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1. Companies may face threats in the forms of:

Your Answer : All of the above

Description :

Companies may face threats in the form of bribery, child labor, unscrupulous business practices, and
many others as they do more business around the world.

2. According to the New York Times, which countries are classified as most corrupt?

Your Answer : Indonesia, Pakistan, and China

Description :

China, Pakistan, and Indonesia are considered to be the most corrupt countries.

3. A hand on a chair indicates that an individual is thinking seriously.

Your Answer : True

Description :

Hand gestures can have different meanings depending on the context and culture. In some cultures,
putting a hand on a chair may indicate that a person is ready to stand up or leave, while in other cultures it
may be a sign of discomfort or nervousness. Therefore, it is important to be cautious about making
assumptions about non-verbal communication and to consider cultural differences and context when
interpreting it.

4. Every message sent and received in the organization is influenced by a _________.

Your Answer : Culture

Description :

Every message sent and received in the organization is influenced by culture. Culture refers to the shared
values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors that characterize a group or society. Organizational culture plays
an important role in shaping communication within an organization.

5. International business is all business transactions of _________ involving two or more countries.

Your Answer : Both Private and Government

Description :

International business is all business transactions involving two or more countries, including private and
government entities.

6. Cross border and trade alliance is a major factor influencing cross cultural business communication.

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Your Answer : True

Description :

Cross-border trade and business alliances between organizations from different countries have become
increasingly common in today's globalized world. This has made cross-cultural business communication
an important factor in the success of international business ventures.

7. Which among the following is a characteristic of non-verbal communication?

Your Answer : All of the above

Description :

Non-verbal communication refers to the process of sending and receiving information through means
other than written or spoken language. This can include body language, facial expressions, tone of voice,
gestures, posture, and other forms of physical expression. One of the key characteristics of non-verbal
communication is that it is a universal phenomenon, meaning that it is used and understood by people
from all cultures and backgrounds. Non-verbal communication is also often expressed unconsciously,
meaning that people may not always be aware of the messages they are sending through their body
language or other non-verbal cues.

8. In today’s context, every company is trying to expand its business by _________.

Your Answer : Entering foreign markets

Description :

In today's context, many companies are trying to expand their business by entering foreign markets. This
could involve setting up operations in another country, partnering with a local business, or exporting
goods and services to customers in other countries.

9. Which of the following can be considered for effective non-verbal communication?

Your Answer : All of the above

Description :

Paying attention to non-verbal signals, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, can
help in understanding the true meaning behind a message. Good eye contact can show interest and
attention while being aware that signals are not misread can prevent misunderstandings.

10. A strong culture exists when __________.

Your Answer : Staff’s response to change and innovation is high of their alignment with the
organization's values

Description :

A strong culture exists when the staff’s response to change and innovation is high due to their alignment
with the organization's values.

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11. A diverse workforce will be able to provide tailor-based goods and services to diverse people across the

Your Answer : True

Description :

A diverse workforce can bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to a company, which can
help it to better understand and meet the needs of a diverse customer base. This can lead to more effective
communication, improved problem-solving, and ultimately, better products and services.

12. Companies that set aside time and resources to cultivate and capitalize on diversity will suffer from?

Your Answer : Both (a) and (b)

Description :

Companies that invest time and money into cultivating and leveraging diversity will see fewer labor
disputes and fewer government regulatory measures.

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