven and Lerman Llinares S, Krainer K (2006) Mathematics (student)
2003). Wenger’s model was developed from teachers and teacher educators as learners. In:
studying learning in apprenticeship contexts, Gutierrez A, Boero P (eds) Handbook of research on
where teaching is incidental rather than the psychology of mathematics education: past, pre-
sent and future. Sense, Rotterdam, pp 429–459
deliberate and planned, as in university-based Wenger E (1998) Communities of practice: learning,
teacher education. It remains to be seen whether meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press,
community of practice approaches can be applied New York
Competency Frameworks in Mathematics Education 85 C
They are as follows: general cognitive competen-
Competency Frameworks in cies, specialized cognitive competencies, the
Mathematics Education competence-performance model, modifications of
the competence-performance model, cognitive
Jeremy Kilpatrick competencies and motivational action tendencies,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA objective and subjective competence concepts,
and action competence. Competency frameworks C
in mathematics education fall primarily into
Keywords Weinert’s specialized-cognitive-competencies
category, but they also overlap some of the
Competence; Conceptual framework; Taxonomy; other categories.
Subject matter; Mental process The progenitor of competency frameworks in
mathematics education is Bloom’s (1956)
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, which
Definition attempted to lay out, in a neutral way, the
cognitive goals of any school subject. The main
A structural plan for organizing the cognitive categories were knowledge, comprehension,
skills and abilities used in learning and doing application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
mathematics. These categories were criticized by mathematics
educators such as Hans Freudenthal and Chris
Ormell as being especially ill suited to the subject
Characteristics of mathematics (see Kilpatrick 1993 on the
critiques as well as some antecedents of Bloom’s
The concept of competence is one of the most work). Various alternative taxonomies have
elusive in the educational literature. Writers often subsequently been proposed for school mathe-
use the term competence or competency and matics (see Tristán and Molgado 2006,
assume they and their readers know what it pp. 163–169, for examples). Further, Bloom’s
means. But arriving at a simple definition is taxonomy has been revised (Anderson and
a challenging matter. Dictionaries give such Krathwohl 2001) to separate the knowledge
definitions as “the state or quality of being dimension (factual, conceptual, procedural, and
adequately or well qualified”; “the ability metacognitive) from the cognitive process
to do something successfully or efficiently”; dimension (remember, understand, apply, ana-
“possession of required skill, knowledge, lyze, evaluate, and create), which does address
qualification, or capacity”; “a specific range one of the complaints of mathematics educators
of skill, knowledge, or ability”; and “the that the original taxonomy neglected content in
scope of a person’s or group’s knowledge or favor of process. But the revision nonetheless
ability.” Competence seems to possess a host of fails to address such criticisms as the isolation
near synonyms: ability, capability, cognizance, of objectives from any context, the low
effectuality, efficacy, efficiency, knowledge, placement of understanding in the hierarchy of
mastery, proficiency, skill, and talent – the list processes, and the failure to address important
goes on. mathematical processes such as representing,
Arriving at a common denotation across conjecturing, and proving.
different usages in social science is even more Whether organized as a taxonomy, with an
difficult. “There are many different theoretical explicit ordering of categories, or simply as an
approaches, but no single conceptual framework” arbitrary listing of topics, a competency frame-
(Weinert 2001, p. 46). Weinert identifies seven work for mathematics may include a breakdown
different ways that “competence has been defined, of the subject along with the mental processes
described, or interpreted theoretically” (p. 46). used to address the subject, or it may simply
C 86 Competency Frameworks in Mathematics Education

treat those processes alone, leaving the mathe- committee addressed the following question:
matical content unanalyzed. An example of the What does it mean to master mathematics?
former is the model of outcomes for secondary They identified eight competencies, which fell
school mathematics proposed by James Wilson into two groups. The first four address the ability
(cited by Tristán and Molgado 2006, p. 165). In to ask and answer questions in and with
that model, mathematical content is divided mathematics:
into number systems, algebra, and geometry; 1. Thinking mathematically
cognitive behaviors are divided into computa- 2. Posing and solving mathematical problems
tion, comprehension, application, and analysis; 3. Modeling mathematically
and affective behaviors are either interests and 4. Reasoning mathematically
attitudes or appreciation. Another example is The second four address the ability to deal
provided by the framework proposed for with and manage mathematical language and
the Third International Mathematics and Science tools:
Study (TIMSS; Robitaille et al., 1933, 5. Representing mathematical entities
Appendix A). The main content categories are 6. Handling mathematical symbols and
numbers; measurement; geometry (position, formalisms
visualization, and shape; symmetry, congruence, 7. Communicating in, with, and about mathematics
and similarity); proportionality; functions, rela- 8. Making use of aids and tools
tions, and equations; data representation, prob- Niss (2003) observes that each of these com-
ability, and statistics; elementary analysis; petencies has both an analytic and a productive
validation and structure; and other content side. The analytic side involves understanding
(informatics). The performance expectations are and examining the mathematics, whereas the
knowing, using routine procedures, investigating productive side involves carrying it out. Each
and problem solving, mathematical reasoning, competency can be developed and used only by
and communicating. dealing with specific subject matter, but the
Other competency frameworks, like that of choice of curriculum topics is not thereby deter-
Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy, do not treat different mined. The competencies, though specific to
aspects of mathematical content separately but mathematics, cut across the subject and can be
instead attend primarily to the mental processes addressed in multiple ways.
used to do mathematics, whether the results The KOM project also found it necessary to
of those processes are termed abilities, focus on mathematics as a discipline. The project
achievements, activities, behaviors, performances, committee identified three kinds of “overview
practices, proficiencies, or skills. Examples include and judgment” that students should develop
the five strands of mathematical proficiency iden- through their study of mathematics: its actual
tified by the Mathematics Learning Study of the application, its historical development, and its
US National Research Council – conceptual special nature. Like the competencies, these qual-
understanding, procedural fluency, strategic com- ities are both specific to mathematics and general
petence, adaptive reasoning, and productive dispo- in scope.
sition – and the five components of mathematical Niss (2003) observes that the competencies
problem-solving ability identified in the Singapore and the three kinds of overview and judgment
mathematics framework: concepts, skills, pro- can be used: (a) normatively, to set outcomes
cesses, attitudes, and metacognition (see Kilpatrick for school mathematics; (b) descriptively, to
2009, for details of these frameworks). characterize mathematics teaching and learning;
A final example of a competency framework and (c) metacognitively, to help teachers and
in mathematics is provided by the KOM students monitor and control what they are teach-
project (Niss 2003), which was charged with ing or learning. These three usages apply as well
spearheading the reform of mathematics in the to the other competency frameworks developed
Danish education system. The KOM project for mathematics.
Complexity in Mathematics Education 87 C
Regardless of whether a competency frame- Tristán A, Molgado D (2006) Compendio de taxonomı́as:
work is hierarchical and regardless of whether it Clasificaciones para los aprendizajes de los dominios
educativos [Compendium of taxonomies: classifica-
addresses topic areas in mathematics, its primary tions for learning in educational domains]. Instituto
use will be normative. Competency frameworks de Evaluación e Ingenierı́a Avanzada, San Luis Potosi
are designed to demonstrate to the user that learn- Weinert FE (2001) Concept of competence: a conceptual
ing mathematics is more than acquiring an array clarification. In: Rychen DS, Salganik LH (eds)
Defining and selecting key competencies. Hogrefe &
of facts and that doing mathematics is more than Huber, Seattle, pp 45–65
carrying out well-rehearsed procedures. School
mathematics is sometimes portrayed as a simple
contest between knowledge and skill. Compe-
tency frameworks attempt to shift that portrayal Complexity in Mathematics
to a more nuanced portrait of a field in which Education
a variety of competences need to be developed.
Brent Davis1 and Elaine Simmt2
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
Cross-References Faculty of Education, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada
▶ Bloom’s Taxonomy in Mathematics Education
▶ Competency Frameworks in Mathematics
Education Keywords
▶ Frameworks for Conceptualizing Mathematics
Teacher Knowledge Complexity science; Adaptive learning systems;
▶ International Comparative Studies in Collective knowledge-producing systems
Mathematics: An Overview

Over the past half century, “complex systems”
Anderson LW, Krathwohl DR (eds) (2001) A taxonomy perspectives have risen to prominence across
for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of
many academic domains in both the sciences and
Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives.
Longman, New York the humanities. Mathematics was among the orig-
Bloom BS (ed) (1956) Taxonomy of educational inating domains of complexity research. Education
objectives, handbook I: cognitive domain. McKay, has been a relative latecomer, and so perhaps not
New York
Kilpatrick J (1993) The chain and the arrow: from the
surprisingly, mathematics education researchers
history of mathematics assessment. In: Niss M (ed) have been leading the way in the field.
Investigations into assessment in mathematics There is no unified definition of complexity,
education: an ICME Study. Kluwer, Dordrecht, principally because formulations emerge from the
pp 31–46
study of specific phenomena. One thus finds quite
Kilpatrick J (2009) The mathematics teacher and
curriculum change. PNA: Rev Investig Didáct Mat focused definitions in such fields as mathematics
3:107–121 and software engineering, more indistinct mean-
Niss MA (2003) Mathematical competencies and the ings in chemistry and biology, and quite flexible
learning of mathematics: the Danish KOM project.
In: Gagatsis A, Papastavridis S (eds) Third Mediterra-
interpretations in the social sciences (cf. Mitchell
nean conference on mathematical education – Athens, 2009). Because mathematics education reaches
Hellas, 3-4-5 January 2003. Hellenic Mathematical across several domains, conceptions of complexity
Society, Athens, pp 116–124 within the field vary from the precise to the vague,
Robitaille DF, Schmidt WH, Raizen S, McKnight C,
Britton E, Nicol C (1993) Curriculum frameworks for
depending on how and where the notion is taken up.
mathematics and science. TIMSS Monograph No. 1. Diverse interpretations do collect around
Pacific Educational Press, Vancouver a few key qualities, however. In particular,
C 88 Complexity in Mathematics Education

complex systems adapt and are thus distinguish- another, it is impossible to study one of these
able from complicated, mechanical systems. phenomena without studying all of the others.
A complicated system is one that comprises This is a sensibility that has been well
many interacting components and whose global represented in the mathematics education research
character can be adequately described and literature for decades in the form of varied theories
predicted by applying laws of physics. of learning. Among others, radical constructivism,
A complex system comprises many interacting sociocultural theories of learning, embodied, and
agents – and those agents, in turn, may comprise critical theories can all be read as instances of
many interacting subagents – presenting the pos- complexity theories. That is, they all invoke
sibility of global behaviors that are rooted in but bodily metaphors, systemic concerns, evolutionary
that cannot be reduced to the actions or qualities dynamics, emergent possibility, and self-
of the constituting agents. In other words, maintaining properties.
a complex system is better described by using This is not to assert some manner of hidden
Darwinian principles than Newtonian ones. It is uniformity to the theories just mentioned. On the
thus that each complex phenomenon must be contrary, much of their value is to be found in their
studied in its own right. For each complex unity, diversity. As illustrated in Fig. 1, when learning
new laws emerge that cannot be anticipated phenomena of interest to mathematics educators
or explained strictly by reference to prior, are understood as nested systems, a range of theo-
subsequent, or similar systems. Popularly cited ries become necessary to grapple with the many
examples include anthills, economies, and brains, issues the field must address. Sophisticated and
which are more than the collected activities of effective mathematics pedagogies demand simi-
ants, consumers, and neurons. In brief, whereas larly sophisticated insights into the complex
the opposite of complicated is simple, opposites dynamics of knowing and learning. More signifi-
of complex include reducible and decomposable. cantly, perhaps, by introducing the time frames of
Hence, prominent efforts toward a coherent, meaningful systemic transformation into discus-
unified description of complexity revolve around sions of individual knowing and collective knowl-
such terms as emergent, noncompressible, edge, complexity not only enables but compels
self-organizing, context-sensitive, and adaptive. a consideration of the manners in which knowers
The balance of this discussion is organized and systems of knowledge are co-implicated
around four categories of usage within mathemat- (Davis and Simmt 2006).
ics education – namely, complexity as a theoretical
discourse, a historical discourse, a disciplinary dis- Complexity as a Historical Discourse
course, and a pragmatic discourse. School mathematics curricula are commonly
presented as a-historical and a-cultural. Contra
this perception, complexity research offers an
Characteristics instance of emergent mathematics that has arisen
and that is evolving in a readily perceptible
Complexity as a Theoretical Discourse time frame. As an example of what it describes –
Among educationists interested in complexity, a self-organizing, emergent coherence –
there is frequent resonance with the notions that complexity offers a site to study and interrogate
a complex system is one that knows (i.e., per- the nature of mathematics, interrupting assump-
ceives, acts, engages, and develops) and/or learns tions of fixed and received knowledge.
(adapts, evolves, maintains self-coherence, etc.). To elaborate, the study of complexity in math-
This interpretation reaches across many systems ematics reaches back the late nineteenth century
that are of interest among educators, including when Poincaré conjectured about the three-body
physiological, personal, social, institutional, problem in mechanics. Working qualitatively,
epistemological, cultural, and ecological sys- from intuition Poincaré recognized the problem
tems. Unfolding from and enfolding in one of thinking about complex systems with the
Complexity in Mathematics Education 89 C

Complexity in Mathematics Education, Fig. 1 Some of the nested complex systems of interest to mathematics

assumptions and mathematics of linearity conferences, and think tanks such as the Santa
(Bell 1937). The computational power of mathe- Fe Institute, a research center dedicated to all
matics was limited to the calculus of the time; matters of complexity science.
however, enabled by digital technologies of the In brief, the emergence of complexity as a field
second half of the twentieth century, such of study foregrounds that mathematics might be
problems became tractable and the investigation productively viewed as a humanity. More provoc-
of dynamical systems began to flourish. atively, the emergence of a mathematics of
With computers, experimental mathematics implicatedness and entanglement alongside the
was born, and the study of dynamical systems led rise of a more sophisticated understanding of
to new areas in mathematics. For the first time, it humanity’s relationship to the more-than-human
was easy and quick to consider the behavior of world might be taken as an indication of the
a function over time by computing thousands and ecological character of mathematics knowledge.
hundreds of thousands of iterations of the function.
Numerical results were readily converted into Complexity as a Disciplinary Discourse
graphical representations (the Lorenz attractor, A common criticism of contemporary grade school
Julia sets, bifurcation diagrams) which in turn mathematics curriculum is that little of its content
inspired a new generation of mathematicians, is reflective of mathematics developed after the
scientists, and human scientists to think differently sixteenth or seventeenth centuries, when publicly
about complex dynamical systems. funded and mandatory education spread across
The mid-twentieth century brought about Europe. A deeper criticism is that the mathematics
great insights into features of dynamical systems included in most preuniversity curricula is fitted
that had been overlooked. As mathematicians and to a particular worldview of cause-effect and
physical and computer scientists were exploring linear relationships. Both these concerns might be
dynamical systems (e.g., Smale, Prigogine, addressed by incorporating complexity-based
Lorenz, Holland), their work and the work of content into programs of study.
biologists began to intersect. Emerging out of Linear mathematics held sway at the time of the
that activity were interdisciplinary workshops, emergence of the modern school – that is, during
C 90 Complexity in Mathematics Education

the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions – because New curriculum in mathematics is emerging.
it lent itself to calculations that could be done by More profoundly, when, how, who, and where
hand. Put differently, linear mathematics was first we teach are also being impacted by the pres-
championed and taught for pragmatic reasons, not ence of complexity sensibilities in education
because it was seen to offer accurate depictions of because they are a means to nurture emergent
reality. Descartes, Newton, and their contempo- possibility.
raries were well aware of nonlinear phenomena.
However, because of the intractability of many Complexity as a Pragmatic Discourse
nonlinear calculations, when they arose they were To recap, complexity has emerged in education as
routinely replaced by linear approximations. As a set of mathematical tools for analyzing
textbooks omitted nonlinear accounts, generations phenomena, as a theoretical frame for interpreting
of students were exposed to over-simplified, line- activity of adaptive and emergent systems, as
arized versions of natural phenomena. Ultimately a new sensibility for orienting oneself to the
that exposure contributed to a resilient worldview world, and for considering the conditions for emer-
of a clockwork reality. However, the advent of gent possibilities leading to more productive,
powerful computing technologies over the past “intelligent” classrooms.
half century has helped to restore an appreciation In the last of these roles, complexity might be
of the relentless nonlinearity of the universe. That regarded as the pragmatic discourse – and of the
is, the power of digital technologies have not just applications of complexity discussed here, this one
opened up new vistas of calculation, they have may have the most potential for affecting school
triggered epistemic shifts as they contribute to mathematics by offering guidance for structuring
redefinitions of what counts as possible and what learning contexts. In particular, complexity offers
is expressible (Hoyles and Ness 2008, p. 89). direct advice for organizing classrooms to
With the ready access to similar technologies in support the individual-and-collective generation
most school classrooms within a culture of ubiqui- of insight – by, for example, nurturing the common
tous computation, some (e.g., Jacobson and experiences and other redundancies of learners
Wilensky 2006) have advocated for the inclusion while making space for specialist roles, varied
of such topics as computer-based modeling and interpretations, and other diversities. Another strat-
simulation languages, including networked collab- egy is to utilize digital technologies that offer
orative simulations (see Kaput Center for Research environments for (and systemic memories of)
and Innovation in STEM Education). In this vein, assembling interpretations, strategies, solutions,
complexity is understood as a digitally enabled, evaluations, and judgments.
modeling-based branch of mathematics, creating Mobile digital technologies have occasioned
space in secondary and tertiary education for new other kinds of learning opportunities that lend
themes such as recursive functions, fractal geome- themselves to both the sorts of analysis and the
try, and modeling of complex phenomena with sorts of advice afforded by complexity research.
mathematical tools such as iteration, cobwebbing, For example, within platforms such as wikis,
and phase diagrams. Others (e.g., English 2006; Twitter, and Facebook, students can organize
Lesh and Doerr 2003) have advocated for similarly along language and interest lines while they con-
themed content, but in a less calculation-dependent nect with and elaborate the contributions of their
format, arguing that the shift in sensibility from peers. In a more extreme frame, the emergence of
linearity to complexity is more important than the massive online open-learning courses (MOOCs)
development of the computational competencies represents an interesting new example of the
necessary for sophisticated modeling. In either impact a complexity sensibility can have in the
case, the imperative is to provide learners with educational context as they invite large numbers
access to the tools of complexity, along with of participants to engage with the thinking of
its affiliated domains of fractal geometry, chaos experts. It is not without irony that, within
theory, and dynamic modeling. a complexity frame, even the most denigrated of
Concept Development in Mathematics Education 91 C
teaching strategies – the large lecture – can serve Davis B, Simmt E (2006) Mathematics-for-teaching: an
as a critical part of a vibrant, knowledge- ongoing investigation of the mathematics that teachers
(need to) know. Educ Stud Math 61(3):293–319
producing system when coupled to connectivity, English L (2006) Mathematical modeling in the primary
playback, feedback, and other aspects of a digital school: children’s construction of a consumer guide.
environment. Educ Stud Math 62(3):303–329
As complexity becomes more prominent in Hoyles C, Noss R (2008) Next steps in implementing
Kaput’s research programme. Educ Stud Math
educational discourses and entrenches in the 68(2):85–94
infrastructure of “classrooms,” mathematics edu- Jacobson M, Wilensky U (2006) Complex systems in
cation can move from a culture of cooperation to education: scientific and educational importance and
one of collaboration, and that has entailments for research challenges for the learning sciences. J Learn
Sci 15(1):11–34
the outcomes of schooling – articulated in, e.g., Lesh R, Doerr H (eds) (2003) Beyond constructivism:
movements from generalist preparation to spe- models and modeling perspectives on mathematics
cialist expertise, from independent workers to problem solving learning and teaching. Lawrence
team-based workplaces, and from individual Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah
Mitchell M (2009) Complexity: a guided tour. Oxford
knowing to social action. University Press, Oxford, UK


▶ Activity Theory in Mathematics Education Concept Development in

▶ Calculus Teaching and Learning Mathematics Education
▶ Collaborative Learning in Mathematics
Education Shlomo Vinner
▶ Critical Mathematics Education Hebrew University of Jerusalem Science
▶ Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education Teaching Department, Faculty of Science,
▶ Enactivist Theories Jerusalem, Israel
▶ Functions Learning and Teaching
▶ Gender in Mathematics Education
▶ Information and Communication Technology Keywords
(ICT) Affordances in Mathematics Education
▶ Metaphors in Mathematics Education Notion; Concept; Concept formation in babies;
▶ Mathematical Modelling and Applications in Concrete object; Similarities; Generalization;
Education Ostensive definitions; Mathematical definitions;
▶ Mathematics Teacher Education Organization, Intuitive; Concept image; Concept definition;
Curriculum, and Outcomes Stereotypical examples; System 1 and system 2;
▶ Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education Pseudo-analytical; Pseudo-conceptual; Mathe-
▶ Theories of Learning Mathematics matical objects; Mathematical mind
▶ Types of Technology in Mathematics
▶ Zone of Proximal Development in Characteristics
Mathematics Education
Concept formation and development in general is
an extremely complicated topic in cognitive psy-
chology. There exists a huge literature about it,
References classical and current. Among the classical works
Bell ET (1937) Men of mathematics: the lives and
on it, one can mention for instance, Piaget and
achievements of the great mathematicians from Zeno Inhelder (1958) and Vygotsky (1986). However,
to Poincaré. Simon and Schuster, New York this issue is restricted to concept formation and
C 92 Concept Development in Mathematics Education

development in mathematics. Nevertheless, it is chairs presented to her or him in the past. The
suggested not to isolate mathematical concept second mechanism is the one which distinguishes
formation and development from concept forma- differences. The mind distinguishes that a certain
tion and development in general. object is not similar to the chairs which were
One terminological clarification should be presented to the baby in the past, and therefore,
made before the main discussion. When dealing the baby is not supposed to say “chair” when an
with concepts, very often, also the term “notion” object that is not a chair is presented to him or her
is involved. A notion is a lingual entity – a word, by the adult. Mistakes about the acquired concept
a word combination (written or pronounced); it might occur because of two reasons. An object,
can also be a symbol. A concept is the meaning which is not a chair (say a small table), appears to
associated in our mind with a notion. It is an idea the baby (or even to an adult) like a chair. In this
in our mind. Thus, a notion is a concept name. case, the object will be considered as an element
There might be concepts without names and for of the class of all chairs while, in fact, it is not an
sure there are meaningless notions, but discussing element of this class. The second reason for mis-
them requires subtleties which are absolutely takes is that an object that is really a chair will not
irrelevant to this context. In many discussions be identified as a chair because of its weird shape.
people do not bother to distinguish between Thus, an object which was supposed to be an
notions and concepts, and thus the word “notion” element of the class is excluded from it. More
becomes ambiguous. The ambiguity is easily examples of this type are the following:
resolved by the context. sometimes, babies consider dogs as cats and
As recommended above, it will be more useful vice versa. These are intelligent mistakes because
not to disconnect mathematical concept forma- there are some similarities between dogs and cats.
tion from concept formation in general, and They are both animals; sometimes they even have
therefore, let us start our discussion with an similar size (in the case of small dogs) and so on.
example of concept formation in babies. How The above process which leads, in our mind, to
do we teach them, for instance, the concept of the construction of the set of all possible objects
chair? The common practice is to point at various to which the concept name can be applied is
chairs in various contexts and to say “chair.” a kind of generalization. Thus, generalizations
Amazingly enough, after some repetitions, the are involved in the formation of any given
babies understand that the word “chair” is concept. Therefore, concepts can be considered
supposed to be related to chairs, which occur to as generalizations.
them in their daily experience, and when being The actions by means of which we try to teach
asked “what is this?” they understand that they children concepts of chair are called ostensive
are supposed to say “chair.” Later on, they will definitions. Of course, only narrow class of con-
imitate the entire ritual on their own initiative. cepts can be acquired by means of ostensive
They will point at chairs and say “chair.” I would definitions. Other concepts are acquired by
like to make a theoretical claim here by saying means of explanations which can be considered
that, seemingly, they have constructed in their at this stage as definitions. Among these concepts
mind the class of all possible chairs. Namely, I can point, for instance, at a forest, a school,
a concept is formed in their mind, and whenever work, hunger and so on. When I say definitions
a concrete object is presented to them, they will at this stage, I do not mean definitions which are
be able to decide whether it is a chair or not. Of similar, or even seemingly similar to rigorous
course, some mistakes can occur in that concept mathematical definitions. The only restriction
formation process. It is because in this process, on these definitions is that familiar concepts will
two cognitive mechanisms are involved. The first be used in order to explain a non-familiar
mechanism is the one that identifies similarities. concept. Otherwise, the explanation is useless.
The mind distinguishes that one particular chair (This restriction, by the way, holds also for
presented to the baby is similar to some particular mathematical definitions, where new concepts
Concept Development in Mathematics Education 93 C
are defined by means of previously defined from the natural intuitive mode of thinking
concepts or by primary concepts.) In definitions according to which the child’s intellectual
which we use in non-technical context in order to development takes place. The major problem is
teach concepts, we can use examples. For that mathematical thinking is shaped by rigorous
instance, in order to define furniture, we can rules, and in order to think mathematically, chil-
say: A chair is furniture, a bed is furniture, and dren, as well as adults, should be aware of these
tables, desks, and couches are furniture. rules while thinking in mathematical contexts. C
The description which was just given deals One crucial difficulty in mathematical thinking
with the primary stage of concept formation. is that mathematical concepts are strictly deter-
However, concept formation in ordinary lan- mined by their definitions. In the course of their
guage is by far more complicated and very mathematical studies, children, quite often, are
often, contrary to the mathematical language, presented to mathematical notions with which
ends up in a vague notion. Take, for instance, they were familiar from their past experience.
again, the notion of furniture. The child, when For instance, in Kindergarten they are shown
facing an object which was not previously some geometrical figures such as squares and
introduced to him or to her as furniture, should rectangles. The adjacent sides of the rectangle
decide whether this object is furniture or not. He which are shown to the children in Kindergarten
or she may face difficulties doing it. Also adults have always different length. Thus, the set of
might have similar difficulties. This is only one all possible rectangles which is constructed in
example out of many which demonstrates the the child’s mind includes only rectangles, the
complexity of concept formation in the child’s adjacent sides of which have different length. In
mind as well as in the adult’s mind. There are the third grade, in many countries, a definition
even greater complexities when concept of a rectangle is presented to the child. It is
formation of abstract nouns, adjectives, verbs, a quadrangle which has 4 right angles. According
and adverbs is involved. Nevertheless, despite to this definition, a square is also a rectangle.
that complexity, the majority of children acquire Thus, a conflict may be formed in the child’s
language at an impressive level by the age of six mind between the suggested definition and the
(an elementary level is acquired already at the age concept he or she already has about rectangles.
of three). The cognitive processes associated with The concept the child has in mind was formed by
the child’s acquisition of language are discussed the set of examples and the properties of these
in details in cognitive psychology, linguistics, and examples which were presented to the child. It
philosophy of language. One illuminating source was suggested (Vinner 1983) to call it the concept
which is relevant to this issue is Quine’s (1964) image of that notion. Thus, in the above case of
“Word and object.” However, a detailed the rectangle, there is a conflict between the
discussion of these processes is not within the concept image and the concept definition. On
scope of this issue. the other hand, quite often some concepts are
In addition to the language acquisition, the introduced to the learner by means of formal
child acquires also broad knowledge about the definitions. For instance, an altitude in a triangle.
world. He or she knows that when it rains, it is However, a formal definition, generally, remains
cloudy, they know that dogs bark and so on and meaningless unless it is associated with some
so forth. In short, they know infinitely many examples. The examples can be given by
other facts about their environment. And again, a teacher or by a textbook, or they can be formed
it is obtained in a miraculous way, smoothly by the learners themselves. The first examples
without any apparent difficulties. Things, how- which are associated with the concept have
ever, become awkward when it gets to mathemat- a crucial impact on the concept image. Unfortu-
ics. One possible reason for things becoming nately, quite often, in mathematical thinking,
awkward in mathematics is that, in many cases, when a task is given to students, in order to
mathematical thinking is essentially different carry it out, they consult their concept image
C 94 Concept Development in Mathematics Education

and forget to consult the concept definition. It the correspondence which assigns to every living
turns out that, in many cases, there are critical creature its mother), even then, the stereotypical
examples which shape the concept image. In concept image of a function is that of an algebraic
some cases, these are the first examples which formula, as claimed above.
are introduced to the learner. For instance, in the A plausible explanation to these phenomena
case of the altitude (a segment which is drawn can be given in terms of the psychological theory
from one vertex or the triangle and it is perpen- about system 1 and system 2. Psychologists,
dicular to the opposite side of this vertex or to nowadays, speak about two cognitive systems
its continuation), it is pedagogically reasonable which they call system 1 and system 2. It sounds
to give examples of altitudes in acute angle as if there are different parts in our brain which
triangles. Later on, in order to form the appropri- produce different kinds of thinking. However,
ate concept image of an altitude, the teacher, as this interpretation is wrong. The correct way to
well as the textbook, should give examples of look at system 1 and system 2 is to consider them
altitudes from vertices of acute angles in an as thinking modes. This is summarized very
obtuse angle triangle. However, before this clearly in Stanovich (1999, p. 145). System 1 is
stage of the teaching takes place, the concept characterized there by the following adjectives:
image of the altitude was shaped by the stereo- associative, tacit, implicit, inflexible, relatively
typical examples of altitudes in an acute angle fast, holistic, and automatic. System 2 is
triangle (sometimes, even by the stereotypical characterized by: analytical, explicit, rational,
examples of altitudes which are perpendicular to controlled, and relatively slow. Thus, notions
a horizontal side of a triangle). Thus, when the that were used by mathematics educators in the
learners face a geometrical problem about past can be related now to system 1 or system 2,
altitudes which do not meet the stereotypes in and therefore this terminology is richer than the
their concept image, they are stuck. It does not previously suggested notions. Fischbein (1987)
occur to them to consult the concept definition of spoke about intuition and this can be considered
the altitude, and if it does occur, they usually as system 1. Skemp (1979) spoke about two
recall the first part of the definition (“a segment systems which he called delta one and delta two.
which is drawn from one vertex or the triangle They can be considered as intuitive and reflective
and it is perpendicular to the opposite side of or using the new terminology, system 1 and
this vertex”) and forget the additional phrase in system 2, respectively. Vinner (1997) used the
the definition (“or to its continuation”). Two notions pseudo-analytical and pseudo-conceptual
additional examples of this kind are the follow- which can be considered as system 1.
ing: (1) At the junior high level, in geometry, In mathematical contexts the required think-
when a quadrangle is defined as a particular ing mode is that of system 2. This requirement
case of a polygon (a quadrangle is a polygon presents some serious difficulties to many peo-
which has 4 sides), the learners have difficulties ple (children and adults) since, most of the
to accept a concave quadrangle or a quadrangle time, thought processes are carried out within
that intersects itself as quadrangles. (2) At the system 1. Also, in many people, because of
high school level, when a formal definition of a various reasons, system 2 has not been devel-
function is given to the students, eventually, the oped to the extent which is required for math-
stereotypical concept image of a function is that ematical thinking in particular and for rational
of an algebraic formula. A common formal def- thinking in general. Nevertheless, in many
inition of a function can be the following one: contexts, learners succeed in carrying out
a correspondence between two non-empty sets mathematical tasks which are presented to
which assigns to every element in the first set them by using system 1. This fact does not
(the domain) exactly one element in the second encourage them to become aware of the
set (the range). Even if some non-mathematical need to use system 2 while carrying out
examples are given to the students (for instance, mathematical tasks.
Concept Development in Mathematics Education 95 C
When discussing concept development in (Peano’s Arithmetic, Euclidean Geometry,
mathematical thinking, it is worthwhile to Set Theory, Group Theory, etc.). Also, in
mention also some concepts which can be more advanced mathematical thinking, we con-
classified as metacognitive concepts. Such ceive mathematical objects (numbers, functions,
concepts are algorithm, heuristics, and proof. geometrical figures in Euclidean geometry, etc.)
While studying mathematics, the learners face as abstract objects. All these require thought
many situations in which they or their teachers processes within system 2. However, it should C
use algorithms, heuristics, and proof. However, be emphasized that all the above concept devel-
usually, the notions “algorithm” and “heuristics” opments do not occur simultaneously. They
are not introduced to the learners in their school also do not occur in all students who study
mathematics. Some of them will be exposed to mathematics. One should take many mathematics
them in college, in case they choose to take courses and solve a lot of mathematical problems
certain advanced mathematics courses. As to the in order to achieve that level. Those who do it
notion of proof, in spite of the fact that this notion should have special interest in mathematics or
is mentioned a lot in school mathematics (espe- what can be called mathematical curiosity. It
cially in geometry), the majority of students do not requires, what some people call, a mathematical
fully understand it. Many of them try to identify mind. Is it genetic (Devlin 2000) or
mathematical proof by its superficial characteris- acquired? At this point we have reached
tics. They do it without understanding the logical a huge domain of psychological research
reasoning associated with these characteristics. A which is far beyond the scope of this particular
meaningless use of symbols and verbal expres- encyclopedic issue.
sions as “therefore,” “it follows,” and “if. . . then”
is considered by many students as a mathematical
proof (See for instance Healy and Hoyles 1998). It Cross-References
turns out that it takes a lot of mathematical expe-
rience until meaningless verbal rituals (as in the ▶ Abstraction in Mathematics Education
case of the baby acquiring the concept of chair) ▶ Concept Development in Mathematics
become meaningful thought processes. And how Education
do we know that the learners use the above verbal ▶ Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education
expressions meaningfully? We assume so because ▶ Intuition in Mathematics Education
their use of these expressions is in absolute ▶ Mathematical Proof, Argumentation, and
agreement with the way we, mathematicians and Reasoning
mathematics educators, use them. ▶ Metacognition
Another important aspect of mathematical ▶ Problem Solving in Mathematics Education
concept development is the understanding that ▶ Theories of Learning Mathematics
certain mathematical concepts are related to ▶ Values in Mathematics Education
each other. Here comes the idea of structure. ▶ Zone of Proximal Development in
For instance, from triangles, quadrangles, Mathematics Education
pentagons, and hexagons, we reach the concept
of a polygon. From the general concept of quad-
rangles, we approach to trapezoids, parallelo-
grams, rhombus, rectangles, and squares, and
we realize there all kinds of class inclusions. Devlin K (2000) The math gene. Basic Books, New York
Thus, we distinguish partial order in the set of Fischbein E (1987) Intuition in science and mathematics –
mathematical concepts. Finally, and this is an educational approach. Reidel Publishing Company,
perhaps the ultimate stage of mathematical con-
Healy L, Hoyles C (1998) Justifying and proving in school
cept development, we conceive mathematics as mathematics. Technical report, University of London,
a collection of various deductive structures Institute of Education
C 96 Constructivism in Mathematics Education

Piaget J, Inhelder B (1958) The growth of logical thinking (some people say individual or psychological)
from childhood to adolescence. Basic Books, and social constructivism. Within each there is
New York
Quine WVO (1964) Word and object. The MIT Press, also a range of positions. While radical and social
Cambridge, MA constructivism will be discussed in a later sec-
Skemp R (1979) Intelligence, learning and action: tion, it should be noted that both schools are
a foundation for theory and practice in education. grounded in a strong skeptical stance regarding
Wiley, Chichester, W. Sussex
Stanovich KE (1999) Who is rational. Lawrence Erlbaum reality and truth: Knowledge cannot be thought of
Associates, Mahwah as a copy of an external reality, and claims of
Vinner S (1983) Concept definition, concept image and truth cannot be grounded in claims about reality.
the notion of function. Int J Math Educ Sci Technol The justification of this stance toward
Vinner S (1997) The pseudo-conceptual and the pseudo- knowledge, truth, and reality, first voiced by the
analytical thought processes in mathematics learning. skeptics of ancient Greece, is that to verify that
Educ Stud Math 34:97–129 one’s knowledge is correct, or that what one
Vygotsky L (1986) Thought and language (English knows is true, one would need access to reality
translation). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
by means other than one’s knowledge of it. The
importance of this skeptical stance for mathemat-
ics educators is to remind them that students have
their own mathematical realities that teachers and
Constructivism in Mathematics researchers can understand only via models of
Education them (Steffe et al. 1983, 1988).
Constructivism did not begin within
Patrick W. Thompson mathematics education. Its allure to mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, educators is rooted in their long evolving rejection
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA of Thorndike’s associationism (Thorndike 1922;
Thorndike et al. 1923) and Skinner’s behaviorism
(Skinner 1972). Thorndike’s stance was that learn-
Keywords ing happens by forming associations between stim-
uli and appropriate responses. To design instruction
Epistemology; Social constructivism; Radical from Thorndike’s perspective meant to arrange
constructivism; Knowledge; Reality; Truth; proper stimuli in a proper order and have students
Objectivity respond appropriately to those stimuli repeatedly.
The behaviorist stance that mathematics educators
found most objectionable evolved from Skinner’s
Background claim that all human behavior is due to environ-
mental forces. From a behaviorist perspective, to
Constructivism is an epistemological stance say that children participate in their own learning,
regarding the nature of human knowledge, aside from being the recipient of instructional
having roots in the writings of Epicurus, actions, is nonsense. Skinner stated his position
Lucretius, Vico, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant. clearly:
Modern constructivism also contains traces of Science . . . has simply discovered and used subtle
pragmatism (Peirce, Baldwin, and Dewey). In forces which, acting upon a mechanism, give it the
mathematics education the greatest influences direction and apparent spontaneity which make it
seem alive. (Skinner 1972, p. 3)
are due to Piaget, Vygotsky, and von Glasersfeld.
See Confrey and Kazak (2006) and Steffe and Behaviorism’s influence on psychology, and
Kieren (1994) for related historical accounts of thereby its indirect influence on mathematics
constructivism in mathematics education. education, was also reflected in two stances that
There are two principle schools of thought were counter to mathematics educators’ growing
within constructivism: radical constructivism awareness of learning in classrooms. The first
Constructivism in Mathematics Education 97 C
stance was that children’s learning could be championed Piaget’s notions of schema, assimila-
studied in laboratory settings that have no resem- tion, accommodation, equilibration, and reflection
blance to environments in which learning as ways to conceptualize students’ mathematical
actually happens. The second stance was that thinking as having an internal coherence. Piaget’s
researchers could adopt the perspective of method of clinical interviews also was attractive to
a universal knower. This second stance was evi- researchers of students’ learning. However, until
dent in Simon and Newell’s highly influential 1974 mathematics educators were interested in C
information processing psychology, in which Piaget’s writings largely because they thought of
they separated a problem’s “task environment” his work as “developmental psychology” or “child
from the problem solver’s “problem space.” psychology,” with implications for children’s
We must distinguish, therefore, between the task learning. It was in 1974, at a conference at the
environment—the omniscient observer’s way of University of Georgia, that Piaget’s work was rec-
describing the actual problem “out there”— and ognized in mathematics education as a new field,
the problem space—the way a particular subject one that leveraged children’s cognitive development
represents the task in order to work on it. (Simon
and Newell 1971, p. 151) to study the growth of knowledge. Smock (1974)
wrote of constructivism’s implications for instruc-
Objections to this distinction were twofold: tion, not psychology’s implications for instruction.
Psychologists considered themselves to be Glasersfeld (1974) wrote of Piaget’s genetic epis-
Simon and Newell’s omniscient observers temology as a theory of knowledge, not as a theory
(having access to problems “out there”), and of cognitive development. The 1974 Georgia
students’ understandings of the problem were conference is the first occasion this writer could
reduced to a subset of an observer’s understand- find where “constructivism” was used to describe
ing. This stance among psychologists had the the epistemological stance toward mathematical
effect, in the eyes of mathematics educators, of knowing that characterizes constructivism in
blinding them to students’ ways of thinking that mathematics education today.
did not conform to psychologists’ preconceptions Acceptance of constructivism in mathematics
(Thompson 1982; Cobb 1987). Erlwanger (1973) education was not without controversy. Disputes
revealed vividly the negative consequences of sometimes emerged from competing visions
behaviorist approaches to mathematics education of desired student learning, such as students’
in his case study of a successful student in performance on accepted measures of compe-
a behaviorist individualized program who tency (Gagné 1977, 1983) versus attendance to
succeeded by inventing mathematically invalid the quality of students’ mathematics (Steffe and
rules to overcome inconsistencies between his Blake 1983), and others emerged from different
answers and an answer key. conceptions of teaching effectiveness (Brophy
The gradual release of mathematics education 1986; Confrey 1986). Additional objections
from the clutches of behaviorism, and infusions of to constructivism were in reaction to its funda-
insights from Polya’s writings on problem solving mental aversion to the idea of truth as
(Polya 1945, 1954, 1962), opened mathematics a correspondence between knowledge and reality
education to new ways of thinking about student (Kilpatrick 1987).
learning and the importance of student thinking.
Confrey and Kazak (2006) described the influence
of research on problem solving, misconceptions, Radical and Social Constructivism in
and conceptual development of mathematical ideas Mathematics Education
as precursors to the emergence of constructivism in
mathematics education. Radical constructivism is based on two tenets:
Piaget’s writings had a growing influence in “(1) Knowledge is not passively received but
mathematics education once English translations actively built up by the cognizing subject;
became available. In England, Skemp (1961, 1962) (2) the function of cognition is adaptive and
C 98 Constructivism in Mathematics Education

serves the organization of the experiential action.” This interpretation would fit nicely
world, not the discovery of ontological reality” with the finding that adults mimic infants’
(Glasersfeld 1989, p. 114). Glasersfeld’s use of speech abundantly (Fernald 1992; Schachner
“radical” is in the sense of fundamental – that and Hannon 2011). Glasersfeld and Piaget
cognition is “a constitutive activity which, might have thought that adults’ imitative speech
alone, is responsible for every type or kind acts, once children recognize them as imitations,
of structure an organism comes to know” provide occasions for children to have a sense
(Glasersfeld 1974, p. 10). that they can influence actions of others through
Social constructivism is the stance that history verbal behavior. This interpretation also would
and culture precede and preform individual fit well with Bauersfeld’s (1980, 1988, 1995)
knowledge. As Vygotsky famously stated, understanding of communication as a reflexive
“Every function in the child’s cultural develop- interchange among mutually oriented individ-
ment appears twice: first, on the social level, and uals: “The [conversation] is constituted at every
later, on the individual level; first between people moment through the interaction of reflective sub-
. . ., then inside the child” (Vygotsky 1978, p. 57). jects” (Bauersfeld 1980, p. 30 italics in original).
The difference between radical and social Paul Ernest (1991, 1994, 1998) introduced the
constructivism can be seen through contrasting term social constructivism to mathematics edu-
interpretations of the following event. Vygotsky cation, distinguishing between two forms of it.
(1978) illustrated his meaning of internalization – One form begins with a radical constructivist
“the internal reconstruction of an external perspective and then accounts for human interac-
operation” – by describing the development of tion in terms of mutual interpretation and adap-
pointing: tation (Bauersfeld 1980, 1988, 1992). Glasersfeld
(1995) considered this as just radical constructiv-
The child attempts to grasp an object placed
beyond his reach; his hands, stretched toward that ism. The other, building from Vygotsky’s notion
object, remain poised in the air. His fingers make of cultural regeneration, introduced the idea of
grasping movements. At this initial state pointing is mathematical objectivity as a social construct.
represented by the child’s movement, which seems
to be pointing to an object—that and nothing more. Social constructivism links subjective and objec-
When the mother comes to the child’s aid tive knowledge in a cycle in which each contributes
and realizes his movement indicates something, to the renewal of the other. In this cycle, the path
the situation changes fundamentally. Pointing followed by new mathematical knowledge is from
becomes a gesture for others. The child’s unsuc- subjective knowledge (the personal creation of an
cessful attempt engenders a reaction not from the individual), via publication to objective knowledge
object he seeks but from another person [sic]. (by intersubjective scrutiny, reformulation, and
Consequently, the primary meaning of that unsuc- acceptance). Objective knowledge is internalized
cessful grasping movement is established by others and reconstructed by individuals, during the learn-
[italics added]. (Vygotsky 1978, p. 56) ing of mathematics, to become the individuals’
subjective knowledge. Using this knowledge, indi-
Vygotsky clearly meant that meanings viduals create and publish new mathematical
originate in society and are transmitted via social knowledge, thereby completing the cycle.
interaction to children. Glasersfeld and Piaget (Ernest 1991, p. 43)
would have listened agreeably to Vygotsky’s Ernest focused on objectivity of adult mathe-
tale – until the last sentence. They instead matics. He did not address the matter of how
would have described the child as making children’s mathematics comes into being or how
a connection between his attempted grasping it might grow into something like an adult’s
action and someone fetching what he wanted. mathematics.
Had it been the pet dog bringing the desired Radical and social constructivists differ some-
item, it would have made little difference to the what in the theoretical work they ask of construc-
child in regard to the practical consequences of tivism. Radical constructivists concentrate on
his action. Rather, the child realized, in a sense, understanding learners’ mathematical realities and
“Look at what I can make others do with this the internal mechanisms by which they change.
Constructivism in Mathematics Education 99 C
They conceive, to varying degrees, of learners in discussions on the work that theories in mathe-
social settings, concentrating on the sense that matics education must do – they must contribute
learners make of them. They try to put themselves to our ability to improve the learning and teach-
in the learner’s place when analyzing an interaction. ing of mathematics. Cobb et al. first reminded
Social constructivists focus on social and cultural the field that, from any perspective, what
mathematical and pedagogical practices and attend happens in mathematics classrooms is important
to individuals’ internalization of them. They for students’ mathematical learning. Thus, C
conceive of learners in social settings, concentrat- a theoretical perspective that can capture more,
ing, to various degrees, on learners’ participation and more salient, aspects for mathematics learn-
in them. They take the stances, however, of an ing (including participating in practices) is the
observer of social interactions and that social more powerful theory. With a focus on the need
practices predate individuals’ participation. to understand, explain, and design events within
Conflicts between radical and social construc- classrooms, they recognized that there are indeed
tivism tend to come from two sources: (1) differ- social dimensions to mathematics learning and
ences in meanings of truth and objectivity and there are psychological aspects to participating
their sources and (2) misunderstandings and in practices and that researchers must be able to
miscommunications between people holding view classrooms from either perspective while
contrasting positions. The matter of (1) will be holding the other as an active background:
addressed below. Regarding (2), Lerman (1996) “[W]e have proposed the metaphor of mathemat-
claimed that radical constructivism was internally ics as an evolving social practice that is consti-
incoherent: How could radical constructivism tuted by, and does not exist apart from, the
explain agreement when persons evidently agree- constructive activities of individuals” (Cobb
ing create their own realities? Steffe and Thomp- et al. 1992, p. 28, italics added).
son (2000a) replied that interaction was at the core Cobb et al.’s perspective is entirely consistent
of Piaget’s genetic epistemology and thus the idea with theories of emergence in complex systems
of intersubjectivity was entirely coherent with rad- (Schelling 1978; Eppstein and Axtell 1996;
ical constructivism. The core of the misunderstand- Resnick 1997; Davis and Simmt 2003) when
ing was that Lerman on the one hand and Steffe and taken with Maturana’s statement that “anything
Thompson on the other had different meanings for said is said by an observer” (Maturana 1987).
“intersubjectivity.” Lerman meant “agreement of Practices, as stable patterns of social interaction,
meanings” – same or similar meanings. Steffe and exist in the eyes of an observer who sees them.
Thompson meant “nonconflicting mutual interpre- The theoretician who understands the behavior
tations,” which might actually entail nonagreement of a complex system as entailing simultaneously
of meanings of which the interacting individuals both microprocesses and macrobehavior is
are unaware. Thus, Lerman’s objection was valid better positioned to affect macrobehavior
relative to the meaning of intersubjectivity he pre- (by influencing microprocesses) than one who
sumed. Lerman on one side and Steffe and Thomp- sees just one or the other. It is important to note
son on the other were in a state of intersubjectivity that this notion of emergence is not the same as
(in the radical constructivist sense) even though Ernest’s notion of objectivity as described
they publicly disagreed. They each presumed they above.
understood what the other meant when in fact each
understanding of the other’s position was faulty.
Other tensions arose because of interlocutors’ Truth and Objectivity
different objectives. Some mathematics educa-
tors focused on understanding individual’s math- Radical constructivists take the strong position
ematical realities. Others focused on the social that children have mathematical realities
context of learning. Cobb, Yackel, and Wood that do not overlap an adult’s mathematics
(1992) diffused these tensions by refocusing (Steffe et al. 1983; Steffe and Thompson 2000).
C 100 Constructivism in Mathematics Education

Social constructivists (of Ernest’s second type) • Conceptual analysis of mathematical thinking
take this as pedagogical solipsism. and mathematical ideas is a prominent and
The implications of [radical constructivism] are widely used analytic tool (Smith et al. 1993;
that individual knowers can construct truth that Glasersfeld 1995; Behr et al. 1997; Thompson
needs no corroboration from outside of the knower, 2000; Lobato et al. 2012).
making possible any number of “truths.” Consider • What used to be thought of as practice is now
the pedagogical puzzles this creates. What is the
teacher trying to teach students if they are all busy conceived as repeated experience. Practice
constructing their own private worlds? What are focuses on repeated behavior. Repeated
the grounds for getting the world right? Why even experience focuses on repeated reasoning,
care whether these worlds agree? (Howe and Berv which can vary in principled ways from
2000, pp. 32–33)
setting to setting (Cooper 1991; Harel 2008a, b).
Howe and Berv made explicit the social con- • Constructivism has clear and operationalized
structivist stance that there is a “right” world to be implications for the design of instruction
got – the world of socially constructed meanings. (Confrey 1990; Simon 1995; Steffe and
They also revealed their unawareness that, from its D’Ambrosio 1995; Forman 1996; Thompson
very beginning, radical constructivism addressed 2002) and assessment (Carlson et al. 2010;
what “negotiation” could mean in its framework Kersting et al. 2012).
and how stable patterns of meaning could emerge
socially (Glasersfeld 1972, 1975, 1977). Howe and
Berv were also unaware of the notion of epistemic Cross-References
subject in radical constructivism – the mental con-
struction of a nonspecific person who has particular ▶ Constructivist Teaching Experiment
ways of thinking (Beth and Piaget 1966; Glasersfeld ▶ Misconceptions and Alternative Conceptions
1995). A teacher need not attend to 30 mathematical in Mathematics Education
realities with regard to teaching the meaning of ▶ Sociomathematical Norms in Mathematics
fractions in a class of 30 children. Rather, she need Education
only attend to perhaps 5 or 6 epistemic children and
listen for which fits the ways particular children
express themselves (Thompson 2000).

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• Teaching experiments (Cobb and Steffe 1983; Behr M, Khoury HA, Harel G, Post T, Lesh R (1997)
Cobb 2000; Steffe and Thompson 2000) and Conceptual units analysis of preservice elementary
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Br J Educ Psychol 31(1):44–55 Constructivist Teaching Experiment
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mathematics education. J Res Math Educ 25(6):
711–733 The constructivist is fully aware of the fact that an
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intersubjectivity? A reply to Lerman. J Res Math fancy-free. On the contrary, the process of
Educ 31(2):191–209 constructing is constantly curbed and held in
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elements. In: Lesh R, Kelly AE (eds) Research design
in mathematics and science education. Erlbaum, The constructivist teaching experiment emerged in
Mahwah, pp 267–307 the United States circa 1975 (Steffe et al. 1976) in
Constructivist Teaching Experiment 103 C
an attempt to understand children’s numerical Students’ mathematical concepts and opera-
thinking and how that thinking might change rather tions constitute first-order models, which are
than to rely on models that were developed outside models that students construct to organize, com-
of mathematics education for purposes other than prehend, and control their own experience
educating children (e.g., Piaget and Szeminska (Steffe et al. 1983, p. xvi). Through a process of
1952; McLellan and Dewey 1895; Brownell conceptual analysis (Glasersfeld 1995), teacher/
1928). The use of the constructivist teaching exper- researchers construct models of students’ C
iment in the United State was buttressed by ver- mathematical concepts and operations to explain
sions of the teaching experiment methodology that what students say and do. These second-order
were being used already by researchers in the models (Steffe et al. 1983, p. xvi) are called
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in the then mathematics of students and students’ first-order
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Wirszup and models are called simply students’ mathematics.
Kilpatrick 1975–1978). The work at the Academy While teacher/researchers may write about the
of Pedagogical Sciences provided academic schemes and operations that constitute these
respectability for what was then a major departure second-order models as if they are identical to
in the practice of research in mathematics educa- students’ mathematics, these constructs, in fact,
tion in the United States, not only in terms of are a construction of the researcher that only
research methods but more crucially in terms of references students’ mathematics. Conceptual
the research orientation of the methodology. analysis is based on the belief that mathematics
In El’konin’s (1967) assessment of Vygotsky’s is a product of the functioning of human
(1978) research, the essential function of intelligence (Piaget 1980), so the mathematics
a teaching experiment is the production of models of students is a legitimate mathematics to the
of student thinking and changes in it: extent that teacher/researchers can find rational
grounds to explain what students say and do.
Unfortunately, it is still rare to meet with the
interpretation of Vygotsky’s research as modeling, The overarching goal of the teacher/
rather than empirically studying, developmental researchers who use the methodology is to
processes. (El’konin 1967, p. 36) establish the mathematics of students as a con-
ceptual foundation of students’ mathematics edu-
Similarly, the primary purpose of constructivist
cation (Steffe and Wiegel 1992; Steffe 2012).
teaching experiments is to construct explanations
The mathematics of students opens the way to
of students’ mathematical concepts and operations
ground school mathematics in the history of
and changes in them. Without experiences of stu-
how it is generated by students in the context
dents’ mathematics afforded by teaching, there
of teaching. This way of regarding school
would be no basis for coming to understand the
mathematics casts it as a living subject rather
mathematical concepts and operations students
than as a subject of being (Steffe 2007).
construct or even for suspecting that these concepts
and operations may be distinctly different from
those of teacher/researchers. The necessity to attri-
Characteristics: The Elements of
bute mathematical concepts and operations to stu-
Constructivist Teaching Experiments
dents that are independent of those of teacher/
researchers has been captured by Ackermann
Teaching Episodes
(1995) in speaking of human relations:
A constructivist teaching experiment involves
In human relations, it is vital to attribute autonomy a sequence of teaching episodes (Hunting
to others and to things—to celebrate their existence 1983; Steffe 1983). A teaching episode includes a
independently from our current interaction with teacher/researcher, one or more students, a witness
them. This is true even if an attribution (of exis-
tence) is a mental construct. We can literally rob
of the teaching episodes, and a method of record-
others of their identity if we deny them an existence ing what transpires during the episodes. These
beyond our current interests (p. 343). records can be used in preparing subsequent
C 104 Constructivist Teaching Experiment

episodes as well as in conducting conceptual course of a teaching experiment as well.

analyses of teaching episodes either during or However, one does not embark on the intensive
after the experiment. work of a constructivist teaching experiment
without having initial research hypotheses to test.
Exploratory Teaching The research hypotheses one formulates prior
Any teacher/researcher who hasn’t conducted to a teaching experiment guide the initial selec-
a teaching experiment but who wishes to do so tion of the students and the teacher/researcher’s
should first engage in exploratory teaching overall general intentions. The teacher/researcher
(Steffe and Thompson 2000). It is important that does his or her best to set these initial hypotheses
the teacher/researcher becomes acquainted, at an aside during the course of the teaching episodes
experiential level, with students’ ways and means and focus on promoting the greatest progress
of operating in whatever domain of mathematical possible in all participating students. The
concepts and operations are of interest. In explor- intention of teacher/researcher is for the students
atory teaching, the teacher/researcher attempts to to test the research hypotheses by means of how
put aside his or her own concepts and operations they differentiate themselves in the trajectory of
and not insist that the students learn what he or teaching interactions (Steffe 1992; Steffe and
she knows (Norton and D’Ambrosio 2008). Tzur 1994). A teacher/researcher returns to the
Otherwise, the teacher/researcher might become initial research hypotheses retrospectively after
caught in what Stolzenberg (1984) called completing the teaching episodes. This method –
a “trap” – focusing on the mathematics the setting research hypotheses aside and focusing on
teacher/researcher takes as given instead of what actually happens in teaching episodes – is
focusing on exploring students’ ways and means basic in the ontogenetic justification of school
of operating. The teacher/researcher’s mathemat- mathematics.
ical concepts and operations can be orienting, but Generating and Testing Working Hypotheses.
they should not be regarded, initially at least, In addition to formulating and testing initial
as constituting what students should learn until research hypotheses, another modus operandi in
they are modified to include at least aspects of a teaching experiment is for a teacher/researcher
a mathematics of students (Steffe 1991a). to generate and test hypotheses during the teach-
ing episodes. Often, these hypotheses are con-
Meanings of “Experiment” ceived “on the fly,” a phrase Ackermann (1995)
Testing Initial Research Hypotheses. One goal used to describe how hypotheses are formulated
of exploratory teaching is to identify essential in clinical interviews. Frequently, they are for-
differences in students’ ways and means of oper- mulated between teaching episodes as well.
ating within the chosen context in order to estab- A teacher/researcher, through reviewing the
lish initial research hypotheses for the teaching records of one or more earlier teaching episodes,
experiment (Steffe et al. 1983). These differences may formulate hypotheses to be tested in the
are essential in establishing the constructivist next episode (Hackenberg 2010). In a teaching
teaching experiment as involving an “experi- episode, the students’ language and actions are
ment” in a scientific sense. The established a source of perturbation for the teacher/researcher.
differences can be used to place students in It is the job of the teacher/researcher to continually
experimental groups and the research hypothesis postulate possible meanings that lie behind stu-
is that the differences between the students in the dents’ language and actions. It is in this way that
different experimental groups would become students guide the teacher/researcher. The teacher/
quite large over the period of time the students researcher may have a set of hypotheses to test
participate in the experiment and that the students before a teaching episode and a sequence of situa-
within the groups would remain essentially alike tions planned to test the hypotheses. But because of
(Steffe and Cobb 1988). Considerable hypothesis students’ unanticipated ways and means of operat-
building and testing must happen during the ing as well as their unexpected mistakes, a teacher/
Constructivist Teaching Experiment 105 C
researcher may be forced to abandon these hypoth- The focus of the clinician [teacher] is to understand
eses while interacting with the students and to the originality of [the child’s] reasoning, to
describe its coherence, and to probe its robustness
create new hypotheses and situations on the or fragility in a variety of contexts. (p. 346)
spot (Norton 2008). The teacher/researchers also
might interpret the anticipated language and
actions of the students in ways that were unex- Meanings of Teaching in a Teaching
pected prior to teaching. These impromptu inter- Experiment C
pretations are insights that would be unlikely to
happen in the absence of direct, longitudinal Learning how to interact with students through
interaction with the students in the context effective teaching actions is a central issue in any
of teaching interactions. Here, again, the teaching experiment (Steffe and Tzur 1994). If
teacher/researcher is obliged to formulate new teacher/researchers knew ahead of time how to
hypotheses and to formulate situations of learn- interact with the selected students and what the
ing to test them (Tzur 1999). outcomes of those interactions might be, there
would be little reason for conducting a teaching
experiment (Steffe and Cobb 1983). There are
Living, Experiential Models of Students’ essentially two types of interaction engaged in by
Mathematics teacher/researchers in a teaching experiment:
responsive and intuitive interactions and analytical
Through generating and testing hypotheses, interactions.
boundaries of the students’ ways and means of
operating – where the students make what to Responsive and Intuitive Interaction
a teacher/researcher are essential mistakes – can In responsive and intuitive interactions, teacher/
be formulated (Steffe and Thompson 2000). researchers are usually not explicitly aware of how
These essential mistakes are of the same nature or why they interact as they do. In this role, teacher/
as those Piaget found in his studies of children, researchers are agents of interaction and they strive
and a teacher/researcher uses them for essentially to harmonize themselves with the students with
the same purpose he did. They are observable whom they are working to the extent that they
when students fail to make viable adaptations “lose” themselves in their interactions. They make
when interacting in a medium. Operations and no intentional distinctions between their knowledge
meanings a teacher/researcher imputes to stu- and the students’ knowledge, and, experientially,
dents constitute what are called living, experien- everything is the students’ knowledge as they strive
tial models of students’ mathematics. Essential to feel at one with them. In essence, they become the
mistakes can be thought of as illuminating students and attempt to think as they do (Thompson
the boundaries of what kinds of adaptations 1982, 1991; van Manen 1991). Teacher/researchers
a living, experiential model can currently make do not adopt this stance at the beginning of
in these operations and meanings. These bound- a teaching experiment only. Rather, they maintain
aries are usually fuzzy, and what might be placed it throughout the experiment whenever appropriate.
just inside or just outside them is always a source By interacting with students in a responsive and an
of tension and often leads to creative efforts on intuitive way, the goal of teacher/researchers is to
the part of a teacher/researcher. What students engage the students in supportive, nonevaluative
can do is understood better if what they cannot mathematical interactivity.
do is also understood. It also helps to understand
what a student can do if it is understand what Analytical Interaction
other students, whose knowledge is judged to be When teacher/researchers turn to analytical inter-
at a higher or lower level, can do (Steffe and action, they “step out” of their role in responsive/
Olive 2010). In this, we are in accordance intuitive interaction and become observers as well.
with Ackermann (1995) that: As first-order observers, teacher/researchers focus
C 106 Constructivist Teaching Experiment

on analyzing students’ thinking in ongoing inter- When this happens, the observer may help
action (Steffe and Wiegel 1996). All of the teacher/ a teacher/researcher both to understand the student
researchers’ attention and energy is absorbed in and to posit further interaction. There are also
trying to think like the students and produce and occasions when the observer might make an inter-
then experience mathematical realities that are pretation of a student’s actions that is different
intersubjective with theirs. The teacher/researchers from that of a teacher/researcher for any one of
probes and teaching actions are not to foment several reasons. For example, the observer might
adaptation in the students but in themselves. catch important elements of a student’s actions that
When investigating student learning, teacher/ apparently are missed by a teacher/researcher. In
researchers become second-order observers, any case, the witness should suggest but not
which Maturana (1978) explained as “the demand specific teaching interventions.
observer’s ability . . . to operate as external to
the situation in which he or she is, and thus be
an observer of his or her circumstance as an Retrospective Conceptual Analysis
observer” (p. 61). As second-order observers,
teacher/researchers focus on the accommoda- Conceptual analysis is intensified during the
tions they might engender in the students’ ways period of retrospective analysis of the public
and means of operating (Steffe 1991b). They records of the teaching episodes, which is
become aware of how they interact and of the a critical part of the methodology. Through
consequences of interacting in a particular way. analyzing the corpus of video records, the
Assuming the role of a second-order observer is teacher/researchers conduct a historical analysis
essential in investigating student learning in of the living, experiential models of students’
a way that explicitly as well as implicitly takes mathematics throughout the period of time the
into account the mathematical knowledge of the teaching episodes were conducted. The activity
teacher/researchers as well as the knowledge of of model building that was present throughout the
the students (Steffe and Wiegel 1996). teaching episodes is foregrounded, and concepts
in the core of a constructivist research program
The Role of a Witness of the Teaching like assimilation, accommodation, scheme (von
Episodes Glasersfeld 1981), cognitive and mathematical
A teacher/researcher should expect to encounter play, communication, spontaneous development
students operating in unanticipated and apparently (Piaget 1964), interaction (von Foerster 1984),
novel ways as well as their making unexpected mental operation (von Glasersfeld 1987), and
mistakes and becoming unable to operate. In self-regulation emerge in the form of specific
these cases, it is often helpful to be able to appeal and concrete explanations of students’ mathemat-
to an observer of a teaching episode for an alterna- ical activity. In this regard, the modeling process
tive interpretation of events. Being immersed in in which we engage is compatible with how
interaction, a teacher/researcher may not be able Maturana (1978) regards scientific explanation:
to act as a second-order observer and step out of the As scientists, we want to provide explanations for
interaction, reflect on it, and take further action on the phenomena we observe. That is, we want to
that basis. In order to do so, a teacher/researcher propose conceptual or concrete systems that can be
would have to “be” in the interaction and outside of deemed intentionally isomorphic to the systems
that generate the observed phenomena. (p. 29)
it, which can be difficult. It is quite impossible to
achieve this if there are no conceptual elements However, in the case of a teaching experiment,
available to the teacher/researcher from past teach- we seek models that fit within our living, experien-
ing experiments that can be used in interpreting tial models of students’ mathematics without
the current situation. The result is that teacher/ claiming isomorphism because we have no access
researchers usually react to surprising behavior by to students’ mathematical realities outside of our
switching to a more intuitive mode of interaction. own ways and means of operating when bringing
Constructivist Teaching Experiment 107 C
the students’ mathematics forth. So, we cannot Appendix: Example Studies Using
get outside our observations to check if our Teaching Experiment Methodology
conceptual constructs are isomorphic to stu-
dents’ mathematics. But we can and do establish Battista MT (1999) Fifth graders’ enumeration of
viable ways and means of thinking that fit within cubes in 3D arrays: conceptual progress in an
the experiential constraints that we established inquiry-based classroom. J Res Math Educ
when interacting with the students in teaching 30(4):417–448 C
episodes (Steffe 1988, 1994; Norton and Cobb P (1995) Mathematics learning and small
Wilkins 2010). group interactions: four case studies. In: Cobb
Since the time of its emergence, the construc- P, Bauersfeld H (eds) Emergence of mathemat-
tivist teaching experiment has been widely used ical meaning: interaction in classroom cultures.
in investigations of students’ mathematics as well Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale,
as in investigations of mathematics teaching pp 25–129
(cf. Appendix for sample studies). It has also Cobb P (1996) Constructivism and activity the-
been adapted to fit within related research pro- ory: a consideration of their similarities and
grams (e.g., Cobb 2000; Confrey and Lachance differences as they relate to mathematics
2000; Simon et al. 2010). education. In: Mansfield H, Patemen N,
Bednarz N (eds) Mathematics for tomorrow’s
young children: international perspectives on
Acknowledgment We would like to thank Dr. Anderson
curriculum. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 10–56
Norton for his insightful comments on an earlier version of
this paper. Castillo-Garsow C (2010) Teaching the Verhulst
model: a teaching experiment in covariational
reasoning and exponential growth. Unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, School of Mathematical and
Cross-References Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University
Confrey J (1994) Splitting, similarity, and rate of
▶ Constructivism in Mathematics Education change: a new approach to multiplication and
▶ Discourse Analytic Approaches in exponential functions. In: Harel G, Confrey
Mathematics Education J (eds) The development of multiplicative rea-
▶ Early Algebra Teaching and Learning soning in the learning of mathematics. State Uni-
▶ Elkonin and Davydov Curriculum in versity of New York Press, Albany, pp 291–330
Mathematics Education Hunting RP (1980) The role of discrete quantity
▶ Hypothetical Learning Trajectories in partition knowledge in the child’s construction
Mathematics Education of fractional number. Doctoral dissertation.
▶ Interactionist and Ethnomethodological Available from ProQuest Dissertations and
Approaches in Mathematics Education Theses database (Order No. 8107919)
▶ Learner-Centered Teaching in Mathematics Liu Y (2005) A theoretical framework for
Education understanding teachers’ personal and pedagog-
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C 108 Constructivist Teaching Experiment

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C 110 Creativity in Mathematics Education

mathematical creativity implies mathematical our perception of the world. Feldman,

giftedness, but the reverse is not necessarily true Cziksentmihalyi, and Gardner (1994) writes:
(Sriraman 2005). Usiskin’s (2000) eight tiered “the achievement of something remarkable and
hierarchy of creativity and giftedness in mathe- new, something which transforms and changes
matics further shed some light of this view of the a field of endeavor in a significant way . . . the
relationship between creativity and giftedness in kinds of things that people do that change the
professional mathematics. In his model, mathe- world.” Ordinary, or everyday, creativity is
matically gifted individuals such as professional, more relevant in a regular school setting.
working mathematicians are at level five, while Feldhusen (2006) describes little c as: “Wherever
creative mathematicians are at level six and there is a need to make, create, imagine, produce,
seven. However, the relationship between gifted- or design anew what did not exist before – to
ness and creativity has been the subject of much innovate – there is adaptive or creative behavior,
controversy (Leikin 2008; Sternberg and O’Hara sometimes called ‘small c.” Investigation into the
1999) as some see creativity as part of an overall concept of creativity also distinguishes between
concept of giftedness (Renzulli 1986). In this creativity as either domain specific or domain
entry the relationship between mathematical general (Kaufman and Beghetto 2009).
creativity and giftedness and ability will be Whether or not creativity is domain specific or
looked at through a synthesis of some recent domain general, or if you look at ordinary or
articles published in ZDM. First, the concepts of extraordinary creativity, most definitions of
giftedness, ability, and creativity will be creativity include some aspect of usefulness and
discussed. Second, common themes from the novelty (Sternberg 1999; Plucker and Beghetto
three articles will be synthesized that capture 2004; Mayer 1999). What is useful and novel
the main ideas in the studies. Lastly, the synthesis depends on the context of the creative process
will be situated into the more generally framed of an individual. The criteria for useful and
research in psychology. novel in professional arts would differ signifi-
cantly from what is deemed useful and novel in
a mathematics class in lower secondary school.
Theory There is therefore a factor of relativeness to cre-
ativity. For a professional artist, some new,
Creativity groundbreaking technique, product, or process
One of the main challenges in investigating math- that changes his or her field in some significant
ematical creativity is the lack of a clear and way would be creative, but for a mathematics
accepted definition of the term mathematical student in lower secondary school, an unusual
creativity and creativity itself. Previous examina- solution to a problem could be creative. Mathe-
tions of the literature have concluded that there is matical creativity in a K-12 setting can as such be
no universally accepted definition of either crea- defined as the process that results in a novel solu-
tivity or mathematical creativity (Sriraman 2005; tion or idea to a mathematical problem or the
Mann 2005). Treffinger et al. (2002) write, for formulation of new questions (Sriraman 2005).
instance, that there are more than 100 contempo-
rary definitions of mathematical creativity. Giftedness
Nevertheless, there are certain parameters agreed For decades giftedness was equated with concept
upon in the literature that helps narrow down of intelligence or IQ (Renzulli 2005; Brown et al.
the concept of creativity. Most investigations of 2005; Coleman and Cross 2005). Terman (1925)
creativity take one of two directions: extraordi- claimed that gifted individuals are those who
nary creativity, known as big C, or everyday score at the top 1 % of the population on the
creativity, known as little c (Kaufman and Stanford-Binet test. This understanding of
Beghetto 2009). Extraordinary creativity refers giftedness has survived to this day in some
to exceptional knowledge or products that change conceptions. However, most researchers now
Creativity in Mathematics Education 111 C
view giftedness as a more multifaceted concept in classrooms, and Kim et al. (2003) state that
which intelligence is but one of several aspects traditional tests rarely identify mathematical
(Renzulli 2005). One example is Renzulli’s creativity. Hong and Aqui (2004) compared
(1986) three-ring model of giftedness. In an cognitive and motivational characteristics of
attempt to capture the many facets of giftedness, high school students who were academically
Renzulli presented giftedness as an interaction gifted in math, creatively talented in math, and
between above-average ability, creativity, and non-gifted. The authors found that the creatively C
task commitment. He went on to separate talented students used more cognitive strategies
giftedness into two categories: schoolhouse gift- than the academically gifted students. These
edness and creative productive giftedness. The findings indicate that mathematical ability and
former refers to the ease of acquiring knowledge mathematical attainment in a K-12 setting are
and taking standardized tests. The latter involves not necessarily synonymous.
creating new products and processes, which In the online, ability is
Renzulli thought was often overlooked in school defined as “the quality of being able to do some-
settings. Many researchers support this notion thing, especially the physical, mental, financial,
that creativity should be included in the concep- or legal power to accomplish something.” Attain-
tion of giftedness in any area (Miller 2012). ment is defined as “Something, such as an accom-
For this entry, giftedness will be looked at in plishment or achievement, that is attained.” The
the domain of mathematics, as Csikszentmihalyi key difference is that ability points to a potential
(2000) pointed out the field-dependent character to do something, while attainment refers to some-
of the concept of giftedness. Due to the lack of thing that has been accomplished. In the field of
a conceptual clarity regarding giftedness and the mathematics, mathematical ability then refers to
heterogeneity of the gifted population, both in the ability to do mathematics and not the ability
general and in mathematics, identification of to do well on mathematics attainment tests in
gifted students has varied (Kontoyianni et al. school. In order to de facto define mathematical
2011). Instead, prominent characteristics of ability, mathematics itself has to be defined. It is
giftedness in mathematics are found in the beyond the scope of this entry to discuss what
research literature. Krutetskii (1976) noted in mathematics itself is (for a K-12 setting, see,
his investigation of gifted students in mathemat- for instance, NCTM 2000 or Niss 1999), so
ics a number of characteristic features: ability for mathematical ability will simply be defined as
logical thought with respect to quantitative and the ability to do mathematics.
spatial relationships, number and letter symbols;
the ability for rapid and broad generalization of Conceptual Relationships
mathematical relations and operations, flexibility In some recent ZDM articles the concept of math-
of mental processes and mathematical memory. ematical creativity is linked to other concepts
Similar features of mathematical giftedness have through statistical and qualitative investigation.
been proposed by other researchers (see for In Kattou et al. (2013), the relationship
instance Sriraman 2005). between mathematical ability and mathematical
creativity was investigated quantitatively with
Ability the use of a mathematical ability test and
Often, mathematical ability has been seen as a mathematical creativity test. Data were col-
equivalent to mathematical attainment and to lected by administering the two tests to 359 ele-
some degree, there is some truth to that notion. mentary school students. The authors concluded,
There is a statistical relationship between using confirmatory factor analysis, that mathe-
academic attainment in mathematics and high matical creativity is a subcomponent of mathe-
mathematical ability (Benbow and Arjmand matical ability. Mathematical ability was
1990). However, Ching (1997) discovered that measured by 29 items in the following categories:
hidden talent go largely unnoticed in typical quantitative ability, causal ability, spatial ability,
C 112 Creativity in Mathematics Education

qualitative ability, and inductive/deductive beliefs as a possible explanation for the observed
ability. The operationalization of mathematical inconsistencies. Teacher-directed conceptions of
ability was based on the assumption that mathe- creativity are associated with surface beliefs and
matical ability is a multidimensional construct student-directed conceptions of creativity are
and Krutetskii’s (1976) classification of gifted- associated with deep beliefs. The authors go on
ness in mathematics. Mathematical creativity to state that student-oriented conceptions of
was measured with five open-ended multiple creativity are more of a mathematical nature and
solution tasks that were assessed on the basis of this attention enables teachers to be more flexible
fluency, flexibility, and originality (Leikin 2007). during their lessons.
Pitta et al. (2013) investigated the relationship These three articles all focus on different char-
between mathematical creativity and cognitive acteristics of mathematical creativity. They do
styles. Mathematical creativity was measured sim- not explicitly investigate the relationship
ilarly to Kattou et al. (2013). A mathematical between giftedness, ability, and creativity. Nev-
creativity test consisting of five tasks was given ertheless, there are certain similarities that might
to 96 prospective primary school teachers and was be inferred on a more structural level, and the
assessed on the basis of fluency, flexibility, and studies add to our overall understanding of gift-
originality. Cognitive style was measured with the edness, creativity, and ability in mathematics.
Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire Certain cognitive styles, mathematical ability,
(OSIVQ) with respect to three styles: spatial, and types of beliefs are all found to predict and
object, and verbal. Using multiple regression, the have a relationship with mathematical creativity.
authors conclude that spatial and object styles Student-directed conception of mathematical
were significant predictors of mathematical creativity as a deep belief, spatial cognitive
creativity, while verbal style was not significant. style, and general mathematical ability are all
Spatial cognitive style was positively related to linked to mathematical creativity. As a concept,
mathematical creativity, while object cognitive mathematical creativity does not exist in
style was negatively related to mathematical crea- a vacuum. The literature synthesized in this
tivity. Furthermore, spatial cognitive style was entry suggests that certain features and factors
positively related to fluency, flexibility, and orig- are required for mathematical creativity to arise.
inality, while object cognitive style was negatively Although no explicit relationships between
related to originality and verbal cognitive style mathematical ability, cognitive styles, and beliefs
was negatively related to flexibility. are explored in the three studies, an underlying
Using an entirely different methodology, link may be inferred from them. Pitta et al. (2013)
Lev-Zamir and Leikin (2013) analyzed two point out that previous research has found that
teachers’ declarative conceptions about mathe- spatial cognitive style can be beneficial for phys-
matical creativity in teaching and conceptions- ics, mechanical engineering, and mathematics
in-action seen in their lessons. The authors write tasks (see, for instance, Kozhevnikov et al.
that while declarative statements about mathe- 2005). In Lev-Zamir and Leikin’s study (2013),
matical creativity in teaching may seem similar, the teacher with the deep student-directed con-
their conceptions-in-action could differ vastly. In ceptions of mathematical creativity had a much
the study, the two teachers used much of the same stronger mathematical background than the other
terminology when relating to originality and flex- teacher. Both spatial cognitive style and deep
ibility in teaching. However, there was a large student-directed conceptions of mathematical
gap between the teachers’ declarations and creativity are therefore conceivably connected
actions. One of the teachers displayed a lack of to mathematical ability and knowledge. Kattou
flexibility in the classroom, while the interaction et al. (2013) found a strong correlational relation-
between the other teacher and her students ship between mathematical ability and mathe-
displayed flexibility. The authors point out the matical creativity. If certain cognitive styles and
distinction between deep beliefs and surface types of beliefs are connected to mathematical
Creativity in Mathematics Education 113 C
ability, and mathematical ability is linked to distinguish individuals into different levels of
mathematical creativity, it stands to reason that mathematical creativity according to some other
mathematical ability, mathematical creativity, quality or ability.
certain cognitive styles, and types of beliefs are
all linked. Implications for Teaching
Although only one of the articles (Kattou et al.
Who Are Creative? 2013) makes explicit recommendations for math- C
Closely related to conceptual relationships ematics teaching, the implications of the three
between mathematical creativity and other con- articles are on some levels related. Kattou et al.
cepts is the question of “who are mathematically conclude that the encouragement of mathemati-
creative?” Can individuals be distinguished into cal creativity is important for further develop-
separate groups according to their mathematical ment of students’ mathematical ability. More
creativity, and what characterizes these groups? importantly, they write, teachers should not
Kattou et al. (2013) clustered students into three limit their teaching to spatial conception, arith-
subgroups: low, average, and high mathematical metic, and proper use of methods and operations.
ability. The high-ability students were also Teachers should recognize the importance of
highly creative students, the average-ability stu- creative thinking in the classroom. This is closely
dents had an average performance on the math- related to what Lev-Zamir and Leikin (2013)
ematical creativity test, while low-ability conclude. Teachers who hold a mathematically
students have a low creative potential in student-oriented conception of mathematical
mathematics. Pitta et al. (2013) classified the creativity were found to be more flexible during
prospective teachers as spatial visualizers, lessons and stimulate students’ mathematical
object visualizers, or verbalizers. The spatial creativity. In other words, with a student-oriented
visualizers scored higher on the mathematical conception of mathematical creativity, teachers
creativity test than both other groups. In the will to a greater degree be able to recognize and
third article examined here, the conceptions of encourage creative mathematical thinking during
creativity of only two teachers were investigated their lessons.
(Lev-Zamir and Leikin 2013). As such, it is The third article (Pitta et al. 2013) did not
difficult to generalize any finding. Nevertheless, make any explicit recommendations or implica-
the authors point out the different mathematical tions for teaching mathematics. However, as they
backgrounds of the two teachers and how the investigated prospective teachers’ mathematical
teacher with the stronger mathematical back- creativity, the results and conclusions may be
ground has deeper beliefs regarding mathemati- relevant for teaching when seen in a broader per-
cal creativity. spective. Pitta et al. found that spatial visualizers
All three studies, through different methodol- had a statistical significant higher creative
ogies, can be said to cluster individuals according performance than other teachers. The observed
to their level of mathematical creativity. As with differences were related to the different strategies
conceptual relationships, the findings of the employed by the spatial visualizers, object
three studies synthesized in this entry cannot be visualizers, and verbal visualizers. The spatial
unified explicitly. The three studies investigated visualizers employed more flexible and analytic
different aspects of mathematical creativity, strategies to tasks. This allowed them to be more
using different methodologies. Instead, the creative and provide more, different, and unique
findings have to be looked at from a more general solutions. In light of Lev-Zamir and Leikin
and systemic perspective. That means instead of (2013) and Kattou et al. (2013) conclusions, the
looking at what the specific characteristics of question becomes whether a flexible and analytic
mathematically creative individuals are, the approach to mathematics tasks translates into an
focus is that there are characteristics of mathe- analytic and flexible approach to mathematics
matically creative individuals. All three studies teaching. If that is the case, then flexible and
C 114 Creativity in Mathematics Education

creative teaching is also related to spatial cogni- classified as nonintellective requisites. Flexible
tive style. However, as Pitta et al. (2013) ask, it is teaching that stimulates mathematical creativity
unknown whether having a spatial cognitive style falls under the category of environmental sup-
is a result of experience or inborn abilities. They port. As such, the observations in the studies
go on to recommend further investigation to see if synthesized here are in many ways analogous
prospective teachers can be trained to use their to research into general creativity and
spatial visualization. It may lead to enhanced giftedness.
spatial imagery and consequently facilitate math- Similarly, the dynamic theory of giftedness
ematical creativity, possibly also in their mathe- (Babaeva 1999), which emphasizes the social
matics teaching. aspects of the development in giftedness, can
also provide a theoretical perspective on the
observations synthesized in this entry. This theory
Giftedness and Creativity in Psychology consists of three principles that explain the devel-
opment of giftedness: (a) an obstacle for positive
The research into the field of general creativity growth is introduced, (b) a process to overcome
focuses on four different variables: person, pro- the obstacle, and (c) alteration and incorporation
cess, product, and press. The person category of the experience (Miller 2012). Kattou et al.
highlights the internal cognitive characteristics (2013) point out how mathematical creativity
of individuals. The process category looks at the is essential for the growth of overall mathematical
internal process that takes place during a creative ability (or giftedness), while Lev-Zamir and
activity. Product focuses on the characteristics of Leikin (2013) show how challenging mathemati-
products thought to be creative. Last, the press cal problems and flexible teaching can help the
category explores the ways environmental factors development of mathematical creativity. Both
can influence creativity (Taylor 1988). The arti- studies show the dynamic aspect of mathematical
cles recently published in ZDM focused their creativity, in the sense that it evolves and is
research primarily into the person and press com- influenced by other external factors.
ponent of mathematical creativity. In other
words: what characterizes the mathematically
creative individual and how can mathematical Cross-References
creativity be developed in the classroom.
Mathematical creativity is linked to and ▶ Giftedness and High Ability in Mathematics
influenced by ability, beliefs, cognitive style,
and the classroom environment (Lev-Zamir and
Leikin 2013; Pitta et al. 2013; Kattou et al. 2013). References
These findings are analogous to much of the
research into general creativity and giftedness. Babaeva JD (1999) A dynamic approach to giftedness:
Theory and practice. High Ability Studies, 10(1):51–68
The star model of Abraham Tannenbaum (2003)
Benbow CP, Arjmand O (1990) Predictors of high
conceptualizes giftedness into five elements, academic achievement in mathematics and science
some of which are seen in the studies synthesized by mathematically talented students: a longitudinal
in this entry: (a) superior general intellect, (b) study. J Educ Psychol 82(3):430
Brown SW, Renzulli JS, Gubbins EJ, Siegle D, Zhang W,
distinctive special aptitudes, (c) nonintellective
Chen C (2005) Assumptions underlying the identifica-
requisites, (d) environmental supports, and (e) tion of gifted and talented students. Gifted Child
chance. Creativity is here included in the Q 49:68–79
nonintellective requisites. Mathematical ability Ching TP (1997) An experiment to discover mathematical
talent in a primary school in Kampong Air. ZDM
would be placed in the distinctive special apti- 29(3):94–96
tudes, as it portrays to domain specific abilities, Coleman LJ, Cross TL (2005) Being gifted in school,
while both beliefs and cognitive styles would be 2nd edn. Prufrock Press, Waco, TX
Creativity in Mathematics Education 115 C
Csikszentmihalyi M (2000) Becoming adult: how Mayer RE (1999) Fifty years of creativity research.
teenagers prepare for the world of work. Basic In: Sternberg RJ (ed) Handbook of creativity
Books, New York (pp. 449–460). Cambridge University Press, London
Feldman DH, Czikszentmihalyi M, Gardner H (1994) Miller AL (2012) Conceptualizations of creativity:
Changing the world: a framework for the study of comparing theories and models of giftedness. Roeper
creativity. Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Rev 34:94–103
Group National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000)
Feldhusen JF (2006) The role of the knowledge base in Principles and standards for school mathematics.
creative thinking. In: Kaufman JC, Baer J (eds) Reston, VA
Creativity and reason in cognitive development. Niss M (1999) Kompetencer og uddannelsesbeskrivelse.
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Hong E, Aqui Y (2004) Cognitive and motivational Pitta-Pantazi D, Sophocleous P, Christou C (2013)
characteristics of adolescents gifted in mathematics: Prospective primary school teachers’ mathematical
comparisons among students with different types of creativity and their cognitive styles. ZDM 45(2):
giftedness. Gifted Child Q 48:191–201 199–213
Kattou M, Kontoyianni K, Pitta-Pantazi, Christou C Plucker J, Beghetto R (2004) Why creativity is domain
(2013) Connecting mathematical creativity to mathe- general, why it looks domain specific, and why the
matical ability. ZDM 45(2):167–181 distinction does not matter. In: Sternberg RJ,
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the Four C Model of creativity. Rev Gen Psychol potential to realization (pp. 153–167). American Psy-
13:1–12 chological Association, Washington, DC
Kim H, Cho S, Ahn D (2003) Development of Renzulli JS (1986) The three-ring conception of gifted-
mathematical creative problem solving ability test ness: a developmental model for creative productivity.
for identification of gifted in math. Gifted Educ Int In: Sternberg RJ, Davidson J (eds) Conceptions of
18:164–174 giftedness. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Kontoyianni K, Kattou M, Pitta-Pantazi D, Christou C UK, pp 51–92
(2011) Unraveling mathematical giftedness. Proceed- Renzulli JS (2005) The three-ring conception of
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Spatial versus object visualizers: a new character- mathematical creativity synonyms? A theoretical anal-
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University of Connecticut) cally talented. J Second Gifted Educ 11:152–162
C 116 Critical Mathematics Education

grammar of instrumental reason. How could one

Critical Mathematics Education imagine any form of emancipatory interests being
associated to this subject?
Ole Skovsmose
Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg Steps into Critical Mathematics Education
University, Aalborg, DK, Denmark Although there were no well-defined theoretical
frameworks to draw on, there were from
the beginning of the 1970s many attempts in
Keywords formulating a critical mathematics education.
Let me mention some publications.
Mathematics education for social justice; Critical The book Elementarmathematik: Lernen f€ ur
mathematics education; Ethnomathematics; die Praxis (Elementary mathematics: Learning
Mathematics in action; Students’ foregrounds; for the praxis) by Peter Damerow, Ulla Elwitz,
Mathemacy; Landscapes of investigation; Christine Keitel, and J€urgen Zimmer from 1974
Mathematization; Dialogic teaching and learning was crucial for the development of critical
mathematics education in a German context.
In the article “Pl€adoyer f€ur einen problemor-
Definition ientierten Mathematikunterrich in emanzipa-
torisher Absicht” (“Plea for a problem-oriented
Critical mathematics education can be character- mathematics education with an emancipatory
ized in terms of concerns: to address social aim”) from 1975, Dieter Volk emphasized that
exclusion and suppression, to work for social it is possible to establish mathematics education
justice in whatever form possible, to try open as a critical education. The book Indlæring som
new possibilities for students, and to address social proces (Learning as a social process) by
critically mathematics in all its forms and Stieg Mellin-Olsen was published in 1977. It
application. provided an opening of the political dimension
of mathematics education, a dimension that
was further explored in Mellin-Olsen (1987).
Characteristics Indlæring som social proces was crucial for the
development of critical mathematics education in
Critical Education the Scandinavian context. An important
Inspired by the students’ movement, a New Left, overview of Mellin-Olsen’s work is found in
peace movements, feminism, antiracism, and Kirfel and Lindén (2010). Dieter Volk’s Kritische
critical education proliferated. A huge amount Stichwörter zum Mathematikunterricht (Critical
of literature became published, not least in notions for mathematics education) from 1979
Germany, and certainly the work of Paulo Freire provided a broad overview of what could be
was recognized as crucial for formulating radical called the first wave in critical mathematics
educational approaches. education. Soon after followed, in Danish,
However, critical education was far from Skovsmose (1980, 1981a, b).
expressing any interest in mathematics. In fact, Marilyn Frankenstein (1983) provided
with reference to the Frankfurt School, mathe- an important connection between critical
matics was considered almost an obstruction to approaches in mathematics education and the
critical education. Thus, Habermas, Marcuse, and outlook of Freire, and in doing so she was the
many others associated instrumental reason with, first in English to formulate a critical mathemat-
on the one hand, domination, and, on the other ics education (see also Frankenstein 1989).
hand, the rationality cultivated by natural science Around 1990, together with Arthur Powell
and mathematics. Mathematics appeared as the and several others, she formed the critical
Critical Mathematics Education 117 C
mathematics education group, emphasizing the form of mathematics: everyday mathematics,
importance of establishing a united concept of engineering mathematics, academic mathemat-
critique and mathematics (see Frankenstein ics, and ethnomathematics.
2012; Powell 2012). Skovsmose (1994) provided • Students. To a critical mathematics education,
an interpretation of critical mathematics it is important to consider students’ interests,
education and Skovsmose (2012) a historical expectations, hopes, aspirations, and motives.
perspective. Thus, Frankenstein (2012) emphasizes the C
Critical mathematics education developed importance of respecting student knowledge.
rapidly in different directions. As a consequence, The notion of students’ foregrounds has been
the very notion of critical mathematics education suggested in order to conceptualize students’
came to refer to a broad range of approaches, such perspectives and interests (see, for instance,
as mathematics education for social justice Skovsmose 2011). A foreground is defined
(see, for instance, Sriraman 2008; Penteado and through very many parameters having to do
Skovsmose 2009; Gutstein 2012), pedagogy of with economic conditions, social-economic
dialogue and conflict (Vithal 2003), responsive processes of inclusion and exclusion, cultural
mathematics education (Greer et al. 2009), and, values and traditions, public discourses, and
naturally, critical mathematics education. Many racism. However, a foreground is, as well,
ethnomathematical studies also link closely with defined through the person’s experiences
critical mathematics education (see, for instance, of possibilities and obstructions. It is a preoc-
D’Ambrosio 2006; Knijnik 1996; Powell and cupation of critical mathematics education to
Frankenstein 1997). acknowledge the variety of students’ fore-
grounds and to develop a mathematics educa-
Some Issues in Critical Mathematics tion that might provide new possibilities for
Education the students. The importance of recognizing
Critical mathematics education can be character- students’ interest has always been a concern of
ized in terms of concerns, and let me mention critical mathematics education.
some related to mathematics, students, teachers, • Teachers. As it is important to consider the
and society: students’ interests, it is important to consider
• Mathematics can be brought in action in the teachers’ interests and working conditions
technology, production, automatization, deci- as well. Taken more generally, educational sys-
sion making, management, economic transac- tems are structured by the most complex sets of
tion, daily routines, information procession, regulations, traditions, and restrictions, which
communication, security procedures, etc. In one can refer to as the “logic of schooling.”
fact, mathematics in action plays a part in all This “logic” reflects (if not represents) the eco-
spheres of life. It is a concern of a critical math- nomic order of today, and to a certain degree it
ematics education to address mathematics in its determines what can take place in the classroom.
very many different forms of applications and It forms the teachers’ working conditions. It
practices. There are no qualities, like objectivity becomes important to consider the space of pos-
and neutrality, that automatically can be associ- sibilities that might be left open by this
ated to mathematics. Mathematics-based actions logic. These considerations have to do with the
can have all kind of qualities, being risky, micro–macro (classroom-society) analyses as in
reliable, dangerous, suspicious, misleading, particular addressed by Paola Valero (see, for
expensive, brutal, profit generating, etc. Mathe- instance, Valero 2009). Naturally, these com-
matics-based action can serve any kind of ments apply not only to the teachers’ working
interest. As with any form of action, so conditions but also to the students’ conditions
also mathematics in action is in need of for learning. While the concern about the stu-
being carefully criticized. This applies to any dents’ interests has been part of critical
C 118 Critical Mathematics Education

mathematics education right from the beginning, explored in many different directions.
a direct influence from the students’ movements, Addressing equity also represents concerns of
the explicit concern about teaching conditions is critical mathematics education, and the
a more recent development of critical mathemat- discussion of social justice and equity bring
ics education. us to address processes of inclusion and
• Society can be changed. This is the most exclusion. Social exclusion can take the most
general claim made in politics. It is the explicit brutal forms being based on violent discourses
claim of any activism. And it is as well integrating racism, sexism, and hostility
a concern of critical mathematics education. towards “foreigners” or “immigrants.” Such
Following Freire’s formulations, Gutstein discourses might label groups of people as
(2006) emphasizes that one can develop being “disposable,” “a burden,” or “nonpro-
a mathematics education which makes it ductive,” given the economic order of today. It
possible for students to come to read and is a concern of critical mathematics education
write the world: “read it,” in the sense that it to address any form of social exclusion. As
becomes possible to interpret the world filled an example I can refer to Martin (2009).
with numbers, diagrams, figures, and mathe- However, social inclusion might also
matics, and “write it,” in the sense that is represent a questionable process: it could
becomes possible to make changes. However, mean an inclusion into the capitalist mode
a warning has been formulated: one cannot of production and consumption. So critical
talk about making sociopolitical changes mathematics education needs to address
without acknowledge the conditions for inclusion–exclusion as contested processes.
making changes (see, for instance, Pais However, many forms of inclusion–exclusion
2012). Thus, the logic of schooling could have until now not been discussed profoundly
obstruct many aspirations of critical mathe- in mathematics education: the conditions of
matics education. Anyway, I find that it blind students, deaf students, and students
makes good sense to articulate a mathematics with different handicaps – in other words,
education for social justice, not least in a most students with particular rights. However,
unjust society. such issues are now being addressed in the
research environment created by the Lulu
Some Notions in Critical Mathematics Healy and Miriam Goody Penteado in Brazil.
Education Such initiatives bring new dimensions to
Notions such as social justice, mathemacy, critical mathematics education.
dialogue, and uncertainty together with many • Mathemacy is closely related to literacy,
others are important for formulating concerns of as formulated by Freire, being a competence
critical mathematics education. In fact we have to in reading and writing the world. Thus,
concern ourselves with clusters of notions of D’Ambrosio (1998) has presented a
which I highlight only a few: “New Trivium for the Era of Technology” in
• Social justice. Critical mathematics education terms of literacy, matheracy, and technoracy.
includes a concern for addressing any form of Anna Chronaki (2010) provided a multifaceted
suppression and exploitation. As already interpretation of mathemacy, and in this way it is
indicated, there is no guarantee that an educa- emphasized that this concept needs to be
tional approach might in fact be successful in reworked, reinterpreted, and redeveloped in
bringing about any justice. Still, working for a never ending process. Different other notions
social justice is a principal concern of critical have, however, been used as well for these
mathematics education. Naturally, it needs to complex competences, including mathematical
be recognized that “social justice” is a most literacy and mathematical agency. Eva Jablonka
open concept, the meaning of which can be (2003) provides a clarifying presentation of
Critical Mathematics Education 119 C
mathematical literacy, showing how this very Valero, (Eds.) (2010), Wager, A. A. and Stinson,
notion plays a part in different discourses, D. W. (Eds.) (2012); and Skovsmose and Greer
including some which hardly represent critical (Eds.) (2012). Looking a bit into the future much
mathematics education. The notion of mathe- more is on its way. Let me just refer to some
matical agency helps to emphasize the impor- doctoral studies in progress that I am familiar
tance of developing a capacity not only with with. Denival Biotto Filho is addressing students
respect to understanding and reflection but also in precarious situations and in particular their C
with respect to acting. foregrounds. Raquel Milani explores further the
• Dialogue. Not least due to the inspiration from notion of dialogue, while Renato Marcone
Freire, the notion of dialogue has played an addresses the notion of inclusion–exclusion,
important role in the formulation of critical emphasizing that we do not have to do with
mathematics education. Dialogic teaching and a straightforward good-bad duality. Inclusion
learning has been presented as one way of could also mean an inclusion into the most
developing broader critical competences related questionable social practices.
to mathematics. Dialogic teaching and learning Critical mathematics education is an ongoing
concerns forms of interaction in the classroom. endeavor. And naturally we have to remember
It can be seen as an attempt to break at least that as well the very notion of critical mathemat-
some features of the logic of schooling. Dia- ics education is contested. There are very many
logic teaching and learning can be seen as a way different educational endeavors that address
of establishing conditions for establishing critical issues in mathematics education that do
mathemacy (or mathematical literacy, or math- not explicitly refer to critical mathematics
ematical agency). Problem-based learning and education. And this is exactly as it should be as
project work can also be seen as way of framing the concerns of critical mathematics cannot
a dialogic teaching and learning. be limited by choice of terminology.
• Uncertainty. Critique cannot be any dogmatic
exercise, in the sense that it can be based on
any well-defined foundation. One cannot take Cross-References
as given any particular theoretical basis for
critical mathematics education; it is always ▶ Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education
in need of critique (see, for instance, Ernest ▶ Dialogic Teaching and Learning in
2010). In particular one cannot assume Mathematics Education
any specific interpretation of social justice, ▶ Mathematical Literacy
mathemacy, inclusion–exclusion, dialogue, ▶ Mathematization as Social Process
critique, etc. They are all contested concepts.
There is no particular definition of, say, social
justice that one can take as a given. We have to References
do with concepts under construction.
Alrø H, Ravn O, Valero P (eds) (2010) Critical mathemat-
Critical Mathematics Education for the Future ics education: past, present, and future. Sense,
The open nature of critical mathematics educa- Rotterdam
Chronaki A (2010) Revisiting mathemacy: a process-
tion is further emphasized by the fact that forms reading of critical mathematics education. In: Alrø H,
of exploitations, suppressions, environmental Ravn O, Valero P (eds) Critical mathematics
problems, and critical situations in general are education: past, present and future. Sense, Rotterdam,
continuously changing. Critique cannot develop pp 31–49
D’Ambrosio U (1998) Literacy, matheracy and
according to any preset program. technoracy: the new trivium for the era of technology.
For recent developments of critical mathemat- In: Paulo Freire Memorial lecture delivered at the first
ics education, see, for instance, Alrø, Ravn, and mathematics education and society conference,
C 120 Critical Mathematics Education

Nottingham, 5–12 Sep 1998. Available at: http://www. Pais A (2012) A critical approach to equity. In: Skovsmose O, Greer B (eds) Opening the cage: critique and
D’Ambrosio U (2006) Ethnomathematics: link between politics of mathematics education. Sense, Rotterdam,
traditions and modernity. Sense Publishers, pp 49–92
Rotterdam Penteado MG, Skovsmose O (2009) How to draw with
Damerow P, Elwitz U, Keitel C, Zimmer J (1974) a worn-out mouse? Searching for social justice
Elementarmatematik: lernen f€ ur die praxis. Ernst through collaboration. J Math Teach Educ 12:
Klett, Stuttgart 217–230
Ernest P (2010) The scope and limits of critical Powell AB (2012) The historical development of critical
mathematics education. In: Alrø H, Ravn O, Valero mathematics education. In: Wager AA, Stinson DW
(eds) Critical mathematics education: past, present, (eds) Teaching mathematics for social justice:
and future. Sense, Rotterdam, pp 65–87 conversations with mathematics educators. NCTM,
Frankenstein M (1983) Critical mathematics education: an National Council of Mathematics Teachers, Reston,
application of Paulo Freire’s epistemology. J Cancer pp 21–34
Educ 164:315–339 Powell A, Frankenstein M (eds) (1997) Ethnomathematics:
Frankenstein M (1989) Relearning mathematics: challenging eurocentrism in mathematics education.
a different third R – radical maths. Free Association State University of New York Press, Albany
Books, London Skovsmose O (1980) Forandringer i matematikunder-
Frankenstein M (2012) Beyond math content and visningen. Gyldendal, Copenhagen
process: proposals for underlying aspects of social Skovsmose O (1981a) Matematikundervisning og kritisk
justice education. In: Wager AA, Stinson DW (eds) pædagogik. Gyldendal, Copenhagen
Teaching mathematics for social justice: conversa- Skovsmose O (1981b) Alternativer og matematikun-
tions with mathematics educators. NCTM, National dervisning. Gyldendal, Copenhagen
Council of Mathematics Teachers, Reston, Skovsmose O (1994) Towards a philosophy of critical
pp 49–62 mathematical education. Kluwer, Dordrecht
Greer B, Mukhopadhyay S, Powell AB, Nelson-Barber Skovsmose O (2011) An invitation to critical mathematics
S (eds) (2009) Culturally responsive mathematics education. Sense, Rotterdam
education. Routledge, New York Skovsmose O (2012) Critical mathematics education:
Gutstein E (2006) Reading and writing the world with a dialogical journey. In: Wager AA, Stinson DW
mathematics: toward a pedagogy for social justice. (eds) Teaching mathematics for social justice:
Routledge, New York conversations with mathematics educators. NCTM,
Gutstein E (2012) Reflections on teaching and learning National Council of Mathematics Teachers,
mathematics for social justice in urban schools. In: Reston, pp 35–47
Wager AA, Stinson DW (eds) Teaching mathematics Skovsmose O, Greer B (eds) (2012) Opening the cage:
for social justice: conversations with mathematics edu- critique and politics of mathematics education. Sense
cators. NCTM, National Council of Mathematics Publishers, Rotterdam
Teachers, Reston, pp 63–78 Sriraman B (ed) (2008) International perspectives on
Jablonka E (2003) Mathematical literacy. In: social justice in mathematics education, The Montana
Bishop AJ, Clements MA, Keitel C, Kilpatrick J, mathematics enthusiast, monograph 1. Information
Leung FKS (eds) Second international handbook of Age, Charlotte
mathematics education, vol 1. Kluwer, Dordrecht, Valero P (2009). Mathematics education as a network
pp 75–102 of social practices. In: Proceedings of CERME
Kirfel C, Lindén N (2010) The contribution of steig 6, 28 Jan–1 Feb 2009. Lyon, France # INRP 2010.
mellin-olsen to mathematics education: an interna-
tional luminary: a will to explore the field, and ability Vithal R (2003) In search of a pedagogy of conflict and
to do it. In: Sriraman B et al (eds) The first sourcebook dialogue for mathematics education. Kluwer,
on Nordic research in mathematics education. Dordrecht
Information Age, Charlotte, pp 35–47 Volk D (1975) Pl€adoyer f€ ur einen problemorientierten
Knijnik G (1996) Exclução e resistência: educação mathematikunterrich in emanzipatorisher absicht.
matemática e legitimidade cultural. Artes Médicas, In: Ewers M (ed) Naturwissenschaftliche didaktik
Porto Alegre zwischen kritik und konstruktion. Belz, Weinheim,
Martin DB (2009) Mathematics teaching, learning, and pp 203–234
liberation in the lives of black children. Routledge, Volk D (ed) (1979) Kritische stichwörter zum mathemati-
New York kunterricht. Wilhelm Fink, M€ unchen
Mellin-Olsen S (1977) Indlæring som social proces. Wager AA, Stinson DW (eds) (2012) Teaching mathemat-
Rhodos, Copenhagen ics for social justice: conversations with mathematics
Mellin-Olsen S (1987) The politics of mathematics educators. NCTM, National Council of Mathematics
education. Reidel, Dordrecht Teachers, Reston
Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education 121 C
change. In Asian traditions derived from
Critical Thinking in Mathematics the Mãdhyamika Buddhist philosophy, critical
Education deconstruction is a method of examining possible
alternative standpoints on an issue, which might
Eva Jablonka amount to finding self-contradictions in all of
Department of Education and Professional them (Fenner 1994). When combined with medi-
Studies, King’s College London, London, UK tation, the deconstruction provides for the student C
a path towards spiritual insight as it amounts to
a freeing from any form of dogmatism. The posi-
Keywords tion coincides with some postmodern critiques of
purely intellectual perspectives that lack contact
Logical thinking; Argumentation; Deductive rea- with experience and is echoed in some European
soning; Mathematical problem solving; Critique; traditions of skepticism (Garfield 1990). Hence,
Mathematical literacy; Critical judgment; Goals paradoxical deconstruction appears more radical
of mathematics education than CT as it includes overcoming the methods
and frames of reference of previous thinking and
of purely intellectual plausibility.
Characteristics The role assigned to CT in mathematics
education includes CT as a by-product of
Educational psychologists frame critical thinking mathematics learning, as an explicit goal of
(CT) as a set of generic thinking and reasoning mathematics education, as a condition for math-
skills, including a disposition for using them, as ematical problem solving, as well as critical
well as a commitment to using the outcomes of CT engagement with issues of social, political, and
as a basis for decision-making and problem solv- environmental relevance by means of mathemati-
ing. In such descriptions, CT is established as a cal modeling and statistics. Such engagement can
general standard for making judgments and deci- include a critique of the very role mathematics
sions. Some descriptions of CT activities and plays in these contexts. In the mathematics educa-
skills include a sense for fairness and the assess- tion literature, explicit reference to CT as defined
ment of practical consequences of decisions as in educational psychology is not very widespread,
characteristics of CT (e.g., Paul and Elder 2001). but general mathematical problem-solving skills
This assumes autonomous subjects who share are commonly associated with critical thinking,
a common frame of reference for representation even though such association remains under-the-
of facts and ideas, for their communication, as orized. On the other hand, the notion of critique,
well as for appropriate (morally “good”) action. rather than CT, is employed in the mathematics
Important is also the difference as to what extent education literature in various programs related to
a critical examination of the criteria for CT is critical mathematics education.
included in the definition: If education for CT is
conceptualized as instilling a belief in a more or Critical Thinking and Mathematical
less fixed and shared system of skills and criteria Reasoning
for judgment, including associated values, then it Mathematical argumentation features prominently
seems to contradict its very goal. If, on the other as an example of disciplined reasoning based on
hand, education for CT aims at overcoming poten- clear and concise language, questioning of assump-
tially limiting frames of reference, then it needs to tions, and appreciation of logical inference for
allow for transcending the very criteria assumed deriving conclusions. These features of mathemat-
for legitimate “critical” judgment. The dimension ical reasoning have been contrasted with intuition,
of not following rules and developing a fantasy for associative reasoning, justification by example, or
alternatives connects CT with creativity and induction from observation. While the latter are
C 122 Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education

also important aspects of mathematical inquiry, there is a large overlap of literature on mathemat-
a focus on logic is directed towards extinguishing ical reasoning, problem solving, and CT.
subjective elements from judgments and it is the There is agreement that CT does not automat-
essence of deductive reasoning. Underpinned by ically emerge as a by-product of any mathematics
the values of rationalism and objectivity, reasoning curriculum, but only with a pedagogy that draws
with an emphasis on logical inference is opposed to on students’ contributions and affords processes
intuition and epiphany as a source of knowledge of reasoning and questioning when students col-
and viewed as the counterinsurance against dog- lectively engage in intellectually challenging
matism and opportunism. tasks. Fawcett (1938), for example, suggested
The enhancement of students’ general reason- that teachers (in geometry instruction) should
ing capacity has for quite some time been seen as make use of students’ disposition for critical
a by-product of engagement with mathematics. thinking and that this capacity can be harnessed
Francis Bacon (1605), for example, wrote that it and cultivated by an appropriate choice of
would “remedy and cure many defects in the wit pedagogy. Reflective thinking practices could
and faculties intellectual. For if the wit be too be enacted when drawing the students’ attention
dull, they [the mathematics] sharpen it; if too to the need for clear definition of key terms in
wandering, they fix it; if too inherent in the statements, for examination of alleged evidence,
sense, they abstract it” (VIII (2)). Even though for exposition of assumptions behind their
this promotion of mathematics education is based beliefs, and for evaluation of arguments and
on its alleged value for developing generic conclusions. Fawcett’s teaching experiments
thinking or reasoning skills, these skills are not included the critical examination of everyday
called “critical thinking.” notions. A more recent example of a pedagogical
Historically, the notion of critique was tied to approach with a focus on argumentation is the
the tradition of rhetoric and critical evaluation of organization of a “scientific debate” in the math-
texts. Only through the expansion of the function ematics classroom (Legrand 2001), where stu-
of critique towards general enlightenment, dents in an open discussion defend their own
critique became a generic figure of thinking, argu- ideas about a conjecture, which may be prepared
ing, and reasoning. This more general notion tran- by the teacher or emerge spontaneously during
scends what is usually associated with accuracy class work.
and rigor in mathematical reasoning. Accord- While cultivating some form of discipline-
ingly, CT in mathematics education not only is transcending CT has long been promoted by
conceptualized as evaluating rigor in definitions mathematics educators, explicit reference to CT
and logical consistency of arguments but also is not very common in official mathematics
includes attention to informal logic and heuristics, curriculum documents internationally. For
to the point of identifying problem-solving skills example, “critical thinking” is not mentioned in
with CT (e.g., O’Daffer and Thomquist 1993). the US Common Core Standards for Mathematics
Applebaum and Leikin (2007), for example, see (Common Core State Standards Initiative 2010).
the faculty of recognizing contradictory informa- However, in older recommendations from the US
tion and inconsistent data in mathematics tasks as National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
a demonstration of CT. mention of “critical thinking” is made in relation
However, as most notions of CT include an to creating a classroom atmosphere that fosters it
awareness of the subject doing it, neither a mere (NCTM 1989). A comparative analysis of asso-
application of logical inference nor successful ciations made between mathematics education
application of mathematical problem-solving and CT in international curriculum documents
skills would reasonably be labeled as CT. But remains a research desideratum.
as a consequence of often identifying CT Notions of CT in mathematics education with
with general mathematical reasoning processes a focus on argumentation and reasoning skills
embedded in mathematical problem solving, have in common that the critical competence
Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education 123 C
they promote is directed towards claims, state- any application of mathematics. This is not to
ments, hypotheses, or theories (“texts”), but do dismiss rational inquiry, but aims at expanding
include neither a critique of the social realities, in rationality beyond instrumentality through inclu-
which these texts are produced, nor a critique of sion of moral and political thought. Such an expan-
the categories, in which these texts describe real- sion is seen as necessary by those who see purely
ities. As it is about learning how to think, but not formally defined CT as ultimately self-destructive
what to think about, this notion of CT can be and hence not emancipatory. C
taken to implicate a form of thinking without
emotional or moral commitment. However, the Limitations of Developing CT Through
perspective includes the idea that the same prin- Mathematics Education
ciples that guide critical scientific inquiry could The take-up of poststructuralist and psychoana-
also guide successful problem solving in social lytic theories by mathematics educators has
and moral matters and this would lead to afforded contributions that hold CT up for
improvement of society, an idea that was, for scrutiny. Based on the postmodern acknowledg-
example, shared by Dewey (Stallman 2003). ment that all forms of reasoning are only
Education for CT is then by its nature legitimized through the power of some groups in
emancipatory. society, and in line with critics who see applied
mathematics as the essence of instrumental reason,
Critical Thinking and Applications of an enculturation of students into a form of
Mathematics CT embedded in mathematical reasoning must
For those who see scientific standards of reason- be seen as disempowering. As it excludes
ing as limited, the enculturation of students into imagination, fantasy, emotion, and the particular
a form of CT derived from these standards alone and metaphoric content of problems, this form of
cannot be emancipatory. Such a view is based on CT is seen as antithetical to political thinking or
a critique of Enlightenment’s scientific image of social commitment (Walkerdine 1988; Pimm
the world. The critique provided by the philoso- 1990; Walshaw 2003; Ernest 2010). Hence,
phers of the Frankfurt School is taken up in var- the point has been made that mathematics
ious projects of critical mathematics education education, if conceptualized as enculturation into
and critical mathematical literacy. This critique dispassionate reason and analysis, limits critique
is based on the argument that useful things are rather than affording it and it might lead to political
conflated with calculable things and thus formal apathy.
reasoning based on quantification, which is made
possible through the use of mathematics, is Further Unresolved Issues
purely instrumental reasoning. Mathematics edu- Engaging students in collaborative CT and
cators have pointed out that reliance on mathemat- reasoning in mathematics classrooms assumes
ical models implicates a particular worldview and some kind of an ideal democratic classroom envi-
mathematics education should widen its perspec- ronment, in which students are communicating
tive and take critically into account ethical and freely. However, classrooms can hardly be seen
social dimensions (e.g., Steiner 1988). In order to as ideal speech communities. Depending on their
cultivate CT in the mathematics classroom, reflec- backgrounds and educational biographies, students
tion not only of methodological standards of math- will not be equally able to express their thoughts
ematical models but also of the nature of these and not all will be guaranteed an audience. Further,
standards themselves, as well as of the larger social the teacher usually has the authority to phrase the
contexts within which mathematical models are questions for discussion and, as a representative of
used, has been suggested (e.g., Skovsmose 1989; the institution, has the obligation to assess students’
Keitel et al. 1993; Jablonka 1997; Appelbaum and contributions. Thus, even if a will to cultivate some
Davila 2009; Fish and Persaud 2012). Such a view form of critical reasoning in the mathematics class-
is based on acknowledging the interested nature of room might be shared amongst mathematics
C 124 Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education

educators, more attention to the social, cultural, References

and institutional conditions under which this is
supposed to take place needs to be provided by Appelbaum P, Davila E (2009) Math education and social
justice: gatekeepers, politics and teacher agency. In:
those who frame CT as an offshoot of mathemati-
Ernest P, Greer B, Sriraman B (eds) Critical issues in
cal reasoning. Further, taxonomies of CT skills, mathematics education. Information Age, Charlotte,
phrased as metacognitive activities, run the risk of pp 375–394
suggesting to treat these explicitly as learning Applebaum M, Leikin R (2007) Looking back at the
beginning: critical thinking in solving unrealistic prob-
objectives, including the assessment of the extent
lems. Mont Math Enthus 4(2):258–265
to which individual students use them. Such a Bacon F (1605) Of the proficience and advancement of
didactical reification of CT into measurable learn- learning, divine and human. Second Book (transcribed
ing outcomes implicates a form of dogmatism and from the 1893 Cassell & Company edition by David
Price. Available at:
contradicts the very notion of CT.
The antithetical character of the views of what Common Core State Standards Initiative (2010) Mathe-
it means to be critical held by those who see CT as matics standards.
a mere habit of thought that can be cultivated Accessed 20 July 2013
Ernest P (2010) The scope and limits of critical mathe-
through mathematical problem solving, on the
matics education. In: Alrø H, Ravn O, Valero P (eds)
one hand, and mathematics educators inspired Critical mathematics education: past, present and
by critical theory and critical pedagogy, on the future. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp 65–87
other hand, needs further exploration. Fawcett HP (1938) The nature of proof. Bureau of
Publications, Columbia, New York City. University
Attempts to describe universal elements of
(Re-printed by the National Council of Teachers of
critical reasoning, which are neither domain nor Mathematics in 1995)
context specific, reflect the idea of rationality itself, Fenner P (1994) Spiritual inquiry in Buddhism. ReVision
the standards of which are viewed by many as best 17(2):13–24
Fish M, Persaud A (2012) (Re)presenting critical mathe-
modeled by mathematical and scientific inquiry.
matical thinking through sociopolitical narratives as
The extent to which this conception of rationality mathematics texts. In: Hickman H, Porfilio BJ (eds)
is culturally biased and implicitly devalues other The new politics of the textbook. Sense Publishers,
“rationalities” has been discussed by mathematics Rotterdam, pp 89–110
Garfield JL (1990) Epoche and śūnyatā: skepticism east
educators, but the implications for mathematics
and west. Philos East West 40(3):285–307
education remain under-theorized. Jablonka E (1997) What makes a model effective and
useful (or not)? In: Blum W, Huntley I, Houston SK,
Neill N (eds) Teaching and learning mathematical
modelling: innovation, investigation and applications.
Cross-References Albion Publishing, Chichester, pp 39–50
Keitel C, Kotzmann E, Skovsmose O (1993) Beyond the
▶ Argumentation in Mathematics Education tunnel vision: analyzing the relationship between
▶ Authority and Mathematics Education mathematics, society and technology. In: Keitel C,
Ruthven K (eds) Learning from computers: mathemat-
▶ Critical Mathematics Education
ics education and technology. Springer, New York,
▶ Dialogic Teaching and Learning in pp 243–279
Mathematics Education Legrand M (2001) Scientific debate in mathematics
▶ Didactic Contract in Mathematics Education courses. In: Holton D (ed) The teaching and learning
of mathematics at university level: an ICMI study.
▶ Logic in Mathematics Education
Kluwer, Dordrect, pp 127–137
▶ Mathematical Modelling and Applications in National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Education (1989) Curriculum and evaluation standards for school
▶ Mathematical Proof, Argumentation, and mathematics. National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM), Reston
O’Daffer PG, Thomquist B (1993) Critical thinking, math-
▶ Mathematization as Social Process ematical reasoning, and proof. In: Wilson PS (ed)
▶ Metacognition Research ideas for the classroom: high school mathe-
▶ Problem Solving in Mathematics Education matics. MacMillan/National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, New York, pp 31–40
▶ Questioning in Mathematics Education
Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education 125 C
Paul R, Elder L (2001) The miniature guide to critical perspectives to mathematics education developed
thinking concepts and tools. Foundation for Critical since the late 1980s (Bishop 1988) and in cultural
Thinking Press, Dillon Beach
Pimm D (1990) Mathematical versus political awareness: approaches to mathematical cognition (Cole
some political dangers inherent in the teaching of 1996). However, until recently issues of cultural
mathematics. In: Noss R, Brown A, Dowling P, diversity were considered to be out there in other
Drake P, Harris M, Hoyles C et al (eds) Political dimen- non-Western cultures or to be issues of marginal-
sions of mathematics education: action and critique.
Institute of Education, University of London, London ized and poor groups in society. Globalization C
Skovsmose O (1989) Models and reflective knowledge. changed this perspective. With changes in
Zentralblatt f€ur Didaktik der Mathematik 89(1):3–8 communication, technologies, and unprecedented
Stallman J (2003) John Dewey’s new humanism and liberal levels of migration, cultures have become increas-
education for the 21st century. Educ Cult 20(2):18–22
Steiner H-G (1988) Theory of mathematics education ingly complex, connected, and heterogeneous.
and implications for scholarship. In: Steiner H-G, One of the major impacts on education has been
Vermandel A (eds) Foundations and methodology of a substantial change in the cultural and ethnic
the discipline mathematics education, didactics of composition of the school population.
mathematics. In: Proceedings of the second tme
conference, Bielefeld-Antwerpen, pp 5–20 Schools and classrooms become places where
Walkerdine V (1988) The mastery of reason: cognitive teachers, students, and parents are exposed to
development and the production of rationality. and have to respond to many types of cultural
Routledge, London differences. For many these differences are
Walshaw M (2003) Democratic education under scrutiny:
connections between mathematics education and resources enriching the learning opportunities
feminist political discourses. Philos Math Educ J 17. and environments. For many others, diversity is experienced as a problem, which is reflected in
school achievement (Secada 1995). The issues
cultural diversity poses to education have many
facets and have been approached from different
Cultural Diversity in Mathematics perspectives in social sciences (De Haan and
Education Elbers 2008). Conceptions of culture and the
role of culture in psychological development
Guida de Abreu inform these perspectives. Examining culture
Psychology Department, Oxford Brookes as a way of life of specific cultural groups has
University, Oxford, UK contributed to the understanding of cultural
discontinuities between schools and the home
background of the students. In this perspective,
Keywords the emphasis has been on the shared cultural
practices of the group. A more recent perspective
Cultural identity and learning; Vygotsky; Home focuses on more dynamic aspects of culture, i.e.,
and school mathematics; Immigrant students; on the way a person experiences participation
Minority students; Cultural discontinuity; in multiple practices, and the production of
Sociocultural approaches new cultural knowledge, meaning, and identities.
Mathematics education research draws on these
perspectives but also considers issues that are
Introduction specific to mathematics learning (Cobb and
Hodge 2002; Nasir and Cobb 2007; Abreu
Cultural diversity in mathematics education is a 2008; Gorgorió and Abreu 2009).
widely used expression to discuss questions Here the focus is on the development of ideas
around why students from different cultural, eth- that examine mathematics as a form of cultural
nic, social, economic, and linguistic groups per- knowledge (Bishop 1988; Asher 2008) and learn-
form differently in their school mathematics. ing as a socioculturally mediated process
These questions are not new in cultural (Vygotsky 1978). These ideas offer a critique to
C 126 Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education

approaches that locate the sources of diversity investigations in Brazil by Nunes, Schliemann,
in the autonomous individual mind. More and Carraher (1993). In a series of studies that
importantly, sociocultural approaches have con- started with street children, Nunes and her col-
tributed to rethinking cultural diversity as “rela- leagues examined differences between school
tional” and “multilayered” phenomena, which mathematics and out-of-school mathematics.
can be studied from different angles (Cobb and Their findings added support to the notion that
Hodge 2002; De Haan and Elbers 2008). Empir- mathematical thinking was mediated by cultural
ical research following these approaches has tools, such as oral and written arithmetic. The
evolved from an examination of diversity within society studies also highlighted the situ-
between cultural groups, i.e., the nature of math- ated nature of mathematical cognition.
ematical knowledge specific to cultural prac- Depending on the context of the practice, the
tices, to an examination of the person as same person may draw on different cultural
a participant in specific sociocultural practices. tools; they can call on an oral method to solve
a shopping problem and a written method to solve
Diversity and Uses of Cultural a school problem.
Mathematical Tools How cultural tools mediate mathematical
A driving force for researching the impact of thinking and learning continues to be a key aspect
cultural diversity in mathematics education has in investigations in culturally diverse classrooms.
been to understand why certain cultural groups Research with minority and immigrant students
experience difficulties in school mathematics. In in different countries shows that the students
the culture-free view of mathematics, poor perfor- learned often to use different forms of mathemat-
mance in school mathematics was explained in ics at home and at school (Bishop 2002; Gorgorió
terms of deficits, namely, cognitive deficits that et al. 2002; Abreu 2008). Similarly, research with
could be the result of cultural deficits. However, parents shows that they refer often to differences
since the 1980s, this view has become untenable. in their methods and the ones their children are
Researchers exploring the difficulties non- being taught in school. To sum up, research
Western children, such as the Kpelle children in shows that students from culturally diverse back-
Liberia, experienced with Western-like mathe- grounds are exposed often to different cultural
matics introduced with schooling (Cole 1996) tools in different contexts of mathematical
realized that their difficulties could not be practices. It also suggests that many students
explained by cognitive deficits or cultural deficits. experience cultural discontinuities in their
They discovered that differences in mathematical transitions between contexts of mathematical
thinking could be linked to the tools used as medi- practices. A cultural discontinuity perspective
ators. Thus, for instance, the performance in a offers only a partial account of the impact of
mathematical task, such as estimating length, diversity, however. The fact that students from
was linked to the use of a specific cultural measur- similar home cultural groups perform differently
ing system. With the advance of cultural research at school requires research to consider other
and the view of mathematics and cognition as aspects of diversity. A fruitful way of continuing
cultural phenomena, alternative explanations of to explore the different impacts of diversity in
poor performance in school mathematics have school mathematical learning focuses on how
been put forward in terms of cultural differences. the person as a participant in mathematical prac-
Drawing on the insights from examining tices makes sense of their experiences. The per-
the mathematics of particular cultural groups son here can be, for example, an immigrant
research moved to explore cultural differences student in a mathematics classroom, a parent
within societies, which is still the major focus of that supports their children with their school
current research on cultural diversity in mathe- homework, and a teacher that is confronted with
matics education. A classic example of this students from cultural backgrounds they are not
research is the “street mathematics” familiar with. Here the focus turns to culture as
Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education 127 C
being reconstructed in contexts of practices, and identity (Crafter and Abreu 2010). Identities, as
issues of identity and social representations are socially constructed, can then be conceptualized
foregrounded. as powerful mediators in the way diversities are
being constructed in the context of school prac-
Diversity and Cultural and Mathematical tices. Indeed, studies examining other types of
Identities diversity, such as gender, have also implied sim-
Many studies with immigrant and minority ilar processes (Boaler 2007). C
students have now illustrated that they become Studies with immigrant students with a history
aware of the differences between their home of success in their school mathematical learning
culture and their school practices (Bishop 2002; in their home country are also particularly inter-
see also ▶ Immigrant Students in Mathematics esting to illustrate the intersection of identities.
Education). Accounts from parents of their Firstly, the difficulties of these students cannot be
experiences of supporting their children’s school easily attributed to the individual mathematical
mathematics at home (e.g., homework) also ability as they have a personal history of being
illustrate the salience of differences between home “good mathematics students.” Secondly, in this
and school mathematics. These could be experi- case the cultural diversity is already internalized
enced in terms of (a) the content of school mathe- as part of the student’s previous schooling. These
matics and in the strategies used for calculations, (b) students’ positive school mathematical identities
the methods of teaching and the tools used in teach- get disrupted when they receive low grades in the
ing (e.g., methods for learning times tables, use of host country school mathematics. Suddenly, the
calculators), (c) the language in which they learned students’ common representation that mathemat-
and felt confident doing mathematics, and (d) the ics is just about numbers and formulae and that
parents’ and the children’s school mathematical these are the same everywhere is challenged. It is
identities. Though all the dimensions are important, revealing that young people from different
this research shows that identities take a priority immigrant backgrounds and going to school in
in the way the parents organize their practices different countries report similar experiences
to support their children. The societal and (e.g., Portuguese students in England; Ecuador-
institutional valorization of mathematical practices ian students in Catalonia, Spain). This can be
plays a role on this process (Abreu 2008). interpreted as evidence that when a student joins
Recent studies also show that students talk a mathematical classroom in a new cultural
about differences in relation to how they perceive context, their participation is mediated by repre-
their home cultural identities as intersecting with sentations of what counts as mathematical knowl-
their school mathematical learning. Studies with edge. These examples illustrate a culture-free
students from minority ethnic backgrounds in view of mathematics that is still predominant in
England whose parents had been schooled in many educational systems but that could be det-
other countries show that differences between rimental to immigrant students’ academic math-
school mathematical practices at home and at ematical careers. Having shown that issues of
school have implications on their mathematical diversity are very salient in the experiences of
identities. For example, some students report try- students and their parents, the next section briefly
ing to separate home and school, i.e., to use the examines teachers’ representations.
“home way” at home and the “school way” at
school. The reason provided for the separation is Diversity and Teachers’ Social
that they do not feel that the home ways are Representations of Cultural Differences
valued at school. Other students simply claim In many schools, teachers, who have trained to
that their parents do not know or that their knowl- teach monolingual and monocultural students
edge is old fashioned. In both cases, the construc- from their own culture, teach students who may
tion of a positive school mathematical identity speak a different language and come from cul-
involves suppressing the home mathematical tures they are not familiar with. However, in
C 128 Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education

communities with a stronger tradition of receiv- as participants in these practices), and (iii) social
ing immigrants, some teachers themselves have representations (the images and understandings
already had to negotiate the practices of the home that enable people to make sense of mathematical
and school culture. This complex situation may practices, such as images of learners and the
add insight into the ways that cultural differences learning process and views of mathematical
and identities come to be constructed as signifi- knowledge). These understandings emerged from
cant for the school mathematical learning. An looking at diversity from complementary perspec-
examination of studies carried out in culturally tives. One perspective focuses on the discontinu-
diverse schools in Europe reveals two views in ities between the cultural practices, and the other
the way teachers make sense of the cultural and on how discontinuity is experienced by the person
ethnic background on their students’ mathemati- as a participant in school mathematical practices.
cal learning (Abreu and Cline 2007; Gorgorió and This second perspective is more recent and is key
Abreu 2009). One view stresses “playing down for the development of approaches where diversity
differences” and the other “accepting differ- becomes a resource. The extent to which
ences.” The view of playing down cultural differ- approaches that stress the importance of cultural
ences draws upon representations of mathematics identities can be used as resources for change from
as a culture-free subject (that it is the same around culture-free to culturally sensitive practices in
the world). This view can also draw on a repre- mathematics education is a question for further
sentation of the child’s ability as the key determi- research. The fact that the views of cultural iden-
nant factor in their mathematical learning. The tities as mediators of school mathematical learning
universal construction of children takes priority are still marginalized can be seen as a consequence
over their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. of the dominant cultural practices and representa-
Treating everyone as equal based on their merits tions. For example, this can include practices in
is also used as a justification for not taking into teacher training, where little attention is given to
account cultural differences. The lack of recogni- preparing teachers to understand the cultural
tion of the cultural nature of mathematical prac- nature of (mathematical) learning and human
tices may restrict opportunities for students to development (see also, ▶ Immigrant Students in
openly negotiate the differences at school. This Mathematics Education). Secondly, implicit con-
way, diversity may become a problem instead of a ceptions of the social and emotional development
resource. The alternative positioning of accepting of the child at school draw on representations of
cultural differences represents a minority voice childhood which often do not take into account the
outside the consensus that mathematics is cultural diversity of current societies.
a culture-free subject and that ability is the main
factor in the mathematical learning.
Diversity in mathematics education includes com- ▶ Ethnomathematics
plex and multilayered phenomena that can be ▶ Immigrant Students in Mathematics Education
explored from different perspectives. Drawing on ▶ Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education
sociocultural psychology, empirical research on ▶ Theories of Learning Mathematics
uses and learning of mathematics in different
cultural practices offered key insights on under-
standings of cultural diversity considering (i) References
mathematical tools (the specific forms of mathe-
matical knowledge associated with cultural groups de Abreu G (2008) From mathematics learning out-of-
school to multicultural classrooms: a cultural psychol-
and sociocultural practices), (ii) identities (the
ogy perspective. In: English L (ed) Handbook of inter-
ways differences are experienced by the students national research in mathematics education, 2nd edn.
and the impact on how they construct themselves Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, pp 352–383
Cultural Influences in Mathematics Education 129 C
de Abreu G, Cline T (2007) Social valorization of math-
ematical practices: the implications for learners in Cultural Influences in Mathematics
multicultural schools. In: Nasir N, Cobb P (eds) Diver-
sity, equity, and access to mathematical ideas. Education
Teachers College Press, New York, pp 118–131
Asher M (2008) Ethnomathematics. In: Selin H (ed) Ency- Olof Bjorg Steinthorsdottir1 and Abbe Herzig2
clopaedia of the history of science, technology, and 1
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls,
medicine in non-western cultures, Springer reference.
Springer, Berlin IA, USA C
Bishop A (1988) Mathematical enculturation: a cultural University of Albany, Albany, NY, USA
perspective on mathematics education. Kluwer,
Bishop A (2002) The transition experience of immigrant
secondary school students: dilemmas and decisions. Keywords
In: de Abreu G, Bishop A, Presmeg N (eds) Transitions
between contexts of mathematical practices. Kluwer, Achievement; Equity; Efficacy; Gender; Gender
Dordrecht, pp 53–79 differences; Social contexts
Boaler J (2007) Paying the price for “sugar and spice”:
shifting the analytical lens in equity research. In: Nasir
NS, Cobb P (eds) Improving access to mathematics:
diversity and equity in the classroom. Teachers Col- Definition
lege, New York, pp 24–36
Cobb P, Hodge LL (2002) A relational perspective on issues
of cultural diversity and equity as they play out in the For many students, mathematics is a barrier,
mathematics classroom. Math Think Learn 4:249–284 often having a profound effect on their further edu-
Cole M (1996) Cultural psychology. The Belknap Press of cational and career opportunities. Some authors
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA have looked beyond features of students, curricu-
Crafter S, de Abreu G (2010) Constructing identities in
multicultural learning contexts. Mind Cult Act lum, and pedagogy to argue that the political, eco-
17(2):102–118 nomic, and social contexts of schooling also need to
De Haan M, Elbers E (2008) Diversity in the construction be considered in this pedagogical equation (Apple
of modes of collaboration in multiethnic classrooms. 1992; Tate 1997). Similarly, some scholars have
In: van Oers B, Wardekker W, Elbers E, van der Veer
R (eds) The transformation of learning: advances in studied cultural issues affecting the study of math-
cultural-historical activity theory. Cambridge Univer- ematics, including features of the societal culture in
sity Press, Cambridge, pp 219–241 which education is situated and how those cultures
Gorgorió N, de Abreu G (2009) Social representations affect who succeeds in them (Else-Quest et al.
as mediators of practice in mathematics class-
rooms with immigrant students. Educ Stud Math 2010). In this essay, we examine cultural influences,
72:61–76 both within and surrounding mathematics, and their
Gorgorió N, Planas N, Vilella X (2002) Immigrant chil- effects on who succeeds in mathematics.
dren learning mathematics in mainstream schools. In:
de Abreu G, Bishop A, Presmeg N (eds) Transitions
between contexts of mathematical practice. Kluwer,
Dordrecht, pp 23–52 A Review of the Literature
Nasir NS, Cobb P (2007) Improving access to mathemat-
ics: diversity and equity in the classroom. Teachers
College Press, New York A substantial body of research has been devoted to
Nunes T, Schliemann A, Carraher D (1993) Street math- understanding the relatively small proportion of
ematics and school mathematics. Cambridge Univer- women and students of color who participate in
sity Press, Cambridge
Secada WG (1995) Social and critical dimensions for
advanced mathematics and careers. Researchers
equity in mathematics education. In: Secada W, have explored the reasons for the differences in
Fennema E, Adajian L (eds) New directions for equity the achievement, attitudes, learning styles, strategy
in mathematics education. Cambridge University use, and persistence between girls and boys and
Press, New York, pp 146–164
Vygotsky L (1978) Mind in society: the development of
among students of different races, ethnicities,
higher psychological processes. Harvard University social classes, and language proficiencies.
Press, Cambridge, MA Although these differences have generally
C 130 Cultural Influences in Mathematics Education

decreased, differences among groups remain, as do nature of mathematics. In an abstract context

important differences among countries (Else-Quest like the one that is common in Western mathe-
et al. 2010; Palsdottir and Sriraman 2010). Unfor- matics, a quest for certain types of understanding
tunately, the work of many researchers has had the can actually interfere with success, as when stu-
paradoxical effect of creating a discourse that dents look to understand, for example, What does
females and students of color “can’t do math” this have to do with the world? With my world?
(Fennema 2000). As a result, the identification of With my life? (Johnston 1995). Mathematics is
“who” succeeds in mathematics is too often per- often taught as a set of manipulations that lead to
ceived through the lens of a deficit model: When predetermined results or, at a more advanced level,
groups of students do not succeed or persist in as sequence of deductive proofs of clearly stated
mathematics, the reason, or so it is sometimes theorems, with little (if any) representation of the
framed in the literature, is a problem with the roles of intuition, creativity, insight, or trial and
students in groups themselves, rather than as the error, which give rise to those results and which
result of a broader social or cultural issue. give them meaning (Herzig 2002, 2010; Sriraman
Building students’ sense of belongingness in and Steinthorsdottir 2007). Mathematics as it is
mathematics has been proposed as a critical fea- commonly presented in classrooms in education is
ture of an equitable K-12 education (Allexsaht- isolated from its social and personal contexts and
Snider and Hart 2001; Ladson-Billings 1997). applications, devoid of aesthetic considerations.
Martha Allexsaht-Snider and Laurie Hart (2001) Aside from the way mathematics is presented
defined belonging as “the extent to which each in the classroom, the way that mathematics stu-
student senses that she or he belongs as an impor- dents are perceived outside the mathematics
tant and active participant” in mathematics classroom also affects students’ involvement
(p. 97) and have argued that an important purpose and dedication to mathematics (Campbell 1995;
of schooling is to facilitate students’ sense of Damarin 2000).
belongingness and engagement with mathemat- As Noddings (1996) argued, mathematics
ics. A similar construct has been proposed at the educators need to find ways to make the social
doctoral level, with several authors arguing world of mathematics – its culture – more acces-
belonging to or integrating into the departmental sible to a broader range of people, and the world
communities is important for student persistence outside of mathematics needs to change its per-
(e.g., Herzig 2002, 2004a, 2010). ception of those who succeed within it. Only then
There are (at least) two cultural aspects to stu- can more students, including females and people
dents’ development of a sense that they belong in of color, find a way come to feel that they truly
mathematics: (1) features of mathematics itself, as belong in some part of the mathematics world.
mathematics is presented in classrooms, and (2) the Suzanne Damarin (2000) compared people
way the broader society perceives mathematics with mathematical ability to “marked categories”
ability and the students who succeed in math. such as women, people of color, criminals, peo-
First, mathematics is often taught in highly ple of disability, and homosexuals and identified
abstracted ways, with little or no explicit connec- these characteristics:
tion to other mathematical ideas, ideas outside of 1. Members of marked categories are ridiculed
mathematics, or the mathematical “big picture” and maligned, and descriptions of marked cat-
(Herzig 2002; Stage and Maple 1996). Some egories are used to harass, tease, and discipline
feminist scholars have challenged the predomi- members of the larger society.
nance of abstraction in mathematics. Betty Johnston 2. Members of marked categories are portrayed
(1995) argued that abstraction in mathematics is as incompetent in dealing with daily life.
a consequence of modern industrial society, which 3. In institutions designed to meet the needs of
itself is based on the idea of separating things into all, the needs of members of marked catego-
manageable pieces, distinct from their context. This ries are deferred to the needs of the members
abstraction of mathematics denies the social of unmarked categories.
Cultural Influences in Mathematics Education 131 C
4. Members of marked categories are feared as “deviant” within each of the communities to
powerful even as they are marked as powerless. which they belong.
5. Explicit or social marking serves to define In summary, researchers have made great strides
communities of the marked. in understanding why mathematics has generally
6. Membership in multiple marked categories attracted to certain types of students. Rather than
places individuals in the margins of each studying what is different about women and minor-
marked community. ities – groups that have been viewed as unsuccessful C
7. The study of a marked category leads to the in mathematics – studies now strive to ascertain
construction and study of the complementary cultural and societal obstacles for these groups. In
class of people. addition, the literature has shown that students are
8. The unmarked category is generally larger than most engaged when in an educational environment
the marked category; even when this is not the that fosters belonging, which can be difficult in the
case, the marked category is not recognized as mathematics field. The stereotypical views of math-
the majority (Damarin 2000, pp. 72–74). ematics students can make it particularly challeng-
Given the common perceptions of mathemat- ing for women and minorities to enter the field. In
ics students as being white, male, childless, and addition, the mathematically capable may not wish
socially inept, having few interests outside of to be socially or culturally marked as such due to the
mathematics, students who explicitly do not fit preconceived notions many have of mathematics
with this described group might conclude that students. However, by understanding the cultural
they do not wish to fit in. Thus belonging in and societal issues in the mathematics field,
mathematics might not be an entirely good researchers and educators can begin to implement
thing, as it “marks” a student as deviant and as policies and strategies to create more equitable
socially inept. Herzig (2004b) found that some learning environments and atmospheres.
female graduate students described ways that
they worked to distance themselves from some
of these common constructions of ineptness and Cross-References
social deviance, which, paradoxically, led them
to resist belonging in mathematics. ▶ Critical Mathematics Education
Damarin (2000) argued that membership in ▶ Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education
the deviant category provides the “deviant” with
a community with which to affiliate: Being iden-
tified and marked as mathematically able encour-
ages mathematics students to form a community References
among themselves – if there are enough of them Allexsaht-Snider M, Hart LE (2001) “Mathematics for
and if they have the social facility needed. Unfor- all”: how do we get there? Theory Pract 40(2):93–101
tunately, females are members of (at least) two Apple MW (1992) Do the standards go far enough?
marked categories, and the double marking is not Power, policy, and practice in mathematics education.
J Res Math Educ 23(5):412–431
merely additive: That is, females are constructed
Campbell PB (1995) Redefining the ‘girl problem’ in math-
as deviant as females separately within each ematics. In: Secada WG, Fennema E, Adajian LB (eds)
marked category in which they are placed. First, New directions for equity in mathematics education.
they are marked as girls and women, but among Cambridge University Press, New York, pp 225–241
Damarin SK (2000) The mathematically able as a marked
girls and women, their mathematical ability category. Gend Educ 12(1):69–85
defines them as deviant. Second, given common Else-Quest N, Janet S, Linn MC (2010) Cross-national
stereotypes of mathematics as a male domain, patterns of gender differences in mathematics:
mathematical women are marked among mathe- a meta-analysis. Psychol Bull 136(n1):103–127
Fennema E (2000) Gender and mathematics: what is
maticians as not actually being mathematicians. known and what do I wish was known? Paper
For women of color, the marking is threefold and presented at the fifth annual forum of the National
even more complex, making women of color Institute for Science Education, Detroit
C 132 Curriculum Resources and Textbooks in Mathematics Education

Herzig AH (2002) Where have all the students Definition of Curriculum Resources
gone? Participation of doctoral students in authentic
mathematical activity as a necessary condition for
persistence toward the Ph.D. Educ Stud Math We define mathematics curriculum resources as
50(2):177–212 all the resources that are developed and used by
Herzig AH (2004a) Becoming mathematicians: women teachers and pupils in their interaction with math-
and students of color choosing and leaving doctoral ematics in/for teaching and learning, inside and
mathematics. Rev Educ Res 74(2):171–214
Herzig AH (2004b) “Slaughtering this beautiful math”: outside the classroom. Curriculum resources
graduate women choosing and leaving mathematics. would thus include the following:
Gend Educ 16(3):379–395 • Text resources, such as textbooks, teacher cur-
Herzig AH (2010) Women belonging in the social worlds ricular guidelines, websites, student sheets, and
of graduate mathematics. Mont Math Enthus
7(2&3):177–208 syllabi
Johnston B (1995) Mathematics: an abstracted discourse. • Other material resources, such as manipula-
In: Rogers P, Kaiser G (eds) Equity in mathematics tives and calculators
education: influences of feminism and culture. The • ICT-based resources, such as computer software
Falmer Press, London, pp 226–234
Ladson-Billings G (1997) It doesn’t add up: African Mathematics curriculum resources, and in par-
American students’ mathematics achievement. J Res ticular textbooks, are an important part of the envi-
Math Educ 28(6):697–708 ronment in which teachers and students work
Noddings N (1996) Equity and mathematics: not a simple (Haggarty and Pepin 2002). Students spend much
issue. J Res Math Educ 27(5):609–615
Palsdottir G, Sriraman B (2010) Commentary 3 on Fem- of their time in classrooms working with and
inist pedagogy and mathematics. In: Sriraman B, exposed to prepared resources, such as textbooks,
English L (eds) Theories of mathematics education. worksheets, and computer software. Teachers often
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 467–475 rely on curriculum materials and textbooks in their
Sriraman B, Steinthorsdottir O (2007) Emancipatory and
social justice perspectives in mathematics education. day-to-day teaching, when they decide what to
Interchange: Q Rev Educ 38(2):195–202 teach, how to teach it, and when they choose the
Stage FK, Maple SA (1996) Incompatible goals: narra- kinds of tasks, exercises, and activities to assign to
tives of graduate women in the mathematics pipeline. their students. In short, curriculum resources consid-
Am Educ Res J 33(1):23–51
Tate WF (1997) Race-ethnicity, SES, gender, and ered as educational artifacts are vital tools which are
language proficiency trends in mathematics of central importance for both teachers and students.
achievement: an update. J Res Math Educ 28(6): The concept of curriculum resource can also be
652–679 viewed in a wider sense, to include “a range of
human and material resources, as well as mathe-
matical, cultural and social resources” (Adler 2000,
p. 210). This view would include resources such as
Curriculum Resources and discussions between teachers (e.g., oral, on
Textbooks in Mathematics Education a forum), knowledge and qualifications, and con-
textual/environmental factors (e.g., class size, time,
Birgit Pepin1 and Ghislaine Gueudet2 professional leadership, family support). Seen this
Avd. for lærer- og Tolkeutdanning, Høgskolen way, it makes the study of curriculum resources and
i Sør-Trøndelag, Trondheim, Norway the interaction with resources a crucial ingredient of
CREAD//IUFM de Bretagne, University of teacher education and professional development.
Western Brittany (UBO), Rennes Cedex, France

Curriculum Resources and Teachers’

Keywords Interaction with Resources

Curriculum resources; ICT; Internet; Profes- In this text, we particularly focus on curriculum
sional development; Teacher knowledge; Text- resources and teachers’ interactions with such
books; Use of resources resources. We present a synthesis of the
Curriculum Resources and Textbooks in Mathematics Education 133 C
state-of-the-art research, organized under two and in turn can be reinterpreted as contributions to
headings: research about the resources themselves, quality studies. This issue is nevertheless particu-
about their design, and their quality (see section - larly developed in studies concerning digital
Conception, Quality, and Design of Resources) resources, as the profusion of online resources
and research about the use of resources including has created a need for quality criteria. These
the adaptation and transformation by users, in criteria have to take into account the mathemati-
particular teachers (see section The “Use” of cal content, the didactical aspects, and ergonomic C
Resources). In section Evolutions and Issues for dimension (Trouche et al. 2013).
Research, we present current perspectives for The quality issue is also relevant in research
research concerning curriculum resources. about resource design (Ruthven et al. 2009),
which includes mathematical task design.
Conception, Quality, and Design of Resources Research shows that it is crucially important to
In terms of analyzing resources (and we include here provide frequent opportunities for students to
digital as well as “hard copy” resources), different engage in dynamic mathematical activity that is
authors have pursued different lines of inquiry: grounded in rich, worthwhile mathematical tasks.
1. Analyses of mathematical intentions relate to Design-based research (Cobb et al. 2003) is par-
what mathematics is represented, the presenta- ticularly concerned about task design and quality
tion of mathematical knowledge (such as the in order to improve educational practices and
content and structure of mathematics curricu- achievement. This kind of research has clearly
lum materials, e.g., Valverde et al. 2002, or identified the involvement of research teams,
“complexity,” e.g., Schmidt et al. 1997), and where researchers and teachers work together,
also to values and beliefs implicit in curricu- as an essential ingredient for the quality of the
lum materials (e.g., Haggarty and Pepin 2002). tasks designed.
2. Analyses of pedagogical intentions of text mate- It has become evident that quality and design
rials address the ways in which students are issues are interrelated. Digital means lead to the
helped (or not) by the text. We can identify at development of new design modes and to new
least three themes here: ways in which the learner possibilities of collaborative work around the
is helped (or not) within the content of the text to design of resources. Research on curriculum
learn the materials (e.g., Van Dormolen 1986), resources needs to address questions, such as
within the methods included in the text, or by the who are the designers and in which ways does
rhetorical voice of the text. the designer/group of designers impact on the
3. Sociological analyses of texts investigate quality of resources? In some countries, national
mathematics texts, often school texts, with “expert communities/centers” (e.g., NCTEM in
respect to sociocultural factors, such as pat- the UK, DZLM in Germany, Enciclomedia in
terns of social class (e.g., Dowling 1998: dif- Mexico, Enlaces in Chile) “produce” and broad-
ferentiation in texts between texts/exercises cast resources. In addition, particular communi-
for “high ability” and “low ability” students). ties and associations (e.g., GeoGebra community,
4. Analyses of curriculum materials with respect Sesamath in France – see Gueudet et al. 2012)
to different mathematical concepts are numer- make resources available.
ous (algebra, functions, geometry, etc.). These In the next section, we address issues involved
examine the presentation of the concept itself, with the “use” of resources.
for example, the use of different representa-
tions in curriculum texts. Equally, there are The “Use” of Resources
analyses of curriculum materials with respect In this section, we address issues related to the
to different mathematical competences, such “use” of resources which include the interactions
as “reasoning” or problem-solving. between teachers and students with resources.
All these analyses, more or less explicitly, raise In terms of textbooks, large-scale studies, such
the issue of the quality of curriculum resources as TIMSS, recognize the importance of textbooks
C 134 Curriculum Resources and Textbooks in Mathematics Education

in teaching and learning and assert that textbooks guide (Remillard et al. 2009). Thus, it can be said
reflect, to a large extent, official curricular inten- that this kind of resources offers personal possibil-
tions and they are said to play an essential role in ities for adaptations, and teachers have always
the didactical transposition of mathematical adapted and transformed resources: selecting,
knowledge. In many countries, school textbooks changing, cutting, and rephrasing. However, the
need approval from the country’s ministry; in other main difference with digital resources, such as
countries, there is a free market for textbooks – digital textbooks, is that these adaptations are tech-
textbooks are generally seen as the “translation of nically anticipated and supported with specific
policy into practice” (Valverde et al. 2002). In technical means (Gueudet et al. 2012).
some countries (e.g., USA), textbooks have been The two-way process, i.e., the influence of the
published with an explicit intention of influencing resources on the teacher and the transformation of
teacher practices, and the same holds for digital the resources by the teacher, can be described as
resources. Nevertheless, the research has also a genesis. Gueudet, Pepin, and Trouche (2012)
proven that the impact of such attempts, in terms distinguish between resources, given to the teacher,
of change of practice, remains limited. and documents, developed alongside such a gene-
We consider here the interactions between sis. These geneses are central in teacher profes-
students or teachers and resources from the per- sional development. They can be individual but
spective of mediated activity. This leads to con- can also involve groups of teachers working col-
sider a twofold process: on the one hand (1), the laboratively with resources. Research (e.g., Krainer
resource’s features influence the subject’s activ- and Woods 2008) suggests that these evolutions
ity and learning (for teachers, this can lead to can be supported by teacher development programs
policy choices, drawing on resources as a means which propose the design and testing of their own
for teacher education); on the other hand (2), the resources to groups of teachers.
subject shapes his/her resources, according to his/
her knowledge and beliefs. Evolutions and Issues for Research
The features of the resources influence students’ Viewing curriculum resources as essential tools for
learning, as well as teachers’ practices and profes- teachers to accomplish their goals has been
sional learning. This has been evidenced by many accepted for a long time. However, the vision of
studies investigating the use of curriculum mate- the teacher-tool relationship (Remillard et al.
rials (e.g., Remillard et al. 2009) and of ICT 2009) has changed and needs to be explored in
resources (Hoyles and Lagrange 2010) in teachers’ more depth. Moreover, considering the evolution
and students’ work. of resources available for teachers and students
Considering the shaping of resources by (e.g., their number, nature, design mode/s), this
teachers or pupils, the ways teachers, or students, opens up new directions for research. It leads in
use, adapt, or transform the resources depend to particular to view the teacher as a designer of his/
a large extent on their knowledge and beliefs. The her resources. Based on the interpretation of
ways students “use,” for example, a calculator is teaching as design, and teachers as designers,
said to depend on their knowledge about the calcu- existing research emphasizes the vital interaction
lator and its affordances but also on their knowl- between the individuals/teachers and the tools/
edge of the mathematics (Hoyles and Lagrange resources to accomplish their goals, an accom-
2010). The same holds for textbooks (Gueudet plishment inextricably linked to the use of cultural,
et al. 2012): in order to find support for solving an social, and physical tools. This opens the door for
exercise, some students will read the course mate- many new avenues of researching mathematics
rials, whereas others will search for worked exam- curriculum resources and their interaction with
ples. Similarly, two teachers will use the same the “learner,” may it be the teacher or the student.
textbook differently. A teacher can focus on the Studying resources for the teaching of mathe-
worksheets, or the provision of exercises, while matics requires such a stance, particularly as there
another will consider the same book as curriculum have been various recent evolutions linked to the
Curriculum Resources and Textbooks in Mathematics Education 135 C
use of the Internet. Teachers increasingly become References
the designers of their own resources, collecting
various materials on the web, transforming them, Adler J (2000) Conceptualising resources as a theme for
teacher education. J Math Teach Educ 3:205–224
and discussing them with colleagues around the
Cobb P, Confrey J, diSessa A, Lehrer R, Schauble
world. National policies for the design and use of L (2003) Design experiments in educational research.
curriculum resources are starting to take these Educ Res 32(1):9–13
evolutions into account, in particular by collecting Dowling PC (1998) The sociology of mathematics educa- C
tion: mathematical myths/pedagogic texts. Falmer,
users’ comments on websites (e.g., dedicated
websites for particular textbooks). Gueudet G, Pepin B, Trouche L (eds) (2012) From text to
Analyzing the quality of available resources, ‘lived resources’: curriculum material and mathemat-
contributing to the design of resources (to be used ics teacher development. Springer, New York
Haggarty L, Pepin B (2002) An investigation of mathe-
by students and teachers), and proposing teacher
matics textbooks and their use in English, French and
development programs drawing on collaborative German classrooms: who gets an opportunity to learn
resource design are important issues, which need to what? Br Educ Res J 28(4):567–590
be addressed by research in mathematics education. Hoyles C, Lagrange J-B (eds) (2010) Mathematics educa-
tion and technology – rethinking the terrain. The 17th
ICMI study, vol 13, New ICMI Study Series. Springer,
New York. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0146-0_12
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▶ Communities of Practice in Mathematics riculum materials and classroom instruction.
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▶ Cultural Diversity in Mathematics Education Design tools in didactical research: instrumenting the
▶ Design Research in Mathematics Education epistemological and cognitive aspects of the design of
▶ Didactic Transposition in Mathematics Education teaching sequences. Educ Res 38(5):329–342
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▶ Information and Communication Technology
Wiley DE (1997) Many visions, many aims
(ICT) Affordances in Mathematics Education (TIMSS Volume 1): A cross-national investigation
▶ Instrumentation in Mathematics Education of curricular intentions in school mathematics.
▶ Learning Environments in Mathematics Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL
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Technology-driven developments and policy implica-
▶ Manipulatives in Mathematics Education tions for mathematics education. In Bishop A J, Clem-
▶ Mathematics Teacher Education Organization, ents MA, Keitel C, Kilpatrick J, & Leung F K S (eds)
Curriculum, and Outcomes Third international handbook of mathematics educa-
tion (pp. 753–790). Springer, New York
▶ Mathematics Teachers and Curricula
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▶ Professional Learning Communities in R (2002) According to the book: using TIMSS to
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