B17-Ce103-Essay On Engineering Course-Barber

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Write-up on the reasons why you are pursuing civil engineering course.
As I was in high school, I have always dreamed of becoming an engineer due to the reason
that I was inspired by the few people in my life that are already working as an engineer. However,
I wanted to become a type of engineer that can design, build, supervise, and construct infrastructure
projects. In short, I wanted to become a successful civil engineer. So that’s why as I have reached
senior high school years, I have taken a strand that suits my dream carrier and that will also teach
me the basic information’s that should be learned in the connection of my carries which is the
strand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Today, as a college freshman pursuing a specific type of engineering course, civil
engineering, I have many reasons. I have sought this type of course due to the sense that, here, I
will keep myself focused on the things that I should learn. I have researched that through this
course, I will know how to be involved in the entire project development or improvement process,
from carefully and creatively planning designs or making project proposals to bringing them to
life and maintaining it. But most importantly, I have pursued this civil engineering course due to
the reason to get a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. To become a civil engineer, the dream
carrier that I desire is, I needed to get a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. But I know that by
getting that degree, the course that I have chosen will mold or teach me information, works, and
techniques. Course works as math, statistics, engineering mechanics, and systems, fluid dynamics,
and more.
As an aspiring civil engineer, I have to study the history of civil engineering. Civil
engineers design and develop structures that define a society's culture and help it keep up with a
rapidly changing world. Bridges, roadways, and drinking water are just a few of the contemporary
world's essentials, all of which were made possible by engineers throughout history, particularly
civil engineers. With the rapidly changing world, it is known that there will also be hazards that
will be present. And that is why I needed to learn all the classifications of hazards in civil
engineering history in order to give or propose alternative ways to solve such problems in the
upcoming future. And I know that this course that I am pursuing is exactly what I should follow
because for sure, here, everything that I need to know will be thought.

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