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Department of Computer Science

Work Related Learning Report Layout

1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Company Description and Background.
(a)Background of the Organisation (How it started, when it started, who started it).
(b)Vision and Mission (discuss the mandate of the organisation)
(c)Organisational Values
(d)Organisational Structure (Give a description of the organisation’s organogram;
4. Appreciation of host institution’s functionality
5. Objectives of the Work-Related Learning (WRL) programme
6. Description of all aspects of training during WRL
(a) Discuss the major tasks, duties and responsibilities you were given during your period
of attachment.
(b) As you do so, you should also show the relevance/linkage between these major
tasks, duties and responsibilities and the Degree Programme.
(c) You must also highlight the major lessons you learnt as you were undertaking these
tasks, duties and responsibilities during your period of WRL
7. Scholarly account on scientific content of the theory involved in all aspects of the
attachment experience:
(a) Knowledge of methods, materials, processes, etc. in the work environment;
(b) Appreciation of relevant information, skills, operations, procedures, processes, etc
(c) Impact of the WRL knowledge exhibited by student and appreciation of practical
application of theory learnt
(d) d) Application of first year and second year modules in WRL
8. Description of a computing project that can be realised from WRL experience
You can also highlight areas of Development that you were exposed to and would
like to pursue further for the purposes of your research project from level 4:1 onwards
9. Self Evaluation/Reflection of WRL
(a) Skills developed
(b) Challenges Faced and Solutions Implemented
10. Recommendations- could look at
(a) The organisation you were working for, so as to help it enhance its programming
(b) The Department of computers, so as to help us better prepare the next batch of
students for the world of work-related learning.
(c) To UZ, in a bid to ensure the smooth, seamless and beneficial process of learning
during the attachment period.
11. Conclusions

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