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Full Training Course:

-Things need to say:

+Protection Ways

Welcome to Badge Hub | Full Training Course Badge. You need to call me Sir,
responses are: Yes Sir! and No Sir! (Always use exclamation mark in responses).

Today as we train you guys, please respect our Host is [USERNAME] and Co-Host 1 is
[USERNAME] also Co-Host 2 is [USERNAME], we will now go through the commands.

So, the commands are "STS", you'll need to stay on the red line, when the trainer
say "SFL" is Single File Line, you need to line up.
Now the commands for Marching. When the trainer says "March" you'll need to follow
the trainer to the next faces and "Halt" means you'll need to stop following the

You will go through 5 phases and if you fail 1 phase, you're dismiss. If you
failed, you can attend in the next training (3 people at least to start the

You should take notes as we go through the training, it will help you.

- You need to say "Prepare" before doing faces
- Explanation: If I say "Right Face" you need to turn 90 degrees to the right, also
"Right Incline" turn 45 degrees to right and "About face" the opposite face you
- Also "Control Face" Face the trainer where he goes and if he goes into you, you
need to spin.

-Ask them if they know what are JJs like: Do you all know JJs? (If no then explain)
-Explanation: JJs are Jumping Jacks and you do them by jumping then type in chat
like: "ONE" "TWO" "THREE", if you know other JJs, we don't do them here.

-Ask them if they know what are Formations like: Do you all know Formations? (If no
then Explain)
-Explanation: Example formations like "Wedge", you'll need to stay like a triangle
behind the trainer like this: /\.

Protection Ways:
-Explanation: So there are many protection ways for higher badge holders or AKA HR,
well our most used Protection Ways / PW is "Box".
-Continue Explanation: So Example: A is HR, and B is Soldiers.
-Explanation: When I say GO, you can start, when I say PREPARE, you need to prepare
for the obby and stand on the start line.

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