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Our ref: WM/at

Your ref:
3 January 2023
Office of the Master of High Court
J.M.N Street & L Takawira
Dear Sir/Madam
The above matter refers
We have been retained by Mr Vusa Nkomo to do a follow-up on the above mentioned Estate
and formally lodge his claim against the Estate, please note our professional interest.
Ours entered into an agreement of sale with the late Joel Simon Silonda during his lifetime for
the sale of Plot 5A Kensington measuring 10 acres and the agreement still subsists. We have
attached hereto the agreement of sale. The purchase price was paid in full and Mr Joel Simon
Silonda passed away before transferring the property into the name of the deceased.
Ours has been advised that the Estate of the late has been registered even though we are not
privy to the Masters reference number. Though the Estate has been registered, the family has
failed and or neglected to disclose the Masters reference number and the Executor of the
Estate to Mr Vusa Nkomo. In light of same, we therefore request that we be furnished with the
Masters DRB number for Estate late Joel Simon Silonda to enable us to peruse the record and
formally lodge ours claim
Yours faithfully

FOR: Wil and Company
c.c: Mr Vusa Nkomo

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