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Spreadsheet. P4- Absolut and relative references

1. Create a new document from your practice template.

a) Open the file P4_absolutereferences.ods and copy all
sheets to your document.
b) Save it with the name P4_references_yourname.

Unpaid invoices sheet

2. Apply the Euro format to the values in the range C4:C11 (under
3. In cell E1, enter the date 1/7/2007.
a) For each cell in the range E4:E11 (under Delay days),
calculate the difference between the date in cell E1 and
the due date for each invoice. You only need to write a
formula and copy it for the rest of the rows.
4. The Delay discount (F4:G11) is the result of multiplying the
delay days by de delay day discount (40 in column F and 60 in
columns G). Write the formula on F4 and copy it.
5. In average delay we have de average of the delay days.
6. In total amount we have the sum of the amount less the sum of
the discount (write the formula in B15 and copy it).

Invoice sheet
7. Calculate the following columns using the data in the sheet
(formula for the first cell in column and copy):
a) Gross = Units * Price

b) Discount: Gross * Base Discount

c) Net = Gross – Discount

d) VAT Amount = Net * VAT

e) Total = Net + VAT Amount

8. Calculate the totals for the following columns:

a) Units: Cell C9

b) Gross: Cell D9

c) Net: Cell F9

d) VAT Amount: Cell G9

e) Total: Cell H9

a) Calculate the average of each of the numerical columns in
row 21.
b) Calculate the maximum of each of the numerical columns in
row 22.
c) Calculate the minimum of each of the numerical columns in
row 23.
10.Apply the thousands format to all numbers in the sheet.

Multiplication sheet.
11.Each cell must be the multiplication beetween the number in
the header of the table and the left column (yellow cells).
For exemple E8=E4*B8.

Product template sheet

12.In the product template sheet, we want to have a template
that allows us to calculate the resulting price of increasing
a Non-discounted Price (cell C12) by a percentage of Surcharge
(range C10:F10) and subtracting a percentage of Discount
(range B4:B8). The objective is to fill the range C4:F8 with
the resulting unit price for each possible combination of
Discount and Surcharge, using a single formula and copying it
to the rest of the range). The formula to use (in human
language) will be:
a) = Non-discounted Price + (Non-discounted Price *
Surcharge) - (Non-discounted Price * Discount)
Of course, its implementation in the spreadsheet will require
the use of absolute references and mixed references.

Marks template sheet

13.In marks template we will do something similar. Follow the
a) Starting mark + added points out of use of english) +
starting mark * Delivery date rate.
14.Create 5 styles (add your name) and apply them throughout the
sheets of the document:
a) Data
b) Data with currency. (inherites from data)
c) Data with 2 decimals (inherites from data)
d) Title
e) Headers

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