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Everything by Chris Bissette.

Copyright © 2022 Chris Bissette.

This product is an independent production of
Loot The Room and is not affiliated with The
Melsonian Arts Council.
Redistribution without prior written consent is
prohibited. Permissions is granted to photocopy
and otherwise reproduce for personal use. The
author retains the right to be identified as such.
In all cases this notice must remain intact.
To Dinner
The Scenario 3
Using This Module 4
The Guests
Amabeth Chavaulton 5
Chauntelle Shanterray 6
Ignacio Planchet & Dominic Malaene 7
Judge Flentwick Mon Khavandish 8
Lady Aurelle Damatrùle 9
Quince de Gourdleif 10
Phulsur le Kargadam 11
What’s Happening? 12
2 An Invitation To Dinner

The Scenario
An Invitation To Dinner 3

Yongardy is known for two things - the violence of its law courts,
and the decadence of its parties. High society toffs love nothing
more than to see a young up-and-comer get gutted on the trial
floor in the morning before powdering their wigs and noses
during a bacchanal that stretches into the early hours.
The PCs are invited to such an event, a small gathering at the
house of retired Judge Flentwick Mon Khavandish. On arrival
they’re shepherded into the feast hall, a gargantuan chamber
dripping with extravagance. The gilded walls are covered in busts
and portraits that would take a lifetime to appreciate in full. The
floor is covered in enough gold coins to buy a small empire, quite
unattainable after being lacquered in place. The air is thick with
the smell of roasting meat and spice and perfume and wine, the
sounds of low chatter and filthy laughter obliterating the gentle
plucking of a harp drifting from behind a set of curtains.
The maître d’ shows the characters to their seats along the
endless table that bows with the sheer weight of food and
drink. Guests gossip and chatter and plot and scheme from their
cushioned seats, and Mon Khavandish surveys it all from his gilt
chair at the head of the whole thing.
These nights are always long, and usually tedious until they
aren’t. But these nights don’t usually include the PCs, and the
tedium is probably going to break a little earlier than normal
this evening.
4 An Invitation To Dinner

Using This Module

How can I insert this scenario into my game?
Tell your group they’ve been invited to a party and drop them
into it. If you don’t want to set your game in Yongardy then you
don’t have to, obviously. All cities have vapid elites like those
found in this scenario.
What’s the goal of this adventure?
To have a good time with your friends and see what chaos ensues
when you drop your player characters into a social situation with
people they don’t know.
There doesn’t appear to be much structure here?
Correct, and that’s not a question. React to the things the PCs
do, make things up, lean into chaos.
Is there a map of the building?
No. Invent any spaces you require.
What’s in the rest of this text?
The bulk of this book contains details of the dinner guests who
might be seated near the player characters, or who they might
encounter as they wander about the dinner hall. A brief section
at the end of the text presents some ideas for things that might
happen during the meal.
An Invitation To Dinner 5

Amabeth Chavaulton
Skill: 8 Stamina: 6 Initiative: 1 Armour: 1

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Hair Pin 2 2 2 2 4 6 8
A recent débutante, the daughter of a powerful woman who’s
being wined and dined by everybody who’s anybody in Yongardy
this season. A stunning beauty and a towering wit who seems to
have time for everybody. She’s here at the Judge’s request, and
appears delighted by the prospect of a few hours spent sitting
directly next to him.
What does she want?
» She may be here are the Judge’s
request and may seem delighted
to be seated next to him but 1 Coy
she’s bored out of her mind by 2 Capricious
his conversation. She would
dearly like a distraction. 3 Charming

» The Lord and Lady Damatrùle 4 Curious

have been staring at her all night. 5 Energised
She’s heard their reputation and 6 Evasive
she would like them to stop
before rumours begin to spread.
» One of the household staff has come into possession
of some first class uppers, and she’d really like to slip
away from the meal so she can partake before all the
good stuff has gone.
6 An Invitation To Dinner

Chauntelle Shanterray
Skill: 9 Stamina: 11 Initiative: 2 Armour: 2

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Rapier 4 6 6 6 6 8 10
The most recent star of the Courtoom, Shanterray is fresh off
the back of their first successful trial. The story of their raging
battle against two seasoned defendants - which lasted for nearly
two full days - is already becoming the stuff of legend, and
they’re happy to repeat it as many times as asked.
What do they want?
» They’ve had their eye on Quince
de Gourdleif all night, but the
poet is studiously ignoring them. 1 Dour
They’d love a chance to get to 2 Defensive
know him a little better.
3 Jubilant
» The Judge asked Chauntelle to
4 Drunk
bring their rapier to dinner and
so they did, and as the night 5 Boastful
goes on it calls to them more and 6 Rowdy
more. They’d love an opportunity
to unleash their blade and get
into a proper scrap on top of the dinner table.
» It’s not easy being the talk of the town. Now they’ve
won a spectacular case they need to find another one,
sharpish. They’ll pay well for information that leads to
them taking on another case.
An Invitation To Dinner 7

Ignacio Planchet & Dominic Malaene

Skill: 6/8 Stamina: 10/6 Initiative: 2/2 Armour: 1/2

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Pistolet 2 2 4 4 6 12 16
Fancy Dagger 2 2 2 2 4 8 10
Scoundrels who style themselves the “Gentlemen Highwaymen”.
They’ve made quite a name for themselves in Yongardy, holding
up carriages of the rich and audacious in the dead of night and
stealing everything of worth - but politely. Nobody at the party
knows who they are but they seem rich and so they fit right in.
What do they want?
» They listen closely to Mien
conversations, taking notes about
1 Whispering
movements and possessions of
the rich so that they can plan 2 Watching
future heists. If they can get 3 Listening
some help with that, even better.
4 Scouting
» They think that Lady Damatrùle
knows who they are but they 5 Preparing
can’t be sure. If she *does* 6 Performing
suspect them, they need her to
be convinced she’s wrong before
she lets it slip to Chauntelle Shanterray.
» There’s a lot of money in this room, and that dining
table would be an excellent spot to put on their
Gentlemen HIghwaymen act and rob everybody blind.
8 An Invitation To Dinner

Judge Flentwick Mon Khavandish

Skill: 5 Stamina: 6 Initiative: 1 Armour: 0

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Gavel 1 2 4 6 8 10 12
Drunk, slobbering, full of his own self importance. Mon
Khavandish is convinced that his parties are so popular because
everybody loves him, but actually it’s just that he’s rich and
stupid and his staff cook an excellent meal. Once he’s dragged
you into a conversation he’s almost impossible to get away from.
What does he want?
» He’s heard a rumour that the poet
is writing something salacious
and potentially slanderous about 1 Lecturing
him. He wants the truth of the 2 Staring
matter, but doesn’t want to make
a scene. 3 Salivating
4 Swaying
» Amabeth Chavaulton looks
delightful this evening, doesn’t 5 Exclaiming
she? But every time he turns 6 Snoring
away somebody sweeps her off,
and he would very much like to
have her attention for himself.
» People look like they’re getting bored and he absolutely
can’t abide that. He needs, more than anything else,
to know that this is the best party Yongardy has ever
An Invitation To Dinner 9

Lady Aurelle Damatrùle

Skill: 6 Stamina: 10 Initiative: 2 Armour: 1

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Pointed Words 2 2 6 6 8 10 12
A career socialite who, rumour has it, pulls most of the strings
of power in Yongardy. Knows everybody’s business, including the
bits they wish she didn’t know, and wields words like a scalpel.
You’d never be able to point to anything she’s said or done to
condemn her with, though. She’s a delight to be around; it’s only
after she’s left the room that you realise you’re bleeding.
What does she want?
» Amabeth Chavaulton is wearing Mien
a gorgeous diamond necklace
1 Indifferent
tonight, but it would look even
better around Aurelle’s neck, 2 Inviting
don’t you think? 3 Incisive
» If there’s one thing Lady 4 Insightful
Damatrùle loves it’s a juicy bit
5 Incredulous
of gossip. She’d love to trade
stories, if you have any to tell. 6 Incendiary

» She’s grown tired of her husband

and would dearly like to go home without him -
10 An Invitation To Dinner

Quince de Gourdleif
Skill: 4 Stamina: 7 Initiative: 1 Armour: 0

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Bottle 1 2 4 6 8 10 12
A working poet / functional alcoholic. Had some minor success
in his youth when a poem entitled “A Cresting” outraged public
decency. Multiple cases were tried over it, resulting in the deaths
of most of a generation of bright young barristers in the prime of
their careers. De Gourdleif’s career never reached those heights
again, but he is a perennial guest of the monied and bored.
What does he want?
» The Judge is serving a fantastic Mien
Château de Secco that’s
1 Laconic
impossible to source. He’d love
to find out where it came from - 2 Dismissive
or at least smuggle a few bottles 3 Intrigued
4 Loquacious
» There are rumours a pair of
5 Salacious
highwaymen have infiltrated the
party dressed as toffs in order to 6 Byronic
scout out new targets. He’d love
to write a sestina about their
» The Lady and Lord Damatrùle are looking particularly
fine tonight, and he’s heard they enjoy a wide variety
of visitors to their boudoir.
An Invitation To Dinner 11

Phulsur le Kargadam
Skill: 12 Stamina: 12 Initiative: 2 Armour: 3

Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Bow & Silver Arrows 2 4 6 8 8 10 12
Always masked and smothered in thick red robes, Phulsur has an
air of brimstone and menace about her. Rumour has it that she
trained with the Tower Wizards of the Aberrant Sphere before
heading out in search of demons, but any actual facts about her
are almost impossible to come by.
What does she want?
» The Judge has been consorting
with demons and there’s a ritual
circle somewhere in his house. 1 Suspicious
Find it. 2 Silent
» That diamond necklace that 3 Slinking
Amabeth Chavaulton is wearing
4 Stern
has a demon trapped inside it.
Steal it. 5 Sideways
» Quince de Gourdleif is in the 6 Smoking
sway of a succubus. Kidnap him.
12 An Invitation To Dinner

What’s Happening?
Any number of things might happen during the dinner. Use
your best judgement based on what you know about the diners,
what’s revealed about them during play, how you think people
will react to the actions of the player characters, and what’s fun
and engaging.
If you’re really stuck for ideas, steal one of these:
» The Damatrùle’s were recently held up in Yongardy
Woods by a pair of bandits known as the Gentlemen
Highwaymen. Lady Damatrùle has it on good authority
that the pair are present at tonight’s party, and will
pay well for information that leads to their capture.
» Quince de Gourdleif sold a portion of his soul to a
demon in exchange for limitless talent and success.
It’s nearly time for him to pay the price he agreed, but
he doesn’t want to. Phulsur le Kargadam could help,
but part of the bargain he struck means he’s entirely
unable to talk about his problem or ask for help.
» As the night wears on it becomes increasingly clear
that the Judge’s household staff are all beginning to
suffer side effects from a party drug they took at the
start of the night. As newcomers to society, suspicion
falls on the PCs as the providers of said party drug.
An Invitation To Dinner xiii

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