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Online Banking –

Bank of Alberta Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


PMI - 123


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Client: Bank of Alberta

Author: Rajan Sangani – Business Analyst

Version: 1.0

Status Final

Date: 02/10/2016
This template is owned and maintained by the Project Management Office (PMO) of the Office of the Chief
Information Officer (OCIO).

Document Revision History

Date Version Description Author

<< 2020-03-20 >> 1.1 Changed wordings RS

<< YYYY-MM-DD >>

<< YYYY-MM-DD >>

<< YYYY-MM-DD >>


These signatories confirm this document was submitted by the project team as the requirements for the
The new cart development Project.

Role Name Signature Date

Project Manager Himanshu 03/05/2020


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Following are the reference documents taken into account for this BRD:

Document Name Document Path

Use Case Use Path File Path

Wire Frames Wireframe document path

Content Document Content Document Path

Graphical User GUI Specs File Path

Interface Specifications

Phase 1 BRD Path for Phase 1 BRD Document


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


Identify the individuals who reviewed the BRD and the date that the review was completed.
Signatures are not required.

Role Review Completed Date

Information Tanya YYYY-MM-DD

Management Analyst

Enterprise Application Shelly YYYY-MM-DD


Corporate Operations Smita YYYY-MM-DD

and Client Services –


These signatories confirm this document serves as the requirements for the << Project Name >> Project.

Role Name Signature Date

Project / Client Sponsor Krishna YYYY-MM-DD

Solution Delivery Jay gupta YYYY-MM-DD



TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 5
Important Notes for Completing this Document....................................................................5
Purpose of the Business Requirement Document................................................................5
Acronyms and Glossary....................................................................................................... 6
Project Background.............................................................................................................. 6
Intent.................................................................................................................................... 6
Solution Scope..................................................................................................................... 6
Current System Environment............................................................................................... 6
Stakeholders........................................................................................................................ 7
Project Objective.................................................................................................................. 7

BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS OVERVIEW...........................................................................................8

Description........................................................................................................................... 8
Template Guidelines............................................................................................................ 8
Recommended Wording for Writing Requirements..............................................................8

BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................ 9
Business Requirements....................................................................................................... 9
SCOPE ITEMS..................................................................................................................... 9
Functional Requirements..................................................................................................... 9
Functional Area – Login to Online Banking..................................................................................................10
Functional Area – Account Balance..............................................................................................................11
Functional Area – Account Details................................................................................................................12
Functional Area – Pay Bills...........................................................................................................................13
Functional Area – Transfer Funds................................................................................................................14
Functional Area Summary.................................................................................................... 16
Reporting Requirements...................................................................................................... 16
Usability Requirements........................................................................................................ 17
Security Requirements......................................................................................................... 17
Availability Requirements..................................................................................................... 17
Flexibility Requirements....................................................................................................... 18
Performance Requirements................................................................................................. 18

ASSUMPTIONS, DEPENDENCIES AND CONSTRAINTS.......................................................................20

Assumptions........................................................................................................................ 20
Dependencies...................................................................................................................... 20
Constraints........................................................................................................................... 20


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office



1. Each section of the Business Requirement Document (BRD) must be completed in full. If a particular
section is not applicable to this project, then you must write “Not Applicable” and provide a reason.

2. No sections are to be deleted from this document.

3. Do not change the format or fonts used in the template.

4. All tables should have landscape orientation.

5. Text contained within << >> provides information on how to complete that section and can be deleted
once the section has been completed.

6. Delete examples under each section once the section has been completed.

7. If additional categories are required, feel free to add an “Other” category to the end of the document.

8. Reviews and Approvals. All reviews should be completed prior to obtaining approval signatures.
Delivery Manager review should be completed prior to Corporate Operations and Client Services

9. This document should be submitted to Enterprise Architecture (EA) group along with the Detail
Technical Presentation.


The Business Requirements Document (BRD) clearly states the functions and capabilities that the
application and/or system must provide for the project to be successful (what the system and/or application
must do). All known constraints, assumptions and dependencies must also be clearly defined.

The BRD is the basis for all subsequent project planning, design and coding. It should describe as
completely as known at this time, the system’s behaviours under various conditions. The BRD does NOT
contain design information or anything related to how the system will provide the functionality.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


The following table includes definitions for any unique symbols or notations that are used in the document,
which may cause confusion with the intended message, or may result in multiple interpretations of some key

Term Definition
UC Use Case
RL Register & Login
AL Account List
AD Account Details
BT Balance Transfer
AP Add Payee
ET E-Transfer
AS Account Statement
LO Logout
HP Help

This business requirement document will be the mail working document for the implementation team during
the project.

The BRD provides the following high-level information:

 Details of high-level requirements for the new online banking platform that is being
 How the system will interact with the new online banking platform in implementation of this
 Use cases defining the activities and the sequences to be followed
 The document indicates and explains each requirement in detail that is required for the
project to work well functionally. Other non-functional requirements are also critical for
optimal performance
 This document indicates how the system will interact with the new product being developed
so as to improve efficiency in the process
 Functionalities and dependencies of the product on different processes being utilized in the
 The areas affected by the use of this project and the different activities needed to resolve
any issues arising due to the project implementation
This business requirement document will be revised as and when necessary throughout the implementation
stage of project to reflect changing requirement and agreed Solutions. It will take a form of controlled
document to ensure approvals are maintained.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

The overall intent of this project is to position Bank of Alberta as a technological forward thinking
organization. The project through the implementation of the advanced technological online banking platform
development will be able to position itself to improve operational efficiency within and outside organization.
The intent allows the organization to improve in the following areas:

 Provide a great banking experience to its customers

 Improve its customer engagement to do banking by their own through this project
 Reduce in branch client for simpler operation by providing it through this project
 Reduce Cost, time and be more economical
 Improve business processes and reduce long times
 Improve operational efficiency through effective system interface
 Provide on point service and enhance customer experience

The scope of the solution is to provide and enhance the banking operational efficiency to the clients which
will improve client engagement to do banking by their own and reduce long waits.

The high-level scope of the project is based on the solutions that this new project is anticipated to provide.
With this new online banking platform development, the users will be able to access and do banking
independently anywhere anytime thereby saving time and improving banking operational efficiency. Some of
the areas that solutions are provided are in the operational side of the system. The scope of the solution is as

 The online platform efficiency can be increased once the online system is in place

 We can expect efficient dependency relationship between the different systems involved

 Efficient system increase time saving and able to perform banking functions with back end banking

 Some of the features like Account balance, balance transfer, account statement, e-transfer, bill
payment will be easily accessible due to the implementation

 Online customer support will allow better use of system


<< Describe the current environment – does the client have an existing application? What it is? What are
some of the key challenges with the system? If no automated system, is everything done manually?
Describe it. If the current system has financial impacts, provide an explanation in the following table: >>


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Financial Implications - High-Level

Financial Business Processes
If Manual, describe. The current system and environment followed by the
existing system is facing a lot of challenges as far as
time and cost is concerned. We have seen increased
need of time and cost and resources required to perform
everyday functions.
Some key areas that need to be looked at are:
 Increased cost expenditure
 Increased time needs
 More money is being spent on staffing
 The existing branch resource are limited is not
sufficient to serve increased customer volume
and customer is spending too much time in the
branch to do banking
Estimated Volume: The estimated volume for the older business process is
increasing which is increasing the dependency on the
Current process factors such as cost, time and staffing needs. It is critical
interactions: to adjust this and use online banking platform in order to
cut down costs, time and resources required.
If Online Banking The new Online banking system will benefit the
Introduced, describe. organization in the following ways:
 Better utilization of the resources
 Reduced clients in the branch for simpler
banking functions
 Increased dependency on the system interface
 Better communication via digital marketing
 Online Banking will allow clients to do banking
anywhere anytime
 Operational efficiency will be increased
 Greater reliance on technology
 Better handling of resources as needed
Existing Interfaces: Banking operations system, Banking System used by
The documentation of these now efficient processes can be seen below:
 The new online banking system will be able to interface with the existing
banking system and do all the required tasks as described in the use
 The features will be met which will enhance better flexibility of the system
 Better implementation of the processes through the new online platform as
Describe existing
and when required will cut down financial resources required
documentation for
 Improved need for technology will also mean increase financial investment
these processes:
in the beginning to set up the required technology
 Greater financial scope and better room for making improvements in the
financial system
 Improved financial operational efficiency by increasing dependence on
technology versus manual transactions
 Better utilization of resources through effective system interface


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

<< Identify the stakeholders who have a stake in the project – departments, OCG (involvement required to
develop financial business processes and/or internal controls), their clients, anyone that the system is going
to provide information to such as federal agencies, et cetera. Identify the stakeholder and describe their
stake in the system. >>

Stakeholder Role
Eugine Smith, Project
Provide Project approval based on the documentation
Eugine Smith, VP
Check operational efficiencies involved with implementation
Himanshu, Project Manager Oversee everyday project activities to make sure they are in line
Kevin Shannon, Software
Provides all software support for the project
Group Lead
Lindsay Gabriel, VP Banking
Provides banking operations support
Sanjay Senjaliya, Quality
Analyst Lead Provides assistance with quality testing

Colin Grant, VP IT Infrastructure Provides Networking and hardware/software support

A Team of developers who will provide support in development of the
Developer team
online banking project
A Team of QA will support in testing of the online banking project before
QA team
publishing to the market.

The Online Banking project directly supports corporate goals and Bank’s vision,
mission to give best banking experience to its clients. The following table lists the
business goals and objectives that the Online Banking Project supports and how it
supports them:

Business Goal/Objective Description

Timely and accurate Web based Online Banking will allow real-time and accurate
Communication communication to the clients directly.

Fewer branch staff required for managing clients will improve

Improve staff efficiency


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Business Goal/Objective Description

Reducing number of clients in the branch will decrease branch

Reduce branch maintenance
maintenance costs

Reduce overhead costs Fewer staff required will reduce the company’s overhead

Online banking platform will allow clients to do banking at their

Ease of Banking
convenient time and place


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


Business Requirements describe WHAT the system, process or product/service must do in order to fulfill the
business need(s) and are categorized into three (3) priorities:

 High

o Requirements identified as High are deemed critical to the operation of the proposed system.
They represent features that the client cannot function without.

 Medium

o Requirements identified as Medium are those that are not mission critical to the client’s business
but could provide significant benefit to the organization.

 Low

o Requirements identified as Low are not critical to the operations of the proposed system, but
would represent helpful or convenient features that would be beneficial to the client.

In each of the following tables, use the following guidelines:

 Number – Use to uniquely identify each requirement. The number should be a sequential number
starting at one and should not be prefixed or reset when starting a new requirement.

 Requirement – Use to define the business requirement ensuring each accurately describes the
functionality to be delivered.

 Priority – Use to indicate if the requirement is High, Medium or Low as defined above.

 Additional Information – Use to describe other information related to the requirement.


Use of the word must to describe a requirement as in ‘the system must …’ is acceptable only within each
Functional Area Description.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


Business requirements identify the strategic, tactical and operational needs along with the goals and/or
objectives of the sponsoring organization. These are always documented from a management perspective.
# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

Ability to register and login online using client card H

Account Balance Functionality H

Balance transfer between accounts Functionality H

Add Payee for E-transfer Functionality H

E-transfer Functionality H

Account Statement Functionality H

LogOut Functionality H

Help Functionality H

In Scope Items:


Register and Login to online platform using client card - MUST

Account List - MUST

Account Details – Transaction History - MUST

Balance transfer Functionality - MUST

E-transfer Functionality – MUST

Add Payee Functionality - MUST

Account statement Functionality – MUST

Logout Functionality – MUST

TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Help Functionality - MUST

Out of Scope Items:

Bill Payment Functionality – Out of Scope

Nearest Branch locator info Functionality – Out of Scope

Appointment booking info functionality – Out of Scope

Online account opening functionality – Out of Scope

Mortgage Accounts functionality – Out of Scope

Investment accounts functionality – Out of Scope

Process requirements identify what the product should do in order to fulfill the business need. << e.g., “The
system should notify the user’s manager when a new timesheet is submitted” >>

Note: For each process, copy and paste additional sections and rows as required.

2.1 Functional Area – Register & Login for clients


This functional area for Register and Login clients using client card is very crucial to success of this project
as this is the very first step that client will perform in order to do banking. This functional area must start when
client is on the website and click on Register or Login button on the homepage. A webform with the multiple
fields should pop-up if the user selects Register or Login window with the username, password, forgot
password and submit button should pop up. When User selects Register, System must collect email ID,
complex combination of password, confirm password, Name, birthdate, Client card number, address and
Phone number. All of the fields should be mandatory for the registration form. The system should validate the
Client card number and client personal information when they submit for the registration. This feature allow
clients to see their account online and perform banking anywhere anytime.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

RL_1.1 The System should allow clients to H User will choose the option that
Register or Login from the website home they wish to perform.
TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

Either Register or Login.

RL_1.2 Registration window shall open when H Customer will fill up information
User click on Register. and click submit to register. All
the fields are mandatory. Any
empty field will throw an error to
complete the form.
Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.1

RL_1.3 Registration form shall have following H

fields. FirstName, LastName, Email
address, Date of Birth, Client card
number, Password, confirm password
and submit button.

RL_1.4 FirstName & LastName fields shall H Other than Alphabet entry or
accept only Alphabets. blank entry will throw an error.
Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.2

RL_1.4 System shall accept valid email address H If User enters invalid email ID,
in email field. or left blank an error message
will pop up for the invalid Email
address. Error_Code:

RL_1.5 The DOB field shall accept a valid date H Date shall be entered in format
and it cannot be left blank. YYYYMMDD. If left blank, an
error message should prompt.
Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.4

RL_1.6 Client Card number field shall accept H Any other input than numeric or
only Numeric 16-digit entry. And it cannot less number of digits or left
be left blank. blank will prompt an error.
Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.5

RL_1.7 Password & Confirm Password Field H An Error will pop up if it doesn’t
shall accept between 8 to 20 characters, meet criteria.
including uppercase, lowercase letters,
Valid Value: Password@123
Special character and numbers. Both
fields cannot be left blank or mismatch Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.6

RL_1.8 The website shall navigate user to H RL_2.0 screen will be displayed
Consent page after successful customer
validation based on input information by


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low


RL_1.9 The website shall prompt an error H Error message will be

message if customer validation fails displayed.
Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.7

RL_2.0 The Consent page consist of Terms & H

Condition for online registration & two
Check box for I Agree &
Submit Button

RL_2.1 The check box for I Agree shall be H Without click on check box for I
selected by user. agree, submit button shall be
greyed out.
Submit button shall be greyed until User
agree on terms & condition.

RL_2.2 After successful submission, system H RL_2.3 page will be displayed.

shall redirect to Login Screen

RL_2.3 Login screen shall contain following H

Client card number
Forgot password link
Login button
Register Button for new user

RL_2.4 System shall validate user based on the H Unsuccessful validation should
information entered for username and display an error message for
password fields. incorrect username or
password. Screen should be
refresh and client card number
and password field cleared.
Error_Code: ERR_RL_1.8

RL_2.5 Forgot password link shall be able to H A password reset link should be
reset password for client using client sent to customer’s registered
email Id and Client card Number. email address.

RL_2.6 After successful Login, System shall H Home page of the online
display home page screen with accounts banking should contain the


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

summary. account summary associated

with the client.

2.2 Functional Area – Account Details (Balance – Transaction history)


This functional area for the project must allow user to see the details of the particular account such as
account number, when it was opened, account balance, interest rate of the account, what is the maturity of
the account if any, transaction details of the account etc. Customer must select the particular account that
they want to see the detail of and all the details should be populated on the screen.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

AD_1.1 After successful Login, System shall H The screen should display all of
display account summary associated to the account summary on the
the user logged in. home page.
Customer should be able to
click on any account and it
should display the details of
that particular account.

AD_1.2 The user shall be able to click on any of H

the account listed on the home page and
details of that account shall be

AD_1.3 Transaction detail shall be populated for H Once, any particular account
account. Customer shall be able to selected, all of the transaction
search by date range. should be populated. User
should be able to search
transaction by date range.

AD_1.4 Account details such as Account H

number, Account type, Interest rate, Date
Opened, Date maturity if any, available
balance, etc shall be populated correctly.

2.3 Functional Area – Balance Transfer



TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

This functional area of the project will allow customer to transfer the balance from one account to other
account. Balance transfer functionality should be displayed on the main home page as well as account
details page. There should be no limit on how much client can transfer as long as the from account have
enough balance. Also, there should be no limit on how many times a customer can use this functionality in
any particular day. Transferred balance should be populated right away and customer should be able to use
funds from that account. This functionality is very useful for client when they want to do some transaction and
there is not enough balance in that account but there is enough balance in other account and they wants to
quick transfer from that. This will save their time and allow them to do banking anywhere anytime.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

BT_1.1 The Client shall select the From and to H Account chosen in from should
account through the dropdown list. not be selected in To.

BT_1.2 System shall validate transaction such as H When customer submit the
enough balance, correct amount and transfer button, system should
proper account selection. validate if the from account has
requested balance, otherwise
Error message should be
populated for insufficient
ErrorCode: ERR_BT_1.9

BT_1.3 System shall allow user to perform as H

many transfers as they want.

BT_1.4 Proper debit credit entry shall be H

performed in From and to account by

2.4 Functional Area – Add Payee for E-transfer

Description: This Functional area must allow user to add payee for the E-transfer. User shall select add
payee when they choose “To” option in E-transfer. Already added payee must display in the “To” section of
the E-transfer functionality. Add payee screen must require Name of the Payee, Email address, Phone
number, method of contacting for transfer (Radio button to choose from Email or Phone), Security question,
security question answer and confirm the answer. After successfully add payee, functionality should get
consent from user that information entered is correct.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

AP_1.1 Add Payee link shall be available in “To” H Add payee option will not be
section of the E-transfer functionality. available anywhere else in the

AP_1.2 System shall accept Name of the Payee H Only Alphabets as input will be


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

only alphabetical value. accepted. Any other input or

empty field will throw an error.
Error_code: ERR_AP_2.0

AP_1.3 System shall accept valid email address. H If user enters invalid email
address or leaves empty, an
error will be thrown for invalid
email or provide an email
Error_code: ERR_AP_2.1

AP_1.4 System shall validate phone number H Only 10 numeric digits will be
field. The field shall accept only 10 digit accepted. Any other input or
of numeric values. less than 10 digits input will
through an error.
Error_code: ERR_AP_2.2

AP_1.5 System shall save data when user clicks H

on Save button.

2.5 Functional Area – E-transfer


This functional area will allow user to send money through email transfer. User must add the person as
payee and add receiver’s information such as email and phone number in order to send money. In addition,
User will have to provide security question and answer for the transfer and The answer must be shared to
recipient in order to accept the transfer and deposit the money. It is critical that use follows the proper
instructions in order to successfully send money using this functionality. This will definitely save time of the
user. There are no charges for the functionality. It is totally free for the user.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

ET_1.1 E-transfer functionality shall be available H E-transfer function is not

on the main page after user logged in. displayed anywhere else on the
website except home page.

ET_1.2 System shall display only Chequing and H From Account field cannot be
saving account in From field. Field is left blank. If left blank an error
mandatory. message will pop up. Please
select an account.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

Error Code: ERR_ET_2.3

ET_1.3 System should allow user to choose H Use must choose Payee that
Payee in “To” field. Add payee link shall they wish to send money. If left
allow user to add new payee. blank an error message will pop
Error Code: ERR_ET_2.4

ET_1.4 System shall accept valid amount in H If left blank or amount entered
Amount field. System shall validate higher then the balance of from
amount against chosen From account. account, an error will pop up for
incorrect amount.
Error Code: ERR_ET_2.5

ET_1.5 System shall allow user to send money if H Transfer with exceed amount of
the transaction is within daily limit of daily limit will throw an error.
transfer. System shall reset limit
Error_Code: ERR_ET_2.6

ET_1.6 The User shall choose transfer method H If the field left blank, an error
from email or text message on the will pop up for incorrect
phone. selection of transfer method.
Error_Code: ERR_ET_2.7

ET_1.7 The User shall enter or choose security H If the field left blank, an error
question for the recipient to answer in will pop up for incorrect Security
order to accept the transfer. question.
Error_Code: ERR_ET_2.8

ET_1.8 The User shall enter the password that H If the field left blank, an error
they wish to set for that security will pop up for incorrect Security
question. question answer.
Error_Code: ERR_ET_2.9

ET_1.9 System shall accept the same password H Different than password field or
as password field in Confirm password. empty field will throw an error
for incorrect or different
Error_Code: ERR_ET_3.0

ET_2.0 System shall get consent from user H If left blank, submit button will
before completing the transaction. be grayed out.
Submit button will allow to
submit only if check box is


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

ET_2.1 System shall complete the transaction H System should give the
once user click on Submit. reference number after
successfully complete the

2.6 Functional Area – Account Statement


This functional area will allow user to get their account statement in just minutes at their convenient location.
They don’t need to go to the branch anymore for this type of the transaction. This functionality will allow them
to select the account that they wish to get statement, From date and To date to get the transaction details
between selected from and to dates. The functionality will also allow user to export this statement as PDF,
Excel or Flat text file. This is critical functionality for the user and it will save their time to do this type of
banking transaction using online banking platform.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

AS_1.1 Account statement functionality shall be H This is the only way to get
available on the home page after user account statement functionality.
log in.

AS_1.2 System shall display all accounts H The user must select Account.
associated with user in Account field on Inability to do so will display
Account statement screen. error message. Please choose
an Account.
Error Code: ERR_AS_3.1

AS_1.3 System shall accept From and To date H By Default From and To date is
range from user for custom search. selected to current date.
System shall accept From date upto 7
Years back.

AS_1.4 System shall display transaction based H

on account chosen and date range once
user click on search.

AS_1.5 System shall export data in PDF, Excel H

or txt format once user clicks on
respective buttons.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

2.7 Functional Area – Logout

Description: This Functionality will allow user to end their session of online banking. It will log out of the
application and no one can see their account or any other details including themselves. This is very critical
option that user must consider and use once they finish with their banking needs. System will automatically
logout if the user is ideal for 10 continues minutes. This will help to minimize the security risk of any user’s

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

LO_1.1 System shall display Logout button on H This is the only way to get use
every page top menu bar after log in. this functionality.

LO_1.2 The System shall kill the session and log H

out of the user’s session.

LO_1.3 After successful Log out, system shall H

display a message that user is Logged
out. And Link to Login again.

LO_1.4 System shall navigate site to go to the H

home page of the online banking, if user
refresh the browser page after Logout.

2.8 Functional Area – Help

Description: This Functionality will allow user to get self help about the functionalities available once they
logged in to the online banking. This functionality will provide written steps and screenshots of the procedure
of all the functions available. So, if the user doesn’t understand what to do, they can refer to this self guide
and get help. Also, Some FAQs also be available for users to read if they want. This functionality will reduce
lot of time of Branch staff explaining about features or saves time of customer when they are in need of help.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

HP_1.1 Help functionality shall be available on H This is the only way to get use
top menu bar of every page after user this functionality.
log in.

HP_1.2 Help screen shall contain all the H

functionality links and FAQs.

HP_1.3 System shall open description of how to H

perform the activity using words and
screen shots when user clicks on any
help link.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


<< Copy and paste the Functional Area Description from each Functional Area into the table below. This
table will be copied into the resulting RFP as the mandatory Functional Requirements. >>

Functional Areas
Register & Login: This functional area for Register and Login clients using client card is very crucial to
success of this project as this is the very first step that client will perform in order to do banking. This
functional area must start when client is on the website and click on Register or Login button on the
homepage. A webform with the multiple fields should pop-up if the user selects Register or Login window
with the username, password, forgot password and submit button should pop up. When User selects
Register, System must collect email ID, complex combination of password, confirm password, Name,
birthdate, Client card number, address and Phone number. All of the fields should be mandatory for the
registration form. The system should validate the Client card number and client personal information when
they submit for the registration. This feature allows clients to see their account online and perform banking
anywhere anytime.

Account Details: This functional area for the project must allow user to see the details of the particular
account such as account number, when it was opened, account balance, interest rate of the account, what
is the maturity of the account if any, transaction details of the account etc. Customer must select the
particular account that they want to see the detail of and all the details should be populated on the screen.

Balance Transfer: This functional area of the project will allow customer to transfer the balance from one
account to other account. Balance transfer functionality should be displayed on the main home page as
well as account details page. There should be no limit on how much client can transfer as long as the from
account have enough balance. Also, there should be no limit on how many times a customer can use this
functionality in any particular day. Transferred balance should be populated right away and customer
should be able to use funds from that account. This functionality is very useful for client when they want to
do some transaction and there is not enough balance in that account but there is enough balance in other
account and they want to quick transfer from that. This will save their time and allow them to do banking
anywhere anytime.

Add Payee (E-transfer): This Functional area must allow user to add payee for the E-transfer. User shall
select add payee when they choose “To” option in E-transfer. Already added payee must display in the
“To” section of the E-transfer functionality. Add payee screen must require Name of the Payee, Email
address, Phone number, method of contacting for transfer (Radio button to choose from Email or Phone),
Security question, security question answer and confirm the answer. After successfully add payee,
functionality should get consent from user that information entered is correct.

E-Transfer: This functional area will allow user to send money through email transfer. User must add the
person as payee and add receiver’s information such as email and phone number in order to send money.
In addition, User will have to provide security question and answer for the transfer and The answer must
be shared to recipient in order to accept the transfer and deposit the money. It is critical that use follows
the proper instructions in order to successfully send money using this functionality. This will definitely save
time of the user. There are no charges for the functionality. It is totally free for the user.

Account Statement: This functional area will allow user to get their account statement in just minutes at
their convenient location. They don’t need to go to the branch anymore for this type of the transaction. This


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Functional Areas
functionality will allow them to select the account that they wish to get statement, From date and To date to
get the transaction details between selected from and to dates. The functionality will also allow user to
export this statement as PDF, Excel or Flat text file. This is critical functionality for the user and it will save
their time to do this type of banking transaction using online banking platform.

Logout: This Functionality will allow user to end their session of online banking. It will log out of the
application and no one can see their account or any other details including themselves. This is very critical
option that user must consider and use once they finish with their banking needs. System will
automatically logout if the user is ideal for 10 continues minutes. This will help to minimize the security risk
of any user’s account.

Help: This Functionality will allow user to get self help about the functionalities available once they logged
in to the online banking. This functionality will provide written steps and screenshots of the procedure of all
the functions available. So, if the user doesn’t understand what to do, they can refer to this self guide and
get help. Also, Some FAQs also be available for users to read if they want. This functionality will reduce lot
of time of Branch staff explaining about features or saves time of customer when they are in need of help.

Reporting requirements identify what reports the application and/or system must be able to manage.

<< e.g. Frequency of report, required run dates / times, recipients of reports, format, data source, distribution
methods, storage as it applies to reporting. >>

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low
1 Generate monthly report indicating how many H Monthly reports to check customer
users have utilized view specials interests
2 Generate monthly report indicating how many H This is to be done monthly based
users have used Help Option on departments

3 Generate monthly report indicating how many H This is critical to analyze system
users have used Locate items performance and if those requests
were met
4 Generate monthly report indicating how many H This is important to analyze at
unique users have Checked prices what prices the customer is most
likely to buy the product
5 Generate monthly report indicating how many H Important to understand customer
users have renewed memberships loyalty
6 Generate daily report indicating how many total H This is important to predict if our
transactions are occurring on a daily basis sales are rising or falling after
implementation of the technology


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Some of the major usability requirements this project should entail should be being user friendly, help
available at all times, accessibility of information as and when required by the users.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

1 The Online banking platform should be easy to M It should be easy to understand

use and it should be available to all customers all and navigate based on
the time. customer needs

2 The user must be able to access all the M Ease of functionality is critical
information at all times. Ease of use is critical for success of this system

3 Help option should be available to users at all M This will allow for better
times customer experience

This requirement focuses on security concerns associated with the new Online Banking Platform. It must
address Auto sign out if customer is ideal for some time, secure password suggestions to customer, complex
process to reset password and secure customer information to be stolen by cyber attacks.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

1 The Online Banking platform should suggest H This will reduce the risk of easy
users to use complex passwords which are hard guessing password.
to guess.

2 The Online banking platform should Logout user H This is critical to avoid any
automatically if user is ideal for certain period of unwanted activity by someone
the time. else other than actual user. Or
when user forget to logout of
the system.

3 The Online banking system should have high H This is to keep banking site
security code practices. safe and secure on the internet.

4 User should be blocked if they enter 3 times H This is critical to maintain

wrong password. User must need to call call- customer data security at all
centre agent to unblock themselves by verifying times.
personal information.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

This requirement focuses on the availability of the New Online Banking website. As it is a web application, it
should be available to users all the time except maintenance window. Maintenance downtime should be
published on the Site home page at least 48 hours prior to maintenance. This allows leverage technology
and doing banking at convenience time and place.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

1 The Banking site should be available all the time H Maintenance window is
except maintenance window. generally overnight when the
traffic is minimal.

2 All the features of the banking should be available H All features for the all users.
once user logged in to the application.

3 Call centre agents should be available during H Mon to Fri – 8 AM to 11 PM

posted hours.
Sat – Sun – 9 AM to 10 PM

4 Password reset should be available all the time for H


5 Any maintenance window should be properly M

communicated to users at least 48 hours prior to

These requirements are also critical for the project success. These should include areas such as adding or
modifying new functionalities to the system in future phases without breaking current functionalities. It is also
critical that the online banking system is able to take up maximum load at all times and reflects any changes
in the directions etc.

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

1 The online banking system has ability to add on H This will allow users to perform
new functions and functionalities in upcoming more ways to do banking with
phase without breaking existing features. ease.

2 The System should perform same function with H Performance should not be
same speech no matter how much load site has. dropped if more user are
logged in at the same time.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

Performance requirements identify what the application and/or system must do efficiently.

<< e.g. Response time, maximum duration to execute a task, upload time, et cetera. >>

# Requirements Additional Information
H - High
M – Medium
L – Low

1 The new online banking system should respond H Not more than 1 min for each
each task within 1 minute task processing

2 Balance transfer processing should not take more H Not more than 2 minutes for
than 2 minutes balance transfer processing

3 Help option should allow users to get help right H All the documentation should
away. be user friendly. So user can
get help right away.

4 Any new system uploads should be done during M Maintenance window should be
maintenance window. decided when there is minimal
traffic on the site.

5 Any new features in upcoming phases should not H This is critical to maintain
impact system performance. customer satisfaction online
banking experience

6 System should be able to handle large number of H This is critical to maintain the
users logged in at the same time and performing system performance.

7 E-Transfer functionality, recipient should receive H System should be able to send

an email or text within 24 hours of the transaction the notification again, If the
performed. recipient did not receive an
email or text.


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


The following are the assumptions that are critical in response to this project:

# Assumptions

1 The use of Online banking platform is completely free for the users.

2 Availability of hardware and software platform at all times

3 Development resources will be available from project initiation to support the project

4 Continuous funding available for upgrades and modifications

5 Hardware and software resources available to make any changes

6 High performing Servers and Secure database available to handle security and storage all the time.

The following are the dependencies that are critical to this project:

# Dependencies

1 Hardware and software resources available to make any changes

2 System interface and store system to track information

3 Necessary IT resource available to modify/Support System

4 Any software upgrades/system changes are critical for continuous operations

Identify any factors that limit or place constraints on the development of the solution. These may include but
are not limited to regulatory, technological or business realities.

# Constraints

1 Highly efficient system interface to handle the load of all the data on a daily basis

2 A dedicated/multiple servers will be needed to meet the usage demand

3 Regulations guidelines must be taken into consideration by the government

TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office

# Constraints

4 Changes in business structure or operations at enterprise level


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01
Bank of Alberta – Online Banking Solution Delivery: Project Management Office


TEMPLATE VERSION 4.0, 2012-06-01

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