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Time allotted: 60 minutes

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions (6-15).

1. My mother _______ these pains since last Tuesdays. She still has them.
(A) has (B) has got (C) has had (D) had
2. I _______ any medication for the pain at the moment.
(A) do not take (B) am not taking (C) never take (D) have not taken
3. - _______ pains like these before? - No, never.
(A) Have you (B) Do you have (C) Did you have (D) Have you had
4. The pain sometimes makes me _______ during the night.
(A) to wake up (B) wake up (C) woke up (D) waking up
5. My belly is tender _______.
(A) on touch (B) on touching (C) to touch (D) B&C*
6. He had had the pain for 3 hours prior to arrival.
(A) after (B) before (C) during (D) from
7. He has been prescribed aspirin _______ the previous two years.
(A) from (B) since (C) for (D) at
8. His father die _______ myocardial infarction at the age of 65.
(A) for (B) of (C) by (D) with
9. The doctor is not sure _______ what he is saying.
(A) to (B) about (C) with (D) for
10. The patient takes aspirin twice _______ week.
(A) a (B) per week (C) every (D) All are correct.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions (16-25).

11. The navel or _______ is a protruding, flat, or hollowed area on the abdomen.
(A) umbilicus (B) belly button (C) shoulder (D) A&B
12. The _______ or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest.
(A) sternum (B) patella (C) tibia (D) clavicle
13. The pain is never severe. It is _______ or moderate and there are no other symptoms.
(A) wild (B) mild (C) tight (D) might
14. The _______ pain is like having a needle stuck through my foot up to my knee.
(A) stabbing (B) burning (C) scalding (D) vague
15. Angina pectoris or _______ occurs when the heart doesn't get enough oxygen.
(A) chest pain (B) eye pain (C) leg pain (D) breast pain
16. After leaving the mouth, food passes through the _______ on its way to the stomach.
(A) umbilicus (B) esophagus (C) carpus (D) abdomen
17. Bowels are also called _______.
(A) shoulders (B) chests (C) esophagus (D) intestines
18. A brain _______ is bleeding in the brain.
(A) confusion (B) investigation (C) diagnosis (D) hemorrhage
19. A cardiologist treats diseases of the _______ and blood vessels.
(A) stomach (B) heart (C) breast (D) abdomen
20. _______ is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck.
(A) Headache (B) Backache (C) Toothache (D) Earache

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions (26-35).

21. - _______?
- Yesterday, at 2 p.m.
(A) Where were you admitted? (B) How long have you had this pain?
(C) What’s brought you here? (D) When were you admitted?
22. - _______?
- Well, I’ve got this sharp pain up and down my leg.
(A) What’s brought you here? (B) What seems to be bothering you?
(C) What can we do for you? (D) All are correct.
23. - Does the pain spread anywhere else?
- _______.
(A) No, it isn’t. (B) No, I don’t think so.
(C) Yes, it comes and goes. (D) Yes, it is a severe sharp pain.
24. - _______?
- I have a terrible headache. I cannot sleep because of it.
(A) What seems to be the problem? (B) What is your size?
(C) What would you like to do? (D) Where do you get the pain?
25. - How often does the pain wake you up?
- _______.
(A) Once or twice a week. (B) Mainly in the chest.
(C) Like a tight band around my head. (D) Dull and persistent.
26. - Can you tell me what the pain is like?
- _______.
(A) I have never had it before. (B) At night and in the morning.
(C) Extremely severe and disabling. (D) It spreads to the left shoulder.
27. - _______?
- It’s spasmodic intense pain.
(A) Can you describe your pain? (B) What is the pain like?
(C) How would you describe your pain? (D) All are correct.
28. - _______?
- Since Sunday.
(A) When did the pain start? (B) Is there anything that brings it on?
(C) How long have you had the pain? (D) All are correct.
29. - _______?
- My back is stiff and I can’t walk.
(A) What seems to be bothering you? (B) What’s troubling you?
(C) What’s your problem? (D) All are correct.
30. - What’s brought you here?
- _______.
(A) It’s round my navel. (B) My wrist hurts.
(C) It feels as if my tummy is on fire (D) For the past two days.
4.1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks from 31 to 35.

Nurses have many jobs in a hospital, like giving people their medicine, taking blood samples,
answering questions and checking to make sure that people in the hospital are okay. For people
staying in the hospital, a team of nurses will take care (31)_______ them during the day and during
the night.
If you’re a patient, nurses spend time (32)_______ you. They know symptoms and signs of your
disease and can assess the treatment. Nurses also provide emotional support. They understand
your illness. Their knowledge and skills provide you (33)_______ comfort and stability.
Many nurses cycle through 12-hour shifts (34)_______ their feet. They give (35)_______ holidays
with their families and work through nights and weekends.

31. (A) of (B) for (C) on (D) in

32. (A) to (B) with (C) about (D) about
33. (A) with (B) by (C) for (D) to
34. (A) from (B) at (C) on (D) by
35. (A) in (B) of (C) off (D) up

4.2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks from 36 to 40.

The therapy of blood transfusion was (36)_______ by an English doctor, James Blundell. In 1818,
he performed the first transfusion. Using a syringe, he (37)_______ injected blood taken from one
of his students. In 1829, he saved a woman suffering from a severe hemorrhage. About 1900, Dr.
Karl Landsteiner of Vienna (38)_______ that some people's blood was not compatible with others’
and that these blood variations could be classified into groups. In 1914, the discovery of
anticoagulants made possible the storage of blood for future use.
But to (39)_______ lives, the right blood had to be in the right place, at the right time. The first
blood (40)_______ was set up by the British Red Cross in 1921. During War World II, Red Cross
blood banks saved countless human lives. Now the Red Cross engages in transfusion work in
sixty-eight countries.

36. (A) invented (B) discovered (C) recovered (D) prevented

37. (A) succeeded (B) success (C) successful (D) successfully
38. (A) founded (B) found (C) finder (D) founder
39. (A) safe (B) save (C) keep (D) spare
40. (A) server (B) survey (C) service (D) servant

4.3. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 45.

In 1980 Americans purchased 628.2 billion cigarettes, a greater number than ever before. The
average smoker consumed 11,633 cigarettes, of which 44.8 percent were low-tar cigarettes
containing less than 15 milligrams of tar. In 1968 the average tar content was 22 milligrams.
Despite the fact that every cigarette pack has a printed warning, those who still smoke are smoking
more heavily. Many people have given up smoking in fear of lung cancer. The American Cancer
Society reports that death rates from lung cancer have risen, whereas those for other major
cancers have declined. Last year 111,000 Americans died of lung cancer, while it is estimated that
this year’s figures will be 117,000. Lung cancer heads the list in killing 35 percent of males who die
from cancer. Lung cancer accounts for 17 percent of women’s cancer deaths. An estimated
440,000 deaths from cancer will occur this year, 9,000 more than the previous year. Lung cancer
accounts for two thirds of the increase. Although many cancer patients have survived the disease,
the prognosis for lung cancer patients is most disheartening. Ninety one percent of all diagnosed
cases of lung cancer do not survive.

41. Average smokers in the USA smoke _______.

(A) less than they did in the past (B) more than they did in the past
(C) the same as they did in the past (D) none of the above
42. It is predicted that the number of deaths from cancer this year will be_______.
(A) reduced from last year’s number of (B) the same as last year’s the number
(C) more than last year’s number (D) unknown
43. The percentage of the women’s lung cancer deaths
(A) is equal to that of men’s lung cancer deaths
(B) is rising annually
(C) is about half the percentage of men’s cancer deaths
(D) shows that women do not suffer lung cancer.
44. Many people have _______ because they do not want to suffer lung cancer.
(A) stopped smoking (B) smoked heavily
(C) smoked low-tar cigarettes (D) bought more cigarettes
45. The prognosis for lung cancer patients is _______.
(A) extremely good (B) extremely poor (C) rather good (D) rather poor

For each of the following questions (46-50), complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first, using no more than three words.

46. None of our work would be possible without the support of other people.
 Unless other people support us, we _______ do any of our work.
47. When patients arrive for the first time, their personal information is taken.
 When patients arrive for the first time, we _______ their personal information.
48. Dr Henderson wants to know my GP’s name.
 Dr Henderson wants to know _______ my GP’s name is.
49. The potential for confusion is great unless the data are accurate.
The potential for confusion is great if the data _______ accurate.
50. We might ask patients’ telephone numbers.
Patients _______ telephone numbers.



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