Agridrone Registration Form

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Agriculture Drone Initiative Registration Form (Rural entrepreneur)

Personal Information

 Full Name: _______________________________

 Date of Birth: ____ / ____ / _______
 Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Other
 Address: _______________________________
 City: _______________________________
 State: _______________________________
 Postal Code: _______________________________
 Country: _______________________________
 Phone Number: _______________________________
 Email Address: _______________________________
 Adhaar No:

Farm Details (If any owned by him/her or their relatives.)

 Farm Address: _______________________________

 Farm Size (in acres): _______________________________
 Type of Crops Grown: _______________________________
 Owned by:

Drone Usage Information

 Do you currently use drones on your farm? ☐ Yes ☐ No

 If yes, please specify the type of drones used: _______________________________
 How often do you use drones for agricultural purposes? ☐ Daily ☐ Weekly

☐ Monthly ☐ Seasonally

 Primary use of drones on your farm: ☐ Crop Monitoring ☐ Pest Control ☐ Irrigation
Management ☐ Soil Analysis ☐ Other: _______________________________

Program Participation

 Why are you interested in the Agriculture Drone Initiative?

 What do you hope to achieve through this initiative?

 Do you require any specific training or support? ☐ Yes ☐ No
o If yes, please specify: _______________________________

Consent and Agreement

 I agree to participate in the Agriculture Drone Initiative and consent to the

collection and use of my data as outlined in the program’s privacy policy.
o ☐ Yes ☐ No

 Signature: _______________________________
 Date: ____ / ____ / ______

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