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University of the Cordilleras

College of Teacher Education

Secondary Education Department
1st Trimester, SY 2021-2022

MODULE 1: Introduction to the Course

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the students are expected to;
1. Know the definition of Technology
2. Appreciate the importance of having the educational technology
3. Answer the questions provided briefly and concisely.

Active Prior Knowledge:

What comes to mind when you hear the word educational technology?

Acquire New Knowledge:

What is Educational Technology?

● It is concerned with the integration of technology in the teaching and learning processes

● It is focused on reinforcing and supplementing knowledge and skills to learners to become

exemplary users of educational technology

● It is directed to teachers who wish to update their knowledge of educational technology

● It aims to weave technology with software as a natural extension of their learning tools

● It involves a deeper understanding of the computer as hands-on application of computer skills as

part of enhancement of the teaching learning process

● It aims to infuse technology to teachers. Helping them to adapt and meet rapid and continuing
technology changes

In SummaryEducational Technology serves:

- To provide education in the use of technology in instruction

- To acquaint teachers and learners on IT or Information Technology

- To engage students on practical integration including IT classrooms

- To inculcate higher level of thinking and creativity

Answer the following briefly and concisely (10 pts):
Provide one specific example of how technology is being integrated in the teaching and learning process.

Answer the following questions briefly and concisely
Why is it important to integrate technology in teaching and learning?

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