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2. Make sentences comparing these objects.

a) English / maths (easy) ________________________________________________________

b) A tortoise / a cat (bad at running) _______________________________________________________

c) The North Pole / Africa (cold) __________________________________________________

d) The Eiffel Tower / my house (big) _______________________________________________

e) Planes / cars (fast)


f) The Nile / The Ebro (long) _____________________________________________________

g) Dogs / lions (FRIEND)


4. Make superlative sentences.

a) Planes / type of transport (fast) _________________________________________________

b) John / boy of my class (tall) ____________________________________________________

c) Insects / animal (small) _______________________________________________________

d) Maracana / stadium (big) _____________________________________________________

e) Mary / girl of my team (slow) __________________________________________________

f) The Louvre / museum (busy) ___________________________________________________

g) Palmertson / island of the world (quiet) __________________________________________

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