Transfer Office Order No. - 49, Dt. - 13.06.2024

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West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.

(A Govt.of West Bengal Enterprise)

Bidyut Bhavan, Block-DJ, Sector-ll, Bidhannagar, Kolkata : 700 091
i Corporate ldentity No.:-U40109WB2007SG I I 3473
Website:-www.wbsedcl. in
E.S. & E.R.-l, Tele & Fax:-033-2359 0386
WfiOII e-mail:ese

Oflice Order No : WBSEDCL/ES&ER-V2024IT ransferl Q ) Date: \ C [X+

The following Engineers are hereby transferred in the interest of the
Company from their present places of posting to the places as noted against each,
to work there in their existing capacity, until further order.
I Hr6A df
.Srip II) Namo |.
t Uo5fi4,irh Remarks
Sri Chandra Addl. Chief Distribution-
I 9000E275 Siliguri Zone
Shekhar Sengupta Engineer North

1 Addl. Chief Distribution- To act as

90008371 Sri Souvik Bera Siliguri Zone
Engineer North Z.M.
Sri Pradip Kumar Addl. Chief Berhampur To act as
3 90008343 Midnapur Zone
Mandal Engineer Zone Z.M.
Sri Dipak Kumar Addl. Chief Berhampur To act as
9000639 t P.P.S.P. Site
Mandal Engineer Zone Z.M.
Addl. Chief Ir{idnapur Solar (O&M)
5 90007244 Sri Debasis Mandal
Engineer Zone Cell
Dy. Chief Hor+'rah Planning
6 19000E513 Sri Swadhin Gayen
Engineer(E) Region Department
Sri Nirmal Kanti Dy. Chief South 24 Solar (O&M)
7 90008497
Biswas Engineer(E) Pgs.Region Cell
Sri Sadananda Dy. Chief Comnrercial South 24 To act as
E 90008s96
Naskar Engineer(E) Department Pgs.Region R.M.
Sri Biswarup Dy. Chief To act as
I 90008599
Sadhukhan Engineer(E)
S.P.G.D P.P.S.P. Site

t0 Hooghly To act as
900093 r0 Sri Kinkar Singh s.E.(E) Howrah Region
Region R.M.
Birbhum To act as
ll 900t7291 Sri Soumen Das s.E.(E) Malda Region
Project Office R.M.

t2 Hooghly Birbhum To act as

90009986 Sri Radhanath Patra s.E.(E)
Region Project Office P.M.
l3 Commercial
90009549 Sri Ujjwal Roy s.E.(E) Malda Region

t4 Caria Corporate
90009992 Sri Debasis Naiya s.E.(E)
Division Safety Cell

l5 Corporate Joynagar To act as

90010054 Sri Soumen Mondal s.E.(E)
Safety Cell Division D.M.

Page I of2
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..sbr* rD ',.ltUoc,:',. . , *maiLs
Sri Pradip Raghunathpur
r6 90010090 s.E.(E) Bankura Region
Choudhury Division
Smt. Tanusree Distribution-
l7 90010129 s.E.(E) Project-l
Mukherjee South
Joynagar To act as
l8 90010485 Sri Joydeep Sarkar D.E.(E) Garia Division
Division D.M,
Sri Niladri Sekher Birbhum Rampurhat To act as
t9 90013639 D.E.(E)
Saha Region Division D.M.
20 900t3621 Sri Sisunath Das D.E.(E) Purulia Region
2l 900 r 3633 Sri Bijan Duari D.E.(E) Medinipur
Sri Subhendu North 24 Pgs.
22 90013634 D.E.(E) Ivledinipur
Sarkar Region
Sreerampur Distribution-
23 9001 1837 Sri Suprakash Maiti D.E.(E)
Division South
Barrackpur Sreerampur To act as
24 90014659 Sri Biswajit Mitra D.E.(E)
Division Division D.M.

To facilitate release of Sri Kinkar Singh, S.E.(E) & R.M., Hooghly

Region as above, Sri Madhusudan Roy, S.E.(E) attached to Hooghly Region
[SAP ID:-90009525] is hereby advised to take over the charge of R,M.,
Hooghly Region, until further order.
To facilitate release of Sri Pradip Choudhury, S.E.(E) & D.M.,
Raghunathpur Division as above, Sri Jayanta Majee, D.E.(E) attached to
Raghunathpur Division [SAP ID:-900 134251 is hereby advised to take over the
charge of D.M., Rahunathpur Division, until further order.
To facilitate release of Sri Bijan Duari, D.E.(E) & D.M. Ghatal
Division as above, Sri Biswadeb Biswas, D.E.(E) artached to Ghatal Division
ISAP ID:-90013836] is hereby advised to take over the charge of D.M., Ghatal
Division, until further order.
all the Engineers have to be released on or befor e 28.06 .2024
positively. In no case their salary for the month of July 024 be drawn from
their existing place of posting.

(A. )
Di rector( R)

Page 2 oI2
Memo No : ES&ER-I/ESrB./ \ o -/-(, (i .- f e) Date :
\3LL rx+
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:

1. General Manager (HR&A): Corporate/Planning, WBSEDCL.

2. General Manager (F&A): Corporate P lanning/Corporate Operation,
3 . C h ie f Engineer : Dist-South/Dist.-North/S.P.G.D./Planning/CommerciaV
Safety/Project-IV/Project-I WBSEDCL.
4. Chief Vigilance Officer: WBSEDCL.
5. Zonal Manager/Sr. Manager (F&A):Kolkata/Burdwan/Midnapur/
Berhampur/ Siliguri, WBSEDCL.
6. P.S.I.C./A.M.(F&A): P.P.S.P. Site, WBSEDCL.
7. Addl. Chief Engineer: Solar (O&M) Cell, WBSEDCL.
8. A.G.M.(HR&A): R&MP, wBSEDCL.
9. A.G.M.(HR&A): Corporate HR & Member H.C.M. Core Team,
I 0. A. G. M./Sr.Manager(F&A) : O. O. E. D. (Dist. )/Dist-South/Dist.-
North/Commercial/S.P.G.D.iProject-IV/Project-I/t -C, WB SEDCL.
I l.
Regional Manager/Manager (F&A): South 24 Pgs./North 24 Pgs.l
flowralr./Hooghly/ B irbhu mi Past:him Med i ri i pur/Purba Med i n ipur/
P unr I i ai BankuralMalcia, R egi onal Offi ce. WB SEDCL.

12. Pro.ieci Manager: Birbhum I'rojecl Office, WBSEDCL.

13. Divisional Manager/A.Ni (F &A): Garia/Jovnagar/Barrackpu ri
Sreeram pur/Ghatal/Rarlpurhat/Ragahunathpur Divisional oflice,
14. C.M.D., WBSEDCL.
15. Sr. P.S. to Director (HR/Dist.i F-inan celGeneraltion/Project/R&T),
16. Sr. P.S. to E.D.(DistributioniCommercial), \yBSEDCL.
17. Sri Chandra Shekhar Sengupta. Addl. C.E., Siliguri Zone, , WBSEDCL.
I 8. Sri Souvik Bera, Addl. C.E., Distribution-North, WBSEDCL.
I 9. Sri Pradip Kumar Mandai, Addl. C.E., Berhampur Zone, WBSEDCL.
20. Sri Dipak Kumar Mandal, Addl. C.E., P.P.S.P.Site, WBSEDCL.
21. Sri Debasish Mandal, Addl. C.E., Midnapur Zone, WBSEDCL.
22. Sri Su,adhin Gayen, Dy. C.E.(E), Howrah Region, WBSEDCL.
23. Sri Nirmal Kanti Biswas, Dy. C.E.(E), South 34 Pgs. Region,
24. Sri Sadananda Naskar, Dy. C.E.(E), Commercial Department,
25. Sri Biswarup Sadhukhan, Dy.C.E.(E), S.P.G.D., WBSEDCL.
26. Sri Kinkar Singh, S.E.(E). Hooghly Region, WBSEDCL.
27. Sri Soumen Das, S.E.(E), Birbhum Project Office, WBSEDCL.
28. Sri Radhanath Patra, S.E.(E), Hooghly Region, WBSEDCL.
29. Sri Ujjwal Roy, S.E.(E), Malda Region, WBSEDCL.
30. Sri Debasis Naiya, S.E.(E), Garia Division, WBSEDCL.
31. Sri Soumen Mondal, S.E.(E), Corporate Safety cell, WBSEDCL.
32. Sri Pradip Choudhury, S.E.(E), Raghunathpur Division, WBSEDCL.
33. Smt. Tanusree Mukherjee, S.E.(E), Dist.-South, WBSEDCL.
34. Sri Madhusudan Roy, S.E.(E), Hooghly Region, WBSEDCL.
35. Sri Joydeep Sarkar, D.E.(E), Joynagar Division, WBSEDCL.
36. Sri Niladri Sekher Saha, D.E.(E), Birbhum Region, WBSEDCL.
37. Sri Sisunath Das, D.E.(E), Rampurhat Division, WBSEDCL.
38. Sri Bijan Duari, D.E.(E), Ghatal Division, WBSEDCL.
39. Sri Subhendu Sarkar, D.E.(E), Purba Medinipur Region, WBSEDCL
40. Sri Suprakash Maity, D.E.(E), Sreerampur Division, WBSEDCL.
41. Sri Biswajit Mitra, D.E.(E), Barrackpur Division, WBSEDCL.
42. Sri Jayanta Majee, D.E.(E), Raghunathpur Division, WBSEDCL.
43. Sri Biswadeb Biswas, D.E.(E), Ghatat Division, WBSEDCL.

A.G.M. (HR&A): ES&ER- I

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