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Title of the Practice

Online Competition: A fertile ground to improve Learning Process

2. Goal

Experimentation and practical work, which are usually accomplished in a laboratory, are
the basics of technological fields. Laboratory activities enable students to acquire
paradigms, Testing skills, Programming experience, knowledge, and project experience,
in conditions similar to their future professional activities.

Online Competition opens new possibilities in educational methods.

Teknack is a platform for students to become smart professionals. Teknack encourage the
spirit of competitiveness and accelerate learning through extra- curricular activities.
Events like this will help students to foster problem solving and algorithmic thinking
The objective of activities performed through various ACM DBIT objectives to have:

- participative decision making

- students’ view in development
- philosophy of learning by doing
- participating in the institutional development
- sensitizing the personal development and responsibility handling
- creating an environment which is conducive to self development
- team building & developing we feeling
- Generating awareness for Technical Issues.
- Students are the agents of change.
3. The Context

The Entire event is available online to the registererd members, The hosting of the event
involves a lot of programming, hosting of the web servers , a complete development of
the online platform with 12 to 14 software modules of high complexity, its algorithmic
development and coding and testing and deployment.

It avoids lot expenses on publicity, as publicity is done online, students are not required
to be on campus, they are free to use internet for problem solving

4. The Practice

Teknack consisted of events which included programming, designing, creativity and

innovations which helped in enhancing the logical, analytical and computing skills of the
students, apart from building confidence and inducing a lot of fun. The objective of this
competition was to unleash the technical as well as creative genius within the students,
providing them a common platform to test and showcase their skills.

There were 13 events in Teknack as listed below:

1. Programming C++, Java
2. 3-D Model Creation
3. Website design (Non-Server based)
4. Google It
5. Tech Quiz
6. Swirls (Graphic designs with swirl patterns)
7. Animated Advertisement
8. Acoustica (DJ competition)
9. T-Shirt designing
10. Comic Strip (create new Avatars and make a technical comic strip)
11. Product Marketing (advertising any given product)
12. Innovative Ideas
13.Surprise games
Teknack featured a wide range of 13 events catering to the tastes of every kind of
audience. TEKNACK received a humongous response with a whopping 624+
registrations from different colleges across Mumbai. The theme for Teknack 2012 was
‘Going Green’. It was chosen to raise awareness about destruction of the environment.
Website’s design, complete with dierentbackgrounds at dawn, dusk and night and an
image of the earth rotating re_ected the “save the Environment “theme.

5. Evidence of Success

Don Bosco Institute of Technology is among the few colleges to conduct an

online inter college technical festival. The website received a huge response
which can be analysed by viewing the statistics given below:
The following are details of the no of hits that the website received:
The website received a total of 1, 43,288 hits so

Fig 1. Statistical usage of website

The Website was also viewed by people all over the world. The statistics is shown below:

Fig 2: Usage statistic of TEKNACK website country wise

There has been a lot of buzz around the Engineering institutions in Mumbai, and the web

Site Was viewed across the globe, giving a immediate publicity to the institutions of

DBIT The ACM body, the group of the students got a very rich experience in designing ,

Developing and conducting an online Tech Fest.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

The event received accolades from several participants who tremendously enjoyed the
thrill of trading stocks and building virtual portfolio. Such was the amount of
participation in the event that at one point the website was forced to go offline due to
heavy network traffic.

The festival was live for 48 hours, the Monitoring team had to had sleepless nights , and
restoring the Fest was very challenging, giving the Students an opportunity to exercise
Leadership , inculcating a sense of responsibility.
7. Notes

8. Contact Details

Name of the Vice Chancellor / Principal / Director: Dr .N.G.Joag/Rev Fr. Adolph

Name of the Institution: Don Bosco Institute of Technology

Address: Opp Kohinoor Mall, Kurla(w) , Mumbai -70

City: Mumbai

Pin Code: 400 070

State: Maharshtra

Accredited Status: Applied

Work Phone with STD Code: 022- 25040508




Name of the person for contact:


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