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Bongabong Coconut Farmers Multi- purpose Cooperative

Poblacion, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro

Customer Service Survey

Kindly answer this survey with all honesty for us to improve our service and to serve you
better as we all work hand in hand to continuously achieve the vision and mission of our
cooperative. Rest assured that your response will be kept confidential as per the data privacy act.
Your sincere evaluation will be very much appreciated.

Name of Cooperator/Client: _______________________ (optional)

Number of years as member: _________________

Evaluate the following services being offered by our cooperative by marking “√” in the box of
corresponding column according to the scale given:

5– Outstanding ; 4– Very Satisfactory ; 3–Satisfactory ; 2–Needs Improvement ; 1–Unsatisfactory

Services Offered Scale

5 4 3 2 1
A. Loan (Credit)
1. Application and processing
2. Computation and update
3. Interest rate
4. Release of loan
5. Renewal of loan
B. Purchase of Products
1. Availability of the products
2. Price and applied interest
3. Terms and mode of payment
4. Release of the products
5. Quality of the product

Services Offered Scale
5 4 3 2 1
C. Time Deposit
1. Application and processing
2. Computation and update
3. Interest rate
D. Release of Dividend
1. Transparency on the records
2. Processing and release
3. Interest rate
4. Availability of the fund
5. Distribution and equality

Staff and management service Scale

5 4 3 2 1
A. Attitude towards cooperator
1. Accommodation and reception
2. Assistance and availability
3. Honesty and integrity
B. Transparency on the records
1. Availability of the records
2. Bulletin boards are updated
3. Reports are updated
4. Monthly/Annual report

Other suggestion/recommendation:


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