A Comparison of One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional, and Three-Dimensional Settlement Analyses of The Tower of Pisa

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A Comparison of 1D, 2D, and 3D Settlement Analyses of the Tower of Pisa

A thesis submitted by

Andrew J. Klettke

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Master of Science


Civil and Environmental Engineering


August, 2009

Advisor: Professor Lewis Edgers

UMI Number: 1468186


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A Comparison of 1D, 2D, and 3D Settlement Analyses of the Tower of Pisa


Andrew J. Klettke

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155


This thesis compares and evaluates settlement analyses of the Tower of

Pisa by one, two, and three-dimensional computer models. The Tower of Pisa has

been an important settlement case study for more than a century. The Tower

settlement has been previously modeled using one-dimensional consolidation

models and more recently, two and three-dimensional finite element analysis.

The recent work provides a large amount of subsurface data used in these

analyses. The 1D analyses underestimate the average settlement of the Tower by

not accounting for shear induced deformations. In 2D, a plane strain analyses can

model the Tower’s tilt but the magnitude of the settlement must be calibrated for

the difference between the infinite strip plane strain loading and the actual circular

loading using the results of an axisymmetric analysis. The results of the 3D

analyses are comparable to the findings of the calibrated 2D analysis and provide

acceptable comparisons between the computed and estimated actual settlements

and inclinations.


I would like to thank Jesus Christ for all the gifts He has given me,

including the strength, patience, discipline and perseverance to complete this

thesis. I would like to thank my parents, Neal and Susan Klettke, as well my

entire family for their continued support in the entire process. I would also like to

especially thank the Powelson and Oien families for their help during the time

period I have spent working on this thesis.

I would like to thank my committee chair, Lewis Edgers, for taking on a

student like myself and being a consistent, strong advisor on my project. I would

like to thank my committee members, Christopher Swan and David Shields, for

their time invested in attending meetings and reviewing my thesis. I would like to

thank my fellow Tufts University CEE graduate students for their support,

especially Ms. Elsbeth Hearn for her assistance in teaching me some of the

software programs used in this thesis. I would like to acknowledge the Tufts

University CEE faculty as well as the staff, including Grace Clemence and Laura



Abstract ii

Acknowledgements iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables vii

List of Figures viii

Chapter 1: Purpose and Scope 1

1.1) Purpose 1
1.2) Scope 3

Chapter 2: Literature Review and Background Information - Tower

of Pisa 5

2.1) Construction 5
2.2) Inclination History 6
2.3) Stabilization Methods 10
2.4) Subsurface Conditions 12
2.5) Soil Properties Data 16
2.6) Causes of Inclination 20
2.7) Estimated Settlement 21
2.8) Previous Settlement Calculations 22

Chapter 3: One-Dimensional Analysis - Winsaf 32

3.1) Winsaf-I 32
3.1.1) Winsaf-TR 33
3.2) One-Dimensional Profile 34
3.3) Methods and Parameters 36
3.3.1) Assumptions 36
3.3.2) Settlement Parameters 37

3.3.3) Consolidation Rate Parameters 40
3.3.4) Loading Sequence 42
3.4) Results 43
3.4.1) Primary Consolidation 44
3.4.2) Secondary Compression 44
3.5) Discussion 45
3.6) Winsaf Verification 47
3.6.1) Previous 1D Calculations 47
3.6.2) Olson Method 48

Chapter 4: Two-Dimensional Analysis – Plaxis 2D 50

4.1) Plaxis 2D 50
4.2) Methods and Parameters 51
4.2.1) Soil Models 52
4.2.2) Soil Behavior Types 53
4.2.3) Parameters 54
4.3) Axisymmetric Analysis 57
4.3.1) Initial Conditions 58
4.3.2) Calculation Phases 59
4.3.3) Axisymmetric Results 60
4.4) Axisymmetric Verification 61
4.4.1) Mesh Fineness 62
4.4.2) Mesh Size 63
4.4.3) Excess Pore Pressure Verification 64
4.4.4) Plastic-Drained Analysis 66
4.4.5) φ = 0 Analysis 67
4.5) Plane Strain Analysis 68
4.5.1) Plane Strain Symmetric Loading 69
4.5.2) Plane Strain Non-Symmetric Loading 70
4.5.3) Plane Strain Calibration 73

Chapter 5: Three-Dimensional Analysis – Plaxis 3D 77

5.1) Plaxis 3D 77
5.2) Methods and Parameters 78
5.3) Symmetric Loading 78
5.3.1) Initial Conditions 79
5.3.2) Calculation Phases 82
5.3.3) Symmetric Loading Results 83
5.3.4) Mesh Fineness 84
5.4) Non-Symmetric Loading 85
5.4.1) Non-Uniform Loading Results 87

Chapter 6: Comparison of 1D, 2D and 3D Computations 91

6.1) 1D, 2D, 3D Verification 91

6.2) Center Settlement 93
6.3) Differential Settlement 97
6.4) Parameters Comparisons 102
6.5) Setup and Execution 103

Chapter 7: Summary and Conclusions 106

7.1) Summary 106

7.2) Discussion 109
7.3) Recommendations and Future Work 112

References 114

Appendix 117


2.1. Inclination History Values (Costanzo, 1994) 8

2.2. Effective Cohesion and Friction Angle (Lo Presti, 2003) 18

3.1. Winsaf-I Parameters 35

3.2. Maximum Past Pressures 39
3.3. Winsaf-TR Parameters 41

4.1. Plaxis 2D Input Parameters 55

4.2. Plaxis 2D Overconsolidation Ratios 57
4.3. Plaxis 2D Plate Parameters 60
4.4. Plaxis 2D Calculation Phases 60
4.5. φ = 0 Analysis - Undrained Strength Parameters 68
4.6. Layer A1 Parameters 69
4.7. Non-Symmetric Loading Increments 71

5.1. Plaxis 3D Input Parameters 80

5.2. 3D Wall and Plate Material Parameters 81
5.3. Plaxis 3D Calculation Phases 82
5.4. Plaxis 3D Line Loads 86

6.1. Input Parameter Comparison 102

6.2. Program Setup and Executions Time 103


2.1. Construction History (Burland, 2003) 6

2.2. Axis Correction During Construction (Costanzo, 1994) 7
2.3. Deduced Inclination History 8
2.4. Tower Inclinations after 1911 (Costanzo, 1994) 9
2.5. Tower Cross-Section (Potts, 2000) 11
2.6. Adopted Soil Extraction Technique (Burland, 2003) 12
2.7. Simplified Soil Profile (Mitchell, 1977) 13
2.8. Detailed Soil Profile (Rampello, 1998) 14
2.9. Percentage of Clayey Silt in Horizon A (Rampello, 1998) 15
2.10. Unit weight, Specific Gravity, Water Content (Lo Presti, 2003) 17
2.11. Cc, Cs, k, and Cα Values (Rampello, 1998) 18
2.12. Coefficient of Consolidation (Mitchell, 1977) 19
2.13. Overconsolidation Ratios (Lo Presti, 2003) 19
2.14. Non-Symmetric Soil Pressure from Leaning Tower (Terzaghi Figure 2,
1934) 23
2.15. Differential Settlement (Terzaghi Figure 3, 1934) 23
2.16. Estimated Tower of Pisa Soil Pressures and Settlement (Terracina,
1962) 24
2.17. 1D Average Settlement Calculation (Mitchell, 1977) 25
2.18. Center Settlement and Southward Heave (Leonards, 1979) 27
2.19. 2D Plane Strain Settlement and Inclination Calculations (Burland, 2003) 29
2.20. Plane Strain Settlement Curve (Bai, 2008) 31
2.21. Plane Strain Corresponding Inclination (Bai, 2008) 31

3.1. Winsaf-I Soil Properties Input 33

3.2. Winsaf-TR Consolidation Parameters Input 34
3.3. Simplified Subsurface Profile 35
3.4. Effective Stress and Maximum Past Pressure vs. Depth 40
3.5. 1D Computed Settlement – Center of Tower 43
3.6. 1D Computed Shear Induced and Consolidation Settlement – Center of

Tower 46
3.7. Previous Settlement Calculations – Center of Tower 48
3.8. Olson Time-Rate Settlement Calculation 49

4.1. Plaxis 2D Axisymmetric Mesh 58

4.2. 2D Axisymmetric Settlement – Center of Tower 61
4.3. Plaxis 2D Mesh Fineness Analysis 63
4.4. Plaxis 2D Axisymmetric Mesh Size Analysis 64
4.5. Axisymmetric Total Displacements – 60m Wide Mesh 64
4.6. Excess Pore Pressure in Clay Layers Versus Time 65
4.7. Final Excess Pore Pressures 66
4.8. Plaxis 2D Plane Strain Cross Section 69
4.9. 2D Plane Strain Uniform Loading 70
4.10. 2D Plane Strain Non-symmetric Loading 72
4.11. 2D Plane Strain Total Displacements 73
4.12. Vertical Stress Under Strip and Circular Loading (Som and Das Figure
5.17, 2003) 74
4.13. 2D Plane Strain Calibrated Non-symmetric Load 75

5.1. Plaxis 3D Symmetric Uniformly Distributed Load Mesh 81

5.2. 3D Symmetric Uniformly Distributed Load – Center Settlement 83
5.3. Plaxis 3D Mesh Fineness 84
5.4. Non-Symmetric Distribution of 5 Line Loads 86
5.5. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading Settlement 88
5.6. 3D Tower Base Inclination 89
5.7. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading Shaded Displacements 89
5.8. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading North-South Cross Section Total
Displacements 90
6.1. One-Dimensional Verification Analysis 92
6.2. 1D, 2D, 3D Center Settlement 93
6.3. 2D Horizontal Displacements 94
6.4. 3D Horizontal Displacements (a) North-South (b) East-West 95

6.5. 2D Axisymmetric 6-Noded vs. 3D Uniformly Distributed Center
Settlement 97
6.6. 2D Plane Strain Calibrated vs. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading 98
6.7. Inclination Angle vs. Time 99

Chapter 1: Purpose and Scope

1.1 Purpose

The use of the finite element method in geotechnical engineering involves

many complex issues specific to geotechnical engineering (Potts, 1999).

Problems involving cut slopes, embankments, piled foundations and embedded

walls where soil and structural interfaces exist can become rather involved with

varying materials and loading conditions. Traditional geotechnical design has

addressed such problems using simplified one dimensional analysis or empirical

approaches. The introduction of geotechnical computer hardware and software

has brought about considerable advances in these analyses, which includes the use

of the finite element method. The sophistication of finite element modeling

capabilities has also progressed with technology. Modeling that once was only

available in two dimensions can now simulate full three dimensional behavior.

Limitations exist in all types of models. A simplistic one dimensional

model requires far more approximations than a detailed three dimensional model

of the same problem. It would be expected that the results of the three

dimensional model be more accurate than those of the one dimensional model.

Each added level of complexity in a model should ideally provide an added level

of accuracy. Geotechnical software that can model in one, two, or three

dimensions should enhance the quality of the model with each added dimension.

A comparison of the results of one, two, and three dimensional calculations of the

same problem could reveal how much accuracy and quality each added dimension


The leaning tower of Pisa is a famous historical landmark. From the time

its construction began in August 1173 until the 1990s, the tower inclined

southward nearly 5.5o (Burland, 2003). At that point, fears of a collapse led to the

formation of a multi-disciplinary committee appointed by the Italian Government

to propose schemes for stabilization of the tower (Costanzo, 1994). As a result, a

thorough investigation of the subsurface conditions was conducted and the soils

beneath the tower have been well characterized. The Tower of Pisa also has

documented stages of construction as well as angles of inclination over eight

centuries. Therefore, in conjunction with the well characterized soil conditions,

the settlement of the soils beneath the Tower of Pisa are a good candidate for

performing settlement calculations. The simplicity of a symmetric, cylindrical

tower makes it a great case to make a comparison of 1D, 2D and 3D analyses.

Each different dimension of analysis can be compared to the actual movement

that has occurred.

As an internationally recognizable structure, the Tower of Pisa has been an

important settlement case study for much of the past century. As early as 1934,

when Karl Terzaghi proposed a time-differential settlement curve, the Tower has

been an intriguing problem to the geotechnical community. Since then, engineers

including Terracina, Mitchell, Jamiolkowski, Burland and Bai have made

attempts using one, two and three dimensional models.

Currently, there are many settlement software programs available. The

programs chosen for this study include Winsaf1 (1D), Plaxis 2D v.8.6, and Plaxis

3D Foundation v.2. The first program, Winsaf-I, calculates one-dimensional

Prototype Engineering Inc., Winchester, MA

settlements as a sum of the vertical strain. An accompanying program, Winsaf-

TR, computes the time-rate of settlement based on simple one-dimensional

consolidation theory parameters. A circular surface load option can be used to

compute the Tower induced stress increments corresponding to the Tower’s

construction sequence. Plaxis 2D can analyze the stability and deformation of

geotechnical problems in two dimensions (Plaxis 8.2, 1998). The program

includes far more input features including soil interfaces, boundary conditions,

and loading systems. It also generates two-dimensional graphical outputs of total

stresses, strains, and displacements. However, it is limited to either axisymmetric

of plane strain formulations. Plaxis 3D Foundation v.2 is developed specially for

analysis of foundation structures (Plaxis 3D, 2007). Many of the features are

similar to those found in Plaxis 2D, only calculations and graphics are performed

in a three-dimensional environment similar to a real world problem.

1.2 Scope

This thesis compares computations for the settlement of the Tower of Pisa

in one, two, and three dimensions. The goal is to provide a comparison of the

advantages and disadvantages of each added dimension.

This thesis has been organized into the following sections:

1.0 Introduction – includes an overview of the advances made in the

geotechnical engineering modeling process.

2.0 Literature Review and Background Information – reviews the literature

concerning the subsurface conditions and previous attempts to model the

settlement and inclination and provides a historical background of the Tower

of Pisa.

3.0 One-Dimensional Analysis – introduces the program Winsaf and presents

the results of the one dimensional settlement analysis.

4.0 Two-Dimensional Analysis – introduces the finite element program Plaxis

2D and presents the results of the two dimensional settlement analysis.

5.0 Three-Dimensional Analysis – introduces the finite element program Plaxis

3D and presents the results of the three dimensional settlement analysis.

6.0 Discussion – discusses and compares the results of each analysis and presents

advantages and disadvantages of each model.

7.0 Summary and Conclusions – includes a summary of the findings and

presents recommendations for future work.

References – lists the sources of information used in this thesis.

Appendix – presents the data obtained in this project.

Chapter 2: Literature Review and Background Information – Tower of Pisa

Finite element analysis has freed the geotechnical engineer from basing

analysis on over-simplified soil properties and boundary conditions (Duncan,

1999). In order to perform an acceptable finite element analysis, the history and

background of the site should be thoroughly investigated. Concerning the Tower

of Pisa, it is necessary to understand the stages of construction, the progression of

the inclination and the results of previous model attempts. From prior studies,

there is a great deal of subsurface data and modeling information available. The

following sections summarize this earlier work.

2.1 Construction

Built as a part of a religious monument complex in the Piazza dei

Miracoli, the Tower of Pisa is considered a fascinating geotechnical problem

(Costanzo, 1994). Construction of the Tower began on the 9th of August 1173. In

1178, after three and a half stories had been built, work was interrupted. The

cause for the stoppage is unknown although it likely involved politics or

construction difficulties (Mitchell, 1977). Had work continued without stoppage,

it is likely that soils beneath the foundation of the Tower would have experienced

an undrained bearing capacity failure (Burland, 2003).

After nearly a century, work on the tower resumed in 1272. At this point,

the strength of the soil beneath the tower had increased due to consolidation. By

1278, construction reached the seventh cornice when work again was stopped.

Political or military reasons are cited as likely causes and not the concern for

Tower stability. Again, a Tower collapse would have been almost certain if work

had continued at this stage (Burland, 2003).

FIGURE 2.1. Construction History (Burland, 2003)

Work on the bell chamber began in 1360 and the Tower was finally

completed in 1370. Figure 2.1 provides a timeline for the Tower construction. At

the time of its completion, it is evident from an inspection of the adjustments

made to the masonry layers that the lean of the tower to the south was significant

(Burland, 2003). The center line of the eighth floor changed and the fact that the

axis of the Tower is not perfectly straight both indicate southward inclination

(Figure 2.2).

2.2 Inclination History

It is known that the layers of masonry display relative inclinations and that

the center line of the tower is not straight (Costanzo, 1994). In 1991, Burland

reconstructed the history of the tilt of the Tower of Pisa. The reconstruction is

based upon the theory that the masons made continuous leveling adjustments

during construction. Following this assumption, Burland was able to formulate

the tilt history shown in Figure 2.3. The values displayed in Table 2.1 until 1758

are highly qualitative, while since the first plumb line measurement in 1817, the

angles are more quantitative.

FIGURE 2.2. Axis Correction During Construction (Costanzo, 1994)

During the first phase of construction, it is apparent the Tower was subject

to random inclinations in different directions (Costanzo, 1994). After

construction recommenced in 1272, the Tower began to move distinctly towards

the south (Potts, 2000). As the tower reached the seventh cornice in 1278,

inclination was about 0.103o. The tilt increased to 1.611o southward over the next

90 years. After the completion of the bell tower in 1370, the inclination

increased significantly. By 1550 it had reached 4.684o. Burland et al (2003)

surmise that leaning instability is responsible for this dramatic change. Another

possible explanation is with the already slight southward lean, the addition of the

bell chamber brought a very high stress concentration to the south side of the

footing. It is possible this brought the structural foundation material to a state of

failure causing the large rotation to the south (Bai, 2008).

S 6
1990 - 5.469

Inclination Angle ( )

3rd Load Phase (1360-1370)

2nd Load (1272-1278)

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Initial Load
FIGURE 2.3. Deduced Inclination History

Year Activity Weight (MN) Tilt (degrees)

1173 Start Construction 0 0
1178 Complete 3 ½ Floors 94.8 0
1272 Consolidation/Resume Construction 94.8 -0.200
1278 Complete to 7th Floor 137.28 0.103
1285 Consolidation 137.28 1.112
1360 Consolidation/Resume Construction 137.28 1.112
1370 Complete Construction 144.53 1.611
1550 Consolidation 144.53 4.684
1758 Consolidation 144.53 4.831
1817 Consolidation 144.53 5.103
1911 Consolidation 144.53 5.246
1990 Consolidation 144.53 5.469
TABLE 2.1. Inclination History Values (Costanzo, 1994)

In 1817, Cresy and Taylor recorded the first plumb line measurement of

the Tower. In 1838, a walkway was excavated around the base of the Tower

known as the catino. With the water table only 1 m to 2 m below the ground

surface, the excavation caused an inflow of water on the south side carrying

quantities of soil with it. The operation is believed to have caused an inclination

of 0.25o to 0.5o and brought the tower very close to collapse (Burland, 2000).

In 1911, a geodetic procedure known as Pizzetti’s method was used to

measure the inclination angle of the Tower and was found to be 5.246o (Croce,

1981). This method was used to record the angle until 1934 when a Girometti-

Bonechi’s inclinometer was installed in the tower. The readings from the

inclinometer were added to the measured value from Pizzetti’s method in 1934.

They were used as the primary inclination measurement tool until remediation

techniques on the Tower began in the early 1990s. Figure 2.4 provides a plot of

the readings during this time period.

FIGURE 2.4. Tower Inclinations after 1911 (Costanzo, 1994)

Some significant events were recorded after the installation of the

inclinometer. In 1934, a sudden increase of 31 arc seconds (0.0086o) was caused

by grout injections into the foundation. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s

pumping from the lower sands caused an approximate 41 seconds (0.0114o) of tilt

(Potts, 2000). Fifteen 12 m deep boreholes in 1953 and borings conducted by the

Polvani Committee in the late 1960s also generated small jumps in the inclination

angle. This shows how sensitive the Tower of Pisa is to disturbances of the

adjacent soil foundation.

2.3 Stabilization Methods

In 1989, the collapse of a similarly constructed bell tower in Italy, the

Cathedral of Pavia, caused the closing of Tower of Pisa to the public (Heiniger,

1995). By this time, the inclination of the tower was 5.469o and continually

increasing at a rate of 6 arc seconds (0.0017o) per year (Potts, 2000). Two

problems threatened the stability of the Tower at this point. First, the hollow

cylindrical structure of the Tower caused concern for the strength of the concrete

masonry (Figure 2.5). The second involved the stability of the soil foundation.

As a result, stabilization techniques were seriously investigated.

In 1992, lightly pre-stressed plastic covered steel tendons were installed

around the first and second levels of the Tower. The tendons significantly

reduced the buckling failure risk of the thin walls (Burland, 1998). Studies of

elevations around the outside of the Tower suggested a load applied to the

masonry at the foundation on the north side would help counteract the continual

lean. After a computer analysis, a temporary concrete ring was installed around

the base of the Tower and lead ingots were placed on the ring in calculated

phases. Ultimately, the application of lead weights reduced the overturning

moment of the tower by about 14 percent (Potts, 2000).

FIGURE 2.5. Tower Cross-Section (Potts, 2000)

Stabilization of the Tower also took place by methods of soil extraction.

A small diameter hollow stem auger inserted under the north end of the Tower,

was used to remove small volumes of the Horizon A sandy silt. Figure 2.6 shows

the drilling technique adopted to remove the soil.

The entire stabilization process reduced the inclination of the Tower by

approximately 0.5o. The correction methods were necessary to prevent failure of

the tower. However, they present many complexities in modeling the settlement

of the tower. As a result, they will be left out of the modeling comparison.

FIGURE 2.6. Adopted Soil Extraction Technique (Burland, 2003)

2.4 Subsurface Conditions

The subsurface profile of the Tower has been well characterized due to the

examination of the soils foundation of the Tower during the major remediation

efforts. As many as 16 committees have been created in the past century to

investigate methods to stabilize the Tower of Pisa (Lo Presti, 2003). As early as

1907, the first documented investigation was headed by Mario Canaveri. In 1965,

the Polvani Committee, appointed by the Ministry of Public works, divided the

soil beneath the Tower of Pisa into distinct three units: Horizons A, B, and C

(Rampello, 1998). More recently, the investigations by Jamiolkowski in 1990-

1992 provided laboratory results from some of the most current sampling and

testing techniques. Soils collected from this study were looked at in great detail.

The cone penetration tests and laboratory tests performed on samples from

standard tube and large diameter thin-walled samplers give a thorough description

of the soil. A simplified profile with soil descriptions from the efforts of the

Polvani Committee is shown in Figure 2.7 (Mitchell, 1977). Figure 2.8 provides a

north-south cross section created by Rampello and Callisto (1998) based on all

available borehole and CPT results.

FIGURE 2.7. Simplified Soil Profile (Mitchell, 1977)

The upper deposits known as Horizon A consist of varying thicknesses of

silt, clay and sand. It can be broken into four layers. After 3 feet of topsoil and

fill, Horizon A consists of a silty layer over a sand layer. The silty layer can be

divided into a clayey silt (A1’) and a silty sand (A1”). Layer A2 is a gray sand

with a roughly constant thickness of 2.0 m. Above A2 at the north end of the

Tower exists mostly the A1” layer with thin lenses of A1’ material. To the south,

the A1’ material predominates over the A1” material. Figure 2.9 presents the

percentage of A1’ (clayey silt) in Horizon A to the north and south of the Tower.

This uneven distribution of compressible soils is believed to be a cause of the

initial tilt of the Tower of Pisa.

Figure 2.8 Detailed Soil Profile (Rampello, 1998)

Much of the subsoil is composed of clayey deposits found in Horizon B.

In comparison to Horizon A, Horizon B is fairly uniform laterally (Potts, 2000).

This upper “Pancone” clay is highly plastic grey-blue silty clay and can be broken

into three sublayers (B1, B2 and B3) (Rampello, 1998). Layer B2 is a lower

plasticity grey clay than its surrounding layers B1 and B3.

The intermediate clay (B4, B5) and intermediate sand (B6) layers are

similar to the deposits of Horizon A. The B4, B5 layer is a stiff, silty clay with

less plasticity and higher unit weight than the upper clay. A 2.4-ft thick layer of

B6 material exists between the intermediate and lower clays.

FIGURE 2.9. Percentage of Clayey Silt in Horizon A (Rampello, 1998)

The lower clay (B7, B8, B9, B10) is a medium plastic silty clay. Sublayer

B7 can actually be divided into an upper part (B7’) with more clay and a lower

part (B7”) with less plasticity. The remaining sublayers (B8, B9, B10) are all

gray clays with little silt and sand lenses.

The deepest soil layer represented, Horizon C, is a medium uniform

slightly silty dense gray sand that extends to depths of 65 to 70 meters. Further

cohesive formations are known to be present below these depths including

estuarine clay, grey-blue marine clay, and littoral sediment of gravel and sand (Lo

Presti, 2003).

2.5 Soil Properties Data

The most detailed geotechnical characterization of the subsurface is

presented by Lo Presti et al (2003). The paper summarizes the vast amount of

data on the soils below the Pisa Tower from the past century and puts emphasis

on sample quality and testing procedures. Soil compressibility, creep, strength

and stress history are all addressed. Much of the data in the Lo Presti et al (2003)

paper is also presented in a Tower of Pisa subsoil study by Rampello and Callisto

(1998). This paper provides detailed analysis of cone penetration tests to

distinguish the sand and clay layers. Laboratory testing performed on standard

tube and large diameter thin-walled samplers revealed the clay deposits are

sensitive to sample disturbance. A comprehensive collection of soil parameters

are provided including compressibility values higher than those found by the

Polvani Committee. Mitchell et al (1977) made available to the English speaking

geotechnical community some of the results of the Polvani Committee (Nathan,

1978) and provides some basic one-dimensional analyses parameters. Many of

the parameters of these studies will be used in the settlement calculations of this


Saturated unit weight, specific gravity, and water content for the soil

layers are available from Lo Presti et al (2003) and shown in Figure 2.10.

Multiple symbols are used to differentiate Laval, mechanical piston and Osterberg


Figure 2.10. Unit weight, Specific Gravity, Water Content (Lo Presti, 2003)

The compressibility and consolidation parameters for the clay layers

shown in Figure 2.11 are from Rampello and Callisto (1998). Again, different

symbols indicate different samplings techniques and the vertical lines are drawn

in by the authors as proposed values. The compression index values, Cc, tend to

be slightly higher for samples obtained with the Laval sampler. The ratio of

swelling index, Cs, to Cc falls in the range of 0.1-0.2. The values for permeability,

k, show some scatter for the different methods used. The secondary compression

index, Cα, ranges from 0.002 to 0.04 with the highest values observed in the upper


Drained shear strength and friction angles from triaxial compression tests

of Lo Presti et al (2003) are reported in Table 2. The parameters have been

inferred from drained and undrained tests on undisturbed samples under both Ko

and isotropic conditions (Lo Presti, 2003).

FIGURE 2.11. Cc, Cs, k, and Cα Values (Rampello, 1998)

TABLE 2.2. Effective Cohesion and Friction Angle (Lo Presti, 2003)

Coefficient of consolidation parameters are available from Mitchell et al

(1977) in Figure 2.12. Results were obtained from the Polvani Committee and

average values have been selected as the vertical lines drawn in the figure.

FIGURE 2.12. Coefficient of Consolidation (Mitchell, 1977)

Overconsolidation ratios (OCR) values from Lo Presti et al (2003) are

shown in Figure 2.13 were inferred from oedometer tests using the Casagrande

method. Different symbols are used to differentiate the sampling methods.

Higher OCR values exist in Horizon A and the intermediate clay. The upper and

lower clays exhibit OCRs in the 1 to 2 range.

FIGURE 2.13. Overconsolidation Ratios (Lo Presti, 2003)

2.6 Causes of Inclination

A single clear explanation for the cause of the lean of the Tower of Pisa

does not exist. Rather, the inclination is believed to have been caused by a

combination of site specific issues. Subsurface conditions are commonly cited as

the initial cause of tilt of the tower. As alluded to in Section 2.4, there is a distinct

special variation in the layer of soil 5-8 m below the surface. Silty sand

predominates to the north while mostly soft clayey silt is present under the south

side of the Tower. The clayey silt is much more compressible and deformed more

quickly under the initial load of the Tower (Bai, 2008).

The soft, upper clay layer, called “Pancone” clay has contributed greatly

to the overall settlement of the tower. As shown in Figure 2.8, a depression exists

in the upper layers of Horizon B. The overall Tower load caused the clay to

consolidate resulting in as much as 3 m of settlement.

Once the Tower began to lean, overturning moments induced by the

eccentric weight of the Tower continued to affect its lean. As seen in Figure 2.3,

the inclination of the Tower grew rapidly following completion of the bell

chamber (1370-1550). There are multiple theories for this escalated rotation.

One involves a phenomenon termed “leaning instability” (Burland, 2003) where

insufficient soil stiffness causes failure. It happens usually in tall structures where

a small lean creates an overturning moment greater than the resisting moment in

the soil due to the same rotation (Potts, 2000). The analogy of children building

block towers on soft carpet is used to explain the phenomenon. No matter how

carefully a structure is built, once it reaches a critical height, the slightest

perturbation will cause rapid inclination (Burland, 2000). It is also possible the

high stress concentrations on the south side brought the foundation material to a

state of failure (Bai, 2008). This would be the case where insufficient soil

strength would cause a bearing capacity failure. It is quite possible the very soft

ground below the Tower in combination with the 19.6 m diameter base and 58.2

m height made it susceptible to either mechanism.

2.7 Estimated Settlement

There have been several engineers who have attempted to calculate

settlement of the Tower of Pisa and predict future movements. Terzaghi,

Terracina, Mitchell, Soga, Burland, Potts and Bai are among those who have

made such settlement calculations which are discussed in Section 2.8. However,

because original elevations of the Tower foundation in 1173 are unknown, an

absolute measured settlement history is not available for direct comparison.

Although, there are some estimated final settlements reported in the literature.

Based on the findings of the Commision of the Italian Ministry of Public Works

published in 1971, Mitchell et al (1979) estimate the final settlement of the Tower

to be approximately 140 cm on the north side, 220 cm in the center, and 310 cm

on the south side. Also reported in figures of the Bai et al (2008) paper are

observed final settlement values of 201 cm to the North and 390 cm to the South.

A linear interpolation between the two points produces an estimated final Center

settlement of 296 cm. The source of the Bai et al (2008) measurements is unclear.

Inconsistency exists between the estimated final settlements reported by Mitchell

et al (1977) and Bai et al (2008). Therefore, for comparison purposes in this

thesis a range of the values will be used.

2.8 Previous Settlement Calculations

In 1934, Terzaghi presented one of the first geotechnical explanations for

the lean of the Tower. Terzaghi (1934) attributed the cause to the differential

settlement of the soft highly plastic clays beneath the foundation. This resulted in

the non-symmetric distribution of soil pressures shown in Figure 2.14. The

analysis was based upon limited subsurface data. Even so, the results in Figure

2.15 provide a good representation of the maximum difference in elevation (i.e.

differential settlement) between the highest and lowest points of the base of the

Tower versus time. The final differential settlement of about 155 cm, assuming

the base of the Tower to be rigid, projects to an inclination of 4.54o in 1934

compared to the actual measured inclination in 1990 of 5.469o (Costanzo, 1994).

Unfortunately, at this time an English translation of the Terzaghi (1934) paper is

currently not available and information gathered is mostly based on the figures


FIGURE 2.14. Non-Symmetric Soil Pressure from Leaning Tower (Terzaghi, 1934)

FIGURE 2.15. Differential Settlement (Terzaghi, 1934)

Terracina (1962) states two likely phenomenon for the Tower’s

inclination, the difference in soil consistency from the north to the south and the

uneven distribution of contact pressures as a result of the overturning moment

from the continual incline of the Tower. While the mean contact pressure is

known to be about 490 kPa, the paper attempts to reconstruct the history of the

inclination and estimates the soil pressures in 1962 to be 50 kPa at the North and

930 kPa at the South side. This extreme distribution has strengthened the soils to

the south and reduced their compressibility. The Tower continues to settle on the

south side though because pressures are still increasing. The curves calculated by

Terracina (1962) for settlement at the north, center, and south are shown in Figure


FIGURE 2.16. Estimated Tower of Pisa Soil Pressures and Settlement (Terracina, 1962)

Mitchell et al (1977) make a thorough attempt at calculating the one

dimensional settlement of the Tower of Pisa. The analysis had the benefit of

utilizing the comprehensive studies carried out by the Polvani Commission (1965-

1970) and published by the Italian Ministry of Public Works (1971). The curve

constructed in Figure 2.17 is based on dividing the subsoil into an upper 7 m thick

sand zone and a 30 m thick clay beneath the sand. Immediate settlements of the

sand were assumed to be total settlements while immediate settlements of the clay

were calculated using linear elastic theory with consideration given to the effects

of local yielding. Both were assumed to occur at the time of load application.

The consolidation of the clay layer was assumed to begin at the middle of each

construction stage and continued at a three dimensional drainage rate by

converting the time from one dimensional consolidation conditions to three

dimensional conditions using relationships developed by Davis and Poulos (1968)

for circular foundations. Secondary compression was added by dividing the clay

into upper and lower layers and forming reasonable Cα values based on the water

contents and compressibility characteristics. A rate of 26 cm/log cycle was added

at the point when the primary consolidation curve slope became less than 26

cm/log cycle. The calculation generated an ultimate settlement at the center of the

Tower to be about 173 cm.

FIGURE 2.17. 1D Average Settlement Calculation (Mitchell, 1977)

Following the publication of the Mitchell et al (1977) paper, several

technical discussions were submitted in response as well as a closure by the

original authors. Cambefort (1978) suggested much of the recent settlement has

occurred due to increase in the pumping rates from the deep sand layer and

approached the current problem of inclination using the results of more recent

observations. Using the original authors immediate and consolidation settlement

data, Nathan (1978) re-calculated an estimated final center settlement to be 152.3

cm and suggested, contrary to the author’s conclusions, that a bearing capacity

failure did occur within the upper sands due to their volcanic silt and clayey sand

properties. Nathan (1978) also contested the original author’s conclusion that the

Tower continues to rotate due to secondary compression, as 20th century activity

including drilling and lowering of the water table are known to have caused

measurable settlement and inclination. Mascardi (1978) presented a plot of the

elevation of the water table with respect to the time period 1967-1977 and

explained its affects on the angle of tilt. While the recent settlement, after 1967,

may be neglected if compared to the overall total, the estimated final settlement

from the literature at the center of the foundation should be 230-260 cm and

greater than the 180 cm presented by Mitchell et al (1977). Leonards (1979) also

argued that, consistent with Terzaghi (1934), the estimated final settlement at the

center of the Tower is at least 240 cm. Leonards (1979) contended the results of

the penetration tests in the upper sand layer favor a random distribution of

compressibility and not one of directional bias which Mitchell et al (1977) uses to

support the theory that initial inclination is caused by greater immediate

settlement on the south side. In addition, it cannot be certain any of the floors

beyond the third story were constructed exactly horizontal and any record of

tilting versus time is not reliable until the 1800s. Leonards (1979) felt the best

theoretical concept for secondary compression used by the author was not

adequate for the soft clays beneath the Tower. From Figure 2.18 based on

subsurface explorations in the north-south plane, Leonards (1979) found a

depression in the center of 254 cm and an unmistakable heave to the south of 42

cm. These findings favor a local shear failure in the upper clay stratum. In

response to each of the discussions, the original authors reexamined the Italian

Commission report to find estimated final settlements of 140 cm at the north, 220

cm at the center and 310 cm at the south side of the Tower. The discrepancy

between Nathan’s (1978) recalculated 152.3 cm and the original 180 cm is

ascribed to resetting secondary compression to zero at each construction stage.

As far as the bearing capacity failure theory supported by Nathan (1978) and the

local shear failure by Leonards (1979), Mitchell et al (1979) reiterates that (p.

1364), “no one can state the cause of the leaning with certainty.” Also, it was

conceded the Terzaghi (1934) curve, shown in Figure 2.17, is of differential

settlement and is improperly compared to the Terracina (1962) and Mitchell et al

(1977) curves.

Figure 2.18. Center Settlement and Southward Heave (Leonards, 1979)

A three dimensional numerical analysis of the Tower was conducted by

Soga and Mitchell (1995) to first evaluate the complex stress conditions and then

used those results to estimate the time-dependent deformation of the soils. The

study used the finite element program FEAP for the three dimensional analysis

and the soil parameters from the explorations summarized by Calabresi in 1993.

The results of the analysis significantly under estimated the actual tilt of the

Tower. The study found an elasto-plastic finite element analysis provided more

realistic stress distributions than an elastic analysis. Triaxial creep tests

performed on Pisa clays indicated larger deformations than those predicted by the

Cam clay model used in the analysis, suggesting creep played a significant role in

the Tower’s tilt. It is recommended, in order to predict the Tower’s present

rotation, the actual loading stress path of the Tower should be followed rather

than the effective stress path.

A large amount of work on development and application of a numerical

model of the Tower for stabilization purposes was performed in the late 1990s. In

order to calibrate a model to simulate the history of tilting, Burland and Potts

(1994) developed a hypothesis that with the construction of each story, the

masons attempted to bring the center line of the Tower back over the center of the

foundation. The deduced inclination history, shown in Figure 2.3, actually

indicates the Tower oscillated in different directions for many years until a

significant tilt of 1.6o southward was present in 1272. Each analysis used the

finite element program ICFEP using a constitutive soil model that is non-linear

elastic/work hardening plastic. The analyses were carried out using the Modified

Cam Clay Model with fully coupled consolidation. The soil parameters used

were those reported by Calabresi et al (1993) and Lancellota and Pepe (1990).

Initial efforts by Burland generated a two dimensional plane strain model. The

mesh extended 100 m to all sides of the Tower and all layers were modeled as

laterally homogeneous with the exception of layer A1 which introduced a tapered

layer of slighty more compressible material to the south. The analysis

incorporated an equation to apply an overturning moment to the foundation if any

inclination occurred. The results of the model are shown in Figure 2.19,

computing a maximum 380 cm of settlement in 1990. The overestimate was

believed to be due to the plane strain formulation of the analysis. The results of

the inclination analysis matched the deduced values fairly well. When running

the three dimensional model, a maximum settlement of 310 cm was computed,

which was much closer to the estimated final range of values. The entire purpose

of the modeling was to enhance the understanding of the mechanisms controlling

the Tower so remediation efforts could be proposed.

FIGURE 2.19. 2D Plane Strain Settlement and Inclination Calculations (Burland, 2003)

Bai et al (2008) model the Tower three dimensionally using the effects of

soil creep. The creep investigated by Bai is a complex way of modeling

traditional secondary compression, beyond the scope of this thesis. The finite

element modeling program PISA with the double-yield surface Cam-clay

plasticity model was used in the analyses. Initially, the problem was modeled two

dimensionally in plane strain using a mesh that extended horizontally 60 m on

either side of two rigid plates that served as the foundations of the Tower. The

soil parameters were based on values from the previous studies and the loading

was based on the corresponding actual construction stages. The results showed

that creep is important in the upper layers of Horizons A and B. The final

settlement calculated (in 1990) is 330 cm. The settlement curve shown in Figure

2.20 corresponds to an inclination curve in Figure 2.21 and a final angle of 3.4o

when accounting for creep. A sensitivity analysis performed found that the

present angle of 5.469o could not be achieved simply by changing the parameters

suggesting other mechanisms such as “leaning instability” may have contributed

to the considerable tilt between 1370 and 1550. The three dimensional analysis

was performed both with and without incorporating the Tower structure. Without

the structure, a more complex load increment scheme was used and incorporated a

more compressible clayey silt layer thinning to the north. The analysis that

included creep calculated an ultimate settlement of 313 cm at the north and 415

cm to the south but still underestimated the angle of inclination at 2.98o. In

modeling with the Tower structure, eight weaker elements were introduced to the

south edge in order to initiate southward inclination in order to avoid applying a

load and overturning moment. The Tower structure was modeled as linear elastic

material with densities correlating to the actual weight of the Tower. The results

continued to underestimate inclination angle (2.5o) and no calculated settlement

was presented.

FIGURE 2.20. Plane Strain Settlement Curve (Bai, 2008)

FIGURE 2.21. Plane Strain Corresponding Inclination (Bai, 2008)

The efforts of these investigations relate to this thesis in that there are

comparisons between the calculations made in one, two and three dimensions.

From the early one dimensional investigations of Terracina (1962) and Mitchell et

al, reasonable estimates of average Tower settlement can be made. The

preliminary two dimensional analyses by Burland et al (2003) and Bai et al (2008)

are able to roughly model the inclination. These models, though, require more

input parameters and, unless calibrated, overestimate settlement due to their plane

strain formulation. The three dimensional efforts do not require much more input

than the two dimensional models and are superior in terms of computing final

settlement. Yet, the three dimensional models underestimated the inclination


Chapter 3: One-Dimensional Analysis

A one-dimensional settlement analysis will be made for the average

settlement at the center of the Tower. An analysis at the center will be compared

to one-dimensional calculations made by previous investigators. The analysis

uses the computer software program Winsaf. Soil properties obtained from

previous investigations at the Tower described in Section 2.5 are used for this


3.1 Winsaf-I

The computer software program Winsaf-I2 uses conventional one-

dimensional primary consolidation theory to compute settlement as a function of

vertical design loads acting on a soil profile created as a set of horizontal layers.

The stresses can be calculated using either Bossinesq or Westergaard solutions

and are based upon the prescribed surface loading. The options for computing the

settlement include change in void ratio from stress changes, change in void ratio

from compression and rebound curves, vertical strain from stress changes, and

volumetric change from stress. A typical input page is shown in Figure 3.1.

From these inputs, Winsaf-I computes an ultimate primary settlement for the

entire profile. Winsaf-I is capable of calculating secondary compression based on

a specified number of log cycles, however, an alternate method is chosen in this

analysis. The secondary settlement used for this analysis is made with an

independent calculation (discussed in Section 3.4.2) and added to the Winsaf-I

total for primary because the number of log cycles is dependent upon when the
Prototype Engineering Inc., Winchester, MA

end of primary consolidation occurs. The exact timing of the end of primary in

the soils beneath the Tower is unknown and, if specified incorrectly, would cause

an over estimation in the Winsaf-I calculation.

FIGURE 3.1. Winsaf-I Soil Properties Input

3.1.1 Winsaf-TR

The computer software program Winsaf-TR1 computes one-dimensional

consolidation times based on Terzaghi’s theory (1925). The program can analyze

a radially drained systems, and vertically drained single or double layered

systems. Figure 3.2 is a typical input page for a double layered system. Based on

pore pressure, ultimate settlement, and time-rate of consolidation (cv), Winsaf-TR

calculates the percent consolidation, U, and settlement for specified soil

thicknesses at times after loading.

FIGURE 3.2. Winsaf-TR Consolidation Parameters Input

3.2 One-Dimensional Profile

The one-dimensional profile selected for this analysis is a simplification of

a north-south profile created by Rampello and Callisto (1998) shown in Figure

2.8. The settlement program Winsaf-I is able to analyze a maximum of ten layers.

The profile to be analyzed was split into eight layers (Figure 3.3) based on the

simplified profile of Figure 2.7. Of these layers, four were considered

compressible. They include the Clayey Silt (A1), the Upper Clay (B1, B2, B3),

the Intermediate Clay (B4, B5) and the Lower Clay (B7, B8, B9, B10). The

ground surface elevation was set at +3.0 m. The base of the Tower was placed at

an elevation of 0.0 m and the water table was set below the surface at an elevation

of +1.8 m.

To refine the ultimate settlement calculation, some of the compressible

soil layers were subdivided using the Winsaf-I multiple sublayer option. A

sublayer evaluation was performed in which the number of sublayers was

increased until the change in settlement was not significant. The number of

sublayers used is summarized with the Winsaf-I soil parameters in Table 3.1.

Top of
Soil Type γ (kN/m3) 2 Compressible Sublayers eo 3 CR 4 RR 5 SR 6 Cα 7
Layer (m) 1 sat

Fill +3.0 20.00 No 1 - - - - -

A1 - Clayey Silt 0.0 18.94 Yes 5 0.84 0.122 0.014 0.014 0.004

A2 - Upper Sand -5.4 18.07 No 1 - - - - -

B1,B2,B3 - Upper
-7.4 16.94 Yes 6 1.45 0.348 0.058 0.058 0.015
B4,B5 - Intermediate
-17.8 19.68 Yes 1 0.75 0.169 0.024 0.024 0.004
B6 - Intermediate
-22.0 19.11 No 1 - - - - -
B7,B8,B9,B10 - Lower
-24.4 18.88 Yes 3 0.95 0.266 0.042 0.042 0.010

C - Lower Sand -37.0 20.52 No 1 - - - - -

(1) Figure 2.8 - Detailed Soil Profile, Rampello and Callisto (1998)
(2) Figure 2.10 - Unit Weight, Lo Presti et al (2003)
(3) eo = (Gs*wn)/S, Gs, wn, S = 100% - Figure 2.10, Lo Presti et al (2003)
(4) CR = Cc/(1+eo), Cc - Figure 2.11, Rampello and Callisto (1998)
(5) RR = SR
(6) SR = Cs/(1+eo), Cs - Figure 2.11, Rampello and Callisto (1998)
(7) Figure 2.11, Rampello and Callisto (1998)
TABLE 3.1. Winsaf-I Parameters



A1 - Clayey Silt
-7.4 A2 - Silty Sand

B1,B2,B3 - Upper


B4,B5 - Intermediate
B6 - Intermediate
-24.4 = Pervious

B7,B8,B9,B10 -
Lower Clay

C - Lower Sand
FIGURE 3.3. Simplified Subsurface Profile

3.3 Methods and Parameters

For the ultimate settlement computation in Winsaf-I, the circular loading

method was chosen to approximate the Tower’s hollow cylindrical structure seen

in Figure 2.5. Also, since maximum past pressures are known, settlement was

computed by the vertical strains computed from changes in logarithmic stress.

For the Winsaf-TR time-rate analysis, the soil profile was broken into

three clay sections based on the locations of the A2 and B6 sand layers to allow

for top and bottom drainage for each layer system. The A1-Clayey Silt drained

into the Fill and A2 layers. The B7, B8, B9, B10-Lower Clay drained into the B6

and C sand layers. Both of these were modeled as single layer systems with top

and bottom drainage. The B1, B2, B3-Upper Clay and B4, B5-Intermediate Clay

were modeled together as a double layered system. The A2 and B6 layers served

as top and bottom drainage routes for the double layered system. The excess pore

pressure distributions for the three systems were modeled as rectangular.

3.3.1 Assumptions

The analysis performed using Winsaf was used to compute a settlement

for the center of the Tower. Results obtained for the north and south sides of the

Tower would not reflect the varying soil layers and the eventual non-uniform

loading. The one dimensional analysis cannot account for an applied overturning

moment associated with a leaning tower. A crude analysis of the effect of the

north-south variation in the soil profile and overturning moment is possible by

varying the profile and applied pressure to represent the conditions at the north

and south sides. However, the Winsaf software is not designed for such analysis.

Additionally, the calculation assumes the thicknesses of the soil layers are

constant. Most notably, the A1 layer is considered a single layer and not divided

as A1’ and A1” as shown in Figure 2.8. In reality, the clayey silt predominates

the A1 layer on the south side (Mitchell, 1977). The uniform thicknesses of a one-

dimensional analysis cannot take this into account.

The Tower is not a solid cylinder, but rather a hollow cylinder with a

helicoidal staircase leading to the bell chamber at the top of the structure

(Costanzo, 1994). In the analysis, however, it was assumed to be a homogeneous

structure with a circular footing that carries an equally distributed load. This

assumption leads to the generation of different pressures than those actually

imposed by the weight of the Tower.

The construction history of the Tower was approximated as well. It was

assumed in the analysis that for the 5, 6, and 10 year periods of construction,

uniform ramp loading occurred. The actual stages of construction are unknown

and likely did not follow a linear loading path.

Historically there are several other factors that are cited as potentially

affecting the Tower settlement. In 1838, a walkway around the base of the Tower

was excavated to expose original parts of the structure (Burland, 2003).

However, with such a shallow water table, inflow of water occurred during

excavation. In 1935, repeated angled drilling into the foundation of the Tower

took place (Burland, 1998). Both of these instances are believed to have caused

additional settlement and inclination of the Tower. Neither, though, was

accounted for in the one-dimensional analysis.

In order to remain consistent in the analysis process, the major

assumptions of this section, unless specified otherwise, will be carried over to the

2D and 3D settlement analyses.

3.3.2 Settlement Parameters

The subsoil at the Tower of Pisa has been well studied as discussed in

Section 2.5. Papers written by Mitchell et al (1977), Rampello and Callisto

(1998), and Lo Presti et al (2003) were used as the primary sources of

geotechnical parameters for the 1D analysis. A description of the basic soil

parameters used in this analysis and their sources can be found in Section 2.5.

The parameters selected for the Winsaf-I settlement calculation are shown

in Table 3.1. As mentioned in Section 3.2, the layers and their thicknesses are a

simplification of a north-south profile. The soil densities are weighted averages

collected from Figure 2.10 (Lo Presti, 2003). The clay layers are compressible,

while the sand and fill layers are assumed incompressible. The values for initial

void ratio, eo, are calculated from water content, wn, and specific gravity, Gs,

gathered from Figure 2.10 (Lo Presti, 2003) using the equation:

G s ⋅ wn
eo = (Eq. 3.1)

The samples are assumed to be fully saturated, S = 1.0.

Compression ratio values, CR, are found using compression index, Cc,

values from Figure 2.11 (Rampello, 1998) and eo values in the following


CR = (Eq. 3.2)
1 + eo

Likewise, swelling ratios, SR, were found in a similar manner. Swelling

index, Cs, values were obtained from Figure 2.11 (Rampello, 1998) and were used

in calculations with eo,

SR = (Eq. 3.3)
1 + eo

Recompression Ratios, RR, were set equal to SR since there is no available data

for recompression index, Cr.

The values for maximum past pressure, σ’vm, used to define stress history

as a function of depth are shown in Table 3.2. Values are calculated as a product

of effective overburden stress and average OCR values at the same depth

estimated from Figure 2.13 (Lo Presti et al, 2003). Effective stresses, σ’, are

found by the following equation,

σ ' =σ −u (Eq. 3.4)

where total stress, σ, is calculated from the unit weight of the soil and pore

pressures, u, are found based on a piezometric surface at elevation +1.8 m.

Effective stress and maximum past pressure are plotted versus depth in Figure 3.4.
Total Stress, σ Pore Pressure, u Effective Stress, Past
Layer Top of Layer γsat (kN/m3) 1
(kPa) 2 (kPa)
σ'vo (kPa) 4 Pressure, σ'
σ vm
(m) 6
Fill 3.0 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -
A1- Clayey Silt 0.0 18.94 57.60 17.66 39.94 4.07 162.56
A2 - Upper Sand -5.4 18.07 159.88 70.63 89.24 2.38 211.95
B1,B2,B3 - Upper Clay -7.4 16.94 196.02 90.25 105.76 2.00 211.53
B4,B5 - Intermediate Clay -17.8 19.68 372.19 192.28 179.92 1.25 224.90
B4,B5 - Intermediate Clay -17.8 19.68 372.19 192.28 179.92 2.00 359.83
B6 - Intermediate Sand -22.0 19.11 454.85 233.48 221.37 2.00 442.74
B7,B8,B9,B10 - Lower Clay -24.4 18.88 500.71 257.02 243.69 1.25 304.61
C - Lower Sand -37.0 20.52 738.60 380.63 357.97 1.25 447.47

(1) Figure 2.8 - Detailed Soil Profile, Rampello and Callisto (1998)
(2) σ = γsat*Depth
(3) u = γwater*Depth Below Water Table (Elevation +1.8m)
(4) σ'vo = σ - u
(5) Figure 2.13, Lo Presti et al (2003)
(6) σ'vm = σ'vo*OCR
TABLE 3.2. Maximum Past Pressures

σ vm (kPa)
σ, σ'
0 100 200 300 400 500


-10.0 Effective Stress

Maximum Past Pressure
B1,B2,B3 s'vm2

Depth (m)

-20.0 B4,B5




FIGURE 3.4. Effective Stress and Maximum Past Pressure vs. Depth

3.3.3 Consolidation Rate Parameters

The parameters for the consolidation rate portion of the analysis are

displayed in Table 3.3. As mentioned in the Section 3.3, the subsoil is divided

into three separate layer systems where each system has top and bottom drainage.

Each layer has an initial thickness that decreases with each stage of settlement.

The initial pore pressure, uo, is the product of the hwater at mid-depth and the γwater

(9.81 kN/m3). The ultimate settlement for each loading stage was computed using


Winsaf-TR requires values for the coefficient of consolidation, cv, to

compute settlement over time. The values of cv for the Horizon B layers are

shown in Figure 2.12 and were presented in Mitchell et al (1977). According to

Lo Presti et al (2003), the B6 intermediate sand layers are very similar to the

deposits of Horizon A. As a result, the cv found for the B6 layer was used for the

A1-Clayey Silt layer.

2 1
cv - 15.77m /yr
Load Thickness uo (kN/m ) ρultimate (cm)
Number (m) 2 3
A1 - Clayey Silt
1 5.40 26.5 19.75
2 5.20 25.5 9.89
3 5.10 25.0 1.39
A2 - Upper Sand
2 1
cv - 0.85 m /yr
Load Thickness uo (kN/m ) ρultimate (cm)
B1,B2,B3 - Upper Number (m) 2 3

1 10.40 51.0 54.13
2 9.86 48.4 35.45
3 9.50 46.6 5.31
2 1
cv - 3.15 m /yr

Load Thickness uo ρultimate (cm)

B4, B5 - Number (m) 2
(kN/m )
2 3

Intermediate Clay
1 4.20 20.6 1.39
2 4.19 20.6 0.57
3 4.18 20.5 0.09
B6 - Intemediate Sand
2 1
cv - 1.26 m /yr
Load Thickness uo (kN/m ) ρultimate (cm)
B7,B8,B9,B10 - Number (m) 2 3

Lower Clay
1 12.60 61.8 2.77
2 12.57 61.7 2.4
3 12.55 61.6 0.72
C - Lower Sand

(1) cv - Figure 2.12, Mitchell et al (1977)

(2) uo = (γwater * Thickness)/2
(3) ρultimate - Winsaf-I Calculation
TABLE 3.3. Winsaf-TR Parameters

In order to make a secondary compression calculation, values for the

secondary compression index, Cα, were taken from Figure 2.11 from Rampello

and Callisto (1998). The data is from multiple studies that used different sampling

techniques. An average Cα value was selected for each of the four compressible

layers. The values for the Upper Clay layer, which is considered the softest, were

found to be almost a full order of magnitude greater than the other layers.

3.3.4 Loading Sequence

The construction of the Tower occurred in three distinct phases. As a

result, the one-dimensional settlement calculation of the Tower was performed

using three separate runs. For each calculation, the ultimate settlement was found

first using Winsaf-I. Then for the consolidation portion, Winsaf-TR was used to

compute the time rate settlement.

The first calculation simulates the construction of three and a half stories

of the Tower, a loading of 94,800 kN over 5 years and a consolidation of 94

years. The second phase, construction up to the seventh cornice, brings the total

load to 137280 kN over 6 years. Consolidation following the second phase lasts

for 82 years. The final construction phase represents the completion of the

construction with the addition of the bell tower. It occurred over 10 years

bringing the total cumulative load to 144530 kN. This is followed by

consolidation until the end of primary is reached. In the analysis, the end of

primary is assumed to occur at 90 percent of the total settlement of the final load,

which equates to a period of approximately 30 years. At this point, it is assumed

secondary consolidation began (in the year 1390, 217 years after initial

construction). The calculation for secondary consolidation ran from this point to

the year 1990, a period 600 years. Secondary compression was neglected during

the first two phases of construction since the purpose of the one-dimensional

analysis is to provide a simple calculation for the settlement of the Tower. The

incorporation of secondary into the first and second phases would complicate the


3.4 Results

The ultimate settlement under the center of the Tower using Winsaf was

computed to be 152 cm. Figure 3.5 is a plot of the settlement versus time

produced by Winsaf. Also shown is the estimated final settlement under the

center of the Tower which ranges from 220-296 cm. As discussed in Section 2.7,

there is no settlement history for comparison during the earlier stages of

construction. The time-settlement plot shows a reasonable curve with incremental

changes in slope corresponding to each of the three loads during a construction


Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000


1990 - 152 cm



Settlement (cm)




FIGURE 3.5. 1D Computed Settlement – Center of Tower

From the initial construction load of the first three floors and the 99 years

until the next phase, computed settlement was 78 cm. The construction up to the

seventh floor that took 6 years and the ensuing 82 year consolidation was

computed to create an additional 48 cm of settlement. The final construction

phase of the bell tower accounted for an additional 8 cm of settlement. At the end

the construction and primary consolidation, the soil was computed to compress an

additional 18 cm due to secondary compression.

3.4.1 Primary Consolidation

The Tower of Pisa construction was completed over 600 years ago. It is

reasonable to assume then that the soil beneath it has reached the end of primary

consolidation. Using coefficient of consolidation, cv, values from Mitchell et al

(1977) for each of the compressible layers and assuming 90 percent settlement to

be the end of primary consolidation, Winsaf-TR computed end of primary

consolidation to be 30 years after the final load application, 217 years after the

beginning of construction. The settlement at this time is computed to be 134 cm.

3.4.2 Secondary Compression

For this analysis, the secondary compression was assumed not to begin

until the end of primary consolidation. This assures that secondary compression

occurs at constant effective stress after excess pore pressures have dissipated

(Ladd, 1973). As noted is Section 3.1, secondary compression was not computed

with the Winsaf program. The formula for secondary compression is given by:

ρ sec = Cα ⋅ H ⋅ Log ( ) (Eq. 3.5)

where Cα is the secondary compression index, H is the thickness of the soil layer,

t is the total time, and tp is the time for primary consolidation. Secondary

compression began around the year 1390 and computed 18 cm of settlement over

the final 600 years of the model.

3.5 Discussion

The computation made by Winsaf of 152 cm is less than the estimated

final settlements of 220-296 cm reported in the literature. Several reasons should

be noted as potential causes for the difference. The first entails the neglect of

shear-induced immediate settlements that occur instantaneously and prior to

consolidation, an issue addressed by Mitchell et al (1977). The analysis

conducted using Winsaf assumes consolidation begins immediately, neglecting

the shear-induced settlement. In the settlement analysis Mitchell et al (1977)

make a rough calculation for shear-induced immediate settlements based on linear

elastic theory using an estimated modulus of elasticity for clays. Mitchell et al

(1977) calculate these immediate settlements as 26 cm, 24 cm for the second

phase and 2 cm for the third phase. By including these shear induced immediate

settlements to the beginning of each Winsaf phase, total settlement increases to

204 cm (Figure 3.6).

Secondly, secondary compression was neglected during the first two

phases of Tower construction. Primary consolidation ends roughly 30-50 years

into each phase, meaning about half of the time from the 99 years of the first

phase and the 88 years from the second phase could have contributed to

secondary settlement. However, the incorporation of secondary compression in

the first two phases would have complicated the simple calculation intended by a

one-dimensional analysis. Actual estimates suggest that this would have

contributed at most 2-3 cm of additional settlement.


Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

1990 - 152 cm

1990 - 204 cm
-200 Winsaf + Shear Induced Settlement


Settlement (cm)




FIGURE 3.6. 1D Computed Shear Induced and Consolidation Settlement – Center of Tower

Settlement calculation also is very dependent on the scatter of the data

points for the consolidation parameters Cc and Cs. The data presented in Figure

2.11 is compiled from three different studies using three different techniques.

Lancellota and Pepe (1990) summarize data collected using thin walled piston

samplers by the Project Team in 1986. A 1990-1992 investigation chaired by

Jamiolkowski collected samples using a sampler developed at the University of

Laval. The points associated with Calabresi (1993) are a collection of data from

all previous investigations that have been reanalyzed and used to derive a new set

of soil parameters (Rampello, 1998). With all the variation, it is difficult to assess

which set is the best. Parameters used in this study and the Cc and Cs input into

Winsaf are the proposed values given by Rampello and Callisto (1998). The large

variation is one possible source for the under calculation of Tower settlement.

Higher Cc values in the A1 or B1, B2, B3 layers would lead to more settlement.

3.6 Winsaf Verification

When calculations are made using computer software, it is worthwhile to

verify the solution it presents (Barbour, 2004). Previous investigations of the

Tower of Pisa have been made and are presented in Section 3.6.1 for comparison

purposes. Also, a calculation check is made using a method presented by Olson

(1977) for replacing the load-time curve.

3.6.1 Previous 1D Calculations

Terracina (1962) and Mitchell et al (1977) are among the engineers who

have made previous one-dimensional settlement calculations under the center of

the Tower. These analyses were performed lacking more sophisticated sampling

devices used for the geotechnical information gathered in the 1990s and 2000s.

Figure 3.7 shows each curve from the past analyses compared to the results of this

investigation. The Terracina (1962) curve does not take into account the lapses in

the Tower’s construction and ultimately surpasses the Mitchell et al (1977) and

Winsaf curves, but still under estimates final settlement.

The analysis by Mitchell et al (1977) calculates settlement based on three

different loading periods and an average rate of consolidation. The computed

ultimate settlement of the Mitchell et al (1977) curve is 173 cm. Both the Winsaf

and the Mitchell et al (1977) curves compute settlements less than the estimated

final center settlement and both show rapidly accelerating settlements at the times

corresponding to each of the Tower construction periods. However, the Mitchell

et al (1977) curve has a much steeper slope after these loads are added while the

Winsaf curve is more gradual. This is likely due to that fact Mitchell et al (1977)

assume shear-induced instantaneous consolidation of some of the layers, whereas

the Winsaf curve applies the same consolidation rate to each layer. The Winsaf

curve also shows less settlement following the final load.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Mitchell et al (1977)

-200 Terracina (1962)


Settlement (cm)




FIGURE 3.7. Previous Settlement Calculations – Center of Tower

3.6.2 Olson Method

A method by Olson (1977) proposes replacing the load-time curve with a

series of step loads and applying the theory for instantaneous loading to each step.

The calculation is based upon ultimate settlement, Su, and computing the time

factor, T, defined as,

cv ⋅ t
T= (Eq. 3.6)

where H is the drainage distance and t is the time since the load was applied.

The result of the method is compared to the Winsaf analysis in Figure 3.8.

The settlement curves generated are nearly identical to those made in Winsaf.

Both curves indicate rapid initial settlements followed by a tapering of the

settlement 30-40 years after each loading increment. The agreement of the curves

indicates Winsaf is computing a time-rate settlement similar to the Olson method.

The ultimate settlement of about 133 cm is reached by the year 1390 and

secondary compression was assumed to start at this time. The same secondary

calculation was made for the Olson method as in Winsaf, an additional 19 cm

until the year 1990.

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000



Settlement (cm)


-80 Olson Method




FIGURE 3.8. Olson Time-Rate Settlement Calculation

Chapter 4: Two-Dimensional Analysis – Plaxis 2D

This analysis will use the finite element analysis program, Plaxis 2D. The

2D analysis makes it possible to investigate differential settlement, which causes

the tilt of the Tower. The 2D analysis will consider both, axisymmetric and plane

strain models. The axisymmetric model can accurately represent the circular

foundation loading the Tower exerts on the underlying soils and generate a

computed average settlement, but cannot model the inclination. The plane strain

model can establish a well defined cross-section and will be able to account for

the tilt but requires a calibration for the difference between the infinite strip plane

strain loading and the actual circular loading conditions.

4.1 Plaxis 2D

The finite element software package Plaxis 2D v.8.6 (Plaxis 2D) was used

for the 2D analysis. By inputting common geotechnical parameters and defining

soil conditions and boundaries, the program can perform detailed computations

and output total displacements, stresses, dissipation of pore pressures and soil

deformation. The calculations are made using robust numerical procedures using

either 6-node or 15-node elements. Plaxis 2D is capable of modeling soil

behavior problems as either plane strain or axisymmetric. Plaxis 2D has the

ability to model the effects of loads, displacements, walls, plates, anchors, and

geotextiles on soils. It can generate a finite element mesh with five standard

options for coarseness, described as very coarse to very fine. Refinement of the

mesh can occur at specific clusters or line segments to create finer meshes. Plaxis

2D also introduces the use of constitutive soil models. Several soil models are

available and include Linear Elastic, Mohr-Coulomb, Soft-Soil, Soft-Soil Creep

and Hardening Soil models. Within each soil model, layers can be considered

drained or undrained. Pore pressures in these layers can be calculated by

establishing phreatic levels or defining a groundwater flow. Initial stresses can be

generated by inputting soil unit weights, Ko values and overconsolidation ratios.

In the Calculation mode, calculation phases include plastic, consolidation and phi-

c reduction. Calculation phases can be defined as staged construction, pore

pressure dissipation, or incremental multiplier. The outputs of Plaxis 2D can be

viewed at any nodes within the cross-section. Each node can be examined for

total horizontal and vertical displacements, strains, total and effective stresses,

active and excess pore pressures.

4.2 Methods and Parameters

Plaxis 2D introduces the use of multiple constitutive models available to

simulate the mechanical behavior of soils. Each soil model requires a different set

of input parameters that will govern the behavior of soil.

In order to perform a finite element calculation, Plaxis 2D also requires

the definition of calculation types as well as construction stages. While in

Winsaf-I, three different calculations were made for each of the three different

phases of construction, in Plaxis 2D the entire calculation can be made in a single

run by establishing multiple phases. Each phase can specify a calculation type

and can account for changes in loading and time increments.

4.2.1 Soil Models

The constitutive soil models available are intended to capture the essential

features of soil and rock behavior. For this analysis the Mohr-Coulomb (MC)

model is chosen for the sand and fill layers. The Soft Soil Creep (SSC) model is

selected to model the compressible clay layers.

The MC soil model is a simple elastic-plastic approximation of soil and

rock behavior. The sands beneath the Tower of Pisa do not contribute much to

the foundation settlement. Therefore, a basic soil model like the MC is suitable.

The five input parameters include Young’s Modulus, E, Poisson’s ratio, ν,

Friction angle, φ, Cohesion, c, and Dilatancy Angle, ψ. The values E and ν affect

soil elasticity, while φ and c govern soil plasticity. Young’s Modulus is the basic

stiffness modulus based on the initial slope of the stress-strain curve of a soil.

Poisson’s ratio can be defined as the ratio of horizontal to vertical strain and for

Plaxis 2D purposes usually falls into the 0.3-0.4 range. Cohesion, or cohesive

strength, often pertains to clays. In the case of sand c is typically equal to zero. A

nominal c should be of at least 0.2 kPa should be used (Plaxis 8.2, 1998) to

improve the numerical performance of the program. The friction angle plays a

large role in determining the shear strength of the soil as calculations are made

based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The dilatancy angle defines the

angle at which compression increases the volume of a dense sand. For the sands

beneath the Tower, the dilatancy angle is set equal to zero.

The SSC model is a more advanced model than the MC. The clays

beneath the Tower are an integral part of the settlement analysis and such an

advanced model is appropriate. The SSC model is intended for near normally

consolidated clays, clayey silts, and peat. It is capable of modeling secondary

compression, an item not included in the other soil models.

The input parameters needed for the SSC model include: compression

index, Cc, swelling index, Cs, secondary compression index, Cα, initial void ratio,

eo, and the φ, c, and ψ parameters common to the MC model. The first four

parameters listed are used by Plaxis 2D to compute the basic stiffness. The final

three serve as failure parameters as they do in the MC model. The Cc and Cs are

derived from the void ratio versus log effective stress plots. The Cα can be found

using the change in strain over the change in logarithmic time. Values for eo can

be calculated as they were in the one-dimensional analysis based on water content

and specific gravity. The c, φ, and ψ are the same as described in the MC model.

4.2.2 Soil Behavior Types

All input material parameters in Plaxis 2D are meant to represent effective

soil conditions. Since pore pressures greatly influence soil response, the presence

of water is important. The two behavior types chosen in the analysis are drained

and undrained. Drained behavior generates no excess pore pressures and is

recommended by Plaxis 2D to be used for dry soils or those with high

permeability. Therefore, drained behavior is chosen for the sand and fill layers

beneath the Tower. Undrained behavior is available for full development of

excess pore pressures. In undrained layers, the program accounts for the stiffness

of water in addition to the soil strength and stiffness. It is reasonable then to use

the undrained behavior for the relatively slow draining clay layers.

4.2.3 Parameters

Following the selection of the material models and behavior types, it is

necessary to select the appropriate soil parameters. A description of the basic soil

parameters used in this Plaxis 2D analysis and their sources can be found in

Section 2.5. To remain consistent with the one dimensional analysis, the common

input parameters as well as the thicknesses of the soil layers remained the same.

The compression index, Cc, swelling index, Cs, and void ratio, eo, values are the

same as those used to find the Compression Ratio, CR, and Swelling Ratio, SR

values used in the Winsaf calculation. Values for coefficients of secondary

compression, Cα, were also kept consistent.

The input parameters introduced in section 4.3.2, while not seen in the one

dimensional analysis, are necessary to use the appropriate soil models. The

majority of the values are obtained from the same primary sources. The entire

collection of Plaxis 2D input parameters are listed in Table 4.1.

The literature does not provide any values for Unsaturated Unit Weights

because the water table rests at an elevation of about +1.8 m and all of the critical

layers are assumed to be fully saturated. The program will not function if

parameters are left blank so for the analysis reasonable unsaturated unit weights

are taken as 2 kN/m3 less than their corresponding saturated unit weights. The

only affected layer is the fill with an assumed unsaturated unit weight of 18

kN/m3 applied to the upper 1.2 m of the layer.

Saturated Unsaturated Horizontal Vertical Young's Secondary Friction Dilatancy
Material Behavior Poisson's Compression Swelling Void Cohesion, Overconsolidation
Soil Layer Unit Weight, Unit Weight, Permeability, Permeability, Modulus, Compression, Angle, ϕ ( Angle, ψ
Model Type 3 1 3 2 Ratio, ν 4 Index, Cc 3 Index, Cs 3 Ratio, eo cref (kPa) 6 Ratio, OCR 7
γsat (kN/m ) γunsat (kN/m ) kx (m/day) 3 ky (m/day) 3 Eref (kPa) 4 Cα 3
o 6
) (o)

Fill Drained 20.00 18.00 1 1 22000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -

Soft Soil
A1 - Clayey Silt Undrained 18.94 16.94 0.00086 0.00086 - - 0.225 0.026 0.0035 0.84 6.8 34 0 3.23

A2 - Upper Sand Drained 18.07 16.07 1 1 13000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -

B1,B2,B3 - Upper Soft Soil

Undrained 16.94 14.94 0.0000173 0.0000173 - - 0.853 0.141 0.015 1.45 9.78 24 0 1.63
Clay Creep

B4,B5 - Soft Soil

Undrained 19.68 17.68 0.0000173 0.0000173 - - 0.296 0.042 0.004 0.75 1 29 0 2
Intermediate Clay Creep

B6 - Intermediate Mohr-
Drained 19.11 17.11 1 1 18000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -
Sand Coulomb

B7,B8,B9,B10 - Soft Soil

Undrained 18.88 16.88 0.0000259 0.0000259 - - 0.518 0.081 0.01 0.95 3.1 26 0 1.25
Lower Clay Creep

C - Lower Sand Drained 20.52 18.52 1 1 100000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -

(1) Figure 2.10, Lo Presti et al (2003) - Figure 6

(2) γunsat = γsat - 2 kN/m3
(3) Figure 2.11, Rampello and Callisto (1998) Figure 12
(4) Bai et al (2008) - Table 5
(5) eo = (Gs*wn)/S, Gs, wn, S = 100% - Figure 2.10, Lo Presti et al (2003) - Figure 6
(6) Table 2.2, Lo Presti et al (2003) - Table 8
(7) Figure 2.13, Lo Presti et al (2003) - Figure 11

TABLE 4.1. Plaxis 2D Input Parameters

The permeability values used for the clay layers are from Figure 2.11

(Rampello, 1998). The input values are identical to the proposed values of the

figures but converted to m/day. The sand and fill layers are considered to be

highly permeable, therefore, the permeability values for each are assumed to be 1

m/day. These values correlate well with those used in the numerical analysis by

Potts and Burland (2000). Permeability is assumed to be the same in the vertical

and horizontal directions.

Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio apply only to the layers modeled

with the MC soil model, the sands and fill. The values are obtained from the soil

parameters used in the three dimensional analysis performed by Bai et al (2008).

With the exception of the very dense sand of Horizon C, the Young’s Modulus

values used fall in the typical range for Loose Sand according to the Elastic

Constants of Various Soils (FHWA, 1999). All Poisson Ratio’s are set to 0.3. As

recommended by the Plaxis 2D manual, the value should be in the range of 0.3-

0.4 for soils with the MC model under loading conditions.

As the sands beneath the Tower are non-cohesive, it is reasonable to input

c = 0 for each of the sand layers. However, Plaxis 2D recommends values of 0.2

kPa or greater to avoid complications in the computation. This analysis used a

value of 1 kPa in the sand layers. Plaxis 2D uses effective soil parameters and the

values for effective cohesion in the clay layers should be relatively small. Values

for each clay layer are taken from Table 2.2 (Lo Presti, 2003) and are in the range

of 1-10 kPa. The values for both the sand and clay layers friction angles are also

taken from Table 2.2 (Lo Presti, 2003). Values for all dilatancy angles are

considered negligible and assumed to be zero.

The final column in the parameter Table 4.1 represents overconsolidation

ratio (OCR) values. The values used (Table 4.2) are consistent with those used in

the Winsaf calculation. However, in Winsaf the values are input based on the

OCR values at the top and bottom of each layer. The Plaxis 2D values are those

taken at the midpoint of each layer, which are straight line averages of the top and

bottom of the Winsaf OCRs.

Winsaf Plaxis 2D
(Top) (Bottom) (Midpoint)
Fill - - -
A1- Clayey Silt 4.07 2.38 3.23
A2 - Upper Sand - - -
B1,2,3 - Upper Clay 2.00 1.25 1.63
B4,5 - Intermediate Clay 2.00 2.00 2.00
B6 - Intermediate Sand - - -
B7,8,9,10 - Lower Clay 1.25 1.25 1.25
C - Lower Sand - - -
TABLE 4.2. Plaxis 2D Overconsolidation Ratios

4.3 Axisymmetric Analysis

Within Plaxis 2D the option exists to create a plane strain or axisymmetric

model. The Tower itself is circularly symmetric, so an initial axisymmetric

analysis will be performed. An axisymmetric model however, can only

reasonably compute settlement beneath the center of the Tower. The varying soil

layers beneath the Tower will have to be modeled as layers of uniform thickness

as they were in the one dimensional analysis. Also, an overturning moment

induced from the weight of the portion of the Tower overhanging the south edge

cannot be modeled in the axisymmetric case. These issues will be addressed in

the 2D plane strain portion of the analysis.

4.3.1 Initial Conditions

After establishing the necessary soil parameters, the mesh used in the

analysis can be created. This includes defining the geometry of the soil profile,

the placement of the Tower, and the size and fineness of the mesh. The soil layers

of the Plaxis 2D axisymmetric analysis were defined as layers of uniform

thickness consistent with the 1D Winsaf analysis. The Tower was represented as

an evenly distributed vertical load acting on a plate with a 9.8 m radius and

negligible weight acting as the base of the Tower. A 3.0 m long vertical plate

(also of negligible weight) acted as the outside wall. The coarseness and size of

the mesh were determined in mesh fineness and mesh size analyses discussed in

Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2. The results of the analyses supported the use of a 60 m

wide mesh with a very fine mesh fineness with the layer A1 and B1, B2, B3 soil

clusters refined one time each. The mesh, shown in Figure 4.1, consists of 2622

15-noded elements and 21193 nodes.

FIGURE 4.1. Plaxis 2D Axisymmetric Mesh

Following the generation of the mesh, the initial conditions are defined

within Plaxis 2D. This involves the elevation of the phreatic surface, flow

boundaries, and calculation of Ko values to generate initial pore pressures and

stresses. Consistent with the literature and one dimensional analysis, a general

phreatic surface is established at an elevation of +1.8 m (Burland, 2003). The

vertical boundaries of the soil layers as well as the horizontal boundary beneath

the C (Lower Sand) layer are assumed to be open and free to drain. Therefore, no

flow or consolidation boundaries are defined in the 2D model. Plaxis 2D then

calculates pore pressures based on phreatic levels.

Plaxis 2D generates initial stresses based on the Ko procedure relating

horizontal effective stress to vertical effective stress using Jaky’s formula for Ko

(1-sinφ) and the unit weight of the soil layers. The Ko values can be defined by

the user, but for the case of the Tower those calculated by the program are

considered acceptable.

4.3.2 Calculation Phases

Following the generation of a finite element model, the actual finite

element calculations can be carried out. In Plaxis 2D, it is necessary to define

which types of calculations are performed, the types of loading, and the

construction stages. In the case of the Tower of Pisa, the calculation type

consolidation is chosen for each stage of construction. The consolidation analysis

is available for situations where dissipation of excess pore pressures occurs in

saturated clay-like soils over time. The use of consolidation calculation type is

appropriate to model this long term consolidation problem.

To represent the load of the Tower, a distributed load system is applied.

In Plaxis 2D distributed loads are applied in terms of force per area. The load can

be applied across a cross-section and increased during various construction stages.

The corresponding pressures can be calculated from the weights during the

construction stages of the Tower. It should be noted before construction of the

Tower begins in Plaxis 2D, a level surface of fill at elevation +3.0 is assumed.

Upon construction, fill is excavated to a depth of three meters and replaced with

plates intended to simulate the base and outside wall of the Tower foundation.

The parameters of the plate material are given in Table 4.3. The weight of the

plate material is small enough in comparison to the load of the Tower that it can

be neglected in the calculation of the loads and overturning moments.

Normal Flexural Equivalent

Weight, w Poisson's
Material Type Stiffness, EA rigidity, EI thickness, d
2 (kN/m/m) Ratio, ν
(kN/m) (kNm /m) (m)
Elastic 1.0E+10 9.3E+07 0.334 0.1 0.15
TABLE 4.3. Plaxis 2D Plate Parameters

In Plaxis 2D, the entire construction and consolidation was performed in a

single run. For the simplest case, the construction can be broken into six phases,

three loadings followed by three consolidations. Table 4.4 summarizes the stages

used in the axisymmetric run.

Actual Number Calculation Tower
Load No. Actual Stage Pressure
Year of Years Type Weight (kN)
Construct 3 1/2
1 1173-1178 5 Consolidation 94800 314.20
2 Consolidation 1178-1272 94 Consolidation 94800 314.20
Construct up to
3 1272-1278 6 Consolidation 137280 454.99
7th Story
4 Consolidation 1278-1360 82 Consolidation 137280 454.99
Construct Bell
5 1360-1370 10 Consolidation 144530 479.02
6 Consolidation 1370-1990 620 Consolidation 144530 479.02

TABLE 4.4. Plaxis 2D Calculation Phases

4.3.3 Axisymmetric Results

The axisymmetric analysis uses the parameters of Table 4.1 and the

loading phases defined in Table 4.4. The mesh used is shown in Figure 4.1. The

curve generated by the axisymmetric Plaxis 2D analysis is presented in Figure

4.2. The Plaxis 2D settlement of 260 cm falls in the range of the estimated actual

settlement. The curve indicates rapid initial settlement corresponding to each

loading increment. At the completion of Tower construction, the curve tapers off

significantly indicating much of the settlement occurred during the first 200 years.

This suggests the end of primary consolidation has been reached and much of the

Tower settlement over the final 600 years has been due to secondary compression.
Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000




1990 - 260 cm
Settlement (cm)





FIGURE 4.2. 2D Axisymmetric Settlement – Center of Tower

4.4 Axisymmetric Verification

To assure the axisymmetric analysis has been performed correctly, several

checks were made concerning the definition of the geometry and input settings.

These checks include a mesh fineness study, a mesh size study, a pore pressure

check, a plastic-drained settlement analysis, and a φ = 0 analysis. As Plaxis 2D is

a complex modeling tool, this verification is worthwhile to ensure the basic

functions of the program are performing proper computations.

4.4.1 Mesh Fineness

As discussed in Andreson et al (2008), there are an optimum number of

nodes to operate a mesh on. The objective is to create a mesh fine enough to

generate an accurate result, yet coarse enough to not waste time performing

excessive amounts of calculations.

As mentioned in Section 4.1, when creating a mesh in Plaxis 2D, five

options are available for global coarseness: very coarse, coarse, medium, fine, or

very fine. Within each of these levels of coarseness, mesh refinement can occur

around geometric components of the cross-section whether it be a point, a line, or

a cluster. In this way, a concentration of nodes can be placed in areas where more

deformation is expected. For the analysis of the Tower of Pisa, it was found a

global coarseness of very fine along with refinement of soil layer clusters A1 and

B1, B2, B3 would generate the most accurate result while using a reasonable

number of approximately 21000 nodes. As shown in Figure 4.3, the data points to

the far left represent different levels of global coarseness. The data points to the

right represent results from selective soil layer clusters that have been refined

within each level of coarseness. As evident in the graph, cluster refinement

brings about an increase in nodes, but not much change in computed settlement.

Number of Nodes
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000


Settlement (cm)






FIGURE 4.3. Plaxis 2D Mesh Fineness Analysis

4.4.2 Mesh Size

A large mesh allows strains to develop laterally as well as vertically. A

small mesh constrains soil movements. Figure 4.4 plots mesh width versus

displacement for the axisymmetric mesh size analysis. Figure 4.4 shows larger

settlement for small mesh width. The frictionless vertical boundaries in the

smaller mesh width increase the intensity of the vertical stress (greater than

Boussinesq stresses) at depth below the Tower. For this analysis, a 60 m wide

cross-section was selected as the optimal width, more than six times larger than

the 9.8 m wide Tower. Figure 4.5 shows a shaded rendering of the total

displacements from the 60 m wide mesh.




Settlement (cm)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mesh Width (m)
FIGURE 4.4. Plaxis 2D Axisymmetric Mesh Size Analysis

FIGURE 4.5. Axisymmetric Total Displacements – 60m Wide Mesh

4.4.3 Excess Pore Pressure Verification

In the Plaxis 2D calculation setup, each phase is considered to be

calculation type consolidation. This accounts for the fact that consolidation of

soils was occurring even during the construction phases. One of the concerns

with a program like Plaxis 2D is how it handles the application of the load in

consolidation calculation. Excess pore pressures will develop in saturated soils

under the application of a load. By investigating the excess pore pressures in the

clay layers during construction, it can be determined whether or not the Tower

load in Plaxis 2D is being properly applied. As shown in Figure 4.6, spikes occur

at the years 1173, 1272, and 1360, the same years each of the construction phases

of the Tower occurred. During periods of no construction, the excess pore

pressures dissipate as they should. Also noted, the largest excess pore pressures

occur after the second loading in the B1, B2, B3 clay layer (Figure 4.7). This all

suggests that the loads are being correctly applied.



Excess Pore Pressure (kPa)





1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
FIGURE 4.6. Excess Pore Pressure in Clay Layers Versus Time

FIGURE 4.7. Final Excess Pore Pressures

4.4.4 Plastic-Drained Analysis

In the Plaxis 2D axisymmetric analysis the sand layers are modeled as

drained and the clay layers as undrained. These selections were based upon

recommendations of the Plaxis 2D users manual. Plaxis 2D also requires all input

parameters to be effective (i.e. drained parameters). To determine the role of

undrained shear deformation in the Plaxis 2D analysis, the following check was

made. All soil parameters were kept the same, but the previously undrained clay

layers were changed to drained and all calculation phases were changed from

consolidation to plastic. The analysis found a settlement beneath the Tower

center of 246 cm compared to the 260 cm of the original axisymmetric analysis.

While not exactly the same, the fully drained plastic analysis suggests that lower

shear strength during undrained shear deformation is not a large contributor in the

partially drained condition. The additional 14 cm in the undrained analysis is

likely coming from soil that is slightly weaker in undrained conditions. This can

be considered a good verification that Plaxis 2D is behavior type undrained for

the clay layers is appropriate.

4.4.5 φ = 0 Analysis

An additional check would be to run a φ = 0 analysis using undrained

strength, c, parameters to investigate the role of undrained shear deformation in

Plaxis 2D. In each of the behavior type undrained clay layers, the values for φ

were set to 1 (Plaxis 2D cannot compute both φ = 0 and ψ = 0). Values for c were

estimated from Rampello and Callisto, 1998 and summarized in Table 4.5. The

results of the φ = 0 analysis produced a failure with plastic points developing in

the A1 layer. In the initial axisymmetric analysis, a φ = 34 and c = 6.8 in layer

A1, 260 cm of settlement was produced. In the φ = 0 analysis, the undrained

failure occurs due to either φ or c being too low. Similar to the conclusions of

Burland et al (2003), this suggests the Tower was close to an undrained failure

(but remained standing likely due to the actual partial drainage). Upon further

investigation, the undrained shear strength data from Rampello and Callisto

(1998) was obtained in unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression testing.

These test results are highly influenced by sample disturbance and measure

strengths that are probably too low. The results of the φ = 0 analysis indicate it

cannot be ruled out whether or not undrained shear is a significant factor in the

Tower settlement. Any additional investigation of undrained shear, however, is

considered beyond the scope of this thesis.

Cohesion, Friction
Soil Layer
cref (kPa) Angle, ϕ ( o )
Fill 1 34
A1 - Clayey Silt 60 1
A2 - Upper Sand 1 34
B1,B2,B3 - Upper Clay 50 1
B4,B5 - Intermediate Clay 125 1
B6 - Intermediate Sand 1 34
B7,B8,B9,B10 - Lower Clay 110 1
C - Lower Sand 1 34
TABLE 4.5. φ = 0 Analysis - Undrained Strength Parameters

4.5 Plane Strain Analysis

While the axisymmetric model provides a settlement computation for the

center of the Tower, it does not model the Tower’s inclination. Inclination can be

modeled using the plane strain formulation available in Plaxis 2D. Within the

plane strain model it is possible to model varying thicknesses in the soil layers as

well as a non-symmetric load. However, the plane strain model is a slice of an

infinite strip footing which generates larger soil pressures at depth than the

circular symmetric model and will over estimate settlements. The results of the

plane strain analysis will require a calibration for non-plane strain conditions.

The detailed soil profile presented in Figure 2.8 was used as a basis for the

cross-section of the Plaxis 2D plane strain model. The profile was created based

on available borehole and CPT data. The greatest difference in this profile from

the simplified profile of the axisymmetric analysis is the division of the A1 layer

into A1’-Clayey Silt and A1”- Silty Sand. Layer A1’ is more prevalent to the

south and tapers out to the north. Table 4.6 shows the properties associated with

these layers. The lower clays (B4, B5, B7, B8, B9, B10) and sands (B6, C) do not

contribute as much as A1 and B1, B2, B3 to the settlement or lean of the Tower,

and therefore are generally horizontal (Burland 2003). The model of Figure 4.8

attempts to represent pre-Tower conditions based on the geometry of Figure 2.8.

The bowl shaped depression beneath the Tower is replaced with straight line

interpolations of soil layers from the north to south sides (Figure 4.8).
Unsaturated Saturated Unit Horizontal Vertical Young's Secondary Friction Dilatancy
Material Behavior Poisson's Compression Swelling Initial Void Cohesion, Overconsolidation
Soil Layer Unit Weight, Weight, γ sat Permeability, Permeability, Modulus, Eref Compression, Angle, ϕ Angle, ψ
Model Type 3 Ratio, ν Index, Cc Index, Cs Ratio, eo cref (kPa) Ratio, OCR
γ unsat (kN/m ) (kN/m3) kx (m/day) ky (m/day) (kPa) Ca (o) (o)
Soft Soil
A1' - Clayey Silt Creep
Undrained 16.94 18.94 0.00086 0.00086 - - 0.25 0.026 0.0035 0.84 60 34 0 3.23
Soft Soil
A1" - Sand and Silt Creep
Undrained 16.94 18.94 1 1 - - 0.15 0.026 0.0035 0.84 60 34 0 3.23

TABLE 4.6. Layer A1 Parameters

A1” A1’



FIGURE 4.8. Plaxis 2D Plane Strain Cross Section

4.5.1 Plane Strain Symmetric Loading

The plane strain analysis was first performed using symmetric loading. As

mentioned in Section 2.6, one hypothesis from the literature suggests that the

initial southward inclination of the Tower is due to a tapered layer of slightly

more compressible material to the south in Horizon A. By executing the same

construction phases as the axisymmetric analysis, the Tower under symmetric

loading in the initial plane strain analysis exhibits a very small differential

settlement. After the first construction phase, the north end settles 2 cm more

than the south end, which actually causes a northward inclination of 0.06o. This is

consistent with the Potts and Burland (2000) model in that during the early stages

of loading, before an overturning moment was applied, the model did show a

small inclination to the north. It is believed that consolidation of the thin northern

end of the tapered layer occurred more rapidly than the southern end. Eventually,

the final computed settlement is 365 cm at the north and 366 cm at the south

(Figure 4.9). This small amount of differential settlement suggests that

differential subsurface conditions are not a major cause of the Tower’s present

day tilt. The symmetric load alone applied in this initial plane strain analysis is

not representative of the Tower of Pisa structure and the overturning moment

associated with it. A further investigation of the tilting Tower and the moments it

generates is necessary to model the inclination.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000




Settlement (cm)



-350 CENTER 365.5 cm SOUTH

SOUTH 366 cm


FIGURE 4.9. 2D Plane Strain Symmetric Loading

4.5.2 Plane Strain Non-Symmetric Loading

Much of the inclination of the Tower may be due to the load and

overturning moment experienced at the foundation. To simulate the actual load

and overturning moments, the inclinations shown in Table 2.1 were used to

calculate the non-symmetric load at various times throughout the Tower’s

existence. The history of the Tower’s inclination is discussed in Section 2.2. The

distribution of loading is determined by first calculating stresses due to the weight

and area of the Tower. The overturning moment, σoverturn, is then calculated using

the equation,

M ⋅c
σ overturn = (Eq. 4.1)

where M is the moment, c is the distance from center to the extreme edge of the

Tower, and I is the moment of inertia for the circular base of the Tower. Moment

values associated with inclination angle are obtained from Costanzo et al (1994).

The calculated σoverturn is then added to the stresses at the south edge of the Tower

and subtracted from the north edge. Stresses calculated from these inclinations

are summarized in Table 4.7.

1 o 1 Moment σ overturn σ-north σ-south

Year # Years # Days Weight (kN) Tilt ( ) 1 σ (kPa)
(kNm) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

1173 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1178 5 1825 94800 0.000 0 314.2 0.0 314.2 314.2
1272 94 34310 94800 -0.200 -7500 314.2 -10.1 324.4 304.1
1278 6 2190 137280 0.103 5500 455.0 7.4 447.6 462.5
1285 7 2555 137280 1.112 59900 455.0 81.0 374.0 536.1
1360 75 27375 137280 1.112 59900 455.0 81.0 374.0 536.1
1370 10 3650 144530 1.611 97700 479.1 132.2 346.9 611.2
1550 180 65700 144530 4.684 284720 479.1 385.2 93.9 864.2
1758 208 75920 144530 4.831 293540 479.1 397.1 82.0 876.2
1817 59 21535 144530 5.103 310160 479.1 419.6 59.5 898.6
1911 94 34310 144530 5.246 318980 479.1 431.5 47.5 910.6
1990 79 28835 144530 5.469 332560 479.1 449.9 29.2 928.9
(1) Costanzo et. al (1994)
TABLE 4.7. Non-Symmetric Loading Increments

An eleven phase calculation was established in Plaxis 2D based on the

loading increments of Table 4.7. By applying a distributed load between the

maximum and minimum values of the loading calculated, a fairly good

approximation can be made of the actual loads experienced by the Tower during

the specific years. Several sources in the literature support this linear distribution

of contact pressure. Terzaghi (1934) calculates maximum and minimum values

σnorth = 65.7 kPa and σsouth = 942.7 kPa (Figure 2.14). Terracina (1962) estimates

soil pressures σnorth = 50 kPa and σsouth = 930 kPa. Both sets correlate fairly well

with the nonsymmetric present day loading calculations of this paper.

The Plaxis 2D plane strain non-uniform loading calculation produces the

three curves shown in Figure 4.10 for locations beneath the north, center and

south ends of the Tower. Figure 4.11 is a shaded rendering of the total

displacements. The results are far greater than the estimated actual settlements

presented by Mitchell et al (1979) and Bai et al (2008) due to the plane strain

analysis model. Thus, the plane strain model requires a calibration as discussed in

the next section, 4.5.3.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000




-300 NORTH 310 cm

-350 SOUTH
Settlement (cm)

CENTER 392 cm

-450 SOUTH 475 cm


FIGURE 4.10. 2D Plane Strain Non-Symmetric Loading

FIGURE 4.11. 2D Plane Strain Total Displacements

4.5.3 Plane Strain Calibration

Figure 4.12 compares the vertical stresses under uniform strip and uniform

circular loadings. By comparing the two figures it is evident the vertical stresses

under a strip load are greater than those of a circular load. The differences in

these stresses are the cause of the large differences in displacements computed by

Plaxis 2D for the axisymmetric and plane strain models.

FIGURE 4.12. Vertical Stress Under Strip and Circular Loading (Som and Das Figure 5.17,

In order to compute more reasonable settlements a scaling factor can be

applied to calibrate the results of nonsymmetric loading plane strain model to

mimic axisymmetric results. As shown in Section 4.4.6, the axisymmetric model

with uniform soil layers generates a settlement at the center of 260 cm. In order

to produce a proper scaling factor, a new plane strain model was created. Like the

axisymmetric model, this model did not have variation in the A1 layer and had the

same uniform layers, size and loading sequence. The settlement at the center of

the plane strain model was computed to be 380cm. The scaling factor, SF, can be

calculated as follows,

SF = = = 0.683 (Eq. 4.2)
ρ PLANE _ STRAIN 380cm

where the settlements are collected from the same geometry point in both models

beneath the center of the footing. By applying the scaling factor to the results of

the non-symmetric loading solution, the curves for the north, center and south

points of the Tower are generated as shown in Figure 4.13.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000




-200 NORTH 211 cm

-250 CENTER 268 cm CENTER

-300 SOUTH 324 cm

-350 SOUTH

Settlement (cm)



FIGURE 4.13. 2D Plane Strain Calibrated Non-Symmetric Load

It is good verification that the calibrated settlement at the center point of

the Tower from the plane strain analysis is 268 cm. The settlement from the

axisymmetric model is 260 cm. This a good check that the scaling factor is

producing reasonable results as the differences between the values are likely due

to the varying soil thicknesses and the subdivision of the A1 layer into A1’ clayey

silt and A1” silty sand introduced in the plane strain analysis. While applying the

scaling factor reduces the settlement, it also reduces the computed angle of

inclination. Assuming the foundation of the Tower is rigid, the inclination is

calculated by:

ρ south − ρ north
Inclination = sin −1 ( ) (Eq. 4.3)

Prior to the scaling factor, the computed inclination angle is 4.84o which is

reduced to 3.30o after calibrating the settlements. The actual inclination reported

by Costanzo et al (1994) prior to remediation efforts is 5.469o (Table 2.1). The

plane strain formulation can model differential settlement. However, even after

calibration, it underestimates the tilt that occurs at the Tower of Pisa.

Chapter 5: Three-Dimensional Analysis – Plaxis 3D

The software package Plaxis 3D Foundation is a finite element program

intended for use in geotechnical engineering. The 3D analysis introduces the

capability of calculating non-uniform inputs in a circularly symmetric problem

like that of the Tower of Pisa. A 3D analysis can also consider radial drainage as

well as stresses and displacements in all three directions without the need of any



Plaxis 3D Foundation (Plaxis 3D) is a finite element software package

developed for 3D deformation analysis of foundations and excavations in soil and

rock materials (Plaxis 3D, 2007). Based upon input soil conditions and the

manner of construction, computations are made defining the interaction of the

structure and the soil. Plaxis 3D contains the same basic features of Plaxis 2D but

also introduces many new choices for structures including beam, piles, and floors.

In Plaxis 3D, the input phase is a plan view of the x, z plane. Boreholes are used

to define soil layers and work planes are horizontal planes used to create

geometry point, lines, structures and loads. In the Plaxis 3D mesh generation, the

elements are 15-node wedge elements composed of 6-node triangular elements

connected with 8-node quadrilateral elements in the vertical direction. The mesh

refinement procedures as well as the soil models and behavior types are consistent

with Plaxis 2D. The outputs of Plaxis 3D can be examined for total horizontal

and vertical displacements, strains, total and effective stresses, active and excess

pore pressures.

5.2 Methods and Parameters

The three dimensional finite element analysis uses methods and

procedures very similar to the two dimensional analysis. For example, in the

Plaxis 3D analysis the Mohr-Coulomb model will remain as the soil model for the

sand and fill layers. The Soft Soil Creep model will be used to model the

compressible clay layers. These soil models used are discussed in depth in

Section 4.2.1.

The soil behavior types selected in Plaxis 3D are also the same as those of

the Plaxis 2D analysis. The sand and fill layers will be modeled as drained type

behavior and the clay layers will be modeled as undrained. These selections are

discussed in Section 4.2.2.

The soil parameters required in the Plaxis 3D analysis, summarized in

Table 5.1, are the exact same parameters used in the Plaxis 2D axisymmetric

analysis. The sources and a basic description of these soil parameters can be

found in Section 2.5. Explanations for the calculation of parameters not taken

directly from the literature can be found in Section 4.2.

5.3 Symmetric Loading

Prior to attempting to incorporate any inclination into the model in the 2D

analysis, an axisymmetric case with symmetric, uniform loading was investigated

to attempt to model the center settlement of the Tower. In the same manner, as a

preliminary calculation of the 3D analysis, a uniform circular loading over

uniformly thick soil layers was performed.

5.3.1 Initial Conditions

The soil parameters and soil layer thickness for the Plaxis 3D analysis are

the same as those determined in the Plaxis 2D analysis. The mesh, however, is

not the same as it now models a volumetric cuboid instead of a cross-sectional

area. The mesh size was established as 120 m (width) x 120 m (length) x 43 m

(depth). As the Plaxis 2D axisymmetric mesh size analysis used a mesh that

extended 60m from the center of the Tower, the boundaries of the Plaxis 3D mesh

are also to be 60 m from the center. The layer thicknesses and the height of the

mesh are the same. The fineness selection of the mesh was also different. In a

three dimensional finite element analysis, the number of nodes and elements is

critical as execution times can easily exceed 24 hours, but if the mesh is too

coarse, the results will be inaccurate. The procedure for mesh fineness is

discussed in Section 5.3.4. The mesh used in the uniform distributed load

analysis was originally established with a global coarseness of coarse. In the +3.0

m work plane, a 60 m x 60 m box was centered around the Tower. The cluster

within the box was refined 2 times. The mesh created was composed of 19250

elements and 51998 nodes and is shown in Figure 5.1. In Plaxis 2D, the load of

the Tower was replicated by excavating the fill, installing plates of negligible

weight as a base and exterior wall, and adding a distributed load equal to the

weight of the Tower to the top of the plate. To match the Plaxis 2D loading, the

Saturated Unsaturated Horizontal Vertical Young's Secondary Friction Dilatancy
Material Behavior Poisson's Compression Swelling Initial Void Cohesion, Overconsolidation
Soil Layer Unit Weight, Unit Weight, Permeability, Permeability, Modulus, Compression, Angle, ϕ Angle, ψ
Model Type 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 Ratio, ν 4 Index, Cc 3 Index, Cs 3 3 Ratio, eo 5 cref (kPa) 6 Ratio, OCR 7
γsat (kN/m ) γunsat (kN/m ) kx (m/day) ky (m/day) Eref (kPa) Cα (o)6 (o)

Fill Drained 20.00 18.00 1 1 22000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -

Soft Soil
A1 - Clayey Silt Undrained 18.94 16.94 0.00086 0.00086 - - 0.225 0.026 0.0035 0.84 6.8 34 0 3.23

A2 - Upper Sand Drained 18.07 16.07 1 1 13000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -

B1,B2,B3 - Upper Soft Soil

Undrained 16.94 14.94 0.0000173 0.0000173 - - 0.853 0.141 0.015 1.45 9.78 24 0 1.63
Clay Creep

B4,B5 - Soft Soil

Undrained 19.68 17.68 0.0000173 0.0000173 - - 0.296 0.042 0.004 0.75 1 29 0 2
Intermediate Clay Creep

B6 - Intermediate Mohr-
Drained 19.11 17.11 1 1 18000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -
Sand Coulomb

B7,B8,B9,B10 - Soft Soil

Undrained 18.88 16.88 0.0000259 0.0000259 - - 0.518 0.081 0.01 0.95 3.1 26 0 1.25
Lower Clay Creep

C - Lower Sand Drained 20.52 18.52 1 1 100000 0.3 - - - - 1 34 0 -

(1) Figure 2.10, Lo Presti et al (2003)

(2) γunsat = γsat - 2 kN/m3
(3) Figure 2.11, Rampello and Callisto (1998)
(4) Bai et al (2008)
(5) eo = (Gs*wn)/S, Gs, wn, S = 100% - Figure 2.10, Lo Presti et al (2003)
(6) Table 2.2, Lo Presti et al (2003)
(7) Figure 2.13, Lo Presti et al (2003)

TABLE 5.1. Plaxis 3D Input Parameters

input in the Plaxis 3D analysis required a slightly different technique. A 19.6 m

diameter pile with no interfaces or thickness was installed on +3.0 m work plane

and was extruded down to the 0.0 m work plane. The wall element of the pile

was given the same properties as the Plaxis 2D wall. The fill material within the

pile was excavated and a plate was installed at elevation 0.0 m. A uniformly

distributed load equal to the weight of the Tower was then placed on the plate.

The wall and plate material parameters are shown in Table 5.2.

Thickness, Density, γ Poisson's

Material Type Stiffness, E
d (m) (kN/m3) Ratio, ν
Linear Elastic,
1.0E+10 3.0E-01 0.1 0.015
Table 5.2. 3D Wall and Plate Material Parameters

FIGURE 5.1. Plaxis 3D Symmetric Uniformly Distributed Load Mesh

In Plaxis 3D the elevation of the phreatic surface is established in the

definition of the boreholes. Consistent with the previous analyses, a general

phreatic surface was established at an elevation of +1.8 m (Burland, 2003). The

lower and outer boundaries were allowed to be open and free to drain. The

calculation of Ko values to generate initial pore pressures and stresses still uses

Jaky’s formula for Ko (1-sinφ) and the unit weight of the soil layers.

5.3.2 Calculation Phases

After generating the finite element mesh, the calculation phases must be

defined. The calculation type consolidation is chosen for each stage of

construction. The distributed load system defined in the input also is activated.

The distributed load is applied in terms of force per area. The load can be applied

over the circular area within the pile wall and can be changed during various

construction stages. The weight of the Tower at the end of each the construction

stage is known. Corresponding pressures are calculated and applied using the

distributed load system. The construction and consolidation analysis was

performed in a single run. For the uniformly distributed load case, the

construction can be broken into six phases, each period of construction followed

by three consolidations. Table 5.3 summarizes the phases defined in the

uniformly distributed load analysis.

Phase Actual Number Calculation Tower
Actual Stage Pressure
No. Year of Years Type Weight (kN)
Construct 3 1/2
1 1173-1178 5 Consolidation 94800 314.2
2 Consolidation 1178-1272 94 Consolidation 94800 314.2
Construct up to
3 1272-1278 6 Consolidation 137280 455.0
7th Story
4 Consolidation 1278-1360 82 Consolidation 137280 455.0
Construct Bell
5 1360-1370 10 Consolidation 144530 479.0
6 Consolidation 1370-1990 620 Consolidation 144530 479.0

TABLE 5.3. Plaxis 3D Calculation Phases

5.3.3 Symmetric Loading Results

The symmetric uniform distributed load analysis uses the parameters of

Table 5.1, the loading phases defined in Table 5.3, and the mesh shown in Figure

5.1. The settlement curve generated by the axisymmetric Plaxis 3D analysis is

presented in Figure 5.2. The final value of 240 cm from the 3D analysis is in the

range of the estimated final center settlement. The curve indicates rapid initial

settlement corresponding to each loading increment. After the year 1370,

completion of Tower construction, the curve tapers off significantly indicating

much of the settlement occurred during the first 200 years. The shallow slope of

the curve around the year 1400 suggests the end of primary consolidation has

been reached and much of the Tower settlement over the final 600 years has been

due to secondary compression. The settlement calculation is a good indication the

basic inputs of Plaxis 3D are appropriate and the analysis can move forward.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000





-250 1990 - 240 cm ACTUAL




Settlement (cm)



FIGURE 5.2. 3D Symmetric Uniformly Distributed Load – Center Settlement

5.3.4 Mesh Fineness

In order to verify the result of the distributed load analysis, a mesh

fineness study was conducted. Figure 5.3 is a plot of number nodes versus total

settlement following a particular refinement algorithm. In Plaxis 3D, there are

many more options for refinement than in Plaxis 2D. Particularly with a

consolidation analysis, the global coarseness of the mesh cannot be too fine,

otherwise too many nodes will exist before any refinement begins. The algorithm

used in this mesh refinement study started with a globally coarse mesh. From

there a 60 m x 60 m box in plan view encompassed the extents of the Tower and

the cluster within the box was refined multiple times. The leveling of the curve in

Figure 5.3 indicates the optimum number of nodes for a mesh of this size is

between 35000 and 50000. Ideally a mesh of this size and fineness will be used

in the non-symmetric loading analysis.

Number of Nodes
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000


Settlement (cm)






FIGURE 5.3. Plaxis 3D Mesh Fineness

5.4 Non-Symmetric Loading

Following the preliminary analysis with uniform circular loading, a more

complex set of calculation phases were implemented to simulate the inclination of

Tower. The Tower of Pisa leans due to a combination of reasons, namely its tall,

slender structure with a shallow foundation resting over soft, highly compressible

materials. As discussed in Section 2.2, it is evident from the inclination

reconstruction, the Tower oscillated in random directions until near the end of the

second stage of construction when a distinct southward lean was apparent and the

resulting shape is presented in Figure 2.2. To approximate the inclination history

of the actual Tower it was modeled as a series of five line loads representative of

the overturning moments calculated from estimated historical inclination angles

(Table 2.1). The loads were placed on a thin, stiff plate element in the Plaxis 3D

model. This is similar to the load application in the Plaxis 2D Plane Strain Non-

Symmetric analysis (Section 4.5.1).

A series of loads consisted of a uniformly distributed line load through the

center of the circle, with two line loads 4.9 m and 8.33 m to the north and two line

loads 4.9 m and 8.33 m to the south ends (Figure 5.4). The loads were calculated

by first finding the differential stress between the north and south ends using the

inclination angles. A straight line interpolation between the two stress values was

taken and used to determine what the stresses would be at 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, and 7/8

across the diameter of the Tower. The average stresses between these points were

then translated into line loads in dividing by the length of the east-west line they

acted over. The calculated loads are presented in Table 5.4. Each historical

FIGURE 5.4. Non-Symmetric Distribution of 5 Line Loads

Calculated Line Loads

North- South-
Phase Calculation Weight Moment North Center South Load Moment
Year # Years Tilt (o) 1 Center Center
No. Type (kN) 1 (kNm) 1 (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) Check Check
(kN/m) (kN/m)
1 1173-1178 5 Consolidation 94800 0 0 662.4 1510.0 1523.4 1510.0 662.4 94800 0
2 1178-1272 94 Consolidation 94800 -0.200 -7500 681.1 1534.4 1523.4 1485.7 643.7 94800 -7275
3 1272-1278 6 Consolidation 137280 0.103 5500 945.5 2168.8 2206.0 2204.6 973.0 137280 5335
4 1278-1285 7 Consolidation 137280 1.112 59900 809.8 1992.0 2206.0 2381.4 1108.7 137280 58104
5 1285-1360 75 Consolidation 137280 1.112 59900 809.8 1992.0 2206.0 2381.4 1108.7 137280 58104
6 1360-1370 10 Consolidation 144530 1.611 97700 766.1 1984.6 2322.5 2619.8 1253.7 144530 94771
7 1370-1550 180 Consolidation 144530 4.684 284720 299.4 1376.6 2322.5 3227.7 1720.5 144530 276183
8 1550-1758 208 Consolidation 144530 4.831 293540 277.4 1347.9 2322.5 3256.4 1742.5 144530 284739
9 1758-1817 59 Consolidation 144530 5.103 310160 235.9 1293.9 2322.5 3310.4 1783.9 144530 300861
10 1817-1911 94 Consolidation 144530 5.246 318980 213.9 1265.2 2322.5 3339.1 1805.9 144530 309416
11 1911-1990 79 Consolidation 144530 5.469 332560 180.0 1221.1 2322.5 3383.2 1839.8 144530 322589
(1) Costanzo et al (1994)
TABLE 5.4. Plaxis 3D Line Loads

inclination angle required a new of loading and construction phase, which resulted

in 11 total phases. Each phase was set as a consolidation type calculation.

The total loads and moments represented by the series of line loads were

calculated to ensure proper values were being applied. As seen in Table 5.4, the

loading checks but the moment is consistently under calculated by about 3

percent. This is due to the integration of the distributed soil pressure into only

five segments. The pressures at the outermost points of the circle are slightly

underestimated and thus not enough moment is being generated and the actual

moment is under calculated. Since Plaxis 3D is not capable of distributing a non-

uniform pressure across a circle, the only way to improve the moment is to

integrate the area with more line loads. Considering the calculation already

consists of 11 phases, more line loads greatly increase the setup time of the

problem. As a result, five line loads are selected as an optimum tradeoff between

accuracy and setup effort.

5.4.1 Non-Symmetric Loading Results

The mesh for the non-symmetric loading analysis was created using the

same algorithm used to find the optimal mesh in the uniform loading case. The

mesh was composed of 13882 elements and 37602 nodes, with an average

element size of 3.55 m. As shown in Figure 5.5, the computed north (201 cm)

and center settlement (250 cm) fall in the range of the estimated final settlements.

The computed south settlement (299 cm) is less than the estimate final range. By

assuming a rigid foundation, the final inclination of 2.85o was calculated using

Equation 4.2. This is well below the final measured 5.469o inclination. The

shapes of the curves of Figures 5.5 indicate rapid initial settlement. Differential

settlement is not evident until after the end of the second construction phase.

Shortly after that the slope of the settlement curves level off, indicating a long

period of secondary compression.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000


NORTH - 201 cm

CENTER - 250 cm
SOUTH - 299 cm

-350 SOUTH
Settlement (cm)



FIGURE 5.5. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading Settlement

Figures 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8 are some of the final outputs produced in the

Plaxis 3D non-symmetric loading. Figure 5.6 is a view of the deformed mesh at

the foundation looking from the west. The shaded portion represents the base of

the Tower. Figure 5.7 is a shaded rendering of the total displacements

experienced by the soil beneath the Tower. The majority of deformation occurs

directly adjacent to the south side of the Tower. Figure 5.8 is a shaded north-

south cross-section of the Figure 5.7 displacements.

FIGURE 5.6. 3D Tower Base Inclination

FIGURE 5.7. 3D Non-Symmetric Load Shaded Displacements

FIGURE 5.8. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading North-South Cross Section Total Displacements

Chapter 6: Comparison of 1D, 2D and 3D Computations

This chapter verifies and compares the 1D, 2D and 3D computations

described in the preceding chapters. The computed settlement, input parameters

and setup procedures are compared.

6.1 1D, 2D, 3D Verification

It is necessary to verify that the programs can produce similar results

under the same conditions. Each program is capable of making a one-

dimensional settlement computation at the Tower of Pisa where the soil pressure

applied at the surface does not dissipate with depth. In Winsaf-I, this can be done

by running an analysis with a constant increment of vertical stress with depth.

Plaxis 2D approximates one-dimensional conditions by using an axisymmetric

model with the outermost vertical boundary 9.8 m from the center. In Plaxis 3D,

a one-dimensional model is defined where soil only exists beneath the extents of

the Tower and the mesh boundaries do not extend beyond it. The depth in all

three cases was set to 43 m involving all the same soil layers. Each analysis

applied the same stress of 479.0 kPa, representative of the final load of the Tower

of Pisa. The same soil parameters established in Chapters 3, 4, and 5 were used

for this verification analysis. The fineness of the meshes in the Plaxis 2D and

Plaxis 3D cases were the same as those found in the mesh fineness studies for

each program.

The results for the 1D, 2D, and 3D one dimensional computations are

318.8 cm, 314.3 cm, and 314.2 cm respectively and are shown in Figure 6.1. The

settlements are larger than those found in the center settlement analyses but only

because stress was applied constantly with depth. The high level of agreement of

these results indicates that the software programs are consistent. From this check,

it is justifiable to move forward in the comparison of the analyses.

FIGURE 6.1. One-Dimensional Verification Analysis

A few reasons could account for the small differences in these

calculations. The parameters and sophisticated soil models available in Plaxis 2D

and Plaxis 3D are likely to produce a different settlement than Winsaf. The

excellent agreement between the Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D analyses further

supports this notion. Also, because Winsaf does not incorporate secondary

compression, in Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D the Cα of the Soft Soil Creep model was

set very low to 0.0001 for the analysis (Plaxis calculations cannot function with a

Cα=0). While some secondary compression may be incorporated into the final

displacement, a value of 0.0001 is small enough that it can be considered


6.2 Center Settlement

In each analysis, a computation of settlement versus time was made for a

point directly beneath the center of the Tower of Pisa. In the 1D analysis (Section

3.4), the only curve generated was for beneath the center of the Tower. In the 2D

analysis (Section 4.3.3) the curve for center settlement was produced in a

preliminary axisymmetric analysis. The 3D center settlement was produced in a

preliminary uniformly distributed load analysis (Section 5.3.3). Figure 6.2 shows

the computed settlement versus time.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000



WINSAF - 152 cm


PLAXIS 3D - 240 cm



Settlement (cm)



FIGURE 6.2. 1D, 2D, 3D Center Settlement

During the first construction stage (1173-1272), the curves are very

similar, showing a great deal of settlement initially followed by a distinct

flattening of the curve. Also, the portions of the curves after the year 1400 are

fairly parallel, meaning the magnitudes of incremental displacements from 1400-

1990 are very similar. The major difference exists during the second phase of

loading from 1272-1278. The immediate settlement of the Tower in Plaxis 2D

and Plaxis 3D during this time is greater than Winsaf-I by about 50 cm. This

disparity can be explained by the presence of shear displacements experienced in

two and three dimensional loading. In the one dimensional case, the loading can

only cause movement in the vertical direction. In two and three dimensions, soil

movement can be both horizontal and vertical. Figure 6.3 shows a shaded

representation of horizontal displacements in the Plaxis 2D axisymmetric

analysis, while Figure 6.4 shows cross sections of the Plaxis 3D uniform loading

case. The horizontal displacements are especially evident in the B1, B2, B3 layer,

registering as high as 45 cm. The large horizontal displacements may indicate

that the Tower is close to a bearing capacity failure. This coincides with the

Burland et al (2003) study that the Tower would have experienced an undrained

bearing capacity failure had construction continued past the 7th story.

B1, B2, B3

FIGURE 6.3. 2D Horizontal Displacements

B1, B2, B3


B1, B2, B3


FIGURE 6.4. 3D Horizontal Displacements (a) North-South (b) East-West

While the neglect of horizontal displacements is the main cause for the

smaller settlements in the 1D analysis, there are a few other potential causes. The

basic compression functions of WINSAF-I may be less accurate than the more

advanced soil models in Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D, Soft-Soil Creep and Mohr-

Coulomb. Also, the consolidation rate portion of the 1D computation was

performed using the Winsaf-TR program and largely based on input values for

coefficient of consolidation, cv, found in Mitchell et al (1977). In Plaxis 2D and

3D, consolidation computations were made using permeability values obtained

from Rampello and Callisto (1998). Any variation in the consolidation

parameters may affect the slope portion of the curves, although not the ultimate


While the 1D analysis produces significantly less settlement than both the

2D and 3D settlement computations, the 3D settlement of Figure 6.2 is also

noticeably less than the 2D computation. The reasons for this lie in mesh fineness

and density of nodes. In Plaxis 2D, 15-noded elements were used. Due to the

significant volume in the 3D analyses, Plaxis 3D only uses 6-noded triangular

elements connected with 8-noded quadrilateral elements. As a result the number

of nodes (21193) and average element size (0.992 m) of the 2D analysis signify a

much higher density of nodes than the 3D analysis (nodes - 51998, average

element size – 3.18 m). While gaining the ability to model problems in three

dimensions, there is a sacrifice in accuracy due to the lack in the number of nodes

that can be used.

As another check between Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D, the 6-noded option

was selected for the 2D axisymmetric case since Plaxis 3D only uses 6-noded

elements. This decreased the number of nodes to 5353 (average element size

remained the same). The resulting curve is compared to the Plaxis 3D curve in

Figure 6.5. The Plaxis 2D 6-noded element final settlement of 239 cm is much

closer to the Plaxis 3D 240 cm. This suggests further that the disparity in Figure

6.2 is due to node density.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000


2D 6-Noded
-200 3D Distributed Load

Settlement (cm)





FIGURE 6.5. 2D Axisymmetric 6-Noded vs. Plaxis 3D Uniformly Distributed Center Settlement

6.3 Differential Settlement

As discussed in Section 3.3.1, the 1D analysis is incapable of computing a

reasonable differential settlement. Therefore, the comparisons of differential

settlement and corresponding inclination will only be between the 2D and 3D


The 2D and 3D results plotted in Figure 6.6 are from the Plaxis 2D plane

strain calibrated analysis and the Plaxis 3D Non-Uniform Loading. The curves

are in good agreement, with the 2D settlements slightly greater than the 3D

values. This is likely due to the node density as discussed in Section 6.2. In

Plaxis 3D, there is a sacrifice of mesh refinement for the ability to model a

complete three dimensional problem. Also, potential for error in the 2D

calibration must be considered. Compared to the estimated actual settlements,

both curves show settlements that are low on the south side and high on the north

side of the Tower. This suggests that the tilts computed by Plaxis 2D and Plaxis

3D are less than the measured tilt of the Tower.

Tower Load (MN)



1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

-100 3D CENTER


-300 SOUTH

-350 SOUTH
Settlement (cm)




FIGURE 6.6. 2D Plane Strain Calibrated vs. 3D Non-Symmetric Loading

As described in Section 2.7 there has been some debate over the reliability

of the actual estimated settlements of the Tower of Pisa. As a result, comparing

final settlements from the 2D and 3D analyses with the actual ranges may not be

the best way to evaluate if the proper amount of differential settlement is being

computed. By assuming a rigid Tower foundation and diameter of 19.6 m, the

differential settlements of the analyses can be translated into corresponding angles

of inclination using Equation 4.2. Shown in Figure 6.7, 2D and 3D inclinations

are compared to the measured inclination angles used to calculate the overturning

moment applied in the analyses. Once again the Plaxis 2D results (3.30o) are

slightly closer to the actual value (5.469o) than the 3D results (2.85o), but both

under compute the inclination.


1990 - 5.469

Measured (Burland, 1991)
2D o
1990 - 3.30

Inclination Angle (

1990 - 2.85

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000


FIGURE 6.7. Inclination Angle vs. Time

Reasons for the underestimate of the Tower’s differential settlement and

inclination angle include:

 Validity of measured settlement and inclination

 True hollow cylindrical shape of the Tower

 Stresses from non-symmetrical structure of the Tower

 Discretization error

 Pancone clay (B1, B2, B3) very sensitive to sample disturbance

Some of the error associated with the underestimate may lie in the validity of the

measured settlement and inclination angles. The settlements are estimated

measurements based on assumed original elevations of 1173. Up until 1817,

when the first plumb line measurement of inclination was made, the tilt of the

Tower was based upon the changes in the angles in the levels of masonry.

Differences in computed and actual values could be a result of these rough

measurements. The largest variance between the inclination curves and the

measured curve lies in the period between the years 1370 and 1550. This is

similar to the findings of Bai et al (2008). Neither the analyses of this thesis nor

the Bai et al (2008) work can model the 3 degree tilt increase during this period.

Bai et al (2008) suggests it is possible the tilt from 1370 to 1550 is due to external

effects including foundation material failure, high stress concentrations on the

south side, or leaning instability as proposed by Burland and Potts (1995).

It must also be considered that the Tower of Pisa is actually a hollow

cylinder. Both the 2D and 3D analyses modeled the circular foundation of the

Tower without the 4.5 m diameter hole in the center. This assumption was made

to simplify the input process and to remain consistent with the 1D analysis. In

doing so, a notable amount of the load was incorrectly concentrated at the center

of the Tower. Moving the load towards the outer wall, while not affecting the

center of gravity or moment, would increase the contact pressures as there is less

area to distribute the load. Increasing the contact pressures would likely increase

differential settlement. However, attempting to model the hole in the center of the

foundation significantly complicates the input procedures of the Plaxis programs,

especially in 3D. Representing the load of the hollow Tower with a series line

and point loads would be difficult and time consuming. Additionally, as

discussed in Section 2.2 and shown in Figure 2.2, the central axis of the Tower is

not straight (but rather more banana-like) due to leveling adjustments were made

during construction. Modeling a structure in such detail would require

considerable time and effort. Investing such effort may not be worthwhile

considering other issues such as soil parameters, mesh fineness, and construction

history may also affect the settlement computations. It should be kept in mind

that modeling is a process (Barbour, 2004) and before becoming too complex, all

pertinent variables must be considered.

Just as there is a difference in the 2D and 3D results based on node

density, numerical discretization may also be a source of the underestimate.

Nodes are assigned to all the layers within the large areas or volumes of the

meshes. The nodes within each layer are given the same soil properties. As

shown in Section 2.5, there is large scatter in the soil property values for soils

beneath the Tower of Pisa. For this thesis, in layers with large amounts of scatter,

proposed average values were used. So, a higher refinement of the mesh along

with a more accurate assignment of soil properties would likely provide more

accurate computations.

Noted by Rampello and Callisto (1998), the upper clay found in the B1,

B2, B3 layers has shown to be very sensitive material. Sampling disturbance may

have led to an underestimate of the compressibility parameters of these clays.

While high quality samples were used, there may continue to be and

underestimate of the parameters.

6.4 Parameter Comparisons

Input soil parameters are of great importance in any type of modeling. In

this thesis, a different grouping of parameters is required for each set of analyses.

The different parameters have an effect on the complexity and sophistication of

the computations.

Software Package Winsaf Plaxis 2D Plaxis 3D Software Package Winsaf Plaxis 2D Plaxis 3D
Layer Thickness x x x x x x
Compression, C α
Saturated Unit
x x x Initial Void Ratio, eo x x x
Weight, γsat
Unsaturated Unit
x x Cohesion, cref x x
Weight, γunsat
Permeability, kx and
x x Friction Angle, ϕ x x
Young's Modulus,
x x Dilatancy Angle, ψ x x
Stress History, OCR
Poisson's Ratio, ν x x x x x
or σ'v m
Compression, CR Coefficient of
x x x x
or C c Consolidation, cv
Recompression, RR Plate and Wall
x x x
or C r Parameters
Swelling, SR or C s x x x TOTAL 9 15 15
TABLE 6.1. Input Parameter Comparison

The parameters used in each software package are designated with an “x”

in the column in Table 6.1. Winsaf required a total of 9 input parameters, while

Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D each required 15. In total there are 7 parameters

common to each program. By simply evaluating the quantity of parameters,

Winsaf is clearly simpler than Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D. This is consistent with

the simplicity intended by a one-dimensional analysis.

In this thesis, all parameters were obtained from published literature.

However, the parameters in the literature were determined by collecting samples

on site and performing appropriate laboratory testing. It is important to consider

how the parameters are obtained. For example, of the Winsaf parameters, 7 of 9

can be found from the traditional laboratory consolidation test. They include:

Compression Ratio (CR), Recompression Ratio (RR), Swelling Ratio (SR),

Secondary Compression (Cα), Initial Void Ratio (eo), Maximum Past Pressure

(σ’vm), and Coefficient of Consolidation (cv). In Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D, a much

smaller percentage, 6 of 15, can be found with the consolidation test. These

parameters are: Compression Index (Cc), Swelling Index (Cs), Cα, eo, permeability

(k), and Overconsolidation Ratio (OCR). Parameters such as cohesion and

friction angle, specified by the Soft Soil Creep model of the Plaxis programs,

require more testing. The Winsaf program is thus, less intensive in the amount of

testing needed before performing a calculation.

6.5 Setup and Execution Comparisons

Each software program has a different setup associated with it. A more

complex setup usually means more setup time but should provide more detailed

results. The details of the setup associated with each program are described in the

respective chapters. The order of magnitude of time for the setup, calculation,

and verification of each software program, beyond the time necessary to present

and interpret subsurface soil property data, is listed in Table 6.2.

Software Execution Verfication/Mesh

Setup Time
Program Time Fineness Time
Winsaf Hour Seconds Day
Plaxis 2D Hours Minutes Days
Plaxis 3D Day Hours Weeks
TABLE 6.2. Program Setup, Execution, and Verification Time

The simplest of the setups for the Tower of Pisa settlement analyses was

within Winsaf. The Winsaf computation was split into two programs, Winsaf-I

and Winsaf-TR. The Winsaf-I setup consisted of inputting the number of soil

layers and thicknesses, the soil parameters, the stress history of the soil, and

description of the load. The Winsaf-TR analysis required the definition of

consolidation parameters and the results of the Winsaf-I calculation. Given all the

parameters, the entire setup takes less than an hour to complete and the

calculation time is only a few seconds. Verification involved comparing the

results with previous calculations and applying a different method for the

consolidation rate. Verification time is about a day and no mesh refinement study

is involved.

The Plaxis 2D problem setup was more involved than Winsaf. In Plaxis

2D it is necessary draw the appropriate cross-section, assign soil parameters,

generate a mesh, define initial conditions, and prescribe calculation phases.

Selecting a properly sized and refined mesh takes a considerable amount of effort

as it is a process of trial and error. Given all parameters and settings, the setup of

a 2D model takes hours. The execution of the computation can be completed

within an hour. For the mesh fineness, mesh size and other verification analyses,

the amount of time can take days.

The formulation of the Plaxis 3D model was very similar to Plaxis 2D,

only in three dimensions. The model is first defined in plan view and then

extruded to an appropriate depth, using boreholes and work planes. A mesh is

generated, first in the 2D plan view and then in 3D. Again, much effort is

required to find the proper mesh fineness. The calculation phases are then

prescribed with the initial conditions defined in the first phase. The entire setup

process can take hours. The duration of the computation may last 24 hours.

These long execution times lead to a lengthy verification process which can take

at least a week depending on the capability and quantity of the computers utilized.

Beyond the length of time for setup, the interpretation process must also

be considered. For example, as detailed in Section 4.5.3, a plane strain analysis

was calibrated using a scaling factor produced by running equivalent

axisymmetric and plane strain cases. In Plaxis 3D, there is no additional

calibration required after completing the non-symmetric stress analysis. The 3D

analysis does not require multiple analyses involving axisymmetric and plane

strain formulations and can be considered more reliable since there is no

calibration. While the agreement of results in Figures 6.6 and 6.7 are good

indication the calibration is performed correctly, it also means that the 2D result is

not significantly superior to the 3D. So considering the shorter procedure, it is

probably more beneficial to run a 3D analysis.

Chapter 7: Summary and Conclusions

7.1 Summary

A settlement analysis for the Tower of Pisa has been performed using 1D,

2D, and 3D computation methods. The 1D analysis was completed using the

computation program Winsaf. The 2D and 3D analyses utilized the finite element

programs Plaxis 2D and Plaxis 3D. Each added level of dimension introduced

new capabilities but also more complexity. Each analysis has also shown to have


The Tower of Pisa is an important historical structure and is a documented

known geotechnical problem. The Tower has a known construction history,

measured final settlements, and measured angles of inclination over the past eight

centuries. The settlement of the Tower has occurred due to the compressible soils

beneath the foundation. The remediation efforts of the latter part of the 20th

century to stabilize the Tower have provided a well detailed description of the

subsurface. Several settlement analyses have been conducted by previous

engineers to investigate the mechanisms that triggered the extreme settlement and

inclination of the Tower. All of these items make the Tower of Pisa a great case

to perform a settlement analysis comparison.

The 1D analysis used the complimentary programs Winsaf-I and Winsaf-

TR to perform a settlement computation. A simplified soil profile was developed

and necessary soil property parameters were collected from various sources of

literature. An ultimate settlement computation was first performed (Winsaf-I)

followed by a consolidation rate computation (Winsaf-TR). The analysis

produced a result that underestimated the settlement beneath the center of the

Tower and was unable to properly model the Tower’s differential settlement

The 2D settlement analysis introduced the use of the finite element

method in the software package Plaxis 2D. Computation features of the program

included automated mesh generation, advanced constitutive soil models, and soil

behavior drainage conditions. The soil property parameters were gathered from

the literature. A preliminary analysis was performed using an axisymmetric

model to compute the settlement beneath the center of the Tower. Several

verification analyses were performed including a mesh refinement study, a mesh

size study, a pore pressure verification, a plastic-drained analysis, and a φ = 0

analysis. The axisymmetric analysis produced a result within the range of

estimated final center settlement. The 2D analysis was used to model differential

settlement by means of a plane strain model formulation. However, in a

circularly symmetric problem like the Tower of Pisa, this required a calibration

process from plane strain to axisymmetric conditions. In the plane strain analysis

it was possible to create non-uniformly thick soil layers, such as the A1’-Clayey

Silt lens beneath the Tower. However, it was found the overturning moment

produced from the ever increasing inclination of the Tower had a far greater affect

on differential settlement than the non-uniformity in the soil layers. Based on

historical inclination angles, a loading scheme was developed to represent the

overturning moment generated by the tilt of the Tower and input into the

calculation portion of a plane strain analysis. The results overestimated Tower

settlement and required a calibration consisting of a scaling factor that represented

a ratio between the results of the axisymmetric analysis and a new plane strain

analysis with uniformly thick soil layers. The calibrated results were in better

agreement with the estimated final settlement but still underestimated the

differential settlement of the Tower.

The 3D analysis also made use of the finite element method with the

software program Plaxis 3D and involved many input procedures common with

the 2D analysis. The same sets of soil property parameters, soil models and

drainage behavior types from 2D were used in 3D. The observation in the 2D

analysis that non-uniform soil layers have little affect on differential settlement

was applied to the 3D analysis in keeping all soil layers of uniform thickness. By

modeling the problem in 3D, the calibration process of the 2D analysis was

eliminated. A mesh refinement study was performed to find the optimum number

of nodes at which to operate a computation. A preliminary 3D uniformly

distributed load analysis computed a settlement beneath the center of the Tower

that was within the range of the estimated final settlement. From there a 3D

analysis was created to represent the non-symmetric stresses produced by the

historical inclination of the Tower by means of a series of five line loads applied

over a rigid plate foundation. The magnitudes of the line loads were based upon

their location along the north-south plane of the foundation and the overturning

moments created by the Tower. The results of the 3D non-symmetric analysis

found reasonable results for settlement at the north, center and south locations of

the Tower, but underestimated the differential settlement.

7.2 Conclusions

Geotechnical software is available to perform settlement computations in

one, two, or three dimensions. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how

the results of one, two, and three dimensional computations of the settlement of

Tower of Pisa compare to one another. The computations were evaluated on how

well the results compared with actual estimated values, the complexity of setup

process, and the length of time associated with setup and execution. The

conclusions reached for each dimensional analysis are summarized and discussed


• The 1D analysis involved the least amount of setup and execution

time, although, the settlement results were the least accurate. The

analysis could not properly compute the differential settlement. The

1D analysis underestimated settlement because it does not account for

shear displacements.

• The 2D analysis, while requiring a calibration, provided reasonable

results for the settlement and inclination of the Tower. The

verification process, as well as the calibration, required more time than

the 1D analysis. The non-uniform thicknesses in the soil layers,

especially the A1 layer, were found to have little effect on the

inclination of the Tower. The overturning moment generated from the

Tower weight and the center of gravity moving horizontally was the

primary cause of the Tower’s increasing inclination with time.

• The 3D analysis produces results that agree well with the 2D analysis

but does not require any calibration. Execution time of the 3D

analysis is the longest, on the order of 24 hours, while setup time is

comparable to the 2D analysis. A sacrifice of accuracy is made in 3D

as the density of nodes decreases from that of a 2D analysis. The

verification and mesh fineness studies required more effort in 3D than

for 2D.

The 1D analysis provided the least accurate settlement results. The

settlement calculation beneath the center of the Tower of 152 cm underestimated

the actual settlement of the Tower. The 1D analysis was unable to account for the

varying stress distribution generated by the leaning Tower and therefore, could

not make a proper differential settlement calculation. In terms of settlement

results, the performance of the calibrated 2D analysis provided outputs that agreed

best with the estimated final settlements. The computed settlement of 260 cm

beneath the center of the Tower was within the range of estimated final settlement

of 220 cm to 296 cm. The 2D analysis also provided the best approximation of

the differential settlement which occurred beneath the base of the Tower. The

associated inclination angle of 3.30o, although low, was closest to the value of

5.469o measured in 1990. The results of the 3D analysis were similar to those

found in 2D. A settlement of 240 cm for the Tower’s center settlement fell in the

estimated final range. The inclination angle associated with the differential

settlement though, was 2.85o and less accurate than the 2D analysis.

In terms of the complexity of program operations, the 1D analysis was the

least intensive. The 1D settlement analysis required the fewest number of

parameters. It also took the least amount of effort to setup and execute a

calculation. The 2D and 3D analyses were fairly similar in program setup time,

with the 3D analysis requiring more time and effort for the execution and

verification. Both analyses required the same number of input parameters. The

programs were comparable in the amount of effort involved in establishing

geometry, mesh generation, and the definition of calculation phases. While the

2D analysis took less execution time, the lack of calibration necessary in the 3D

analysis should be seen as a major benefit. In 2D, multiple problem formulations

were made in order to generate a scaling factor used to calibrate results of a plane

strain calculation to an axisymmetric case. The scaling factor is a level of

uncertainty not present in the 3D analysis. Thus, the setup and execution of the

3D analysis is considered slightly superior. Although, it is equally important to

evaluate the time associated with the mesh fineness and verification analyses that

ensure a proper computation is being made. This aspect is much less time

intensive in the 2D analysis than in 3D, and therefore makes 2D a very viable


While the 2D and 3D settlement analyses provide reasonable results, both

compute differential settlements that are less than the actual measured settlements

of the Tower. This may be because of errors in the measured settlements and

inclinations. Throughout the analysis, the results are compared to estimated final

settlements. The settlements are presented as a range as the actual elevations at

the Tower in the year 1173 are unknown. If a more refined settlement history

existed, the process of evaluating the accuracy of the analyses would be much

more definitive. Other sources for the underestimate of settlement include the

assumption to treat the hollow cylindrical Tower as a complete circle, how the

non-uniform load was modeled as a series of line loads, numerical discretization

error, and variation in the soil properties. Also, as suggested in the literature, the

large 3o increase in tilt from years 1370 to 1550 could be a result of external

effects including foundation material failure, high stress concentrations on the

south side, or leaning instability.

7.3 Recommendations for Future Work

The comparison of settlement analyses in three different dimensions

presented in this thesis investigated a historical, well known geotechnical problem

in the Tower of Pisa. Many documents concerning the Tower’s subsurface, the

soil parameters, the Tower’s construction and the inclination history are available.

For these reasons, the Tower of Pisa was considered a good choice for a case


If future work is to be performed, it is recommended a structure of a more

complex shaped be analyzed. In some ways the shape of the Tower was

beneficial but also provided limitations. The Tower is actually a hollow cylinder,

but for the analysis, it was modeled as having a solid circular base. This circular

formation was easy to model in all three dimensions, which made it reasonable to

make settlement comparisons. However, the circularly symmetric Tower does not

really take advantage of 2D or 3D modeling programs. Supposing the Tower had

been rectangular, a cross, or L-shaped the 1D analysis would have been far more

complicated and the capabilities of the 2D and 3D programs to model non-

uniform structures would have been displayed. The circularly symmetric Tower

provided a level playing field, but also inhibited some of the potential of the more

sophisticated programs.

As more sophisticated modeling programs become available, it is

important to stay current and verify its place in the state of practice. If further

analysis is to be done in comparing the results of 1D, 2D and 3D settlement

calculations, it is suggested to use a case study that satisfies the recommendations

discussed above. It is also important to maintain a geotechnical problem with a

well defined soil profile and set of parameters.


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Plaxis 2D Runs

Number of Number of Average Element Extreme Total

Description File Name
Elements Nodes Size (m) Displacement (m)
Axisymmetric Axisymmetric 2622 21193 0.992 2.60
Axisymmetric, Drained Behavior AxiSymDrained 2622 21193 0.992 2.46
Axisymmetric, Phi = 0 Analysis AxiSymPhi0 2622 21193 0.992 -
Plane Strain, Non-Uniform Layers, Symmetric Loading TOPsymload1 2286 18525 1.500 3.66
Plane Strain, Non-Uniform Layers, Non-Symmetric Loading TOPnonsymload 2286 18525 1.500 4.79
Plane Strain, Uniform Layers, Symmetric Loading PlaneStrainUniLoad 2680 21681 1.390 3.80
Axisymmetric, Boundary at Outer Wall AxiSym98Ca0 2720 22069 0.394 3.14
Axisymmetric, 6-Noded Elements AxiSymw01AB1x6noded 2622 5353 0.992 2.39

Plaxis 3D Runs

Number of Number of Average Element Extreme Total

Description File Name
Elements Nodes Size (m) Displacement (m)
Circular Symmetric Loading Coarse4x_30x302x 19250 51998 3.180 2.40
Circular Non-Symmetric Loading, 5 Line Loads 5LineCoarse20x204x 13882 37602 3.550 2.99
Circular Symmetric Loading, Boundary at Outer Wall TOPverificationVF 40344 106661 0.743 3.14

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