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English Language and Literature

Body of Works
Comics / Activist Art

Body of Works: Lainey Molnar

Area of Exploration – Readers, Writers, Texts
Concepts: Identity, Representation,
Creativity, Culture

Artist Lainey Molnar continues to capture what it is like to be a modern woman in her
ongoing series of comics. Initially sparked by the first COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020,
her creative practice has blossomed online, with hundreds of thousands of people
from around the world following her highly popular Instagram account. The success
of her digital comics can be attributed to their honesty, understanding, and
underlying messages of empowerment to all women.

When Molnar started drawing her illustrations, she was 31 years old and single and
facing many of the expectations that are placed on women, including marriage
and motherhood. “I'm now 33, still single, still not considering having children,” she
says, “I don't have a degree, I can't drive a car, I've been self-employed jumping
around gigs my entire life, I have 57 tattoos, I live out of suitcases, and spontaneously
buy one-way plane tickets on a regular basis. I refuse to feel like these life decisions
are any worse than anyone else's.” While these personal comics began as a way for
Molnar to explore her own life, she has expanded the characters and topics to
illustrate a larger dialogue of different women's experiences.

“We all think we don't belong, we are behind, we're getting things wrong, or we are
flawed and it keeps our growth and potential at bay,” Molnar continues. “I fight for
the acceptance of everyone's unapologetic selves—as long as it doesn't hurt
anyone, why should we hide or change who we are?” One of her latest comics
features four panels with four unique female characters. One “had an abortion,”
another “gave the baby up,” the third is a “conflicted mom,” and the last is
“childfree.” Molnar adds a text bubble at the bottom of each situation to highlight
how women's choices are frequently criticized, regardless of what that choice may
be. “Life decisions are not one dimensional, especially ones as huge as creating a
new life,” she adds in her Instagram post.

Drawing Power: 40 Comics Reflecting Women’s Struggles

and Successes
By Adam W. - December 10, 2023 (Worldtravelling)

In a world where art intersects with everyday life, Lainey Molnar stands out as a
beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Through her thought-provoking comics,
Molnar captures the essence of contemporary women’s experiences, weaving
together themes of self-love, resilience, and empowerment. Her illustrations are more
than just drawings; they are powerful narratives that resonate deeply with audiences
worldwide. This article delves into the multifaceted world of Lainey Molnar’s work,
exploring 40 distinct aspects of her comics. Each segment offers a unique lens into
the challenges, triumphs, and intricate dynamics of modern womanhood. From
tackling societal norms to celebrating the diversity of female experiences, Molnar’s
art serves as a mirror reflecting the complexities and beauty of being a woman in
today’s world.
Breaking Beauty Standards

Lainey Molnar’s comics serve as a powerful voice against conventional beauty standards.
Through her illustrations, she emphasizes the diversity of beauty and advocates for self-
acceptance, irrespective of societal norms. Her work challenges the traditional narrative of
what it means to be beautiful, encouraging a more inclusive and varied understanding of
beauty. In her depictions, women of all shapes, sizes, and appearances are celebrated,
providing a much-needed counterpoint to the often narrow and unrealistic beauty ideals
perpetuated by mainstream media.

The Modern Motherhood Dilemma

Molnar’s illustrations poignantly capture the challenges and complexities of modern

motherhood. She addresses the high expectations and societal pressures placed on mothers,
highlighting issues like work-life balance, societal judgment, and the often unspoken struggles
of parenting. Her work is a tribute to the resilience of mothers and an acknowledgment of
the multifaceted roles they play. It offers a relatable and supportive perspective for mothers
navigating the intricate balance of personal identity and parenthood in today’s world.

A Voice Against Sexism

Through her comics, Lainey Molnar becomes a vocal advocate against everyday sexism. Her
illustrations bring to light the subtle and overt forms of gender discrimination that pervade
daily life. From workplace inequalities to societal expectations, her comics are a bold
statement against the patriarchal norms that continue to hinder gender equality. She uses
humor and poignant storytelling to engage her audience, making complex issues more
accessible and fostering a dialogue about gender equality.

Mental Health in Focus

Lainey Molnar’s illustrations take on the critical topic of mental health with sensitivity and
insight. Her work offers a window into the struggles and triumphs related to mental well-being,
addressing issues like anxiety, depression, and self-care. Through her comics, Molnar creates
a space for open conversation about mental health, destigmatizing these important
discussions and providing solace and understanding for those grappling with mental health

The Journey of Self-Love

The theme of self-love is central to Molnar’s work. Her comics are a journey into the
importance of loving and accepting oneself amidst the chaos of external expectations and
self-doubt. She beautifully illustrates the ups and downs of the journey towards self-
acceptance, encouraging her audience to embrace their true selves. Her work is a reminder
of the power of self-love in fostering confidence and inner peace.

Championing Women’s Choices

Molnar’s comics are a celebration of women’s autonomy and the right to make their own life
choices. Whether it’s the decision to be child-free, choosing a career over traditional roles, or
simply living life on one’s own terms, her illustrations validate these choices. Her work is an
empowering statement that underscores the right of women to live life as they see fit, free
from societal constraints.
Empowering Female Relationships

The strength and support in female friendships are beautifully portrayed in Molnar’s comics.
She highlights the importance of solidarity and understanding among women, showcasing
how these relationships can be a source of immense strength and comfort. Her work
celebrates the unique bond of sisterhood, emphasizing how female friendships can be a
powerful force in navigating life’s challenges.

The Solo Woman’s Life

Lainey Molnar’s comics often explore the life of the solo woman, celebrating the joys and
addressing the challenges of being single. Her work shatters the stereotype that women
need a partner to be fulfilled, instead highlighting the fulfillment that can be found in
independence, self-discovery, and pursuing personal passions. Her comics are a testament
to the strength and completeness of women who choose to walk their path alone.

Career Women and Societal Pressure

Molnar’s illustrations address the unique challenges faced by career-oriented women. She
delves into the dynamics of navigating a professional path in often male-dominated
environments, highlighting issues like gender bias in the workplace, balancing career
aspirations with personal life, and breaking the glass ceiling. Her work is a nod to the
perseverance and resilience of women in the workforce and an encouragement to continue
breaking barriers.

Artistic Style and Symbolism

The artistic style of Lainey Molnar is distinct and thought-provoking. Her use of surrealism,
symbolism, and fantasy adds depth to the themes she explores. By bending reality in her
illustrations, she draws attention to the absurdity of societal norms and encourages a deeper
reflection on these issues. Her unique artistic approach not only enhances the visual appeal
of her comics but also enriches the messages they convey, making them both striking and

Combating Ageism

Lainey Molnar’s comics boldly address the issue of ageism, particularly as it affects women.
Her work challenges the stereotypes and prejudices associated with aging, advocating for
the appreciation and respect of women at all stages of life. Molnar illustrates the beauty and
wisdom that come with age, emphasizing that value and attractiveness are not limited to
youth. Her comics serve as a powerful reminder that age should be celebrated, not feared
or marginalized.

Love and Intimacy

Exploring the multifaceted nature of love and intimacy, Molnar’s comics delve into the joys,
challenges, and complexities of romantic relationships. She addresses themes such as
vulnerability, communication, and the balancing act between independence and
partnership. Her work provides a nuanced perspective on relationships, highlighting the
importance of honesty, respect, and mutual understanding in fostering healthy and fulfilling
The Struggle with Perfectionism

Molnar’s illustrations often tackle the theme of perfectionism, highlighting its unrealistic and
damaging effects, especially on women. Her comics critique the societal pressure to be
perfect in every aspect of life, from appearance to career to relationships. Through her art,
she advocates for embracing imperfections and celebrating individuality, providing a much-
needed counter-narrative to the pursuit of unattainable standards.

Navigating Modern Dating

In her comics, Molnar offers insightful commentary on the world of modern dating. She
addresses the complexities of finding love in the digital age, discussing topics like online
dating, ghosting, and the paradox of choice. Her work provides a humorous yet thoughtful
perspective on the search for romantic connections in today’s fast-paced and often
confusing dating landscape.

Financial Independence for Women

Financial independence is a recurring theme in Molnar’s comics. She highlights the

importance of financial autonomy for women, addressing the challenges and barriers
women face in achieving economic independence. Her illustrations celebrate the
empowerment that comes from financial self-sufficiency and encourage women to take
charge of their financial futures.

LGBTQ+ Representation

Molnar’s work includes and supports LGBTQ+ themes and characters, contributing to the
representation and visibility of the community in the arts. Her comics address issues of
identity, acceptance, and love within the LGBTQ+ spectrum, providing a platform for stories
and perspectives that are often underrepresented. This inclusive approach not only
broadens the narrative scope of her work but also reinforces the importance of diversity in

Challenging Stereotype

In this thought-provoking comic by Lainey Molnar, we’re presented with a discourse on

societal expectations and personal values. The first panel sets a traditional view with the
statement “Men are providers,” immediately establishing a gender role. The retort in the
second panel, “Okay, so provide…” challenges this norm, implying that if such roles are to be
accepted, they should be enacted. The final panel, where the man labels the woman a
“gold-digger,” reveals a conflicting stance and criticizes her for holding him to the standard
he initially implied. Molnar uses this exchange to highlight the complexities and
contradictions in modern conversations about gender roles, expectations, and relationships.
Her art serves as a satirical commentary that questions the fairness and validity of these age-
old stereotypes.

Work-Life Balance

The challenge of achieving a healthy work-life balance is a central topic in Molnar’s comics.
She explores the pressures of juggling professional responsibilities with personal life,
particularly as it pertains to women. Her work sheds light on the often unrealistic expectations
placed on women to excel in both domains and offers a sympathetic view of the struggle to
find equilibrium.
Cultural Critique and Commentary

Molnar uses her comics as a medium for cultural critique and commentary. Her work is a
reflection on contemporary societal issues, offering insightful observations on various aspects
of modern life. From consumerism to social media trends, her comics provide a platform for
critical engagement with the world around us, often urging her audience to question and
rethink societal norms.

Humor in Everyday Life

Humor is a key element in Lainey Molnar’s comics, used to address serious issues in a
relatable and accessible way. Her ability to find humor in everyday situations and challenges
resonates with her audience, providing a light-hearted yet impactful approach to discussing
important topics. This use of humor not only entertains but also serves as a powerful tool for
communication and engagement.

Inspirational Women

Many of Molnar’s comics serve as tributes to inspirational women, celebrating their

achievements and contributions. These illustrations highlight the strength, resilience, and
creativity of women from various walks of life, offering motivation and encouragement to her
audience. By showcasing these role models, Molnar’s work inspires and empowers women to
pursue their dreams and break barriers.

Social Media and Self-Image

Lainey Molnar’s comics critically examine the influence of social media on self-image and
self-esteem. Her work explores the pressures of maintaining an idealized online presence,
highlighting the disconnect between virtual personas and real-life authenticity. Molnar
encourages a more balanced engagement with social media, promoting self-acceptance
over digital validation. Her illustrations serve as a reminder to value genuine self-expression
and to navigate the digital world with a sense of realism and self-compassion.

Environmental Awareness

Through her art, Lainey Molnar raises crucial awareness about environmental issues and
sustainability. Her comics emphasize the importance of personal and collective responsibility
in protecting the environment. By incorporating themes like conservation and eco-conscious
living, Molnar’s work inspires her audience to recognize their impact on the planet and to
adopt more sustainable practices. Her illustrations are a call to action, urging a deeper
commitment to environmental stewardship and a more harmonious relationship with nature.

Breaking the Silence on Taboos

Lainey Molnar is unafraid to explore taboo topics in her comics, confronting subjects often
left undiscussed. Her illustrations address issues like sexuality, mental health, and societal
norms, challenging stigmas and encouraging open conversation. By bringing these topics
into the light, Molnar’s work fosters a greater understanding and acceptance, breaking
down barriers and promoting a more inclusive dialogue on subjects that impact many but
are spoken about by few.
Art as Activism

Molnar’s comics blend art with activism, using her platform to address social and political
issues. She tackles themes of equality, justice, and human rights, showcasing art as a
powerful medium for advocacy and change. Her work is a testament to the influential role of
artists in society, using creativity to inspire, engage, and provoke thought on important
societal issues, making her a modern-day activist through her illustrative talent.

Body Diversity and Acceptance

Celebrating body diversity is central in Molnar’s comics. Her work counters narrow beauty
standards, showcasing a spectrum of body types and appearances. Molnar’s illustrations
promote body acceptance and challenge the conventional norms of beauty. Her comics
are a celebration of individuality, encouraging her audience to embrace their natural
bodies and fostering a culture of inclusivity and self-love.

The Power of Self-Expression

Self-expression through fashion and personal style is a recurring theme in Molnar’s comics.
Her work illustrates how personal aesthetics can be a form of empowerment and autonomy.
By celebrating individual style choices, Molnar encourages her audience to express their
uniqueness, challenging conventional appearance norms and advocating for the freedom
to be oneself.

Overcoming Societal Expectations

Lainey Molnar’s comics offer a critical perspective on the societal expectations imposed on
women. Her work powerfully critiques the norms dictating women’s behavior, appearance,
and life choices. Through her illustrations, she encourages women to forge their own paths,
irrespective of traditional stereotypes. Her comics serve as a beacon of empowerment,
inspiring women to embrace their individuality and resist societal pressures. This theme is not
just a commentary but a call to action for women to assert their autonomy and redefine
what it means to be a woman on their own terms.

The Female Entrepreneur

Celebrating the spirit of female entrepreneurship, Lainey Molnar’s comics shed light on the
unique challenges and triumphs faced by women in the business world. Her illustrations
depict the journey of women entrepreneurs, emphasizing their resilience, creativity, and
determination. Molnar’s work highlights the obstacles women encounter in a predominantly
male-driven business landscape and celebrates their successes and contributions to the
economy. Through her art, she provides motivation and recognition for women
entrepreneurs, encouraging more women to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations.

Health and Wellness

Lainey Molnar’s comics take a comprehensive look at health and wellness, encompassing
both physical and mental well-being. She addresses the importance of self-care, nutrition,
and mental health, advocating for a balanced and holistic approach to personal health.
Her work emphasizes the significance of prioritizing one’s own well-being in a busy and
demanding world. Through her illustrations, Molnar offers valuable insights and
encouragement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, underscoring the idea that true wellness is
a blend of physical, mental, and emotional care.
Celebrating Femininity in All Forms

In her comics, Lainey Molnar celebrates the diverse and multifaceted nature of femininity.
She challenges the traditional confines of what it means to be feminine, showcasing a wide
array of experiences and expressions. Her work is a tribute to the complexity and richness of
the female experience, embracing everything from strength and resilience to vulnerability
and sensitivity. Molnar’s illustrations encourage a broader, more inclusive understanding of
femininity, advocating for the acceptance and celebration of all its forms and highlighting
the unique beauty and power inherent in being a woman.

Childhood Influences and Growth

Lainey Molnar’s comics often explore the impact of childhood experiences and upbringing
on personal growth. Her illustrations delve into how early life influences shape identity,
behaviors, and relationships in adulthood. Molnar’s work is a nuanced exploration of the
journey from childhood to maturity, highlighting the importance of understanding and
processing past experiences. Through her art, she offers insights into the continuous journey of
self-discovery and growth, encouraging her audience to reflect on their own paths and the
formative experiences that have shaped them.

The Intersection of Art and Technology

In her work, Lainey Molnar adeptly navigates the intersection of art and technology. She
explores how technological advancements influence not only the creation but also the
distribution and reception of art. Her comics often reflect on the role of digital media in the
modern art world, offering a unique perspective on how technology can both enhance and
challenge traditional artistic practices. Molnar’s work is a commentary on the evolving
landscape of art in the digital age, highlighting the opportunities and challenges faced by
artists in this new era.

International Women’s Issues

Molnar’s comics extend beyond individual experiences to address global women’s issues.
Her illustrations bring attention to the challenges and injustices faced by women around the
world, from gender inequality to access to education and healthcare. Through her art, she
raises awareness about these critical issues, advocating for women’s rights and
empowerment on an international scale. Her work serves as a powerful reminder of the
ongoing struggle for gender equality and the need for global solidarity and action in
addressing women’s issues worldwide.

Education and Empowerment

Education as a tool for empowerment is a recurring theme in Molnar’s comics. Her work
emphasizes the transformative power of education in women’s lives, highlighting its role in
fostering independence, self-awareness, and opportunities. Through her illustrations, Molnar
advocates for access to education for all women, portraying it as a fundamental right and a
key to unlocking potential. Her comics inspire and encourage the pursuit of knowledge and
personal development, underscoring the importance of education in achieving
empowerment and equality.

Overcoming Adversity

The theme of resilience in the face of adversity is central to Molnar’s comics. Her work
showcases stories of women overcoming various challenges, from personal struggles to
societal barriers. Her illustrations are a tribute to the strength and perseverance of women,
depicting how adversity can be a catalyst for growth and transformation. Through her art,
Molnar offers hope and inspiration, celebrating the courage it takes to face and overcome
life’s obstacles and highlighting the incredible resilience inherent in the human spirit.

The Importance of Self-Care

Lainey Molnar’s comics emphasize the critical importance of self-care in maintaining mental
and physical well-being. Her work explores various aspects of self-care, from the simple acts
of taking time for oneself to the deeper aspects of emotional and psychological care.
Molnar’s illustrations serve as gentle reminders of the need to prioritize oneself amidst life’s
demands. Her comics advocate for the idea that self-care is not an indulgence but a
necessary practice for overall health and happiness, encouraging her audience to regularly
engage in activities that nurture their well-being.

Women in Leadership

Through her comics, Lainey Molnar celebrates women in leadership roles, showcasing their
impact and importance in various sectors. Her illustrations highlight the challenges women
face in leadership positions and the unique qualities they bring to these roles. Molnar’s work is
a testament to the strength, intelligence, and resilience of women leaders, encouraging
more women to aspire to leadership positions. Her comics serve as an inspiration,
underscoring the need for greater female representation in leadership and the positive
changes that can arise from diverse and inclusive leadership structures.

The Role of Creativity in Personal Growth

Molnar’s comics explore the vital role of creativity in personal development and self-
expression. Her illustrations portray creativity as a tool for self-discovery, problem-solving, and
expressing one’s inner world. Through her art, Molnar demonstrates how engaging in creative
activities can lead to personal growth, enhanced well-being, and a deeper understanding
of oneself. Her work inspires her audience to embrace their creative sides, highlighting how
creativity can enrich lives and provide a meaningful outlet for emotions and thoughts.

Navigating Family Dynamics

Lainey Molnar’s comics delve into the complexities of family relationships and dynamics. Her
work explores themes of love, conflict, support, and the intricacies of familial bonds. Through
her illustrations, Molnar offers insights into how family experiences shape individual identities
and interactions. Her comics are a mix of humor and depth, reflecting on the joys and
challenges of family life and encouraging a deeper understanding and appreciation of the
unique dynamics that make up family relationships.

Building a Supportive Community

The theme of community support is prominent in Molnar’s comics. Her illustrations emphasize
the importance of building and maintaining supportive networks among women. Through
her work, Molnar highlights how community can provide strength, encouragement, and a
sense of belonging. Her comics advocate for the power of solidarity and mutual support,
illustrating how communities can uplift individuals, foster personal growth, and create a
shared space for collective empowerment and resilience.
Analysing Cartoon/Graphic Novel/Comic Strips
This website gives a good overview of the various elements to be analysed.

Cole, Margherita. “Comic Artist Captures the Daily Pressures of What It’s like
to Be a Woman Today.” My Modern Met, 23 May 2022,

Nittoor, Vishnu, and Rishi Nopany. “Cartoon/Graphic Novel/Comic Strips.”

Cartoon, Graphic Novel, Comic Strips, Blitznotes,
langlit-sl/cartoon_conventions.html. Accessed 28 Dec. 2023.

Mac Ruairi, Pep. “Body of Works: Lainey Molnar Comics.” International School
Haarlem, 28 Dec. 2023.

W., Adam. “Drawing Power: 40 Comics Reflecting Women’s Struggles and

Successes.” Worldtravelling, 21 Dec. 2023,

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