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Outcomes Of Democracy

Ezy Chaper Doston !!

Democracy & Its principles

Democracy focuses on granting people the authority to choose their leaders
and exert control over them.
It emphasizes citizens' involvement in decision-making processes.

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Decision-making in a democracy adheres to established norms & procedures.
Democracy promotes transparency, allowing citizens to scrutinize the
decision-making process.

Key Elements Of Democracy

Regular Elections: Elections are conducted at regular intervals to ensure the
representation of people's choices.
Open Public Debate: Major policies and laws are subjected to public
discussions, promoting transparency and inclusivity.
Information Dissemination: Citizens have the right to access information
about government policies and actions.
Corruption-Free Government: Democracy aims for a government that is
devoid of corrupt practices, ensuring accountability and integrity.
Conditions For Democratic Societies
Flexible Majority and Minority Opinions: Democracy isn't solely about
majority rule; it involves collaboration between majority and minority
viewpoints for effective governance.
Inclusive Representation: Democracy avoids becoming dominated by a
particular community based on factors like religion, race, or language.
Equal Participation: Every citizen has the opportunity to be in the
majority at some point, preventing exclusion based on factors like
religion, caste, or creed.
Outcomes Of Democracy
In democracy, people choose their rulers and exercise control over
Citizens should participate in decision-making when it's relevant and
Democracy aims to create a government that follows procedures and is
answerable to the people.
Democratic systems include mechanisms such as regular, free, and fair

Open public debates are crucial for discussing major policies and
Citizens possess the right to access information about the government's
Why Democracy Is Better Form Of GovT.
Democracy is rooted in deliberation and negotiation, leading to effective
People find decisions acceptable due to their involvement in the process.
Transparency is ensured, allowing citizens to scrutinize decision-making.
Democracy is legitimate as it's the government of the people.

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Economic growth can be a challenge for democracies.
Democracy excels in handling differences and conflicts.
It empowers disadvantaged castes, promoting equality and opportunity.
Benfits Of Democracy
Dignity of Women: More women as elected representatives ensure attention
to women's issues. Legal obligation for fair women representation in elected
bodies, such as Panchayati Raj's one-third seats for women. Women's
Reservation Bill in 2010 mandated 33% women in Parliament and State
Empowering Disadvantaged Castes: Democracy diversifies representation
with different castes and tribes in government. Some parties favor certain
castes. Democracy promotes equality for all castes.
Citizen Transformation: Democracy shifts individuals from subjects to
citizens. People choose rulers and control governance.
Transparency Through Information: Democracy fosters transparency.
India's Right to Information (RTI) law passed in 2005 grants citizens
access to government information.

1. How can you say that democracies are based on political equality?
2. What is ‘transparency’ in a democracy?
3. How do democratic governments ensure transparency? Explain any
three points.
4. What are the differences between democracy and dictatorship in
the decision making process?
5. “An ideal government would not only keep itself away from

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corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top
priority”. Justify the statement.
6. Explain the role of democratic governments in reducing economic
7. ‘Democracy is seen to be good in principle, but felt, to be not so good
in practice.’ Justify the statement with suitable arguments.
8. How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs and
expectations of the citizens? Analyse.
9. “Democratic government is legitimate government?” Support the
statement with arguments.
10. “Democracy accommodates social diversities.” Support the statement
with examples.
11. Analyse any three values that make democracy better.
12. On the basis of which values will it be a fair expectation that
democracy should produce a harmonious social life? Explain.
13. Why do we feel that democracy is a better form of government than
any other form? Explain.
14. How do democracies accommodate social diversity? Explain with

*NOTE : Worksheet [Important Questions Of All typology with

Answers) is provided as Seperate PDF on website*

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