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Dr. Ming-Han Tsai

Institution of Microbiology and Immunology
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
蔡明翰 (Dr. Ming-Han Tsai)
Institute of Microbiology and Immunology,
National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
2000-2006: BS/MS: National Tsing-Hua University / Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Life Science / Immunology (Autoimmunity, Regulatory T cells, and Immune tolerance)
2007 -2010: RA: National Health Research Institute, Taiwan.
Virology (Dengue virus, Hepatitis C virus, drug screening)
2010-2015: PhD: University of Heidelberg, Germany
Virology (Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) virology)
2015-2017: Postdoc: German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Virology (EBV, tumor virology, mice model), development of EBV vaccine.
2018Feb- : Assistant Professor, IMI, NYMU/NYCU, Taiwan
Virology (EBV and human carcinoma, the viral biotechnology lab)

• What is a virus?

• How the viruses can do?

• Why we need to learn virology?

Topics today:
• The history of virology.
• Basic Virology
• Application of Virology
• Emerging viral issues.
Many good reasons you have to
study virology
• Viruses are ubiquitous on earth.
• Infect all forms of life (even bacteria!)
• Many viruses cause diseases
– AIDS, influenza, dengue fever, hepatitis, common cold,
• Some viruses are useful if we know how to use
them wisely.
– Use phage to kill the specific types of bacterium
– Pesticides (insect control, rabbit control)
– Sources of enzymes (reverse transcriptase)
– Gene vectors for protein production (transduction)
– Vectors for gene therapy
– Anti-cancer agents: modified virus is used to kill cancer cells.
– Learn science form host-virus interaction.
– Good topics for Hollywood movies
Viruses kill billions

Fundamentals of Virology
Viruses kill
Application of Viruses:
Fundamental science, applications,
public health
-17 Nobel prizes for virologists (also
2008 for HPV and HIV, 2020 for HCV);
-33 Nobel prizes for virology +
Immunology (“viruses as model”)

Fundamentals of Virology
Viruses and economy

The animals or animal products derived from disease zones

are not allowed to be exported or under crazy regulations
Viruses and economy
Pork export, Taiwan FMDV case
@Before 1997: Taiwan was the 2nd largest pork exporter
@1997yr: foot and mouth disease (FMD, by virus, strain
“O/Taiwan/97”), 3.8 million pigs were killed to prevent the
spreading (30% of all Taiwan’s pigs).
@Lost 1.6 billions USD/year for export
*100 millions USD

Export dropped @1998yr: everything started from the beginning; all pigs
to “ZERO” were vaccinated.
@2000s: WTO: cheap pork meat were imported into TW.
@2009: stop vaccination. 7 FMD cases reported.
@2010: all pigs get vaccination again.
@2018: stop vaccination.
@2019: if no more FMD case, Taiwan will become FMD-
free zone again (22 years!!!)
Viruses and economy
African Swine Fever virus (ASFV) case
@Cause severe diseases to pigs
@ASFV is extremely stable, even can survive in the frozen
pork for months

1. The price of pork will be extremely expensive in the
endemic countries;
2. The countries recognized as “ASFV ZONE” are not
allowed to export pork.
Viruses and economy

COVID-19 case (Mink)

@Important animal for the source of clothing.
@Farming in Europe (Netherlands, Danmark…etc)

Because Mink can be also infected by COVID-19

 Millions killed (for prevention).
 In case to cause human-animal transmission and to
prevent the generation of new viral mutants

植物病毒: 昆蟲、動物、花粉等造成大規模經濟損失

動物病毒: 魚蝦、雞鴨鵝、牛豬羊、貓貓狗狗
Viruses and economy
COVID-19 case HUMAN: Shops, industries all closed, no economy activities
Viruses from animals can also make
you ill!
Yellow fever
West Nile fever Rabies
Dengue fever

SARS Swine flu

Ebola FMDV

HIV? Influenza
Always have new viruses cause

A new deadly virus

originated from 4
different organisms!
Always have new viruses cause

New viruses database

VIRUS HUNTER (Nature video)
Hunters of Coronavirus
(National Public Radio)
What we know about a virus now

1. Viruses are filterable agents (0.22-μm) Small

2. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. Depend on others

3. Viruses cannot make energy or proteins Hijack cellular machinery

independently of a host cell.
4. Viral genomes may be RNA or DNA. Inheritable

5. Viruses have a naked capsid or an envelope Simple

6. Viral components are assembled and do not Amplify a lot
replicate by “division”, but by “multiplication”.
History: the discovery that
Pathogens cause human diseases

By God’s punishment? Louis Pasteur Robert Koch Sir Alexander Fleming

France Deutschland Great Britain
Before 1850
1850s’ 1890s’ 1928
The modern science: validation of
the disease-causing pathogens

By [mike jones] - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Identification of the pathogens that
cause diseases
Year Diseases Pathogens Type Transmission Discovered by
1873 Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae Bacteria Human Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen
1880 Malaria Gensus Plasmodium Parasite Mosquito Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
1880 Typhoid Fever Salmonella typhi Bacteria Fecal-oral route Karl Joseph Eberth
1882 Tuberculosis Bacteria aerosol droplets Robert Koch
1883 Cholera Vibrio cholerae Bacteria Fecal-oral route Robert Koch
1884 Tetanus Clostridium tetani Bacteria Soil / wound Arthur Nicolaier
1887 Brucellosis Brucella species Bacteria Zoonoses David Bruce
1894 Plague Yersinia pestis Bacteria Murine, flea Alexandre Yersin, Kitasato Shibasabur
1898 Dysentery Bacillary dysentery Bacteria Fecal-oral route Kiyoshi Shiga
1905 Syphilis Treponema pallidum Bacteria Sexual, blood Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann
1906 Pertussis B. pertussis Bacteria Zoonoses Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou
1909 Typhus Rickettsia prowazekii Bacteria Zoonoses Charles Nicolle

You are very lucky to live in this century; most of people before 1900 can’t live
longer than 35 years old
Identification of the pathogens
leads to drug development

Year Diseases Pathogens Type

1873 Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae Bacteria
1880 Malaria Gensus Plasmodium Parasite
1880 Typhoid Fever Salmonella typhi Bacteria
1882 Tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis Bacteria
1883 Cholera Vibrio cholerae Bacteria
1884 Tetanus Clostridium tetani Bacteria
1887 Brucellosis Brucella species Bacteria
1894 Plague Yersinia pestis Bacteria
1898 Dysentery Bacillary dysentery Bacteria
1905 Syphilis Treponema pallidum Bacteria
1906 Pertussis B. pertussis Bacteria
1909 Typhus Rickettsia prowazekii Bacteria

Whatever can kill these pathogens?

=> Drug development
High-throughput screening
Timeline of Antimicrobial Therapy

The year shown indicates when a given drug was released onto the pharmaceutical market. This is
not a timeline of the development of the antibiotics themselves.

Infect Chemother. 2012 Aug;44(4):263-268.

Identification of the pathogens:
etiology and epidemiology

Year Diseases Type Transmission

Quarantine works!
1873 Leprosy Bacteria Human
1880 Malaria Parasite Mosquito Improved Sanitation
1880 Typhoid Fever Bacteria Fecal-oral route
1882 Tuberculosis Bacteria aerosol droplets
Clean water
1883 Cholera Bacteria Fecal-oral route Boiled water
1884 Tetanus Bacteria Soil / wound Cooked food
1887 Brucellosis Bacteria Zoonoses
1894 Plague Bacteria Murine, flea
1898 Dysentery Bacteria Fecal-oral route
1905 Syphilis Bacteria Sexual, blood
1906 Pertussis Bacteria Zoonoses
1909 Typhus Bacteria Zoonoses


Might be not always necessary :D
To know the sources of pathogen:
1854’s London outbreak of Cholera

Sources: Wikipedia, NIH and CDC website, the history of quarantine

If it is contagious (especially by aerosol):
QUARANTINE is the best way

Sources: Wikipedia, NIH and CDC website, the history of quarantine

QUARANTINE in modern society?!
Nearly impossible now!!

Source: China Airlines website Source: EVA Air Corporate brochure

2022/01/03 data
Question Time
Q: What is wrong with this table?
Year Diseases Pathogens Type Transmission Discovered by
1873 Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae Bacteria Human Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen
1880 Malaria Gensus Plasmodium Parasite Mosquito Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
1880 Typhoid Fever Salmonella typhi Bacteria Fecal-oral route Karl Joseph Eberth
1882 Tuberculosis Bacteria aerosol droplets Robert Koch
1883 Cholera Vibrio cholerae Bacteria Fecal-oral route Robert Koch
1884 Tetanus Clostridium tetani Bacteria Soil / wound Arthur Nicolaier
1887 Brucellosis Brucella species Bacteria Zoonoses David Bruce
1894 Plague Yersinia pestis Bacteria Murine, flea Alexandre Yersin, Kitasato Shibasabur
1898 Dysentery Bacillary dysentery Bacteria Fecal-oral route Kiyoshi Shiga
1905 Syphilis Treponema pallidum Bacteria Sexual, blood Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann
1906 Pertussis B. pertussis Bacteria Zoonoses Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou
1909 Typhus Rickettsia prowazekii Bacteria Zoonoses Charles Nicolle
Paradox: many diseases don’t
follow Koch’s Postulate

Good example: Rabies, small pox, yellow fever…etc

Not a single virus can be isolated through
this way because viruses only grow in the
infected cells but can’t grow by themselves
Tobacco mosaic virus infected
tobacco leaf.


The filtrates from the patients’

tissues can cause the diseases
but can’t fit Koch’s rule???
By botanist Dmitri Ivanovsky, 1892
Martinus Willem Beijerinck 1898

Latin word vīrus (the ī indicates a long i)

-"poison; venom", denoting the venom of a snake

Possibilities to explain:

1. Not Bacteria, but

something totally different

2. Still Bacteria, just too small

to be filtered

3. Still Bacteria, but just can’t

grow on the 1900’s medium
!!?? WHAT??

4. Not living stuffs, just “non-

living” toxins causing that
Filter can filter all the visible “bacteria”
Pioneer study showing that “virus” caused human diseases
Spanish Influenza (Killed 5% human population in 1918)


Not “ordinary” bacteria

(medium remained clear)


Only cause disease at

correct location

Unfortunately, people still

thought flu was caused by
bacteria before 1930s
Thinking time:
Global warming and its possible effects

Successfully “rescued” the 1918 influenza virus

Nature 437, 794–795 (06 October 2005)

Milestones in Virology

• 1930s: electro microscope:

- Can eventually see virus
• 1950-60: DNA/RNA discovery
- Confirm: Viruses are genetic materials
but not toxins
• 1950s: In vitro cell culture system
- Can amplify virus in vitro and study
viral life cycle.
The identification of viruses that
cause human diseases

Fundamentals of Virology
Diseases (mostly viruses-associated) that were
reported within one month and may cause
epidemic/pandemic outbreaks
QUARANTINE in modern society?!
Nearly impossible now!!

Source: China Airlines website Source: EVA Air Corporate brochure

Thinking: why people expanded lots of life
before antibiotics and modern virology?

Commercial use of penicillin

1850 1890 1928/1942


• Many extremely deadly viral-associated diseases

had been solved during this golden
period ”surprisingly”; mostly due to the reason of
Edward Jenner, father of Smallpox, killed 10% up to 20% of all
population before his discovery
Immunology and vaccine

Figure: wikipedia; Janeway Immunology

Smallpox and Vaccination
1. Airborne, 30% fatality
2. Human is the only host
3. Caused 500 million death within one century
4. Wiped off 97% of American Indian in 1600s
5. Officially eradicated in 1979

Edward Jenner (1749–1823)

After 1850
Vaccination worked!

• Principle: “vaccinated” with something similar but

not so toxic can lead you “immune” from the
dangerous diseases?!
Rabies: another example
Rabies: caused by bacteria?
Can I make the “bacteria” less toxic?

Louis Pasteur


Rabies vaccine makes rabies be eradicated from the developed countries

Attenuated vaccines (still the principle
for vaccine development now)
(note: Rabies is a “RNA” virus; not the

Very toxic

No Rabies

Why me?
Not so toxic
Not toxic
Louis Pasteur
Repeat 100-round of
1850s’ infection in rabbits
Poliovirus: nearly to be eradicated
• RNA virus, only infects human and monkey
• enterovirus
• Cause paralysis in infant
• 1954: Salk developed the vaccine (chemical-inactivated vaccine)
• 1961: Sabin developed the live-attenuated vaccine
Vaccination / Viruses

Commercial use of penicillin

Vaccination helped to
prevent huge amounts of
viral-associated diseases
1850 1890 1928/1942
during this period
CANCER!!! A aging disease!!!
Facts of cancer:
1. If you live long enough, you will anyway get at least
one type of cancers.
2. Believe it or not, at least 20% cancers are caused by
infection (mostly by viruses)

Data adopted from NIH website

Virus causes tumor?

Francis Peyton Rous

Tumor cells Tumor juice

Culture in
vitro for N

Tumor Nothing
Tumor, why??
Virus causes tumor?
Dane Johannes Grib Fibige
1913yr: Nematode cause gastric
carcinoma in rat (NEJM)
Nominated 18 times for
Nobel prize
I found it, call it Rous
sarcoma virus (RSV)
1926yr: Nobel prize
But I was too unlucky

1928yr: die

1929yr: discovery of VitA,

and found that lack of VitA
caused the “tumor (actually
not tumor)” he discovered.
1929-1950s: nobody
mentioned that pathogens
caused tumors
Yes, virus can cause tumor!
Important discovery in science
OK, I eventually can try
1930s: EM: can eventually see virus whether RSV can make Oh God, it can transform
1950s: DNA discovery normal cells into tumor or not
1950s: In vitro cell culture system
1960: RNA discovery
1964: EBV cause lymphoma
1960s: I found that this virus replicate too
slowly or even not replicated. However, the
infected cells indeed transformed, did this
virus integrate into Genome?
Oh God, I found RNA
virus and Retrovirus
Eventually other people prove my
opinion in HUMAN but not CHICKEN

1966yr: Nobel prize, I was 87 already…

After 50 years of my first discovery, people eventually believe me
RSV and Nobel prizes
2nd Nobel prize (1975 Howard Temin)
Q: If RSV is integrated into genome as DNA, but it’s a RNA virus How?
Hypothesis: this virus must have something to make RNA into DNA
Result: he found reverse transcriptase (enzyme you use for RT-PCR).

3rd Nobel prize (1989; Varmus and Bishop)

Q: How RSV transform the infected cells?
Hypothesis: (1) retrovirus cause tumor? Or (2) something in RSV cause tumor
Result: the discovery of oncoprotein (or you can say proto-oncoprotein)
At least 20% human cancers are
caused by infection
% of total human
Pathogens Cancers
HBV Liver cancer 3%

HCV Liver cancer 3%

Cervical cancer,
HPV 5%
HTLV lymphoma 0.03%
H. Pylori (BACTERIA) Gastric carcinoma 5%
KSHV Kaposi’s sarcoma 0.70%
carcinoma, B, T, NK
lymphoma, gastric
EBV 3-up to 8%
carcinoma, lung
cancer, colon
Understand basic virology can help us
to eradicate the diseases

Let’s go back to the BASIC VIROLOGY!!

1. Concept
2. Classification
3. Genome
4. Life cycle
5. Transmission
6. Other important
knowledge of viruses
1. Concept of the Virus:
very different from the other two bros
Life style:
Only virus can’t survive by itself but has to live
inside the infected host cells, bacteria and fungi can
live alone

Microbiology For the treatment:

-Bacteria/Fungi Antibiotics are available for nearly all the
pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi.
-Viruses For virus: NO antibiotics! Even for drugs, usually
one drug can only treat one virus.

For immune response:

B/F: Mostly depended on innate immunity
V: Mostly depended on adaptive immunity
Virus: different way to amplify

Human: Bacteria: Virus:

From 2-> 1.125 (Taiwan…) From 1->2->4 From 1->103-6
From 2-> 6.6 (Some African -Depended on -Depended on killing cells or
countries) outside nutrition infecting more cells
limitation: limitation: limitation:
…$……$…house…?….. No nutrition No cells “to be killed”
2. Classification of the viruses
It helps us to understand how to deal with a pathogenic
virus quickly according to the classification.
Method 1: by their genome Method 2: with or without envelope
dsDNA Linear
DNA dsDNA circular
ssDNA Linear

Segmented virus
There are two kinds of viruses: DNA virus or RNA virus

Principles of virology Fig.1.9

Principles of virology Fig.1.9
Enveloped vs non-enveloped virus
Envelope Viruses Non-Enveloped Viruses
Outer lipid layer, surrounding
Most outer layer capsid
the capsid
Not so aggressive, not always
To the host cell accompany with cell lysis of Very aggressive, cause cell lysis
the hosts

Expose to outside environment,

Protected by bio-lipids; usually
Transmission transmitted through oral or feces (so
through blood or body fluids
usually infect through respiratory/oral)

Unstable, sensitive to heating,

drying, detergent (anything Stable. After drying out still highly
breaks lipid layers cause non- infectious.

HIV, HCV, Influenza, HSV, EBV,

Good example Adenovirus, Norovirus

Kalpesh Zunjarrao,

3. Genome: highly compacted with
viral-coding transcripts

HPV: 8kb dsDNA virus EBV: 170kb dsDNA virus

Small molecule inhibitors of human papillomavirus

protein - protein interactions.
D'Abramo CM, Archambault J - Open Virol J (2011)
“Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine."
4. Life cycle in an infected cell
 Receptor: define the tropism
 Entry: endocytosis or fusion
 Replication,
transcription, translation:
virus-specific enzymes
 Proteases: virus-
specific enzymes
 Assembly
 Release: lysis, exocytosis,
 Re-initiation of the Peakman M. et al, Basic and clinical Immunology
replication: extracellular,
cell-to-cell fusion (syncytia).
4. Life cycle in an infected cell
Binding / Enter
 Receptor: define the tropism
 Entry: endocytosis or fusion
 Replication,
transcription, translation:
virus-specific enzymes
 Proteases: virus-
specific enzymes
 Assembly
 Release: lysis, exocytosis,
 Re-initiation of the Peakman M. et al, Basic and clinical Immunology
replication: extracellular,
cell-to-cell fusion (syncytia).
A virus infects the cells only if this
virus can recognize this cell
A virus infects the cells only if this
virus can recognize this cell
• Receptor-ligand need to match
• Sometimes requires co-receptor
• Then either directly fusion or endocytosis
4. Life cycle in an infected cell
Replication and assembly
 Receptor: define the tropism
 Entry: endocytosis or fusion
 Replication,
transcription, translation:
virus-specific enzymes
 Proteases: virus-
specific enzymes
 Assembly
 Release: lysis, exocytosis,
 Re-initiation of the Peakman M. et al, Basic and clinical Immunology
replication: extracellular,
cell-to-cell fusion (syncytia).
Viruses need to produce viral proteins to
perform transcription, translation,
replications, and assembly





For easy understanding, you can read this first
Concept: +mRNA is the template for producing proteins
(it’s also the template for RNA viral replication!!)
Able to enter
the nucleus II VII




Concept: +mRNA is the template for producing proteins
(it’s also the template for RNA viral replication!!)



MUST have
Reverse I
Transcriptase +RNA
within the
virion and
may require III
enter the
nucleus IV
Concept: +mRNA is the template for producing proteins
(it’s also the template for RNA viral replication!!)






Must have RNA-depend-RNA polymerase (RdRp)

Concept: +mRNA is the template for producing proteins
(it’s also the template for RNA viral replication!!)






May need to have RNA-depend-RNA

polymerase (RdRp) within the virion!
Concept: +mRNA is the template for producing proteins
(it’s also the template for RNA viral replication!!)






Exception: HBV (dsDNA-RT virus), a very special virus

(has DNA polymerase within its virion)
(can transcript RT since it’s replication require RNA as template….)
4. Life cycle in an infected cell
Release (amount, killing hosts or not)
• Choice 1: Have millions of babies and kill the hosts;
few of these babies may survive and find new hosts.
Mostly viruses cause acute diseases, accompany with cell lysis

• Choice 2: making babies slowly and steadily

without killing the hosts immediately.
HIV is a good example (with latency)

• Choice 3: Depend on whether you have money and

time and change the strategies….
Usually the complicated viruses: EBV and HSV are good examples

Remember: virus is a genetic material that have a way to sustain its genome in
the world efficiently. All these 3 choices make it possible.
5. Transmission

Viruses can spread through the air in two ways: inside large droplets that fall quickly to the ground (red),
or inside tiny droplets that float in the air (gray). In the first route, called droplet transmission, the virus
can spread only about 3 to 6 feet from an infected person. In the second route, called airborne
transmission, the virus can travel 30 feet or more.
Adam Cole/NPR
Transmission routes

1. Oral Fecal or saliva: Enteroviruses, Noro, Polio, HAV

2. Air-borne: Influenza, Measles, SARS…etc
3. Urine (rare): Lassa fever (rodent urine/feces)
4. Blood (HIV, HBV, HCV, HSV, HPV)
5. Sexual (HIV, HBV, HSV, HPV)
6. Vertical (cross placenta) HBV, CMV, HSV, Zika,
Rubella virus
7. Milk/Saliva at birth: CMV, EBV, HSV, HIV
8. Mosquito-borne: JEV, DENV, Zika, YEV
9. Animal-borne: (biting): Rabies
For ladies and future mothers:
-> It‘s very important to take vaccines against the viruses that
might cause the abnormal babies
(Please contact your doctor before or immediately after
knowing you are at pregnancy)
@CMV (before 20th week of pregnancy, cause minimal 1/750 child with defect in
Cause 10-15% children with congenital abnormalities

@Rubella virus:
Cause 25% to 52% chance for the children with congenital problems

@Chickenpox (VSV):
Cause birth defects, including leg deformities

Cause death of baby

Small-head child

@Some others might be transmitted to child at birth (blood contact: HIV, HBV..etc)
EBV: the most successful virus that

(Pavlova et al., 2013). The space between envelope and nucleocapsid is filled with

protein tegument complexes composed of many different proteins that originate from

the virus and its host (Penkert and Kalejta, 2011). These viral tegument proteins might

infects human population

facilitate EBV infection, as an EBV with deletion of major tegument proteins BNRF1

infects B-cells 20-fold less efficiently (Feederle et al., 2006). The protein composition

of an EBV virion and an electron micrograph of an EBV particle are depicted in

figure 1.

Figure 1. An EBV virion

The left panel shows a schematic that depicts the general composition of an EBV virion. The size of
the characters reflects the relative amount of the protein in the virus. This figure is adapted and
reorganized from results of the paper published by Johannsen et al, PNAS 2004. These authors did a
mass spectrometry analysis on the purified EBV virions derived from B95-8 strain. The right panel
shows an electron micrograph EBV virion of the B95-8 strain. The diameter of an EBV virion is
usually between 120-180 nm.

Genome structure: EBV, as well as the other members of Herpesviridae family,

consists of a complex linear double-strand DNA genome that is around 180 kb in size.

6. Other important knowledge of virology:
A. Pseudotyped of the viruses
Outcome: change the cell tropism of a virus.

Curr Gene Ther. Author manuscript;

available in PMC 2006 Feb 15.
Published in final edited form as:
Curr Gene Ther. 2005 Aug; 5(4): 387–
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
B. Error-prone replication (RNA virus)
Error rate: 1 mutation
type in/base
Reverse Transcriptase Retrovirus RNA 3*10^4
RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase RNA virus RNA 10^4
DNA polymerase II human DNA 10^9
T4 DNA polymerase phage DNA 10^8
Vaccination !!?
Today? My computer is bad can’t
run out the result
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
C. Virus also infects prokaryotic cells
Virus kills bacteria -phage (Bacteriophage)
??????? Why Indian people don’t
get the outbreak of Cholera????


Ernest Hanbury Hankin
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
C. Virus also infects prokaryotic cells

DNA virus, 40-50kb

Doss J et al., Viruses 2017, 9(3), 50; doi:10.3390/v9030050
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
C. Virus also infects prokaryotic cells
Phage is everywhere!!!
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
C. Virus also infects prokaryotic cells

Phage is everywhere!!!

Thinking time:
1. Why there are so many phage?
2. If no phage, what will happen!!?
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution

Why these non-coding retroviral relics help evolution?

1. They insert randomly
2. LTRs of retroviruses are “promoter”
3. Might alter the gene function.
4. Might cause gene duplication
……many possibilities
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution


If there was a pandemic viral infection of monkeys that targeting neurons….

human Dead island movie

6. Other important knowledge of virology:
D. Virus help evolution; still ongoing
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
E. Virus can escape from immune system at
certain extend (viral evolution)
6. Other important knowledge of virology:
E. Virus can escape from immune system at
certain extend (viral evolution)
You are a virologist now! we can
discuss: Application of Virology

• 1. How to treat viral-associated diseases through

the knowledge of basic virology?

• 2. How to use viruses to benefit our researches or

I think today you know how to make the
attenuated viruses for vaccine purpose
(note: Rabies is a “RNA” virus; not the

Very toxic

No Rabies

Why me?
Not so toxic
Not toxic
Louis Pasteur
Repeat 100-round of
1850s’ infection in rabbits
Thinking time:
If Vaccine is sooooo good, why not all the
viruses have vaccines?
Thinking time: why not all the viruses
have vaccines?
1. Low chance to infect human population (Ebola for example..develop
the vaccine needs money….)
2. Some diseases are really bad but can be predicted. (Rabies, still
incidence problem; passive immunity is enough)
3. The degree of diseases. Even if many people infected but too mild,
nobody care. (Herpes) Even with vaccine, will you pay?
4. Virus mutation rate is too high (HIV, HCV, influenza)
5. Too many virus variations (or variants, subtypes)
6. No attenuated virus available (not safe). The heat-killed virus have no
effect. (Question: why??)
7. Some cases vaccination even makes disease worse. (especially when
the virus can infect the cells with Fc-receptor).
8. Vertical transmission (from placenta, mother)
9. Infect too many people but only parts of them will get diseases. (EBV).
IE: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: 0.1-100 / 100,000 population
10. Cause diseases under immunodeficiency cases. (KSHV)
11. Side effects are significant.
12. Any other possibility? (QUESTION)
If there‘s no vaccine, you can
consider how to block the viral life
cycle properly
• Binding (VACCINE)
• Enter the cell (there’s nothing you can do)
• Perhaps enter the “latency” and escape from
immune system (drug blocks this effect)
• Start to replicate crazily, kill the hosts (block
• Transmit to the other cells
• Question: any other step?
High-throughput screening
Issue for drug screening against viruses (most
of cases):
 You can “easily” find plenty of drugs against
the virus you study
 But most of these “drugs” also kill, or make
the cell sick
 Even if the cells are OK during screening,
most of time meet problems in animal
 Reason: The viruses “hijack” the cell
machinery; so most of these drugs
targeting essential host proteins.

Best solution:

 Fundamental virology, understand the

roles of each viral protein and the
physiological meaning of a virus
 Screen the drug by targeting viral
If there’s no vaccine: consider how to
block the viral life cycle properly?
TRANSMISSION THROUGH? • Proper receptors/viral
attachment proteins
• All the requirements
(enzymes, proteins)
• Particular stage of the cell
cycle (eg. retrovirus,
• Evade host defense
Fundamentals of Virology, Fig. 1.6
Application of Virology: anti-viral
• Binding drugs
• Enter the cell (there’s nothing you can do)
• Perhaps enter the “latency” and escape from immune system (drug blocks this effect)
• Start to replicate crazily, kill the hosts (block replication)
• Transmit to the other cells

Virology of HSV-1/2 (Herpes, painful! But not lethal!)

-We learn that the symptoms are accompanied with viral lytic replication

Actually there’s a super good drug to

cure Herpes (by blocking viral
Application of Virology: anti-viral
drugs block HIV binding

Approved by FDA in 2018

Application of Virology: safe vaccine
• Binding
• Enter the cell (there’s nothing you can do)
• Perhaps enter the “latency” and escape from immune system (drug
blocks this effect)
• Start to replicate crazily, kill the hosts (block replication)
• Transmit to the other cells
Harald zur Hausen
(German Cancer Research Center)
Nobel prize 2008

1. Prove HPV cause cervical cancer

2. Find out the mechanisms
3. Use basic virology to develop vaccine

Current and future applications:

Basic research: 1. Virus-like particle and vaccine
E6, E7 are the main viral 2. Therapeutic vaccine against E6/E7
proteins cause tumor 3. Drug screening of E6/E7 inhibitor
Virus-like particle (VLP):
A good vaccine candidate of the viruses that are too bad,
too oncogenic (so live-attenuated virus is impossible), and
can’t create vaccines through heat-inactivated viruses.

VLP of EBV had been created in my previous

lab, German Cancer Research Center
Application of Virology: anti-viral drugs
expel HCV from human body
(basic virology is so important)
• Binding
• Enter the cell (there’s nothing you can do)
• Perhaps enter the “latency” and escape from immune system (drug blocks this effect)
• Start to replicate (block replication)
• Transmit to the other cells

Ralf F.W. Bartenschlager

German Cancer Research Center /
University of Heidelberg
Basic virology He eradicates 3% of human cancer

Replicon system
Drug screening

•Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 14421(2017)

Now 16% of human cancers may be
protected or cured
% of total human
Pathogens (病原體) Cancers Reason Prevent Treatment

Chronic Vaccine:
HBV Liver cancer 2-3%
inflammation 1980s

Chronic Antiviral drug:

HCV Liver cancer 2%
inflammation 2016

Cervical cancer, Vaccine:

HPV Viral oncoproteins 5%
carcinomas 2000s
HTLV lymphoma Viral oncoproteins No No 0.03%
Itself not cause
Can be prevented
cancer but
HIV Immunodeficiency Safe sex through many N/A
available drugs
H. Pylori (BACTERIA) Gastric carcinoma Antibiotics 5%
KSHV Kaposi’s sarcoma Viral oncoproteins As HIV 0.70%
3 up to 8% (more
carcinoma, B, T, NK
EBV Viral oncoproteins No No and more being
lymphoma, gastric
Application of Virology: Take advantages
of the viruses for our usages
1. Genome modification. (Retrovirus, Adenovirus)
2. Cancer treatment. (depend on their tropisms)
3. Oncolytic viruses. (train the virus)
4. Molecular biology of mammalian cells (CAP of mRNA,
IRES, enhancer, transcription elements, NLS, intron,
promoter elements….).
5. Enzymes (RT, RdRp, integrase..etc)
6. Unlimited Cell source (cell lines established by viruses)
7. Plasmids
8. Immunotherapy
9. Any other? (question)
Application of retroviruses:
transgene / gene therapy


1. Each viral gene’s functions
2. Minimal parts of genome required for packaging
3. Packaging elements

Application of retroviruses:
transgene / gene therapy

You can alter the

tropism by modifying
the envelope

Only this part can be packaged into viral particle and integrate
into host genome
-no further viral replication
-Can be used as gene delivery system
Application of retroviruses:
transgene / gene therapy

How CAR-T is used, often in conjunction with other

chemotherapies (Source: Klebanoff et al. (2014) Nature
Reviews Clinical Oncology 11, 685–686
Application of Adenovirus
transgene / gene therapy / Oncolytic
• Not integrate into the host genome
• Kill the infected cells
• Usually cause only mild disease in immuno-
competent individuals

You can see that it’s a non-envelope virus.

-Highly infectious
-Strongly replicating
-Huge amount of viral particle 10^5-7 times
more than lentivirus
-Cause the infected cell die
Application of Adenovirus
transgene / gene therapy / Oncolytic


Coxsackie virus and

adenovirus receptor Replication-incompetent Adenovirus
Recognize human CAR -Gene-deliver system
You can modify its capsid by random mutations
or adaptive selection, to pick up the one that
can infect the cell you want “specifically”
Application of Adenovirus
transgene / gene therapy / Oncolytic
1. Select or make a viral capsid that only recognize the
cancer cell!

2. Through gene regulation elements

-Transcription factor-regulated E1
-Post-transcriptional regulation of E1 (ie: miRNAs)
-Gene deletion (remove E1A that bind to p53 to
suppress immune responses). Then this mutant can
only replicate happily in tumors that usually have
problem of P53.
-P53-Adenovirus: like previous one, send a functional
P53 gene back to tumor
Application of Parvovirus
Application of Bacteriophages
Gene delivery / killing bacteria

DNA virus, 40-50kb

Doss J et al., Viruses 2017, 9(3), 50; doi:10.3390/v9030050
Application of Bacteriophages
Gene delivery / killing bacteria

Appl. Environ. Microbiol.November 2011 vol. 77no. 21 7868-7872

Application of Bacteriophages
Gene delivery / killing bacteria
Application of Bacteriophages
killing antibiotics resistant bacteria

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(21),

Perhaps we can use specific phages to kill
the bad bacteria and ameliorate our gut
Application of Viruses:
Fundamental science
Advantage: simple, easy to modify

Discovery basic through using virology:

-DNA replication mechanisms (promoter, regulator, transcription factors….etc)

-Transcription (DNA-> RNA)
-Immunology (Vaccine, Inteferon, cytokines, adaptive immunity, antibodies)
-Cancer biology (definition of “oncoproteins”; discovery of oncovirus)
-Reverse transcription; reverse transcriptase (from retrovirus, for cDNA synthesis)
-CRISPR-Cas9 (a system bacteria applied for fighting phage)
-T4 DNA ligase, T4 DNA polymerase (from phage)
-RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (from RNA virus)
-Restriction enzyme (bacteria uses it to digest phage)
Application of Viruses:
Fundamental science

-16 Nobel prizes for virologists;
-33 Nobel prizes for virology +
Immunology (using viruses as

Fundamentals of Virology
Application of Viruses:
Genome-modified organisms (GMO)

• Better food, anti-pests plants

• Healthy animals
• Beautiful flowers and fishes
• .....many

Front plant Sci. 2017

Application of Viruses:
The modified viruses for tumor vaccines

• Vaccine against the virus itself

• Viruses encoding tumor-antigens, to stimulate

immunity against cancer cells (remember, the
viruses themselves are strongly immunogenic).
Final section:
Emerging viral issues
• Globalization issue for viral spreading
• Global Warming
• Bio-terrorism
• New viruses inter-species
• New viruses from wild animals
• ….endless story
QUARANTINE in modern society?!
Nearly impossible now!!

Source: China Airlines website Source: EVA Air Corporate brochure

(most of the virus-associating diseases have the “incubation time” for several days)
International viral disease map
(yesterday reported in Europe, perhaps
tomorrow in your country)
Global warming may make some ancient
viruses reappear? Possibly.

Nature 437, 794–795 (06 October 2005)

Who knows when the smallpox might be appeared again from the
frozen soil and at the time nobody has immunity
Bio-terrorism become much easier now.
• Smallpox is always concerned as the possible bioweapon by crazy
government or people, it can easily killed billions of people today.
• We stop vaccinated Smallpox vaccine from 1980 due to this disease is
entirely eradicated from the world.
• Issue: still 2 places reserve smallpox virus (Russia and USA).
• Issue2: advanced genome synthesis (it’s a DNA virus)
• Issue3: global warming.
• People are discussing whether we should get vaccines against smallpox

• Other viruses, such as SARS or 1918 flu may have the same issues.
Viruses from animals or wild animals may cause
human diseases but we live so close to them
Carrier, no symptom

1. Dense human population

2. Human evading the
environment where the wild
animals are living.
3. Viruses in animals as carrier
without diseases, but very bad
in human.
4. Human transmit to each other.
5. End of the world?
Reservoir Mammals Human
Nothing happen many die plenty die
Thanks for your attention

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