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Network Architecture
• The main feature of an intelligent network is that the control functions and the
network resources are separated.
• The network has transmission and other resources, including subscriber lines,
trunk lines, switch ports, databases, and voice recorders.
• The control functions are call-control functions and resource-control functions.
Examples of these functions include connecting three network users in a
conference call, playing a recording, and collecting digits dialed by a user.
• To implement a control function, the network executes a sequence of atomic
operations called functional components.
• Control of Processing
• Connection Request
• User Interaction Request
• Network Resource Status Request
• Network Information Revision Request
Control of Processing
The functional components for control of processing are of two types:
to provide instructions when the SSP asks the SCP to take control of the call
processing and to effect the release of control when the SCP returns the
control to the SSP after servicing the request.
Connection Request
Connection request involves the following functional components:
creating a leg between an SSP and another network element, joining a leg to
an ongoing call, splitting a leg from an ongoing call, and freeing a leg to
release the resource.
User Interaction Request
Two types of functional components are invoked in user interactions: sending information
such as a prerecorded announcement to a call participant and receiving specific
information such as dialed digits from a call participant.
Network Resource Status Request
Network resource status requests are used by the SLP in processing some call control.
Monitoring is a functional component that instructs the SSP for notification of a particular
event on a specified leg, such as on-hook, flash- hook, and off-hook.
Network Information Revision Request
Network information revision requests enable the SLP to change the data stored in the SSP
• INA is a culmination of a long development in which network element functions
or operations are separated from the control of those functions. This separation
permits the creation of new services as programmable sequences of functional
components. Sophisticated customers can program these sequences by
themselves. A very important example is 800 number services.
• Companies, such as credit card and direct order companies that provide direct
customer services over the 800 number phone, can route customer calls to
different parts of the country or to different operators depending on the time of
day, the subscriber's location, and other information provided by the subscriber
via the telephone keypad.
• CATV, originally Community Antenna TV, now refers to any cable or hybrid
optical fiber and cable (HFC) system used to deliver video signals to a
• The head station distributes analog video programs. Several programs are
frequency- division multiplexed at the head end over a coaxial cable network.
Each program occupies a 6-MHz channel, with the spectrum between 50 and
550 MHz accommodating up to 80 channels. Every subscriber receives the
same programs.
Three innovations have transformed CATV from a video distribution sys tem to
one that can provide interactive, integrated services.
• The first innovation upgrades CATV into a two-way communication system.
• The second introduces link layer functions that provide users access to a shared
data link.
• The third consists of digital compression schemes that enable video to be
transmitted at relatively low speeds.
There are three services that CATV operators may offer: Internet access, video on
demand, and telephony.
-MPEG standards used for video compression
• The physical layout of an upgraded network is sketched in Figure 5.31.
• The network between the head stations and the users consists of optical fiber terminating
at a fiber node to which is attached a local coaxial network that connects to 500 homes.
• The head stations of the service providers have access to video servers, web servers, and
the Internet, via a backbone network that is not shown.
• The total bandwidth is increased to 750 MHz, as shown in Figure 5.32.
• The more important difference, seen in Figure 5.31, is that signals can travel in both
directions. The fiber node converts the downstream optical signal originating at the head
end into an electrical signal, and the upstream electrical signal originating at the users
into an optical signal.

Figure 5.32 shows proposed uses of the available frequency

spectrum of 5 to 750 MHz. The downstream and upstream
signals occupy different frequency bands. This separation of
frequency bands prevents the amplifiers from amplifying their
own output, which would lead to saturation of the amplifiers
and to oscillation.
Figure 5.33 gives an alternative distribution technology in
which all or part of the distribution system is wireless. In the
wireless cable system, sub scribers directly access the signal
broadcast from the head end station.
In the hybrid/fiber wireless system, a digital video signal is sent
to the curb over optical fiber (as in Figure 5.31), and the local
coaxial distribution system is replaced by a local wireless
system. The wireless portion of these networks would extend
over short distances. These systems may be less expensive than
cable when there is a high geographical concentration of users.
CATV Layered Network
The decomposition is different for downstream and upstream
Physical layer must be started with.
CATV Layered Network
• The downstream signals occupy the spectrum from 50 to 750 MHz.
• Conventional analog broadcasts that can be received by existing television sets occupy
6-MHz channels between 50 and 550 MHz. The spectrum between 550 and 750 MHz
may carry digital MPEG-2 programs, data streams, and down stream telephony.
• Using QAM-64 or 16-VSB modulators, each 6-MHz analog channel is converted into
a digital link with a bit rate of 27 to 38 Mbps. Such a link can be used to carry 6 to 10
MPEG-2 programs at rates of 3.5 Mbps, or to transport digital data to users. The
MPEG programs may be decoded by set- top boxes. Transmission of user data
requires cable modems. The downstream signals are all broadcast. As shown in Figure
5.34, the downstream signals are circuit-switched.
Services over CATV
• The large bandwidth in the downstream broadcast direction can support not only 80
traditional, 6-MHz TV channels, but also several hundred MPEG-2 channels. This
possibility is realized as a service called video on demand or video dial-tone.
Subscribers browse through a large collection of video programs and request a
program, using their set-top boxes. The head end transports the requested MPEG
digital stream over an available channel. The set-top box demodulates and
decompresses the received bit strea

• National Television Standards Committee, NTSC or

• HDTV high-definition television, a digital broadcasting standard that offers picture
and audio superior to that of traditional standard-definition television (SDTV)
Services over CATV
• A later development has been the use of CATV for Internet access. Internet service
providers, together with cable operators, offer subscribers Internet access over a
shared 3-Mbps upstream link and a 38-Mbps downstream broad cast link.
Typically, 10 subscribers share the resources at any time. Providers enhance
performance by Web caching and offer directory and other services. Subscribers
must purchase a cable modem and usually pay a monthly flat rate. The
growth of subscribers to this service has been impressive. However, be cause the
links are shared, a few heavy users can cause congestion and degrade service for
all. This seems to be a common occurrence, and service providers are imposing
restrictions on usage

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