Viết lại câu (QKĐ; HTHT)

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VIẾT LẠI CÂU: Chuyển quá khứ đơn <=> Hiện tại hoàn thành

Dạng 1: S + started/began + V-ing + thời gian + ago

= S + have/ has + V3 + for + thời gian
Eg: I started learning English 10 years ago She began working in this factory 3 months ago
-> She has worked in this factory for 3 months
➔ I have learned/ learnt for 10 years
I started playing games 5 years ago -> I have played games for 5 years

Dạng 2: S + last + V2 + thời gian + ago

= The last time + S + V2 + was + thời gian + ago
= S + have/ has + not + V3 + for + thời gian
= It is + time + since + S + last + V2
My dad last went fishing 2 weeks ago
Eg: I last saw Mary three months ago -> The last time my dad went fishing was 2
➔ The last time I saw Mary was 3 months ago weeks ago
-> My dad hasn't gone fishing for 2 weeks
➔ I haven’t seen Mary for 3 months -> It is 2 weeks since my dad last went
➔ It is 3 months since I last saw Mary finish

Dạng 3: This/ It is the first time + S + have/has (ever) + V3

= S + has/ have + never + V3 + before
Eg: It is the first time I have seen him This is the first time Tom has been to Paris
-> Tom has never been to Paris before
➔ I have never seen him before
Dạng 4: When + did + S + V-bare?
= How long + have/has + S + V3?
Eg: When did you buy it? When did your mother go shopping?
-> How long has your mother gone shopping?
➔ How long have you bought it?
Ago => for In/when => since
Eg: I last saw him when I was a student.
➔ I haven’t seen him since I was a student
The last time I visited my grandmother was in 2000.
➔ I haven’t visited my grandmother since 2000

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