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a tt Ce eee prreeeret ciey a eee or What is the Tokyo Super Eco Town Project? Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been proceeding with the development of waste treatment and recycling facilites utilizing TMG owned land in the city’s waterfront area. As one of the central government's Urban Regeneration projects, this aims to propel Tokyo's transformation into a recycling based society by resolving the issue of waste in the Greater Tokyo Area and providing locations for environmental industies. Facilites for PCB-containing waste treatment and waste fuel electric power generation are operatingin the Inner Central Breakwater Landfill site, and in the Jonanjima Island district, facilities for the recycling of mixed construction waste, food ‘waste, used IT and other electronic devices, and sludge and other industrial waste are in operation. TMG will strive to resolve waste problems by promoting the development of advanced and highly reliable waste treatment and recycling facilities that will boost the percentage of treated waste and reduce the final volume of disposed waste in Tokyo. Basic Concepts of the Super Eco Town Project (916 wil scare the necessary metropolitan government owned land fr locating the fcities, decide upon the typeof facies to be shipment a 5s ] censst render a p[etmsieaion co ‘scm [+] demerton Ty | eacane Lt Shipment Takatoshi Corporation Ltd. “Tokyo Waterfront Eco Plant 3-2-15 Jonanjim, Ota Ward tto:/ ‘TEL03-5755-8011 FAX03-5755-8010 cezson an cepoton wae a cut whe rece ecved a acy ecto’ sr Sore ate of tre 904 hse acho, Ts acy aks base, portion “water Sra roses an ame fortefounde eye of pesos wast Ftgurens reer eye efsenoy wil oe sougittroupe saricenrts season ‘soe whe ae pont saline ere epson Fig widest wal fo efor he sargundne erate ad eure he acy wth ‘4 Thorough pre-treatmentis undertaken Reiperormarca du titer ta prot tha eatin! he a before automated treatment Tem Teaurial wastes [eonstrction and ‘demolition waste, ee.) ‘Canaral warts Panic wat Recyeledeand Teured as roodbed mater, raw mater forcement Reused as uel for coment, reducers for blast furnaces ete [Waste Reception Wand Shipment (esurement ) separation vonecton ne Minepection ) (Removal ot eparation freee snproger materia Takeei Co., Ltd. Tokyo Eco Town Plant 3-43 Jonanji, ota Ward _bsoi// TEL 03-S755-8811 FAK 08-S755-8815 anton and Jamon WATT recived tthetclty and OH iereycled, “Three sevance technologies were introduced to schleve hi igh at feeling Duet th thtacty waz acceded es atlonly subsided fact, te fest. private conicton-taed dil waste eaten fatto eee tie ‘qualification (G}Achived automated rough lection of waste by nrg "ol sree uni” [Plated tigh teaton of earth and sandbytrdcig “nding adv troatmant unit (cparation by ilforence inspec pvt) “:nutomlee wasteseparation ine (3) Achieved utilization of coarse particles, etc. as a secondary raw material for steel a ° Parauon tromacring (ec For) oO ° S a gq < a 2 3 » 5 a o ® 3 3 o 3 = a 8 zp 2 5 5 CS) Gusiness Contents Construction and New construction/refurbsmng/demolton ol demolition waste] py buildings, ot Business Tasted Tdustal waste generated Wom manufacturing J+ stipmene > stement [ranted fine o[ Sielecnitprocesing | rough selection section grinding and] —|_(crushing/packaging) (tll screen) her este Co Cc & 3 a 3 8 3 a = s = 5 s = 3 oO g 3 a B 3 5 a Re-Tem Corporation ‘Tokyo Plant 3-2-9 Jonanima Ota Ward nttp:// ‘TEL03-3790-2100 races 37508500 This foclity receiver wart such as uted ion metal matric composites a well ‘at cletrie/electronic equipment and infermation emmunication equipment frm businesses, as wells smal electri appliances from muncipalties The products are disassembled, separated, and treated propery after an accurate assessment ‘ofthe composites This lead toan extremely pure recaveryof materials lliteme Alea equipment operations before thathave been treated are shippedout sz raw material for the industry, shredding ‘consequently achieving tar emission of waste (nro lanl). C usiness Contents) Tanti “Ganerator] Waste Applications Treated/Produced Type! Tested ware ‘sonr/s5y ‘Machines, ATW, eleetriealappioneas, = ‘rom manufacturers, hanks, leasing fre and offices Recycled products “Sold to olocti fornass manufacturarsand andthe Recoveryotraw [Disassembly Separation by magnetic materiale and separators and other (ferrouser separation ‘equipment nonferrous metal) Future Ecology Inc. Tokyo Office 3-214 onan, Ota Ward TEL03-3799-7153 hep:/ /wwwwf-0¢0.c0.ip FAX 03-3799-0539 This acy undertakes the reuse andrecyeing of used personal computers and ther lat, elatroni and Information elated equipment. Forlformation elated espeene in pat, dts emovedor destroyed under set eau precedes for their safe rouse and cycling ‘Z0sts removal ane confirmation oF FC rnin se | sel Pde Sas Type aed | Uric era —P Se So i wo Spot aca ond Comper Sa ae noo TAT a TR Tite crore Conn foe oie ried corn L__Procoss Flow J Tnspectonls| [Date separation removal/destrution Separation through Destocion [> manual sassembiy [—>] Pa Separation ‘Sales/Recyde > =. 3 2 7 o oO Qa > ° 3 m ° ° Qa = os oO 8YSEM Pood WO, UO}}e19Ua5 JaMod SeBO1g Alfo Co., Ltd. Jonanjima Feed Conversion Center 3-32 Jonanjima, Ora Ward ‘TEL03-5755-8841 ituLLorwtolvodearco. FAK 03-5755-8842 This fcity receives and dries fod waste (fod scraps] to manufacture Ingredients usedin formula animal fed forthe pork and poultry industries. The advanced technology ofthe “low temperature vacuum dying equipment i based by deep oil fying” to manufacture fed Food can be manufactured in approx. 90 minutes por treatment cyl (20 ton, allowing lrg volumes tobe tested in shorter period of ime than other ‘AAn ingredient for formula feed ompertor fed production methods Business Contents ST = =| — | Sa ae | ST a (CPrecess Flow [waste !nising and heating reception |. | of food serps an ond ‘used cooking oil Bioenergy Co., Ltd. Jonanjina Food Recyeing Facity 3-Jonanjina, Ot Ward TEL 03-5492-1461 ‘ FAX 03-5492-1467 Thi cy accep food wast Tatas been ncnerted athe than eyed because hasbeen dak to separste, Unga methane fermentation system, methane sis generated as ue or gas engines. Approx 21,000kWhot power equiva tothe ‘arount of elect fr about 20D hxschels) gnerated po day. hasbeen ‘ete as res/ natural energy. A,X proces tural astm the blogs. Preach and nati gn Fon ol wee contrat cron “AMeshane Fermentation Fatty ‘Waste Generator/Wante Applications Type of Treated Waste Bustnesrreated | Food wastes 150¢/any | Tood manafacures processor, restaurant, ral wastes ‘department stores, convenience stores, hotels, dust wastes food sence facie, et, Recyced products | Hearealpower TAsld tothe power company and their applications Tatar ae ‘A sold tothe gas company Waste water | ercsenene wane | fering ne [P= tL qupment Providing prion Poser Ly Sree icon [op act reves fem ep lesen oo |(Gas production/ supply) ce See MMe ke Ct Planting Section, Sustainable Materials Management Pee iter eo Seer ere eg eee eaters Leow ec eer ea) Pare earn Named : Cd

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