Mind Booster 03 (10th)

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Mind booster 03(10th)


Que.1 'CO' poisoning causes the decrease in oxygen availability to the tissues because :
1. It binds the haemoglobin and to form stable compound carboxyhaemoglobin
2. It increases CO2 concentration in our body.
3. It is a toxic gas so main body organs like brain, failure occured.
4. 'CO' impedes the CO2 transportation.

Que2. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli.

They do not collapse even after forceful expiration, because of:
1. Inspiratory Reserve Volume
2. Tidal Volume
3. Expiratory Reserve Volume
4. Residual Volume

Que3. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs is :-

1. Less than that in the blood
2. Less than that of carbon dioxide
3. Equal to that in the blood
4. More than that in the blood

Que4. When you hold your breath, which of the following gas changes in blood would first lead to
the urge to breathe?
, (1) rising CO2 concentration
(2)falling CO2 concentration
(3) rising CO2 and falling O2 concentration
(4) falling 02 concentration
Que5. What is true about RBCs in humans?
(1)They carry about: 20-25 per cent of CO2
(2)They transport 99.5 per cent of 02
(3)They transport about 80 percent oxygen only and the rest 20 per cent of it is transported in
dissolved state in blood plasma.
(4)They don not carry carbon dioxide at all.

Que6. Bulk of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from body tissues into the blood is present as :
1. Carbamino-haemoglobin in RBCs
2. Bicarbonate in blood plasma and RBCs
3. Free CO2 in blood plasma
4. 70% carbamino-haemoglobin and 30% as bicarbonate

Que7. The majority of carbon dioxide produced by our body cells is transported to the lungs -
1. Dissolved in the blood
2. As bicarbonates
3. As carbonates
4. Attached to haemoglobin

Que8. Arrange the following in the order of increasing volume:

● Tidal volume
● Residual volume
● Inspiratory reserve volume
● Vital capacity 1550
(1) A < B < C < D. (2) A <C<B<D
(3) A <D <C< B. (4) A <D < B < C

Que9. Between breaths the intrapleural pressure is approximately_____mm Hg less than

(1) 1. (3) 8. (2) 4. (4) 10

Que10. Residual volume is :

1. lesser than tidal volume
2. greater than inspiratory volume
3. greater than vital capacity
4. greater than tidal volume

Que11. About 97% of O, is transported by RBC. The remaining 3% is

1. dissolved in plasma and transported
2. remains in lungs
3. attached to cell membranes
4. inside the mitochondria

Que12. Whether a child died after normal birth or died before birth can be confirmed by
measuring -
1. tidal volume of air
2. residual volume of air
3. the weight of the child
4. the dead space air

Que13. After a deep inspiration and maximum expiration, the capacity of lungs is known as -
(1) Vital capacity. (2) Tidal volume
(3) IRV. (4) ERV

Que14. Which of the following statements is not true?

1. The partial pressure of O2 in deoxygenated blood is 40 mm Hg.
2. The partial pressure of O2 in oxygenated blood is 95 mm Hg
3. The partial pressure of O2 in alveolar air is 104 mm Hg
4. The partial pressure of CO2 in deoxygenated blood is 95 mm Hg.

Que15. Which is correct

1. Respiratory centres are not affected by CO2
2. In humans vital capacity is just double the expiratory volume
3. A human lung has 103 alveoli
4. During inspiration the lungs act as suction pump

Que16. The combination of oxygen with haemoglobin is called

(1) Oxidation (2) Oxygenation
(3) Reduction (4) None of the above

Que17. Ascent of high mountains may cause altitude sickness in men. Prime cause of this is :
1. excess of CO2 ,in blood
2. decreased efficiency of hemoglobin
3. decreased partial pressure of 02
4. decreased proportion of O2 in air

Que18. WhenCo2 concentration in blood increases, breathing becomes -

1. There is no effect on breathing
2. Slow and deep
3. Faster
4. Shallower and slow
Que19. Respiratory centre of brain is sensitive to :
1. more O2 concentration in blood
2. more CO2 concentration in blood
3. accumulation of blood in brain
4. all of these

Que20. The lungs expand in inspiration because

● diaphragm contracts
● diaphragm relaxes
● EICM relaxes
● the volume of thoracic cavity decreases
(1) (a) and (c). (2) (a) and (d)
(3) (c) and d). (4) only (a)

Que21. Which of the following is not related with emphysema ?

1. It is a chronic disorder in which alveolar walls are damaged.
2. Respiratory surface is decreased.
3. One of the major cause of emphysema is cigaratte smoking.
4. Emhysema is a difficulty in breathing causing wheezing due to inflammation of bronchi
and bronchioles.

Que22.Pco2, maximum in:-

1. Alveoli & deoxygenated blood
2. Alveoli & oxygenated blood
3. Tissue & deoxygenated blood
4. Tissue& oxygenated blood

Que23. Which of the following is not correct for vital capacity?

(1) VC = IRV + ERV (3) VC = EC + IRV
(2) VC = IC + ERV. (4) VC = TLC - RV

Que24. Which is correct scquence for respiratory Volumes

in human?
1. TV < RV < ERV < IRV
2. TV < ERV < RV < IRV
3. TV < ERV < IRV < RV
4. ERV < TV < RV < IRV

Que25. TV + ERV is
(1) RV. (2) IC (3) EC (4) FRC
Que26. Select the wrong statement:-
1. Trachea in supported by 'c' shaped rings
2. These rings are composed of hyaline cartilage
3. These rings are incomplete on ventral surface of Trachea
4. These rings prevent Trachea from collapsing

Que27. Choose the wrong statements :-

1. po2 is maximum in atmospheric air
2. po2, in oxygenated blood is equal to that of alveoli
3. po2 in deoxygentaed blood equal to that of
4. Po2, is least in deoxygenated blood & tissue

Que.28 Read the following events involve in the process of human respiration
● Transport of gases by blood.
● Diffusion of gases across alveolar membrane
● Pulmonary ventilation / breathing
● Cellular respiration
● Diffusion of gases at tissue level Arrange them in ascending order
1. B -> A -> C -> D -> E
2. C—B— A _›E_› D
3. C -> A -› B _› D _ E
4. A -> B -> C-› D -› E

Que29. Read the following statements

A. Respiration is a catabolic process during which Co2 is released.
● Respiration is a catabolic process during which energy is released.
● Respiration is a anabolic process during which
O2 is utilized.
● Respiration in a anabolic during which glucose is utilized
Which of the following in the correct answer
(1) A & B are correct (2) C & D are correct
(3) B & C are correct (4) A & D are correct

Que.30 The most important muscular structure in respiratory system of human is

(1) External intercostal muscles
(2) Internal intercostal muscles
(3) Diaphragm
(4) Vertebral column

Que.31 In thoracic cavity of man which one is present

(1) Lungs only
(3) Lungs + heart + Stomach
(2) Lungs + Heart
(4) Hearts only

Que.32 If expiratory reserve volume is 1100 ml residual volume is 1200 ml and tidal volume is 500
ml, what shall
the functional residual capacity
(1) 1600 ml. (2) 2800 ml
(3) 2300 ml (4) 1200 ml

Que.33 Maximum expiration after full inspiration is called

(1) Vital capacity (2) Lung capacity
(3) Tidal volume. (4) residual volume

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