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Contact hrs: 3+3,
Credit hrs: 3+1
B.Sc.: Civil Engineering, UET, Lahore (1991)
M.Sc.: Structural Engineering, UET, Lahore (1996)
Ph.D.: Hydrology & WRE, UOT, Japan (2001)

Work Experience:
Lecturer: 1991-1996
Assistant Professor: 1996-2001
Associate Professor: 2001-2004
Professor in Civil Engineering: 2004-to date

➢ Director Computer Centre 2004-2009

➢ Head of Hydraulics and Irrigation Eng. Div. 2009-2016
➢ Editor PJEAS (2010 to 2018)
➢ PEB Coordinator for conducting CPD activities (2015 – 2018)
➢ Chairman CED (Jun 2017 to Dec 2018)
➢ Director CEWRE, 02 Jan 2017 – 11 Jan 2019
➢ Chairman CED (09 Jan 2019 to 25 Jun 2019)
➢ Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering (10 September, 2019 to date)
Subject Introduction
Fluids are the substances which are
capable of flowing,which confirm the shape
of containing vessels and when they are at
rest cannot sustain tangential or shear

Fluid Mechanics:
Brach of science which deals with the fluids
either at rest or in motion.
Text Books

(1) Fluid Mechanics with Engineering

Applications by Robert L Daugherty,
Joseph B. Franzini and E. John Finnemore.

(2) Solving Problems in Fluid Mechanics by

Douglas, Volume-I.

(3) Solving Problems in Fluid Mechanics by

Douglas, Volume-II.

(4) Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics by E.H.

Marks Distribution
Total = 200

(30+10)+(40+10)+10 = 100 Part-II = 100

Attendance Lab Report Viva Voce Quiz

Course Outlines

S. No Chapters

1 Steady Uniform Flow of Incompressible Fluids Through Circular Pipes

2 Forces on Immersed Bodies

3 Dimensional Analysis

4 Flow Kinematics / Basic Hydrodynamics

5 Impact of Jets

6 Impulse and Reaction Turbines

7 Centrifugal Pumps

8 Reciprocating Pumps
Lecture Delivery Plan
Teacher : Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman
Week Topics Hours
1 Impact of Jets 1.5
2 Impact of Jets 1.5
3 Impact of Jets 1.5
4 Impact of Jets 1.5
5 Impulse Turbine 1.5
6 Impulse Turbine 1.5
7 Impulse Turbine 1.5
8 Reaction Turbine 1.5
9 Mid Semester theory Quiz and theory paper 1.5

Visit to Nandipur Hydal Power Station & Hydraulic Research Station

10 Reaction Turbine 1.5

11 Reaction Turbine / Turnpro software 1.5
12 Centrifugal Pump 1.5
13 Centrifugal Pump 1.5
14 Centrifugal Pump 1.5
15 Reciprocating Pump 1.5
16 Reciprocating Pump 1.5
17 Reciprocating Pump 1.5
18 End Semester theory Quiz and theory paper 1.5

Total 27
Lecture Delivery Plan
Teacher: Engr. Usman Ali
Week Topics Hours
1 Laminar Flow Circular Pipes 1.5
2 Laminar Flow Circular Pipes 1.5
3 Laminar Flow Circular Pipes 1.5
4 Turbulent Flow through Circular Pipes 1.5
5 Turbulent Flow through Circular Pipes 1.5
6 Turbulent Flow through Circular Pipes 1.5
7 Flow around Immersed Bodies 1.5
8 Flow around Immersed Bodies 1.5
9 Mid Semester theory Quiz and theory paper 1.5

Visit to Nandipur Hydal Power Station & Hydraulic Research Station

10 Dimensional Analysis 1.5

11 Dimensional Analysis 1.5
12 Dimensional Analysis 1.5
13 Dimensional Analysis 1.5
14 Basic Hydrodynamics 1.5
15 Basic Hydrodynamics 1.5
16 Basic Hydrodynamics 1.5
17 Basic Hydrodynamics 1.5
18 End Semester theory Quiz and theory paper 1.5

Total 27
Part-II (Laboratory Delivery Plan)
Teacher : Engr. Usman Ali and Engr. Rabiya
Week Designs / Experiment Hours
1 To measure the head loss in a smooth pipe of uniform diameter 3
2 To measure the head loss in a smooth pipe of uniform diameter 3
To verify the Impulse momentum principle by using various deflectors.
3 3
To make the study of ‘Pelton wheel’ and ‘Turgo Impulse turbine’.
To verify the Impulse momentum principle by using various deflectors.
4 3
To make the study of ‘Pelton wheel’ and ‘Turgo Impulse turbine’.
5 Lab Quiz I + Viva Voce 3
6 Lab Quiz I + Viva Voce 3
To perform experiment on Pelton wheel and hence to plot its characteristics
7 3
To perform experiment on Pelton wheel and hence to plot its characteristics
8 3
9 Mid Semenster practical Viva Voce 3

To make the study of ‘Francis reaction turbine’.

10 3
To make the study of ‘double stage centrifugal pump’.
To make the study of ‘Francis reaction turbine’.
11 3
To make the study of ‘double stage centrifugal pump’.
To perform experiment on double stage centrifugal pump and hence to plot
12 3
its characteristics curves.
To perform experiment on double stage centrifugal pump and hence to plot
13 3
its characteristics curves.
To perform experiment on double acting reciprocating pump and to
14 3
determine co-efficient of discharge and slip of the pump.
To perform experiment on double acting reciprocating pump and to
15 3
determine co-efficient of discharge and slip of the pump.
16 Lab Quiz 2 + Viva Voce 3
17 Lab Quiz 2 + Viva Voce 3
18 End Semester Practical Viva Voce 3
Total 54
In lectures you must have:

• Scientific Calculator
• Book of Daugherty
• Book of Douglas

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