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Q1. Choose the best options out of the four alternatives a,b,c and d. Each question
consists of 2 marks. ATTEMPT ALL THE QUESTIONS.
1.The diagram below represents a stage during cell division.Study the same and choose
the correct answer for its labelling.
a. 1- Centrioles, 2- spindle fibres, 3-chromosomes
b. 1- Centrosome, 2-Asters, 3-Chromatids.
c. 1 - Asters, 2-Chromatin threads, 3-Chromosomes
d. 1- Centrioles, 2-Chromatin threads, 3-Chromosomes.

2. Meiosis is also known as’ REDUCTION DIVISION’ because

a. It occurs in somatic cells.
b. It is responsible for the growth of the body.
c. In gametes the chromosome number is halved to that of the parent cell.
d. Diploid number of chromosomes present in it.

3. The four nitrogenous bases are:-

a. Adenine, Guanine, Thiamine and Cytosine.
b. Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosin.
c. Adenine, Guanine, Thiamine and Cytosine.
d. Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine.

4. The genotypic ratio of F2 generation for a monohybrid cross is

a. 3:1 b. 1:2:1 c. 2:1:1 d. 1:3

5. The word gene was coined by

a. Mendel Gregor b. Walther Fleming c. Wilhelm Johansen d. Watson & Crick.

6. Choose the correct logical sequence from the following set of terms:-
a. Soil water, root hair, endodermis, cortex, xylem.
b. Soil water, endodermis, root hair, cortex, xylem.
c. Soil water, root hair, cortex, endodermis, xylem.
d. Soil water, root hair, xylem, cortex, endodermis

7. The instrument used to measure the root pressure of a plant is

a. Ganong’s Potometer b. Manometre c. Manometer d. Gangong’s potometer.

8. Identify the state of the given cell in the following diagram:-

a. Turgid b. Plasmolysed
c. Deplasmolysed d. Turgidty .
9. The phenomenon in which pure water is lost by the plant is
a. Transpiration b. Guttation c. Bleeding d. None of these.

10. Choose the correct option from the following statements:-

a. Lenticular transpiration is more than the cuticular transpiration.
b. Lenticular transpiration is less than the cuticular transpiration.
c. Cuticular transpiration is more than the lenticular transpiration.
d. Cuticular transpiration is more than the stomatal transpiration.

11. Study the given diagram and choose the correct option for the aim of the
a. To prove that more transpiration takes place from the lower
surface of the leaf than the upper surface.
b. To prove that Cobalt Chloride paper absorbs water.
c. To prove that transpiration takes place only from the leaves
of the plant and not from the stems.
d. Both a and c.

12. The exact location of chlorophyll in a plant is

a. In every cell of a plant.
b. In the stroma of a chloroplast.
c. In the walls of the thylakoids of the chloroplast.
d. Both a and b

13. Study the following figure and choose the correct reason for the statement :- ‘Test-
tube B have more bubbles of oxygen’.
a. Green plants will transpire more in the presence of
b. Green plants will photosynthesize more in the presence
of snail.
c. Snail will release more bubbles of oxygen in test-tube B.
d. Both b and c.

14. The specific function of the light energy in the process of photosynthesis is to
a. reduce carbon dioxide b. synthesize glucose
c. activate chlorophyll d. Split water molecule.

15. To prove the factors essential for photosynthesis,first the potted plants are kept in
the dark for about 24-48 hours to
a. To destarch the plant b. To destarch the leaves of the plant.
C. To remove chlorophyll from the plant. d. To kill the cells of the plant.
Prepared by
Afroz Ahamed
Checked by Shreyas Srivastava

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