TQM Report

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Submitted by: Registration number:

Fiza Rizwan BBA213015

Ibrahim Atiq Bukhari BBA213042

Abdul Hadi Irfan BBA213036

Date of submission:
, 2024

Standards of
We solemnly declare that the project report titled "Quality Standards of 3 organizations"
submitted by us for the completion of TQM course is an authentic and original work carried
out under the guidance of Professor Hafiz Adnan Khan. We affirm that this report has not
been submitted earlier for any other academic purpose, and the sources of information and
data used in the preparation of this report have been duly acknowledged. We take full
responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the content presented in this report.
Furthermore, we acknowledge that any attempt to misrepresent or falsify the information
contained herein may result in serious consequences, including academic penalties and
disciplinary action. We understand and adhere to the ethical standards and guidelines set forth
by the institution.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the
successful completion of this project. First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt appreciation
to our supervisor Hafiza Muhammad Adnan Khan, whose guidance, and valuable insights
have been instrumental throughout this journey.

We are also grateful to our colleagues and peers who generously shared their perspectives,
engaged in meaningful discussions, and provided constructive feedback, enhancing the
overall quality of the work. Additionally, we want to acknowledge the wealth of knowledge
and inspiration drawn from the vast body of literature and research in the field.

Finally, our sincere thanks go to our families and friends for their unwavering
encouragement, understanding, and patience during the course of this undertaking. Their
support has been a source of strength, motivating us to persist and excel in the pursuit of this

This acknowledgment is a reflection of the collective effort and support that has made this
project possible. We are truly fortunate to have such a remarkable network of individuals
who have contributed to its successful completion.
Executive Summary
This report delves into the quality standards upheld by Shan Foods, Honda Atlas Pakistan,
and Nayapay. Shan Foods maintains a rigorous approach to quality assurance in its food
production, adhering to global safety standards and fostering continuous improvement.
Honda Atlas Pakistan exemplifies quality in automotive manufacturing through systematic
quality control measures and a customer-centric ethos, ensuring the reliability and excellence
of its vehicles. Similarly, Nayapay, a fintech startup, prioritizes quality in its digital payment
solutions, employing agile methodologies and stringent security protocols to deliver
trustworthy and user-friendly services. Despite operating in diverse sectors, these
organizations underscore the significance of Total Quality Management in achieving
operational excellence and customer satisfaction in their respective industries.
Table of Contents

Shan Foods...........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Objectives:............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Total Quality Management (TQM) Overview:..................................................................1
1.3 Importance of TQM in the Food Industry:........................................................................2
1.4 Quality Management Practices at Shan Foods:.................................................................2
1.5 Continuous Improvement Initiatives:................................................................................3
1.6 TQM Tools and Techniques Used by Shan Foods:............................................................4
1.7 Quality Culture and Leadership at Shan Foods:...............................................................5
1.8 Supplier Quality Management:..........................................................................................6
1.9 Customer Focus and Satisfaction:......................................................................................8
1.10 Continuous Improvement and Innovation:........................................................................8
1.11 Quality Circles:....................................................................................................................9
1.12 Sustainability and Environmental Management:............................................................10
1.13 Environmental Impact Assessments:...............................................................................11
1.14 Global Certifications and Awards:...................................................................................11
The Ripple Effect: New and Positive ideas can Influence Change.................................................13
 Personal Change....................................................................................................................13
 Societal Change......................................................................................................................14
The effect of positive thinking on resilience and life satisfaction of older adults: a randomized
controlled trial...................................................................................................................................16
Positive Thinking, School Adjustment and Psychological Well-being among Chinese College
Cognitive Transformation.................................................................................................................17
 Personal Life..........................................................................................................................17
 Professional Life....................................................................................................................18
Empowering yourself through the inflow of new thoughts.............................................................19
Creativity as Competitive Advantage..............................................................................................20
Embracing new ideas in Management Practices.............................................................................23
Entrepreneurial Success Through Innovative Thinking................................................................25
The Role of the Entrepreneur in Innovation and in Economic Development...............................28
Ethical Dimensions of Innovation.....................................................................................................29
Challenges Faced While Embracing New Thoughts.......................................................................31
Benefits of new thoughts to the firms...............................................................................................32
Shan Foods
Shan Foods is a leading multinational company headquartered in Karachi, Pakistan,
specializing in the production and distribution of packaged spices, recipe mixes, and ready-
to-cook products. Established in 1981 by Sikander Sultan, Shan Foods has grown from a
small cottage industry to a global brand, exporting its products to over 80 countries
worldwide. The company's success is attributed to its commitment to quality, innovation, and
customer satisfaction.

1.1 Objectives:
The primary objective of this section is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Shan Foods'
Total Quality Management (TQM) practices. Specifically, the report aims to:

 Evaluate the quality management practices implemented by Shan Foods.

 Examine the use of TQM tools and techniques within the organization.

 Assess the company's quality culture, leadership, and employee involvement.

 Analyse Shan Foods' approach to supplier quality management and customer


 Explore the company's initiatives for continuous improvement, innovation, and


This section will provide insights into Shan Foods' TQM strategies and identify areas for
further improvement.

1.2 Total Quality Management (TQM) Overview:

Definition and Concept of TQM:

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy that emphasizes continuous

improvement, customer focus, and the involvement of all employees in the pursuit of quality
excellence. TQM principles advocate for the integration of quality into all aspects of an
organization's operations, from product design to customer service. Key concepts of TQM

 Customer Focus: Understanding and meeting customer needs and expectations.

 Continuous Improvement: Incremental enhancements to processes, products, and

 Employee Involvement: Empowering employees to contribute to quality

improvement initiatives.

 Process Optimization: Streamlining operations to eliminate waste and improve


 Data-Driven Decision Making: Using data and metrics to identify opportunities for

1.3 Importance of TQM in the Food Industry:

In the food industry, TQM plays a critical role in ensuring product safety, consistency, and
customer satisfaction. With increasing consumer awareness and regulatory scrutiny, food
manufacturers must adhere to stringent quality standards and best practices. TQM helps food
companies achieve:

 Compliance with Food Safety Regulations: TQM frameworks incorporate food

safety management systems to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

 Consistent Product Quality: TQM practices enable food manufacturers to maintain

consistency in product quality, taste, and flavour.

 Enhanced Customer Trust: By prioritizing quality and safety, food companies build
trust and loyalty among customers.

 Operational Efficiency: TQM methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma help
optimize processes, reduce waste, and improve productivity.

In the following sections, we will explore how Shan Foods implements TQM principles to
uphold its commitment to quality excellence.

1.4 Quality Management Practices at Shan Foods:

Quality Control Measures:

Shan Foods employs rigorous quality control measures throughout the production process to
ensure that its products meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Key quality control
practices include:
 Raw Material Inspection: Incoming raw materials undergo thorough inspection and
testing to verify quality specifications and compliance with standards.

 In-Process Quality Checks: Quality checks are performed at various stages of

production to monitor parameters such as moisture content, particle size, and colour

 Finished Product Testing: Finished products undergo comprehensive testing for

attributes such as taste, aroma, texture, and shelf life.

 Sanitation and Hygiene Standards: Shan Foods maintains strict sanitation and
hygiene standards in its manufacturing facilities to prevent contamination and ensure
product safety.

Quality Assurance Processes:

In addition to quality control measures, Shan Foods has established robust quality assurance
processes to systematically manage and improve product quality. Key components of the
company's quality assurance framework include:

 Quality Management System (QMS): Shan Foods has implemented a

comprehensive QMS based on international standards such as ISO 9001. The QMS
defines quality objectives, procedures, and responsibilities, ensuring consistency and
compliance across all operations.

 Documented Procedures: Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are documented for

each stage of the production process, detailing specifications, instructions, and quality

 Quality Audits: Regular internal audits are conducted to assess adherence to quality
standards and identify areas for improvement. External audits by certification bodies
further validate the effectiveness of Shan Foods' QMS.

1.5 Continuous Improvement Initiatives:

Shan Foods is committed to continuous improvement and fosters a culture of innovation and
excellence across its organization. The company employs various strategies to drive
continuous improvement, including:
 Kaizen Events: Shan Foods organizes Kaizen events and workshops to encourage
employees to identify and implement small, incremental improvements in their work

 Cross-Functional Teams: Cross-functional teams are formed to tackle specific

quality-related challenges and drive improvement initiatives collaboratively.

 Root Cause Analysis: When quality issues arise, Shan Foods conducts thorough root
cause analysis to identify underlying causes and implement corrective actions to
prevent recurrence.

1.6 TQM Tools and Techniques Used by Shan Foods:

Statistical Process Control (SPC):

Shan Foods utilizes Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques to monitor and control the
quality of its manufacturing processes. SPC involves the use of statistical methods to analyse
process data and detect variations that could lead to defects or deviations from specifications.
Key SPC tools used by Shan Foods include:

 Control Charts: Control charts are used to graphically display process data over time
and identify trends, patterns, and out-of-control conditions.

 Process Capability Analysis: Shan Foods conducts process capability studies to assess
the ability of its manufacturing processes to meet customer requirements and

 Pareto Analysis: Pareto analysis is employed to prioritize quality improvement efforts

by identifying the most significant contributors to quality issues.

Six Sigma Methodology:

Shan Foods embraces the Six Sigma methodology to systematically improve process
performance and reduce variation. Six Sigma principles emphasize data-driven decision
making and the application of statistical tools to achieve.

 Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control (DMAIC): Shan Foods employs the
DMAIC framework to address quality issues and optimize processes systematically.

 Process Mapping: Process mapping techniques such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
are used to visualize and streamline production processes, identifying opportunities
for waste reduction and efficiency improvement.
 Design of Experiments (DOE): DOE techniques are utilized to optimize process
parameters and identify the most significant factors affecting product quality and

Lean Manufacturing Principles:

Shan Foods incorporates Lean Manufacturing principles to eliminate waste, enhance

productivity, and improve overall efficiency. Key Lean tools and techniques utilized by the
company include:

 5S Methodology: Shan Foods implements the 5S methodology (Sort, Set in Order,

Shine, Standardize, Sustain) to organize workspaces, improve cleanliness, and
standardize procedures.

 Just-in-Time (JIT) Production: JIT principles are applied to minimize inventory

levels, reduce lead times, and ensure timely delivery of products to customers.

 Kanban System: Shan Foods utilizes the Kanban system to control inventory levels
and facilitate smooth production flow, ensuring that materials are replenished only
when needed.

1.7 Quality Culture and Leadership at Shan Foods:

Leadership Commitment to Quality:

At Shan Foods, quality is not just a departmental responsibility but a core value embraced by
top management. The company's leadership demonstrates a strong commitment to quality
excellence by:

 Setting Clear Quality Objectives: Top management sets clear quality objectives and
communicates them throughout the organization, emphasizing the importance of
quality in achieving business success.

 Providing Resources and Support: Shan Foods allocates resources, including

financial investments and manpower, to support quality improvement initiatives and
ensure the effectiveness of its quality management system.

 Leading by Example: Senior leaders lead by example, actively participating in

quality improvement activities, and reinforcing a culture of accountability and
continuous improvement.
Employee Involvement and Empowerment: Shan Foods recognizes the importance of
employee involvement in driving quality improvement initiatives. The company encourages
employee participation and empowerment by:

 Providing Training and Development: Shan Foods invests in training and

development programs to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to
contribute effectively to quality improvement efforts.

 Establishing Cross-Functional Teams: Cross-functional teams are formed to

address quality-related challenges and drive improvement projects collaboratively,
leveraging the diverse expertise and perspectives of team members.

 Encouraging Suggestion Schemes: Shan Foods operates suggestion schemes that

allow employees to submit ideas for process improvement, cost reduction, and quality
enhancement. The company values employee input and considers suggestions as
opportunities for innovation and continuous improvement.

Training and Development Programs: Shan Foods invests in comprehensive training and
development programs to enhance the capabilities of its workforce in quality management
and related areas. These programs include:

 Quality Management Training: Employees receive training on quality management

principles, tools, and techniques to develop their understanding of TQM concepts and

 Technical Skills Development: Technical training programs are conducted to enhance

employees' proficiency in specific areas such as food safety, hygiene practices, and
equipment operation.

 Leadership Development: Shan Foods offers leadership development programs to

equip managers and supervisors with the skills and competencies needed to foster a
culture of quality and drive improvement initiatives.

1.8 Supplier Quality Management:

Supplier Selection Criteria:

Shan Foods follows stringent criteria for selecting suppliers to ensure the quality and
reliability of raw materials and ingredients. Key criteria considered during supplier selection
 Quality Standards: Suppliers must adhere to strict quality standards and
certifications, such as ISO 22000, HACCP, and GMP (Good Manufacturing

 Product Quality: Shan Foods evaluates the quality of suppliers' products through
rigorous testing and inspection to ensure they meet the company's specifications and

 Compliance and Ethics: Suppliers are expected to comply with all relevant
regulations and ethical standards, including labour practices, environmental
regulations, and business ethics.

Supplier Evaluation and Monitoring:

Once selected, suppliers undergo regular evaluation and monitoring to assess their
performance and ensure ongoing compliance with quality standards. Shan Foods conducts:

 Performance Reviews: Suppliers' performance is periodically reviewed based on

criteria such as product quality, delivery reliability, responsiveness, and cost-

 Quality Audits: Shan Foods conducts on-site audits of supplier facilities to verify
compliance with quality standards, identify potential risks, and address any non-

 Continuous Improvement: Shan Foods collaborates with suppliers to drive

continuous improvement initiatives, sharing feedback and best practices to enhance
mutual performance and strengthen the supplier relationship.

Collaborative Relationships with Suppliers:

Shan Foods believes in fostering collaborative relationships with its suppliers based on trust,
transparency, and mutual benefit. The company engages with suppliers in:

 Open Communication: Shan Foods maintains open and transparent communication

channels with suppliers, facilitating timely exchange of information, feedback, and
 Joint Development Projects: Shan Foods collaborates with key suppliers on joint
development projects aimed at improving product quality, reducing costs, and
enhancing innovation.

 Long-Term Partnerships: Shan Foods seeks to build long-term partnerships with its
suppliers, recognizing the value of stability and continuity in the supply chain.

1.9 Customer Focus and Satisfaction:

Understanding Customer Needs and Expectations:

Shan Foods places a strong emphasis on understanding the needs and preferences of its
customers to deliver products that exceed their expectations. The company conducts:

 Market Research: Shan Foods conducts market research and consumer surveys to gain
insights into customer preferences, trends, and purchasing behaviour.

 Customer Feedback Mechanisms: Various feedback mechanisms, including customer

surveys, suggestion forms, and online reviews, are used to gather feedback directly
from customers regarding their experiences with Shan Foods products.

Handling Customer Complaints and Issues:

Shan Foods has established effective mechanisms for handling customer complaints and
resolving issues in a timely and satisfactory manner. The company:

 Customer Service Hotline: Shan Foods operates a dedicated customer service hotline
where customers can report complaints, provide feedback, and seek assistance
regarding product-related issues.

 Complaint Resolution Process: Shan Foods has a structured process in place for
handling customer complaints, including investigation, resolution, and follow-up to
ensure customer satisfaction.

 Continuous Improvement: Feedback from customer complaints is used as valuable

input for continuous improvement initiatives, helping Shan Foods identify areas for
product enhancement and service refinement.

1.10 Continuous Improvement and Innovation:

Kaizen Philosophy:
Shan Foods embraces the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement, encouraging
employees at all levels to seek opportunities for incremental enhancements in their work
processes. Key aspects of Kaizen implementation at Shan Foods include:

 Gemba Walks: Managers and supervisors conduct Gemba walks to observe work
processes firsthand, identify inefficiencies, and engage employees in problem-solving
and improvement activities.

 Employee Empowerment: Employees are empowered to suggest and implement

small, incremental improvements in their work areas, fostering a culture of ownership
and accountability.

 Recognition and Reward: Shan Foods recognizes and rewards employees for their
contributions to continuous improvement, reinforcing a culture of excellence and

1.11 Quality Circles:

Shan Foods facilitates Quality Circles, voluntary groups of employees who come together to
identify, analyse, and solve work-related problems. Key features of Quality Circles at Shan
Foods include:

 Cross-Functional Participation: Quality Circles comprise employees from diverse

departments and functions, bringing together different perspectives and expertise to
address complex issues.

 Problem-Solving Techniques: Quality Circle members are trained in problem-

solving techniques such as brainstorming, root cause analysis, and consensus building
to facilitate effective problem resolution.

 Implementation of Solutions: Once solutions are identified and agreed upon, Quality
Circle members work collaboratively to implement and monitor the effectiveness of
the proposed changes.

Product Development and Innovation: Shan Foods places a strong emphasis on product
development and innovation to meet evolving consumer preferences and market trends. The
 Invests in Research and Development (R&D): Shan Foods allocates resources to
R&D initiatives aimed at developing new products, improving existing formulations,
and exploring innovative packaging solutions.

 Consumer Insights: The company conducts market research and consumer surveys
to gain insights into emerging trends, preferences, and culinary habits, which inform
its product development efforts.

 New Product Launches: Shan Foods regularly introduces new products and flavour
variants to cater to changing consumer preferences and expand its product portfolio.
These launches are supported by marketing campaigns to generate awareness and
drive consumer adoption.

1.12 Sustainability and Environmental Management:

Environmental Policies and Practices:

Shan Foods is committed to environmental sustainability and implements policies and

practices to minimize its ecological footprint. Key initiatives include:

 Waste Reduction: Shan Foods adopts waste reduction strategies such as recycling,
composting, and waste-to-energy initiatives to minimize the generation of waste and
promote resource conservation.

 Energy Efficiency: The company invests in energy-efficient technologies and

practices to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in its

 Water Conservation: Shan Foods implements water conservation measures to

optimize water usage and minimize water waste, including the reuse and recycling of
water in manufacturing processes.

Sustainable Sourcing Initiatives:

Shan Foods is dedicated to sourcing raw materials and ingredients in a sustainable and
responsible manner. The company:

 Engages in Responsible Sourcing: Shan Foods collaborates with suppliers who

adhere to sustainable farming practices, ethical labour standards, and responsible
sourcing principles.
 Supports Local Communities: The company prioritizes sourcing from local farmers
and suppliers, contributing to the economic development and livelihoods of rural

 Traceability and Transparency: Shan Foods maintains traceability systems to track

the origin and journey of raw materials and ingredients throughout the supply chain,
ensuring transparency and accountability.

1.13 Environmental Impact Assessments:

Shan Foods conducts environmental impact assessments to evaluate the potential
environmental consequences of its operations and activities. These assessments help identify
areas for improvement and mitigate environmental risks.

1.14 Global Certifications and Awards:

Shan Foods has received several certifications and awards in recognition of its commitment
to quality, innovation, and excellence in the food industry. Some of the notable certifications
and awards received by Shan Foods include:


1. ISO 9001:2015:

Shan Foods has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality management
system, demonstrating its adherence to international standards and commitment to continuous

2. ISO 22000:2018:

Shan Foods holds the ISO 22000:2018 certification for its food safety management system,
ensuring the safety and quality of its products throughout the production process.

3. HACCP Certification:

Shan Foods has received Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification,
validating its rigorous approach to food safety and hazard prevention in food production.

4. GMP Certification:

Shan Foods complies with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards, which are
essential for ensuring the quality, safety, and hygiene of food products.

5. Halal Certification:
Many of Shan Foods' products are certified as Halal, meeting Islamic dietary requirements
and catering to Muslim consumers worldwide.


1. FPCCI Achievement Award:

Shan Foods has been honoured with the Achievement Award by the Federation of Pakistan
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) for its outstanding contribution to the food
industry and excellence in business operations.

2. Brands of the Year Award:

Shan Foods has been recognized with the Brands of the Year Award, celebrating its brand
excellence and consumer trust in the Pakistani market.

3. Export Performance Award:

Shan Foods has received awards for its exceptional export performance, acknowledging its
success in penetrating international markets and promoting Pakistani cuisine globally.

4. Best Export Performance Award:

The company has been honoured with the Best Export Performance Award by various
industry bodies and trade associations for its significant contributions to Pakistan's export

5. Consumer Choice Award:

Shan Foods has been a recipient of the Consumer Choice Award, reflecting its popularity and
preference among consumers for high-quality and flavourful food products.

These certifications and awards underscore Shan Foods' commitment to maintaining the
highest standards of quality, safety, and customer satisfaction while also recognizing its
achievements and contributions to the food industry both domestically and internationally.
Naya Pay
Introduction to Nayapay:
Naya pay is a digital payment platform that give services by enabling secure,
convenient, and innovative payment solutions. Nayapay aims to revolutionize the payment
industry with cutting-edge technology and customer-centric approach. Nayapay prioritizes
customer satisfaction, ensuring ease of use, security, and convenience. By multilingual
support and personalized services cater to diverse customer needs. To dedicate customer
service team available round-the-clock to address queries and concerns.

1.15 Background and History of Nayapay:

Nayapay was founded in 2015 by a team of experienced fintech professionals who

recognized the need for a more efficient, secure, and customer-centric payment platform. The
company's early days were marked by intense research and development, as the team worked
to create a robust and scalable infrastructure.

1.16 Mission and Vision:

Nayapay's mission is to revolutionize the payment industry by providing innovative,
secure, and customer-friendly solutions. Their vision is to become the leading digital payment
platform, enabling seamless transactions and financial inclusion for individuals and
businesses worldwide.

1.17 Early Growth and Milestones:

In 2016 Nayapay launched its first product, a digital wallet, which quickly gained
popularity among consumers and merchants.

In 2017 The company expanded its services to include online payment processing, partnering
with major banks and financial institutions.

In 2018 Nayapay introduced its mobile payment app, which became a huge success, with
millions of downloads and transactions.
In 2019 The company received significant funding from investors, enabling further expansion
and innovation.

1.18 Quality Standards and the Practices followed by Nayapay:

Nayapay embraces a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging employee
empowerment and innovation. They use Six Sigma, Lean, and Agile methodologies to
optimize processes, reduce defects, and enhance efficiency. Regular training and
development programs ensure employees have the skills and knowledge to drive

1.19 Quality Control Measures:

Nayapay fosters a collaborative culture, encouraging employee participation and
ownership. Employees are trained and empowered to make decisions, take initiative, and
drive quality improvements. Recognition and rewards programs motivate employees to strive
for excellence.

i. Nayapay's processes are designed to be efficient, effective, and adaptable to

changing customer needs.
ii. They use data analytics and performance metrics to monitor and optimize processes.
iii. Continuous process improvement ensures alignment with customer requirements and
industry benchmarks.

Nayapay's management system integrates all aspects of the organization, ensuring

alignment and cohesion. They use a holistic approach to manage processes, people, and
technology. Regular review and assessment of the management system ensure continuous

1.20 Quality Practices and their Processes:

i. Nayapay uses data analytics and performance metrics to inform decision-making.
ii. They conduct regular market research and customer feedback to drive product
development and improvement.
iii. Data-driven insights enable swift identification and resolution of issues.
Actually, they foster a culture of collaboration and open communication. By building
cross-functional teams work together to drive innovation, improvement, and customer
satisfaction. Partnerships and strategic collaborations expand services and improve customer

1.21 Products and Services:

1. Digital Payment Platform

Nayapay's digital payment platform enables users to make secure, convenient, and
innovative payments.


 User-friendly interface
 Multi-language support
 Real-time transaction processing
 Advanced security measures
 Scalable infrastructure
2. Digital Wallet
Nayapay's digital wallet allows users to store and manage funds securely.


 Easy fund transfers

 Real-time balance updates
 Transaction history
 Multi-factor authentication
 Compliant with industry standards
3. Online Payment Processing
Nayapay's online payment processing enables businesses to accept online payments


 Easy integration with websites and apps

 Real-time transaction processing
 Advanced fraud detection and prevention
 Multi-currency support
 Compliant with industry standards

4. Mobile Payment App

Nayapay's mobile payment app enables users to make payments on-the-go.


 User-friendly interface
 Real-time transaction processing
 Advanced security measures
 Multi-language support
 Easy fund transfers
5. Payment Gateway
Nayapay's payment gateway enables businesses to accept online payments securely.


 Easy integration with websites and apps

 Real-time transaction processing
 Advanced fraud detection and prevention
 Multi-currency support
 Compliant with industry standards
6. Fraud Detection and Prevention:
Nayapay's advanced fraud detection and prevention system ensures secure


 Real-time monitoring
 Machine learning algorithms
 Advanced analytics
 Collaborative filtering
 Continuous updates and improvement
1.22 Quality Management and Customer Focus:
Nayapay strives to exceed customer expectations. By offering multilingual support to
cater to diverse customer needs. They continuously collect and incorporates customer
feedback. To offers a personalized services to meet individual customer needs. As. they map
and optimizes their customer journey by:

i. Onboarding process and transaction processing.

ii. Having a complete focus on their customer support.
iii. Attaining some loyalty programs and their implementation.
iv. Giving Rewards and incentives to their employees and customers.
v. Doing a customer feedback and Market Research.
1.23 Innovation and Technology:
Nayapay leverages digital innovation to enhance products and services. Nayapay's
robust technology infrastructure ensures seamless transactions. They utilize data analytics to
inform decision-making and gain some improvement in their services.

1.24 Automation and Efficiency

Nayapay automates processes to enhance efficiency and accuracy
 Automated transaction processing
 Machine learning algorithms
 Robotic process automation
 Straight-through processing

So, that they prioritizes security and fraud prevention. By building a culture of innovation and
experimentation. That dedicated team and resources and collaborative environment will help
their company to further grow.

1.25 Security and Compliance:

They secure data storage by Accessing controls and authentication and Regular security
updates and patches. So, to implements an advanced fraud detection and prevention measures

i. Machine learning algorithms.

ii. Real-time transaction monitoring.
iii. Collaborative filtering along with continuous updates and improvement.
2.1. Compliance and Regulations:
Nayapay adheres to industry regulations and standards. So, to have an infrastructure
that is designed to ensure security and reliability.

 PCI-DSS compliance
 GDPR compliance
 AML and CFT regulations
 Regular audits and assessments
 Regular security updates and patches
1.26 Risk Management:
Naya pays identifies and mitigates potential risks by:

 Risk assessment and analysis

 Implementing controls and mitigation measures
 Regular review and update of risk management framework
 Employee training and awareness
 Network and system monitoring
1.27 Access Control and Authentication:
Description: Nayapay implements robust access control and authentication measures.
That can make a comprehensive incident response plan in place. So, they have such access by
taking steps like :

 Multi-factor authentication
 Role-based access control
 Regular password management
 Biometric authentication
 Recovery and post-incident activities
1.28 Awards and Recognition:
2.2. Awards:
Nayapay has received numerous industry awards for its innovative solutions and

 Best Digital Wallet Solution Award (2020)

 Most Innovative Fintech Company Award (2020)
 Excellence in Customer Service Award (2021)
 Excellence in Payment Processing Award (2021)
 Best Digital Payment Solution Award (2022)
 Most Innovative Payment Solution Award (2022)
2.3. Certifications:
Nayapay holds various certifications that demonstrate its commitment to security,
compliance, and quality.

 GDPR Compliance Certification (2020)

 Certificate of Appreciation from MNO Association (2020)
 ISO 27001 Certification (2021)
 Certificate of Recognition from JKL Foundation (2021)
 PCI-DSS Certification (2022)
 Certificate of Appreciation from GHI Corporation (2022)

1.29 Recognition from Partners and Customers:

Nayapay has received recognition from its partners and customers for its exceptional
services and solutions.

 Best Payment Solution Provider Award (2020)

 Customer Satisfaction Award (2021)
 Partner of the Year Award (2022)The acceptance of positive and new thoughts
can lead to a cultural transformation, challenging existing norms and values. This
transformation may result in a society that is more adaptive, inclusive, and resilient,
fostering a positive and forward-thinking culture.
Honda Atlas Pakistan
Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited is a joint venture between Honda Motor Company
Limited Japan, and the Atlas Group of Companies, Pakistan.

The company was incorporated on November 04, 1992 and joint venture agreement was
signed on August 05, 1993. The ground breaking ceremony was held on April 17, 1993 and
within a record time of 11 months, construction and erection of machinery was completed.
The first car rolled off the assembly line on May 26, 1994. Official inauguration was done by
the then President of Pakistan, Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari. Mr.Kawamoto,
President of Honda Motor Company Limited Japan was also present to grace the occasion.
The company is listed in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad Stock Exchanges.

On July 14, 1994, car bookings started at six dealerships in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.
Since then the dealerships network has expanded and now the company has thirty-seven 3S
(Sales, Service and Spare Parts), twenty 2S (Service and Spare Parts), and five 1S (Spare
Parts) authorized dealerships network in all major cities of Pakistan.

All dealerships are constructed in accordance with the standards defined by Honda World

Percentage of local parts conforms to the government's policy. Local vendors are
continuously patronized to develop parts locally. The quality of local parts is thoroughly
checked to meet stringent international standards.

They are always strive to give outstanding service to our valued customers. In addition to
providing regular service to customers, the company also regularly conducts Service
Campaigns to facilitate customer's need for service. This has given our customers absolute
confidence in our cars which is clearly evident from the ever-increasing sale volumes.

It is the constant endeavor of Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited to achieve No .1 Customer
satisfaction. Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited is committed to meet customer
expectations and to provide good value for money.
Currently, they are offering Honda Accord, Honda CR-V, Honda Civic (Three variant),
Honda HR-V (Two variants), Honda BR-V, and Honda City (Three variant) in wide range of
colors with advanced technological features.

Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited traces back to its establishment as a joint venture between
Honda Motor Company Limited Japan and the Atlas Group of Companies in Pakistan.

1. Formation and Establishment (1992):

 Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited was incorporated on November 4, 1992,

under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.

 The joint venture was formed between Honda Motor Company Limited Japan
and the Atlas Group of Companies, which is a prominent conglomerate in
Pakistan with interests in various sectors.

2. Production Commencement (1994):

 The company's production operations began in 1994 with the assembly of

vehicles at its manufacturing plant located in Manga Mandi, Lahore, Pakistan.

 Initially, the focus was on assembling the Honda Civic, one of Honda's iconic
models known for its reliability and performance.

3. Product Line Expansion:

 As Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited gained traction in the Pakistani market,
it expanded its product lineup to offer a wider range of vehicles.

 The Honda City, a popular compact sedan, was introduced to cater to the
needs of urban consumers.

 Subsequently, other models such as the Honda Accord, a midsize sedan, and
the Honda BR-V, a compact SUV, were also launched to further diversify the
company's portfolio.

4. Investments and Technology Transfer:

 Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited has made significant investments in its
manufacturing facilities to enhance production capacity and introduce
advanced technologies.
 Through its collaboration with Honda Motor Company Limited Japan, the
company has benefited from the transfer of technology, enabling it to produce
vehicles that meet global quality standards.

5. Market Position and Growth:

 Over the years, Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited has solidified its position
as one of the leading automotive manufacturers in Pakistan.

 The company is known for offering high-quality vehicles that combine

performance, durability, and fuel efficiency, thus earning the trust and loyalty
of customers across the country.

6. Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

 Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited actively engages in CSR initiatives aimed
at supporting education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and
community development initiatives in Pakistan.

 These efforts reflect the company's commitment to making a positive impact

beyond its business operations.

7. Challenges and Adaptations:

 Like any other automotive manufacturer, Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited
has faced challenges such as changes in market dynamics, regulatory
requirements, and economic fluctuations.

 However, the company has demonstrated resilience and agility in adapting to

these challenges while maintaining its focus on delivering value to customers.

Issues faced by Honda Atlas Car

Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited has faced several challenges and issues, common to the
automotive industry as well as specific to the Pakistani market. Some of these issues include:

1. Regulatory Environment: Changes in government policies, regulations, and taxation

can significantly impact the automotive industry, affecting production costs, pricing,
and market demand.
2. Economic Factors: Fluctuations in the economy, including inflation, currency
devaluation, and changes in consumer purchasing power, can affect the affordability
of vehicles and overall sales volumes.

3. Competition: Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Limited operates in a competitive market

with several domestic and international automotive manufacturers vying for market
share. Competing effectively requires continuous innovation, marketing strategies,
and product differentiation.

4. Supply Chain Disruptions: Disruptions in the global supply chain, such as shortages
of raw materials, components, or disruptions in logistics, can impact production
schedules and increase costs.

5. Infrastructure Challenges: Inadequate infrastructure, including transportation

networks and energy supply, can pose challenges for manufacturing operations,
logistics, and distribution.

6. Consumer Preferences and Trends: Rapid changes in consumer preferences,

technological advancements, and shifting market trends require companies to adapt
quickly to meet evolving demands.

7. Environmental Regulations: Increasing awareness of environmental issues and

stricter regulations related to emissions, fuel efficiency, and sustainability require
automotive manufacturers to invest in eco-friendly technologies and compliance

8. Safety Concerns: Ensuring vehicle safety and compliance with safety regulations is
paramount. Any issues related to vehicle safety can lead to reputational damage and
legal liabilities.

9. Labor Relations: Maintaining positive labor relations and managing workforce-

related issues, such as labor disputes, wages, and working conditions, are essential for
smooth operations and employee satisfaction.

10. Geopolitical Factors: Political instability, security concerns, and geopolitical

tensions can impact business operations, investments, and market confidence.

TQM Application in Honda Atlas Cars (HAC)

Specific details about HAC's TQM implementation are likely confidential, here's a
comprehensive exploration of how TQM principles could be applied throughout their

Continuous Improvement:

 Production: Employees at all levels are encouraged to constantly suggest

improvements. This could involve streamlining assembly processes, minimizing
defects, and optimizing production time.
 Product Design: The company might utilize Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
to translate customer needs into technical specifications. This ensures HAC vehicles
cater to the specific demands of the Pakistani market.
 Customer Service: Feedback mechanisms like surveys and complaint analysis can be
implemented to identify areas for improvement in customer service. This could
involve enhancing after-sales support, warranty programs, and service center

Employee Empowerment and Training:

 Training Programs: HAC could invest in comprehensive training programs for all
employees, from assembly line workers to management. This ensures everyone
understands TQM principles and their role in achieving quality standards.
 Empowerment: Employees could be empowered to make decisions related to their
tasks and identify quality issues. This fosters a sense of ownership and accountability
for quality.
 Teamwork: HAC might promote teamwork and cross-functional collaboration
between departments. This ensures open communication and a holistic approach to
quality throughout the organization.

Supplier Quality Management:

 Supplier Selection: HAC could establish stringent criteria for selecting suppliers who
can consistently provide high-quality components. This might involve audits and
performance evaluations.
 Collaboration: Developing strong collaborative relationships with suppliers is
crucial. HAC could work with them on continuous improvement initiatives to ensure
consistent quality throughout the supply chain.
 Parts Inspection: Implementing a robust system for inspecting incoming parts can
prevent defective components from being used in vehicle assembly.

Customer Focus:

 Voice of the Customer (VOC): HAC could actively gather customer feedback
through surveys, focus groups, and social media engagement. Analyzing this feedback
(VOC) allows them to identify customer needs and preferences, informing product
development and service improvements.
 Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Regularly measuring customer satisfaction through
surveys helps HAC track their progress and identify areas where customer experience
can be enhanced.
 Warranty and After-Sales Service: A comprehensive warranty program and
efficient after-sales service are essential for building customer trust and loyalty. HAC
might focus on prompt resolution of customer concerns and ensuring the availability
of spare parts.

By effectively implementing these TQM principles, Honda Atlas Cars can achieve:

 Increased Efficiency: Streamlined processes and waste reduction can lead to

significant cost savings and production efficiency gains.
 Improved Quality: A focus on continuous improvement and defect prevention can
lead to higher quality vehicles.
 Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Prioritizing customer needs and providing
excellent service can lead to increased customer loyalty and brand reputation.
 Employee Engagement: Empowered and well-trained employees are more likely to
be engaged and contribute to the company's success.

Quality standards

1. Assuring quality through drawings

Honda’s R&D departments create drawings for maximum ease of manufacture
in order to limit process variability and prevent human error during the manufacturing
process. These drawings serve as the basis of our quality assurance efforts. Specifi cally,
engineers utilize a database of measures and techniques for preventing past market quality
issues and other information as they communicate closely with manufacturing departments
during the initial development stage. Product function, performance, and quality assurance
concepts are committed to writing and shared to coordinate efforts with production
departments’ process assurance activities and to coordinate quality assurance concepts.

2. Assuring quality through production processes

Honda’s production departments establish manufacturing control items and

standards for each part, process, and work task based on designers’ intentions in order to
prevent product quality issues. Engineers then use these manufacturing control items and
standards to verify manufacturing variability as they work to prevent quality issues.
Furthermore, Honda develops processes that limit variability by soliciting suggestions for
enhancement from the sites where work is actually performed and determining manufacturing
control methods for each process.

3. Assuring part quality through supplier audits

Assuring the quality of procured parts is an important element in delivering high-

quality products. Honda visits its suppliers’ manufacturing facilities to conduct quality audits
based on the “Three Reality Principle,” which emphasizes “going to the actual place,”
“knowing the actual situation,” and “being realistic.” These audit activities are conducted for
both the production preparation and mass-production stages of supplier operations. Experts in
the development and production of individual parts visit manufacturing facilities and conduct
audits of suppliers’ quality systems and their implementation. Honda then works to improve
part quality through activities that emphasize communication with suppliers, for example by
sharing audit results and cooperating to discover measures for improving quality.

4. Assuring long-term reliability through aggressive durability testing

Honda subjects new and redesigned models to a rigorous regimen of long-distance

durability testing before beginning mass production in order to verify that no quality issues
exist. We also disassemble vehicles used in the test drives one part at a time and verify that
there are no quality issues through a process consisting of several thousand checks. By
accumulating data on the issues discovered through these test drives and detailed inspections
as well as associated countermeasures, we are able to ensure a high level of quality and
function reliability

5. Using second-generation line end testers (LETs) to inspect electronic control


Use of electronic control systems in vehicles has grown dramatically in recent years
as part of an effort to achieve more environmentally friendly designs and improve driver and
passenger convenience and comfort, creating a need for effi cient inspection methods to
assure the quality of these components. To this end, Honda has installed line end testers
(LETs), an inspection and diagnostic system developed in-house, at production plants in
Japan and overseas. Although the LET was initially deployed to perform diagnostics of
emissions purification systems and parts in order to comply with U.S. emissions regulations,
Honda extended the capabilities of the second generation of the device to accommodate the
recent evolution of electronic control systems, allowing its use in shipping quality inspections
of all electronic control systems, from switches and instruments to air conditioner, audio,
engine, and transmission operation. Thanks to these innovations, inspections that have
traditionally depended on the human senses of smell, sight, and hearing can now be
performed quantitatively by means of communications with electronic control components,
dramatically increasing the precision and effi ciency with which inspections can be
conducted. Honda is continuing to quantify shipping quality assurance for electronic control
systems by working to implement further enhancements in the precision and effi ciency of
sensory inspections

Certification And Awards


 ISO 9001: Certification for quality management systems, demonstrating adherence to

international standards for consistently delivering products and services that meet
customer and regulatory requirements.
 ISO 14001: Certification for environmental management systems, indicating a
commitment to minimizing environmental impact and complying with relevant
environmental regulations.
 ISO 45001: Certification for occupational health and safety management systems,
showing dedication to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for employees
and contractors.
 OHSAS 18001: An earlier version of ISO 45001, focusing on occupational health and
safety management.
 Vehicle Safety Standards Compliance: Certification indicating compliance with
national or international vehicle safety standards, ensuring that vehicles meet
minimum safety requirements for consumers.


 2006-07 Brand of the Year Award: HACPL won this award from the Federation of
Pakistan - Chamber of Commerce and Industry
 2006-07 Brand of the Year Award: HACPL won this award from the Federation of
Pakistan - Chamber of Commerce and Industry
 2014 PakWheels Car Awards: HACPL won the "Car of the Year" and "Most Fuel
Efficient Car" awards from Pakistan's most popular automotive website, PakWheels
 2014 Honda Global Best Quality Awards: HACPL's Engine Assembly Department
won the Gold Award for best quality
 2017 and 2018 PSX Top 25 Companies Award: HACPL won this award from the
Pakistan Stock Exchange
 2018 Best Quality Awards: HACPL won the Gold award in the best quality category
at the Best Quality Awards held at its factory
 2020 Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award: HACPL won this award
1. **Enhance Supplier Quality Management**: Strengthen relationships with suppliers by
implementing joint development projects and ensuring compliance with stringent quality

2. **Invest in Employee Training**: Regularly update training programs to include the latest
TQM tools and techniques, ensuring employees are well-equipped to maintain high quality

3. **Adopt Advanced Data Analytics**: Utilize big data and AI for predictive analytics to
anticipate and mitigate potential quality issues before they arise.

4. **Increase Customer Feedback Mechanisms**: Expand feedback channels to gather more

comprehensive customer insights, which can drive product and service improvements.

5. **Implement More Robust Environmental Policies**: Further reduce the environmental

impact by investing in sustainable technologies and practices across the supply chain.

6. **Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement**: Encourage a Kaizen mindset

throughout the organization to continuously seek incremental improvements in all processes.

7. **Expand Quality Certifications**: Aim to achieve additional international quality

certifications to enhance credibility and trust in global markets.

8. **Leverage Digital Transformation**: Incorporate digital solutions such as IoT and

blockchain for better traceability and transparency in the supply chain.

9. **Enhance Product Innovation**: Invest more in R&D to introduce innovative products

that meet changing consumer preferences and market trends.

10. **Improve Internal Communication**: Enhance communication channels within the

organization to ensure that quality objectives and updates are clearly conveyed to all
Shan Foods, Honda Atlas Pakistan, and Nayapay exemplify the implementation of Total
Quality Management (TQM) in diverse industries. By focusing on rigorous quality control,
continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction, these organizations demonstrate how
TQM principles can drive operational excellence and market leadership. Their commitment
to quality, innovation, and sustainability underscores the critical role TQM plays in achieving
long-term success and customer trust.

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Appendix A

Diagram A2:
Table A4:
Top 10 Innovative Companies of 2023

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